
When the box of chocolates is empty, give her a chance to spend the rest of her life away from the bin. How to make a do-it-yourself round cardboard box for a cake and other purposes: diagrams


But also using plastic covers from them.

Of absolutely waste material you can create a simulator for the development of fine motor skills, organize board game, create original wall clocks and panels, make flat and voluminous toys. Do you still throw away plastic caps?

Figurines of animals, insects from plastic covers

With younger children school age you can do a mixed application: glue several covers to cardboard and fantasize about their decor. They make wonderful birds, pets, wild animals, fish, insects.

If you string plastic covers on a fishing line, thread or wire, like beads, you can make volumetric figures of animals and insects. Now they are already able to move and it becomes interesting to play with them.

Flowers from plastic lids

Bright covers from plastic bottles can turn into a core magic flower. Similarly, glue them to the cardboard and decorate. If you glue not only the plastic cap itself, but also the neck of the bottle, then you can hide some secret for the child inside. For example, a butterfly or a bee. Then it will be interesting for him to “work” with such objects.

Pictures from plastic covers

If there are several bags of plastic covers, then it is worth moving on to large-scale art projects and installations. Lids can be glued and nailed. The main thing, as always, lies in the brilliant idea.

Flat men made of plastic caps

Similar to making simple animal figurines, silhouettes of various characters and flat puppets can be made from lids. We fantasize and stick them on a base made of cardboard or thick fabric, decorate and enjoy the result!

They will add originality to the picture, make it voluminous and interesting with details from caps that match in color. These can be elements of the face, buttons on the suit, flowers, balls and much more. For example, like this funny clown!

Transforming robots made of plastic caps

It turns out that it is easy and simple to please your boys with a creative robot. To do this, we string the covers on a wire base and assemble all the parts together. Now our robot can move, you can attach to it different types weapons, wheels or even a car, antennas, use unusual or very ordinary tubes, boxes and cans in its design.

Transport based on plastic caps

Traffic can be extensive and stationary if you choose to render traffic on large format paper or cardboard. For such a project, you will need: find a base from a large box, select the necessary decorations and cut them out of magazines and newspapers, draw the necessary objects yourself, glue everything on the base, and then do the lid craft. To do this, we take a variety of lids: small ones from juices, medium ones from mineral water, large ones from canisters and five-liter plastic jars. For business!

Spending time playing with such a "simulator", the baby will not voluntarily train his fingers, opening and closing the lids, looking for a second picture under them.

Please note that the caps can be not only the core of a flower or the wheels of a car, but also be a door or a window that hides interesting details and photographs.

Fantastic cars can be made from improvised materials. Almost everything is suitable for this: a toilet paper roller, a yogurt jar, other containers, canisters, cardboard boxes for dairy products.

Other lid items

Indeed, there is no limit to human imagination! It turns out that you can create stylish watches from plastic covers, organize a game of checkers, make toy musical instruments, sweets, and even decorate a children's kitchen for games.

Photo sources in the selection:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 09/pirozhnie-iz-probok.html,,,,, morburybeverly.blogspot. ru/2012/12/blog-post_8408.html,,,,,,, allriddles.ucoz. en

Empty cake boxes are used by everyone. Who mercilessly throws them out right away, who grow seedlings in them, at our place, at work, cleaners store them detergents: soda, powder, which are issued for washing the school, and can also be used during repairs, as handy tool. But today I decided to use this item for other purposes, taking a simple box to fulfill a noble mission.


To make the frame, I needed a lid from a cake box, linen twine and a glue gun. Before starting work, the surface of the cake dish was treated with alcohol, trying to remove all stains.

The protruding part of the bottom of the box will be the window of the future frame, I fill the rest of the part from the ledge to the end with twine.

I apply glue so that the coils of twine are glued not only to each other, but also glued to the base.

When laying the turns, I try to apply a strip of hot glue in small areas, because it quickly hardens in air.

Having laid the coils of twine to the end of the box, I cut off the excess.

For the substrate, I chose a light base - interlining.

I draw in the form of a blank-frame and cut out a circle.

To design the work, I took this embroidery sample, which I had lain for about a year. At that time, I bought an embroidery machine and tried to embroider some drawings, it was interesting how it would turn out. I put the finished samples in my daddy and now they are waiting in the wings. Let's consider that this picture is lucky for today.

I put the finished circle of interlining on the embroidery, combining the centers of both. I cut off the excess and glue both fabrics along the edges.

I combine the frame blank with embroidery and glue it in a circle in several places. If excess fabric protrudes beyond the frame, then they will need to be trimmed immediately.

Once again I glue the edges, slightly pulling on the embroidery. I mark the place where the loop will be on the frame. I continue to lay coils of twine, carefully turn to the wrong side, not forgetting to make the loop itself. View from the wrong side of my picture. Non-woven fabric is better to duplicate with cardboard

That's what I did. Of course, you can leave it in this version, but you can dream up. I added butterflies from a napkin, which I previously glued onto the fabric with PVA and cut out, and then planted on the frame.

Making a gift even more pleasant is quite simple: it needs to be beautifully packaged without damaging it. As a rule, there is nothing more practical than cardboard boxes. But even such a boring attribute of a surprise can be interestingly beaten. And for this you just need to do round box from cardboard with their own hands.

Round cardboard boxes or hat boxes are not only original packaging for gifts or confectionery, but also a very practical way to store:

  • scraps of fabric, thread, needles;
  • beads, beads;
  • memorabilia;
  • decorations;
  • hats and other items of clothing.

Such boxes look very cute, regardless of size, and making them is no more difficult than rectangular models. The main thing is to choose the right cardboard.

How to choose cardboard?

To choose cardboard for round boxes, you need to consider the basic principle: the material must be well bendable. Therefore, dense double cardboard, in which household appliances are packed, is definitely not suitable. It is best to take thick paper or packaging cardboard for cakes - it will not be difficult to make crafts from such material and you can be sure that there will be no ugly folds on it. Also suitable:

  • cardboard for children's creativity;
  • photo paper for the printer;
  • poster cardboard;
  • coated or uncoated paper;
  • design cardboard.

Whichever option you choose, keep in mind that the density of the material should be from 180 to 250 g / m2.

How to make a round cardboard box with your own hands?

For a round box (for example, under stationery), you can take colored drawing paper.


  • whatman;
  • ruler, pencil;
  • PVA glue;
  • markers.


  • We draw a rectangle of the desired height and width on the Whatman paper.
  • On one of the long sides, set aside an allowance of 3 cm.
  • We divide the length of the allowance by an integer, draw perpendiculars.
  • In each resulting rectangle, draw an isosceles triangle.
  • We cut out the blank, paint it with felt-tip pens, fold it around and glue the sidewalls.
  • On the paper draw 2 circles equal to the circle of the blank cylinder.
  • Cut out the circles.
  • Glue the triangles to one of the circles from the outside.
  • With the second circle, planted on double-sided tape, we seal the bottom with seams. The box for pens and pencils is ready.
  • Mastering gift box with a lid: a master class with a diagram

    If you want to make a round box with an unusual pattern, use patterns from the Internet for this. Print the drawing you like on a sheet of design cardboard, cut out the details and glue them. If you don't want to use ready template, you can do it differently.


    • photo paper for the printer;
    • stationery scissors;
    • ruler, pencil;
    • PVA glue;
    • double sided tape.


  • We print any drawing on 2 sheets (it is better to take an abstraction).
  • Draw a rectangle on one sheet, add an allowance of 2.5 cm to one of the long sides.
  • Divide the allowance by an integer and cut to the base line.
  • Cut off small corners of each rectangle. We glue the sides.
  • On the second sheet, we also draw a rectangle, the length of which is 0.7 cm longer than the first, and the height is equal to the desired height of the lid.
  • On one side, we also make an allowance and repeat steps 3-4.
  • We measure the length of 2 circles and make 2 blank circles for each part.
  • We apply the circle to the base, bring the triangles out and glue them.
  • We close the seams with the second circle, gluing it on double-sided tape to the first.
  • For the lid, repeat steps 8-9. The box with the lid is ready.
  • Read also:

    • How to make a paper cake with your own hands
    • DIY cardboard boxes

    Festive cake packaging

    A cake box should be not only beautiful, but also durable. This nuance should be followed when making a round "house" for a confectionery product.


    • poster cardboard;
    • stationery scissors;
    • compass;
    • pencil;
    • ruler;
    • PVA glue or "Moment";
    • fabric in 2 companion colors.


  • On cardboard, draw a circle of the desired diameter, cut it out.
  • Draw a rectangle whose height will be the height of the box.
  • We make an allowance of 4 cm to one of the sides of the rectangle. Cut out the detail.
  • We cut the allowance in several places and glue it to the circle.
  • We draw a circle, the diameter of which will be 1.5 cm less than the first. Cut out.
  • We cover the resulting circle with a cloth, glue it on the back side.
  • We glue the bottom into the base blank.
  • Repeat steps 1-4 for the box lid.
  • From cardboard cut out a rectangle about 8 cm high, equal to the diameter of the base plus 2 cm.
  • We glue the side parts of the resulting strip.
  • We glue the strip into the base so that about 5 cm protrudes outward. A cover will be put on this ledge.
  • Let's start decorating the box. We make circles from the fabric a few centimeters larger than the circumferences of the bottom and lid.
  • We cut the edges of the fabric circles, glue them to the bases.
  • We cut out rectangles from the fabric, with which we fit the outer and inner sides of the circle.
  • To hide the joint of the fabric from the outside, you can make a small fold. The cake box is ready.
  • Decorating round boxes

    In addition to pattern and fabric, round boxes can be decorated with almost any decorative elements:

    • sequins, rhinestones, beads (especially if the cardboard is covered with fabric);
    • applications;
    • lace;
    • ribbons;
    • fabric flowers, bows, etc.

    Also, the box can be made in the style of scrapbooking, giving it a look of noble antiquity, or supplemented with an element of quilling, origami, so that the decoration is voluminous. It is better to fix such parts with silicone glue.

    I have always considered myself an expert in needlework. But, when they asked me where in our city Correx is sold, I thought about it. What is this material, for what? Obviously not worth a penny! Thanks to the search engine for helping to sort out the issue. Now when it appears candy box interested not only in its sweet content.

    Crafts from packages

    I consider this material just a godsend - I ate sweets, got inspired, and left the correx for needlework. It has many uses ranging from simple pen holders to reuse in the kitchen.

    This collection contains best options how to create do-it-yourself packaging crafts. Feel free to call the children, they will cope with the majority on their own.

    original crafts

    If the candies in the box are over - it does not matter, we will make new ones! This is much easier than it looks. All you need to buy is chocolate chips and nuts for the filling. The number of candies depends on the capacity of your form.

    If you can't find crumbs in the store, buy a few bars of quality chocolate or make your own frosting. It is not necessary to take white chocolate, you can do only black.


    As you can see, a lot can be made from recycled materials. Creation crafts from plastic packaging would be a great activity for kids of all ages. The materials are not expensive, and the result will make you proud.

    Show this article to your friends, for sure, many did not know about such valuable material as correx.

    A creative person can easily come up with and build a craft with his own hands from any materials at hand. Ordinary inhabitants, if desired, can also easily make their own masterpiece using certain sites on the Internet or master classes.

    In our article today we will talk about crafts from cardboard boxes that you can do on your own or with the kids.

    Such games develop children's imagination, and the result will delight everyone.

    For crafts, boxes of various sizes are suitable, from which it is easy to build various objects: big boxes- household items in the form of furniture, cars, airplanes, etc., from small ones - photo frames, caskets, pencil devices, etc.

    Variants of various crafts from cardboard boxes are shown in the photo.

    Original ideas

    Constructing various crafts from boxes with their own hands, children develop fine motor skills, attention and fantasy. If it is necessary to use cutting objects, adult assistance is required to avoid injury.

    It is better to immediately distribute responsibilities before work, the child performs more simple job, and you - the remaining, more complex.

    For crafts, you can take any cardboard boxes.

    Egg trays are no exception. This perfect option for creativity. Of these, perfectly obtained: animals, birds and inflorescences. The easiest way to make a chicken, in the form of delivery under the egg.


    Take for their production: egg tray, paper scissors, acrylic paint, brush, glue, felt cloth or multi-colored paper.

    The work process is not complicated, everything should be done in order:

    • cut out a part of the tray (a cell with a protruding part);
    • cut the cell in the form of a rooster with a huge tail;
    • paint it with acrylic colored paint, drawing bird feathers, and leave to dry;
    • cut blanks from felt material or paper beard, comb and beak;
    • fix these blanks with glue;
    • make eyes, decorate with feathers.

    Cockerel is ready!


    Making a craft in the form of a flower is a little more difficult. Necessary materials: egg tray, PVA, paint, wire and scissors. Such crafts can be done in different ways.

    For example, cut a cell and cut out the petals along the folds inside the cell, which need to be twisted and inserted into each other, if you want, add additional petals.

    The resulting inflorescences are attached to a wire or fixed near the surface to make a flower arrangement. A milk bag can also be used. For example, in the form of a bird feeder, a well, toys or houses.


    Cubes are the favorite pastime of all children. It is very easy to build it yourself. You will need: 1 liter milk bags with a square base, a paper knife, a measuring ruler, a colored marker, double-sided tape, pictures.

    Let's start making cubes:


    • wash and dry milk cartons;
    • set aside from the bottom of the package along the edges twice 7 cm each and make a line-mark with a marker;
    • on one side, set aside another 1.5-2 cm from the mark up and cut off the entire remaining top;
    • cut along the ribs to the mark at the bottom and assemble the cube as a simple box, the long side will be the lid;
    • stick various funny images, letters or photos on the side faces.
    • fold the cube in the usual way.

    To fix the images on the side faces of the cube, before gluing the main image, glue the cube with newspaper pieces soaked in glue. Next, cover the finished version of the craft with colorless acrylic varnish. If you place small objects inside the cube, you will get a rattle.

    Photo Frame

    The candy box is perfect for an excellent photo frame, decorative box, etc. They are very strong and suitable form, sometimes with a hinged lid.

    Paste the box with gift wrapping paper, lace or satin fabric, decorate with a composition using various little things, pins, bows, etc., and the box is ready.


    A flat box will be useful for you to create greeting card with a frame. To do this, in addition to the box itself, you will need:

    • Greeting Cards,
    • paper of bright or pastel colors,
    • PVA glue,
    • corrugated cardboard,
    • stationery,
    • ribbons, bows and other decorative items.

    Trace the outline of the postcard over the top of the box. Then step back to the center of the contour from the sides by 1-2 cm, circle the resulting contour with a pencil and cut through the window.


    From corrugated cardboard paper cut out the details for finishing the inside and outside. On the opposite side of the hinged cover, fix the postcard with tape so that it can be seen through the window.

    Attach a ribbon to it and the side and mask the places of their attachment with corrugated cardboard parts on the side and a corresponding postcard on the inside of the lid.

    Complete the design with various decorative elements. In the inside of the box, place congratulatory words and a small present.

    Other crafts

    You can also make crafts from matchboxes. Most often they make doll furniture, vehicles, caskets, etc.

    From large cardboard boxes designed for household appliances, crafts in the form of children's household appliances, vehicles and fortresses are easily obtained.


    Become a real architect and please your child with a real castle or your own house. Moreover, your child will be proud of such a creation made by his beloved mom and dad.

    The child himself will be able to invest a part of his labor in the process of its production. Girls will love their own miniature kitchen or dollhouse.

    Crafts from boxes for children, made by parents with love, will leave unforgettable vivid memories for the child for life.

    Photo of crafts from boxes