
How to find out how many marriages I will have. True fortune-telling by hand: how many marriages you will have. Separation or marriage


The lines on the hand can tell a lot of interesting information about a person, which concerns both the past and the future. Of course, most people want more and more. For many, the issue of marriage and the birth of children is relevant. Palmistry allows you to recognize even such information by hand. So, how to determine the number of marriages and children along the lines of the hand?

For the sphere family life in the palm of your hand meets the line of marriage. It is located on the hill of Mercury, just below the base of the little finger, on the very edge of the palm. You need to analyze the marriage line on the right hand. As a rule, the number of small horizontal lines on the hill of Mercury indicates the number of love unions. Sometimes marriage lines can appear regardless of legal relationships. If a person truly loved and planned to create a long-term relationship with his soulmate, but it didn’t come to a wedding, this will still affect the marriage line.

Not everyone has this line. If it is not there, then this indicates a cold nature and indifference to relationships with the opposite sex. It happens that a married person does not have this line on his hand. This speaks of a marriage of convenience or a union in which there are no feelings.

Based on this, the line of marriage indicates not so much marriage itself, but rather feelings and love.

  • The lines of marriage can also be used to judge the nature of the relationship. The longer and clearer this line, the longer the relationship lasted. If the marriage line is very short, then this indicates that the union was short-lived.
  • If small short lines go down from the marriage line, this means that not everything is going smoothly in the relationship. This is a sign of problems that can eventually destroy the marriage.
  • The marriage line, the end of which tends downward, will tell about dissatisfaction in the relationship. This means that a person is disappointed in choosing a life partner. Marriage gave him only troubles and problems.
  • Widowhood can be judged by the line of marriage, which crosses the line of the heart in the palm of your hand. This suggests that a person will outlive his partner and will mourn his loss.
  • If the line of marriage reaches the line of the mind, then this indicates an unhealthy relationship within the family. It is likely that the husband used physical force against his wife.
  • The marriage line, which has a fork at the end, indicates that the relationship has ended or may end in divorce.
  • If the fork is at the very beginning of the marriage line, then this indicates a reconnection with your soulmate. Usually such a sign appears when the husband and wife divorced, and then remarried.

Fortune telling by hand will help determine the number of children. The lines of children are, like the lines of marriage, on the hill of Mercury, and radiate upward from the line of marriage. Since each line of marriage symbolizes a specific relationship, it is easy to find out from which marriage how many children will be.

  • If the line of children is not even, then this may indicate an abortion, stillbirth, or a child born with a pathology. If the line of the child comes from the line of marriage in the form of the Latin letter V, then this means that twins will be born.
  • The lines of children may vary in their length. If the line is short, then a girl will be born, if it is long, there will be a boy.
  • It happens that the number of children on the palms of the spouses does not match. This means that one of them has the potential to conceive a child. It can also mean illegitimate children or children from previous marriages.

You can learn a lot from the lines on the hand. useful information about your future, present and past. However, in order to fully reveal the picture of your fate, you need to take into account all the lines and signs on the hand in the aggregate, then you can more clearly learn about your life. Liked the article? Then be sure to put

27.09.2013 13:49

There are many ways to find out how many children you will have. You can resort to the help of divination or horoscopes. BUT...

With the help of palmistry, people have learned to answer many important questions, including those related to marriage. By the lines of the hand, you can find out exactly how many marriages there will be in life and whether they will be at all.

Palmistry has been practiced since ancient times, trying to unravel the meaning of the lines on the hand. Centuries later, this science has become indispensable for those who are looking for answers to secret questions, trying to predict the future. The lines on the hand can indicate the number of marriages, and the site's experts suggest finding them on your palms in order to know exactly what to expect from life.

Finding the marriage line on the hand is not difficult: it is located just below the little finger, in front of the heart line. If you slightly bend the little finger, the line or lines will become clearly visible. The marriage line is horizontal and most often has vertical branches that point to.

To understand how many marriages there will be in life is quite simple: for this you need to count the number of dashes. The brightest of them indicate a stable relationship that will last. for a long time. Barely noticeable lines most often indicate a short relationship, and they should not be taken into account. Surprising is the fact that the fate of a person can change, and the number of lines can become different. In this regard, it is simply impossible to accurately predict the number of marriages.

Those who have not been able to find a marriage line on their hand should check if they have damage and the so-called crown of celibacy. Often, curses change fate, leaving marks on the human body. The marriage line in this case may not be visible at all, or it may be too pale to indicate it.

Often there is no marriage line due to an arranged marriage or a marriage of convenience. The hands do not display lines that are not associated with the heart, feelings and genuine emotions, so the absence of a marriage line may indicate a cold-blooded calculation in the future.

Depending on how close the marriage line is to the heart line, you can find out at what age significant event:

  • the dash of marriage, located directly above the line of the heart, indicates that the marriage will be early, at the age of 20;
  • a line descending from the little finger to the line of the heart indicates marriage at the age of 20 to 30 years;
  • the marriage line, located close to the little finger, symbolizes late marriage, it is possible that in old age.

Learn about what marriage will be like and at what age such a thing will happen significant event, is possible not only thanks to palmistry. Secret questions can be answered with the help of accurate and verified divination. We wish you happiness and love, and do not forget to press the buttons and

12.04.2019 03:08

How long will your relationship with your partner last? Are you waiting for a breakup? Will you have children? ...

According to the marriage line on the hand, you can find out about a person’s love affairs. This line is located on the hill of Mercury, at the base of the little finger. Many...

Palmistry is a fascinating activity that allows you to get a lot of information about fate. Lifting the veil of the future, each person dreams of finding a loved one, so he carefully studies the signs in the palm of his hand. How to find out by hand how many marriages there will be? Let's take a closer look at the brightest symbols.

When starting palmistry, it is important to carefully study all the lines. Ancient science allows you to find out not only the age of marriage, but also how many children or soulmates the object will have. Often in pictures and photos, the symbols do not at all coincide with what a beginner sees in the palm of his hand. You can double-check the data on the non-leading limb or consult with professionals.

How to determine the marriage line

Professional fortune-tellers can tell at a glance how many times a client will get married and at what age. We advise beginner palmists to study all the dashes and lines, and only then proceed to interpretation. To better see everything, you can purchase a magnifying glass for these purposes.

Guessing by the leading hand. One of the common mistakes of beginners is the standard interpretation of symbols on the right limb, while the person is left-handed. Basic knowledge should be used with an eye to the rules.

How to find the marriage line? This is a contour located just above the line of the heart. The thicker and clearer the sign, the more successful the relationship. If you see a similar image, then it promises a strong, stable connection. There may be several strokes of different depths and lengths. The presence of weakly expressed symbols indicates frivolous, short-term hobbies.

If there is no marriage line

Sometimes it is impossible to find a marriage line. Palmists prefer to interpret the phenomenon in different ways. Let's analyze the most common options.

  1. Emotional coldness. A person cannot have warm feelings for the opposite sex, which is reflected in his relationship.
  2. Arranged wedding. Going to the detriment of love, a person deprives himself of a certain inspiration. Perhaps such a family is happy in its own way, but the symbols in the palm of your hand do not show cordial affection.
  3. Other purpose. Not all people are created to conform to natural laws. There are exceptions when a person lives for something important, so marriage will become unhappy.

By the way, the absence of a symbol in the palm warns of the presence of a crown of celibacy. Under such circumstances, we recommend that you first of all undergo a diagnosis, and only then take any action to destroy witchcraft. In advanced cases, all bad omens can be seen on the skin.

Characteristics of marriage

Looking at the lines on the hand, you can find out certain subtleties of the future life together. A long straight line means a happy coexistence, without worries and sadness. An upward curved arc promises an extremely emotional relationship with its couple, a downward curvature warns of possible health problems in the spouse.

How to determine the number of marriages by hand? In the palm of your hand, carefully examine the area above the contour of the heart. The "family" sector is expressed by stripes, strokes and other sticks. Strong relationships manifest themselves in the form of deep "moats", and barely noticeable dashes do not matter. A long, straight outline indicates that a happy fate awaits in the future.

"In order to determine the number of marriages by hand, just count the lines that indicate marriage."

Difficulties in relationships are promised by a fork at the beginning of the strip. The same sign or rounding warns of a break or dangerous scandals. Sometimes such a sign does not appear immediately, but after several happy family years. Palmistry is not an exact science, so changes are possible at any time.

Symbols on the marriage line

Often they look for the number of marriages by hand, but find strange symbols. A square on a strip means physical abuse by a partner. The presence of a cross or several similar images is a sign of ongoing problems in personal life. The star warns of an impending crisis, and the lattice - the loss of interest of the spouses to each other.

If the line of marriage at the end bends down, approaching the strip of the heart, then this is a sign of a widower. You should not immediately worry and wind yourself up, because the symbol warns that your partner will die earlier. To understand the approximate age of death, it is better to look at the corresponding images of your couple.

On the female and male palms, the outline of a fork means a divergence of interests and divorce. If the roads connect after a few millimeters, then you will survive a difficult crisis, you will be together again. The presence of a tassel at the end of the strip warns of a bad omen. Loss of interest in each other or weakening of feelings will not be able to connect the couple.

By the way, in the palm of your hand you can determine the age at which a person will find a family. The closer the strip is to the line of the heart, the sooner the object will marry. Professionals can tell you about the timing without a ruler with an accuracy of up to a year.

Additional Information

Divination involves comparing marks on both hands. The received data does not always have to match. It's just that what is destined is gradually modified under the influence of external factors. The image is a predetermining plan, not an algorithm of behavior in life.

When studying how many marriages and on which hand, many often do not pay attention to the shape of the line. A clear, straight line means a standard family that will not stand out from its own kind. Problems and troubles are not global in nature, and secrets are not able to change anything in life.

If there is a mound in the palm between the stripes of the heart and marriage or the dash ends with an “island”, then this carries a sign of incest. Love relationship between loved ones blood relatives leaves a bright symbol on his hand. In order not to make hasty conclusions, we advise you to double-check the information with a specialist.

The connection of the marriage line with the trait of the Sun portends a rich or influential person as partners. At all times, girls have dreamed of such an omen, therefore, in modern palmistry, they also look for a useful combination. However, such a marriage does not always promise love and happiness.

Small branches from the main band can tell you how comfortable and calm marriage will be. Ascending "shoots" promise a cloudless life together in which there is a place for mutual understanding and high feelings. Descending sticks warn of quarrels and various troubles. Breaks in the marriage line mean the destruction of the family by someone from the outside.

Determination of the number of children

The vertical stripes at the beginning of the little finger are the potential number of children. For partners, they do not match, so you should not worry and suspect your spouse of treason. A thick, clear line promises the birth of a boy, and a slightly noticeable line promises a girl. The image in the form of V predicts the appearance of twins.

After you know how many marriages you will have, you can move on to determining the age of birth of children. The closer the strokes to the edge of the palm, the sooner fate will please the offspring. The central symbols mean the late heirs.

In the eastern course of palmistry, the hill of Venus and the “ring of the family” are responsible for the kids. Under the third phalanx thumb it is easy to see the hill, which helps to determine the number of children. Islets or vertical sticks indicate the number of children.

Pay attention to the distance between the strips. A large gap predicts that many years will pass between births. The narrow space hints at an insignificant period. In men, marks can show not only their babies, but also those whom they will love and educate.

By the way, the upper lines that go beyond the marriage line portend children outside the official family. Such symbols are typical for couples who are in no hurry to legalize relationships. In other interpretations, such a sign may be a sign of a beloved child.

Things to Remember

To know your fate from the marks on your hand, you need to be able to put many small components into one complete picture. It is a mistake to think that it is enough to find out how many marriages I will have, and the rest of the data does not matter. An interpretation that uses one or two elements cannot show accurate information about a person's future.

Each person is unique, so do not look for a complete match with information from the Internet. For beginners, we recommend recording the first experiments with the interpretation of symbols. Over time, it will become a habit to take notes on any incomprehensible or unusual occasion.

People have always tried to look into the future, to peep the predestined. Palmistry allows you not only to find out the number of marriages by hand, but also to get information about children and feelings. Thanks to our recommendations, you will find information on all your questions.

According to the Cards of Fate and Love, you should always pay attention on the degree of a person's predisposition to marriage, as well as those most likely reasons due to which one or another Birth Card finds it difficult to marry.

Low Marriage Propensity Index indicates good marriage karma and the absence of serious problems for marriage (marriage). High index- on the contrary, it says that a person is not inclined towards marriage and, for certain reasons, faces serious problems that prevent marriage. Index 10 is the indicator of the least propensity for marriage, and 1 is the greatest. In other words, people with high indexes (5 and above) are not inclined to maintain long-term unions, and people with low indexes (below 5) are more likely to marry.

When considering a relationship in a couple, it is always useful to know the Marriage Propensity Index of each partner. So, for example, if we analyze the union of two people, each of whom has a marriage propensity factor of 5 or higher, then we can almost certainly say that these relationships can hardly lead to marriage. And although each partner may say that he is ready for marriage (marriage), the cards, as a rule, show the real picture.

Using the form presented on this page, you can by date of birth () find out the degree of a person's predisposition to marriage (marriage) and potential reasons that prevent him from marrying.

Propensity for marriage according to the Cards of Fate and Love

Date of Birth:

Marriage Propensity Index


2 - low index. High propensity for marriage.

3 - low index. High propensity for marriage.

4 - low index. High propensity for marriage.


6 - high index. Low propensity to marry.

7 - high index. Low propensity to marry.

8 - high index. Low propensity to marry.

9 - high index. Low propensity to marry.

10 - high index. Low propensity to marry.

4-9 - Men Aces of Diamonds have a higher index, i.e. less prone to marriage than the women of this Birth Chart. As a rule, the index for men ranges from 8 to 9, and for women - from 4 to 5.

Factors preventing marriage

This Birth Chart has no barriers to marriage.

The influence of the energy of the number 3.

Being under the influence of this energy, a person begins to experience boredom in a relationship with a partner and at the same time is afraid of not receiving attention and love. As a rule, such a person either never marries at all, or constantly enters into short-term alliances. Having married or got married, after some time this person finds a reason to break off relations and enter into new ones.
Such people constantly feel that they receive too little attention and love, but instead of realizing this fear and getting rid of it, they strive to have as many love partners as possible so as not to feel alone and abandoned. At the same time, many of them say that they really want to marry, and complain that they constantly come across partners who are not capable of long-term relationships. These people often have love affairs with married or married partners, since they do not oblige them to marry.
Such personalities are characterized by perhaps the most serious fears and fears in regard to personal relationships. Usually they have a well-developed intellect, and they try to comprehend love rationally, without going into the details of their emotions. They just don't want to admit their fears.

The influence of the energy of the number 5.

Such people came to our world to express the ideals of personal freedom and to get as many diverse life experiences as possible. Freedom for them is such an important issue that it can be called the meaning of their existence. Therefore, many of them perceive marriage as a prison, as a kind of limiter of personal freedom and the opportunity to experience new experiences.
Of course, such individuals enter into close relationships, which sometimes continue. long time, but they do their best to avoid marriage. Often in this case, these people are in conflict with themselves - one part of their soul strives for the reliability and stability that a long-term union can bring, and the other part is constantly fighting for liberation from any restrictions.

Influence of Saturn/Venus.

These people come into this life with a certain karmic debt in the field of personal relationships. In the past incarnation, they often caused pain and suffering to their partners, being fickle and showing insufficient love and respect for them. Because they were unaware of how their partners felt about it, the past situations returned to them, but this time they themselves were the victim.
Such people in their youth often encounter very unsuccessful love relationships, experiencing a lot of suffering in them. The pain and disappointment experienced can be so strong that they decide to completely abandon the emotional side of life and strive to no longer let anyone close to them so that he gets the opportunity to somehow hurt or hurt them.
However, by such behavior, these people deprive themselves of a chance for love and happiness. They may still enter into love relationships, but at the same time they are emotionally dead: love no longer brings them real joy or pain. Marriage does not matter to them, and most of their love unions are empty and superficial.

Influence of Neptune.

Such people treat love as beautiful fairy tale. They consider this feeling a panacea for all their problems and are sure that as soon as they manage to find a suitable partner, everything will be fine in their life right away. On a subconscious level, these people often see themselves as the savior of other unfortunate souls suffering without love and attention. They do their best to avoid situations in which they could hurt someone.
Often these people attract weak, mentally broken or “descended” partners - chronic losers, alcoholics, drug addicts, etc. They seek to heal and transform someone with their care and love, without regard to their own personal needs and desires. However, those whom they love and whom they seek to change and heal, for some reason most often refuse to change. This is how difficult relationships of interdependence arise, and people under the influence of Neptune are only wasting their time and energy. When they manage to find a person who, from their point of view, is close to the ideal, they completely lose their heads and become extremely vulnerable in relations with him.
These individuals may sooner or later emotionally shut down in order to save themselves from unnecessary suffering. Sometimes the energy of Neptune manifests itself in the fact that the ideals of a person in love are so high that it becomes almost impossible to find a partner who matches them.

The influence of pride.

These people always and in everything strive to make a favorable impression. They are very proud and do not want to be in a humiliating situation for themselves. In particular, they are afraid to at least somehow show their fear of loneliness or life instability, so they will never show their partner their vulnerability or dependence. They can help their partner, but they do not want to receive help and participation from him in return, especially if they have to ask for it. All this leads to the fact that openness and free communication in love for such people becomes impossible.

The influence of strength.

Such people are endowed with magnetism, charm and charisma, thanks to which they easily find new love partners. Therefore, if their existing relationship begins to create any problems, they easily enter into a new alliance. This is especially likely when the problems that have arisen are somehow related to their own shortcomings or weaknesses. The fact is that these people tend to blame anyone for all the difficulties, but not themselves. Therefore, they do not consider it necessary to seriously understand the relationship, but prefer to simply replace the partner.

Probably, there is no person who is not interested in how fortune-telling is carried out by the hand to obtain information about the number of marriages and childbearing. You can help get this information with the help of patterns and threads in the palm of your hand. By studying bizarre lines, you will find out not only the number of sons and daughters, but also the approximate timing of their birth. Let's take a closer look at how fortune-telling is carried out by hand. How many children and marriages will there be?

Where is the thread of childbearing

AT different traditions It is customary to obtain information on the number of children by analyzing different lines:

Note. If the fold on the skin intersects with the marriage line, then the children will be born in a legal marriage. If not, the woman will have to give birth without being married.

Interestingly, the lines of children can be confused with those that speak of a problem in marriage. The difference is very simple: the “children's” folds seem to depart from the “marriage” ones, originate from them. "Problems" cross out "marriage".

The number of children along the lines on the hand: how to guess correctly?

It is important to know a few rules that allow you to get the right information by reading the patterns in the palm of your hand. The main thing to remember is that on the “passive” hand (left for right-handers, right for left-handers) what is given to a person by fate, from birth or karmically is inscribed:

  1. That is, from this palm you can find out how many descendants a woman can potentially leave.
  2. In women, barren from birth, the lines of children are completely absent on the passive hand. However, they can be found on the active arm if a woman decides to adopt a child (or is cured of diseases that prevented conception and pregnancy).

If it is important to find out your prospects regarding how many children there will be, fortune telling by hand will help you find out not only the number of offspring, but also the possible difficulties associated with their birth.

For example, a right-hander may have three signs of children on the left palm, and only one on the right. This happens if a woman had three pregnancies and only one birth.

It is important to pay attention to deep, most clearly defined folds on the skin: they indicate the birth of a child. Imperceptible wrinkles of information do not carry.

What can be learned from a marriage trait? Fortune telling on the number of children by hand

By the trait of marriage and its distance from the base of the little finger, one can judge the age when a woman finds a partner:

  • The middle of the area between the line of the Heart and the base of the little finger is considered a thirty-year boundary.
  • If the line is located in this place or slightly higher, the marriage will be concluded before the woman reaches the age of thirty. However, this method does not always work.

If a person who guesses by his hand is under 20 years old, the area between the little finger and the line of the Heart is divided in half at the level of “22-23 years old”.

Divination at different ages

Palmists say that the pattern on the palms can be formed up to 25 years. Therefore, women younger age those who have no signs of an impending marriage on their hand should not despair: it is possible that marriage will be a little later.

Also, the most accurate fortune-telling along the lines that speak of relationships is possible up to 35 years. At a later age, it is not emotions that dominate in a person’s life, but reason and calculation. This means that he himself becomes the master of his own destiny and can completely change it thanks to his decisions.

Palmistry, how to find out how many children there will be? Know thyself

Guessing from the palm of your hand about how many times a woman will become a mother is quite easy. To do this, you should be guided by a simple algorithm.

Defining a marriage line

It is located slightly above the heart thread:

  1. If she is only one, then a person in life will have only one marriage, strong and stable.
  2. If there are several folds, then there can be many marriages.
  3. Clear lines indicate that an official marriage will be concluded. The closer they are to the finger of Mercury, the earlier the opponent will marry or get married.
  4. Barely noticeable strokes indicate affection, which will not end with the formalization of relationships.
  5. If the marriage line is long and clear, the marriage will be successful and bring happiness to both partners.
  6. If the line goes up, there will be a lot of emotions and passions in the relationship.
  7. A fold looking down indicates that the partner will have a serious illness (possibly psychological, for example, alcoholism). There may be other signs on the marriage line.
  8. A star indicates non-serious crises.
  9. The square is for violence, and the lattice is for the loss of spouses of mutual interest.

Interestingly, the sign of the impending marriage can not be found in all people. This may indicate a different purpose of the opponent or that he cannot decide in any way.

Find vertical strokes extending upward from the marriage line

It is important to consider them carefully:

  • If the line is thick, then a boy will be born, if thin - a girl.
  • A forked line in the form of the letter "V" indicates that a woman will have twins.
  • The closer the strokes to the edge of the palm, the sooner the woman will become a mother.
  • According to some interpretations, the longer the line, the more beloved the offspring will be.

Finally, if the stroke is crossed out or there is an “island” on it, it is possible that the pregnancy will end in a miscarriage or the newborn will not live long.

Divination by the number of children in the male palm

Palmists claim that everything is clear and understandable with the female palm. But male hand will give us incomplete information. The male palm indicates only how many descendants a man will experience deep affection. At the same time, patterns on the male palm can speak not only about relatives, but also about adopted sons and daughters.

There is also an opinion that men have as many marks about children in their palms as they would like to have. That is, three traits do not indicate that a person will potentially become a father for three children, but only that he would like to have a large family. At the same time, in reality, there can be only one descendant.

What will the lines on the hand tell about the number of children according to the Eastern tradition

If you go a little deeper into Eastern science, you will notice that it differs greatly from European technology. In the East, it is customary to pay attention to the “belt of the family” and the “hill of Venus”.

The "Ring of the Family" is a broad stroke located at the base of the thumb. A person will have as many children as there are islets on the “family ring”.

The thicker the ring, the stronger the partners will be attached to each other. Breaks on the ring indicate that serious disagreements will occur between the spouses or they will be forced to live separately from each other.

"Crosses" or "lattices" - a sign of a break with a partner or his death.

An additional landmark is the "hill of Venus", which can be found under the thumb.

Vertical lines can be seen on the hill. By the number of these lines, one can also judge how many children a woman will have.

Alternative divination

Not only palmistry will help to correctly determine your fate. Find out by hand how many children there will be, possibly in alternative ways. For example, there is an opinion that the number of children is equal to the number of stripes that vertically cross the middle phalanx of the little finger.

You can also guess as follows:

  1. It is necessary to firmly clench the palm into a fist and examine the place going from the base of the little finger to the wrist.
  2. The number of threads on the arm and the number of children will match.

The last fortune-telling is considered the simplest, but with its help you can further clarify the information received.

How to find out how many children will be in the hand (palmistry)? Exploring the Hill of Mercury

In some traditions, it is customary to judge the number of future children by lines located on the hill of Mercury. This hill is very small in area, and it is located under the little finger right above the line of health.

The number of strokes on the hill of Mercury is equal to the number of potential descendants.

Grandma's method. Divination with a thread and a needle

In palmistry, how to find out how many children there will be is possible not only with the help of the traditional examination of lines and their intersections. For a simple but extremely accurate divination, you will need a needle and thread:

  1. The needle is hung over the left palm. It must be held three times between the palm and thumb, after which the needle rises a few centimeters above the palm.
  2. If the needle begins to describe circles in the air, a woman will have a daughter, if it swings from side to side, a son.
  3. Fortune telling should be repeated until the needle moves. If after the next rise it remains motionless, then the information about the number of descendants has been exhausted.
  4. You can guess in this way during pregnancy to find out the gender of the unborn baby.

It should be borne in mind that if a woman already has sons or daughters, the needle will show them too.

Connection of relationship lines and children

Thanks to palmistry, you can not only find out by the hand how many children there will be. You can also get other information about your future. For example, you can find out if children will be born in happy marriage, or a girl, for example, is destined to raise a child alone.

To obtain this information, you need to find the hill of Venus surrounding the line of the Heart. The hill of Venus makes it possible to judge how emotional and loving a person is.

If the hill of Venus is pronounced, and there are many signs of marriage, most likely a person will have several marriages and divorces in his life. And this makes you think about whether it is worth considering everyone you meet as your destiny and try to give birth to a son or daughter from him as soon as possible.

  1. To get even more data, it is worth considering not only your palm, but also the hand of your partner.
  2. In palmistry, to find out how many children it will be easier with the participation of a person who can become a potential father to the offspring of a woman.
  3. If the number of traits of marriage and descendants of both spouses is the same, most likely they are destined for each other by fate.
  4. If it doesn't match, don't despair. If people manage to create a strong family, the patterns on their palms may become similar.

In addition, it is possible that an adopted son or daughter will appear in the family. And the line of this child is usually located on the hand of the very person who will initiate the adoption or adoption.

Additional signs

Some symbols in the palm of your hand will help you get information not only about the number of descendants, but also about their fate:

In palmistry, the number of children may vary.Therefore, it is important to compare the patterns on the left and right palms. On the left of right-handed people you can find information about the maximum number of children that a woman can give birth to.
Spaces between dashes.The larger the gap between the strokes, the longer the period of time will pass between births.
Children's line length.A long line indicates that the child in the family will be loved very much. If the trait is small, the child may feel like an outcast in the family.
Interrupted thread.A broken line when guessing by hand (how many children there will be) may indicate a serious illness of the baby. The earlier it is interrupted to the base, the sooner health problems will appear.
From different threads of marriage.If the lines of children depart from different lines of marriage, then they will be born from two different men who will be married.
How to determine weather?The furrow, indicating the birth of the weather, may resemble a line of twins. However, the two lines will not intersect at their base.
Possibility of childbearing.If the trait of a son or daughter does not intersect with the marriage line, then the woman had the opportunity to give birth, but for some reason she was lost.
Difficult family life.If the line of marriage is under the line of the heart, we can conclude that the marriage will be quite difficult and the woman will have to go through a lot of stress. In this case, the child can become an additional test.
Problem children.The more curved and uneven the line, the more problematic the child will be.
Random connection.If the marriage line is barely noticeable, but you can notice the pronounced line of the child extending from it, then the pregnancy will occur as a result of an accidental relationship.

Interestingly, men usually have a lot of marks on their inactive hand that they will become a father in the future. This indicates that a person could potentially conceive many children, but for some reason this did not happen.

Lines of intervention

Looking through the marriage line, you need to pay special attention to the strokes descending to it from the base of the little finger. Their palmists call signs of intervention. They say that a person will appear in the life of the spouses who wants to destroy their happiness.

It is important to estimate the number of such lines and their distance from the traits that indicate the appearance of offspring:

  1. A bad sign is the appearance of an interference line near the lines of children. In this case, it is possible that the intervention will be related to childbearing.
  2. For example, the family will have envious people, or some relative will be dissatisfied with the appearance of a son or daughter in the spouses.

Such a sign should be taken as a warning. Its presence suggests that partners after the birth of the baby will need to pay as much attention as possible to their relationship. In no case do not pay attention to what other people who are not directly related to the family say and do.

Divination along the line of life

A woman can get additional information about the number of offspring by paying attention to the line of Life, which departs from the space between the thumb and forefinger and descends to the Mount of Venus. In this case, fortune telling by the hand (how many children there will be) will become more accurate.

The strokes descending from the Life Line to the Mount of Venus indicate the number of children. In this case, you can roughly determine the age at which a woman becomes a mother.

The closer the stroke to the base, the earlier the baby will be born. You can find out the age of motherhood quite accurately. For this, the Life line is divided into 7 segments, each of which is equal to a time interval of 10 years.

A good omen is a small line that extends upward from the fold of life near the furrow indicating the birth of a child. This sign indicates that the appearance of a son or daughter will be long-awaited and will bring a lot of joy.

In some cases, the line of children in the palm of your hand is completely absent on both the left and right hands. What to do in this case, women who dream of a big family?

  1. First, don't panic. Palmistry predicts the most probable future, however, anyone can influence their fate.
  2. Secondly, one should not resort to extreme methods, for example, turning to witches or trying to change the lines on the hand in some incomprehensible way (this method is often practiced by dishonest esotericists).
  3. First of all, you should understand why a woman does not have lines on her arm that determine how many children she will have. Other signs can tell about this, for example, the line of marriage or relationships.
  4. Perhaps the person is too cold or, on the contrary, too emotional, which is why he cannot build a strong relationship with a permanent partner.
  5. It is also important to analyze the line of health: if any pathologies interfere with becoming a mother, she will point to this.

Knowing what prevents you from having children, you should begin to act. This will help experienced doctors and psychological training. It has been proven that after a person makes efforts to change life in the right direction, new lines may appear on his hand.

To the question: “How many children will there be in a hand?” palmistry can only illuminate the situation within the "here and now". Any changes to life situation may lead to changes in the distant future.

Fortune telling along the lines of the hand is a fairly accurate method that has been practiced in the world for several hundred and even thousands of years. You may not believe in palmistry, however, as practice shows, thanks to it you can get not only valuable information, but also important warnings that will help change your life for the better and avoid trouble.

Do you want to know the number of children? Palmistry will answer not only this question. You can also find out how happy your family will be and whether sons and daughters will be loved. Well, if you don’t like the information received, this is a reason to change your fate.

Do not think that fortune-telling on the number of children in the hand gives absolutely accurate answers and helps to know your fate with great accuracy. It should be understood that the fate of any person can change depending on the decisions he makes:

  1. Palmists claim that on the right hand, after important life turns and changes, the lines also change. For example, there is evidence that in women who have not had lines of children due to infertility, these marks appear after she adopts a child or marries a man who has sons or daughters.
  2. Do not panic if a woman and her partner do not have the same number of marriage lines and the number of children along the lines on the arm. As mentioned above, in men, the lines of children indicate only those offspring for whom he will experience a deep emotional attachment or plans to have in the future.
  3. Palmists claim that lines can be a warning. For example, if the line is interrupted, which indicates a child’s illness, it is worth paying special attention to his health, and not giving up childbearing.

If there are no signs of a future marriage on the hand, you should not think that a woman will never find a husband. It is possible that she will marry by calculation or will not be emotionally attached to her husband. Well, that's all that I would like to tell in the framework of this article. Next, I suggest you watch a video on how to properly conduct fortune-telling by hand and find out more about how many children you will have.