
Child's birthday theme. Themed birthday parties: from theme to mood. Children's birthday with "Smeshariki"


The theater, as you know, begins with a coat rack, but about a large-scale event, I would say that it begins with a clear, structured plan. I warn you right away, the posting is quite large and detailed.

My child is September. Last year, just on the eve of the children's DR, I handed over my first book "Profession - Illustrator" to print and, having reviewed a bunch of photographs of thematic birthdays, I was suddenly very scared that with the then remaining energy I would not understand the device of a party for a child.

This year I did not have any delivery of the book, but, oddly enough, the feelings were exactly the same - panic! You don't know where to start, what to grab onto and how long it takes to get ready. When you look from the outside at all this beauty for children's parties, it becomes scary that you will not be in time for anything and a complete beginner in this field.

Therefore, for a start, I calmed down - I'm not the first mother who prepares a holiday for her child - and made the simplest logical plan, based on what might be needed for a children's party:
1. Theme for the party
2. Invitations for children
3. Decorations for the room
4. Table decoration
5. Food for children / food for adults
6. Costumes
7. Games and entertainment
8. Guest gifts

For each point of the plan, except for the first, I made a table, the cells of which were named as follows:
Materials and components - What is already there - What to buy - What to do

These points in the table were applicable to almost all points in the plan. I sat down and first wrote down everything that I had in stock in order to buy what I needed. Thus, a list of what needs to be bought for the holiday, and what else needs to be done or found in the depths of the basement, was very quickly outlined.

So, in order.
1. Topic
The theme of my party was "Space". We had a choice of a party dedicated to dinosaurs or cars, but given my son's love for rockets, stars and planets, I decided that "Cosmos" was the very thing. I think that every parent knows their child perfectly and can, including having consulted with the child, decide whether he likes some pirates or astronauts anyway.

When I decided on the theme, it became clear that the main decoration and style for the whole holiday would be stars and rockets, because our son's favorite toy is still ours.

Because I am an illustrator, it was not difficult for me to draw everything I needed for myself. However, if you yourself do not know how to draw, this is not a reason for despair. On the Internet, you can always find both the necessary patterns and ready-made pictures. You don't use them for commercial purposes, so go ahead with the song.

2. Invitation
First, it was necessary to find out who the child wants to invite to the holiday and how I can contact the parents of these children. Some live in the neighborhood, and some I only meet in the kindergarten and even then every other time.

We have a great tradition in the kindergarten. At the beginning of each kindergarten year, parents are given a list with the names of children and their parents, children's birthdays and contact numbers. In addition to this list, the kids also pass the so-called friend albums to each other. As we once had desires, so German children have books in which they draw for their friends, write something about themselves, paste in their photographs, etc.

Why am I telling all this? If you do not have such a tradition, offer it in kindergarten, because after all, most of the child's friends will be from there. I asked the kid whom he wants to invite, but did not decide for myself. Of course, he wanted to invite the whole kindergarten, but we settled on the fact that only real friends should be at the party. The child agreed.

In principle, everyone advises to invite children no more than the child is turning. Those. my son is 5 years old, so it was necessary to invite 5 children. But we can't do that. In addition to friends, the child also has cousins and sisters, whom he loves and wants to see at his holiday, so we have 10 children together with the birthday boy.

First, I talked in advance (one month in advance) with all the parents of those children whom my son wanted to invite. And only after they gave their verbal consent that they would bring the child, I sat down to make invitations. At the same time, she immediately warned everyone that the holiday was for children, i.e. adults are not invited. One mother nevertheless expressed a desire to stay, I did not refuse her. Because, in principle, at the holiday we NEED other adults, with whom it is better to discuss all the details of the holiday and make them the same leaders as you are!

So, I had the exact number of children, which means I knew how much I needed to buy and spend. Many people buy standard invitation cards. It was easier for me to make my own. For invitations you need:
- blanks (cardboard boxes) for postcards
- envelopes
- paper headers "Invitation to the holiday" Cosmos "
- glue
- blanks in the form of a rocket
- inserts with text informing the following: the address of the holiday, the topic, what to bring with you, how long and how long the holiday will last, what time should parents pick up the children, a contact phone number just in case

How exactly the invitations were created can be read in the posting about them:

3. Decorations for the room
With the decorations for the room, I decided not to be too smart. All in the same table "Materials - what to buy - what is - what to do" I wrote down to myself that I want to make stars and a large rocket, decorate the hall with them. Since last holidays I have had paper garlands. I just bought it for this splendor air balloons.

At first, I wanted to make the party in the colors I made for the invitations: turquoise, red and yellow. But in a hobby shop, I quickly realized I had to improvise. For example, turquoise balloons or tablecloths turned out to be something unreal. So my party turned red and yellow.

In addition to the garlands and stars, I bought 2 types of balloons: red and gold. I also had a bag of colored ones, I puffed them up and hung them in the yard: the children then happily devoured them, and the red and gold beauty in the house remained untouched.

In addition to the hall, I also decorated the nursery with stars. I knew that children would still come there and spend some time there. For the same reason, the day before the holiday, I removed EVERYTHING that could be poured, broken and scattered on the uppermost shelves of the cabinets, for example, cubes, puzzles, small Lego parts, easily destructible toys and anything fragile. At the end of the party, I spent only 1.5 hours on cleaning the house, most of which was washing dishes for ... adults :-) That is, not a single toy of the child was damaged, nothing was damaged or destroyed.

4. Table decoration
In order for the table to be a good addition to the decorations in the room, the tablecloths for the tables were bright yellow and red (a narrow strip of red paper tablecloth over a wide yellow), gold disposable tableware and voluminous straws for drinks (they are sold in our supermarket - they unfold with paper balls or fruits around the straw)

For the table, I also bought paper decorations... A piece is visible in the photo (I was not able to photograph the table as it looked before the guests arrived - I was running around!). I took them ready, so at least not to make them myself (there is one large rocket and 2 robots about 25 cm high in the set): Tischdeko Roboter.

I also bought special napkins with robots and missiles (The link leads to a German Amazon.)

Because I planned to do everything on sticks, i.e. small canapes, and only potatoes to serve on a common plate, I bought small skewers with different flags, including those of Germany and Europe. Ornaments for ordinary toothpicks can be made by yourself. At first I planned to stick stars on the toothpicks and stick them into cutlets and pieces of chicken - I even cut out a whole bunch, but I am a working mother, I had to greatly rationalize my free time.

5. Food for children / food for adults
The food for children needs the simplest: cutlets, sausages, fried potatoes (mixed), chopped vegetables, cheese or fruit canapes. I deliberately did not put sweets on the table, because we had games in which you could win sweets. In addition, there was a huge rocket-shaped cake (which I ordered from a bakery - I myself did not have enough to make it).

Drinks: only apple scorle (apple juice with mineral water) or mineral water.

Important! Find out before the holiday which child may be allergic to and what he can or cannot, what he drinks, whether he eats meat, etc. We had one boy - a vegetarian, another one - he drank only the water that is given from the tap. It is important to know such details so that little guests do not feel left out.

For adults, I made a small self-service buffet. I immediately threatened them that I would not have time for them, so please make sandwiches and stuff for yourself. I put cold snacks on the table: Olivier, small meatballs on skewers, fresh vegetables and fruits, sliced ​​sweet bread, several types of sauce, canapes with cheese and grapes, and sprats. When she served hot potatoes to the children, she offered it to the adults as well. No one was left hungry. I warned that the holiday is for children. No feasts and drunkenness. Only a glass of champagne as an aperitif.

6. Costumes
Designing costumes for 20 people - half of whom are adults - turned out to be very difficult, because I started the masquerade as the last step, and I simply ran out of budget and time. Of course, you could buy green T-shirts for aliens, or cut holes for your head in pieces of green fabric and put them like a poncho over your shoulders, but alas. I had to solve this problem with little blood - masks.

You can read more about patterns and ideas for suits in a post about them:

7. Games and entertainment
Preliminary preparation:
- make a list of all games
- schedule time for them
- compose a script by roles - who is responsible for this or that game, who prepares the scenery, what they say before and after the game
- think over what is needed for games
- remove all loose and fragile toys from the children's room
- compose or buy a CD with children's music (very important!)

Games and entertainment are the most important point of the plan after eating! I had to sweat a lot here. My sister helped me with planning - social teacher, who now works in a kindergarten according to the Waldorf system, because and she herself learned from it. I wanted to arrange a holiday from 14:00 to 18:00, to which my sister immediately told me to change my mind. 3 hours in her opinion (oh, how she was right!) Is enough above the roof.

Starting from 3 hours, we began to plan. (By the way, it is the decision of how long you want to entertain the little guests that should influence the information in the invitation: when to bring the children to the parents, and when to pick them up.)

Scenario children's day birth, we thought at first as if it were happening on an unknown planet. Accordingly, we rewrote all the games - relay races, contests, jumping ropes - for alien needs. That is, for example, in playing on a spoon, they carried not eggs or potatoes, but thorny chestnuts, which we called an unknown form of life. And the aliens had to cleanse their planet from the dominance of thorny creatures - carry them on a spoon from chair to chair :-) at the last moment, the child announced that he was an astronaut, not an alien, had to quickly change plans, but it was not so scary.

We had 3 hosts: me, my husband and my sister. We distributed the games so that while one was playing with the children, the other would go and prepare the next entertainment. Therefore, in addition to the list of games, it is very important to think over the so-called "stations" - where the games will take place and what needs to be prepared for them in advance. On the day of the holiday, I put all the things for games in one place - not far from the hall, so that I could immediately start equipping the next "station" while the children were busy with another game.

1) Each child who enters is immediately informed that he is an astronaut: "Welcome to our spaceship! "At the same time, I immediately gave the children masks-helmets, adjusted and buttoned them on their heads (see the paragraph costumes). The children have an amazing fantasy - they immediately plunge into an imaginary world, become real astronauts. In the process, of course, many times removed from the head, but this is no longer a problem.

2) At European parties, it is often customary to make a table for gifts. All new arrivals put their gifts there, and at the end of the party, the birthday party opens everything in turn and admires. In our case, such a procedure was impossible, because the kid immediately began to unpack everything. The guests were at first busy looking at and breaking gifts. Here it is important to immediately distract the children and remove the gifts away.

So. We are waiting for all guests and latecomers. The presenter addresses the children:
"Dear astronauts, we are going to long journey, now is the time to familiarize yourself with the route. "

Children are invited to sit around the host to read books about space. For this purpose, I created a corner: I made a sofa and an armchair together, overlaid with floor pillows. On a special table I had toy robots and rockets, next to pre-prepared books about space, as well as all sorts of fantastic stories with the participation of children-astronauts.

Here I was very much saved by the fact that while my husband and I were busy in the kitchen, my sister entertained the gradually arriving children.

3) The game "Let's get to know each other." Time for a game is no more than 10-15 minutes.
Because at our party very different and sometimes not quite familiar children gathered at our party, we decided to hold a game "Let's get to know each other". This requires a ball of thread. All adults and children are in a circle (children love adult participation!).

Host: "Attention, attention! Dear astronauts! We are starting our journey! Please gather in a circle."

Children are told that they must pass the ball not just in a circle, but diagonally, crosswise - as they please. Everyone who receives a ball in their hands must introduce themselves, tell how old he is, tell which kindergarten he goes to or, in the case of adults, where and by whom he works. The leader should help shy children, tenderly ask leading questions if the child hesitates. As a result, a rather large web is formed. At the end of the game, they cheerfully offer to throw her on the floor: "Raise your hands up! Let's throw!"

When the children run away, the presenter cleans up the play area. Another presenter invites the children to the table.

4) Invitation to the table. Plan on eating for at least 25-30 minutes.
When everyone has met, it's time to eat. Be attentive to how comfortable other people's children feel with you. It is necessary that each little guest sit where he wants, so that he has his own place, his own cutlery etc. When the children approached the table, we needed the help of all adults! Someone sat down, another brought hot potatoes and sausages, the third poured drinks for the children and helped to straighten decorative straws. At first, there was no sweet food on the table.

We put fruit and snacks after the main meal so that hungry children can eat or drink something between games.

5) Relay with chestnuts. Plan no more than 10-15 minutes - this game ends very quickly.
Remember that children need a verbal start before each play.
Host: "Attention, attention! Dear astronauts! After we have had enough food, we set off on our first mission! Alien creatures have been discovered on our planet! We need to immediately rescue them and move them from their place of arrival to a safe, warm and dry place!" "

We opened the adventure with fireworks: we had such floor fountains in number of 3 pieces. The children remembered them later than anything else. It was an exciting sight for the children. In the end, they could not remember anything else at all :-)

While the children were eating, it was necessary to prepare 4 chairs - two at the start and two at the finish, divide the lane for the relay with a rope. Divide the children into 2 teams. There are identical cups on the chairs at the start and at the finish. There are exactly as many thorny chestnuts in the cups at the start as there are children in the team. If there are not enough children, adults should be included in the game. Each team needs to be given a spoon.

The game begins with the fact that the child carries a chestnut in a spoon, carries it to a bowl at the finish line, runs back with a spoon and gives it to the next one. Friendship won! :-) The presenter announces the results at the end: "Hurray! It was difficult, but we did it! We saved all the alien creatures! We are great!"

While one presenter was engaged in the relay, the other was preparing the next attraction. Don't be afraid to let your kids run for a bit between games. For example, I have a trampoline in my yard. I put it in order before the holiday, threw in soft colored balls and told the children that this was an astronaut training station. They jumped there with joy. A friend of mine told me that she inflated a huge double mattress for children, covered it with pillows and blankets, and allowed children to jump and tumble on it - the mattress was very popular.

6) Glue the antenna - no more than 15 minutes
Remember the game, glue the tail of the donkey with your eyes closed? I made an alien out of a donkey and invited the children to glue an antenna for him.

Host: "Attention, attention! Dear astronauts! A new adventure is calling us! Our friend, a yellow alien, has lost his antenna! Without it, he cannot hear his friends and cannot find his way home. So let's help him!"

Children are shown where to glue (I glued construction paper to the back of the antenna duct tape ring so that it sticks to the antenna itself and sticks to the picture). Children are guided, encouraged, led in turn to glue the antenna. After the last participant, the presenter says that hurray, we helped our friend and glue him a smile instead of shaking lips. Children run away to play in the yard.

7) Cut off prizes while blindfolded - no more than 15-20 minutes
On the eve of the holiday, I wrapped 20 small prizes - sweets in multi-colored wrapping paper... Tied them with a ribbon. While we were gluing the antenna to the alien, other adults had already pulled the rope and began attaching prizes to it.
For this competition, you will need an eye scarf and small baby scissors.
Host: "We did a great job and deserve a reward!" The children are asked to line up one after the other, blindfolded in turn, and, with some guidance and a little help, are allowed to cut the candy. Children enjoyed playing this game in 2 rounds.

8) Who is the last - about 10-15 minutes
The traditional game of chairs. There are one fewer chairs in a circle than the participants, music is turned on. When the music dies down, you need to have time to sit on a chair. With each circle, the number of chairs becomes smaller until 2 participants and one chair remain. At first, some children get upset that they lost. It is important here that some of the adults take the losers aside and say that now we will play again and then we'll see who will be left with a nose :-)

While the children run around the chairs, we prepare a cake.

9) Cake - no more than 20 minutes
Often, when a cake with candles is brought in, people begin to sing something unintelligible, forget the words and do not get to the beat. We solved this problem with a regular children's CD with songs. One of the songs was dedicated to the birthday. This is many times better than the hackneyed "Happy bezdey tu yu" or "Let them run awkwardly", which no one knows to the end. We had: "Wie schön, dass Du geboren bist, wir hätten dich sonst sehr vermisst ..." My husband was a DJ :-) Many children and adults knew her by heart, because it is rather short, and the voice from the disc did not allow me to forget the words.

10) Battle with swords - 10 minutes
Remember the game in physical education class, who will push whom off the boom? I took two children's stands from Ikea (from which children reach the sink or toilet bowl), put them at the distance of an inflatable sword from each other, handed the children each an inflatable sword and they had to push each other off the stands with these things. These swords are soft, the stands are low - no one was hurt.

The presenter calls for the game with the words: "Attention, attention! Dear astronauts! After a hearty lunch, it's time to start training! Are there any volunteers?" Children are told what to do.

After the battle, the host announces that you can do anything you want: we have completed all the missions and returned home!

In reality, you have about 30 minutes left, which after such an intensive program begin to seem like an eternity! :-) Children scream and run, fall and fight. They are already tired, only girls are dancing to loud music, and the boys are standing on their heads.

8. Guest gifts
I really like the local tradition that gifts are given not only to birthday people, but also to their little guests. Because the children who were with us at the holiday are still small, they really liked that there was some kind of small surprise for them - not only for the hero of the occasion.

Our party was dedicated to space and rockets, and our logo was a children's branded red rocket. I first drew it in Photoshop, printed it in large quantities on thick paper, cut out and pasted it on the invitations that I have already shown here, as well as on the bags with guest gifts that the little guests, saying goodbye to the birthday boy, took home with them. It is very important that gifts are handed out to guests at the end of the holiday: so that the parents who have come to pick up the children take this property home, the children do not fight and do not lose their treasures.

What's inside and packing details, as well as tips, see the link:

That's all, actually. The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing. Because I am a working person, the precise planning of the holiday helped me a lot. It is better to start preparing the evening in advance. For a month, almost every day after work, I did not sit down for 20-30 minutes to cut and glue the decorations, create masks, think over the details of the holiday. During the break, I ran to the store to buy some things and at each visit to the supermarket I collected all sorts of small things for decoration or for guest gifts. Before the holiday, at least there was no need to think about it.

My tables marked "what is - what to buy - what to do" made my work very easy, because thanks to them I had clear instructions on what to buy and what had not yet been created.

Every child is looking forward to celebrating their birthday. This is a special day of the year, so moms and dads need to make every effort to design themed birthday in an original way. Bright colours, sweets, lemonade must be present at the holiday. It can be a reception of a princess, a pirate trip, a holiday for a future pilot or racer. The main thing is that the holiday inspires your toddler or baby! GD-Home has prepared 10 awesome photo tutorial ideas for you that we hope you find useful!

1. Retro party

Interesting details, such as vintage illustrations, sweets, ice cream, create an enchanting atmosphere of a children's party. The entertainment program must include outdoor games. It would be cool to use old-fashioned entertainment like knocking out cans. Prepare a list of games with your child in advance, find out what he wants. Well, if your kid is not very familiar with company games, your task is to prepare the program on your own, fortunately, the Internet will help a lot in this 😉

2. Flower holiday

Such a delicate theme will suit a little princess or fairy. Flowers do not have to be only live flowers. You can also make paper compositions of different sizes. Be sure to take the birthday girl as an assistant.

3. Harry Potter

If your child adores this wizard, he will definitely be pleased! Bring a real Hogwarts home to your home by converting rooms into classrooms. Prepare wands and a lesson schedule for the party guests. Potions and magic lessons are sure to please the kids. To make matters more truthful, you can cook Chocolate Toads, Sugar Owls, Brooms, and Golden Snitch. Probably an adult would not have refused to attend such a themed birthday 🙂

4. Butterfly Garden

Birthday celebration at fresh air surrounded by beautiful butterflies will create a great mood. A huge cake decorated with roses will delight everyone, without exception. A good ending to the holiday will be gifts for guests - pots filled with treasures: butterflies, pencils, crayons and seeds for planting.

5. Minions

Children love cartoon characters. So why not please them with the presence of minions at the celebration ?!

6. For the future pilot

Boys will appreciate the birthday themed with airplanes. Such a holiday can become a reason for new hobbies!

7. Visiting Ariel

The little mermaid Ariel can also become a symbol of a girl's party. In order to entice guests to prepare a themed birthday, ask them to come in nautical suits (beach shorts, shell beads, hats, etc.) sea ​​stars will come in handy).

8. Racer

A holiday with racing cars, and even at this age, it's cool! P. S.: And the husband, by the way, will also be happy 😉

9. Up

Cartoon Up can become the plot of not only themed birthday, but weddings too. Notice the balloon house. Isn't that cool?

10. Superhero Party

Real superheroes can visit your home, just don't forget to prepare costumes for them! Younger guests should definitely have fun and tasty food.

Themed birthday is not only a lot of impressions and emotions, it is also evenings of fun preparation, memorable photos and warm memories 🙂

| Apr 13, 2015

Hello everyone!

Delivering joy to children, we first of all bring joy to ourselves, family and friends.
Therefore, to children's holiday you need to prepare in an adult way.

Here are 10 of the most popular ideas for children's parties in 2015.
I really like themed children's parties, since it is enough to come up with the main melody of the holiday, and a symphony of joy is born very quickly! Checked!

1.Clowns (Circus)

The most popular option. Just balls and fun. Ideal for children under 10 years of age. Clown outfit and standard contests (relay races). Trained dogs and, of course, magic tricks are also very relevant. Face painting is appropriate.

2.Fabulous mix.

Fairy tales and heroes from your favorite cartoons.
Contests in the style of "saving the princess", "putting the cones in the basket", "looking for the golden key". Props: old mysterious book with fairy tales, Magic wand, confetti.

3. Pirate party.

Birthday in nautical style... It is very easy to design and find costumes and props. It would be nice to have bandanas with skulls, vests, toy pistols and pirate knives. The treasure chest will definitely not hurt. Contests: "sinking ships", "putting coins in a chest", "sea battles", "fishing" and distribution of black marks.

4. Around the world.

This is a journey into the past. Cowboys and Indians, Robin Hood, Romans and Egyptians, primitive people. We include arrows, wigwams, mammoths and dinosaurs in the contests. You can also make a Hawaiian-style party - entertaining Papuans in corrugated paper suits on a hot day.

5 princesses and fairies

Of course, this very beautiful theme is more for girls. Little beauties wear with pleasure New Year's dresses on any day of the year, they decorate their heads with tiaras. The design is straightforward. The princesses take turns sleeping on a pea, trying on crystal shoes, learning to dance at a ball and receiving prizes for the "best sleeping beauty".

6. "Mysterious Island"

Mysterious castle ... The main idea is the search for the treasure, accompanied by solving charades and puzzles, the search for clues to riddles. It would be nice to chat with ghosts and sagacious elders.

Aliens. It's easy to find accessories and face painting for this theme. The main thing is that no one knows exactly what guests from other planets look like. You can add names of planets, flying saucers and unusual space food to the contests. As well as humanoids and space robots.

8.Science and professions (Master classes)

Now, for example, "the experiments of the mad professor" are very popular. This is a show program with the participation of spectators. You can also put on a show " soap bubbles"or solving tricks.

Conducting Master classes, such as culinary or for example: bouquets of sweets and soft toys are especially popular.

9. Filming a movie!
We go through all stages with the children - from writing a script, assigning roles, makeup and rehearsals to shooting and awarding an Oscar
By the way, entertainment with parodies of famous TV projects is also very popular.

Sweet table. It delights everyone! The point is in a beautiful selection of dishes for caramel and nuts in glaze, stands for cakes and bright accessories made of paper, plastic and fabric. CandyBar is always themed.