
Avatars, ascended masters, great beings of light. Kinds of spiritual beings of the universe We love your likes


We are great, strong, powerful spiritual beings of Light who live in the physical world and have dignity, direction and purpose.

I clearly remember how, during my first near-death experience, the Thirteen Beings of Light instilled in me the truth that we are "great, strong, powerful spiritual beings." I want you to know that I had no problem believing this, despite the fact that at exactly that time my charred body lay in the hospital, wrapped from head to toe in a crisp white sheet, waiting for an ambulance. sent to a cold morgue. However, after returning from Heaven, I thought deeply about the meaning of these words. What does it really mean to be great, strong and powerful? It was not easy for me to understand how we - poor, unfortunate creatures with all our obvious flaws and mistakes - can be something wonderful. Therefore, I offer you a philosophical explanation of the truth that I came to on the basis of 53 years of life experience, as well as otherworldly experiences. Some of what was said below was known to me before my near-death experiences, and some was not.

"The true perfection of a man is not in what he has, but in what he is."

Oscar Wilde

To be honest, the years of life after the first brought me to the realization that the inner strength that is present in each of us is measured mainly by the amount of courage we possess. This spiritual courage is most clearly expressed through our determination to be born into a physical body and then successfully manifest and maintain physical reality. It is my firm belief that only the greatest heroes and heroines could take on the task of coming into embodiment and living on Earth during these turbulent times, for the next decade will see the most incredible upheavals and unpredictable changes await our planet.

During visits to the other world, I was shown that each of us is in the physical world to fulfill a specific mission that contributes to the revelation of perfection on Earth: this will be fulfilled in accordance with the Universal Divine Will. Turns out, we volunteered for this mission to fulfill certain life tasks calculated to promote maximum personal growth in the shortest possible time. Seventy or eighty years of life on Earth may seem like an eternity to us, but from the point of view of an eternal being, this is not such a long time for accomplishing such a great feat. So we have a definition for truly great people: those who take on an almost impossible task with a meager amount of time to complete it. Don't you think that's courage?

Our true strength is based on the fact that we are unique individualized sparks of the Divine. Through us, the Spirit manifests His power and splendor in our thoughts, words, and deeds. I personally think that our transient earthly power is expressed most of all through our thoughts.

The spiritual potential of a person grows in direct proportion to how he directs his conscious intention to effectively change his life, the lives of those around him and the world as a whole. The changes we consciously evoke, both positive and negative, ripple through the universe. This inevitably happens, for we are particles of Unity. In the Unity of Spirit, everything is interconnected - from a small pebble on the beach to the infinite expanse of space. Let this thought run like a red thread through the whole book (and, I hope, through your whole life). It is in this key that this Spiritual system was created, and we all are guardians of each other in it. Have you ever thought about the fact that Divine power can be so cunning? Well, given that we can't be anything that Divinity isn't, Divine power can be tricky too, right?

Believe me, what you are reading now is just one of the options for describing the true state of affairs. I assure you, my words are far from any psychic chatter that you have been bombarded with. These are immutable truths put into action by the Almighty. I have my own interpretation of these truths, as do all of you. This is so, because each of us forms the world in which he lives, with his consciousness. It is consciousness that gives form to the experiences of life, death, the afterlife.

Be that as it may, I believe that this moment you need to understand this: absolutely everything that any of us thinks, says or does, affects all other people in varying degrees and on one level or another. Please stop for a moment to better understand this thought.

Despite the fact that I gradually developed spiritually and learned more and more about the above, it was still difficult for me at times not to be selfish. To use the power of the path, you need to leave all selfishness and preoccupation with yourself (although I must admit that I still have problems with this myself). I well understand what a difficult thing I ask you. You have no idea how arrogant I can be! There was a time when I truly believed that the only opinion that mattered in life was mine. Really! For many years I sincerely believed that only I was important in all situations. But I was destined to discover the truth. This is for you as well, for we are all here to act and live in loving Oneness. It is time to let go of all arrogance and selfishness. Please let it all go Get started today! Metaphysicians know that "when the student is ready, the teacher comes." The fact that you are reading this page confirms that you are ready to actively respond to these truths.

Realizing this perspective, we automatically manifest the spiritual essence of the Lord's decree: "Love your neighbor as yourself." After all, everything that we do for others, we undoubtedly do for ourselves. Believe my words: the Golden Rule lives and works in the next world.

As the Thirteen Beings of Light explained to me, it is the high position we hold in the structure of the spiritual realm that obliges us to live with dignity. We were created in the image of God, which implies nobility and therefore the corresponding noble behavior that we are born to display. However, many representatives of humanity, apparently, have lost their dignity, which is literally manifested in their loss of self-respect and underestimation of themselves.

Let me tell you something, for I am an expert in this field and I know what I am talking about. When we lose dignity, we subsequently lose respect and appreciation for everything that surrounds us, and then become spiritually and emotionally isolated from each other. This is where the whole cycle begins. As a result, we find ourselves in a society where the slightest manifestations of loving kindness come as an unexpected surprise to us. We find ourselves living in a time when even the simple word "hello" from a stranger creates suspicion and anxiety in us. The media convinced us that it was not safe outside. The reaction to this threat is isolation and communication with others only at a distance. Only by using the fiber-optic barrier of the Internet, chats and group meetings by phone, we feel safe.

But in fact, the real danger lies in the loss of genuine communication with each other, in the loss of a sense of inner connection with family, friends, employees and society. There are so many things that separate us that we have lost count of them. Yet I firmly believe that we were created in Spirit as interdependent beings. Therefore, we are able to inspire each other, help to overcome difficulties. Everyday life and work together to change the world for the better.

That is why I work in hospitals. This way of caring for people makes it impossible for me to escape the close, personal, heart-to-heart communication that we so strongly desire in life. The time I spend volunteering, selflessly helping the dying is part of my personal life where interdependence becomes a form of spiritual art. By volunteering to serve others, we close the gap and break down the boundaries that separate us from important human interaction. Voluntarism is the highest form of spiritual activity. When we give with an open heart, without expecting anything in return, that is when we become Love and compassion in action. In other words, we act with the dignity of the Divine. We show mercy to ourselves and to the person we help. More precisely, we do not just show mercy, but become mercy. Webster's Dictionary defines "charity" as: a) freely given, undeserved help and love of the Spirit; b) virtue or high quality of divine origin.

So we clearly see that the gift called life is Divine mercy. In this state, we manifest the qualities of the Spirit in order to really change better life surrounding. And this is not just wishful thinking or idle talk. Our ability to create and become beneficence seems to us an unfamiliar idea, although it is one of our inherited rights of co-creation. Most people believe that only God is able to give mercy, but I tell you because I know for sure that we have been given divine access to it. Acts of selfless, selfless love and kindness reunite us with mercy because we are spiritual beings who are trying to gain a human experience.

If at the heart of our human efforts are Love and , then the result will be saturated with spiritual mercy. From this point of view, it becomes easy to find the true purpose of life. As I said earlier, during my first post-mortem experience, I was shown that one of the main lessons that every soul in human form must learn is how to use their unique abilities to unlock perfection on Earth.

However, some of us help by resisting, and I have to admit, I am also guilty of this. It never ceases to amaze me that before I finally decided of my own free will to play the role allotted to me, they had to kill me so many times. I hope none of you have to go through a similar path to enlightenment. But if that's your choice, go ahead! I just personally cannot call such a path to self-realization pleasant and recommend it to you.

For 25 years I have traveled around the world giving lectures. Despite the fact that the people who listened to me spoke in languages ​​I did not know and professed a variety of religions, most often they asked the same question: "How did I find my true purpose in life?" The next two chapters of this book will help answer this question.

Suggested focus

Willing to use wisdom and as strong, powerful spiritual beings, you must hold sacred the value of your breath and heartbeat. This is achieved through careful care of one's earthly form. The better you take care of yourself, the easier it will be for you to fulfill your earthly mission, that is, your heroic spiritual goal. Maintaining health includes (but is not limited to):

Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily

7-8 hours of sleep at night

Regular physical exercise(at least 5 days a week)

A nutritious diet that includes foods that are appropriate for your blood type

Time allotted for reflection and meditation (5-15 minutes, twice a day),

Daily records of important events and blessings,

Reading and rereading Spiritual reflections and affirmations for each truth.

Spiritual Meditation on Truth #1

My splendor

I am flawless. I am a beautiful reflection of my Divine origin. No matter what imperfection manifests through my human qualities, the perfect spiritual side of my personality remains unaffected. I am a being of the Great I AM.


I AM the glorious manifestation of Universal Perfection.

based on materials from the book: Danion Brinkley - "The Secret of Light. About our life in two worlds".

I once traveled to the Hawaiian island of Kauai with my team of healers and assistants to host a six day Dazzling You Intensive designed to heal our clients at the deepest level of the soul, and with me

a new and very powerful source of knowledge came into contact. I first felt this powerful new spiritual power on the third day of my stay on the island, when a group of 30 people and I were doing an afternoon meditation.

Relaxing to the beautiful music of my musician friend Michael Welch, I told everyone to close their eyes and concentrate on their breathing, feeling the air move in and out of the body. A few moments later, I completely lost sight of the group and suddenly in my mind's eye I saw an army of tall blue cylindrical creatures approaching me with open arms and great love. Their vibrations were so high that I was completely immersed in their powerful healing energy.

I felt my head slowly tilt back and my ego step aside as these Beings of Light approached me and entered my body to speak to the group through me (this process is known as channeling). I was conscious, but I felt far away from the physical self, as if I was looking at myself from the side, as surprised by what was happening as everyone else.

These beings introduced themselves as Emissaries of the Third Ray and respectfully requested permission to speak to those present. Not knowing what was going on, but feeling the same vibration of deep love that I felt, the group agreed.

Then the Beings of Light began to communicate a clear and important message. Through me, they began to speak of how we are all loved and valued, but must change our vibrations from fear to love if we are to survive as humans in particular, and as a human race in general. With great compassion, the Emissaries have revealed that they are reaching out to them through me (and me) to offer assistance in bringing about this transformation. As they spoke through me, my voice and manner of speaking were different. It was weird, but it didn't bother me.

I was amazed at the power of their vibrations as they passed through my being. Their light and love were so great that it seemed to me that I could explode at any moment. However, instead, my heart opened like never before. I felt intoxicated from the fact that I had risen so high on a wave of love. Every cell of my body was energized and renewed, pain and tension were gone, creating absolute peace and tranquility, and all the worries and anxieties of my life receded with ease. With the help of these loving Beings of Light, I felt one with the Universe and God.

They didn't talk for long, but the words weren't that important. They sent us such intense healing vibrations that words just couldn't convey their message, and I later learned that everyone felt the same way. By transmitting this powerful vibration of love, the Emissaries of the Third Ray have expanded our heart chakra to such an extent that none of those present even thought before that such a thing was possible. We received the message because we felt it.

They used me as their channel for a few minutes and then stepped back, thanking us for our attention and saying that if we were to feel their presence again, we must open our hearts and let them enter us through our hands. Then I slowly returned to consciousness.

I have done channeling before, allowing the guides to speak through me, especially with the Three Bishops, but never before have I gone into such a profoundly altered state and felt such a physical impact.

When they left, we all sat in amazement in silence. We felt a change in energy and a heady freedom from fear. This vibration of a powerful loving force was so different from the frequencies of consciousness to which we are accustomed that we were speechless. We didn't have to say anything... we felt happy.

The first contact with the Emissaries was very interesting. For the last five years, I have felt that they are trying to contact me, but my vibration was not open and stable enough for them to be able to get through to me sooner. I asked myself if it would be possible to establish contact again, and the whole group had the same question.

The next day we again meditated and the Emissaries of the Third Ray returned. When their incredibly high vibrations filled me with light and love, I almost fell over. This time, one of their army of love came out and introduced himself as Joachim.

He greeted us with the same respect and tenderness as before, and asked our permission to speak. He received permission and again began to transmit through me what he called an urgent message. He spoke slowly, deliberately, his words had a lot of meaning. He said that the human race cannot survive unless we transform our traditional consciousness into something more than necessary, just to make ends meet. He said that the planet would not be able to withstand the fear that we create, and a large number of people, terrified, would have to leave the Earth in order to restore its balance.

He said that it would not be a foregone conclusion if everyone changed their survival energies, discarding fear, limitations and selfishness and turning to love. Such people will not only be safe during this period of change, but will also give rise to a new race of higher beings. As he spoke, I felt a deep peace and calmness, just like the day before, and everyone present felt the same.

Using my body and hand, Joachim showed me how to generate this powerful energy inherent in the heart chakra. He asked everyone present to open their hearts and stretch their arms out to the sides, letting the vibration of love pass through them and radiate it out into the world. In this way, he assured us, we can create and attract to ourselves whatever we want.

Feeling a powerful vibration through my whole being as I followed his instructions (it was the same with others, as I later found out), I understood exactly how his words could be realized. This unlimited flow of love that the Emissaries of the Third Ray each of us helped to radiate into the world was so wonderful and peaceful that I intuitively knew that this is the same vibration with which Christ healed. If we recognize this power as our own, then we can also work miracles.

Joachim said that the Emissaries have come to help us experience the miracle of limitless love that the world desperately needs right now. Then he and the other Beings of Light showed us a heart-opening meditation that put us in an altered state of consciousness for several hours. We were told that by quieting our minds and opening our hearts, we would start a new humanity, and they came to teach us how to plant these seeds.

After blessing us goodbye, Joachim left, but first assured us that the Emissaries of the Third Ray and many other armies of Beings of Light are available to us constantly and can guide those who are ready to get rid of fear and be filled with the vibration of love.

Joachim and the Emissaries have since formed a very strong bond with me. They told me that my spirit had agreed to help birth a new kind of human being that would come from love, not from fear. My mission is to help people activate and expand the heart chakra and become energetically strengthened in its love.

I believe in this because I have been trained for this since childhood. Now the Emissaries come every time I speak in public to help me activate this higher vibration in everyone present. They - and the rest of the Beings of Light - communicate with many others who are open to fill the Earth with love, because without cooperation we cannot succeed.

They may have contacted you too. You will understand that this is the case when you suddenly feel a deep and strong desire to forgive all the pain and hurt that your ego feels and love yourself, others and life with all your heart and soul.




CHRIST-MELCHISEDEK, inspiring the Milky Way Galaxy,


Chairman of the Galactic Council of the Intergalactic Federation of Free Worlds,


Chairman of the Planetary Council of the Intergalactic Federation of Free Worlds

through Svetlana Dracheva,

Sergei Kanashevsky,

Marina Schulz





Please accept our heartfelt greetings, bringing Light to planet Earth! Hello beloved brothers and sisters! With you is the Galactic Christ Melchizedek, Ashtar Sheran and El Morya.

This is an official appeal to all Lightworkers, all spiritual people, all progressive representatives of humanity. To all who understand: the time has come when it is no longer possible to follow the old path of evolutionary development. The old way is the way of division, violence and aggression, inequality, exploitation of the majority by the minority. You are fully aware that it is impossible to live like this any longer. The surrounding reality is changing. Your inner world is changing. You yourself change radically. Events in the life of society, natural and spontaneous phenomena - everything tells you that the old life is ending. The planet unambiguously announces to humanity the entry into a new era. At the same time, some, seeing the changes, close their eyes and pretend that nothing is happening. Others are aware of change and consciously oppose it. But there are those who welcome the changes, who boldly opened their hearts to a new life, where there is no place for obsolete negative manifestations.

Now you, the Creators of Light, the people who follow the path of Spiritual development, are officially informed about the completion of the Experiment of Duality, about the end of the old era. More and more Spiritual Channels announce this, everything more people they understand in their hearts that new laws have been manifested for your world that cancel the old ones. Now it is very important to understand: the old path of development is also the path of LACK OF INDEPENDENCE OF HUMAN SOCIETY. Despite the fact that people have free will, at the level of mass, planetary consciousness, humanity has not yet shown its will. We are now talking about the humanity of your four-dimensional world, about people as personalities, personalities of this world. Because your Higher Selves have shown such a will long ago, expressing their intention to live in the conditions of Unity and Divine Harmony, equality and mutual assistance.

You have been told more than once that humanity is controlled not only by public structures known to you, official governments, but also by those who are in the shadows. This is the so-called shadow government of the planet, representatives of the lower and higher planetary astral worlds, and even representatives of the alien mind. Such control was allowed by the conditions of the Experiment, because the role of the rulers is the experience that is necessary for many representatives of the developing Mind, the evolving spirituality. Many of you, beloved Creators of Light, have voluntarily come into this world to fill the role of the ruled. Others, representatives of the ascending, evolving branch, are connected with their rulers by a long path of joint ascent from denser dimensions, from the lower worlds. The roles of the rulers-managed were played out for a long time, over eons, being performed in different versions. Moreover, the rulers and the ruled even changed places more than once, played opposite roles, forgetting about the past at the level of external consciousness. All this is in the Chronicles of Aikashi (Akasha). And all this is now “archived”, has become the official experience of our Great Experiment, a part of the Galactic and Universal Library of Life.

The Duality Experiment is over. The Kali Yuga, the era of immersion in matter, is over. The old era is over, which for some of you lasted thousands of years, for others five million years. The roles of the rulers and the ruled have been fulfilled. There is no longer any need for someone from the outside to control humanity. You have the experience of free will. You have worked it out at the level of INDIVIDUAL BEINGS, - personalities separated from their Higher Self. You have often chosen the path of "solitary voyage" throughout your incarnations. More than once they opposed this or that system, became hermits or exiles. You were declared heretics, sorcerers and witches, you were expelled from the tribe, from the church, from society, you were burned at the stake and crucified on crosses. You have violated the laws of society more than once, but more than once you have been obedient executors of its will. And now it's time to show your will - the will of those who have passed the difficult path of evolution and have come to the crossroads of the energies of new life.

In all your incarnations on this planet, in different worlds of the Earth - and you, of course, understand that most of you have incarnated not only in this world - your Higher Self has always been with you. In some incarnations you felt this Divine "I", recognized its guidance, in others - not. And even, on the contrary, went against his will. You often did not even know about your Higher Self, about your inner Divine Beginning, but you knew about God. You may or may not have recognized Him. But the Divine Beginning, visible or invisible, has always been inside and around you. And God has always been with you and within you, even when you said He didn't exist.

It's a very responsible time. You have been informed that God is not only within and around you. You have been made aware: YOU ARE GOD. God is, indeed, everything in the universe. GOD IS ALL OF US, ALL BEINGS OF THE UNIVERSE. And that means every one of you. Everyone is God. And he is responsible for everything that happens around. WITH THE END OF THE DUALITY EXPERIMENT, RESPONSIBILITY FOR WHAT IS HAPPENING IN YOUR WORLD IS TRANSFERRED INTO PEOPLE'S HANDS. And this means that you no longer have the right to complain about the imperfection of the world, you have no right to be inharmonious. You no longer have the right to be miserable, unhappy. The right of imperfection, inharmony, unhappiness was used by you in full. You exercised this right as part of the execution of the Experiment of Duality. Now it is time to use the right to create Perfection, Harmony and Happiness.

Of course, your world will not become harmonious in one minute, in a year or in one decade. At the same time, very positive results can be achieved in the coming decades in the improvement of your world, in its radical transformation – DIVINE TRANSFORMATION. To this end, you should use the RIGHT TO CREATE Perfection, Harmony and Happiness. You have the RIGHT TO CREATE YOUR FUTURE WORLD, you have the right to manifest your will at the level of the One Spirit and mass planetary consciousness.

Now it still seems to the absolute majority of people on planet Earth that practically nothing depends on them or very little depends. They imagine that humanity is driven by some element, or they believe that the development of human society depends entirely on a handful of beings-rulers who think only about their own benefit. Most people still believe that the future of humanity is in jeopardy because it is selfish, unreasonable and greedy. But the whole point is that the true nature of man is far from self-interest, unreason and greed. Because true human nature is Divine nature. This nature was artificially hidden, removed from people. Now the experience of separation has been gained, the Divine human nature has begun to actively awaken, and no one in our Universe or in other Universes is able to prevent this.

Yes, you feel like you are still being controlled. Do you feel that you have no power to influence those who lead your settlements, regions, states and the whole world. Dear ours! You should realize that neither city rulers, nor governors, nor presidents also rule this world. They became part of the Great System, they became its constituents. Believe me, if each of you is now made president, head of state for at least a year, then you will understand that you can do little or even very little! It is no coincidence that at all times there were rulers who renounced power, realizing that power is not freedom, but a restriction of freedom. Yes, power gives those in power in your world additional material opportunities, position in society, Better conditions for living. But from power there is no comfort to the soul. There is no spiritual progress from power. And now, in the new conditions of life, there can be no true progress from the authorities. Because power is a continuation of the game in the old world, it is the performance of the role of rulers and the ruled, it is work in a system that is becoming a thing of the past before your eyes. This, of course, does not mean that right now, immediately, you should give up power as a form of organization of your society. And, of course, you, the Creators of Light, are not called to fight it. Workers of Light, Creators of Light, truly spiritual people do not fight with anyone or anything. They respect all forms of being - including those social structures that were created by the Experiment of Duality, a bygone era. But you, Creators of Light, are called to create a NEW SOCIETY WITH A NEW SOCIAL ORGANIZATION WHICH IS BASED ON THE DIVINE NATURE.

People of planet Earth! Workers of the Light! Creators of Light! All walking the road spiritual development! All walking the Divine way!

There is something that you should not just know about.

There is something that it is time for you to understand and accept with your heart.

There is something you need to put into practice.

There is something that can change your worldview once and for all.

There is something that will lay the foundation for the Divine Transformation of society and accelerate your evolution as Beings of Light, create a new society based on Unconditional Love and Harmony.

What are we talking about? What are we talking about?

All earthly and non-terrestrial governments and rulers do not have what you have as a potential COLLECTIVE BEING OF LIGHT. No shadow alien or terrestrial intelligence has the abilities that you have when you become a COLLECTIVE BEING OF LIGHT.


Understand that all your rulers - both subtle and material - play within the framework of the old system and are not able to change the world radically. They are not even able to effectively manage it in the new conditions. Yes, these rulers are important figures, they make important decisions and take important steps - in order to provide life support for your society or give you lessons in evolutionary growth. We thank them for fulfilling their mission in a difficult transitional time. Send them the energies of Love, support. You and they are truly one. But all your current and past rulers are players in a large but still limited area, participants in a very limited Game, like the game of chess. This game, chess, is very beautiful and exciting in its own way. But it is only for those who play on a black and white board with black and white pieces. You can achieve great perfection, become a world chess champion, and still remain completely unaware of what is happening in the real world. You can become a master in a narrow field, but still not know how you can really create in the NATURAL WORLD, and not within the framework of an artificially created game. Power and the Creators of Light can come into contact only where there is a "game of chess". Creators, of course, can endlessly improve their skills as “chess players”. But there is another way: look inside your “I” and see that there are whole worlds that are much more important than a “chessboard”. And there is something that can change the "chessboards", "the game of chess", and most importantly - the players themselves and what surrounds them.

The Creators of Light, the People, whose nature is DIVINE, and it is divine in all people, HAVE OTHER OPPORTUNITIES TO LIVE AND ORGANIZE LIFE. Including - to organize a harmonious, divine life of the human society itself. You don't have to fight anyone for this. To do this, you need to start creating, but not from the level of a person, a “player on a chessboard” or even outside it. It is time to create from the level of the Creator-God-man. And - not from the level of an individual, but from the LEVEL of the ONE COLLECTIVE BEING OF LIGHT, which you were before coming here and who you are in the MODE of UNIVERSAL, NATURAL REALITY. Yes, it's time to remember that before coming to planet Earth, you were a ONE COLLECTIVE BEING OF LIGHT. You have split, you have poured out of the single Monadic Ocean into millions and billions of rivers, streams and streams. You went to different stars, to different planets, to different worlds. And now you have met here on Earth. And this is your collection point, from where the reverse process begins - the return to the Collective Being of Light. True, now you will become a new Collective Being of Light, which, thanks to the experience of rivers, streams and streams of Spirit and Consciousness, has come to new stage evolutionary development. But even that Collective Being of Light that you were, it has not disappeared anywhere. Because everything in the Universe happens in the “here and now” mode. You should not be afraid that when you merge into the Collective Being of Light, you will lose your individuality. You represent the Unity in which the general and the particular are organically merged. The Collective Being of Light is the Divine Being of Light, where the personal, the individual, and the collective unite very harmoniously.

The Collective Being of Light is that large Collective of Creators who took part in the Great Experiment. One of those who have now announced its completion. It is he who is now waiting for you, as his Divine Fractals, to remember your COLLECTIVITY, your Divine Unity. Why is it important now? Because you are called to become a Collective Being of Light here too, in this world of four dimensions, growing into five dimensions. To do this, you do not have to merge on the physical plane, join hands or organize a single social movement. This can bring you back the rank of the players on the chessboard under the old system of Duality. You, the Creators of Light, have a unique and very majestic Spiritual Instrument. It was used by you many times before, but that was before the Great Experiment. THIS IS YOUR UNITY IN SPIRIT and YOUR ONE DIVINE COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS. When you, having united in the Spirit, can reach the level of ONE SPIRIT AND CONSCIOUSNESS AS A COLLECTIVE BEING OF LIGHT, and not as separate people or groups of people, then you will “pick up” your Spiritual and Mental Tools of Creation, the power of which you have yet to know .

Our relatives! You may say that you yourself are not yet perfect enough. But is it possible to introduce this imperfection into the Collective Being of Light? We want to reassure you - there is no such possibility! By expressing pure Intention to create a Collective Being of Light, you unite with that Collective Being of Light from which you once left to conduct the Experiment of Duality. And this Collective Being of Light is originally Divine and Harmonious. It will surely make harmonious, perfect the newly born Collective Being of Light, which will begin to act from the level of the One Spirit and the One Divine Collective Consciousness. You, as Creators in Spirit, will then be able to express your Divine Collective Will, determining the Path of further development of mankind. Such a will can be expressed even now not by hundreds, but by many thousands and thousands of Light Creators.

Your right to ask: "How can thousands of people express the will for all of humanity, how can thousands express the will of billions?" The answer is this. As individual representatives of humanity, thousands do not have the right to express the will of billions. As representatives of the ONE COLLECTIVE BEING OF LIGHT UNITED WITH ITS ORIGINAL DIVINE BASE, THEY NOT ONLY CAN, BUT ARE CALLED TO DO IT. But before that, it is necessary to express a pure intention to unite into the One Divine Collective Being of Light, to create It.

For many of you, this step will not be easy. You are accustomed to living in separation. You perceive your individuality as the only possible and convenient form of being for you. But in fact, your individuality is impossible without Divine Unity. Without the existence of the Collective Beings of Light, it would be simply impossible for you, people, to exist as personalities, as personalities in a physical body. You are not such in the Universal Reality. You were not them in the past, and you are not so in your future. To make it easier for you to make a decision to unite into a Single Divine Collective Being of Light, it is appropriate to understand that by expressing a pure intention to this, you can unite into ONE WHOLE WITH YOUR FAVORITE TEACHERS, WITH YOUR MENTORS, WITH YOUR SPIRITUAL RELATIVES. You can become Archangel Michael or Archangel Gabriel, you can become Christ, Buddha, Mohammed, Rama or Krishna… You can become one with the Ascended Masters. You can merge with your relatives, friends, loved ones who have gone to other worlds. This Divine Unity, the Unity of the Collective Being, is the APPROXIMATION TO THE UNITY OF THE ORIGINAL FAMILY OF LIGHT.

What kind of Collective Being of Light are we talking about now? After all, unity is possible at different levels, at different stages of evolution, in different manifestations. First of all, we are now talking about the Single Collective Being of Light, uniting ALL PEOPLE who are now incarnated or have been incarnated before in your four-dimensional world. We are talking about the UNITY OF ALL PEOPLE IN SPIRIT AND CONSCIOUSNESS. It is this unity that we now call the Collective Being of Light of the people of the planet Earth. Having expressed the pure intention to merge into the Collective Being of Light of the people of the planet Earth of your world, you receive new rights and opportunities. You get new status in the multidimensional-multi-spatial Planetary Consciousness, in which already other forms of life harmoniously coexist, having reached the status of the Collective Beings of Light.

What can you compare this process to to make it more clear to you? In some ways, merging into the Collective Being of Light is similar to the process when a grown nation determines itself and declares the legal right to choose its own path of development. But, of course, the process of the birth of the Collective Being of Light is much more complicated and multifaceted. The main thing for you at this stage is to form a similar Collective Being of Light of the people of your world, so that it begins to take part in the life of the Planet TOGETHER WITH THE COLLECTIVE BEINGS OF LIGHT of other planetary worlds and other life forms. It can be said that you are nominating your candidacy for a multi-dimensional and multi-spatial Parliament. Your Collective Parliamentarian will be able to declare that you entrust him.

And here is very important point. You, thousands of people who will read these lines, listen to this information, are called to agree on your BASIS OF UNITY. It, this basis, exists, it does not require coordination among those who understand that the old era is over, that the operation of the old laws has ended, and that humanity is beginning to choose the path on which to move.

So, here is your basis of Unity for merging into the Collective Being of Light of the people of your world.

  1. Recognition that the old era, which was based on the separation of people and separation from the Divine principle, is over. A New Era begins, when people, all mankind, carry out an active process of merging with Divine Nature, with God the Creator, who is the same for all forms of life, for everything that exists. The Collective Being of Light of all people is created by the will and with the Blessing of the One Creator God for the purpose of further Divine evolution and Divine Unity.
  2. People who recognize their original Divine Beginning are ready to unite on the basis of Divine Love for everything that exists, into a Single Collective Being of Light, which is born for the benefit of all people and all forms of life on planet Earth.
  3. The Collective Being of Light is open to all Beings of Light, who merge with it as they grow spiritually, recognizing Love for everything that exists as the basis of being of everyone and everything, recognizing the equality of all forms of life.

The true recognition of the Unity of God the Creator and Love, as the basis of all that exists, is enough for a person of your world to express a pure intention to create a Collective Being of Light of the people of your world. This collective creature of light becomes in essence, by your new collective spirit and new collective consciousness, which will begin to actively grow and develop in a fundamentally different conditions of being - in conditions when new laws of constructing matter, consciousness and spirit are born and operate in your world.

It is also important for you to know that the Collective Being of Light is not the sum of you as 4D Beings of Light. The Collective Being of Light possesses multidimensional and multidimensional Spirit and Consciousness. And this is a qualitatively different Spiritual and Conscious beginning. Your Collective Being of Light will rely on the consciousness of all your "I" in all planetary dimensions and worlds. For now, eight dimensions will become available to it, since you are the inhabitants of the third Spiritual Center, which has switched from a seven-plane system to an eight-plane one. For planet Earth, the basis of seven dimensions has changed to the basis of eight dimensions. The Collective Being of Light of you, the four-dimensional people of your world, will organically merge into the Collective "I" of the eight-dimensional Beings of Light. This is part of the natural process of Divine Unity. But the individuality of your Collective Being of Light, the people of the planet Earth of four dimensions, will remain, will develop and improve.

The creation of the Single Collective Being of Light of the people of your world will truly be the beginning of a new era for your society, whose history spans five thousand years. For the first time in these five thousand years, a DIVINE COLLECTIVE HUMAN BEING OF LIGHT will be created, which will begin to develop, evolve. As it evolves, it will guide the development of human society. Not to control people, but to direct them along the path of Divine Evolution, being both the Being of Light of the four-dimensional world and the Being of Light of the higher worlds. It will merge your collective experience of people of four dimensions and the collective experience of your Higher, Divine Selves. And this experience will be enriched all the time.

It is very important to understand: when you give birth to the Collective Being of the Light of your world, you do not create a Being to whom you transfer the reins of government or, moreover, power over yourself. The Collective Being is yourself. People. But not just people of four dimensions, but Beings of Light in their Divine Manifestation. You don't give your will to anyone. Your will will always remain with you. But the Collective Being of Light has the Divine Will, which you also manifest as the Creator Gods.

Remember one of the important guidelines of the outgoing era: “Lord, everything is Your will!”, “God! Not my will, but Yours!” Man, having no connection with the Divine Beginning, called on God to fulfill His Divine will. Now it's a completely different time. Time to make a strong statement:


Thus, you, experiencing Unconditional Love for all things, will no longer separate the Divine Will, the Will of God from your will. Because the time has come when this becomes Oneness.

It is important to be aware of something else. You, creating a Collective Being of Light, do not create an intermediary between God and you. You know now that everything is one. Therefore, the Collective Unity created on the basis of Divine Love is a return to the Divine Unity. This is what already unites us in the Divine Unity on the higher planes of being.

You may ask: where will this Collective Being of Light live, where is its Abode? This Being will dwell on the upper, subtle planes of the fourth dimension - in those planes that are closely connected with the fifth dimension. It will become a being of the fourth or fifth dimensions. And, in addition, he will get the opportunity to actively communicate with the worlds of higher dimensions.

Can you communicate with Him? Yes! Can you create with Him together? Yes! Can you call on him to help you create harmony in your world? Necessarily!

The Collective Being of Light of the people of your world is not what you call the collective consciousness! Not! This is not a collective consciousness, and this is not an egregore, which is a subtle being representing the consciousness of some part of people. The Collective Being of the people of your world is a SINGLE COLLECTIVE BEING OF LIGHT OF ALL PEOPLE OF PLANET EARTH, WHICH EXISTS IN SPIRIT AND CONSCIOUSNESS. THIS IS SPIRIT AND CONSCIOUSNESS MERGED IN THE DIVINE UNITY. THE ONE DIVINE COLLECTIVE BEING OF LIGHT does not divide people into friends and foes, good and bad. It does not divide people according to religious, national, or any other principles. This is the One Father-Mother who takes care of everyone and everything. And at the same time, this is YOUR CHILD, whom you will raise! Is it hard for you to understand? Is it hard to imagine? But understand - a new era, REALLY, has come. And it's time for you to master new concepts, new categories with which you have to enter into new life. You are creating WHAT YOU HAVE NOT CREATED BEFORE YOU. You already know: THE CREATOR GOD BIRTH AND GROW THE CREATOR GODS. The birth of the Collective Being of Light is just the creation of the CREATOR GOD, not separated from you. You are a separate entity of the four-dimensional world, but now, having expressed the intention to create a Collective Being, you will SIMULTANEOUSLY BE THEM! This is the germination into multidimensionality, which you have been told about more than once. Now it's time to move from words to deeds. You will truly become multi-dimensional and multi-dimensional. You will become individual and collective at the same time. And most importantly, you will actually take a step towards getting rid of any form of external control, of power. YOU WILL RECEIVE DIVINE GUIDANCE, while at the same time being able to enrich this guidance personal experience. This is one of the most important tasks that we set as we entered this stage of the Great Experiment. And now the time has come to fulfill it, returning from the personal to the collective on a new round of the Spiral of Evolution.

Our beloved! Sisters and Brothers! We call on all representatives of progressive humanity, MERGING TOGETHER AT THE LEVEL OF SPIRIT AND CONSCIOUSNESS, TO EXPRESS PURE, HEART INTENTION TO CREATE A SINGLE COLLECTIVE BEING OF LIGHT OF PEOPLE OF PLANET EARTH, WHICH WILL UNITE ALL PEOPLE IN SPIRIT AND CONSCIOUSNESS AT THE LEVEL OF THEIR DIVINE NATURE WE CALL YOU TO DO A DIVINE MEDITATION FOR THIS PURPOSE. We suggest starting this Meditation on 11.09. 2013 and continue it for 333 days. Let it be a Wave of Light that will grow during this time, gaining the necessary energy potential. You can conduct the Meditation on the creation of the Single Collective Being of Light of the people of planet Earth once, but you can return to it again and again within the specified period. During this time, new people will join us, who are awakening to a new life in increasing numbers.






To conduct meditation, you express a pure intention to create the One Divine Collective Being of Light of the people of planet Earth. You are calling ALL the Higher Selves of the people of your four-dimensional world - those who are incarnated now or have been incarnated in it before. You ask the Blessing of the One Creator God for the creation of the One Collective Being of the Light of your world.

After that, you start meditation.

Tune in to the wave of Unconditional Love. Mentally look into the eyes of your most beloved people - your children, parents, relatives, friends. Feel that you are in the circle of the Family. Feel also that the Family is not only your relatives and friends. Family is more than that. Family is what connects you to your past, present and future. Family is who you were before you came to planet Earth, to her worlds. You were part of a big family. And now you feel that, in fact, you never parted with your true Family - thousands, millions, billions of spiritual relatives with whom you set off on a journey from one Great Source. This is the Family of Light, the One Collective Being of Light that you were before and that you are now. You are part of the Family, but you are the Family itself. Feel it with all your heart. You are both a part and a whole. The family is a Being that, in reality, IS NOT DIVISION INTO PARTS. It creates realities where there is an illusion of separation… THE ILLUSION OF SEPARATION IS SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF EXISTENCE, which the Creature created by itself…

You express your intention to form the One Sacred Heart. This time it is not just the Single Sacred Heart of the participants in light creativity. This is the One Sacred Heart of the Angels from the Great Central Sun. And this - the Single Sacred Heart is located simultaneously in each of you, and in the SOLAR HEART OF EVERY PLANET, EVERY STAR. You see how golden solar energies envelop you, penetrate into every cell, into every atom of your bodies. They transform your physical body, your subtle and light bodies. Now you yourself are a golden energy that rushes to the sacred center of the planet, to a special Portal of the Earth's Central Sun... You fly, soar... You feel how you are magnetically attracted to the Earth's Central Sun. You are moving along a space that is self-luminous with golden Light and has no boundaries. You understand, you feel that the Golden Light is Infinite Sunlight, and you are that Light. A light that has neither beginning nor end. You shift your focus and find that there are familiar faces next to you. The faces of your loved ones. You also see the faces of strangers. But they only seem unfamiliar to you, because you feel a deep kinship with everyone who is near you, who is around you, who is far and who is close ... God! How wonderful it is to feel that there are so many different beings, and all of them are your family. Thousands, millions, billions of native beings. And they all love your "I". They know who you are, they remember who you are. And you... You remember each of them... You know each of them. You love each of them. There is not and cannot be any threat, there is no fear, there is no apprehension. Why? Because this is your real Native Home, where such a threat has never existed, where it cannot be! But here - Love, here - care, here - help, mutual assistance. You feel how the thread-rays of Love, Understanding, Care, Help, Co-creation are stretching to your “I” from all sides… And you send the same rays in response. They, these rays, are the same, but at the same time each of them is unique and inimitable. With the help of one of the beams, it is possible to get the necessary, unique experience. But you can combine dozens of rays, and this experience will become voluminous. Really unite all the rays, and then your experience will become a Divine Experience. The experience of God the Creator, the experience of a large Family of Light.

And now the golden space is gradually twisting into a spiral, the thread-rays rush along this spiral. And you are also inside this spiral. And now there are no separate "I". There is nothing that is mine or yours, yours or ours. There is only one "WE".

And so we all enter the Portal of the Earth's Central Sun. We, Sun rays, have entered a special SOLAR NULL-SPACE. We overcome this space in full consciousness, experiencing wonderful harmonious feelings. This is part of our home. And this space is the path that we have overcome more than once.

Where are we all going? Where are we heading? ABOUT! We are going to the SOLAR-SPIRITUAL CENTER OF OUR GALAXY. It is known to you as the planet TRON. But here's the secret: it's not only a planet, it's also a Star. TRON is both a planet and the sun at the same time. We arrive on the planet-star Tron, and the feeling of the energies of the Native Home intensifies. Some of us begin to ache in the heart ... Oh, how long have we not experienced such a feeling. The feeling of a FAMILY SOLAR HOUSE... The feeling of a ONE SOLAR HOMELAND. HOMELAND OF GREAT CREATORS, GREAT WIZARDS AND GREAT JOY. Do you think there is nothing here but solar energy? ABOUT! How wrong you are. Behind each wave of energy is a whole world that is born and develops endlessly. Behind each ray of energy is a whole form of life with its endless evolution. Behind every solar spark is a spark of new life. Solar Wizards create, Wizards communicate, interact. Solar Wizards play, enjoy life. Endless creative life turns into sincere endless joy…. FEEL INFINITE JOY, just touch it to understand who you are when you are in your Native Solar Home. Incarnated people have forgotten what the infinity of joy is, its continuity. And the Divine joy of the Solar Gods is exactly like that. This is our past and future. But this is also our present. We now have a unique opportunity to touch the Infinity of Joy, which is an integral part of true Being, Natural Being. Joy every day, every hour, every second, every century and every eon… Joy… It overwhelms us. And along with it, we are embraced by a sense of harmony, a sense of perfection. Here, in the Solar House, we receive the Evolution Programs that lead the world of people to Perfection and Harmony. Open your hearts to meet these Programs, receive them. The unique experience of the separated Creators merges with the universal Experience of ourselves as Solar Gods, as Angels from the Great Central Sun. This is how a new experience is born. This is how new Programs for the development of the worlds are created. And along with the energies of these Programs, understanding comes to you, a feeling of the real Divine Unity. No matter how far we go deep into matter, no matter how far we move away from the Native Solar Home, there is something that has always connected us and connects with it. YOU COULD NEVER SEPARATE FROM THE SUNNY HOME, BECAUSE IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO SEPARATE WHAT IS ONE ALWAYS AND IN EVERYTHING. You can not divide the Sun, even if you really want to. There is something that is not shared. Our universe is not divided. Our Divine Unity is not divided. But it is in our power to create new and new Unities. Create new experiences, new lives. And now the time has come to create a new Unity of the People of the Earth, who have completed the experience of separation, completed the Experiment of Duality.

Planet-Sun Throne welcomes you... Throne welcomes us, its Children, with solar fireworks. Fountains of festive energy rush towards us. We merge with this energy. It changes us... Changes our internal structure. Or rather, RETURNS us to our primordial solar structure ...

We see a familiar, much loved face... This is the face of the Galactic Mother Goddess. Her eyes are the eyes of a tenderly loving mother. We feel her energy - the energy of a loving maternal heart… She welcomes us and urges us to go to the Sacred Temple of the Divine Unity of the sun-planet Tron. We willingly go there, because even there we are not invited guests, but legitimate owners who went on a long journey, and now are returning.

The Temple of Divine Unity greets us with new fireworks of energies. We are wrapped in new waves of joy. And here we understand that Unity is not words, it is not something that one should strive for with effort. ITS UNITY SHOULD BE SIMPLY REVIVED, RETURNED. It is necessary to SHOW OUR INNER UNITY, which exists everywhere and always. The temple endows us with new and new waves of energies - with different shades of tenderness, warmth, cordiality, care, happiness ... Happiness from returning home.

And here we are again - the loving eyes of the Galactic Mother. We make no vows, no promises. We simply look into the eyes of the Galactic Mother Goddess and say:

"Mom, we are ready to merge into Divine Unity."

“Mom, we are ready to take responsibility for the people of planet Earth.”

“Mom, we are ready to create a new Life based on Unconditional Love for all forms of life.”

Mom looks at us tenderly, pours out her love and quietly says:

“I know that you are ready. Return to Divine Unity and create this new life. Let Love for all things guide you. And remember: the Sunny House is always open for you. He is always ready to help you."

We say: "Thank you, Mom!" And we feel like we are starting to come back. It is a smooth, unhurried return. To that four-dimensional world, which has now also become our common home*. Each of us does not feel that he is separated from the Family of Light.







The Solar Gods are regaining their Divinity.

The Solar Gods return to their Divine Solar Home.

Solar Gods give birth to new life.

And this is true.

GALACTIC CHRIST-MELCHISEDEK, ASHTAR SHERAN and EL MORIA– with Love from the heart of the Solar Gods.


*ASHTAR SHERAN AND EL MORIA HAVE INcarnated more than once IN THE FOUR-DIMENSIONAL WORLD OF PLANET EARTH. Their Rays still live in our world, helping the planet and people to create New Life. All other Ascended Masters beloved by people also incarnated in our world. Therefore, their "I" also flow into the ONE COLLECTIVE BEING OF PEOPLE OF LIGHT OF PLANET EARTH.

The publication was prepared by:

Svetlana Dracheva, Sergey Kanashevsky, Marina Shults -

members of the editorial board of the Journal "WORLD CHANNELS: spiritual messages" - the official publication of the Family of Light.

17 Sep 2016 | 7 220

Dear masters, amazing things are happening throughout this Sub-Universe, even if you don't seem to notice it. At present, many of you are aware that your galaxy, and especially your small planet, is at the center of them. Before your planet was created, it was decreed that it would become Point Zero or the center of a new creative effort—to which the Angelic Sphere, God Co-Creators, Great Beings of Light, and Star Children from across the Omniverse would send their Essence Fragments, and thus , will bring their Light, wisdom and desire to help in the fulfillment of the Great Plan of the Creator.

To some extent, all of humanity and the consciousness of the Soul of the Earth is expanding to connect with our Father/Mother God, and at the same time, the Supreme Creator throughout the Multiverse, in multiple dimensions and spheres of the Universe, opens the way to the center of its Existence — the Great Central Sun, to unite and collect the beauty and splendor of what has been created by all of us in the name of our Almighty Creator. Those of you who are confidently walking the Path of expanding spiritual awareness realize that you are living in a unique and unprecedented time.

The Great Beings of Light, who had never before left their home within the Great Central Sun of their Universe, have agreed to fragment themselves into lesser Sparks of Divine Light in order to bring their radiance, love and wisdom to planet Earth. Dear ones, Jesus/Yeshua, the Great Kumaras, Buddha, Lord Melchizedek, Rama and Krishna, the radiant and powerful Angelic Kingdom, to name but a few, came from very distant Universes, created long before your young Universe was born. We, the angelic realms, originated in the very distant past of the Omniverse, as did many of the Ascended Masters and Avatars you know, and we assure you that many of you who have made significant progress on the Path of Ascension were born into your individualized consciousness in other Universes as well.

The Divine Plan was brought to perfection, and the foundations of what is happening on Earth at the present time were laid a very long time ago. The Great Beings have descended into the lower dimensions — settling in the radiant Cities of Light located throughout the Sixth Dimension — to help humanity successfully navigate the multiple cycles of mass awakening/Ascension into the realms of enlightenment. In addition, the Divine Essence of the Earth was encoded by the White Flame Seed Atoms, the keys and codes that activate her awakening, and also accelerate the process of awakening humanity.

We do not like to focus attention on ourselves, because our greatest joy and mission is to serve the Creator and those under our care, and we do not need words of gratitude. However, this must be done so that you can fully understand our mission on Earth and how closely we have always been connected to you.

Dear Jesus/Yeshua arrived on Earth over 2000 years ago, and along with Archangel Uriel and Lord Nada (Lady Grace)*, anchored the virtues, aspects and qualities of the Sixth Ray of devotion, forgiveness, mercy, kindness, spiritual nourishment and faith in God . Lord Mary, the female Archangel of the Fifth Ray, who, along with Archangel Raphael, radiates the qualities of humility, selflessness, devotion and healing, revealed to the world the glory of Christ, called Jesus / Yeshua. However, Mary was chosen for an even greater task and opportunity to serve the Creator and humanity. She brought to Earth and, to the greatest extent possible, anchored the virtues of the Goddess. Thus, on Earth, the balancing of masculine and feminine qualities Creator.

Many of you are familiar with what are called the Michael/Mary lines in England. These are the "Ley Lines" that run through the British Isles, Germany, France and many other lesser known areas in Europe and around the world. We want to give you a greater understanding of the "Grand Plan" and what has become the myths and wonders of your history. Thousands of years ago in the terrestrial chronology, Lord Mary, representing the receptive/negative or female crystalline electromagnetic current, and I, Michael, radiating the positive or male crystalline electromagnetic current, began to fill the Earth's ley lines with the current necessary to restore a balanced and harmonious golden ethereal unified energy system. Earth. Rods of Power, Ascension Light Columns or Vortexes have been set up at certain points throughout the Earth. Sacred sites, natural formations that have become places of worship, and large churches and temples have been created along these ley lines and energy sites.

During your many lifetimes on Earth, you have repeatedly reached out to these places for spiritual support, but you have received much more than you thought. Each of you, being physically present or during the night journey on the ether, received not only harmonious energy and coding in these spiritually magnetized places, but also helped to activate them and spread their flow of Light throughout the Earth. You have received and sent the Divine Light from the depths of the Earth and the heights of the heavens. The Soul of the Earth and the consciousness of the Super-Soul of mankind began to tune in to each other again.

I have been called the "guardian-watcher of mankind", but it is time to understand that dear Master Mary is the female aspect of the Goddess, who is entrusted with watching the sojourn of mankind and this entire Universe. Our greatest honor and privilege is to be with you - to guide and protect you at every step for eons of years - as you complete the task assigned to you - in co-creation to endlessly create worlds and amazing things.

Deep within your Soul and memory is the Essence of the Creator and memories of our unity and Overlight connecting you to our individualized Essence and love. Even if you may not consciously remember it, you could never erase it from the memory of your Soul Self.

King Arthur, Lady of the Lake, Joan of Arc and many heroes of x myths carried a large number of Essences of Vladyka Mary and mine, to fill the consciousness of the Earth and the hearts of people with it. That is why these myths never get old and why they are near and dear to your hearts. They evoke memories of the time when we were together in the higher realms before your mission in the dense worlds began. You remember our close and Divine connection, and because we are connected in memory and heart, this is the most joyful and pleasant time for all of us.

In order to give you a better understanding of what happened on Earth and how perfect the Creator's plan is, we will take an excursion into your history to about the fifth millennium BC, by the time the avatar of Ram arrived on Earth. Christ, in a human form named Rama, who brought on Earth the properties, virtues and qualities of the Creator for that era, was connected by the Superlight with my Essence, which carries the First Ray of Divine Will. Many of you are of my bloodline and you carry an angelic essence within your DNA and Soul. The only difference is that Rama brought much more of my Essence to Earth to lay the foundation for the future we live in now. The love of the Creator has always been the main focus of the Overlight connection with each Avatar; however, they carried different teachings, those that were best suited to that time and the level of consciousness of mankind.

Following Rama came Krishna, then Gautama Siddhartha, Buddha, and many other Avatars. Archangel Mary, as a representative of the energy of the Goddess or the feminine aspect of the Creator, played important role in the lives of these great Avatars. In Rama's life it was his wife, Sita, who was connected by the Superlight to the Essence of Mary. In the life of Krishna, this is a spiritual friend and companion, deprived of the physical. Many other great Beings of Light have visited the Earth during various times of desire. Of course, Mary's most important role is that of the mother and mentor of Jesus. She remained in the background for thousands of years, but her great love and devotion to the Creator and humanity has always been the main force on Earth and in the higher realms.

Many other great Beings of Light have visited the Earth over the course of time: Lao Tzu, Confucius, Abraham, Moses, and Muhammad, just to name a few. Beloved Kuan Yin was connected by the Overworld with the Essence of Mary and carried the qualities of compassion, justice and healing on Earth. You should have been aware of these great ones, as all personified the special facets, aspects and virtues of the Creator and played important roles on Earth as his representatives.

What many do not understand is that the Archangel realm also played an important role in the Divine drama of the descent into the worlds of material form. Throughout the ages, each archangel has played a dominant role in anchoring and radiating certain aspects, attributes, qualities and virtues of the Creator. The great Avatars were attuned to and connected to them, and the Overlight of these marvelous Beings was in their own radiance and dignity. Avatars were the physical, human representatives of the Creator in a certain period of time, and the Archangelic Beings were the spiritual connection of the Superpower with our Father/Mother God.

There has never been such a unique time on Earth as this, and while many powerful Avatars and Ascended Masters are present on Earth at this time, there will not be just one great Avatar sent to Earth. to enlighten, guide and inspire humanity. Each of you has the opportunity to become an Ascended Master at this glorious time. We have given you the golden promise that no matter how much or how little of the Light or Christ Essence of your Divine Self you brought with you at birth, you have the ability to draw on the full splendor of your Divine Ray and I Am Presence. This is what Ascension is all about - bringing balance and harmony back into your physical, mental, emotional and etheric body so that Spirit can descend again and take control. However, you must remember that whatever you attract must be used for the greater good, and then, dear ones, more will be given to you.

Dear Ones, my flaming Sword of Light was forged by the thoughts and energy of my inner being, and filled with the dynamic energies of the First Ray of the Divine Will of the Creator. This is the sword of redemption, the sword of hope, the sword of freedom, the gift that I offer you to break the shackles of your own distortions and free you from the illusory shackles of the third and fourth dimensions. We ask you to accept and use this amazing power of the First Ray of Divine Will and Power and the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light to create again in harmony with the Divine Will of the Creator. We urge you to reclaim your Divine right to be a co-creator under the guidance of our Father/Mother God.

We love your LIKES!


Loving greetings from all souls from this place, this is Matthew. As some of the Illuminati are arrested or stripped of their positions of influence, and some leave the ship, the hardliners are trying to stay afloat while still having some leverage. Most notably, their international drug trafficking funds are running covert operations by the CIA and Mossad, including the crash of a Russian plane, and ISIS, which is the reason for the recent massacre in Paris.

Since the public at large is not even aware of the existence of the Illuminati, there is no understanding that in planning and carrying out acts of violence, they act independently of the governments of their countries. The culprits are to be found in the United States, which is the home of the CIA, or in Israel, which is considered the birthplace of Zionism. It is true that the criminal departments of the CIA follow the orders of the Illuminati; and the Zionist movement are Illuminati militants, and espionage activities have never served the interests of the Israelis or the Jewish people around the world. Eventually, this will become widely known, and, indeed, it is very important; however, it cannot lessen the grief of loss of loved ones or other life-changing trauma in all the tragedies perpetrated by the Illuminati.

The purpose of the attack on Paris is to bring death, grief and, ultimately, chaos and fear, their action was born from a growing madness due to the decrease in their control and the reduction in the number of their minions and madmen who do not think about the consequences. They intended to plunge the world into the power of fear and keep it there, as they feed on the energy of fear; instead, they united the world in a high vibration of compassion and a resolve to stand up to terrorism.

The military is beefed up, the police are pursuing instigators and suspects, and the search for potential terrorists transcends national borders, but finding and fighting terrorist groups wherever it happens won't stop them. Only the eradication of terrorism can help. The hatred that underlies terrorism and has led to millions of refugees is at the root of one or more of the circumstances that may be related to the actions or teachings of the Illuminati. This is mercenary outside interference, betrayal, economic exploitation, intolerance. Each generation conveys to the next that all who create this must be eliminated. But no one realizes that they are all just puppets in a diabolical game scripted by manipulative people who quickly lose ground. As the vibrational level continues to rise, minds and hearts on both sides of this heartbreaking rift in your society will open so that empathy, mutual respect and kindness can replace hatred, prejudice, revenge and fear of difference.

The momentum of opportunity in the energy field of the Earth is bringing the end time of the dark controllers even closer as their opposition has grown and spread significantly. Along with the intensification of the Light on the planet, the power of the parties is expanding, working together to eradicate all malevolent tentacles of the Illuminati, ensuring the final dismantling of their international network.

After that, society will be able to continue the global rescue operation at full speed after a powerful storm that has swept the whole world. The first steps were taken when some of those who planned the Golden Age of Earth met with your most wise people to find the best ways to hold the Illuminati accountable for their crimes against humanity; to recover their huge illegally and immorally accumulated fortunes and distribute them fairly, as well as to make the technologies that they have long hidden available to people; stop pollution and repair the damage caused environment; unleash and stop all forms of mind control. As these efforts continue, the truth about the presence and assistance of other civilizations, the laws that govern life in this universe, and the interconnectedness of the consciousness of all that exists will be revealed. Accumulated in areas where change and enlightenment are needed, the energy should direct the Earth to its destiny: the restoration of its primordial health and beauty, as well as humanity living in peace, cooperation and harmony with all Nature.

Dear family, we understand your impatience to have such a fate. You do not remember that for other civilizations, the period when the peoples of the Earth of the millennium went from dark bondage into the light of freedom is like the blink of an eye. We are sorry that you do not see your world from our point of view! Not only would you be amazed at the speed and volume of what was done, but you would see how much your light helps the development and growth of your society.

Now we will continue to answer your insightful questions about the soul. " When souls were inhaled/born/created by the Creator, did it happen all at once or over a long period of time and perhaps is still happening? The "component" of every soul, which is pure energy of Love and Light, came into existence with the first expression of the Creator during what you call the "big bang". The “birth” of an independent, indestructible and eternal soul self began after important event when the "component" was created, and has been since then, in your linear time perception, and as far as we know, will continue until every soul in the cosmos remembers and returns to its Origin in the Creator.

« Is it true that the Creator gives birth to us in groups of about 60 souls, about 30 of which become our family? We basically go through our chosen incarnations, playing different roles within these groups, but sharing contracts with the souls of other groups as needed?» There is no clear definition of the number of souls within any group, but indeed the souls of one group can share contracts with the souls of another if the need arises. However, during this era the entire universe is accelerating and a huge number of souls are taking advantage of the unique opportunity to learn concentrated karmic lessons so they can complete them in one lifetime rather than a few or even many in a 3D density world, so a different form cooperation is much more common. In addition, in learning the chosen lessons, many souls are helped by others. Until now this has usually happened within a collective group of souls, which may number in the thousands, but now the strong souls share the karmic problems of the weaker souls of any group throughout the universe. The purpose of this exceptional assistance, demonstrating unconditional love, is to strengthen the weak ties within the One Whole.

« Does every soul split into Twin Souls? Not that there is a "separation" of the soul, twin souls or twin flames are extremely rare. They are two simultaneously co-created characters at the start of a long soul lineage, and because they have identical qualities, their feelings for each other are stronger than any other soul can sense. Twin souls in physical civilization are irresistibly attracted to each other, and because the sexual aspect is strong, it is their deep sense of need to be together that trumps all other considerations; this is often very strong emotional attachment leads to serious disagreements on the path of the soul. In the spirit world, twins are equally attracted to each other, but without physically "suffocating" love; and even when they are far apart, their connection in the universe provides joyful telepathic communication and sublime feelings of pure love.

« It seems as if "the flexibility of the soul contract" means that even if people do not follow their contract, they still develop. How does this apply to people who live according to their contract?» Flexibility does not refer to conscious decisions that are contrary to the contract, but to the ways that are used to fulfill it. For example, that the choice is to end life abruptly at age 25 in a vehicle crash. Shortly before reaching this age, a person goes skiing and gets caught in an avalanche; or a few weeks after the celebration of the twenty-fifth birthday, a man walks in the woods and dies from a stray bullet from a hunter. Any of these circumstances serves to fulfill the purpose of the selected contract. This is a dramatic example, but he says that flexibility is about conditions - perhaps a job, a place of residence, financial investments, or special events - that give the same karmic lessons and the same opportunity for growth to all souls who agreed to this before birth.

« Matthew said that the etheric body of a person and the memories of life enter Nirvana. What happens to people who have lost their memory?» Dementia creates levels of oblivion in a person's memory bank, the repository of all life's memories. After personalized healing in Nirvana, these levels are gently removed and all memory is restored, including "lost" stages.

When a soul in a small part of the realm of Nirvana receives light, is this what Christians call redemption?» No, at least in the field of knowledge. The Christian doctrine of redemption is akin to God's forgiveness of a person who repents of having lived in sin according to the religious concept of sin and the Day of Judgment. The soul that absorbs a sufficient amount of light is ready to incarnate and begin development again in accordance with the universal laws that people have clothed in religious dogma, and whose existence is not even known.

« I know a child who matches what I've heard about souls that are "born bad". Why did the soul choose this?"There is no such thing as a soul "born bad" - each soul consists of pure energy of Love and Light. We do not know about the circumstances of this child, but we can tell about the possibilities that may apply to any child whose behavior can be considered "chronically abnormal". An agreement made by family members before birth may include the behavior of the child as an opportunity for parents to learn patience and other parenting skills, such as recognizing the child's disabilities, caring for the child or his abilities, interests, and dealing equally with relatives. Discomfort due to an undiagnosed physical condition may underlie a child's disobedience. In addition, adverse reactions to the presence of chemicals in food, water or drugs, toxicity in vaccines can cause autism-like symptoms. If there is prolonged tension in the family, the child may react to the low vibrations present in such an atmosphere. Disembodied entities that cannot realize themselves in physical life may have joined the child at a time of great physical, mental or emotional stress; if so, an experienced energy worker can help the entity understand its status and move into the spirit world.

If there is no pet in the house, allow the child to choose one and discuss the level of responsibility and responsibilities for caring for him, in accordance with the age of the child. I am very glad that many in your world, including in medicine, see great benefits in the close relationship between man and animal, regardless of age, this is a significant step in the development of society.

« If souls who are stillborn or die in infancy have chosen this in their contracts, can they remember anything?? In the case of stillborn babies, the souls leave the bodies in full consciousness, this is in accordance with the agreements of the members made before their birth, and is necessary for all participants. As babies who die in infancy grow older in Nirvana - and they mature there much faster than your calendar measures - they remember their choice and purpose in enabling other souls to grow in accordance with the agreements given before birth. And, like everyone else in the spirit worlds, they become consciously aware to the extent that they remember or have experienced in other lives.”

Our message about lost souls raised the following questions. " Does a lost soul remain an inseparable part of God? This is so as long as she remains in the main part of the spirit world in this universe. Only the Creator decides whether the resistance to light is permanent and whether the "lost" soul - and only the Creator can decide this - the energy of the soul is reabsorbed into the cosmic essence of the Creator, where it had its Origin.

« The offspring of the soul, having lost its basis, know what happened to it?" Not. Its life force is taken away, it loses the ability to know anything at all. However, its energy and soul base energy were reabsorbed by the Creator into cosmic consciousness, into the mass consciousness of this universe; and when offspring reappears from the essence of the Creator and recovers their fields of memory, knowledge of what happened to them becomes available.

« When people who have lost their soul base origin are "redeemed", where will they start? How will they explain to others what happened to them?“They won’t have to explain anything to anyone. When their lives are suddenly cut short, family and friends who believe in an afterlife can guess where those souls are. And thus, it will be so - they will return conscious knowledge and all memories in the sphere of the spirit of their civilization.

Of course, we are happy to answer any other questions you have about the soul, and we hope that this information and the previous messages have shown the infinite importance of each soul and its inseparability in the One Whole.

Dear brothers and sisters, as you continue your Earth journey, know that throughout this universe your devotion to the Light is respected and you are embraced with unconditional love.

Love and peace

Accepted by Suzanne Ward

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