
Letter to the universe for money. How to change your life: ask the Universe for support or how to get infinite luck

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Desire is born with a person. From the first minute of life, we constantly need something, strive for something, dream about something. Who fulfills our desires - we ourselves or some kind of force? Is it possible to fulfill desires with the help of the universe, the universal mind? What is the universal mind, and how is it related to us? These questions are asked by many people.

Universe. Everyone associates this word with space, eternity and infinite space. There are many interpretations of the word "universe", sometimes they contradict each other. But the fact remains one thing: when we ask the universe for the fulfillment of our desires, very often this request receives a response. For example, New Year's wishes come true for everyone who has not forgotten to make them!

So what is the universe and man in it? Physicists claim that man and the universe are one being. It is difficult for us to understand this, but we need to take it into account. Man is a part of the universe, not some autonomous being. Therefore, our desires addressed to the universal mind come true if they are realistic and correct.

How to ask the universe?

People in the depths of their souls feel that the universe is not such an alien being anymore. All more people in our age, they begin to turn to her with their requests. But how to do it right? What words need to beg or convince the universe so that it responds? Consider the question of how to ask the universe.

Esotericists say that only those requests are fulfilled, in the implementation of which a person sincerely believes. Faith is the main component of this event. If a person does not believe or doubts in the implementation of the desired, nothing will come of it. A person can doubt in the depths of his heart, it is not necessary to express doubts out loud!

The next rule for the fulfillment of desires through the universe is a friendly attitude towards it. It is impossible to consider the universal mind as a source of evil or cold indifference. Since we are all parts of the universe, we must address it sincerely and friendly.

True and False Desire

Few people know about this point, but desires are divided into two types:

♦ false;
♦ true.

How can desire be false, you ask? It is called false because it does not come from the depths of our nature and is not our true need. A false desire may be a request for what our friend or stranger has. He has a dacha - and I need it, he went to the Canary Islands - and I need it. Is it necessary at all, and why is it necessary? Everyone must answer this question for himself, without being cunning with himself. Deceit is not perceived by the universe as a true desire.

How to check the truth of your desires?

There is one simple technique. Write down on a piece of paper all your desires, the realization of which you dream. Now start working through each desire.

What should be done? Just imagine what will happen if this wish comes true? You expended energy to achieve a goal, you got this goal - and then what? Will you feel happiness? If at least one iota you doubted the need to fulfill this desire, cross it off the list - it is false!

Work on this list as long as necessary to test all desires. In the end, you will find that you have only two or three desires left out of twenty, or even one!

Do not rush to send a request to the universe until you have worked through all your dreams and aspirations in this way. First, you will not receive an answer to them. Secondly, the universe knows better than us what desire is true!

How she knows this, we do not know for sure. We can only see the facts - not all wishes come true. Esotericists have spent a great deal in this direction research work and came to the conclusion: only true desires are fulfilled.

Therefore, the request “I want to have a super-house so that the whole district burns with envy” will never come true! But the wording “I want a house so that everyone in it is comfortable and cozy” will certainly come true. Of course, not tomorrow - but it will be fulfilled.

The wish “I want a car to drive around the city at high speed” will never come true. This can bring harm to both the person who wishes it and his environment. Therefore, approach this issue responsibly and do not put your life on the line for the sake of achieving momentary pleasure.

clear intent

In order for the wish to come true correctly, you need to note all the details in it. If you do not discuss these details, the wish may come true “crookedly” - so, but not as desired. Therefore, think over the wording and indicate all the points in it.

For example:
♦ I want to get a well-paid job;
♦ it should be close to home;
♦ I don't have to work overtime unless I want to;
♦ and other items at your discretion.

The universe does not have humor, but sometimes it looks like it. For example, the desire to drive a car can be fulfilled in the form of a taxi ride. You did not indicate that the car should belong to you personally and you should be driving? Your wish came true, but not in the way you needed it. You have only yourself to blame, not the universe.

Wish Fulfillment Time

How long does it take for the universe to respond to our desires? New Year's wishes come true throughout the year, this has already been verified many times. You can check it out too by making a wish list. Seal it in an envelope and put it in the closet. next new year's eve print out the list and you will see what wishes came true. Usually they are all executed if they were conceived correctly.

There is another opinion on this matter: the desire will come true as soon as it is important to you. This can be verified empirically if you keep a diary of desires. Write down your dream in it and the date when you asked the universe to fulfill it. After the fulfillment of desires, mark the date of implementation. This diary will eventually become a powerful artifact: it will be filled with the energy of wishes that have come true.

Are desires harmful?

This is another question that worries many people. Be afraid of your desires - they come true! This is what Confucius said, and he was right. Because the fulfillment of some desires can lead to trouble. For example, you can get rich, but your close relatives will die. What use will you get from their inheritance?

Hello dear friends!

You can start using the power of the Universe today to fulfill your desires.
But you may have a question - Why on earth would the Universe help me and fulfill my desires?

I agree that not all wishes come true. And I will tell you what desires can and cannot be asked for fulfillment. I will tell you about it in our free webinars.

Are you familiar with Reiki? Have you heard what it is? Reiki is a type of complementary medicine that uses a technique called "healing by touching the palms"

The word "reiki" consists of two hieroglyphs: Ray and ki. In Japanese " Ray" has the meaning Universe, spirit, soul. « Key" means energy, intelligence, mood.

It turns out the Energy of the Universe.

Reiki is the use of the power of the universe for the benefit of another person, but also for yourself. A Reiki Master does not transmit his energy, he is a conductor of the Universal energy. He passes it through himself and directs it to another person and the Universe, which, in fact, loves all people, is ready to help you, she chooses the sore spots in the human body and sends healing power there.

It is amazing! But it works and has been used in Japan for a long time. More precisely since 1922. And now the Energy of the Universe (Reiki) is used in other countries. People are recovering. Do you believe in it?

🙂 Of course!

It really brings results and it has been proven in practice. Because the Universe is ready to help each of us. You just need to know HOW to ask her!

The Wish Fulfillment Technique that I will give you in our webinars is not Reiki. But it is the Universe that will accept your requests and fulfill them for you and for your benefit!


The first thing to do is to accept that you live in a society whose people are like biorobots. There is a general flow, a general mass of people - a house - a road to work - a road from work - worries - running around - hospitals - various institutions - once a week a summer house or a swimming pool or a gym. STOP! You need to get out of this stream and watch from the sidelines.

Look from the outside at people, at the world around you, at life, at yourself. As long as you are in the flow you do not see the signs of the universe, you do not see the possibility. You look under your feet so as not to stumble. You do not look to the sky, to the sides, you have no time to look closely and analyze.

A simple test - when was the last time you smelled wild flowers? When was the last time you watched a bee at work? When was the last time you looked at someone's child and wondered what he was thinking and how happy he was? Have you asked yourself at least once - why do people live around you, what do they want, where do they run when they stop, why on the street do their faces resemble the faces of murderers? Pay attention to the faces of people on the street?

You need to step out of the crowd and start looking at everything and everyone from the side, as the angels do, whom we do not see. They are not in the flow. They watch and analyze our life. You need to start analyzing what is happening around you.

Once you do that, you will begin to see SIGNS and OPPORTUNITIES. This is the key point. SIGNS AND POSSIBILITIES The Universe gives us every day. People don't see them. You need to do it.

Here is the first task for you - to observe people from the outside, abstract from the world and analyze how people live, what awaits them ahead, do they live their lives or live one day but many times? Live like this for two days and leave your observations in the comments on this post. Describe what you saw.

Get full version Wish Fulfillment Techniques Right Now…

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All reviews are provided by our students - real people. We do not guarantee that you will achieve the same result. Everyone has their own individual characteristics and their own path, which you need to go through yourself. We will help you with this!

It's no secret that some people are always lucky. The "Wheel of Fortune" throws them new surprises in the form of successful deals, pleasant acquaintances, expensive gifts unexpected career advancement. Others practically exist in failures: eternal troubles, interference in business, debts that have come from nowhere - such nuances spoil life, do not allow them to breathe freely. But before Mother Nature, everyone is equal. And she is ready to provide equal opportunities to absolutely everyone. How to change your life, how to get the luck that is rightfully due?

Do you know how many people live on our planet? And on others? Very, very, very much! And they are all members of the "club" called the UNIVERSE. What is the Universe? It is a huge, sensitive and living organism, something like our body. As there are organs in the body, and various microorganisms live in them, so billions of living beings swarm in the Universe. When do you pay attention to a certain part of the body? Only when certain processes begin in it and it “asks” for help or, on the contrary, develops too actively. At other times, it doesn’t even occur to you to think about viruses, bacteria and other “little things” that inhabit your body. No distress signal means everything is fine with you.

Here is the solution to the question, where to start: declare your problems, ask for help, send a sos signal. But you need to do everything in order. Before you ask for something, you need to prove your involvement in the Universe.

Entering the society of universal love

To begin with, you must realize yourself as a part of the Universe and understand that you are not a separate "bolt" around which the whole world revolves. You are part of a precise mechanism. If you “slow down” the work, then you will simply be removed from the team as unnecessary. To clearly fulfill their functions, and they are to maintain a balance of good, you need to develop a small plan. Namely, to determine for yourself what is good in this life and what is bad. And the universe is fair. It does not require the impossible from a person. Your plan may consist of the most mundane things: love your family, raise your children, help your parents and, most importantly, DO NOT HURT ANYONE. In other words, to live according to Divine laws, no matter what religious direction. Do not kill, do not steal, and other common truths - these are life guidelines. No one expects you to turn into a good Samaritan or start spreading "manna from heaven" around you. In this world, no one owes anything to anyone. But do not forget that the people around you have equal rights with you. You should not expect handouts from them, much less demand them. If you understood and accepted everything, felt like a part of the system, then you can proceed to the following actions. Soon you will learn how to change your life for the better, and you will try to realize your ideas.

Announce yourself LOUD

Take a look around: are you doing everything right. Do you offend someone involuntarily, do you interfere with someone's good plans? If everything is in order, then your "finest hour" has come. You received a pass ticket to the society of "universal love". Familiarize yourself with your rights and responsibilities.


Every citizen of the Universe can count on:

  • stable luck;
  • material support;
  • positive energy;
  • moral help;
  • full health;
  • unlimited possibilities.


Everyone who decides to exercise their rights must:

  • observe the code of honor under any circumstances;
  • to love all citizens of the Universe as sisters and brothers;
  • if necessary, ask for support, but do not demand too much;
  • to enlighten worthy people, revealing to them the secrets of the universe;

Responsibility of the parties

In case of violation of the agreement, the Universe has the right not to notice you, giving you the opportunity to control fate on your own, and not provide support.

Ask her right

Before you ask for something, clearly state the goal. Keep in mind that no one will fulfill unrealistic requests. In addition, excessive requirements are also not welcome. The world must be in balance. And if immortality is granted to you alone, then many people will have to pay for it with health or life.


When you mentally pronounce the phrase: “I want to change my life,” the Universe receives a signal. She is ready to help you, but, having not heard the continuation, that is, a specific request, she decides that you are not mature enough for a new life, and breaks the connection until a new appeal.


You can ask in different ways. An example of a correct request is any prayer. Make up your appeal on a piece of paper, think it over carefully, clearly indicate what you want to receive. Be sure to note that you are ready to give for it.


For example, you want to completely change your life. If you ask for yourself, you must give "for this amount" in return. This is something like a universal mutual aid fund.

Your statement will look something like this:

Dear Universe, hear me and help me. I am part of you, I live according to your laws, I respect and accept all the terms of our agreement.

I WANT TO CHANGE LIFE FOR THE BETTER. Namely: I need a new interesting job with a good salary and an excellent team in which I can find friends and a loved one.

I'm not asking for free help. I am ready to work honestly and with pleasure at a new job. New friends to love and respect, but not to lose old connections. I will spend a large salary on useful things: I want to help my parents, buy myself new skis and give Aunt Katya a hearing aid.

Without your help, I can't bring my ideas to life. I tried to get a new job, but I was not hired despite my efforts. Several times I asked for a pay raise, but they refused me.

That's all. Now feel free to sit down and write a resume for a new job, just do it right. If you do everything according to our recommendations, then luck is guaranteed to you.

The law of universal balance

You are probably wondering where all the benefits and opportunities come from? Well, we will tell you, it will help to understand the essence of being and answer related questions.

The universe is like a big magician's box that contains everything: love, luck, money, happiness, health. Each element in it is a certain constant amount. If you asked for a job with a good salary, then they will give it to you, and the amount of money will decrease by exactly this amount. You will replenish the missing amount in the box. By helping your parents and aunt Katya, you will return the debt. And by buying yourself a new fur coat, you, again, help the seller with money, who asked for good luck in sales. See how cleverly everything is arranged? When you ask for love, you give it to the person you love. You take to use, "multiply" and return.

The same happens with energy. Having received energy support, you share it with other people. Or they share with you.

Set yourself up

The quality of life can be improved many times over without resorting to any special techniques. Many people would love to change something, but don't know where to start. Here are some rules for the new life:

  • Analyze. Try to figure out what specifically you do not like. It is quite possible that you can handle this yourself, and save the requests for a special occasion. It is foolish to turn to the Universe for a new blouse. Think about the reason for your failures. Maybe you're provocative or you like to gossip. Maybe you dress ridiculously, you are too shy, or you take on a lot. Or maybe you really want more than you deserve.
  • Plan. You can't get everything at once. Learn to plan. Set a goal and write down each step towards it. Try to achieve everything on your own. If it is difficult to do it yourself, read the stories, as others have done, more successful people. For example, if you want to get rich, then the Rockefeller story will be of interest to you. Don't set unattainable goals.
  • Level up. Without this item, no prospects shine for you. Even if you get a coveted job, you will have to make a career on your own. The universe is not a "seven-colored flower" and not the beard of old Hottabych. This is a tool with which you can overcome some kind of barrier, but you will have to live after that yourself.
  • Enrich the spiritual realm. How to change life for the better? We form the concept of life ourselves, and it concerns a purely moral plane. Look around: not only the rich and successful consider themselves happy. Happiness is, first of all, moral satisfaction. Work on your spiritual sphere and it is quite possible that after a while all your priorities will change diametrically. Try reading books on self-improvement, testing psychotechnologies, using auto-training methods.
  • Use the substitution method. write it all out positive sides the area that you want to radically change. For example, having an interesting job, a good team. Then describe the negative points: a small salary, a long commute, just tired and the soul requires something fresh. Now try to swap the pros and cons. You can get a big salary, but lose an interesting job. Rate the results. Do you need such a goal, as a result of which you can lose the values ​​\u200b\u200bthat you now take for granted.

Charge to the fullest

In order to change your life and achieve something, you need to have a lot of positive strong energy. Where can I get it? Here again your membership in the Club of the Universe will help. All objects, plants, animals and people are charged with energy on earth. Energy is negative and positive. People are basically divided into two categories. Energy producers and sinks. Energy-rich individuals can be compared to mini stations. They not only produce it, but also share the surplus with pleasure. Not "free", of course. After all, to generate energy, you need fuel: support, good relationship, love, understanding, mutual assistance. If the Universe has sent you such a donor, be attentive and appreciate the "alien", court him in every possible way. The effect will be like from a stove in winter. The more firewood you throw into it, the hotter it will be in the house. Don't skimp on good words, and in some cases financial assistance. You will see how much easier everything will be given to you. And things are slowly but surely going uphill.

How to recognize such a person and how to start communicating with him.

  • Go through all the people you know in your mind. Remember if there are those among them with whom it is especially pleasant to be around. Such people are like the sun: bright, talented, active so much that there are sometimes “too many” of them. If there is no such person nearby, do not be upset, you have an omnipotent Universe.
  • After some time, after reflection, such a person will appear in your life. He will accidentally speak on the bus, make a mistake when dialing a phone number, write a letter or meet him at a friend's house. Don't get lost here. If you feel a surge of energy, interest, an impetus to action - this is it. Grab it and hold it with all your might.
  • Keep in mind that communication should be mutually enjoyable. Do not try to endlessly "suck" energy. As a result, the donor will either weaken or pick up a more comfortable pair. Few people analyze what is happening, everything “grows together” at a subconscious level. Be wiser and use the knowledge gained. You can take energy without a twinge of conscience. The power station, in the presence of favorable conditions, produces it in incredible quantities. Moreover, it is also important for the donor to throw it off, otherwise the stress from a powerful charge is guaranteed.
  • If you have established contact with your station, choose the most comfortable communication conditions, determine the distance. Sometimes being close to such a person is dangerous. The sharp pressure of energy can cause fatigue, apathy. Experiment. Perhaps there will be enough rare meetings, telephone conversations, correspondence. Pay attention to how the other side behaves. Does she have enough communication? Look at what your station reacts especially violently to. Perhaps, for complete happiness, she lacks a porcelain doll in her collection or some special pen for writing. Even a trifle leads such people into crazy delight. And they remember a good deed for a very long time.

For desires to be fulfilled, they must be properly expressed. Depending on your worldview, you can consider this a fairy tale or the most valuable information in the world. So, the best instruction for “ordering” desires from the Universe looks like this:

1. Desire at the time of the "order" must be ONE.

How, most often, we desire? Here is a typical example: “I want seven million. For three - I'll buy myself a luxurious apartment in a prestigious area. For one - a cool car. For a couple more - I’ll go to see the world, for .... " Stop! In this exaggerated desire, there are a lot of other desires that may not be related at all to the initial one.

It turns out some matryoshka.

Such a multi-layer construction does not work! In order for each of the individual desires to be fulfilled, it must be worked with separately. Why?

Imagine that you are a parent. Your child comes to you and asks for a hundred rubles. Let's suppose that a child intends to build a house for a hamster and he needs planks, carnations, a hammer ... The child figured that one hundred rubles is just the amount that should be enough for everything you need.

But you - a parent - know that there is already a hammer in the house, you can bring planks from work, and you need to buy carnations for only 30 rubles. Thus, the hamster gets a new home, the child - the pleasure of creative work, and you - the satisfaction of an economical solution to the problem.

All the same happens between us and the Universe, which is the main giver of all our blessings. Moreover, the Universe will always act in the most rational way.

So, break down your multi-layered-multi-component desire into components. Each component should be as elementary as possible.

2. Desire should not be a condition for the fulfillment of other desires.

So, let's figure it out. Question: Why do I need seven million? Answer: To buy an apartment, a car, start a business, put the n-th amount in the bank, pay off debts .... etc. Now with each of them (apartment, car, business, bank, debts) it is necessary to work separately. Let's continue with an example. Question:

Why do I need an apartment?

Answer: To get rid of parental custody. Next question: Why should I get rid of parental custody? Answer: To have more personal freedom. Next question: What happens after my wish is fulfilled? Answer: I will ... (what will you be?)

Once your answer is expressed in a FEELING, it can be considered "elementary", i.e. the very desire that needs to be “ordered” for fulfillment.

3. Desire should ONLY cause you feelings, not thoughts about new desires.

So, what will happen to you after your wish is fulfilled? The correct answer is: “I will FEEL… happiness! Satisfaction!…” Or something like that. Let's go back to seven million. “When I have “item A” (i.e. seven million), I will be able to have more “items B, C, D”. See? No special feelings, except for the feeling that something else needs to be done with this money.

And this is a sure signal of WRONG DESIRE.

Now if the answer were: “Oooh! I will put this money in this glass jar, put it on the table and every day I will go crazy at the sight of my seven million in the bank ... ”- wow, this is the right desire. But is that what you want? However, if you just want money, then order them.

Why be ashamed of something? And in parallel, you can order an apartment, a car, a business, the distribution of debts and everything else. PARALLEL!

If an apartment is only a MEANS of getting rid of parental care, then you need to order (ATTENTION!) - not an apartment, but RELEASE FROM PARENTAL CUSTODY. After all, you can get an apartment, but you can’t get rid of guardianship. Parents - they can get you in a new apartment. Even at the end of the world!

So, consider the result of your desire - the Universe will embody exactly the RESULT. If you want to meet a prince in a silver BMW in order to marry him, then your desire is NOT to meet a prince, but to MARRY a prince. Feel the difference?

4. The desire must be "green".

This means that no one should suffer as a result of your desire. How to avoid inadvertently causing trouble to others? Unfortunately, it’s impossible to completely avoid troubles in life, that’s how life works. And it is quite possible that your ardent desire to get an apartment will turn into the fact that you will inherit it from a relative who died suddenly.

But! It is important to remember that in any case, everything is under the control of the Universe. Your desire will always be fulfilled in the most rational way, but taking into account the life scenarios of all the characters in the action. So relax and accept everything as it is. That is, with gratitude!

A few words about why you should not create trouble knowingly. Suppose you are overcome by desires to harm someone. Suppose you even think you are right. And that the "object" deserved to be punished. Now think: is your rightness the most rightness in the world? And you consider yourself entitled to punish and pardon at your own discretion?

When launching a boomerang of your desires, keep in mind that these flying devices have one bad habit - they return. So let your "boomerangs" be only kind, so that you do not need to be afraid of their return.

5. The desire should concern only you, and not third parties.

Very often such desires arise: “I want my child ...”, “I want my husband ...” A familiar picture, right? So, SUCH desires DO NOT WORK! How to be, ask? Is everything hopeless? No, why not. You just need to change the desire a little. It should concern you, not your child, husband, parents, boss, etc.

It may look something like this: “I want to be proud of my child, who studies for one five”, “I want to do all the housework with my husband”, etc. In a word, transfer the "arrows" to your feelings in connection with the fulfillment of your desire - and that's it.

6. You need to wish to the maximum.

One good man said: “You need to wish a lot and often. You have to want the most. You still won't get everything. But the more you want, the more you get.” And it is true! If you want a car, let it be the best car in your opinion. What are you talking about? No money for this? Is there an old "Zhigulenok"? Also no? Then what's the difference? Rather than wishing for something bad, wish for something awesome!

The universe is vast and inexhaustible. And limitless, as you can imagine. All the limitations that you have in life are the limitations associated with the bad flight of your imagination. Well, pull up on the elevator and take off!

So now your main concern is to desire for yourself what the soul yearns for. And how all this will be realized - let the Universe rack its brains.

That's why she is the Universe!

Secret knowledge has long ceased to be the property of the elite. Schools of feng shui and other esoteric teachings today can be found in every city. Miraculous techniques that promote are found on most women's sites. One of the most popular ways to change your life for the better was a letter from the Universe for the fulfillment of a wish, a sample of which is offered by many Internet resources. Is it worth trusting such a strange way to achieve your goal, or is it nothing more than self-hypnosis?

It works!

Skeptics are sure that only people with an unhealthy psyche can try to achieve what they want using this method. Meanwhile, experts suggest not to make hasty conclusions. There is nothing mystical in the letter to the higher forces, and the miracle message can really do a lot to realize the plan:

It helps to express desire. It is impossible to build a house without a blueprint. If you don't know how many floors a building will have, what materials will be used, what design is possible, construction will never begin. The same applies to your dream. Until the brain has received a clear command of what exactly the result should be, movement towards the goal will not begin. Fulfillment of desires like “I want a lot of money” can be expected all my life to no avail. A letter from the Universe to fulfill your cherished desire, a sample of which you will find at the end of the article, will help the dream take shape, for example: “My monthly income is 70 thousand rubles.”

It gives you the opportunity to believe in the reality of what you want to receive. A dream voiced out loud no longer seems so fantastic. And if the desire is fixed on paper, it will bring its implementation even closer in reality.

It helps to start the worked out mechanisms. People are used to the fact that in order to receive, you have to ask. It has been like this since childhood, when, having seen a toy or sweet they liked, the child asked his parents to buy it for him. In most cases, children get what they want. The psyche of a small person gets used to the scheme: "If I ask, they will definitely give me."

Compiling a message

There are many recommendations on how to write a letter to the abundant and loving universe for the fulfillment of a wish. The sample message includes not only the request itself, but also gratitude for the help in fulfilling previous desires. Do not ask to harm other people, even if you are sure that they deserve it. Formulate the message in a positive way without the “not” particle. Write about what you want to and not about what you you do not want. An example might be:

Hello dear universe!

Thank you for everything you do for me, for your love and support. I believe that this time you will help my wish come true. Help me get a good job close to home, so that the team is friendly, and the boss is kind and fair.

I sincerely believe in your help,

Psychologists recommend writing a letter to the Universe for the fulfillment of a wish, a sample of which is presented above, daily. that the method will help is the main condition for its high efficiency. Scientists cannot give exact scientific explanations for the success of the message. Many believe that the law of attraction is at work (“like to like”). The effectiveness of working on desire will also depend on your personal activity. Having thought of a new job, look through vacancies in newspapers and on specialized sites, submit resumes to companies of interest to you, take any measures available to you, and the dream will surely come true.