
Benefits for reserve officers who are not military pensioners. Dismissal from military service: grounds, lump sum allowance, provision of military pensioners


Read also:

  • How to get a ticket to a military sanatorium

The state provides military personnel and military pensioners with the opportunity for productive rest and treatment on preferential terms. This right is regulated by the norms of the Federal Law of May 27, 1998 N 76-FZ “On the Status of Military Personnel”. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has many subordinate sanatoriums in different parts of Russia. These are modern well-appointed health resorts equipped with excellent equipment for the treatment of the most various diseases and healing of the body. And if earlier it was rather difficult for a simple officer, and even more so in a junior rank, to get a ticket to a sanatorium, now a specially created Department for the sanatorium and resort provision of military personnel is engaged in the distribution of vouchers. Therefore, literally all officers had a chance to relax in a specialized sanatorium at a convenient time.

However, if the distribution of vouchers has changed significantly, the benefits for a military sanatorium have remained the same. They depend on the rank of the soldier, his status and the need for treatment. Therefore, in order to understand what kind of benefits for a military sanatorium you can count on in each individual case, you need to get acquainted with the regulatory documents in more detail.

Benefits for a military sanatorium for active military personnel

In simple terms, the whole set of groups and gradations of military personnel, depending on their right to preferential rest in a sanatorium, can be divided into two groups:

Those who are entitled to a free ticket

Those who have to pay 25% of the cost of the tour.

In addition, family members of military personnel are entitled to benefits for a military sanatorium:



Children under the age of 18,

Children under the age of 23 enrolled in educational institutions in full-time education.

Most often, family members of a serviceman or military pensioner pay 50% of the cost of a voucher to a sanatorium. The general procedure for granting benefits and the categories of military personnel who are entitled to them are regulated by Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of March 15, 2011 N 333 "On the procedure for sanatorium and resort provision in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation."

In particular, almost all servicemen in officer rank who are on active duty are entitled to pay 25% of the cost of the voucher. If specialized treatment is necessary, according to the conclusion of the medical commission or to continue hospital treatment, such military personnel are entitled to a free ticket to a sanatorium. Moreover, not only officers, but also warrant officers, cadets, sergeants and privates serving under the contract. In other cases, enlisted personnel serving under a contract since January 1, 2004, as well as cadets of military schools, pay 100% of the cost of vouchers to a military sanatorium, but they are entitled to receive such vouchers. Representatives of dangerous military branches - pilots, paratroopers, missilemen, submariners - after completing a combat mission, as well as participants in hostilities in "hot spots" can also relax in military health resorts for free.

The duration of treatment in sanatorium-resort and health-improving institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for military personnel on permits is up to 24 days. In the case of treatment by a serviceman of a disease or the consequences of spinal cord injuries, the period of such sanatorium-and-spa treatment on a voucher may be extended to days, in accordance with the conclusion of the military medical commission.

Benefits for a military sanatorium for civilian personnel

Persons who are civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have the right to receive vouchers to military sanatoriums on the terms determined by agreements between the Federation of Trade Unions of Workers and Employees of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, concluded in the prescribed manner for each specific case. Depending on the terms of these agreements, benefits for a military sanatorium for such persons and the terms of payment for their vouchers are determined.

At the same time, special marks "For civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" are affixed to the vouchers. These marks are made by the Main Military Medical Directorate of the Ministry of Defense or the medical service of the armed forces, military district, fleet, armed forces, Railway Troops, Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense to send civilian personnel to their subordinate sanatoriums and rest homes on preferential terms. If persons who are civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are sent to a sanatorium on the conclusion of a hospital military medical commission to continue hospital treatment, they receive free vouchers. Relatives of civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation do not have benefits for a military sanatorium.

Benefits for a military sanatorium for pensioners

In accordance with the same Order of March 15, 2011 N 333, all officers dismissed from military service when they reach the age limit for military service or for health reasons or in connection with organizational and staff measures, if the total duration of their military service, taking into account the preferential calculation of length of service, was 20 years or more, they are entitled to payment of 25% of the cost vouchers to a military sanatorium. A similar benefit is available to all military pensioners in officer rank, whose total duration of military service was 25 years or more, regardless of the reason for their dismissal from the ranks of the RF Armed Forces. Family members of military pensioners in this case pay 50% of the cost of vouchers.

Ensigns and midshipmen who have served in the ranks of the RF Armed Forces for at least 20 years have similar benefits for a military sanatorium if they were transferred to the reserve for health reasons, due to reaching the age limit or due to staff reduction.

Benefits for military pensioners - a category of guarantees for which the corresponding status is not sufficient. Benefits for military pensioners are provided subject to a number of conditions, including a certain number of years of service, grounds for retirement, etc. What rights do retired military men have and how to exercise them is set out in this article.

Grounds for retirement of military personnel

In accordance with article 5 of the law "On pension provision of persons who did military service in the internal affairs department, the state fire service, bodies of the BNON and the Penitentiary System, and their families ”No. 4468-1 of February 12, 1993, the departure of these citizens for a well-deserved rest may be due to 2 circumstances:

  • length of service (including retirement due to reaching the age limit);
  • disability (subject to its occurrence as a result of an injury or illness received in connection with the performance of official duties).

The age limit, after which it is impossible to continue the service, is established by the regulations of a particular department and always depends on the military or special rank.

For example, according to the regulation on military service, military men with a rank below a colonel (for the Navy - captain 1st rank) can remain "in service" for up to 50 years.

The right to a special pension for servicemen dismissed due to reaching the age limit begins if they have a total length of service of at least 25 years, of which 12.5 years is the service life. This provision is the same for representatives of all law enforcement agencies listed in the law. An exception is retirement due to disability, in which length of service does not matter.

To qualify for retirement, you must have served at least 20 years. In this case, the summation of military and civilian experience is not provided.

Important: as follows from the name of the law, its effect applies not only to military personnel, but also to former police officers, firefighters, employees of the penitentiary system and the State Drug Control Service.

Benefits for pensioners: military, Ministry of Internal Affairs and others

The advantages of former military personnel, police officers, etc. over "civilian" pensioners are not only in the increased pension. For those who took off their shoulder straps before leaving for a well-deserved rest, special benefits and guarantees are provided.

Don't know your rights?

In particular, this is expressed in the preferential right to employment: by virtue of Article 13 of the Law “On Employment of the Population” No. 1032-1 of April 19, 1991, jobs in state and unitary enterprises are provided to military pensioners in the first place.

Tax incentives for military pensioners

Article 407 of the Tax Code of Russia provides benefits for military pensioners on payment of property tax in respect of the following real estate objects:

  • apartment (room in a communal apartment);
  • single-family residential building;
  • garage (or parking place).
  • utility buildings with an area of ​​​​not more than 50 square meters, etc.

Important: the benefit is to exempt a military pensioner from paying real estate tax.

As for transport and land taxes, the federal legislation does not provide for any benefits in their respect for former military personnel. However, they can be set at the regional level. The exception is military veterans and the disabled, who do not need to pay for the possession of cars and other motor vehicles in their property.

Social benefits for military pensioners

Law "On the status of military personnel" No. 76-FZ of May 27, 1998 provides benefits for military pensioners and in the field of medical and sanatorium services:

  • free provision of medical services in specialized clinics and hospitals;
  • free sanatorium-and-spa treatment in military medical healthcare institutions;
  • Compensation for travel to the place of sanatorium treatment and back (not more than 1 time per year).

Benefits for military pensioners payment for housing and communal services, unfortunately, are not provided, at least at the country level. But regional authorities often provide former military personnel with some preferences in this area. For example, in the capital, veterans of military service who have reached the general retirement age pay utility bills at a 50% discount. Such a guarantee is established by the law of the city of Moscow "On measures social support Certain Categories of Moscow Residents” No. 70 dated 03.11.2004.

Pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - labor veteran: benefits and guarantees

Benefits for military pensioners pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system, as well as retired employees of other services subject to law No. 4468-1 of February 12, 1993, who have the status of a labor veteran, are provided in accordance with both categories at the same time. That is, in addition to "military" privileges, they also have the right to guarantees provided for by the law "On Veterans" No. 5-FZ of 01/12/1995.

Such preferences are established by the laws of the constituent entities of Russia, but in general, their list is identical throughout the country. As a rule, it includes:

  • free (or preferential) travel by public transport of all types, except for taxis and fixed-route taxis);
  • 50% discount on utility bills;
  • free medical care, including prosthetics (with the exception of covering the cost of dentures in most cases);
  • increased pension payments, etc.

Benefits for widows of retired military personnel

For widows and other members of the family of military personnel, the state provides a very impressive set of benefits. However, in terms of guarantees for the widows of servicemen who died after retiring, legislators turned out to be less loyal. For example, they are not eligible for tax credits or increased pension(unless otherwise provided by regional regulatory legal acts).

But the widows of military pensioners retain the opportunity to use sanatorium treatment free of charge if they did this before the death of their spouse. They can also count on the payment of travel to the sanatorium and back.

In other words, there are no special benefits for widows of military pensioners (with the exception of widows of veterans of military operations, the Second World War, Heroes of the USSR and the Russian Federation, etc.), but they retain all the preferences that took place before the death of their spouse (wife).

Medical Benefits

This category of benefits is important for military personnel, since the risk of injury and injury in the process of serving is very high. The relief is enshrined in law in Article 16. All the right things medical service produced free of charge.

You can use the prescribed medical care not only at the place of residence, but also in any institution in the country.

Retired military personnel may also receive their due medical preparations(necessary for treatment) completely free of charge, but with a prescription issued by a doctor. Additional medical benefits:

  • free dentistry (prosthetics and treatment);
  • (for recovery or planned treatment).

For relatives partial reimbursement of the funds spent on the trip is provided - from 25% , including the cost of the tour and travel to the place of treatment.

tax incentives

Taxes are a special point of support for pensioners. You need to know what benefits are due to military pensioners in order to apply for them due date. The collection of funds in favor of the budget provides for relief for former military personnel. The main types of support are:

  1. Benefits for the payment of a mandatory tax on a dacha or land plot, if any, is owned (valid in some regions).
  2. Relief on property tax payments.
  3. Income tax relief. Not subject to:
    • pensions;
    • financial gifts up to 10,000 rubles;
    • income under the insurance contract and the accumulative system;
    • compensation.
  4. Exemption from the state fee paid when filing a claim with the judicial authorities.
  5. Transport tax benefits (valid in some regions).

It must be remembered that each of the available indulgences has its own characteristics, which depend on the region, as well as areas of their use.

Land benefits

Country plots are owned a large number people who have reached retirement age. Former military personnel are no exception, which is why they, like other retirees, are covered by the preferential pay program. According to regional laws, everyone who has the status of a “military pensioner” has the right to apply for a relief and reduction in the amount required to be paid.

The registration process requires the submission of documents and the personal presence of a person (or his authorized representative) - there is no automatic assignment of benefits.

To do this, the citizen applies to tax office in the area where the land plot is located, provides documents confirming the identity, status and right to use the land. You will need to make copies of all papers, as well as certify them with a notary, if trustees will deal with benefits.

Transport benefits

Today, the benefits extend to the transport sector. There is a division into:

  • payment benefits;
  • discounted travel on public transport.

Need to remember that transport benefits are privileges of local importance, that is, the amount of discounts is formed on the basis of opportunities and budget allocations in a particular region of the country.

Regarding the transport tax relief, military pensioners will be able to take advantage of the exemption in 2018 only if:

  1. Established the fact received during the service or during military operations, actions.
  2. The person is recognized.

To confirm the special status, the main package of documents should be accompanied by originals and photocopies of certificates and certificates (on awarding a disability or the title of a combat veteran). All other citizens of retirement age who have this status, but who have not confirmed a special position, cannot use existing provision to simplify the existing burden in the due payment system on owned vehicles.

In addition, please note that depending on the region % discounts will vary - it can be the full value of the tax ( 100% ) or cover a certain part of it - up to 50% .

concessionary travel in public transport is valid for all military pensioners. The discount applies to ground transport, metro, as well as local and long-distance trains. In case of need for treatment, the concessionary travel is 100% , and for the family - from 25% of the total ticket price.


People who have retired on seniority before the state get the opportunity to apply for benefits and privileges in various areas and spheres of life:

  • discounts on utility bills;
  • treatment and necessary rehabilitation;
  • exemption from certain taxes and the use of a deduction when calculating the amount of personal income tax;
  • travel concessions.

Benefits must be issued and confirmed in the appropriate category of discounts institutions - PF or tax office.

The most popular question and answer on benefits for military pensioners

Question: What benefits are provided military wives or their widows?

Answer: In accordance with the current Federal Law No. 76 dated May 27, 1998, as well as acts at the local level, the following types of benefits are provided for the wives of the military - the payment of unemployment benefits if she does not work, the placement of children in a kindergarten or school out of turn. They also get the opportunity of preferential treatment in a sanatorium (discounts range from 25% ).

If we are talking about widows, then the preferential system is expanding here. They are supposed to:

  1. Payment of survivor's pension.
  2. Compensation in the field of housing and communal services.
  3. Assistance in the repair of private houses.
  4. Preferential queue for improving the living conditions of the family.
  5. Receiving medical services.
  6. Additionally, widows get the opportunity for free treatment and rehabilitation in a sanatorium.

Discounts and benefits are provided locally, so every case is considered individually.

In the moment filing applications considered:

  • military service life;
  • the reason for his death;
  • existing ranks at the time of death.

Appeals are made to the bodies of the pension fund (for registration of payments and monetary compensation). When placing children there is also a system of simplified admission to a kindergarten or school - there is no need to wait in line. The social package is formed individually in each region, so to get an accurate answer that takes into account all the nuances, you should contact the local Pension Fund or the tax office.

What do retired military personnel do? What benefits and privileges can people who defended their Motherland count on?

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Soldiers retired from the reserve

In accordance with the Federal Law "On the Status of Military Personnel", the following benefits apply to officers, warrant officers and midshipmen dismissed from military service due to age, health status or in connection with organizational events.

Cash backing:

  • pension supplements (pensioners with dependents, etc.),
  • an increase in the pension for long service (for disabled people due to military trauma, etc.),
  • increase in pensions (for example, to the Heroes of Socialist Labor).

Provision of housing, land, and tax breaks

Housing issues are very individual - it depends on the quantitative composition of the family, already available housing and a number of other circumstances. Therefore, to resolve the housing issue, it is better to contact the Department of Housing Policy and the Housing Fund of the City of Moscow. On the website of the Department in the section "Housing programs" there is a subsection "Housing certificates", which indicates which categories of former military personnel can be provided with certificates for the purchase of housing.

Compensation of the paid land tax, as well as the tax on the property of individuals, is due.

Benefits are due to officers dismissed from service with "military" experience in preferential calculation 20 or more years (with a service record of 25 calendar years or more, medical benefits are given regardless of the grounds for dismissal), as well as warrant officers and warrant officers dismissed with a service record of 20 or more calendar years.


Free travel by rail, water, air or road for inpatient treatment on the basis of the VVK or to sanatorium-and-spa (health) institutions and back (once a year).


Enrollment without exams:

  • to state universities of vocational education, if you already have an incomplete or higher military vocational education;
  • for preparatory departments of state universities, if you already have a complete general education or secondary vocational education;
  • to state institutions of secondary vocational education for the first and subsequent courses, if you already have a secondary military education. Persons with a basic general education (9 classes) are enrolled without exams for the first year of "civilian" institutions of secondary vocational education.

"Civilian" education for the military, even if it is a "second higher education", is given free of charge.

Discharged military personnel are provided.

Family members of military pensioners

Compensation is required for summer recreational holidays for children (aged 6.5 to 15 years inclusive).

What benefits are added to military pensioners?

b) installation of a telephone and a subscription fee for a telephone, a radio point, a collective television antenna.

Keep your receipts until the law is passed!

Note: Previously, these benefits were in the form of discounts on payment for the corresponding benefits. The transfer to the compensation system is provided for by law, but the compensation procedure itself must be approved by a government decree. So far there is no such act. Therefore, communal services and other services send "full" bills to families who have lost their breadwinner. Lawyers recommend paying bills and keeping receipts in order to receive compensation for them after the release of the government act.

Compensation from the budget of the capital

According to No. 1084-PP of Moscow dated December 28, 2010, the military and their families are entitled to the following types of social support:

  • 3000 rub. (monthly compensation to pension) - widows of military personnel, law enforcement officers, state fire service and penitentiary institutions who died (missing) or died as a result of injury (trauma, mutilation, concussion, as well as other diseases) who did not remarry ) received in the performance of duties of military service (service) as a result of hostilities in the territory of the Republic of Afghanistan.
  • 50 thousand rubles (one-time) - put in the form financial assistance families of servicemen who died during the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus (provided by the Moscow Military Commissariat).
  • 6000 rub. (monthly compensation for pension) - (3rd and 2nd degree of disability) due to injury, concussion, injury or disease received while participating in hostilities on the territory of the Republic of Afghanistan (regardless of the place of receipt of the pension).
  • 2300 rub. (similar monthly compensation for disabled persons of group III with the 1st degree of disability) - to servicemen who became disabled of groups I and II (and the 2nd degree of disability) during the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus since 1995.
  • 3000 rub. (per month, regardless of age) - to the parents of servicemen who died (deceased) in the army in peacetime.

Benefits for military families

If you need to resolve disputes, please contact your military registration and enlistment offices, as well as the public reception of the Minister of Defense.

labor benefits

The wives of contract servicemen are counted in the total seniority the entire period of residence with their husbands: until 1992 - regardless of the location of military units, since 1992 - in areas where they could not work in their specialty and were recognized as unemployed. The length of service also includes the period when the spouses of military personnel were forced to sit with their children due to the fact that the child’s health was undermined by living conditions at the husband’s place of service and, according to the doctor’s conclusion, he needed outside care.

Working spouses of servicemen are given leave at their request simultaneously with the leave of a serviceman (wife or husband), regardless of the vacation schedule.

Treatment and spa services

Free medical care in military medical institutions - to members of the families of officers.

Preferential voucher (usually with a 50% discount) for or rest in a boarding house, children's health camp, at the tourist center of the Ministry of Defense - once a year; as well as a surcharge of 300 rubles. spouse and each minor child.


Priority admission of military children to kindergartens and schools.

Out-of-competition enrollment in Suvorov, Nakhimov schools, cadet corps; pre-emptive right to enroll in higher and secondary military educational institutions.

Note: These perks are given:

a) children of military personnel with experience of 20 or more calendar years;

b) children of citizens dismissed due to age, health status or in connection with organizational events with a service record of 20 or more calendar years;

c) children of soldiers who died in the line of duty or died from an injury or disease received in the service.


Free travel by railway, air, water, road transport:

a) to a new place of service;

b) to the place of vacation and back (once a year);

c) for treatment at the conclusion of the IHC and vice versa;

d) to the place of residence - upon dismissal of a serviceman.

The military personnel themselves are entitled to the same transport benefits, as well as free travel on all types of public transport in urban, suburban and local communications (except for taxis).

Military pensioners in Russia have a special status. Website for pensioners prepared detailed list benefits for citizens who served in the Armed Forces, in the internal affairs bodies, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and fire protection, the penitentiary system.

After dismissal

Upon dismissal from service upon reaching the age limit, state of health, or in connection with organizational and staff measures, military personnel are required to lump sum, the size of which depends on the duration of military service (order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2011 No. 2700):

Less than 20 years old - 2 monthly salaries;
from 20 years and more - 7 salaries of monetary maintenance.

If the servicemen were awarded a state order or awarded an honorary title of the USSR or the Russian Federation, the amount of the lump-sum allowance is increased by one more monetary salary.

Citizens whose military service under the contract was less than 20 years, after dismissal, can count on the payment of a salary according to their military rank within one year.

Persons who have served 20 years or more are entitled to a superannuation pension. The seniority pension is paid through the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and other law enforcement agencies. But a retired military man can also apply for a second pension - insurance, through pension fund if he works in a "citizen" and has official employment. Read more about this here.

In addition, military pensioners are entitled to the following allowances:

1) an increase in the size of the pension for the length of service for the disabled:
persons who became disabled due to military trauma (disabled people of group I - by 300 percent of the estimated pension, disabled people of group II - by 250 percent, disabled people of the third group - by 175 percent).

2) increments to pensions for years of service:
pensioners who are invalids of group I or who have reached the age of 80 - to care for them in the amount of 100 percent of the estimated pension;
non-working pensioners who are dependent on disabled family members (for one such family member - 32 percent, for two - 64 percent, for three or more - 100 percent);

(according to federal law“On pensions for persons who have served in the military, served in the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, the bodies for controlling the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, and their families”).

Benefits for military pensioners


The state provides housing for those military pensioners who have been registered as in need of better housing conditions. The benefit is provided in the following ways:

In the form of a housing subsidy;
in the form of a specific residential property owned by a federal or regional authority;
in the form of a one-time cash payment for the construction of an individual residential building;
in the form of a land plot for construction;
in the form of the right to an extraordinary entry into a housing construction cooperative;
in the form of monetary compensation for the rental of residential premises.

tax incentives

Military pensioners are exempt from paying tax on one piece of personal real estate (clause 7, article 407 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) and personal income tax on pensions, as well as on the amount of material assistance received at the place of work, and on the cost of vouchers to medical institutions (art. 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Civil pensioners also have this benefit.

Treatment Benefits

Military pensioners retain the same benefits that active military have:

Free treatment in military medical institutions;
free production and repair of dentures;
free supply of medicines;
75% discount when buying vouchers to military sanatoriums;
free round-trip travel by any mode of transport to the places of treatment and sanatorium rest once a year.

Benefits for relatives of military pensioners

50% discount on a ticket for pensioner's family members to military sanatoriums;
free travel for pensioner's family members to the place of treatment or health resort once a year;
children of military pensioners are admitted to kindergartens, schools and general military schools without waiting in line;
the wives of military pensioners are credited with the length of service for grace periods of living with their husbands on the territory of military camps, where women could not get a job in their specialty;
in the event of the loss of a breadwinner, family members are entitled to an appropriate pension. If death occurred as a result of a military injury, relatives are entitled to compensation for utility bills and housing.

labor benefits

When looking for work through the labor exchange, military pensioners have the right to priority employment. By the way, the section "work for the elderly" on our website can help with finding a job.

A military pensioner has the right to retain his job in case of the threat of dismissal from the job (by reduction), in which he got a job for the first time.

(according to the Federal Law "On the status of military personnel").

Monthly cash payment

It is established and paid by the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to certain categories of citizens, indexed once a year from April 1, based on the inflation rate in the country for the previous year. So, they are entitled to EDV:

Military personnel and persons of the rank and file and commanding staff of the internal affairs bodies, the state fire service, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system who became disabled due to injury, concussion or injury received in the performance of military service duties (official duties);
combat veterans;
military personnel, including retired servicemen, private and commanding personnel of internal affairs bodies and state security bodies, persons who participated in operations in the performance of government combat missions to clear territories and objects on the territory of the USSR and the territories of other states in the period from May 10, 1945 to December 31, 1951, including combat minesweeping operations from May 10, 1945 to December 31, 1957;
servicemen of automobile battalions who were sent to Afghanistan during the period of hostilities there to deliver goods;
servicemen of the aircrew who flew from the territory of the USSR on combat missions to Afghanistan during the period of hostilities there;
family members of military personnel who died in the line of duty, in captivity or as a result of injury.

The size of the unified income for all categories of citizens is different; for registration, you need to contact the territorial body of the PFR.

(according to the Pension Fund of Russia).

Additional monthly financial support

This type of allowance in the amount of 1,000 rubles is provided to disabled people due to military injuries. At the same time, it does not matter in what period of military and equivalent service a citizen received a military injury.

(according to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 1, 2005 No. 887 "On measures to improve the financial situation of disabled people due to military trauma").

Combat Veteran Benefits

A wide range of benefits is provided to combat veterans, which include the following categories of military personnel:

Military personnel, employees of the internal affairs bodies and authorities of the USSR who took part in hostilities in the performance of their official duties in the Russian Federation or the USSR.
- military personnel who served in the automobile battalions that delivered goods to Afghanistan at the time when fighting.
- military personnel who took part in combat operations and flight operations in Afghanistan.
- military personnel who were sent to work in Afghanistan from December 1979 to December 1989, who worked out the period established when they were sent or seconded ahead of schedule for good reasons.

Combat Veteran Benefits:

Providing housing for war veterans in need of better housing conditions;
compensation of expenses for the payment for the maintenance of residential premises (compensation of rent or maintenance of residential premises, compensation of 50% of the contribution for major repairs);
advantage when joining housing, housing construction, garage cooperatives, horticultural, horticultural and dacha non-profit associations of citizens;
preservation of the right to receive medical care in institutions to which military personnel were attached during the period of work until retirement, as well as extraordinary provision medical care within the framework of the program of state guarantees of free medical care in medical organizations (including in hospitals for war veterans);
Provision of prostheses and prosthetic and orthopedic products.

Benefits for veterans serving military units:

Retention of the right to receive medical assistance and extraordinary medical care;
preferential provision of vouchers to sanatorium organizations;
advantage in admission to horticultural, horticultural and dacha non-profit associations of citizens;
priority installation of an apartment telephone;
annual leave and leave without saving wages;
provision of housing for combat invalids in the event of eviction from the service premises occupied by them.

Benefits for veterans heading to work in Afghanistan:

Extraordinary provision of vouchers to sanatorium organizations;
advantage in joining horticultural, horticultural and dacha associations;
annual vacation;
extraordinary right to install an apartment telephone.

(according to the Federal Law "On Veterans").

tax incentives

Exemption from payment of property tax;
the right to a standard tax deduction in the amount of 500 rubles for each month of the tax period when calculating personal income tax in accordance with paragraphs. 2 p. 1 art. 218 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. If citizens have received a disability, then the amount of the deduction increases to 3,000 rubles.

To apply for these tax benefits, you must apply with an application to the tax office. In addition, combat veterans are entitled to a monthly cash payment (see above).

Also, military pensioners may have benefits for transport or land tax, which are determined by each region separately.

Note that this material did not indicate benefits for veterans of the Great Patriotic War.