
How to make a beautiful valentine with your own hands. We make valentines with our own hands from paper and other materials. Sequin valentine


You can make a Valentine's card for February 14 with your own hands. This article offers many interesting options for creativity.

Valentine - required attribute Valentine's Day February 14... Even if you don’t give a gift to anyone on this day, you should definitely give a valentine to a loved one, a friend, a parent, or even a stranger. Not giving a valentine on Valentine's Day is a bad omen that doom you to loneliness and misunderstanding throughout the year.

In modern stores, a person can find a wide variety of valentines: large and small, postcards and leaflets, in the shape of a heart or rectangle, decorated and simple valentines. But, they are all exactly the same, since they are the product of the work of printing publications. Much more pleasant to give and receive as a gift handmade valentine.

A handmade valentine is product of incredible beauty, as well as a real, sincere declaration of love. Do not be afraid to make postcards with your own hands, because this activity is exciting and creative. You can make any of your dreams come true. To help beginners and professional needlewomen will come famous decor techniques:

  • Scrapbooking
  • Craquelure
  • Quilling
  • Decoupage
  • Embroidery
  • Application and much more.

Before you start your work, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the ideas of creating valentines with your own hands in order to understand and decide for yourself which one you want to see your future postcard. After that it is desirable depict an indicative design on a draft, pick up and get to work.

One of the most popular techniques for decorating postcards is quilling. Quilling Is a kind of volumetric applique made of thin colored paper ribbons, twisted into a coil and glued to the surface.

With the help of quilling, you can create patterns and designs of incredible beauty: monograms, flower motifs, figurines, even writing words. For work you will need set for quilling(a thin wooden stick and a set of colored ribbons), as well as glue with which you will attach the pattern (usually hot or rubber glue, as well as instant drying glue).

Quilling valentines:

Valentine s floral motives in quilling technique

Openwork valentine using quilling technique

Simple and stylish valentine using quilling technique

Valentine - a postcard decorated using the quilling technique

Unusual valentine in the quilling technique "cats"

A pattern on a valentine card using the quilling technique

Another spectacular and popular idea for creating a holiday valentine is volumetric postcard... This method allows you to make a real work of art from a simple sheet of paper or cardboard. All you need is a valentine base, scissors, and a pattern for cutting out the pattern.

In addition to the volumetric pattern, the card can also be decorated with ribbons, pebbles or beads, sprinkled with sparkles or glued with an applique made of paper with pictures. The postcard will add special meaning and charm greeting lettering, printed on a printer, cut and glued.

Valentine card with voluminous hearts

Options for voluminous postcards for February 14

Valentine card with volumetric figures and pattern

Valentine card with volumetric inscription

Greeting card for February 14 with valentine inside

One of the most beautiful technicians for needlework - scrapbooking... Postcards made with the help are of incredible beauty, an abundance of decorative ornaments and special elegance. In addition, this technique is not difficult and all it requires is your inspiration and imagination.

In your work, you will need a lot of different jewelry that you can find in any art store: ribbons, beads, lace, beads, gold and silver threads, inscriptions, flowers, pictures, golden sand and sparkles, as well as much more.

Before starting your work, you should get acquainted with ideas and examples of ready-made valentinos to and only then start creating the design of your product. Sketch on a rough draft a rough sketch of a ready-made postcard, taking into account all the decor you have. All decorations should be fixed to the base with "powerful" glue (hot, rubber or flash-drying glue).

Valentine's Day Scrapbooking Ideas:

Valentine's card in the shape of a heart, scrapbooking technique

Beautiful Valentine's card in scrapbooking technique

Simple scrapbooking: valentine ideas

Stylish valentines using scrapbooking technique Postcard decorated using scrapbooking technique for February 14

DIY valentines - master class: photo

There are many options and ideas for creating holiday valentines: from simple to complex. They are very popular hanging valentines, that is, those that can be received as a gift and hang on the wall, as well as any other surface.

You can make an easy, but very effective hanging valentine from the set simple materials and tools: red cardboard, pink colored paper(or pink quilling ribbons), scissors, glue, and a wooden skewer.

Cut out the heart of the preferred shape and size from cardboard (a postcard or just a figurine). The quilling tape should be cut on one side many times (see photo). Gradually wind the serpentine from the quilling onto a thin skewer, smearing each turn with PVA glue. The finished flower should be removed from the skewer, crush its base so that it acquires a flat bottom.

IMPORTANT: The flower is attached to the postcard with PVA glue. You can attach flowers over the entire area of ​​the cut out heart, you can decorate only the edges, or even "write" a voluminous word.

DIY step-by-step card made of paper and cardboard

If you are not good at needlework, but want to make a beautiful and elegant valentine, drawing will help you! Postcards "in the spirit of minimalism" are very popular in Lately... The main thing is to make a bright accent that compensates for the "emptiness" of your product.

For work you will need:

  • A sheet of thick cardboard, it is possible with a pattern. This will be the basis for the postcard.
  • A sheet of paper (any, for a template)
  • Painting paints (any)
  • Tassel or heart-shaped signet

Work step by step:

  • Fold a booklet out of a sheet of cardboard
  • Cut out the heart of the correct shape from the paper. To do this, you just need to fold the sheet in half and cut out half of the heart. Opening the leaf, you get a proportional heart pattern.
  • Cut a small heart out of another sheet of paper or cardboard and glue a match to it. This will be a signet - a tool for leaving a drawing.
  • Place the cutout heart template on the front of your card.
  • In the palette, dilute the red paint and Pink colour.
  • The resulting seal should be dipped in liquid paint and the pattern should be left inside the template. If you don't want to make a signet, you can paint the hearts with a regular brush.
  • Press the template firmly against the card to prevent the ink from the seal from flowing under the paper and leaving streaks.
  • After you stamp a large number of small hearts, remove the template and wait for the paint to dry completely.
  • When the drawing is dry, sign the card. The valentine is ready!

DIY valentine from simple materials

Valentine card - do-it-yourself heart in hands

The "heart in hands" valentine is very popular because it is a fairly simple product, but at the same time an effective postcard. You can make such a postcard, either from plain paper or from cardboard.

The following materials and tools will come in handy:

  • A sheet of cardboard or paper.
  • Paints or markers for coloring valentines.
  • Cutting scissors (preferably manicure scissors - they will help to cut out each element in detail).
  • A simple pencil for drawing a template.

Step-by-step work of creating a "heart in hands" valentine and a template for cutting:

Work description Cutting template

IMPORTANT: Ready product can be decorated to your liking with any decorations and methods. Be sure to sign the valentine inside with your hand.

Finished product: valentine card "heart in hands"

DIY valentines from paper to school: templates

Together with your child, you can make beautiful and original valentines out of paper for the competition or simply to present them to your friends. Such cards will be much more beautiful than purchased ones and it will be pleasant to receive them for every classmate.

For example, try making a simple paper card from a single piece of paper or cardboard. Cut it out according to the template and color it as you wish. Sign in your hand or affix your printed lettering. If you wish, you can sew a loop-ribbon to the card so that the valentine can be hung.

Simple paper valentine for kids and adults

Ordinary sewing or knitting threads can also be a great idea for creating a holiday valentine card. Use a piece of cardboard as a base. Its front part will be decorated with a heart. For work, choose contrasting colors, for example:

  • White paper - red thread
  • Red paper - white thread

With PVA glue on the front of the card, draw a heart. It is convenient to do this with a brush. You should apply a thick layer so that it does not dry out. Unwind the thread in advance and gradually, layer by layer, put the thread on the glue to get a curvy and tangled figure. On the other hand, if you are using knitting thread, you can lay out each strip neatly and get a pretty shape.

Finished product: valentine card with a heart made of threads on paper

With the help of thread and paper applique (colored, craft or even packaging), you can create a huge number of options for greeting valentines. Here are some examples:

Valentine made of paper and thread: heartbeat

Valentine's card from two sheets of paper: applique

Postcard-booklet for February 14 from colored hearts and thread "brushwood"

Any decorations can be used as a decor for a paper card: beads, ribbons, coffee beans, eggshell(craquelure), felt, fabric, lace and much more.

Paper card for February 17, decorated with coffee beans

If you have the opportunity to buy cardboard or creative paper, you can create cards of incredible beauty. Typically, such paper has a variety of patterns, prints and designs.

Valentines for friends made of paper

SECRET: If you do not have such paper, you can print it on a printer. To do this, in the browser search engine, type in "February 14 background" and select any picture. Or, use the suggestions in this article.

Background: paper hearts

Background: lettering for Valentine's Day

Ideas for creativity: background for February 14

Background: blue in hearts

Background: white with hearts

Background: painted hearts

Ideas for creativity: calendar for February 14

DIY valentines from fabric patterns

If you want to move away from the stereotypes and templates of the usual paper cards, ideas for creating valentines from fabric can help you. A modern valentine does not have to be in the form of a booklet or leaflet. Why not sew it out of felt or textiles?

Such a souvenir can pleasantly surprise the person to whom you present it. The most common form of fabric valentine is a heart, because it is it that is a symbol of the holiday and a person in love. This little souvenir can be hung anywhere in your home and stored, regardless of the calendar date - it will always delight the eye and give pleasant emotions.

Variety of fabric valentines

How a fabric valentine should look is up to you. The most common are:

  • Keychains in the form of hearts, bears or birds
  • Pendants
  • Pads
  • Wreaths on the wall
  • Toys

Different types of fabric valentines

Patterns of valentines from fabric:

Valentine cat: pattern Mice-Valentine: patterns

Valentine Heart: pattern

DIY fabric heart using decoupage technique Valentine cat: pattern Valentine: pattern

DIY valentine for mom: ideas, photos

Children are very fond of Valentine's Day, not because they are in love with someone, but because on this day you can tell their mother how much they love her. This is done not only with the help of words, but also by means of a beautiful homemade valentine.

There are several bright and original ideas make a beautiful valentine. For this, thick paper and some decorative elements (beads, ribbons, lace and much more) are useful.

A simple but very touching card is made from one sheet of paper and scissors. To do this, you need to use double-sided colored paper. Fold the sheet in half and on face postcards lay your hand. Circle it with a pencil.

IMPORTANT: The outlined hand on one side must necessarily touch the place where the card is folded, it does not need to be cut, it will fasten the valentine.

When folded, the card will resemble only a hand, but when mom opens it, she will see a heart, which is represented by two hands, and this surprise will delight her. In addition, wishes and declarations of love can be written on the inside of the postcard.

Simple valentine for mom do it yourself

Another way invites you to do hanging postcard, which you can decorate your home on a holiday. For this valentine you will need:

  • Three sheets of colored paper (for example, pink, red, and white).
  • Glue (preferably dry glue stick)
  • Scissors
  • Small thin ribbon

Choose a color for the base of the card and cut a large heart out of it. On the other two, you should as carefully as possible circle your hand with open fingers. Both paper hands cut and stacked on top of each other so that a heart is formed.

IMPORTANT: Before gluing the heart from the cut hands to the base, insert a thin ribbon in the form of a loop under them.

DIY valentine from children's hands

Other ideas for creating children's valentines:

Paper valentine decorated with buttons

Valentine applique

Valentine card with colorful hearts

DIY voluminous valentines: ideas, photos

Volumetric postcards can be divided into two main types:

  • Postcards with volumetric decor
  • Surprise cards

In the first case, we are talking about an unusual decoration of the front of the product: flowers, figurines, lace and so on. The easiest way to make a pattern using the quilling technique is the most affordable and easy-to-use decor.

Via paper strips you can write words, make lace patterns, hearts, flowers and any shapes. The contrasting use of colors will help create a postcard of incredible beauty.

The most effective and not complicated postcard will turn out, decorated with simple serpentines from thin strips of paper. Just draw or cut out a specific shape and seal the space inside it with twisted ruffles.

Volumetric valentine with the inscription "love"

Volumetric valentine with a serpentine heart

Simple volumetric valentine

DIY valentines with children

By creating valentines for children and adults with your child, you teach him not only that this holiday his traditions must be respected and honored. But, and instill in him a love of creativity.

Take a long time to truly create beautiful postcard on February 14... Surprise the child unusual ideas valentines. Show how diverse and creative creativity can be.

  • Valentine topiary
  • Valentine's card with envelopes (in which you can place surprises or ordinary compliments on notes).
  • Valentines decorated with appliqués, ribbons and decor.
  • Valentine frames on the wall

Valentine Ideas:

Valentine topiary

Valentine's card with envelopes

Valentine card with decor and applique Valentine - frame on the wall

Video: "How to make a beautiful Valentine's card for Valentine's Day. - Postcard for February 14"

We offer you several master classes on creating a wide variety of valentines by February 14. Here we have collected best ideas, diagrams, tips, templates and step by step instructions... From this article, you will learn how to make valentines with your own hands from various materials: paper, felt, beads, threads (we will crochet), salt dough, jewelry, etc.

In this collection you will find both very simple and at the same time original hearts, and those that will take a little more time to create. That is why some of the crafts will be described briefly (you just need to look at the photo to understand how to make a valentine), and we will dwell on others in more detail.

Paper valentines

Let's start with the obvious - paper hearts. To create them, you need cardboard, colored paper and a glue stick. In some cases, additional decor will also be needed - it can be added at will to any of the presented crafts.

Postcard with a volumetric heart

This is a very simple and at the same time spectacular homemade valentine, which will be pleasant to receive on Valentine's Day for a person of any gender and age.

We need:

  • rectangular cardboard base;
  • colored paper for decorating a heart;
  • glue;
  • stencil.

The template can be anything to your liking, however we suggest you cut and fold the finished heart. It looks like this.

You need to cut it out and mark the folds on it.

Fold the heart in half and fold the sides over to it.

Fold the cardboard base in half and attach to it the heart that you cut out of colored paper on a stencil. Mark the place where you will glue the heart. Circle its outline and glue the side parts (small hearts) with glue.

Glue the paper to the cardboard behind the little hearts.

You have got a card with a voluminous paper valentine. You can write a wish right on it, and decorate the cover of the gift for February 14 with felt-tip pens or rhinestones. You can also put another valentine on the cover, the instructions for making which you can find below.

Valentine card made of paper strips

This beautiful and neat valentine can be a great addition to your Valentine's Day gift. It can be attached to a surprise box or bag for a loved one.

We need:

  • paper strips of the same width and different lengths(several colors);
  • stapler or rivets;
  • glue;
  • threads and colored paper for cutting out hearts.

Ornamental, corrugated, velvet and any other can be used as the main material. nice paper or cardboard. It's great if this paper has an interesting decor.

The stripes should differ in length by a few centimeters - this depends on the size of the desired valentine.

Fasten the paper strips together at the base: short - closer to the center, the closer to the outside - the longer the strips.

Then fasten the strips together in two and bend them towards the center, forming a heart.

Additionally, you can attach a paper loop to the valentine and make a pendant from thread and small hearts.

A great idea is to write a wish or declaration of love on each strip. Do this from the inside and ask the recipient to disassemble the valentine.

Volumetric 3D valentine from paper

An easy way to cut and fold a valentine with your own hands. The postcard will turn out to be original and very touching. The decor looks intricate, but this heart can be made out of paper or cardboard in just a couple of minutes.

We need:

  • cardboard or colored paper;
  • stencil or ruler;
  • paper cutter;
  • lace.

It is better to take double-sided cardboard or paper. If you don't have one at hand, just glue together two sheets, painted on only one side. Just make sure that all parts of the future gift for February 14 are tightly glued to each other - otherwise it will come out sloppy.

Take a sheet and draw a heart on it. Then we apply a stencil to it or make markings at equal distances. For convenience, use this template.

You can print it or just sketch it schematically.

Then we simply cut the valentine out of paper and go through the marked strips with a cutter. We bend them one by one: we push the first strip forward, the second - back, the third - forward again, etc.

The craft can be completed with a string or thread. Attach a valentine to a gift or give it just like that.

Box-shaped paper valentine

A Valentine is not always a standard postcard. You can give your loved one a box in which you can hide sweets or any other surprise.

We need:

  • cardboard;
  • stencil;
  • glue stick;
  • satin ribbon.

A stencil for cutting a valentine box looks like this.

Print it or sketch it. The sizes can be varied to your liking. In this case, the box is folded from a standard A4 cardboard sheet.

Cut out the image of the heart, having previously marked the fold lines on it.

We fold the box, making the necessary cuts (see how it looks in the photo) and fastening small parts with glue or double-sided tape.

You can attach a bow made of satin ribbon.

Box valentines decorated using decoupage technique look very beautiful. if you have decorative napkins, think about such a decoration.

Quilling paper valentine

We need:

  • cardboard;
  • Super glue;
  • any decorations;
  • satin ribbon.

Cut out a heart from cardboard. If the cardboard is too thin, make it double or even triple: we will glue massive decorations on it - it is important that the material is strong.

It is better to lay out the composition in advance, and then simply glue the decorations using superglue and tweezers. Cardboard can be colored or pre-painted.

For inspiration, take a look at a few ideas for assembling valentines.

Finish the festive composition with a ribbon, and write a wish on the back. Anyone will like such a romantic gift.

Beaded heart

If you have enough time and love to make bead crafts, the next workshop will be to your liking. This voluminous valentine can be a full-fledged gift for a loved one.

In this video tutorial you will find all necessary instructions... Even if you do not have a lot of experience in beading, you will probably master this master class without any problems.

Such a heart for Valentine's Day will delight your soul mate for a very long time, because you can put this gift on a shelf and look at it every day.

Valentine's card from fabric (embroidery)

And here you will find several beautiful schemes for embroidery. Each of them can be easily repeated. All you need to do is print or sketch the diagram and execute it on canvas or any simple fabric on which it is easy to calculate the distance between the stitches.

We need:

  • plain fabric;
  • threads for embroidery in several colors (better floss);
  • ready-made diagram in the form of a heart.

Please note that embroidery can be done not only on a napkin or towel, but also on a pillowcase, and then place a small pillow in it - you will get a beautiful and practical Valentine's gift.

Choose any of the presented patterns for embroidery and create unique valentines by February 14th. By the way, embroidery can be done on cardboard if you like standard postcards more, but at the same time want unusual design solutions.

Valentines made of plaster, polymer clay and salt dough

These postcards are divided into one subcategory according to the principle of production. Any of the presented crafts can be done from both polymer clay(cold porcelain) and from a gypsum mixture or from salt dough.

We need:

  • main material;
  • broken glass, buttons, beads, openwork stencils and other decor;
  • braid.

These cards are difficult to sign, but they come out very pretty, so it's worth trying them out.

If you want a recipe for DIY salty dough, you can grab one.

The easiest way to cut out the hearts is to use cookie cutters. If you don't have them, roll out the sculpting mass from which you will make the valentine, and put a cardboard heart on it, and then circle it with a needle and cut off the excess with a knife or spatula.

Decorate the heart with openwork details, buttons, beads and other decor. Bake the valentine in the oven, pre-making a hole in it for the braid.

If you want to add a wish to a homemade valentine, write it on a cardboard heart and tie it to the braid. In addition, a heart made of plaster, polymer clay or salt dough can be painted with paints or special markers and the name of a loved one can be written on it.

Valentines from felt

One of the most popular postcards on Valentine's Day - felt hearts. They turn out to be delicate and touching, and even an inexperienced master can sew them.

We need:

  • felt of any color;
  • embroidery threads;
  • cotton wool or cotton pads.

Draw a standard heart on the cardboard and then attach it to the felt. You need to cut two identical pieces.

Make beautiful embroidery, sew on beads or beads and sew the details together. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to make a secret seam - the external finish also looks beautiful.

Stuff the hearts with cotton wool or cotton pads - chubby felt valentines look even prettier.

Here are some ideas for inspiration.

Try to make several valentines at once - you can make cute compositions from them.

Crochet valentine

From this compilation of video tutorials, you will learn how to crochet a Valentine's Day card. We have collected for you the best detailed and understandable instructions that will help you master this technique even for a beginner. Knitted cards and Valentine's Day crafts are very attractive and valuable.

  • Master class on knitting a voluminous valentine in 30 minutes

  • Video tutorial on how to create a simple crochet valentine's card for beginners

  • Master class on creating an openwork valentine: hot coasters

  • Volumetric heart crochet

  • Another lesson on knitting a volumetric valentine

Hearts can be given just like that, tied to a gift or put on wooden skewers and make a bunch of them. Knit colorful bright valentines - your loved one will definitely not remain indifferent.

Choose any of the suggested ideas. Decide on the material from which you want to craft crafts by February 14, and then read how to make valentines, and feel free to get down to business. Your loved ones will definitely appreciate such a gesture of attention on Valentine's Day.

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In ancient Rome, Lupercalia was celebrated in honor of the gods of fertility.

This is a special holiday, which was initiated by the oracle, who, when asked what to do to increase the birth rate, announced the rite of corporal punishment of women with belts made from the skin of sacrificial animals.

This article will discuss the connection between this holiday and Valentine's Day.

A bit of history

So, the celebrations were very much loved by the ancient Romans.

After the feast, naked young people (lupercalia) ran around the city and whipped the women they met. By the end of the evening, women were also naked.

The process of the extinction of a nation in ancient Rome was actually solved with the help of Lupercalia. These celebrations were banned with the advent of Christianity.

And then, instead of such a peculiar day of love, there came a celebration in honor of a Christian priest - St. Valentine.

In the army of the emperor Claudius, marriage was prohibited. However, Saint Valentine secretly married the lovers. For this he was sentenced to death.

Valentine's Day celebrations are now secular. In Russia, this holiday became known quite recently, in the 20th century.

Valentine's Day

How did the valentine appear?

Valentine is a symbol of the holiday.

When Saint Valentine was awaiting execution in prison, he saw the beautiful daughter of a prison warden and fell in love with her. He wrote her a letter of recognition, and he is called the first valentine.

In the 15th century, the Duke of Orleans from prison wrote love letters to his wife, and in the 18th century, declarations of love written on a heart-shaped postcard were called "valentine" and became widespread.

How to make a voluminous valentine with your own hands

A voluminous valentine is made of paper, fabric or buttons.

Such works do not require much skill, but they look great.

Postcard "Valentine's Heart"

Volumetric paper valentine is made of white thick cardboard, as well as red paper.

That's it - the Valentine's Heart mascot is ready!

Postcard "Lovers"

To make such a voluminous valentine, you need to prepare a template from thick paper, then carefully cut it out with a blade, bend it at the folds and glue it on the scarlet base.

Quilling style

Volumetric using the quilling technique.

Using the quilling technique, you can depict a voluminous heart. To do this, take narrow strips of colored paper (red0 and wind it around a pencil.

The resulting paper ring is slightly crushed with your fingers, then loosened a little.

The resulting spirals are glued to a base prepared in the form of a heart.

You can also lay out a heart shape on a white cardboard postcard from spirals.

We use felt

Most fashion trend- these are felt valentine cushions.

Prepared multi-colored small pads in the shape of hearts made of felt are glued to a base made of thick cardboard and the original postcard for Valentine's Day is ready!

One large voluminous felt heart decorated with beads is also a great idea for a voluminous valentine!

Valentine from balloons

Volumetric valentine heart from balloons.

From inflated balloons of the same diameter, a "four" -type garland is woven.

The garland is then shaped into a heart. For this, a wire frame is used.

A great option for decorating a room for celebrating Valentine's Day.

Valentine of flowers

Volumetric heart valentine of flowers.

This option for making a common Valentine's Day present is suitable for a young man in love.

To make a valentine, a wire frame is used, roses purchased in advance and prepared by florists for such a craft are planted on it.

Such a valentine will definitely win the heart of your beloved!

Artificial flower valentine

You can also make a voluminous valentine of roses yourself, replacing real roses with fabric flowers.

Roses made of scarlet fabric are glued to a thick cardboard base. Such a valentine can be made in different sizes - from very small for wearing on the chest, to big size for interior decoration.

The holiday of lovers, along with its paraphernalia, is quite firmly rooted in our country. Anyone who knows how to use scissors knows how to make a heart out of paper for this holiday. But few are able to turn it into a bright and unforgettable declaration of love.

A valentine or heart-shaped card is a great way to confess your feelings. But who said that it can only be made of paper? Away from templates and stereotypes - you can use any materials at hand to create it. Now you will see for yourself.

Quilling paper heart

A delicate openwork valentine is a tacit recognition of sincere sympathy.

To create it you will need:

  • zigzag scissors;
  • a set of pink paper for quilling;
  • thick white cardboard;
  • toothpick;
  • PVA glue;
  • brush;
  • paper knife.

Draw a heart of the desired shape and size on thick cardboard. Cut it out with zigzag scissors.

Inside the large heart, draw a smaller one and cut it out with a paper cutter. You should have a cardboard base less than 1 cm wide.

Twist the spirals from the paper strips using toothpicks. They can be of different sizes and colors. Place the finished spirals inside the cardboard heart-base and fasten PVA together.

Using a brush, cover the filled heart with glue on one side, smearing the spirals and their joints with the cardboard. Carefully wipe off excess glue with a paper towel.

Fill the empty spaces inside the heart with small spirals and glue them. You need to dry the heart on an oilcloth or file so that it does not stick to the base.

A dried valentine can be decorated as you wish: paint the cardboard outline or carefully separate it, leaving only an openwork heart, tie a ribbon or lace - be guided by your imagination.

Valentine's card with small sweets

Want to make a tasteful little present? Surprise your soulmate with a cool valentine card with dragee candies inside. Such a gift will be most appreciated by those with a sweet tooth.

For work you will need:

  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue or stapler;
  • dragee.

You can print heart templates with lettering on colored paper or draw and sign them by hand.

Cut the workpieces along the contour.

Glue them in pairs, or connect the edges with a stapler, or sew with threads, leaving a small hole for filling with sweets.

Put more candies inside the heart.

Seal or staple off the hole.

Sweet valentine is ready to win hearts.

If you want to especially surprise your chosen one, choose the dragee to match the color of the paper heart.

Valentine paper card

A romantic card is a traditional gift for Valentine's Day. But to make it yourself is a very unconventional, but correct decision. Such a valentine will eloquently show how dear you are to the person to whom you are showing signs of attention.

For work you will need:

  • white cardboard;
  • dense brown leaf wrapping paper(kraft paper);
  • a set of scrapbooking paper (colored paper with patterns and pictures);
  • Ruler and pencil;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • thick nylon thread.

Fold a sheet of white cardboard in half. This is the heart of the postcard.

Cut a small square out of brown paper. Make an envelope out of it and fix it with glue.

Leave the top open.

Cut a tag out of the wrapping paper with a small hole. Sign it with the name of the person to whom the card is intended. Glue it and the envelope onto a cardboard base.

Cut out hearts from scrap paper different colors and sizes. Stick them on the postcard. Try to give the impression that they are flying out of an open envelope.

Cut off a piece of nylon thread or thin lace. Glue or tie one end to the tag, and fix the other inside the envelope. The original postcard is ready. It remains only to write a romantic wish inside.

Do you think this is too simple and trite? Then watch the video wizard class for creating a unique volumetric postcard. It will be a wonderful gift for your loved one.

Fragrant valentine of coffee beans

An exclusive heart with the aroma of coffee will be an unforgettable gift not only for Valentine's Day, but also for any memorable date... It is easy to turn such a craft into a decorative element, a fridge magnet or a mirror pendant.

For work you will need:

  • whole grains of coffee and cloves;
  • thick cardboard;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • twine or thin twine.

Draw an image of a heart on thick cardboard and cut it along the outline. Glue the edges of the heart in two layers with twine. It is best to use a glue gun.

Glue along the contour of the coffee bean, then fill in the middle of the piece.

After filling the entire surface of the heart, glue the grains with a second layer to cover the translucent cardboard. Add clove sticks in between the coffee beans. You can decorate the finished craft with ribbons, bows, glue a magnet or a piece of rope on the back side for hanging a souvenir.

The reverse side of the heart can be pasted over with colored paper, stick a photo of the chosen one, write a wish or congratulations on the holiday. Complete the souvenir with a beautiful box - and an unusual gift is ready.

Melted wax crayon heart

Want to surprise your loved one with an original valentine? And you, by any chance, do not have an unnecessary set of wax crayons at home for drawing? Believe it or not, you can create a unique valentine heart with a unique pattern from them. Just follow the step-by-step instructions.

For work you will need:

  • multi-colored wax crayons;
  • silicone heart shape for baking;
  • thick cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • pencils or markers.

Break the wax crayons into small pieces and put them in ⅓ of silicone heart molds.

Pieces of contrasting or harmonious colors can be poured into one mold.

Bake the crayons in an oven preheated to 150 degrees for about 15 minutes. Take out the mold and let the contents harden. Gently remove the hardened hearts from the mold.

Cut out hearts a little larger than crayon blanks from white or colored cardboard. On this cardboard base, you need to stick small hearts.

Decorate the valentines as you wish: you can add silk ribbons, dedicatory inscriptions and other small decorative elements.

Unusual mural on the wall

Do you want to surprise your chosen one with a non-standard creative approach? Present him a picture of threads in the shape of a heart. It is even difficult to call such a craft a valentine - this is a full-fledged gift to a husband or boyfriend on February 14th.

For work you will need:

  • a board or piece of plywood with a wood texture;
  • small nails and a hammer;
  • Scotch;
  • dense threads of red;
  • wood varnish;
  • sandpaper and jigsaw.

First of all, you need to find a piece of the board suitable for work. If there is no suitable size, then use a jigsaw to cut it to the right size and sand the edges with sandpaper. Cover the workpiece with varnish and let it dry.

And you can do it even easier. Take a piece of plywood of the right size and glue it over with wood-textured self-adhesive - quickly and angrily.

Cut out the heart pattern from paper. On the prepared wooden base, glue the paper template with tape. Drive nails along its contour at intervals of 1 cm and remove the template. Trim your nails to fit the same height.

Wrap a thread on them randomly - the job is done.

Such a beautiful heart with a piece of your soul will become an eloquent declaration of love without further ado.

Original valentines on the wall

Celebrate the upcoming holiday with interesting wall decor. Make a composition of large openwork hearts on a wire basis. With such simple crafts even a novice needlewoman can handle it.

To work you need:

  • wire;
  • pliers;
  • glue gun;
  • braid, lace, yarn, twine, rhinestones;
  • decorative hooks.

Use pliers to bend the wire into a heart shape. Connect the ends of the wire at the bottom and twist the curl.

For a complete composition, you will need several hearts of different sizes. It is better to design each of them in different ways, using available decorative materials.

To make a lace heart, attach the end of the braid with glue down the heart. Next, wrap the lace base, fixing it to the wire with glue. For an airy effect, do not fill the heart completely - leave gaps. At the end of the work, cut off the excess tape, and glue its end to the wire.

Use this scheme to decorate the rest of the hearts using the selected materials.

Attach decorative hooks to the wall, hang a heart on each of them.

The original composition is ready. She will delight not only the eyes, but also the heart of loved ones.

Beautiful design is the key to success!

A handmade valentine is only half the battle. It needs to be beautifully designed to show how important a loved one is to you.

  1. Congratulations crossword.

    Anyone can simply sign their postcard. But only creative natures are capable of surprising your soul mate by solving a love crossword puzzle.

    There are many options for this design:
    a) compose a crossword puzzle with simple questions, some of the letters from the answers can be separated into a separate phrase or word;
    b) make a confession in the form of a chayneword-heart;
    v) fill in the field with arbitrary letters, among which horizontally or vertically hide the necessary words.

  2. Decorating with homemade stamps.

    You can cut a stamp of the desired shape from a regular wine cork. This will take a sharp knife, blade or scalpel and a little patience.

    Draw a heart on the cork and carefully cut it out.

    Apply paint to the stamp using a sponge or brush and practice making prints. When this simple matter is mastered, you can go directly to decorating the valentine.

    It is even easier to make a stamp from a cardboard cylinder made of foil or cling film. Squeeze it along with a pencil, shaping a heart, and fix with tape. Dip its edge in paint - the print is ready. They can be printed even on very large postcards.

  3. Use your fingertips.

    Another original way decorate a valentine - leave fingerprints on it. Put some paint of the desired color on the foam sponge. Place your thumbs on it and make heart-shaped prints on the paper. First, you should practice doing this on plain paper and only then proceed with the design of the gift.

    • Confess your love and leave the postcard unsigned - be a secret admirer.
    • Set up a date and time - arrange a surprise for your soul mate.
    • Write a beautiful verse, better than your own.
    • You can write a phrase that only you two know the meaning of.
    • Do not forget about the classics - use quotes from famous films, songs, funny ones in the design.
    • Draw an interesting composition that emphasizes the importance of a loved one in your life, or print one.

    If your imagination is very tight or time is running out, you can use ready-made wishes.

    I give you a heart
    As a sign of my love.
    Be mine forever -
    And I will be yours.

    I give a part of myself into your hands.
    How sunshine I love you.

    I need you more than air
    And more than a mile of water.
    The meaning of my universe is
    It's just you.

    I open a new chapter -
    I let you into my heart.
    And as if in dreams I am floating in reality -
    Your love inspires me so much.

    I will stop loving you only then when a blind artist draws the sound of a rose petal falling on the glass floor of a palace that does not exist ...

    Video bonus

    Do you want more more ideas for creativity? Take a look step by step video tutorial creating a heart with paper wings with your own hands. It shows how to make an original winged valentine using the origami technique, which will not leave anyone indifferent.

Valentines for February 14th. DIY beautiful and original hearts for Valentine's Day

Good afternoon everyone. How is your mood after new year holidays?! And how was your first week of work ?! I think, although it was difficult, but nevertheless joyful, because you need to rest from the holidays))

Although we do not forget that there is a new portion of events ahead, and we are all in anticipation of a very romantic event, because someone will confess their love, and someone will gain secret admirers (fans), but many will strengthen their already existing relationships. You've probably all guessed that the name of this holiday is Valentine's Day.

Of course, some do not consider February 14 as a holiday, and in no way do they celebrate it. But still, for most people in love, this is a great reason to once again show your sympathy to your half and make it pleasant, gentle and warm. For a long time, valentines have played the role of such a present, such special hearts, where they write warm declarations of love, and you can do this anonymously.

In our modern time, you can already buy ready-made heart cards, but handmade valentines are much better, and for adults it is also a way to remember their student, and indeed school years when we were waiting for a confession or we ourselves secretly sent it. Therefore, today I want to devote an article on making these cute presents.

DIY beautiful paper valentines

By far the most simple option making beautiful hearts are confessions made from paper. Moreover, you can use any paper: plain, colored, cardboard and other types. It is quite easy and simple to make such a gift, well, the costs are minimal, and most importantly, such valentines always turn out to be very sincere.

Well, let's rather see what and how you can do on Valentine's Day.

And the simplest option is a heart-shaped card. I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the step-by-step photo instructions.

We will need: colored paper, colored cardboard, scissors, glue, a wooden stick.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Take the red cardboard and fold it in half. Cut out the heart.
  2. Now take the pink paper and cut into thin strips. They need to be cut in half in the form of "grass".
  3. Using a wooden stick, wrap the pink paper to create a flower.
  4. Now glue the heart on the base with paper flowers and write a message inside.

You can also make a big heart. To do this, take cardboard, for example from any box, as a basis and stick many small hearts of red, pink or scarlet on it.

Or, for example, you can create a whole picture. Take a white sheet of paper, stick the hearts different shapes, fold some of them and frame them. Everything is ingeniously simple.

Or do volumetric valentine... To do this, cut out several hearts of different sizes, then glue or sew on to a large small one, and so on decreasing, bend in the middle. Everything is ready!!

Well, or a very simple version of volume:

You can show your imagination and supplement the recognition with Cupid's arrow:

Or glue pieces of paper on a paper base corrugated paper wrapping them in different directions.

And here's another great 3D valentine idea, watch the video plot, you might want to do just that.

Master class on making valentine cards

If you have a lot of time, then you can complicate the task a little, dream up and make an excellent gift - a postcard, I think anyone will be pleased to receive it on this holiday.

We need: colored cardboard, glue, sequins, beads or rhinestones, tape, ruler, pencil.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Draw out the cardboard, according to the diagram in the photo below.
  2. Now fold the cardboard along the lines you marked.
  3. Take another piece of cardboard and cut out the heart.
  4. Using glue, decorate it to your liking with beads, rhinestones, sequins.
  5. Next, you need to cut the tape to the required length. These will be the strings for the postcard.
  6. Glue the heart. (See photo)
  7. And inside we write or also glue a pre-printed congratulation, a declaration of love.
  8. It remains to close the postcard and tie the ribbon.

And you can make a present using stamps.

Moreover, the die itself can be made from an ordinary wine cork and a clerical knife:

Well, the postcard itself is easy to make: take a base from any color of paper, bend it in half. Next, cut out the heart from another sheet of paper and attach it to the present. Using a stamp, fill out the form, let it dry, write confessions inside.

Here are a couple more ideas that I found on the Internet:

Valentine's Day templates for Valentine's Day

For those who want to please their soul mate, but the time is sorely lacking, I suggest using ready-made stencils. Print, translate to the desired material, cut out and go ahead to please your loved ones !!

  • Who does not know how to cut hearts, catch it !!
  • And this is for those who are fluent in the cutting technique.
  • You can complicate and make an image inside:

How to make hearts for February 14 (pictures inside)

Of course, hearts are considered the main attributes of Valentine's Day, we make flower arrangements in the shape of it, try to choose the appropriate dishes, decorate the house in the form of various symbolic garlands.

And all this can be done by hand. I really liked the hearts made of ribbons, now I'll tell you how to make them.

You will need: cardboard, ribbons of two colors, glue, scissors, threads.

Manufacturing process:

1. Cut a heart-shaped base out of cardboard. Prepare ribbons.

2. Twist each ribbon in the shape of a color, securing the bottom with thread, and straighten the top.

3. Cover the base with flowers on all sides.

You can make more complicated and more practical crafts, for example, such topiary:

  • If you know how to weave from beads, then it will be great to give a heart in this technique:
  • Well, do not forget to decorate your house with such a cute garland:

You can still sit in Runet and find a lot interesting ideas, I shared what I liked.

DIY valentine stencils for kids

I think no one will argue with me that in most cases such gifts are made by our growing children. It's so interesting, exciting ... For example, in childhood, we even calculated who received the most recognition, and then wondered from whom they were ...

Therefore, I made a couple of templates for the guys, download, cut and paint, well, do not forget to give them to your chosen ones (s) !!

  • Follow these postcards here:
  • Or here are these cool valentine hearts:
  • Well, valentines coloring pages:

And at your leisure, together with your child, make a valentine card with the symbol of the year of the dog, and give it, for example, to dad, grandmother or other relatives.

I congratulate you on the upcoming February 14, I wish you a lot of love, for the lonely to find their soul mate, and for the couples a new positive direction. Love and be loved!! Happy Valentines Day!!

DIY valentines

Valentine's Day is celebrated by a huge number of people around the world.

Those who celebrate this holiday give each other flowers, sweets, romantic cards and heart-shaped toys.

Valentines are probably the most important role on St. Valentine's Day, having been a traditional element of the holiday for many years. They contain love poems or simply declarations of love.

If you use your imagination, then it is quite possible to create your own postcards and unusual gifts for Valentine's Day. We will help you create a unique and colorful valentine that can fully express your feelings.

How to make a valentine with your own hands. Valentine's card made from fingerprints.

Already from the picture you can understand that such a valentine is very easy to make, while such an idea may have deep meaning(for those who will look for it).

Such a valentine is so simple that even little ones can make it.

Just cut out squares from heavy paper or cardboard.

Dip in paint or gouache thumbs or forefingers, or apply red on them non-toxic red marker and leave your prints on the cut out square of thick paper as shown in the image.

How to make paper valentines with your own hands. Valentine's card owl.

This cute owl is made made entirely of paper hearts... This valentine can be made with your child.

- paper of three colors (in this case it is green, purple and yellow paper)

1. First, cut one large heart out of green paper.

2. Now cut out the larger heart out of the purple paper.

3. Cut 3 small hearts out of yellow paper for the spout and feet.

4. To make the eyes, you need to cut out 2 medium hearts (see picture) in green and a little more purple.

5. Owl pupils can be made either from paper or simply by gluing small buttons.

6. Glue all the pieces of the paper owl together.

Valentine's Day gift. Valentine's fortune-teller.

There are 2 ways to make such an unusual and very original valentine.

The first method consists in making a paper structure and further decorating and painting it.

The second is to print the template and assemble the design. The template can be found by visiting this link.

Prepare A4 paper... Make a square out of it and cut off the excess paper with scissors.

When you have made a fortune teller, you can write your wishes or confessions, decorate with hearts, use red colors for coloring. There is no limit to the imagination. You can also create a game so that the paper fortune teller tells you what you want to say or do.

How to make origami a fortune teller out of paper (video)

Crafts for Valentine's Day. Valentines from melted crayons.

- baking dish (s)

- colored cardboard or thick paper

- markers, pen or pencils

1. Collect all the old crayons you have at home.

* If not available, you can purchase a small set.

2. Break the pencils into small pieces. The smaller the pieces, the better.

* You can divide colors into warm and cold, for example.

3. Prepare a silicone baking dish. It is desirable to have a heart shape. In it you will drown crayons.

4. Fill the mold about 1/3 full with crayons.

5. Preheat the oven to 150 degrees and tuck the baking dish into it.

6. Remove after about 15 minutes and leave to cool.

7. When the crayons have hardened, carefully pull them out and form.

8. Cut a heart out of thick cardboard. The shape should be larger than a crayon heart.

9. Stick the crayons on paper heart and add a message such as "You are making my world more beautiful!"

* Before gluing the heart, you can wrap it neatly with a string, as in the picture. But this is not necessary, since it will look bright and original anyway.

What to give for Valentine's Day. Soap valentine.

And here is another one original version valentine card that will tell your loved one about your feelings.

Actually soap making is very interesting occupation... In addition, such a valentine will not only be a beautiful and fragrant gift, but also useful.

For soap making, you will need a few special materials that can be found in a specialty store or online store.

- soap base (100-150 g)

food coloring(one or more colors)

- olive, almond oil or cocoa butter (1 tsp)

- Little essential oil for flavor

special paper, on which you write your confession, and then fill it with soap

- the shape in which you will pour the soap (preferably a heart shape)

1. Grind the soap base in an iron container.

2. Melt the crushed soap base in a water bath.

3. Now you need to add all the other ingredients to the soap mass.

4. Pour the mixture from an iron container into a mold and leave to cool.

You can make several layers of different colors.

To add beauty to your soap creation, you can add ground coffee beans, cinnamon and / or dried flowers to it.

Congratulations on Valentine's Day. Sweet valentine.

To celebrate Valentine's Day, there is an option to arrange, for example, a romantic dinner in a restaurant, or you can simply organize intimate atmosphere at home.

In case you chose the second option, you can prepare something special for your loved one, but also simple at the same time.

In addition to such common things for a romantic table as wine, chocolate and strawberries, you can add, homemade spicy valentines.

These sweet spicy valentines can be prepared using one of the many recipes that can be found on culinary portals.

Here's one of those recipes:

Heart shaped cookies

Such edible hearts are suitable not only for the table, but also as a gift or for decoration. You can make a garland of them or just hang them, decorating them with bows. Ingredients (for 2 trays):

- 6 tbsp. spoons of honey

- 6 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar

- 200 grams of butter

- 0.5 teaspoon of baking soda

- 3-3.5 cups flour

- 1 tbsp. spoon of cinnamon

- 1 tbsp. ginger spoon

- 0.5 tbsp. tablespoons of cardamom

1. Prepare a heavy-bottomed saucepan. Put 6 tbsp into it. l. honey and 6 tbsp. l. Sahara.

2. Add 1 second to the container. l. cinnamon, 1 s. l. ginger, 0.5 tsp. cardamom.

3. Place the pot on the stove and bring to a boil, stirring constantly.

4. Remove from heat and add butter, cut into small pieces. Stir until the butter has melted.

5. Prepare 3 cups flour. Pour it on the table in a slide and add 0.5 tsp. soda.

6. Pour the slightly cooled mixture from a saucepan into the middle of the slide and knead the dough.

7. Using a rolling pin, roll out the dough. You should get a layer about 1 cm thick.

8. Use molds to cut hearts, bears, bunnies, etc. from the dough.

* You can punch holes using cocktail straws so that these cookies can be hung somewhere after cooking.

9. Prepare a baking sheet and cover with parchment paper. Place the biscuits on top of it and set it in the cold for 20 minutes.

10. Preheat oven to 180 degrees and start baking cookies for 10 minutes.

* Do not wait until the cookies are golden brown, otherwise they will be hard.

11. Decorate your cookies with colored sugar icing or various sprinkles, for example.

* You can connect all the hearts using beautiful ribbon and you will have a garland.

* You can prepare one bigger heart and decorate it with a bow - you will get a beautiful symbolic gift for your soul mate on Valentine's Day.

* If you don’t want or cannot bake these valentines, try buying heart cookies and simply attach a acknowledgment note to each of them.

How to make an original valentine (video)

How to make a Valentine's Day card (video)

Valentine's card made of polymer clay (video)

Do-it-yourself paper valentines for February 14: 20 ideas

The main thing is to turn on imagination and skillfully use other auxiliary materials at hand.

DIY paper valentine card with templates

Now Valentine's Day is perceived not only and not so much as Valentine's Day, but as the Day of love in its various manifestations, and this is wonderful. On such a day, an excellent occasion is given to give signs of attention to all loved ones - relatives, friends, loved ones.

Even primary school students make hearts. Therefore, below you will find photos and video ideas of simple valentines that kids will be happy to make. The main condition here is to offer the child several options, perhaps to help with the preparation of materials, but not to insist on joint production, suddenly the kid will prepare a surprise for you.

It happens that I want to present many relatives or colleagues with crafts for Valentine's Day, but there is no time for complex and original postcards... What not to lose face in such a situation, take it into service ready-made templates, which you just need to print on A4 paper, cut and arrange with a minimum amount of time.

For the "wholesale production" of cards for Valentine's Day, ready-made pictures and templates will come in handy. It is best to print them on a color printer, but you can color the craft yourself. For this, pencils, felt-tip pens, watercolors and even ballpoint pens... And so that bold black lines do not spoil the view, they can be lightened in Photoshop or another similar program before printing.

Another way to get rid of black lines is to apply glue to them and sprinkle glitter on them. Some pictures can be used as a stencil to diversify a regular paper heart. In most cases, for such valentines you will need:

  • paper;
  • a printer;
  • scissors;
  • pencils / markers / markers for coloring;
  • decor for decorating crafts.

What valentine to give a guy on February 14: photo

This burning question haunts many girls. You can't get off with a standard purchased valentine. Each one is convinced that her chosen one is worthy of something special. Much depends on age, sense of humor and the general character of the person. However, there are a number of win-win options that will definitely not leave anyone indifferent.

Making a craft, even for a loved one, is not a reason to abandon schemes, it only depends on you how you decide to decorate a valentine. Such volumetric option can become both a separate postcard for Valentine's Day, and the basis for a more complex composition. Add a few touches to it that only concern the two of you (for example, the date you met). Instead of two hearts, you can cut out symbolic images of things that unite you, common goals and dreams.

Are you temporarily separated from your soul mate? you can send him such a card made of cardboard. It is easy to do. On the front side, you can portray yourself as a bored cat, glue a photo or simply decorate the laconic inscription "I miss you".

In one of the hearts, you can put a message listing the person's favorite traits, corresponding, for example, to the number of days left before the meeting. It is also romantic to hide mini-memories of pleasant moments behind clouds. A countdown of the days of the meeting, compliments, or some kind of phrase is suitable as a word that unites the balloons.

To decorate your room and impress your chosen one, try making an unusual valentine from photographs. You need to prudently design a solid foundation for such a craft and reliable fasteners. It's good if the valentine from the photo is easy to take off and put away. This will come in handy, for example, during a move.

Therefore, it is worth coming up with a structure that will fold. The size of the composition, of course, depends on your wishes, but there is no point in making it too small, the photos should be clearly visible. As for the selection of photos, it can be both general shots and portrait shots, but in this case it is better if they are somehow connected with your meetings, travels and the like.

On a smaller scale, pictures can be used to create a mini surprise photo album.

Valentine card from photos

  • cardboard;
  • thick black paper or cardboard;
  • double sided tape;
  • photos;
  • ruler, pencil;
  • sweets.

From black paper or cardboard, cut a strip of width suitable for photographs. Bend it into an accordion. It is better to make the fold lines with a pointed object.

Glue the photos. For this style, black and white will be more successful. Do you decide to do the craft in different colors? You can process pictures with the effect of "sepia", leave in color.

Finally, cut out the heart, glue it to the lid of the box and fill it with sweets.

Heart 3D in origami technique

What could be better than 3D hearts? Right! Lots of 3D hearts! Are you not experienced with origami techniques? You will have to sweat a lot, but it will be worth it. This option is relevant if you want to present a small gift to your boyfriend on Valentine's Day, be it a watch, silver jewelry, cufflinks, and the like.

In this case, all you need is: a beautiful box or transparent jar decorated for Valentine's Day, colored paper for origami hearts and the gift itself. The essence of the idea is to "bury" the main present in the voluminous hearts. You will see that the addressee will not remain indifferent to such a surprise. See below step by step master class for making volumetric origami hearts.

DIY napkin valentine: video

Does your husband, boyfriend, like to surround himself with memorabilia and souvenirs? Check out the video below. It shows in detail how to make the most delicate topiary from napkins.

For those who love as much as possible original crafts, it is worth taking a closer look at such an idea.

Cut out a regular heart out of paper and, using a gel pen, draw your pattern based on the anti-stress coloring pages. Then color the craft in whole or in part. And also it can be decorated with sparkles, rhinestones, beads.

Quilling valentine card

An original move will be to make a postcard using the quilling technique. All that is needed for such a craft: colored paper, scissors, the base of the postcard and PVA glue.

The number and size of spirals depends on your intentions. You can only make a frame and attach a joint photo, romantic verse, wishes and the like inside. Or you can fill the frame with spirals, then the congratulatory text will need to be placed on the back.

Volumetric card with hearts

One more volume postcard can be done using simple volumetric hearts to decorate the front of the valentine. In this case, they are made from scrapbooking paper.

With the help of a heart-shaped hole punch, you need to make twice as many hearts as planned. The lower ones can be of the same paper, and the upper ones are better to be made different. They must be carefully sewn and glued to the base of the postcard.

Simple valentines for children from napkins and paper

Often, schools have a separate time to create holiday crafts. Then the guys work on a single master class, but it happens that a valentine competition is announced, and then the parents, together with the children, need to show their imagination and make a bright postcard.

Application - a heart made of cotton pads and napkins

It's no secret that many valentines are prepared by babies for mothers.

To make such an original applique, you will need:

  • red or pink cardboard;
  • cotton pads;
  • scissors;
  • stapler;
  • green and yellow paper;
  • napkins;
  • glue.

Draw on back side cardboard heart and cut it out.

Cut the napkins into quarters and roll them into tight balls.

Glue them along the edge of the heart.

Roll up cotton pads in the shape of a flower, place the yellow core inside and secure everything with a stapler.

Glue them to the heart-base.

Cut the stems and leaves of green paper and glue to the composition.

Valentine's card for children made of paper

Below is another version of a simple children's postcard that can be presented to a friend, teacher and boy you like.

For her you need:

  • colored cardboard or thick colored paper;
  • light patterned paper;
  • scissors, glue;
  • double sided tape;
  • ribbon or lace.

Fold a sheet of cardboard in half, having received the base of the card, attach a stencil of the heart to it, which you need to carefully circle and cut out.

Cut a rectangle out of patterned paper to match the base of the card and glue it to it.

And at the end of the work, attach a beautiful ribbon, ribbon with the help of double-sided tape.

Craft for February 14 using quilling technique

And also first-graders will be able to do such a craft in the quilling technique.

Often, girls want to congratulate all their girlfriends, of whom there are sometimes quite a few. To suffer the agony of creativity over each valentine, you can use the template.

And the most original part can be the design of the craft. Besides

Inside, you can make patterns drawn with a pencil and write original congratulations or compliments for each recipient.

How to make a heart on a stick

For the next craft, you will need glue, different colored paper, and a wooden stick.

As you can see, everything is pretty simple. You just need to twist the colored tubes of the required length and glue them into original hearts. Moreover, such a valentine can be either miniature or large. Typically, these items are placed in flower pots or filled cups.

Best regards, Natalia Krasnova.

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