
Classic Imaginarium: rules of the game


Review of the board game "Imaginarium". History of the game, comparison with “Dixit”

Nature of the game

In addition to chips and cards, the set includes 49 square tokens for secret voting. They are made of thick cardboard and are divided into seven sets of different colors. Each player will receive seven numbers of the same color as his flying elephant. The phrase “It’s obvious!” is proudly emblazoned on the backs of voting cards. The last phrase evokes involuntary associations with another board game of the company called “Captain Obvious”.

And of course, “Imaginarium” comes with a small instruction manual, written, as the creators themselves claim, in “good Russian.” Indeed, the explanatory texts are short and concise, and not without humor. Written instructions are supported by pictures illustrating examples of game situations. Those who are familiar with the game "Dixit" - after all, "Imaginarium" was created in its image and likeness - will not have much difficulty understanding the rules of the Russian analogue of the foreign board game.


The most interesting thing about this game is the set of cards. As mentioned earlier, the illustrations for them were not created specifically for the Imaginarium. On the contrary, the set included previously created works by various artists. Despite the fact that the founders of the project carefully selected drawings for the game, trying to create a harmonious set, it is difficult to perceive the collection of images they proposed as a single gallery. All illustrations differ in theme, color palette and execution technique so much that the juxtaposition of some of them evokes a feeling of persistent contradiction and inconsistency.

As for the themes and moods prevailing in the pictures, a good half of the images can be described quite briefly: these are pictures exclusively for adults, which exclude the game from the category of family ones.

If you are interested in this toy, we invite you to get acquainted with the gameplay features, game rules and scoring mechanism. We will tell you about all this in the second part of our review. For those who have already acquired a basic set of toys and would like to add variety to a long-loved game, it will be useful to read the article “Overview of extensions and varieties of the board game “Imaginarium”, which is designed to help in choosing additional sets of cards.

One of the most fun ways to have fun with friends and family is to play something. And if you choose the game “Imaginarium”, the rules of which are quite simple, then time will fly by, and you can learn a lot of new things about each other. After all, this board game was created in order to guess other people's thoughts using associations.

"Imaginarium": rules of the game

Before you start having a pleasant time, it’s worth understanding what the essence of this entertainment is. The main idea of ​​Imaginarium can be expressed this way: you need to come up with associations for the selected picture and try to guess the drawings of other players through the explanations they provide. Everything is quite simple - turn on logic and imagination, and you are guaranteed a sea of ​​positivity, laughter and pleasant emotions.


Before you start playing Imaginarium, the rules of which are described here, you need to prepare a game deck. To do this, you need to decide on the number of cards. After counting down the required number of pictures, set aside the extra ones. For four players (minimum number) you will need 96 cards, for five you need 75 cards, for six - 82, and for seven players (maximum number) - 98. Not logical, those are the rules! Now everyone must choose a chip and cards of the same color needed for voting. There are only seven sets in the game, and if, for example, five players are playing, then the extra chips and cards need to be removed.

First move

The board game “Imaginarium” (the rules are presented here) does not imply any competition, but you still need to choose a leader who will make the first associations. The authors of the game themselves offer this method: take voting cards and choose one at random, turn it over and check with other players. The leader is the one with the largest number in the picture. But this is not necessary, and you can choose the player who makes the first move at your discretion.

Now the presenter must choose one of his pictures, make an association for it and put it face down on the table. And here we come to the most interesting thing in the game “Imaginarium”, the rules of which we are now analyzing. An association can be anything, from a line of a song or poem to an indescribable set of sounds. It all depends on your imagination.

The rest must choose from their pictures the one that best matches the explanations of the leading player and also place it face down on the table. After which the presenter shuffles the cards and lays them out already open. Now you need to number the pictures and try to guess the card of the leader, who is not involved in the guessing. Everyone chooses a voting chip with the number of the card that, in his opinion, belongs to the leader, and places it number down in front of him. Here you need to clarify that you cannot choose your own card. After all players have made their choice, the tokens are turned over and scoring begins.

Imaginarium rules: scoring

The bishops should be moved around the field in this way: the leader’s chip, as well as the players who guessed his card, moves forward 3 steps. Also, the chips of all players move as many steps as the number of people chose their card. For example, the presenter Sergei, and Katya and Roma guessed his card, and Kostya chose Katya’s card. This means that Sergey moves 5 moves forward, Kostya stands still, Katya gets 4 moves, and Roma gets 3. But if all the players guessed the leader’s association, then his piece moves back 3 cells, and the bishops of the other players stand still. If no one guessed the card, then the leader’s bishop retreats 2 squares, and the remaining chips move as many steps as the players chose their card. For example, no one guessed the leader’s card, but 4 players chose Masha’s picture, and two players chose Mikhail’s association, which means Masha’s bishop goes forward 4 moves, and Mikhail’s only 2.

The presenter is faced with a rather difficult task - to come up with a not too obvious, but also not difficult association for the card. But this is the beauty of the game “Imaginarium”, the rules of which we analyze. After all, each picture is quite ambiguous and sometimes evokes various feelings, which turns the game into a verbal battle over this or that choice - no one will be bored. At the end of the turn, all played cards go to waste, everyone is dealt a new card from the deck, and the right to lead passes to the next player in the circle.

Additional tasks

Some fields on the map are marked with special icons, and the leader who lands on such a cell must take into account some restrictions. If the chip lands on a cloud with the number 4, then the association should consist of 4 words. Once on the field with the image of a TV, the player must come up with an explanation related to the film, series, cartoon, and so on. For a field with an interesting Abibas logo, you need to come up with an association associated with a brand - this could be a slogan or an excerpt from an advertisement, etc. If the leader's bishop lands on the square, then the association should be interrogative. And finally, the book sign indicates that the explanations should be given in the form of a story.

The final

You can play Imaginarium endlessly. The rules of the game assume the ending as soon as the cards in the deck run out. In this case, the winner will be the one who has moved forward as far as possible across the field. But if you wish, you can always shuffle the deck and continue the adventure. And if one of the elephants reaches the last cloud, then you can send it to the next round - it all depends on the desire of the players. But what to do if it begins to seem that all the cards have been studied inside and out and you want to learn something new? In this case, you can always purchase additional decks, because the developers spoil their fans with interesting new products.

"Imaginarium" for the whole family

Some of the pictures in this wonderful game are quite provocative, and many parents feel awkward explaining their associations to their children. In this case, the “Imaginarium: Childhood” option is suitable for the whole family. The rules of this game are almost the same as the adult version. In the same way, the required number of cards is counted, chips and tokens are divided. After the distribution, the youngest becomes the first leader, and the game continues in the same way as described above, but with some differences. First of all, participants under six years old do not go backwards, even if they do not correctly match the card. Also in the game “Imaginarium: Childhood”, there are two points for a guessed move.

Additional tasks: the stone means that the player does not step back, even if no one guessed his card, or everyone chose his association. If you find yourself in a field with a cat, then your association should be made up of any fairy-tale character. If a stone with a book falls out, then the explanations should begin with the words “Once upon a time.” The end of the game occurs if one of the players reaches field number 30 - he becomes the winner. That's all you need to know about the board game "Imaginarium: Childhood". The rules of the game are more simplified and understandable; understanding them will not be difficult.

Nowadays you can buy a lot of games for your company in the store, but which one will develop your imagination? To have an interesting and useful time, try out the entertainment, which has various options and names: the Association board game, Casual Stupid, Imaginarium, Imaginarium Odyssey, or the Imaginarium 3D game. What are the features of the game?

Rules of the game in Imaginarium

The box contains:

  • gaming “cloud field”;
  • cards with pictures – 98 pcs.;
  • flying elephants – 7 pcs.;
  • tokens with numbers, different colors, 7 pieces of each.

Board game rules:

The game Dixit is similar to this entertainment, but the task is slightly different.

Each player is given tokens and bishops of the same color. If the board game Imaginarium is played by 6 people, then you will need tokens from 1 to 6.

At the beginning of the game, place the flying elephants on the start cloud, shuffle the deck, give each person 6 cards, and place the rest in the center of the field face down.

The game deck is formed in accordance with the number of people playing:

Progress of the Imaginarium

The first presenter is chosen like this: mix tokens with different numbers and draw them out without looking - whoever has the highest number starts the fun. Next, the role of the leading player is transferred at each turn to the next participant in a clockwise direction. The first move is for the leader, he pulls out a card from his mini-deck, places it in the center of the table with the closed side and says his association. In the form of an association it can be: a word, poetry, a song, a set of sounds, a well-known aphorism, a proverb, gestures, facial expressions.

Answer options

When revealing the association, the leader is guided only by his own imagination, if his bishop is not installed on a special cloud. The rest of the players lay out from a row of their cards one that more closely matches the leader's association, and lay it closed next to the leader's card. The first player shuffles all the pictures and arranges them in a row with the pictures up from left to right.

Revealing the leader's card

At this stage, the first player does not participate. The main task at this moment is to guess the leader’s card. Participants select a token with their version number and place it in front of them, digitally down. You cannot choose your own picture. Once all players have made a decision, the digital tokens are flipped over and placed on the corresponding cards for easy counting.

Advancing through the field of flying elephants and ending the turn

If the card of the first participant is guessed by everyone, then he returns the bishop three steps back or to the zero cloud if he has not yet reached the third cloud. The rest advance a number of moves, which is equal to the number of people who chose their cards. In other cases, the bishops of all players, including the leader, move three steps forward and a number of steps equal to the number of those who rated his card as correct. When the turn is over, the cards are discarded, and each player is given 1 picture from the deck until it ends. The role of the leader moves clockwise.

Board game Imaginarium: special fields

There are also special icons on the playing field that limit the leader’s association. These marks indicate:

  1. Number 4. You need to express your imagination in describing the resulting drawing in only 4 words.
  2. Question mark. You need to formulate your own association in the form of a question.
  3. Logo. Connect your guesses with the brand, brand, its logo, slogan.
  4. TV. You need to associate the clue with a cartoon, movie, series, or TV show. You can complicate the task and somehow link the pictures with releases of Soyuzmultfilm only.
  5. Book. Present a story or story as a clue.

End of the game

The board game Imaginarium ends when the entire company has sold out of cards in their personal mini-decks. The winner is the player whose bishop is the furthest on the field. If some elephant has reached the last cloud, then send it to the second circle and mark it somewhere. This is necessary in case the player turns out to be stronger than everyone else and completes the lap faster than the others.

How to diversify the classic version

What ideas can be implemented to change the entertainment process:

  1. The game can end when one of the bishops lands on cloud 39.
  2. You can play endlessly if you wish: the deck is over - the garbage was mixed and the deck was formed again.
  3. You can come up with your own restrictions on associations: if it’s a film, then Love and Doves, Odyssey, Office Romance, or any other. If a book, then any one that the whole company has read. You can set associations of a couple of words or just stories.
  4. If there are more than 7 people, then join in pairs.
  5. To freshen up the game if you've been playing it for a long time, draw your own cards or buy additional ones.

How to play Imaginarium with two or three players

The game is designed for at least 4 people, but what if there are two or three of you? There is a way out: for 3 players, the presenter needs, in addition to his association, to draw another card from the deck in order to confuse the other players. The remaining participants also lay out 2 cards. If there are 2 players, the leader draws 2 additional cards from the deck in addition to his own, and the second participant lays out three. Then both make moves and draw from the deck.

Price for the board game Imaginarium

You can buy such a toy for the company in the online game store, online on the official website. The game will be thoughtful, it will not take time to create maps on your own. You can also find the Imaginarium on the shelves of ordinary stores, shopping centers, in the department of entertainment and all kinds of toys, catalogs of supplies to such stores. The price is quite democratic, it varies depending on the type of game: 250 rubles - a children's version, from 750 to 3500 - an adult.

Find out what you can come up with.

Video: picture association game Imaginarium childhood


Definitely, if the Mad Hatter decided to diversify his endless tea drinking with some kind of board game (what if!) he would certainly choose it. Dixit.

Of course, he could have chosen any other, but it is unlikely that his richest imagination could unfold anywhere like this. And even if it turned around, it would most likely be to the detriment of the rules and gameplay.
Here the rules are extremely simple. For those who do not know, we recall: the players are given a set of cards, the players take turns appointing the leader, the leader calls the association and lays out his card, everyone else lays out theirs, the cards get in the way, laid out, everyone guesses the leader's card. It is beneficial for the leader that his card is guessed, but not all, because in any other case, all players, except for the leader, go forward. The remaining players receive points for correctly guessing the leader's card and for cheating their colleagues. That is, it is beneficial for them to have their card mistaken for the leader's card, because for each deceived partner they get a point. So, as you can see, only a couple of lines were occupied by the rules, otherwise the game is entirely a flight of your imagination and imagination. Our Hatter would have chosen her for this already!

So what is this game about? - you ask. - Who to play for? What is its plot?

You, dear reader, play as colorful hares who are having a hare race in a clearing with fly agaric mushrooms. And during the race, not hare thoughts come into their heads.

They think about complex family relationships, about the sadness of gods forgotten by people, about the secrets of their native forest and a foreign city, about infinity, space flights, freedom, the struggle between good and evil, about war and peace, and even racial intolerance. They just think not in words and sentences, like people, but in images, pictures. And therefore they cannot really communicate with each other - after all, everyone has their own visual associations with different things, and even more so with abstract concepts.

The player can decide for himself what he associates with the image that pops up in the hare’s brain. As you understand from all of the above, this game will help you find out a lot of personal information about your partners. For example, the players laid out several cards for the leading “work” association.

Not alike, right? Of course, everyone’s job is different! The first was posted by the waiter, the second by the administrator, the third by the mathematician, and the fourth by the security guard. But someone played the last card in vain, and it’s good if his superiors are not at the table. Which of these cards belongs to the presenter, you will understand only if you know what of all the above he does. If not all players know this, then most likely he will score his points. Although, to be honest, the presenter did not act completely correctly, because everyone should be given a chance. Let's assume that he is at the table for the first time and is not very familiar with the game. Let's forgive him and move on.

To be fair, it is worth noting that the Hatter would have to choose between Dixit and his twin sisters - Associations and Imaginarium. Both were released in Russia at different times by different developers.
What is the difference, and which one is ultimately better?

Associations (2009), produced by Ranok Creative.

Here everything happens not in a clearing with fly agaric mushrooms, but in a crazy exhibition of paintings. Unlucky visitors, due to the lack of a guide, are forced to come up with names for the exhibits themselves. Every turn they choose a new guide from among themselves, he comes up with a name for the painting, which he doesn’t point a finger at, he says, the players choose their painting... in a word, everything is approximately like in a clearing with fly agaric mushrooms. The difference is in the scoring.

Firstly, players, choosing a particular picture, place bets on it, and then move back or forward depending on the result. The player who is guessed moves according to the number of chips with his color; bets on them are not taken into account. As you can see, the system is stricter, and if your instincts are completely undeveloped, you risk hanging around the entrance to the exhibition until the end of the excursion. In addition, at exhibitions there are halls in which time, space and rules of the game are relative concepts. For example, there is a hall where you can’t talk, you can only gesticulate, there is a hall where there is already one name of the picture, and all the players, including the presenter, simply lay out a card that matches it, there is a hall where you need to make wishes for people.

It is interesting that in associations there are sets of decks for different age groups - there are cards that children under sixteen cannot play with.

The game was not rated too highly. In essence, the creators simply gave the players cheap Dixit. Apart from being cheap, it has no obvious advantages over its European counterpart. It seems that the authors did not plan to create a serious competitor to Dixit. What is it! One has only to open the rules to understand that there is no way in hell they want to take the matter seriously. The text is replete with neologisms, borrowings and colloquial expressions like “don’t care”, “what for”. Just the beginning: “Welcome to the crazy exhibition!”, and everything becomes clear.

Language is not the only questionable quality of the rules. For example, there are zones where everyone chooses themselves among the cards. And the guide must guess; if he guesses right, he will be immediately on the floor above. What's the point for players to choose something even remotely similar to them? It turns out that the game is purely about guessing. Why introduce this if the rest of the game is about something completely different? The ill-conceived rules turned out to be not such a big problem - many still play by Dixit’s rules.

It is also worth noting that this game was the first twin of Dixit, it was published just a year after its creation, therefore, it took on all the shame and blame for plagiarism. In addition, there are two more games, a board game and a word game, with the same name, and both are better known.

Imaginarium (2010), Stupid Casual.

Before the release of this game, its creators were producing funny, but not particularly practical souvenirs. That is, not at all practical, even taking into account the fact that souvenirs, in principle, are rarely useful. For example, a diary with pages already filled out; pebble player; paper bags-masks. The future creators of Imaginarium considered the game Dixit to be unfinished in terms of rules, and decided to release their own version.

“Your version” of the rules differs, firstly, in that if the leader’s association is too transparent or too opaque, then he steps back (in Dixit it’s the other way around - everyone except him moves).

Secondly, in the Imaginarium, as in the Associations, special rules apply to some cells. For example, somewhere you need to name an association from a movie or show; somewhere in your explanations you need to keep it to four words; somewhere - ask the association with a rhetorical question. There are hidden advertisements on some cells - the presenter must mention the name of a brand in the association. And finally, somewhere you need to tell a story that the presenter associates with the picture.

The design is also different. The clearing with fly agarics and hares gave way to the sky and winged elephants flying from cloud to cloud.

Despite the fact that Imaginirium and Dixit, to put it mildly, have much more in common, no one really had any questions about this. At least, if she was criticized, it was not for this. And for the content of the cards. Of course, the pictures are a matter of taste, but many of them are clearly gloomy for children and the faint of heart.

“Imaginarium: Childhood” was specially released for such people, and for this set the artists used their entire stock of hitherto untapped tenderness, positivity and fabulousness.

The “adult” set, however, had quite a few fans who claim that Dixit is too “childish” and simple, and the Imaginarium cards evoke much more associations. Honestly, I understand them.
For Dixit, the Imaginarium is a more serious competitor than the Association, although only in Russia. Firstly, the creators of the original source are unlikely to appreciate its “novelty”. Secondly, many of the Imaginarium’s pictures are designed specifically for Russian people, raised by Russian fairy tales and cartoons. Maybe this is why the Imaginarium seems clearer and closer to some players?

Conclusion: although the rules of the three games differ (to be honest, to a minimum), the arguments for or against any of them are only the price and personal aesthetic preferences. Associations are popular for their cheapness, Imaginarium and Dixit are popular for their execution and thoughtfulness of the rules. True, the Imaginarium’s pictures may cause rejection, but in this case it has a set of cards for children. Compare, choose, this is a matter of your taste.

« Imaginarium"is a fairly simple, but despite this very exciting game in which you need to come up with associations to the images from the box, which are rather unusually drawn. All the images were drawn by inveterate artists, perhaps even with some deviations, because of this associations - from the simplest, for example, “friendship”, “summer”, “inaccessibility”, to the most unpredictable and crazy, in the style of “This is how it should have been done” ”, “Where to laugh?”, “Chuck-chak! Run faster! ”, There may be just a bunch of them.

Description of the game Imaginarium

I took the picture out of the box, came up with an association: what's next?

Now take this card and place it face down on the table. The task of the other players is to find among their cards the one that is most similar to this association and put it next to it. Then all these cards on the table are shuffled.

I guessed! The meaning of the game is for each player to guess what I put?

You guessed wrong! If this were so, then to win the game you would only need to come up with a simple association. In order to win here, it is necessary that at least one of the players can guess your hidden card, but the best option will be if everyone but one can guess what kind of card it is.

How should you come up with associations?

If you have the opportunity, then it is advisable to complicate it and not give away the meaning, that is, try to somehow veil your thought. But this needs to be done carefully and clearly, so as to confuse some and divide opinions. Over time, it will teach you how to make riddles correctly in order to win! Once you are at ease, you will immediately feel a surge of creativity and gradually learn to understand the thoughts and even emotions of other players.

Like this??

” is one of the most “communication-promoting” games that greatly helps people remove boundaries and communicate with interest. Through associations, you will try to find out your opponent’s most personal thoughts, try to understand him better and better determine the chain of thoughts of other players. It must be said that this thing is not just soulful, but also a definite favorite among games in terms of developing relationships.

Who can I give the “game” to?

  • You can just take it home, you definitely won’t go wrong with the choice.
  • Ideal for an evening game with friends.
  • Any person who is in one way or another connected with creativity will appreciate it.
  • Are you having a party? Take with you you know what :)

What's in the game box?

A field for counting points (for convenience, it is printed directly on the box).
98 large cards with images.
49 cards with which players will vote, 7 pieces.
7 flying elephants in the form of chips for moving around the field (there are two types depending on the edition, plastic and wooden).
Rules correctly translated into Russian.

Is it worth buying Imaginarium?

Without a doubt, this board game will be a worthy addition to your game shelves. There are quite a few association games like this one, especially since the game is designed in a very high-quality and unique style. A box with a game will help you brighten up more than one day in the company of friends and, most importantly, it will help you better understand your friends and establish proper communication.

Imaginarium cards

The cards are worth mentioning separately. Further in the text there will be a story about cards, but I would like to say a few words now. Each card in is an individually drawn picture. More than a hundred different artists and illustrators worked on each illustration in the set. The images on the cards sometimes make you think and plunge into the world of fantasy and dreams. Beautifully crafted features of each picture speak of the quality of the game itself. After they fall into your hands, you want to admire and admire them!

Rules of the game Imaginarium

At the beginning of the game, each player is given a choice of bishop and several cards, which must be the same color as the bishop. According to the rules of the game, there are seven voting cards. Typically, the game requires as many cards as there are people participating in the game. For example, if you play with seven players, then card number 6 will not be useful to you.

Determining the first move in the game

First you need to decide who will start the game first. This is where voting cards come in handy. All participants take their voting cards, mix them thoroughly and draw one at random. The highest number on the card will determine the first move. In practice, nothing limits you from choosing another real way to determine the starting one. Rock, paper, scissors will work too :). The game then progresses clockwise from the starting player.

Progress of the game

  • Each player takes his bishop and places it on area 1 of the playing field.
  • The deck with illustrations is carefully mixed and from there each player is assigned 6 cards.
  • The player who goes first comes up with an association and voices it.
  • According to the rules of the game, each turn a different participant becomes the leader. The presenter makes an association based on any picture of his cards, pronounces this association out loud to the other participants and places the card he made on the table face down.

Guessing the leader's card

The main goal of the participants is to guess exactly which of all the cards on the table the presenter wished for, and to vote for it. All participants select one voting card with the required number and place it face down (the number must match the card they thought of). The presenter does not take part in the voting and does not have the right to comment on the pictures posted on the table. It is prohibited to vote for a picture that you yourself posted. When the final decision has been made by all players, the voting cards are turned over and the points received begin to be counted.


  • According to the rules, if all players have guessed the leader’s card, then he moves his bishop 3 moves back (or to the beginning, on field 1, if he has not yet run further than 3 fields), and the other participants remain in place.
  • If no one was able to guess the leader’s card, then the leader moves back 2 moves. Plus, points are barked to players whose cards are guessed.
  • In any other situation, 3 points are added to all players who correctly guessed the card. 3 points are added to the presenter’s account and a point for each participant who guessed it correctly.
  • Each player gets one point for the other player who chose his picture.

Players move their bishops on the playing field by a number of points, which depend on the points received in the last round.

The full version of the rules can be downloaded

Imaginarium - a game for the company

A board game in which the player himself comes up with associations for various pictures while trying to discover the associations of other players. The goal and the whole point of the game is to figure out how other players thought when they made their associations. She is a great fit for the company and has gained popularity among a large number of people for her original approach to illustration.

Saw the light in 2011.

Game mechanics in the game:

  • Vote
  • Associations
  • Simultaneous actions





Imaginarium Childhood


Russia - Stupid Casual

What inspired you to create?

This is a long and interesting story - it all started about a couple of years ago, one day I came across the game Dixit. I just fell in love with it and printed about 9 thousand cards for it. I played it a lot, one might say until I lost my pulse.

Where did you manage to dig up so many pictures?

There are a lot of them on the Internet and most importantly, they are all selected and selected. Mostly these cards were from the Russian-speaking population; they probably didn’t like the quality of the original ones and decided to make their own.

And you realized that you want to create them?

After some time, I thought about it and realized that if I liked these cards, then someone else must like them. A couple of years ago we started releasing our own additional sets through Triominos, and then other networks. But as soon as things got a little better, we realized that it was somehow wrong to release an addition to a game that was completely not yours, and in order to save the remnants of our karma, we decided to create our own. Still, we had slightly different game mechanics, and our scoring field was different. And the rules of the game were different. After checking the mechanism for releasing games in Russia, we realized that this is more than possible here. The main requirement was the uniqueness of the game; if the game is unique, then we are within the boundaries of the legal zone. This is how the story began.

How did you select the artists?

Social networks and the basics of crowdfunding came to my aid. The first set came from the guys from There are quite a large number of Russian illustrators there. We tried to choose the best with our own eyes. Further, for subsequent sets it became clear that we could not limit ourselves to one social network and we began to look for new artists in different corners. The scheme was like this: we look for and buy images.

Were there any requirements for cards for the game?

No, it's pretty hard to get an illustrator to draw 98 cards and have us all like them when they're done. The situation was like this, the illustrator showed us his database of images, which he was naturally ready to sell and we had already collected the required number for ourselves. For example, we were provided with a database of 600 images, so we selected 98 of them.

That is, some of the artists were already a little crazy from birth and all this was not drawn according to your order?

You are absolutely right, we almost always just chose, there were very rare cases when we asked the illustrator to add or remove something, but this was very infrequent.

To many of the players, or rather his cards seem a little gloomy. Why is this so?

Initially, the game was conceived for an adult audience, so we added expression and darkness, I think this added some charm to it.

Aren't you afraid that they will copy it?

Absolutely not, one might even say the opposite. If this segment of games is copied, and copied well, this will only add a spirit of competition. Healthy competition generates industry development. And if the cards are of poor quality, then you won’t have a chance to sell the game.