
How do guys hint that he likes you. How can I hint to a guy that I really like him. When you love him, how to confess your feelings


With the advent of social networks and the possibility of remote communication, young people are becoming more and more shy in face-to-face contact. However, if a guy puts up with this, then it’s difficult for a girl to be in the dark about whether he likes her, whether they will have some kind of relationship, etc.

How to gracefully hint to a guy that you like him

So that the situation does not drag on, the girl needs to take the initiative into her own hands and answer the question: “How to hint to the guy that I like him?”. There are many ways to do this:

  1. 1. Share his passion with him. For example, he likes to take pictures or is fond of some particular style of music. You need to show him that you are also interested. If he likes rollerblading, you should also learn how to ride his favorite rollerdrome;
  2. 2. Do him a favor. For example, he needs to improve his English or choose a gift for his sister - be there and offer your help;
  3. 3. Try to please his acquaintances and friends. It's pretty easy if you're in the same company or studying together;
  4. 4. Give him a compliment. Let it be unobtrusive, but any guy will appreciate your attention to himself, especially the hint that he is unique in some way;
  5. 5. Light touch. The invasion of personal space will already attract his attention - touch him with your shoulder or hand, but not sharply;
  6. 6. Flirt, joke, shoot with your eyes. However, even if you are in a company, do it only with him so that he does not think badly of you and appreciate your attention.

If these methods are not enough for you, then ask your friends how to hint to a guy about feelings. Girls who have already had relationships with modest guys can advise a lot of things. Do not think that women's initiative is bad, on the contrary, guys love brave and self-confident girls.

How to hint a guy on a date

If you want to retire with a young man you like, then you need to somehow organize a date. It will not necessarily be a romantic evening, but the main thing is to get to know each other better and have fun together. You can provoke him to an invitation in different ways:

  • - Start talking about something. interesting story, and then abruptly hurry up on business. Tell him he'll know the ending some other time. He can make an appointment right away or call you back. Be prepared that one story is not enough - you should know;
  • - You can write to the guy in social network that you are bored and have nothing to do in the coming evenings. It is quite possible that he will invite you somewhere soon;
  • - Offer him your help in something or just agree to do something together. It can be both choosing a phone and programming;
  • - You can forget some of your things in the company and persuade a friend to ask her to give it to you. And you appoint him a place and time so that he can linger, and it would be interesting for him. For example, wait for him at the entertainment center and tell him that your friends couldn't come, for sure he will offer to have fun together.

After you've gone on a few dates, you probably start thinking about how to hint a guy to date. Oh, and you've got the shy one! You already probably know each other enough, and if you clearly understand that he is pretty, then you can already call a spade a spade. Many modern guys prefer to skip dating offers - it seems to them that everyone sees that you are a couple. Here you need to look at your relationship - maybe this is really already superfluous?

To a simple question, how to hint to a guy that you like him, there is an equally simple answer: if you like a guy, then you need to tell him about it. This is a sure method to dot all the "i" and get what you want.

1. First you need to find out if he likes you.

If so, then you can confidently move forward. If not, don't despair, all is not lost. It is obvious that on this moment he is passionate about someone else, but this does not prevent you from creating friendly relations and start flirting.
Carefully conduct a survey of people close to him. If you are afraid to do this because of your shyness, ask one of your close friends.
When he looks at you, catch his eye and try to maintain eye contact for a few seconds. If it worked out, then, of course, you are not indifferent to him. True, if he immediately turned away and pretended to be very busy, then he is obviously very shy. However, you need to be careful with this sign - it does not work all the time.
If you like young man, then he will always find ways to be with you, to communicate as much as possible. This isn't always true, but it's still a great indicator.
When a young man communicates with you, start playing with a lock of your hair. This act usually goes unnoticed, it is quite natural. However, when a guy likes you, he will certainly notice him and you will understand this by the reaction: the guy may be embarrassed, he may smile or say that you look very good.
Before hinting to a guy that you like him, you need to get to know him pretty well. Do not bother him with conversations and notes, easily enter the circle of his friends. Find out about his interests, this will allow you to become clearer and closer to him, give you common topics for communication.

2. If you are ready to confess your sympathy, then here are options for how to hint to a guy that you like him.

If you feel brave enough, then tell him directly about your feelings. You just need to choose a time when he is alone, without friends and you have plenty of time to talk. You need to look confident, and the best thing is to BE confident. Start the simplest conversation, then pause and admit to him that you like him.
If you do not have enough courage, then ask the young man to go somewhere with you or help in something, but in such a way that it is clear that you will only go together. Even if you hear "No", it will be much easier for you to hear "No, I'm sorry, I can't go to the movies with you" than "No, I'm sorry, I don't like you."
3. If you dare not speak directly, then try one of these methods:

Write a nice note saying "I like you" and put it in his bag.
Write a note saying “I like you”, add who it is for, that is, a name, but do not sign it. Ask one of your friends to pretend that they found this note by accident and decided to give it to him. If a young person reads a note and looks around intently to realize who it is from, you can somehow hint that it is from you.

You like a guy, but he does not show signs of attention. The feeling of uncertainty is the worst thing for a woman. There are two options here: either he is indifferent to you, or he does not know how to approach the issue of showdown. Then you will have to take the first step - if you cannot tell him directly about your feelings, you will have to work around it. To do this, you need to know the answer to the question of how to correctly hint to a guy about your feelings.

What to do?

The first step is to conduct “monitoring of opinions”. Ask yourself or ask a friend to ask about his relationship with you at his friends. If the answer is yes, you can move on to modest hints. You can also get to know people close to him - brother, sister, parents and leave a positive impression of yourself. Relatives will definitely remember the sweet girl who intrigued them. If a guy trusts the opinion of loved ones, he will pay attention to you.

Need to show interest in hobbies the guy you like, just show real interest. If you achieve heights in what he loves, this means arousing genuine admiration for your beloved guy.

Guy would appreciate any help as a sign of attention- this may be the search for the information he needs, or extracurricular classes in English.

And if you appear in the same places where he is, when the guy good mood, there is an opportunity to arouse interest. The positive emotions that he experiences in these moments will be associated with you.

You can arouse interest in yourself, focusing on the desired object. This is a good opportunity to let the guy know about your love. It will be ideal if he does not look away, but looks at you - it means that the spark has run. Try to violate his personal space, but do not break into him too abruptly. Touch his shoulder, brush, when he joked - this will help to subtly hint at feelings.

What to talk about?

First, stop acting like a friend. You want to win his sympathy, so you don’t need to give advice about girls and in general all talk about the opposite sex is necessary minimize.

You need to keep talking about everything, actively participate in the discussion. You should not just speak in a conversation about things in which you are a layman - this is immediately noticeable and looks pathetic.

Flirting is very important in order to show his attitude towards the young man. Agree, you will not talk in hints and joke with a guy who is completely indifferent to you. This rule is understood not only by girls, but also by guys. Flirting involves engaging conversations with jokes, laughter and nonverbal signs: you can smile, fiddle with a curl, sit in an open position (without crossing your arms or legs). Be natural and confident, talk about your and his hobbies - this will help establish contact and let him know that he is loved.

How to behave?

You can hint to a guy that you like him with your behavior. Make sure that the guy in your company is as comfortable as possible. You can give him a gift if, for example, it is his birthday. Come up with something special, but don't shout your feelings in bulk with heart cards or a framed picture of yourself.

In his presence no need to flirt with other guys- this will repel your loved one, let him understand that you are like that with everyone, therefore those signs of sympathy that were allegedly rendered are not such.

Being with him in the company you need to joke and constantly smile - guys love cheerful and cheerful girls. At the same time, you don’t need to hang around your neck and show your feelings with all your might in front of his friends. This will only cause a storm of ridicule and he will not react to your gesture in any way.

If you spend a lot of time together, you have common interests and he doesn’t mind walking together - you don’t need to hint about anything, everything is clear.

Women's tricks

A friend will always help in trouble, especially if you need to bring your best friend with the guy of her dreams. Ask her to casually mention in conversation that you like the guy. Let her allegedly let it slip - now you need to look at his reaction. The guy may be embarrassed, blush, but immediately shout “This is a joke!” no need. If a young man hesitates, is confused and it will be necessary to save the situation, only then can the conversation be reduced to a joke and say that this is a friend’s fantasy and you don’t feel anything like that for him. Ready for the fact that the guy does not reciprocate, you must always be.

How to hint to a guy that I like him by correspondence (VKontakte)

Today, correspondence in VKontakte, ICQ or chats is very popular. Sometimes a girl, just communicating with a guy and not seeing him, can already fall in love and hope for mutual feelings. Other girls know the young man, have seen him, and perhaps even walk in the same company. But how to hint to him that he is not indifferent?

To hint to a guy that you like him by correspondence, you will have to bring all your flirting skills to the surface.

Write in communicating your feelings much easier than to say it face to face.

This is an option for very shy and shy girls - this method of recognition should be similar to a conversation, its only minus is lack of eye contact.

To start a conversation, you can choose a completely abstract topic: ask how he will spend the weekend or what plans he has for the evening. The question must be asked in such a way that it is not followed by a one-word answer “yes” or “no”. Next, you need to act according to the situation. For instance:

  • You: What will you do on the weekend?
  • He: Have not decided yet, nothing special is planned. Why are you asking?
  • You: Natasha, my friend, invited me to my birthday party on Sunday. Said I could come with a guy. I like you, so I decided to propose to you.

Or you can talk about something else:

  • You: Do you have a free evening? And then we were here with friends gathered at the cinema.
  • He: Yes, I'm not busy, do you have something to offer?
  • You: We are going to go to a cafe first, and you are a good conversationalist, I like you. Don't want to join? And then a friend goes with her boyfriend.

It is important to know that the guy is alone near the computer and will be able to understand and realize the seriousness of your intentions, otherwise he may react inadequately for fear of ridicule from friends or interest in his sister's correspondence. This is a slight hint of sympathy, so if the guy does not show interest, you won't be stupid and you can continue your friendship with him.

Some girls find it easier to choose the “beautiful stranger” tactics. You write to a guy from a page he doesn't know with a fictitious name or from an ICQ number he doesn't know. You learn some nuances about each other, find common interests, and then you just make a date with him. The guy will be so intrigued that he will definitely come on a date to see the mysterious girl. Sometimes even without seeing each other, people can begin to feel mutual sympathy. For young people with a romantic streak, this perfect option dating and the opportunity to tell about their feelings. Guys don't take hints well, so sometimes you have to be direct.

Taking the first step is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Much worse to live in vicious circle where there are doubts and worries. It is impossible to guess about his feelings, losing, perhaps, best moments of your life that you could spend next to your loved one. It's better to take the first step. To say directly or hint to a guy about love, than later to regret his indecision.

The guy aroused your sympathy, liked you a lot, but is he completely indifferent to you? You need to give him a hint that he impresses you. A young man either wants a relationship with you or not. Do not be afraid that the guy will reject you. It is unlikely that this will happen. And if this happens, it's okay, then the guy is not worthy of you. How to show your sympathy? Read on and find out.

  • Do a little research. It is best to get to know his relatives and friends and slowly find out what the guy thinks of you. In the event that he has sympathy for you, that's great. You can move on. Make a good impression on his surroundings. Then all these people will surely tell your chosen one about such a beautiful young lady as you.
  • Try to catch the guy's eyes more often. Look amazing every time so that he remembers all your meetings. The mysterious stranger will no doubt be imprinted in his memory.
  • Find out where he usually spends his time. Go there some other time. If a guy likes going to the gym, sign up and you, if he loves rock climbing, try to do it too. Maybe he's a hiker? Pack your backpack and join.
  • Flirt. When meeting, look the guy in the eyes longer, then sharply look away. Shoot your eyes, play.
  • If you spend time in a common company, you can gently brush a fluff off your shoulder, inadvertently touch his hand, hurt your knee. By invading his space, you will already embarrass the young man.
  • Be positive, smile at the guy, express your disposition towards him with all your appearance. Vibes of love and tenderness should emanate from you, the guy will feel it.
  • Give him help by chance, do some kind of pleasantness, praise.
  • Next to you, he should be comfortable and warm, create a spiritual atmosphere.
  • Give a present for the holidays.
  • Don't talk about other young people in his presence.

When you get the chance to be alone, make up your mind to speak directly. Of course, this option is not for timid girls, but if you are a strong, self-confident person, then do it. It is quite possible that the guy will be glad that you finally confessed, maybe he has longed for you. Everything will be resolved. If the guy is negative, admit that this is a joke. Are you afraid to say open? Invite him to the cinema in the evening or to the square or park where couples in love usually spend time. He will immediately understand everything and either agree or not. On a date, tell him about yourself, tell an interesting story, have fun and be direct. Don't load it with problems. Disappear at the end.

You can write a note:"You're so cool. I already fell in love”, do not sign. Ask people you know to tell him, without talking about you. When you meet, smile and shoot with your eyes.

How to behave correctly

  • Be cheerful, cheerful and active. Smile, make jokes, but not evil ones, tease and incite.
  • Invite to ride hot-air balloon. Invite me to an amusement park. Offer a tour of the city, if you know the area perfectly, you can tell something amazing.
  • Give a special gift that he will remember. Not expensive but original.
  • Don't flirt or smile at others. Otherwise, your chosen one will not think very well of you that you are a frivolous person.
  • Don't hang yourself around the guy's neck, don't cry, don't pester, don't be cheeky.

  1. Write that you intend to go to the club on theme party, you need to go with a company, and you are missing 1 person, and you wanted to invite him.
  2. Write a confession in verse. It will be beautiful and romantic. There is no need for suffering, tears and torment, show your love of life and optimism in verse.
  3. Send him a message about his eyes, write that they drive you crazy, you drown in them, forgetting everything.
  4. Write how courageous and strong he is, it is clear that a real man, knight and prince.
  5. .Tell him about your admiration for him beautiful hands They're so pumped up and powerful.

How to hint to a stranger about your sympathy in contact?

Send a present. Wish you a good, good day. Write a comment on his photo, admire his figure or ability to dress. Tell him that only a princess is suitable for such a guy.

Send him a song that hints to the boy about your feelings. Send a curious photo that will surprise him.

In the evening, wish you good night and sweet dreams. Write a funny poem for a young man. Offer him a cup of coffee in a cozy cafe.

There are a lot of options to show your feelings, choose what you like best.

At breaks, do not run away to your girlfriends, but stay near him. Help with control work. Explain a difficult problem. Be nice, kind and friendly. Joke, smile and tell fascinating stories. Inadvertently touch the boy, hit him with a bag or hair. Look into his eyes, smile. Invite after school to a wonderful place, to a cozy cafe or to an unusual cinema. Tell him the secret of what happened to you.

Tell us how you spent the summer, where you went and what you saw. Tell me about unusual animals and rare birds that you met on the trip. For example, if you have been to Bali, tell us about the Monkey Forest. Monkeys are so funny and mischievous, but also cunning and agile. Tell me how one monkey stole your brother's hat and another one snatched your sister's banana.

Be direct, kind and sweet. Agree if he expresses a desire to see you after school. Play pranks and have fun in his company. Be a little hooligan, sassy and classy.

How to show a guy your sympathy in a text message

Send your boyfriend funny text messages. Find funny or unusual pictures and send them to him. Write a text message: "I really like you." And the next day, be impregnable. The guy will be surprised, think about you seriously. Ask him in a text message why he was arrogant and snobby yesterday, because it doesn’t suit him, he is so sweet, kind, you know for sure.

Write to the guy about his bottomless sea-green eyes, you are just dumbfounded and surprised that such things happen. Call him for a walk in SMS.

It will help to give a hint to the guy about your sympathy:

  • Flirt. Flirt nicely and smile, you can giggle if he is joking. Be fun and spontaneous. Tease and joke yourself. You can lightly cling to him and hide from his field of vision.
  • Your presence beside him. Visit the places where he goes, meet him by chance on the street, catch his eye at school, get a job in his company. But don't abuse it. You don't have to tail him.
  • Praise and compliments. Say nice things to a guy, appreciate his muscles or mind. Comment on his photo, admire his manly appearance.
  • Close contact. Touch it at the slightest opportunity, by accident and not on purpose. Lightly pet him. Shake off his clothes from fluff, as if inadvertently.

Mistakes that should not be made

Don't panic if the guy doesn't react the way you would like.

Turn everything into a joke. Don't show your feelings in front of everyone. He might not like it. Don't try to make him jealous. Cheap receivers will not work. Don't tell everyone around you that you love this guy unconditionally. Do not verbalize confessions through friends. Do not tell the guy unpleasant things from his life or past. Do not insult his buddies, relatives or other girls. Don't pretend to be someone you are not. Don't draw. Don't be cheeky. Do not expect an exceptionally joyful reaction to your confession, be prepared for failure.

How to please a boy?

Answers to other questions

How to make it clear to a young man that he is interested in you at a distance?

If the guy lives in another city, you can keep in touch through social networks. send nice pictures, music or poetry. In the morning you can call and wish a good day. In the evening ask how he spent the day.

How to hint about feelings if you work together?

Invite to a cafe or a cozy restaurant. Help at work. You can treat him with pies or salad.

Call for a walk.

How to hint about feelings to your boss?

Find out if he is married. If free, go on the offensive. For starters, do your job well, you can stay late in the evening. Bring a delicious chicken or homemade sausage from home. Invite to the exhibition, for example, the Impressionists.

Everything will be fine

How to show a guy that you want to date him?

If you want to show a guy that you hope for a relationship, then do the following.

  • Actively flirt and do not hang out in his company. Be fun and inviting.
  • Get in his eyes more often. Look chic, even sassy.
  • Speak confidently, do not mumble, do not be nervous.
  • Touch him, stroke him or look into his eyes.
  • Be unpredictable and original, surprise and amaze.

Whether to wait for the next step from him, if he understood the hint

If the guy agrees to meet, behaves at ease and joyfully, then he also wants to be with you. If he pours compliments, admires your appearance, asks you about everything, this indicates that your efforts have been crowned with success. If by correspondence you also receive beautiful photos, he found out your number and calls you - it's clear that the guy has a crush on you. Rejoice, the guy himself was not averse to starting a relationship with you.

Video help

© Anna Solovieva How to please a guy - 3 points! (Guys don't watch)

What you need to do to please a guy , win his heart and he himself invited you to meet? What words to write, so as not to offer a relationship first, but to make it clear that you love him? After all, if you confess your feelings yourself, it will look, at least, unusual, and the guy may simply lose interest in you, so accessible and so assertive.

The girl does not tend to act directly. Even though guys are straightforward by nature, they simply won't appreciate the straightforwardness that comes from you. A man is a conqueror by nature, a kind of knight who must conquer the princess, that is, you, overcoming a whole bunch of difficulties and fighting a whole horde of fabulous (in our case, fictional :)) characters. About that, we have already discussed, but how to hint to a guy so that he offers to meet - remains to be seen.

  • Separate him from the environment. Hold your gaze a little longer than on the rest, be interested in his life, show interest.
  • Words are not important. Often, a casual look, a touch, a slight flirtatiousness can say much more than words.
  • From cold to heat. By flirting and at the same time remaining impregnable, you will greatly provoke the guy, awaken the instinct of a hunter in him, and warm up interest in your person.
  • An unplanned date. Say that there are 2 tickets (to a concert, to the cinema, somewhere else) and offer to go together.
  • Be on top. Stand out from the rest of his girlfriends, constantly monitor yourself, be the center of attention - but do not overdo it.
  • Unobtrusive original gift"with taste" can easily serve as a hint about your sympathy for him.
  • Get close more often , but in such a way that it is not an obsession - otherwise it can have the exact opposite effect.

What to text a guy to make him fall in love

In writing, a girl has much less means to influence her beloved, but still, a few tips may come in handy.

  • Hidden compliment. Unobtrusively and casually, as if by chance, emphasize in the correspondence some special qualities of the guy, because there is something that makes you like him.
  • Omissions. Write that you had an interesting time with him, that you really liked it and would like to have fun like this more often - this is not a declaration of love, and at the same time, a rather transparent hint.
  • Ask him if he likes the verse. Send the guy an interesting poem and ask him if he likes it. In a certain way, you make it clear that you care about his opinion.
  • Subtle bluff. Write an SMS, supposedly addressed to another, fictitious guy, like "Sorry, Seryoga, I love another." - and as if by mistake send it to your boy. And immediately call back or write an SMS in which you apologize for the wrong number. It will be very nice if you manage to portray confusion and make it clear that he would never have sent such an SMS to him.

If, after all these actions, the guy did not offer to meet, this means either that you are indifferent to him and it is better not to humiliate yourself by running after him like a dog, or that he is simply “blind” or overly shy. In the second case, you yourself need to decide what to do next: Or, in spite of everything, directly confess your love to the guy - or take a closer look at him and sort out your feelings, decide “Do I need such an uninitiative boy? » Usually a guy won't admit his feelings just because he's afraid of getting rejected and trying to make sure you love him back, so it only takes a hint from you to get him going.

If a guy avoids meeting you, does not respond to letters and messages, and makes it clear with all his appearance that he is not interested in communicating with you - in no case be imposed. On the contrary, act in the same way as he did: throw him out of your head, show indifference, portray cold contempt - this will at least “hurt” him. Who knows, maybe he will start running after you, because you have turned from “accessible” into “inaccessible” and it makes sense to fight for you. But is it worth it for you to reciprocate after he gave you so much torment? Decide yourself…
Love and be loved, it's so beautiful!