
Buy an original gift for a student. Catalog of school goods. For the new year


1. Great encyclopedia of schoolchildren
The encyclopedia tells about amazing things in an accessible and understandable way - about the mysteries of the night sky, about where life came from on the planet, about the mysteries of wildlife, about new inventions and mysterious discoveries, about the mysteries of ancient civilizations, etc. Each chapter of the encyclopedia reveals a whole list of thematic questions, the answers to which can be obtained by studying the encyclopedia.

2. Telescope (for children)
It is sometimes interesting for all of us to consider the night sky, various constellations and the moon. It is much more interesting to look at the mysteries of the night sky through a telescope. Despite the fact that the telescope is for children, looking through it, you can clearly see the constellations, observe the fall of comets and meteorites. If your child is seriously interested in astronomy, and this science has become his hobby, then such a telescope is simply necessary for him.

3. Metal constructor
Who doesn't like folding a constructor? This is just a huge field for the imagination and mind of the child. From a set of certain component parts you can model and create more and more options and varieties of objects. The metal construction set is a real trainer of imagination, attention, coordination of movements and fine motor skills hands of a child.

4. Set for children's creativity
Kits for children's creativity are very popular. This set includes: threads of various colors and thicknesses, a set of sewing and embroidery needles, a thimble, scissors, colored sequins, colored beads, floss threads, canvas with printed sketches for embroidery. Such a set will delight not only girls, but also boys.

5. Set for the manufacture of coinage
Embossing is a painting made of metal. To create a chasing is like drawing a picture, but instead of a brush and paints, the chasing artist uses a hammer and various attachments, with the help of which patterns and various images are obtained. Chasing is a type of artistic forging.

In this article, we will finally turn our attention to our children, schoolchildren. The New Year is not far off and you must have already thought about what to give to children at parent meetings. TOP 10 gifts for schoolchildren Is a "collection" of gift ideas for of different ages and on different cases: new year, eighth of March, on the birthday of the class .

Place of purchase - already known online stores and

The first to enter the arena is the universal option, since it is suitable for all ages (any class) and for any holiday. To go to the product page click on the picture.

1. Flash drives

Interesting and original flash drives will appeal to their young owners, because in the current age of computer technology, the gift will become a constant companion of the child in the classroom and outside of school. On the eve of the new year, I propose New Year's options.

2. Notepads

The second kind of universal gift that is familiar to all parenting committees. But here I would like to draw attention to the beauty and uniqueness of the notebook so that the gift will be remembered.

If you don't like any of the ready-made notebooks, then create original notebooks yourself, write the child's first and last name, post class photos, decorate and the gift for the class is ready! Only your class will have such things, and all the children will be delighted. Where can this be done? see below.

3. Book of Sofia Mogilevskaya "Girls, a book for you!"

I still read this book as a child, learned to use it to make pies, cook soup, porridge. Here I found ideas for decorating a house, etc. Let the girls in your class be the most economical and beautiful. This book will help them with this!

But the next book can be presented to both boys and girls. For example, on February 23rd - for boys, for March 8th - for girls.

4. Jerry Bailey “My body is changing. Everything teenagers want to know and what parents are embarrassed to talk about. "

For schoolchildren from 14 years old

For older kids, the following sets are suitable:

6. Stationery set "Learn with pleasure!"

The set includes a large number of items: pens, pencils, sketchbook, paints, brushes, notebook, etc. Presented for both girls and boys.

If you are worried that your children may lose money for food and other school needs, then give the children of your class

7. Wallets

If the kid suddenly loses such a wallet, it will be much easier to find it, because everyone in the class will know what it looks like.

8. Lunch box

If this word sounds unfamiliar to you, then this is a food container that preserves the benefits, temperature and flavor of the food. Such "boxes" are recommended for schoolchildren when. Gifts like this would work for classes that refuse to eat in the cafeteria, which was almost entirely my class. And suddenly, at parent-teacher meetings, you decide that the children will bring food with them. You can put fruits, hot sandwiches, etc. there. I offer both more expensive and budget options.

Ecumenical choice gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Good day to dear blog visitors! For today's post I was prompted by the approach school year... Among other things, the question of the days of "jam" will again arise. And for me personally, the topic “birthday gifts for children at school” is more relevant than ever.

Choosing gifts is not an easy task

How to choose gifts? First, let's define the conditions that should be taken into account when searching for them. The fundamental here, you see, is the criterion: to buy gifts from only one commodity item. To prevent babies from getting exactly the same or exactly different gifts, heterogeneity is allowed only for the range of products.

As for the costs, let's focus on the prices based on 100-300 rubles. For most parents, this amount is quite lifting.

Gift ideas for 7-9 years

7 years is a turning point. And it is extremely important. Many people experience the stress of going from kindergarten to school. The situation has changed, the environment has been renewed, responsibilities have appeared, the workload has increased.

Therefore, birthday days become a good opportunity for children to get closer to classmates and a teacher.

Well, let's go over the presentations for schoolchildren 7-9 years old:

Reins of government for children?

I know of another experimental method that works for united name days. This means that we allow a son or daughter to personally choose a gift for a classmate (without participation)! Of course, within the agreed amount.

Provides all parents with a class list with dates of birth. Parents at the right time remind the child of the approaching date, and he begins to search.

Agree, it's interesting. We will teach our child to respect peers, memorize dates, be interested in the tastes of the people around us. Great!

And one of my friends told me that they generally followed the "revolutionary" path.

On class name days, they give who, how and what they want: who is a postcard, who is a drawing, who is something of a trifle or large. No conditional requirements. No obligation. You can not give at all! And a general tea party is not necessary.

I don’t know, perhaps such a system is also legitimate. Children also learn to be independent. But I am against such an innovation. Immediately I imagine such a terrible picture: a schoolboy who was given a birthday, who was not given anything.

A little about presentations for children 10-13 years old

It is impossible to ignore the schoolchildren of the middle classes. Our kids will grow up, and we will have to think.

It is not easy to please a child of 10-13 years old. Again a transitional age. It's no wonder why the middle classes are abandoning birthday days. But our article is for those who have kept a good tradition.

So, here are 4 gift ideas:

  1. 3D puzzles- a wonderful surprise, especially for the inquisitive minds of boys. They will certainly collect them with greater interest than ordinary ones. For the price, you can find quite "budget" options.
  2. Stained-glass windows and kits for creativity... From the mass of "hand-made things", like small stained-glass windows, it is easy to find incredibly interesting ones. Well, wouldn't the kids like making plaster figures with their own hands, for example?
  3. Photo album... Nowadays we store photographs more in computers and do not often print on paper. But a small album presented for the day of "jam" may lead a child to the idea of ​​printing the most memorable photographs.
  4. Flash drive... Well, without modern gadgets today, nothing. By the way, the last two ideas can be used even when choosing a presentation for high school students.

That's it for today! Allow me to close your post and wish you all the very best. See you!

Best regards, Anastasia Skoreeva

If the family has a child school age, which means that he needs all kinds of accessories for study and free time. Or is it important for you to buy an exclusive gift for schoolchildren of close friends?

Supermarkets are piled high with a variety of items that kids need. It is often very difficult to decide.

The best solution would be to look at our portal, where a unique collection is collected suitable gifts schoolboy. Through a simple search engine, browse models, select necessary thing very easy.

Pupils sometimes spend very long periods in the classroom. This must be taken into account when choosing. Here you can find a gift for a junior student, as well as for high school students. Any product will surely please both a child and a teenager.

It is important for first graders to select things that will diversify their studies, will be able to individually distinguish them among their peers. For this we offer fun stationery. If children strive to create, we also have such a direction.

A useful gift for a student will definitely help develop personal abilities, imagination, logical thinking. Go in search of gifts with enthusiasm, and our competent staff will always support you in this endeavor.

A gift to a student can be presented on any significant date:

  • On the first bell, on the prom.
  • On the name day.
  • For Christmas, New Year's holidays.
  • Girls on International Women's Day, boys - Fatherland Defense Day.
  • Just like that, for no reason.

The best gift for a student from the "Expand" online store

Take a look at the large online catalog. Here you can find the most interesting gifts for schoolchildren:

  • Thermal bottles, thermoses for food, lunch boxes. It is very convenient to take them with you to study. They do not open, do not stain textbooks, notebooks. Aimed to teach children to be organized, to observe the correct drinking and food regime.
  • For young astronomers - fantastic Star Charts. They glow in the dark, allow you to thoroughly study the constellations and the Universe.
  • For a well-deserved rest after a school day - warm, cozy home slippers in a cool design.
  • Excellent scratch posters of 100 Cases in different versions. They help to find new hobbies, talents, activities. Motivate to learn about the world around you. It's fun to relax with them.
  • Scratch maps of the world, Europe are aimed at teaching the geographic features of the planet.
  • For creative people, huge posters, coloring pages, paintings by numbers, books with stickers are ideal.
  • Boring storyline board games Build kits are fun with peers.
  • For eating at home - durable porcelain plates, bowls, bowls, cups, on which motivating phrases or funny drawings are applied.
  • There is a talent for biology - present eco-cubes with prepared soil and seeds, kits for trouble-free growing of plants, herbs.

Everything Original gifts schoolchildren high quality, reliable, functional, made of safe, hypoallergenic, environmentally friendly materials, have certificates of conformity.

Buy boring gifts for schoolchildren profitably and quickly

We sell each non-trivial gift for a schoolchild at a low cost, since we receive products from trusted suppliers directly, we do not make any extra charges. Parcels after payment are neatly and promptly formed, without delay they are sent to addressees.

The child's birthday is approaching, and he is ready to accept congratulations and interesting gifts from parents, grandparents, close friends, classmates. Before buying a birthday present, others think about the choice. I would like not only to pleasantly surprise the student, but also to give him a useful and practical present.

Children visiting Kindergarten dream of school, because there is no "quiet hour". This is the first step in adult life, according to many guys. And so the child went to first grade. We didn’t have time to look back, he was already a second grader. The 3rd and 4th academic year is not far off.

Toys for primary school children

Many of them come with additional items. The toys are battery operated. This option is more suitable for a girl's birthday.

Various types of constructor can be selected for both the boy and the girl. Construction is fun and fun.

Collecting something common from different elements, the child learns spatial thinking, develops logic and motor skills.

For the boy's birthday, as a gift, choose a scale model of a car. Models reproduce not only appearance cars, but also highly detailed vehicle. Many cars open doors, trunk, hood, etc.

Middle School Presentations

Roller Skates - good gift for active children. The present is more relevant for girls and boys born in spring or summer. After all, gifts for this exist, so that the birthday people not only rejoice after the presentation, but also immediately begin to use the present.

Do not forget about additional accessories: special socks, protection, helmet, backpack. Children who celebrate their birthday in autumn and winter can ask for ice skates as a gift. Ice skating is considered one of the most popular winter activities.

Board games will be an excellent dominant for development logical thinking schoolchildren.

Stores presented different types and directions:

Art kits are suitable for those boys and girls who love to create something with their own hands.

For example, a burner, a kit for making a textile toy, a digital sketchbook, and others.

Children, aged 13-15, are already starting to follow fashion with might and main, especially girls. One of the options for a birthday gift for advanced fashionistas is clothing items or additional accessories to the image.

You can make a surprise gift or pick up clothes with your teenager. Indeed, in this transitional age parents may not please their child.

Birthday boy at school

As for gifts for students from the class, bought by the teacher or the parent committee, they are usually given twice a year. Schoolchildren are divided into two groups. The first group - those born in the spring and summer months.

The second group of students is formed from those born in the autumn and winter.