
Retirement age for Northern women with children: experience requirements. Preferential pension for the northern experience How the Arctic affects early retirement


People who worked in the Far North and equivalent areas can qualify for two types of preferences:

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  • early assignment of a pension (Article 33 of the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions”);
  • an increase in the fixed share of the insurance pension (Article 17 of the Federal Law No. 400).

Thus, the main normative act that regulates the procedure for granting pensions to northerners is the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions”. Previously, the relevant norms were contained in the Federal Law “On labor pensions”.

The list of RCCs, the activity in which makes it possible to obtain preferences, is determined by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 12 of 1983. The work that gives the right to assign an early pension is stated in Government Decree No. 651 of 2019.

Who is entitled to?

Early retirement pension will be awarded to the representatives of the stronger sex who are 55 years old, as well as women who have reached the age of 50 if the following requirements are met:

  • more than 15 years of work experience in the Far North, or at least 20 years of work experience in equivalent entities;
  • availability of the required insurance experience.

Thus, not only the answer to the question is important: “How many years of northern experience do men need to retire?” - but also taking into account other conditions.

Women over the age of 50 can also retire early under the following circumstances:

  • have given birth to two or more children;
  • insurance experience exceeds 20 years;
  • work experience in the RCC - 12 years, in equated regions - 17 years.

Special requirements for early exit pensions are established for men and women working as reindeer herders, fishermen, hunters in the RKS or equivalent areas:

  • reaching the age of 50 (men) or 45 (women);
  • the worker's length of service in designated positions is 25 (men) and 20 years (women).

Northern benefits and allowances

The calculated payout will be increased by district coefficient operating in the respective localities.

The amount of the allowance is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. As a general rule, a citizen must live in a given area if he wants to receive such an allowance.

The law provides for one exception - if a pensioner has an insurance record of 25 and 20 years (for men and women, respectively) and has worked in the CSW for more than 15 years (20 years - for entities equated to them), then he is entitled to a fixed payment, regardless of where he currently resides.

northern experience

Northern experience is a kind of special experience that gives the right to additional preferences and benefits. It is calculated according to special rules, which are approved by the legislator.

What is included?

Periods of work are included in the northern experience, military service, study, etc.

How is seniority calculated? Accounting is conducted in calendar terms, not grace periods.

The following periods are not included in the experience:

  • registration for unemployment with the payment of benefits;
  • caring for a child up to 1.5 and 3 years;
  • part-time work.

For men

For men, the most relevant question is: “Are the years of military service in the RKS included in the northern experience?”

The legislator responds positively to it. The length of service includes the time of military service under the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions".

For women

The peculiarity of calculating the northern experience in order to assign a preferential pension from 2019 for women is to take into account and.

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation maternity leave, the one that is provided before and after childbirth, is counted in the experience.

Leave to care for a baby up to 1.5 or 3 years is not included in it. The exception applies to periods up to October 1992.

With two or more children

If a woman has given birth to two or more children, then she has the right to go to early retirement on preferential terms:

  • experience in the CSW is not 15 (as a general rule), but 12 years;
  • in equated regions - not 20, but 17 years.

In this case, the total insurance experience must be more than 20 years.

With one child

There are no additional preferences for a woman with one child.

They retire under general conditions that determine how to earn early retirement.

How is it considered?

The northern experience will be calculated in calendar order, the preferential method of calculation does not apply.

It does not include the following periods (in addition to those that we considered earlier):

  • stay of the worker in advanced training courses;
  • study holidays;
  • additional days of rest to care for a disabled child;

How does it affect payouts?

The amount of payments can be increased:

  • On the district coefficient, which operates in the respective locality. When a pensioner moves to another subject of the Russian Federation, it will be changed.
  • By the amount of a fixed payment, which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, if the pensioner has worked for a certain period in the RCS.

How to confirm?

The confirmation of the experience is carried out in accordance with the Government Decree No. 1015 of 2019. This by-law is universal and allows you to determine the principles for presenting evidence.

So, there are two main rules for confirming experience:

  • until registration as an insured person - certificates of the employer, administrative acts of the employer, etc.;
  • after registration as an insured person - on the basis of personalized accounting data.

Northern pension since 2019

In 2019, no major changes are planned in the process of calculating the northern length of service. Also, the transformation will not affect the procedure for issuing early pension provision.

Changes in 2019

In 2019, Government Decree No. 367 was adopted, the purpose of which is to amend another by-law, Decree No. 249.

Thus, the Resolution provides for the obligation of a pensioner to annually inform the FIU about the current place of residence. Those persons who receive payment through the Russian Post are exempted from its execution.

How is it calculated?

Early retirement is calculated according to the general rules. The amount received will be increased by the district coefficient if the pensioner lives in the area where it is established.

Remember that in some cases citizens are entitled to a supplement, regardless of the region of residence.

Payout Calculation

The payment is calculated according to the following formula:

fixed size + IPC*price of one pension point(74.27 - since 2019).

What coefficient is applied and how is it taken into account?

IPK - individual pension coefficient, which is approved on the day of applying for a pension for northerners. It is the sum of all pension points.

They are calculated using a special formula. If you want to find out about the number of your pension points, you can do this on the official website of the Pension Fund.

Minimum, average and maximum

Are there such concepts as minimum and maximum pensions? These terms are not used in the current legislation.

If the pension is below the minimum wage, then it will be increased to this value. As for the maximum pension, it cannot exceed 3 minimum wages.


Let's give an example of calculating the northern pension.

Ivanov has worked for the RKS for 25 years. This length of service is sufficient to allow you to retire on a preferential basis. The amount of a fixed pension for him is 6575.39 rubles. The IPC is 54 points. Ivanov lives in Vorkuta and has the right to increase this amount by a regional coefficient (1.6%).

So let's do the calculation:

6575,39*1,6 = 10520,62

10520.62 + 54 * 74.27 \u003d 14531.2 rubles.

How to apply?

To apply for a pension, you must submit an application and attach the necessary documents to it. The decision on the appointment of a pension will be made within 10 days.

To assign a pension, the applicant must submit the following documents to the FIU:

  • statement;
  • the passport;
  • work book, as well as other documents confirming the length of his work;
  • certificates of the employer and acts from the place of residence that damage the work in the RCS or equivalent regions.


Additional documentary information may be required to apply for a pension, including:

  • military ID;
  • certificate of dependents;
  • registration documents.

In the process of analyzing the submitted documents, the FIU may request additional information if they are necessary to confirm the northern experience.

This information must be communicated within the time limits specified by the employee of the competent authority.

For military personnel

Military personnel have their own preferences for access to military pension, including the opportunity to receive seniority security.

They will also be assigned a regional coefficient according to the general rules.

How to calculate?

The calculation for military personnel is made taking into account the following indicators:

  • district coefficient;
  • salary according to position and rank;
  • monthly allowance;
  • seniority allowances.
  • reduction factor (approved by the Government of the Russian Federation).

For shift workers

When working on a rotational basis, not only periods of work, but also travel time, as well as periods of inter-shift rest are counted in the length of service.

This rule will be relevant if the employee works out the norm of working hours in a year.

Disabled 3 groups

When calculating the pension for disabled people of the 3rd group, an increased basic amount of payment is provided. It is approved annually.

Early exit

Early retirement is one of the preferences that is provided to persons who worked in the CSW.

As a general rule, they can retire for 5 years ahead of time approved for other citizens of the Russian Federation.

From p.III. "Additions to wages and calculation of continuous work experience, giving the right to receive benefits and compensation "Instructions on the procedure for providing social guarantees and compensations to persons working in the regions of the far north and in areas equated to regions of the far north, in accordance with applicable regulations: regions of the Far North - 10% of earnings after the first six months of work with an increase of 10% for each subsequent six months of work, and upon reaching a sixty percent allowance - 10% of earnings for each subsequent year of work until reaching 80% of earnings ... d) youth ( persons under the age of 30), who have lived for at least a year in the regions of the Far North and enter into labor relations, allowances are accrued from January 1, 1991 in the amount of 20% after the first six months of work with an increase of 20% for each subsequent six months and upon reaching 60% of the allowance - the last 20% for the year of work .... Help me understand and correctly apply this instruction. Situation 1. An employee under the age of 30 came to work in the CS from the CRS. He did not spend a year in the RC. How can he calculate northern allowances for work in the RCs? Situation 2. An employee under the age of 30 came to work in the RCs from an area equated to the RCs, already has a northern allowance of 20%. He did not spend a year in the RC. How can he calculate northern allowances for work in the RKS?


Answer to the question:

The amount of the percentage allowance for work in the Far North depends on:

  • from the area in which the employee works;
  • from the age of the employee;

    Employees under the age of 30 are eligible for a . However, in order to take advantage of the increased percentage supplement, they must have lived in the relevant region for at least one year ( instructions approved ).

    Situation 1. An employee under the age of 30 came to work at the CS from the CRS. He did not spend a year in the RC. How can he calculate northern allowances for work in the RKS?

    For such an employee, the amount of the allowance is considered in the general order (depending on the region of the CSW):

    The allowance is charged in the amount of 10% of earnings after the first six months of work with an increase of 10% for each subsequent six months of work (until reaching 100% of earnings) *
    The allowance is charged in the amount of 10% of earnings after the first six months of work with an increase of 10% for each subsequent six months of work. Upon reaching 60%, the allowance is accrued in the amount of 10% of earnings for each subsequent year of work (until reaching 80% of earnings) * paragraph 16 of the Instruction approved

    Situation 2. An employee under the age of 30 came to work in the RC from an area equated to the RC, already has a northern allowance of 20%. He did not spend a year in the RC. How can he calculate northern allowances for work in the RKS?

    If the employee has lived at least a year in the ISS (if not, see the table above), then the allowance (until the age of 30) will be calculated as follows:

    The amount of the allowance at the new place of work is determined summation of allowances (as a percentage) earned at each place of work (Clause 3 of the Clarification, approved).

    In the regions of the Far North: Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Severo-Evensky District of the Magadan Region, the territories of the former Koryaksky Autonomous Okrug (now part of the Kamchatka Territory), the Aleutsky District of the Kamchatka Territory, the islands of the Arctic Ocean and its seas (with the exception of the islands of the White Sea) The allowance is charged at a rate of 20% after the first six months of work with an increase of 20% for each subsequent six months. Upon reaching 60%, a surcharge is charged in the amount of 20% for each year of work (until 100% earnings are reached) paragraph 16 of the Instruction approved
    In other regions of the Far North The allowance is charged at a rate of 20% after the first six months of work with an increase of 20% for each subsequent six months. Upon reaching 60%, the allowance is charged in the amount of 20% for the year of work (until reaching 80% of earnings)

    Details in the materials of the System Personnel:

    Types of allowances

    What payments are due to employees for work in the Far North

    The right to receive a bonus for work in the northern regions is enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the Law of February 19, 1993 No. 4520-1. In the part that does not contradict these documents, the normative acts of the USSR are still in force, explaining the procedure for calculating the allowance (orders of the Ministry of Labor of the RSFSR of November 22, 1990, etc.).

    Northern regions

    Which regions belong to the regions of the Far North

    In addition to the regions of the Far North and areas equated to them, a percentage premium is also paid in other northern regions. The list of such regions is established in the Instruction approved.

    Right to allowances

    Who is eligible for the "Northern" allowances

    In addition to employees permanently working in, employees who periodically work in the North () are also entitled to a percentage allowance. Employees sent to the northern regions on a business trip are not entitled to a percentage allowance (clause and Instruction approved).

    A question from practice: is a percentage bonus and a district coefficient charged for work in the regions of the Far North under a civil law contract

    No, it doesn't count.

    Employees under the age of 30 are eligible for a . However, in order to take advantage of the increased percentage supplement, they need to live in the relevant region for at least one year (Instructions approved).

    Such rules are provided for by the Instructions approved, and the Instructions approved.

    Experience for the allowance

    Does the allowance for work in the regions of the Far North depend on the length of service of the employee in this region

    Percentage allowances depend not only on, but also on his length of service in the region (). The seniority that gives the right to receive allowances is determined in calendar days of work in the corresponding region on an accrual basis. Breaks in work and their duration, as well as the reasons for termination of labor relations on the procedure for calculating the length of service. This follows from the provisions of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 7, 1993 No. 1012 and the established judicial practice, the general approach of which is set out in.

    Determine the length of service for receiving a percentage allowance according to the work book or certificates issued by organizations (Instructions approved, Instructions approved).

    However, these rules have now been revised.

    In this way, seniority, giving the right to receive allowances, is determined in calendar days of work in the corresponding region on an accrual basis. Breaks in work and their duration, as well as the reasons for termination of employment relations, do not affect the procedure for calculating the length of service. The legitimacy of this approach is reflected in.

    Question from practice: is the period of an employee's stay on maternity leave and parental leave included in the length of service in order to calculate and establish a percentage bonus to wages for work in the Far North

    Yes, it turns on.

    For employees located in and in, the place of work and position are retained (Art. , Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In this regard, the time spent on maternity leave and parental leave is included in the length of service for the purpose of calculating and establishing a percentage bonus to wages for work in. Such a conclusion follows from the totality of the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the clarifications approved, the Instructions approved.

    Question from practice: is the period of an employee's vacation at his own expense included (more than 14 calendar days per year) in the length of service in order to calculate and establish a percentage bonus to wages for work in the regions of the Far North

    Yes, it turns on.

    For employees who are in, the place of work and position are retained, regardless of its duration (). In this regard, the time spent on vacation without pay (including more than 14 calendar days a year) is included in the length of service in order to calculate and establish a percentage bonus to wages for work in. Such a conclusion follows from the totality of the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the clarifications approved, the Instructions approved.

    Question from practice: is the period of service in the army in the regions of the Far North included in the length of service in order to calculate and establish a percentage bonus to wages for work in the regions of the Far North

    Yes, as a general rule it is included.

    A question from practice: is the period of activity as an individual entrepreneur included in the length of service to establish a percentage bonus to wages for work in the Far North. The employee submitted an extract from the State Register on registration as an entrepreneur. There is no entry in the work book about activities as an entrepreneur

    No, it doesn't turn on.

    Question from practice: how to establish an allowance for an employee who, as of December 31, 2004, was under 30 years old and lived in the Far North for more than five years

    Traditionally, employees of organizations located in were paid a percentage bonus to their monthly earnings, the amount of which increased with the increase in continuous work experience in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas (). From January 1, 1991, for persons under the age of 30 who have lived for at least one year in the regions of the Far North and enter into labor relations, allowances were established on a preferential basis: in the amount of 20 percent after the first six months of work with an increase of 20 percent for every subsequent six months, and upon reaching a 60 percent allowance - the last 20 percent - for one year of work ().

    A question from practice: how to establish another percentage increase in wages for work in the regions of the Far North. Employee turns 30

    Such conclusions follow from the provisions of paragraph 1 of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR of October 22, 1990 No. 458, paragraph 16 of the Instruction, approved, and are confirmed.

    An example of an increase in the allowance for an employee working in the Far North or equivalent areas. Employee turns 30

    Manager of Alfa CJSC A.S. Kondratiev works and lives in the city of Bratsk, Irkutsk Region, an area equated with the regions of the Far North. On October 12, 2012 (a year and a half after the date of employment), Kondratiev received another 30 percent bonus. At the time of its establishment, Kondratiev's age was 29 years and eight months. The next bonus in the amount of 40 percent will be set for the employee in a general manner (after a year of work), and not in a preferential one (in six months), since at the time the preferential bonus is established (in six months, i.e. April 12, 2013) Kondratiev will already turn 30 years and he will lose the right to establish allowances in the accelerated mode.

    Charge of the allowance

    How to calculate the allowance for work in the regions of the Far North

    Calculate the allowance from the day the employee becomes entitled to it. For part-time workers working in the organization, accrue percentage bonuses for work experience in the same way as for other employees ().

    Charge the bonus on the actual earnings of the employee, including remuneration for the length of service and on the basis of the results of work for the year, provided for by the remuneration system. Don't surcharge:

    • on the ;
    • for payments on average earnings, for example, vacation pay, payment for a business trip, etc.;
    • on the financial assistance;
    • for payments that are of a one-time incentive nature and are not determined by the wage system (bonuses for anniversaries, holidays, etc.).

    Therefore, the first percentage allowance was accrued to Ivanov only from July 11, 2014 (after the first year of residence in the area) in the amount of 10 percent.

    There are 23 working days in July 2014. The surcharge was accrued for the period from 11 to 31 July (15 working days).

    The amount of the premium was:
    8000 rub. × 15 days : 23 days × 10% = 521.74 rubles.

    He should receive the next percentage increase after 12 months from the start of work (six first and six subsequent months of work). That is, from September 11, 2014, he is entitled to a surcharge of 20 percent.

    In September 2014, 22 working days. For 8 working days (from September 1 to September 10 inclusive) the surcharge is charged in the amount of 10 percent, for 14 working days (from September 11 to September 30 inclusive) - in the amount of 20 percent.

    The amount of the percentage premium for September 2014 for Ivanov was:
    8000 rub. × 8 days : 22 days × 10% + 8000 rub. × 14 days : 22 days × 20% = 1309.09 rubles.

    March 2015 has 21 working days. For 6 working days (from March 1 to March 10 inclusive) the surcharge is charged in the amount of 20 percent, for 15 working days (from March 11 to March 31 inclusive) - in the amount of 30 percent.

    The amount of the percentage premium for March 2015 for Ivanov was:
    8000 rub. × 6 days : 21 days × 20% + 8000 rub. × 15 days : 21 days × 30% = 2171.43 rubles.

    In the future, the allowance will continue to increase by 10 percent every six months until reaching 50 percent of earnings.

    Recalculation of the allowance for work in the regions of the Far North

    When an employee moves from one region to another, it may be necessary to recalculate the percentage bonus. The allowance is recalculated in the event that in these regions a different procedure for its calculation is established. Calculate the amount of the allowance according to the rules established in the clarifications approved. For more information on the procedure for recalculating the allowance, see.

    A question from practice: from what moment it is necessary to recalculate the percentage bonus for work in the northern regions: from the date of the conclusion of an employment contract with an employee or from the moment he submits documents confirming that he had previously worked in the regions of the Far North. After six months of work, an employee presented a certificate from the archive confirming his work in the regions of the Far North. There was no record of this work in the work book

    Recalculation must be made from the date of submission of the document (archival certificate).

    The length of service giving the right to assign an allowance for work in is determined by the employer on the basis of the documents submitted by the employee ( work book, certificates of the employer about work in special conditions, etc.). , approved, and approved, regulating the procedure for calculating northern allowances, do not provide for the obligation of the employer to recalculate the accrued allowance for the past in connection with the submission of documents confirming the length of service in the Far North at a later time. The recalculation must be made from the moment of receipt of the documents necessary to establish the length of service, which gives the right to a higher percentage allowance (
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Besides, women entitled to retire at 50 if they simultaneously meet three conditions:

  • gave birth to two or more children;
  • have a total insurance experience of at least 20 years;
  • have worked for at least 12 calendar years in the Far North, or at least 17 calendar years in areas equivalent to it.

Also, they can retire earlier (at 45) and (at 50) who have worked for at least 20 years (women) and 25 years (men) as reindeer herders, fishermen or hunters. Wherein prerequisite is permanent residence in these areas.

Retirement age in the north

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the establishment of insurance payments for old age with a reduction in the retirement age in proportion existing work experience in the Northern areas. Retirement age decreases for each calendar year of service for 4 months.

Thus, people who have worked in the regions of the Far North a certain number of years, they can apply for a payment earlier than the generally established age in Russia, regardless of whether they live in these areas or not:

Insurance experience in the regions of the Far North (years)The age at which the old-age pension is granted
7 and a half57 years 8 months62 years 8 months
8 57 years 4 months62 years 4 months
9 57 years old62 years old
10 56 years 8 months61 years 8 months
11 56 years 4 months61 years 4 months
12 56 year61 years old
13 55 years 8 months60 years 8 months
14 55 years 4 months60 years 4 months
15 and over55 years60 years

Citizens who carried out labor activities in areas equated to this area, each calendar year of work is considered 9 months work experience in the Far North.

Early social old-age pension

In the event that a citizen, due to any circumstances, could not earn a sufficient number of pension points, the necessary length of service, or did not work at all, then he is entitled to insurance pension coverage. does not have.

However, the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for these categories of the population. Just like insurance, it is established upon reaching a certain age. However, it should be noted that in some cases social pension may have been assigned earlier.

In accordance with paragraph 4 h. 1 Article. 11 of Law 166-FZ of December 15, 2001, women can apply for social security in old age at the age of 50, and for men at 55 only if they are representatives small peoples of the North and permanently reside in these areas.

According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1049 of October 1, 2015, the Aleuts, Itelmens, Nenets, Chukchi, Evenks, etc., belong to the small peoples of the North. For the rest of the citizens who do not belong to these peoples, the old-age social payment is established on an equal basis with everyone in the country - at 65 years old (for women) and at 70 years old (for men).

Northerners' pension

For all citizens of our country, the insurance pension is calculated in accordance with Article 15 of Federal Law No. 400-FZ. is determined by the following formula:

SP st \u003d IPC × SPK + PV,

  • SP st - insurance pension old age;
  • IPK- individual pension coefficient (number of pension points);
  • SPK- the cost of one point on the day the collateral is established;
  • FV- Fixed payment.

The social pension has been indexed.

Is the northern pension preserved when moving to another region of Russia?

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, when moving to a new place of residence, the amount of the northern pension subject to recalculation. At the same time, depending on where the pensioner moves, the amount can be either reduced or increased.

  • The size is subject to revision, which is determined taking into account district coefficient.
  • This coefficient is set only for the period during which the recipient lives in the northern region.
  • In addition, each northern region has its own coefficient and, accordingly, the amount of the pension upon appointment may differ.

If the pensioner moves to a region with normal climatic conditions, the fixed payment to his pension will be recalculated excluding this factor, which, accordingly, will affect the size of the pension - it will be lower.

Thus, when moving to another region of our country, the northern pension is not preserved, since the fixed payment to it is paid in an increased amount only during the period of permanent residence of pensioners in these areas.

The procedure for assigning and paying pensions in the regions of the Far North

A citizen can apply for the appointment of a pension payment, both for insurance and social security, immediately after acquiring the right to it. To do this, you must submit to the territorial authority pension fund Russia or Multifunctional Center corresponding application and .

The FIU is considering an application for a pension within 10 business days from the day it was received. If a positive decision is made, the payment is established from the first day of the month of application. Both one and the other type of pension provision is paid monthly and assigned indefinitely in a declarative manner.

If a citizen received, but did not acquire the right to, he will automatically be assigned a social old-age pension.

The recipient of the security has the right to choose one of the three existing shipping methods Money:

  • Russian Post (at home or at the box office);
  • delivery organization (at home or at the box office);
  • bank (at the cash desk or on a card).

According to the federal law on changes in pension system the new retirement age set for northern women depends on the number of children born or adopted and the length of the northern experience.

Retirement dates for women who have workedrequired northern experience

  1. Women without children or having one child. Retirement age - 55 years. Experience requirements: insurance experience - 20 years, northern experience - at least 15 years in the Far North (RKS) or at least 20 years in areas equivalent to the Far North (ISS).

1.Women with two, three and four children. Retirement age - 50 years. Experience requirements: insurance experience - 20 years, northern experience - 12 years in the RKS or 17 years in the MKS.

2. Women with five or more children. Retirement age - 50 years. Experience requirements: insurance experience - 15 years, the presence of northern experience does not matter.

Retirement dates for women who have NOT completed the required northern experience (for women born in 1973 and younger)

1. Women without children, having one or two children.

If the northern experience is less than half of the required (less than 7 years 6 months in the CSW or less than 10 years in the MCS), a woman will be able to retire only at 60, according to generally established rules.

If half or more of the required northern length of service has been worked out, then the retirement age can be reduced (see table).

Retirement age

(2 children)

7 years 6 months

57 years 8 months

57 years 8 months

10 years 8 months

57 years 4 months

57 years 4 months

13 years 4 months

56 years 8 months

56 years 8 months

14 years 8 months

56 years 4 months

56 years 4 months

17 years 4 months

55 years 8 months

18 years 8 months

55 years 4 months

1. Women with three and four children.

- if there is no northern experience or it is less than half of the required(less than 7 years 6 months in the CSW or less than 10 years in the MCS), then the generally established retirement age (60 years) is reduced by one year for each child. A mother of three can retire at 57, a mother of four can retire at 56.

Experience in the regions of the Far North

Experience in equated areas

Retirement age (women without children, 1 child)

Retirement age

(2 children)

7 years 6 months

57 years 8 months

57 years 8 months

10 years 8 months

57 years 4 months

57 years 4 months

13 years 4 months

56 years 8 months

56 years 8 months

14 years 8 months

56 years 4 months

56 years 4 months

17 years 4 months

55 years 8 months

18 years 8 months

55 years 4 months

If the northern experience is half or more of the required then the retirement age can be reduced in accordance with the table.

Early retirement for the "northerners"

Persons working in the Far North are entitled to early retirement old-age pensions.

This right to an early retirement pension for "northerners" is regulated federal law"On labor pensions in the Russian Federation".

Features of the appointment of "northerners" early pensions are:

    in lowering the retirement age for long-term work in the North, since the life expectancy of "northerners" is 5-6 years less than the average for Russia;

    in a preferential procedure for calculating the total length of service, which is associated with the negative impact on the body of an employee of unfavorable natural and climatic conditions;

    in the calculation of district coefficients for pensions, as well as for compensation payments related to the high cost of living in the northern regions.

The “northerners” have the right to an early old-age pension in more early age than for citizens who worked in areas with normal natural and climatic conditions:

    men upon reaching 55 years of age and women upon reaching the age of 50 years, if they have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the regions of the Far North or at least 20 calendar years in areas equivalent to them, with an insurance record of 25 years - for men and 20 years - for women;

    women with two or more children, an old-age pension is assigned upon reaching the age of 50 years with an insurance period of at least 20 years, if they have worked for at least 12 calendar years in the Far North or at least 17 calendar years in areas equated to them .

The duration of the required special experience depends on the severity of the natural and climatic conditions (the regions of the Far North are more severe than the areas equated to them), therefore, rules have been established for summing periods of work in different northern regions and localities.

The pension in such cases is established for 15 calendar years of work in the regions of the Far North. At the same time, each calendar year of work in areas equivalent to the regions of the Far North is considered nine months of work in the regions of the Far North.

The law provides for the possibility of assigning a pension with a decrease in age in proportion to the length of service.

This requires at least 7 years and 6 months of work in the regions of the Far North.

In this case, the labor pension is assigned with a reduction in the retirement age by four months for each full calendar year of work in these areas.

The preferential procedure for calculating the northern length of service is applied when calculating the total length of service for the appointment of a pension on a general basis, as well as in connection with special working conditions, which is calculated at one and a half times, regardless of the fact of concluding a fixed-term employment contract.

This norm establishes the right to an old-age pension with incomplete total work experience, if it is at least 5 years.

Accordingly, for persons who worked only in the North, an old-age pension with incomplete work experience can be assigned if such work lasted at least 3 years 4 months (3 years 4 months \u003d 40 months; 40 months x 1.5 \u003d 60 months \u003d 5 years ).

In one and a half size, the northern periods are included in the total length of service for a woman with two or more children, as well as for assigning a pension to participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the exclusion zone in accordance with the Federal Law "On social protection citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

In a preferential (one and a half) amount, not any periods taken into account as part of this length of service, but only periods of work (service) are counted in the total length of service.

Reindeer herders, fishermen, hunters permanently residing in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas have the right to early retirement:

    men - upon reaching the age of 50 and with at least 25 years of work experience;

    women - upon reaching the age of 45 and with at least 20 years of work experience.

Work as a reindeer herder, fisherman and hunter-trader is equivalent, so they can be assigned a pension if the special work experience this person consisted of work as a reindeer herder, and a fisherman, and a hunter-trader. In this case, the right to a pension depends not only on the area where the labor activity but also on the nature of the work.

For these categories of workers, the pension is set at a reduced retirement age compared to the "northerners" employed in ordinary jobs. A special condition has been established for them - the fact of permanent residence in the northern regions.

At the same time, the required length of service for women is 5 years less than for men.

For a pension, it is enough to work as a reindeer herder, fisherman and (or) hunter-trader in the North for men - at least 16 years 8 months, for women - at least 13 years 4 months in calendar terms.

For northern workers, the general rule is that work that gives the right to a pension due to special working conditions is equated with special work experience. Moreover, if it took place in the northern regions, then it is counted in the special experience of reindeer herders, fishermen and hunters-traders in one and a half times.

Work with normal working conditions is not taken into account, regardless of the area where it was carried out.

For example, if the work proceeded in areas equated to the regions of the Far North, and is less than 20 years, then you first need to establish how long the length of service of this work is when transferring it to the length of service in the regions of the Far North, and then apply the rule on assigning a pension with a decrease age.

Citizens who have worked in the regions of the Far North for at least 7 years and 6 months are granted an early pension with a decrease in age by 4 months for each full calendar year of work in these regions.

Citizens who worked both in the regions of the Far North, and in areas equated to regions of the Far North, a labor pension is established for 15 calendar years of work in the regions of the Far North.

Each calendar year of work in areas equivalent to the regions of the Far North is considered 9 months of work in the regions of the Far North.

Persons who have worked in the regions of the Far North for at least 15 calendar years, and in areas equated to them - at least 20 and have the necessary for early appointment labor pension in old age, the insurance period and length of service in the relevant types of work, the retirement age is reduced by 5 years.

In addition to lowering the retirement age, the "northerners" have benefits in determining the size of the pension.

As a general rule, when determining the insurance part of the labor pension, the ratio of earnings not exceeding 1.2 is taken into account. For northerners, this ratio can be taken into account in the amount of 1.4 to 1.9, depending on which district coefficient was added to their salary while working in the North.

In case of early appointment of pensions, the list of regions of the Far North and areas equated to them, which was used when assigning state old-age pensions in connection with work in the Far North as of December 31, 2001, is applied.


Slotov R. worked for 8 years in the city of Arkhangelsk (an area equivalent to the regions of the Far North) and 10 years in the city of Murmansk (a region of the Far North).

We are transferring work in equated areas to work in the regions of the Far North:

8 years x 9 months = 72 months / 12 = 6 years.

Let's add 6 years to the existing work experience in the regions of the Far North - 10 years, we get 16 calendar years of work in the regions of the Far North, which gives the right to early appointment of an old-age labor pension.

Important. Are you unhappy with your future or present life in retirement? Then something must be done!

I suggest the following:

  • Firstly, Decide on the lifestyle you would like to lead in retirement.
  • Secondly, pay off all your debts and loans. Without this, talking about LIFE in retirement is pointless. If you have the psychology of an eternal debtor, you are addicted to loans, then you will not have any LIFE in retirement.
    How to pay off debts and loans read in my book " How to get rid of debts? The whole truth about loans ... ".

Otherwise, you will be forced to WORK for someone at retirement age. While health allows, and then SURVIVAL, poverty ...

PS. Attention. Before it's too late (the time factor plays against you), regardless of age, start shaping your pension savings not dependent on the government.

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You can also read other articles on the topic of labor pensions:

Types of labor pensions and their structure
Types and conditions for assigning a labor pension
Documents for assigning a labor pension
Persons entitled to a labor pension
Examples of assignment of labor pensions
Conditions for the appointment of a labor pension
Types of work experience
Continuous work experience
General work experience
Examples of calculating seniority
Special work experience
Insurance experience
The size of the old-age pension