
Test which boy you like the name. How to know who loves you? True signs of love. Has her behavior changed?

breast cancer

School years- the most wonderful time in life. These are not only boring lessons, but also funny breaks, communication with classmates, these are funny notes, and cherished notebooks that are carefully stored and passed from hand to hand. Your friends and girlfriends fill out questionnaires in them, with various questions, but the most important question in these questionnaires is “Which of the boys do you like? Who do you love? In these notebooks pasted over beautiful pictures, envelopes, your girlfriends and friends add up their photos and write the most intimate secrets and mysteries, love poems, signs and fortune-tellers are entered in them. Moreover, these notebooks are kept not only by girls, but also by boys.

When I was at school, I also kept such notebooks, moreover, I was the best fortune-teller among my classmates, I had many fortune-telling methods, I collected them, wrote them down, and invented some myself. But, unfortunately, these cherished notebooks were not preserved, my mother found them, tore them up and burned them in the stove, destroying my magical magical world.
I was punished and resented my mother for a long time, of course, having matured, I forgave my mother, but for many years I did not trust her and did not share my girlish secrets.

And when my children had a period of conducting love questionnaires, I helped them in every possible way, advised them on how to properly draw up these notebooks. Recently, while cleaning the closet, I found such notebooks of my sons when they were 8-11 years old and showed them. They are already adults, but they read these notes with pleasure, rejoiced, returning to their childhood and remembering their friends and girlfriends.

School divination

School time is the first very timid feelings for a boy from a parallel class or for a neighbor on the desk. You look forward to the end of the lesson, but the minutes go by so slowly, and sometimes it seems that the clock has completely stopped. And then the long-awaited bell rings and, running out of the classroom into the corridor, you meet the eyes of this boy, and there is no limit to your happiness, but he quickly looks away and runs past you, and you are unable to understand whether he likes you or not. And in order to find out if the boy you like loves you and how he treats you - you need these school fortune-telling. Of course, this should not be done in the classroom, but at a break or after school, on vacation, it is quite possible to find out your fate.

[b] The first divination.

Leaving home for school, you guess the name of the boy you like, and the first thing you meet on the way will determine his attitude towards you. Or you can just guess what awaits you on this day.

If you saw it first:

A car is good luck, everything will be fine with you;
butterfly - a date, you will see him;
cat - tears, he will bring you to tears;
bicycle - will offer friendship;
deception woman, don't believe him;

chicken - will come to visit you or invite you to visit.
mom - you will receive a note from him;
man - he loves another girl;
fly - he has fun with the other;
mouse or rat - quarrel;

wedding - you will be friends or make peace if you are in a quarrel;
dad - he will call you to the cinema;
bird - he likes you;
rainbow - you have mutual love;
dog - meet another boy;

sun - love a stranger;
brother - you will have fun in the same company;
sister - you will rejoice;
your enemy - to treason;
girlfriend or friend - for fun;

rain - to disappointment;
black cloud - he does not trust you;
wind - to jealousy;
snow - to laughter;
man with flowers - loves your girlfriend.

Fortune telling the second.

For this divination, you will need a pen and a piece of paper. Mentally think of the name of the boy you are going to guess. Quickly draw any number of sticks in four rows. In each row, cross out three sticks until one or two sticks remain, in each row write a number, if there is one stick left, then one, if two, then 2, if all the sticks are crossed out, then put -0. Now write these numbers in a row in pairs, for example: 21-01 Look for the answer in the table.

00-00-loves you for your character.
00-01-looks at the other.
00-02-he only needs you.
00-10 - he is passionate about another.
00-11-he will soon stop loving you.

00-12 - loves, but hides his feelings.
00-20 - really wants to be with you.
00-21 - constantly thinking about you.
00-22- loves you for your beauty.
01-00 - afraid to invite you on a date.

01-01- soon he will kiss you.
01-02 - he likes your character.
01-10-he loves you very much.
01-11-He likes your eyes.
01-12- do not trust him, he is deceiving you.

01-20 - you will see him soon.
01-21-suffers for you.
01-22- he likes you very much.
02-00 - constantly thinking about you.
02-01 - very sad.

02-02-wants to be friends with another.
02-10 - your image is always before his eyes.
02-11 loves your smile.
02-12 - will never cheat on you.
02-20-soon you will be with him.

02-21-he will cheat on you.
02-22- believes that you love him.
10:00 a.m. - Make an appointment soon.
10-01-wants to see you.
10-02- do not trust him.

10-10 - respects you.
10-11 - jealous of you.
10-12 - hesitates to say about his love.
10-20 - can't forget you.
10-21 - he is interested in you.

10-22 - he doesn't need you.
11-00- he has another.
11-01-will send you to hell.
11-02 - See you soon.
11-10 - he will love another.

11-11- he likes your girlfriend.
11-12-he likes you, but only as a girlfriend.
11-20 - I like you very much.
11-21 you will receive a letter from him.
11-22 thinks you are beautiful.

12-00 - waiting to meet you.
12-01 - very jealous of you for others.
12-02-be friends, but not for long.
12-10 - he dreams of another.
12-11- wants to invite you to the cinema.
12-12 - soon you will kiss.

12-20-missing you.
12-21 he is bored with you.
12-22 - you will never be together.
20-00 - wants to offer you friendship.
20-01-today you will not see him.

Feb 20, don't trust him.
20-10 - he fell out of love with you.
20-11 - very fond of.
20-12 - he dreams about you.
20-20-wants to be friends with you.

20-21 - he will deceive you.
20-22 - loves another.
21-00-better forget it.
21-01-he dreams of seeing you.
21-02 - you like him a lot.

21-10-remembers another.
21-11 - considers you the best.
21-12 - angry at you.
21-20-wants to kiss you.
21-21 - you will quarrel with him.

21-22 - wants to leave you.
22-00 - you do not love him.
22-01-remembers you often.
22-02 - you will be together.
22-10 - he doubts his feelings.

22-11 - you're wasting your time on him.
22-12 - you will be happy together.
22-20 - he doesn't believe you love him.
22-21 - wants to be friends with you.
22-22 - dreams of a kiss with you.

Divination by RONGLIS

Meaning of the word RONGLIS: P - joy, O - resentment, N - trouble, G - grief, L - love, I - treason, S - date.

If you want to know what awaits you or your girlfriend, or the boy you like, then this fortune-telling is for you. Write the full name and surname of the person you are guessing at.

Under them, write the day and month, and time of day, for example:

Ivan Petrov
May first morning

Cross out two identical letters, one in the top line, the other in the bottom line, count how many letters are left: for example, 9.
Write below R O N G L I S. and cross out every ninth letter until only one remains.
The letter that has not been crossed out will determine what awaits you, or the person you were guessing at. I still have the letter C, which means that Vanya Petrov will have a date today.

Divination by L U R N I S T.

You can also find out how this or that boy treats you using the word LURNIST.

Meaning of the word LURNIST: L - loves, U - respects, R - jealous, N - hates, I - cheats, S - suffers, T - yearns.

Write your last name, first name and patronymic on top, and the last name, first name and patronymic of the boy on the bottom. Just as in the previous fortune-telling, cross out the same letters in the top line and in the bottom, and count those that remain not crossed out. Write below LURNIST and cross out each letter corresponding to the number until one letter remains. From it you will know how the boy treats you.

Fortune telling on chamomile.

It is better to guess on a camomile with girlfriends. Draw a daisy, cut out and on each petal write the names of the boys from your class, turn the daisy upside down and let each girl tear off a petal and find out the name of the boy who loves her.

And if it’s summer outside, then you definitely need to tell fortunes on a chamomile flower, tearing off the petals and asking the question: “He loves - doesn’t love, hugs - deceives, laughs - sips, kisses - spit, presses to his heart - sends to hell "and so on in a circle . The word that will fall on the very last petal and will mean how the boy treats you.

Why do boys dream.

Monday - He likes you very much.
Tuesday - he will fall in love with you.
Wednesday - Write you a letter.
Thursday - will love you forever.
Friday - goodbye.
Saturday - to parting.
Sunday loves you.

And you can also find out - who loves you, if on the night from Thursday to Friday, you wash your face with water, without wiping yourself - you go to bed, make a guess, saying these words: “From Thursday to Friday I will wash myself with water, Friday, Friday And tsa, who loves - let him dream. And the boy who likes you will definitely dream of you.

Love omens.

Often boys are very shy and hide their sympathy for girls because they are afraid that their friends will laugh at them. Therefore, sometimes they behave incorrectly, push the girl they like, pull the pigtails, hit.
If a boy hits a girl on the arm, it means that he loves her, on the shoulder, then he is a traitor, on the back - he shows that he is jealous, on the head - he trusts.

If the lips itch - for a kiss, the chest - the beloved yearns, the right hand - for a sudden meeting,
left hand - he will give a gift, heels - you will go on a date with him, head - thinks only about you, cheek - for love.

If your face burns on Monday - he talks about you with someone, Tuesday - he loves you, but hides his feelings, Wednesday - he will soon confess his love, Thursday - he will make a date, Friday - he laughs at you, Saturday - he wants to cheat on you , Sunday - loves and looks forward to meeting.

If your ears are burning: Monday - to the guests, Tuesday - to a date, Wednesday - to an acquaintance, Thursday - to a gift, Friday to the news, Saturday - to tears, Sunday - to fun.

These are simple simple fortune-telling, but then you and your girlfriends will know a lot about the boys they like.

Happy guessing!

Sooner or later, we all experience first love and the first doubts and experiences associated with it. Do you already know this feeling? Many girls, feeling love for a boy, try in every possible way to find out if it is mutual. It’s very scary to go up to the boy and ask him directly, because you are so afraid that you will be refused and ridiculed. How to find out who really loves you, and for whom you are just an acquaintance? You can watch how the boy behaves towards you, as well as tell fortunes about him.

Recognize a boy in love by his behavior

Boys are also ashamed of their feelings, because they are afraid to seem ridiculous. They are good at hiding their love, but an observant girl will always notice someone who is in love with her. How to know which boy loves you by behavior? There are several true signs.

  • He is always glad to see you, even when he has Bad mood. Greets with a smile, often calling by name.
  • He likes to watch you stealthily, and when you notice this, he immediately looks away, because he does not want to be noticed.
  • In your presence, he is often embarrassed, blushes, tries to put himself in order (fix his hair, clothes, etc.).
  • He is always ready to help you if needed.
  • He wants to know as much as possible about you. He listens with interest to what and how you say, often asks you about your life. He can also ask about you from mutual acquaintances and your friends.
  • He can give you beautiful compliments or give you nice little things.
  • He will be jealous if he notices how cute you are chatting with another boy.
  • Even if you said something stupid, he will not laugh at you, he will take everything calmly or pretend that he did not notice anything.
  • He tries to be with you as often as possible.

Divination, tests, signs

Now you can find a lot of psychological tests and fortune-telling that will help determine how this or that boy treats you, and understand which one of them loves you.

We offer you some tests that will help you find out who loves you. You need to think of a certain boy and honestly answer questions.

Many girls, wondering: "Does he love me?", Turn to various fortune-telling. You, too, can use some to understand if a boy loves you.

  • The simplest and most well-known fortune-telling is fortune-telling by chamomile. You just need to pick the chamomile you like and gradually tear off the petals from it, saying “loves” and “does not love” for each torn petal in turn. The last petal torn off will let you know if the boy loves you or not. You can also get together with your girlfriends, draw a large chamomile with petals on paper, cut it out and write the name of the boy on each petal. Then the chamomile must be turned over so that the names are not visible, and let each girl randomly tear off one petal. Whose name appears on the petal, that boy loves.
  • This fortune-telling girls consider true. Take a piece of paper and a pen and start drawing sticks in a row, and when you feel that enough is enough, say "Stop!", go to the next line and continue to draw again until you want to say "Stop!". So you should get 4 rows of sticks. After all the sticks are drawn, cross out three sticks in each row until you end up with 2, 1 or 0 sticks. When you cross out everything superfluous in all rows, you will have four numbers. Write them in a row and see the interpretation.
  • There is also one simple fortune-telling on matches. Take a box of matches, pour all the matches out of it, take two of them and fix the box at opposite ends. Now try to light both matches at the same time and watch how they burn out. If the matches lean towards each other, then there is definitely something between you. If the matches will "look" in different directions, then no luck. When conducting this fortune-telling, be sure to make sure that nothing catches fire, so put out the matches in time!

There are also a number of signs by which you can find out if you are loved. If you are dreaming of a boy, then you need to see what day of the week you saw this dream:

  • PN - like you a lot;
  • VT - fall in love with you;
  • SR - write a letter;
  • Th - his love for you will be eternal;
  • PT - date;
  • SB - separation;
  • Sun - he loves you.

There are more clues. For example, if your lips itch, this indicates a kiss in the future; right hand - about an unexpected meeting; left - expect a gift from him; heels - soon you have a date with him; head - his thoughts are occupied only with you; cheeks - to love.

If your face is on fire on Monday, he is discussing you with someone; on Tuesday - loves, but hides; Wednesday - wait for recognition; Thursday - a quick date; Friday - mocks you; Saturday - wants to cheat on you; Sunday - loves and waits for a date.

Every girl now and then wonders: "Who loves me"? or “Does anyone even love me? Agree that knowing the answers to the above questions is vital. Why? First of all, because it raises self-esteem. This information is needed in order to competently build relationships with the opposite sex. After all, when you know how a person treats you, you can always predict a lot, you can calculate the steps forward, you can roughly understand what exactly will await you with this person.

The other side of this issue is lies. Indeed, it often happens that they hang noodles on your ears, saying that they love, that they cannot live without you, that you are literally EVERYTHING for this person! But for some reason you don't lie. It's just that your intuition is very well developed, and it is she who tells you: “Do not believe! Something is wrong here"!

At such moments, I really want to check where the “dog is buried” here? Does he really love me or is he really lying? How can you find out? Do not hire a detective who will follow your chosen one. In fact, this is already somehow ridiculous, and this is not a cheap occupation. The services of this kind of specialist will result in you a very, very tidy sum.

Instead of playing detective stories, instead of throwing money away, and sitting and waiting for the weather from the sea, it's much easier to go to Mogur's website. After all, our regulars note that our fortune-telling always comes true. So, find the section you need - fortune-telling online for free "Who loves me"? and just find out the whole truth!

Not every person is able to calmly wait for his love. Some want to look into the future and find out when they will meet their fate. Those who have already started a relationship can turn to accurate divination for love, it will help to find out who loves you - true divination, with the help of it you can verify the honesty of your partner. After all, the world is full of deceivers who lie about the sincerity of their feelings for the sake of constant sex or other benefits. For example, some live with women because of money, selfish goals. Of course, not everyone does this. The world is full of men who actually love their wives and girlfriends. But due to the large accumulation of liars, it will never be superfluous to make sure that the thoughts of a man are focused on you, and not on another woman.

Especially often young girls resort to witchcraft and divination, because it is considered the most energetically strong. Women are more likely than men to be able to cope with fortune-telling on their own, without resorting to the help of professional fortune tellers.

This true divination of love does not require foreign objects from you. will help you find out the feelings of the person you like, the future of your relationship. You don't have to be a couple already, it could just be someone you like. You need to know his date of birth, and you will not need anything else.

1. First of all, add up all the numbers of the full date of birth of the chosen one. That is, if he was born on 11/22/1991, you should get 2+2+1+1+1+9+9+1=26=2+6=8.

2. Do the same with your date of birth.

3. Subtract the smaller number from the larger number.

4. You will get a one-digit number, which will tell you about the future.

a. 1 - The man you really like is very insecure. He is dependent on someone else's opinion, and is able to give up his dream only because a complete stranger tells him "you can't do it." For the same reason, he can abruptly cut off communication with someone if he hears "you are a bad couple." Therefore, count on long-term love only if you are ready to help the chosen one overcome this addiction. In this case, harmony will bloom between you, and for many years you will feel tenderness for each other.

b. 2 - Before you monogamous! And, besides, a person who puts family and relationships in the first place. If he falls in love with you, and it is mutual, your relationship will last a long time and may develop into a family. Of course, such a person will not fall in love with the first person he meets, and for him there is no love at first sight. Support, sincere care and no secrets from a partner are important for him.

c. 3 - not the most pleasant numerological alignment. Do you have a rival for the heart young man. It is not necessary to grab your head and go accuse a person of treason or hidden relationships! It is not at all necessary that another woman takes a place in his heart. It could be work favorite hobby, life problems. If a person is planned serious relationship, discuss this point, and only then think about whether you are satisfied with his position. If you suspect that the man still has a mistress, his behavior has changed a lot and he behaves strangely, read about. Perhaps all the troubles and awkwardness between you are precisely because of the magic of the lovebird.

d. 4 - you have very similar character and temperament. And this is not always good. Yes, you have the same views on the future, one of you will not rattle the other's nerves while the other will silently endure, but you may encounter such problems: there is a chance that both of you are leaders in a relationship, and then a permanent struggle will begin between you for leadership; it is also possible that, for example, both of you do not like to make serious decisions, and then even moving to the same apartment can drag on for years, not to mention the proposal of an engagement. Make compromises, don't be afraid to make to-do lists, and you'll be fine.

e. 5 - Both of you are used to feeling only today, not looking into the future. This habit of living in the moment can play a nasty trick on your relationship. Not in all life situations you can make spontaneous decisions, you need some kind of plan. Think about it if you really value feelings and a partner.

f. 6 - You and your young man have a lot of common topics for conversation. In addition, you are strongly attracted to each other physically. But each of you is subconsciously afraid of betrayal, because after an unsuccessful relationship, you do not fully believe that such harmony is possible in principle. Try not to look for a catch in every action of your partner and finally believe that everything between you is sincere. After that you will be happy.

g. 7 - You are strongly attracted to each other physically, this is a fact. But you have different views on romantic relationships and life in general, and your visions of your future together may not coincide. It's better to leave it 'short romantic adventure”, and not aim at a serious relationship. Otherwise, one of you will constantly suffer from the frivolity of the second or lack of attention.

h. 8 - You are first and foremost friends, not a couple. You can support each other in any situation, give support and a lot of practical advice, but tenderness and romance between you are infrequent phenomena. Perhaps we should not spoil such a friendship with a much more fragile model of relationships?

i. 9 - at first you try not to show your negative character traits to your partner. In response, he does the same. In the end, very long time you both see each other as positive people without flaws, and at some point this can end unpleasantly. One of you will show his cons on emotions, and then you will need to draw a conclusion: do you agree to put up with the weaknesses of your beloved?

j. 0 - When you are together - you want to quarrel to the nines, slap each other in the face and jump out of the apartment in one underwear. When you are far from each other, you are ready to jump on the first plane and rush into the arms of your beloved. These relationships can play unpleasantly on the psyche of both of you, although it will not be easy to move away from them: you can be left alone for many years, remembering the passion of the past. If you are serious, try to find compromises. But be prepared for the daily battlefield of everyday life. And try not to take it out on the kids if you decide to have them.

This exact divination of love is still not the last resort. It is believed that in almost all situations, you can come up with the least painful solution to overcome obstacles hand in hand with your loved one. If you and a person are wonderful interlocutors and friends, but, unlike you, he does not have any romantic feelings inside, you can cheat a little and warm up his interest with a love spell. But in no case do not use it yourself - this is an ancient magic that cannot be accessed without proper training and experience.

Listen to the results of divination - this is a gift that the universe gives you so that you can resolve conflicts before they even appear. This information will help you create a strong union and find harmony.

This fortune-telling may seem a little unusual: it requires the presence of a young man nearby. No need to worry, this is not and is not a deal with the Devil. You just need to light a candle next to the chosen one, but so that the guy does not get worried. For example, do this during a joint dinner, or if the lights suddenly turned off or the bulbs burned out.

As soon as you light the candle, watch the flames. This will answer the question of how to find out who loves you. Fortune-telling of this type is very strong, and you need to act carefully.

If the candle flame is high and even, then the feelings between you and your partner are completely mutual. And this is not always in a positive way: if you feel that your passion for a guy is subsiding, he most likely feels the same for you.

The flame looks like an uneven blob - the guy is not completely sincere with you. He may have secrets that it would be useful for you to know about. It may not have anything to do with the woman on the side, but try to get the man to have a frank conversation.

If black smoke suddenly began to flow from the candle, contact a fortune teller or fortune teller. This is the first sign of a love spell. Think about how the behavior of your chosen one has changed for last days or weeks.

This true love divination is suitable for free girls who have not yet met their chosen ones.

Take a towel and put on a pair of shoes that you often go outside. Get outside. Try to find the most deserted place - a field, an unpopular square among the inhabitants. It is desirable that no one sees you at all. The road is also suitable, but be careful - there should not be a single car on the horizon.

Take off your right shoe, throw it forward with all your might.

Examine the shoes. In which direction the sock is turned, in that direction your future soulmate is now located.

The towel needs to be rolled up. While twisting it, ask loudly: “Will I meet my betrothed soon?”

Then put on your shoes and go home.

At home, hang a towel in the bathroom or on the balcony, behind glass.

First thing in the morning, go to the towel and put your hand on it. If the towel is left completely dry, then you are not yet ready to meet your lover. If, for any reason (someone touched it with wet hands, it rained outside), the fabric is wet, you will meet love very soon.

But remember that fortune-telling cannot be abused and carried out without preparation every day. This is not a way to have fun or satisfy your curiosity, this is a glimpse into the future. If a candle appears in the instructions for fortune-telling, read. Be sure to pay attention to the phase of the moon necessary for a particular ritual and contraindications for the ritual.

Divination for love - very useful thing. In some cases, she will brighten up the expectation of a future spouse, in some cases she will help to sort out problems with an existing young man. But the universe never dictates to us what to do. All the information that she gives us is just a hint on how to make our life better. Whether to follow the advice is up to you.

The article describes truthful and accurate divination for love, here I will tell you about how to find out who loves you, what true divination is and much more. Examples of fortune-telling with the help of numerology, candle flame, fortune-telling shoes are given. These accurate fortune-telling for love does not require long preparation and any special knowledge, each woman can make them on her own, without resorting to a professional fortuneteller. In one of the rituals, the presence of a man nearby is mandatory.

About divination

Written by: Mage Hades

Initially, rituals were created only to find out what a person who is destined for fate looks like. Somewhat later, conspiracies appeared to see in a dream not just a betrothed who would appear somewhere there, but the one with whom they are now together, but who is very far away. In any case, both those and other rituals will be useful, because they will help to find the answer to the question "How to see a person in a dream who loves you?"

To see their betrothed in a dream, girls can go to any lengths, and popular beliefs contribute to this matter. There are some helpful tips:

  • To see a person in a dream who loves, it is necessary on Thursday evening, before going to bed, to say three times: “Friday, the beloved will appear in a dream.” And immediately go to sleep. As practice shows, in a dream, an image of a person with whom she is destined to meet appears in front of a girl. It can be someone from a close circle or completely stranger. The main thing is to try to see it well. Of course, it also happens that at night nothing is dreamed of. This does not mean at all that no one loves the girl. Most likely, before going to bed, she was not thinking about her betrothed at all, but about something else, more mundane.
  • Also a good ritual with a wooden comb. The tree is considered a symbol of affection, so it is necessary to purchase a wooden comb and comb your hair before going to bed. The comb must be covered with a pillow and said: “The betrothed - mummers, come comb the braid.”

Many rites and rituals that help to see in a dream a person that loves are held in holidays December 13 (for Andrey) or on the night of January 6-7 (Christmas).

On the evening of December 12, it is necessary to distribute empty pieces of paper for 12 girlfriends and ask them to write the name of the guy. Having written, they must fold them in such a way that the person who asked to do it does not see what is written there. Then these pieces of paper need to be collected together, mixed and put another empty one to make 13 messages.

Rolled pieces of paper are placed under the pillow on which the fortuneteller sleeps. At night, the image of a person who loves will come. And when you wake up, you should get a message with a name from under the pillow. What name will fall out and will call the betrothed, who came in a dream and the meeting will take place in next year. If an empty sheet falls out, then the meeting will not happen soon.

At Christmas you can guess the most different ways. One of the most proven rituals is as follows. You need to bake two very salty cookies. Eat one yourself, and put the second under the pillow with the words: "Betrothed-mummers, bring water to drink." The person who brings water will be the one who loves.

From traditions to conspiracies

In the life of each person, situations can occur when relationships have to be maintained at a distance. At such moments, I really want to see in a dream not just my betrothed, but my lover. True, no matter how much you want, sometimes dreams just don’t go, and then a person wakes up irritated and unsatisfied. In order to dream about a loved one, there is a special conspiracy that always helps.

For its implementation, it is necessary to have human hair, a candle and matches. The ritual takes place as follows: you need to light a candle and burn hair over its flame, while you should say: “A hair smokes about you (name of a person)”. You need to pronounce the words loudly and clearly three times. But most importantly, no one should know anything about the ritual, otherwise it will be useless.

In order to make the plot stronger on the candle, you can scratch the name and surname of this person with a new needle, as well as put his photo under it. After the manipulations, a loved one will definitely come in a dream. And it will be possible not only to see, but also to talk. He will give answers to questions of interest, and the dreamer will be able to program him for even stronger love.

And 2 more ways

There are several more ways to see a loved one in a dream. The first way is for the lovers to go to bed at the same time and think about each other before going to bed. After all, you cannot see a person who is awake in a dream. This does not guarantee such an effect as in the conspiracy presented above, but lovers will also be able to make contact through the same dreams.

The second way is to simple method called "Water Charge". Any person can charge water for the fulfillment of a cherished desire. And if the need to see a loved one in a dream is too great, then you should use this method. There are two variations of the water slander:

  1. In a glass, you need to draw plain water and say your desire. Then put it by the bed, as close as possible to the headboard. And waking up at night to drink in small sips. When the water runs out, the beloved will appear in a dream.
  2. The second way is to write your desire on paper, put a glass of water on it and leave it near the bed.

In order for the effect to be stronger, you can combine these two methods.