
One-time allowance for the unemployed. Payments to pregnant unemployed women. Dismissed at company closure


Formally, in order to apply for (BiR) and the corresponding allowance, a woman must be officially employed and the employer must pay mandatory contributions to the FSS (Social Insurance). Then the basis for going on vacation and accruing maternity money will be (sick leave).

However, some categories of pregnant women are entitled to maternity allowance, even if at the time of its registration they are officially does not work and are not subject to compulsory social insurance. They receive assistance in the form of lump sum payment- just like working expectant mothers. But the principle of accrual and funding sources are changing.

Are maternity payments due if a woman does not work?

  • 140 days in general (70 days before delivery and 70 after).
  • 156 days at birth complications(the postpartum period is extended to 86 days).
  • 194 days at multiple pregnancy(84 days before delivery and 110 after).

That is, certain categories of the unemployed are granted the right to immediately for two welfare. To apply for benefits, a woman must write an appropriate application and provide a certificate of contact with a medical institution and registration within 12 weeks.

Pregnancy benefit for the unemployed upon liquidation of the organization

If a woman worked until recently, and contributions to the Social Insurance Fund (FSS) were paid from her income, the state cannot leave her without guaranteed disability payments related to the birth of a child.

Special conditions are provided to women who are left without work and earnings if they are registered with the state for unemployment in employment center(TsZN), and within 12 months before:

  • lost their jobs in connection with the reorganization(liquidation) of the enterprise;
  • ceased activities as;
  • lost the status of a notary or a lawyer.

Is sick leave paid for pregnancy and childbirth for the unemployed?

Unemployed citizens dismissed from work have the right to join the labor exchange and within 12 months receive unemployment benefits which is a certain percentage of the salary. According to current regulations, the sick leave extends this period by the number of days indicated on the disability certificate (but this period for 1.5 years cannot exceed 12 months).

For unemployed pregnant women in this regard, there are special conditions. They should be issued immediately for several reasons:

  • Pregnant paid for all vacations in BiR duration . True, in a rather small size. In 2016, a non-working woman is supposed to RUB 581.73 for every month decree, however, this amount (in 2019 - from February 1).
  • woman throughout maternity leave cannot be deregistered as unemployed.
  • For a period of a woman extended unemployment benefits:
    • that is, the allowance itself is not accrued, but it will be paid (if 18 months have not passed since the moment of registration with the employment service);
    • if, after the decree, a woman wants to apply, the payment of unemployment benefits to her for the period of its payment will be suspended.

These conditions apply only if no more than 12 months have passed from the moment of dismissal until the woman was recognized as unemployed, and until the day she went on maternity leave, and the dismissal is related to the liquidation of the enterprise.

In all other cases (voluntary dismissal, absence of work before registration with the employment service, break in work more than a year) maternity allowance for a woman not paid.

Payment of B&R benefits to the unemployed through Social Security

The payment of maternity allowance to women who have lost their jobs and wages due to the reorganization (including liquidation) of an enterprise or staff reduction is carried out through the authorities Social protection of the population at the place of residence of the pregnant woman.

Benefit for pregnancy and childbirth through the employment service (CZN) is not provided. Only unemployment payments can be processed through the labor exchange.

Need to contact Social Security in application form, that is, submit an application and the necessary documents:

  • issued at 30 weeks of pregnancy with a seal and signatures;
  • a certified extract from the work book with a record of the last place of work and dismissal in connection with the reorganization (liquidation) of the company;
  • a certificate from the employment service that the woman is registered as unemployed;
  • the decision of the tax service to register the fact of termination of activities as a notary, a lawyer (for the self-employed population).

Funds are provided from the federal budget in the form of a subvention to the region for the payment of benefits. Social Security must be assigned within 10 days after registration of the application from the applicant. Money is transferred to the woman's bank account or sent by postal order until the 26th day of the month following the month of applying to Social Security.

Maternity benefits for unemployed women

Because of the above features, women who are doing military and equivalent service under a contract, as well as students, can be classified as unemployed in the proper sense of the word. They receive pregnancy benefits under special conditions, different from those that can be used.

Employees under contract and non-working students in any case must take sick leave in medical institution in order to apply for payment on its basis.

Passing military service under the contract and service in the state. bodies

Expectant mothers in public service are entitled to maternity payments in the amount of monthly allowance(for each month). This category of women includes:

  • passing military service by contract;
  • employees in enlisted or commanding positions in:
    • internal affairs bodies;
    • fire and customs service;
    • drug control authorities;
    • penitentiary system.

An employee must provide the following documents to the accounting department of her unit:

  • application for maternity leave and benefits;
  • a certificate from a medical organization;
  • a certificate from the place of residence stating that she does not receive B&R benefits there (if the place of service does not match the place of residence).

According to Russian legislation, 10 days are allocated for the calculation of benefits. The recipient will be able to count on payment from the day when she officially retired from service. That is, if she continued to serve after the start of the sick leave, during this period she will receive only one monetary allowance, but not in the form of its amount c.

The money is transferred from the federal budget allocated to executive authorities that provide for contract service.

The first years of a child's life take not only a lot of time and energy from the parents, but also, as a rule, deprive one of them of the opportunity to labor activity and thus earn income. But the state, showing concern for the new generation, provides material support to those parents who are forced to temporarily give up work. In the article we will talk about benefits for non-working parents in 2019, consider the procedure for their registration and receipt.

For example, a non-working parent who takes care of a child up to a certain age is paid an appropriate allowance. Moreover, he receives it regardless of whether he worked up to this point or not. The only difference is that in the first case there will be a calculation of the average earnings, and in the second the benefit will be equal to the minimum amount of social security.

Who is eligible for benefits

Benefits for citizens with children, including the unemployed, are regulated by federal law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995. Child benefits in the form of social security are provided to the following non-working parents:

  • dismissed due to the liquidation of a company or individual entrepreneur and recognized as unemployed, within 12 months after dismissal until the birth of a child;
  • dismissed due to the liquidation of the company or individual entrepreneur while on maternity leave;
  • unemployed and students.

Benefits for non-working parents

Consider the types of payments in the table:

Benefit name Who has the right Benefit amount for 2017, rub.
For pregnancy and childbirth
  • women who lost their jobs during the liquidation of a company or individual entrepreneur, termination of the status of a lawyer or notary, etc.
  • wives of the military of the Russian Federation, located on the territory of another state;
  • women studying in trade union organizations, universities and organizations of additional education on a full-time basis;
  • women who have adopted a child

100% of average earnings, or based on the size of the minimum wage:

38466.48 - complicated childbirth;
47836.52 - multiple pregnancy.

A one-time allowance for women registered in early dates pregnancy All women registered before the 12th week of pregnancy 613,14
One of the parents, or a person replacing him 16350,33
The parent who adopted the child, or who took him under guardianship (guardianship) 16350,33
Wife of a conscripted serviceman (gestation period 180 days or more) 25892,45
Mother (guardian) of a child of a military man who is serving on conscription 11096,76
  • Mom, father, guardian, or other relatives of the child, dismissed during the liquidation of the company, or individual entrepreneur, termination of the status of a notary, lawyer, etc.;
  • Mom, father, guardian or other relatives studying in trade unions, universities and organizations of additional education on a full-time basis.

3065.69 - for the first child;
6131.37 - for the second child and subsequent ones.

The procedure for applying for benefits for non-working parents

In order to apply for a child care allowance, a non-working person should first decide which authority to apply to. Documents can be submitted by contacting one of the three authorities:

  • MFC (in person);
  • Portal of public services (via the website);
  • Ministry of Social Development of the Population (in person).

For those women who became unemployed as a result of the liquidation of the company, they do not have the opportunity to apply to the employer for due payments. Especially for this case, there is a regulation (approved by Order No. 653n of 09/22/2014), on the basis of which you can apply for payments directly to the FSS in which the employer was before the liquidation of the organization. Read also the article: → "".

Submit the necessary list of documents to the state body. When applying for non-working citizens for payments, you will need to provide the following list of documents:

Benefit List of documents
For pregnancy and childbirth

Applicant's passport;

Certificate of birth of the child;

A document confirming the status of the unemployed;

One-time allowance at the birth of a child

Applicant's passport;

Certificate and birth of a child;

Certificate of birth of the child;

Certificate from the FSS on non-receipt of benefits

One-time allowance for the transfer of a child to be raised in a family

Applicant's passport;

Certificate of adoption of the child;

A document confirming the fact of unemployment;

Certificate from the FSS on non-receipt of benefits

One-time allowance for the wife of a serviceman

Applicant's passport;

Marriage certificate;

Certificate from the husband's military unit;

Certificate from the antenatal clinic, where the woman is registered

Monthly allowance for a child of a soldier

Applicant's passport;

Birth certificate of the child;

Certificate from the military unit of the father;

If necessary: ​​a document confirming the fact of guardianship, a death certificate of the mother, etc.

Monthly child care allowance

Applicant's passport;

Birth certificate of the child being cared for and previous children;

Certificate of full-time study;

Certificate from the work of the other parent, confirming that he did not receive this payment;

Certificate of cohabitation with the child;

Information about benefits previously received.

After submitting the application, you need to wait no more than 1 month for a decision on the payment of benefits.

Payment Methods

Non-working parents can receive intended payments in one of two ways:

  • transfer to the personal account of the bank specified in the application;
  • by postal order, to be received by the Russian Post.

Calculation of child care allowance in the FSS

When the maternity benefit is applied not to the employer, but directly to the FSS, for example, as in the case of the liquidation of an enterprise, the calculation is made by social insurance independently. The calculation procedure is the same as in organizations. Read also the article: → "".

The calculation formula is as follows:

EPR \u003d SDZ x 30.4 x 40%,

  • where EPR is the amount of the monthly allowance for caring for a child up to 1.5 years old;
  • SDZ - the average daily salary for the last 24 months, before going on maternity leave.

Example 1 Petrova O.P. was on maternity leave. At this time, the liquidation of the company took place, the employer could not be found. The salary for the last 2 years was 650,000 in 2015 and 690,000 in 2016. To assign a child care allowance, Petrova applied to the FSS, providing all the necessary documents. Based on these data, the FSS calculated the allowance:

  • SDZ \u003d 1,340,000 / 731 days for 2 years (if there are no deductible periods) \u003d 1,833.10 rubles.
  • EPR \u003d 1,833.10 x 30.4 x 40% \u003d 22,290.50 rubles.

Refusal to pay benefits

In some cases, non-working citizens may be denied benefits, for example:

  • The applicant submitted an incomplete package of documents;
  • The applicant is not eligible for benefits;
  • Contradictions were revealed in the documents provided by the applicant;
  • The applicant has knowingly provided false information;
  • The child is fully supported by the state;
  • deprivation parental rights;
  • Application for payment later than the due date.

Pension for non-working parents

Let us consider cases when parents are paid a pension for caring for a child, or rather for a child with a disability. The child's natural parents, as well as guardians or trustees caring for a disabled child, cannot work during this period and receive income. But they have the right to count on appropriate payments from the state in the amount of:

  • 5500 rubles - to one of the child's natural parents or guardian;
  • 1200 rubles - to another person providing care.

In order to receive such a pension, you must apply to Pension Fund which pays a pension to a disabled child.

In addition to the application, one of the parents or guardian needs to confirm the fact of the child's disability, as well as the fact of their own ability to work and the status of the unemployed. Together with a pension for a disabled child, in the same way. Read also the article: → "".

Legislative basis for registration

Legislative act date Content
Law No. 81-FZ May 19, 1995 "On State Benefits for Citizens with Children"
Law No. 178-FZ 17.07.1999 "On State Social Assistance"
Law No. 255-FZ December 29, 2006 "On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood"
Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 1012n 23.12.2009 "On approval of the procedure and conditions for the appointment and payment of state benefits to citizens with children"
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 175 26.02.2013 "Monthly payments to persons caring for children with disabilities"
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 294 21.04.2004 "On the features of the accrual and payment of social security by the FSS"

Answers to common questions

Question number 1.“I am an entrepreneur and pay annual pension contributions for myself, am I eligible for a pension for caring for my son who is disabled.”

Unfortunately no. An individual entrepreneur refers to the self-employed population, that is, the employed. Even if you do not have business income, you are not entitled to this payment. To do this, you will have to close the IP.

Question number 2.“If I have not worked for the last two years, and now I found out that I am pregnant. Can I get maternity benefit?

You can't. This type of allowance is paid to employed women, or to certain categories of women, such as those dismissed due to the liquidation of an organization, etc. (Law No. 81-FZ). If you have not worked, then you are not entitled to the payment. The maternity benefit is paid by the employer and is a kind of sick leave. In exceptional cases (for example, during the liquidation of a company, when an employer cannot be found), the FSS pays it. But you have a way out. Even if you get a job during your pregnancy, even for a short period of time, you will be able to exercise your right to this benefit.

Question number 3.“My daughter is on maternity leave until she is 1.5 years old. She is pregnant with her second child and goes to work to receive maternity benefits. Can I apply for child care allowance if I am a grandmother and do not work?”

You can. But you will have to prove that it is you who is caring for this child.

Question number 4.“Are there additional payments in the regions to non-working parents?”

Exists. In some regions, for example, an additional payment is provided for a non-working parent who cares for a child with a disability.

Being pregnant, a woman needs additional financial protection. This is especially true for the unemployed. In such a case, an unemployed citizen has the opportunity to apply for state payments. The presented article will help you get acquainted with the types of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth, their size and the procedure for obtaining them.

Types of payments to pregnant women

Every non-working pregnant woman is interested in the issue of paying state benefits in case of pregnancy. It is important to note that under the law, a girl in a position has the opportunity to receive financial assistance from the state. However, the amount and type of payments for non-working persons differs from those provided for officially employed and insured persons.

To deal with the nuances of the issue, it is necessary to consider the types of payments to non-working persons during pregnancy:

Pregnancy benefit - Being not employed and not insured by the social fund, expectant mothers do not receive this type of payment. There are a number of exceptions:

  • If an employee was dismissed due to a reduction in the apparatus of workers, on the basis of the termination of the operation of an enterprise, a private person, or due to the termination of legal practice (notary, lawyer). The period during which you can apply for benefits is one year;
  • If future mother is a student of a university, technical school, college. The amount of subsidies is equal to the scholarship of the student;
  • If a pregnant girl is serving in the army on a contract basis.

One-time payment on the occasion of birth – Designated state aid is provided once.

Payments during maternity leave - financial support for a non-working pregnant woman is provided monthly until the child reaches the age of one and a half.

To apply for state benefits on the occasion of pregnancy, a non-working girl must confirm the fact that she does not receive unemployment benefits.

Who pays benefits?

The legislation provides for the payment of benefits to pregnant non-working women. For its registration, an unemployed girl in a position has the opportunity to contact the following authorities:

Employment center - the state body is not a primary institution that formalizes the receipt of material benefits for non-working pregnant women. However, if a woman is not employed, she has the right to apply to the center for state support on the occasion of unemployment. In this case, the state guarantees the payment of financial resources during pregnancy until the onset of maternity leave. The benefit is granted until the thirtieth week of pregnancy. After the offensive this period, the girl submits to the institution a document confirming her disability. However, a non-working pregnant woman cannot apply for the appointment of material support on the occasion of going on maternity leave, being registered with the Employment Center.

institution social protection - a fundamental body whose activity is to provide citizens with benefits from the state, including non-working pregnant women. After registration of payments on the occasion of pregnancy and childbirth, the woman will receive them at the place of registration.

The size

Non-working pregnant girls have the opportunity to receive financial support from the state. It is important to note that the amount of payments is significantly different from the allowance for pregnant officially employed persons.

Financial assistance of the state for unemployed persons in the situation is provided in exceptional cases, described earlier:

  • If a woman was laid off or she served on a contract basis, the amount of payments will be 40 percent of the girl's income;
  • Students and non-working pregnant women will receive funds equal to the amount of the scholarship;
  • The amount of the lump-sum payment after the birth of a child is 16,350.33 thousand rubles;
  • The amount of monthly benefits that a non-working pregnant woman can count on is 3,065.69 rubles for the birth of 1 child and 6,131.67 for carrying a second. The duration of receiving funds is one and a half years.

Important to pay attention that in the event of pregnancy with a second and subsequent children, a girl, regardless of status, has the right to expect to receive maternity capital. The amount of funds is 453,026 thousand rubles.

When an organization is liquidated, what is due to pregnant employees?

A pregnant woman who has lost her place of work due to the termination of the company's activities has the opportunity to apply for the assignment of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth. Payments are provided by the Social Security Fund, to which the employer paid insurance premiums.

The procedure for issuing payments for a non-working pregnant woman:

  • An application is being made to the Social Security Fund. The content notes the fact of pregnancy and the desire to formalize the receipt of financial support by a non-working citizen;
  • Submit proof of income. If information is not available, submit a request for information;
  • A certificate from a medical consultation confirming the position of the applicant or a document on the birth of a child;
  • A document from the workplace of the second parent, confirming that another family member did not apply for the receipt of funds.

Material resources of a non-working pregnant woman are paid within one and a half years from the moment of the birth of the baby. The amount of payments is 3065.69 rubles for the birth of 1 child and 6131.67 for the bearing of the second.

What payments can be made through Social Security?

As noted earlier, the department of social protection of the population acts as the main body that calculates payments to pregnant women, including unemployed persons. To assign state benefits, a woman submits an application and a package of appropriate documentation. After ten days from the date of application, a response is provided on the appointment of subsidies. Financial assistance is provided at the place of registration of the applicant.

Are unemployed people paid sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth?

Non-working pregnant girls have the right to receive pregnancy benefits under conditions specified by law. The list of such persons is presented above. To get paid sick leave required to issue a certificate of incapacity for work.

Reasons for applying for sick leave:

  • Pregnant women will be provided with payments in the amount of 613.14 rubles during the entire period of the decree;
  • During the period of maternity leave, the woman is listed as unemployed, but unemployment benefits are not paid.

At the end of maternity leave, the girl has the opportunity to resume receiving financial assistance states.


To apply for state benefits in connection with pregnancy, you must contact the department of social protection of the population. The grant is assigned only on the basis of the submitted documentation package.

List of documents for receiving payments:

  • A statement drawn up in the format specified by law;
  • Original and copies of birth documents of other children (if any);
  • An extract is provided confirming the fact that the material subsidy of the state was not issued in respect of another family member;
  • A notarized copy of the labor certificate of an unemployed pregnant woman;
  • Personal passport;
  • A certificate from the employment center, indicating that the pregnant woman is unemployed and does not receive benefits due to the lack of a place of work;
  • State assistance for pregnancy and childbirth is accrued to a non-working pregnant woman if the born child lives in Russia. To confirm this fact, a document from the authorized body is presented;
  • If a girl in position receives full-time education, a certificate from the educational institution is presented.

An unemployed pregnant woman has the opportunity to apply for financial benefits to maintain a minimum standard of living for a child. To assign payments, you can contact the department of social protection of the population with an application and a list of necessary documentation.

All pregnant women are entitled to benefits and compensation, regardless of whether she works or not. Financial assistance is guaranteed by the state, but the amount of this assistance depends precisely on the availability of official employment for a woman. What payments are due to pregnant women and what is needed to receive them, we will consider further.

general information

According to the current legislation, every woman in the position can receive different kinds benefits if she is a citizen of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, all programs are conditionally divided into three categories:

  • for employees;
  • for the unemployed;
  • within the scope of medical care.

The latter apply to both working and non-working women. As part of the medical care, pregnant women are provided with a number of privileges and benefits that they can enjoy.
Important! The main document giving the right to benefits and benefits is a certificate from a medical consultation. If a woman does not get registered, then she does not have the right to benefits.

Medical benefits

First of all, according to Article 41 of the Constitution, all citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to free medical care. Including pregnant women.

At the same time, according to the law guaranteeing the provision of certain drugs to pregnant women, these drugs are provided in state pharmacies either free of charge or at a 50% discount.

For example, folic acid and ascorbic acid, necessary for the normal development of the fetus, are prescribed free of charge in all months of registration.
In addition, the following types of medical services are provided free of charge:

  • Visiting specialized doctors:
    • gynecologist;
    • ophthalmologist;
    • dentist;
    • therapist;
    • otolaryngologist (ENT doctor).
Attention! For services to be provided free of charge, a referral is required from the doctor in charge of the pregnancy.
  • Carrying out planned manipulations:
    • fluorography for the whole family;
    • Ultrasound (planned - three, additional - on the recommendation of a doctor);
    • delivery of all necessary tests;
    • physiotherapy procedures.
Attention! For all manipulations, the direction is prescribed by the doctor leading the pregnancy.

Early registration allowance

Regardless of whether a woman works, she is entitled to the payment of an allowance for registering with a medical organization in the early stages. The benefit is paid if the woman applied for a consultation in the first trimester, up to 12 weeks of pregnancy.

The funds are paid from the regional fund. The size depends on the regions, on average 500-1000 rubles. around the country.

Required documents

In order to receive the allowance, you need to collect a minimum package of documents:

  • the passport;
  • certificate from the antenatal clinic;
  • statement;
  • an extract from the employment center stating that no benefits were paid there;
  • extract from the house book;
  • a copy of the personal bank account where the allowance will be transferred (account number, not card number);
  • a copy of the work book or a certificate from the employment center on the status of the unemployed.

You can apply for writing an application to "My Documents" (multifunctional centers) in the region of residence or at the place of residence (registration) to the Department of Social Protection of the Population.

Important! Allowance for registration in the early stages of pregnancy is paid only at the place of permanent registration. If a woman registers at the place of temporary registration, then the right to receive benefits is lost. This change came into effect in 2016.

If a woman is employed, then such an allowance is paid to her by the employer. It is necessary to apply with an application, a passport and a certificate from the antenatal clinic on early registration.

Maternity allowance

The so-called maternity benefits accrue to women 70 days before childbirth and 70 days after. For multiple pregnancies or childbirth with complications, the period of leave is longer. For example, twins should pay childbirth benefits not for 140 days, as usual, but for 194 days: 84 days before the birth, and 110 days after.

  • Students, if a woman is studying full-time - the amount of payment is equal to the amount of a monthly scholarship.
  • Dismissed in connection with the liquidation of organizations within 12 months preceding the day they were recognized as unemployed, who ceased their activities as an individual entrepreneur, notary, lawyer. - 300 rubles per month are taken into account. For an appointment, contact the FSS.
  • Working women.

The benefit is accrued after the pregnant woman provides the employer with a sick leave. The mechanism for calculating benefits is as follows: we multiply the average daily wage by 140 days of vacation. In 2019 - the maximum amount of maternity benefits is 301,095.89 rubles, the minimum is 51,918.90 rubles

One-time allowance at the birth of a child

This is a one-time payment given to one of the parents. When two or more children are born, this allowance is paid for each child. If the child was born dead, the allowance is not allowed.

Ways to get:

  • paid by the employer if the woman is employed;
  • paid to the employed father of the child if the woman is not employed;
  • SST is paid if the parents are not officially employed.

The amount of the allowance in 2019 is 17,479 rubles 73 kopecks.

Benefit for caring for a child up to 1.5 years

Whether a woman works or not, she is entitled to benefits up to 1.5 years per child.

If a woman is not employed, it is paid from the regional fund. You can get it by contacting the USZN or the Multifunctional Center.

The amount of the allowance for the first child in 2019 is 3277 rubles 45 kopecks, for the second and subsequent children 6554 rubles 89 kopecks. Payments are made from the moment the child is born until the age of 1.5 years. You can apply for an appointment at any time during this period.

For working women, this benefit is paid by the employer. Its size is determined based on the average salary for the last 2 years and is equal to 40% of its size. The algorithm for calculating benefits is as follows: divide the average earnings for the previous two calendar years by 730 (the number of days in the calendar period), multiply by 30.4 (the average number of days per month) and multiply by 40%.

The maximum amount of such allowance for working women is 26,152 rubles 27 kopecks. The minimum is 3277 rubles 45 kopecks for the first child and 6554 rubles 89 kopecks for the second and subsequent children.

Benefit for caring for a child up to 3 years

An allowance of up to three years, in the amount of 50 rubles, is paid to all employed women, students and graduate students, non-working wives of private and commanding officers of the internal affairs bodies Russian Federation caring for a child. To receive benefits, a woman must be on parental leave.

Allowance for citizens with children

Families with incomes below living wage established in the region, have the right to apply for an allowance, which is assigned from birth to the age of majority for each child separately. In some cases, the age of the child can reach 23 years. The allowance is paid monthly, and the amount of the allowance is set in each region separately, taking into account district coefficient. For mothers (fathers) raising children without a second parent, the amount of the allowance has been increased. For the appointment of benefits, you need to contact the UMSZ or a multifunctional center. The amount of the allowance is determined by each region independently.


The family receives a total of 24,000 rubles.

There are three people in the family.

The living wage is 9470 rubles.

The family is considered poor: 24,000/3= 8,000 rubles.

In this case, the allowance for up to three years is assigned and paid monthly.

In addition to payments, women can count on labor concessions. For example, if the working conditions for a pregnant woman are too difficult or negatively affect her health, then she has the right to write an application addressed to the employer for a transfer to another position or for a reduction in output. The employer is obliged to keep the wages, which the woman received earlier. No change in work book are not entered.

Important! An employer cannot fire a pregnant woman, and is also required to provide annual paid leave on demand, even if it does not fit into the approved vacation schedule.

Privileges for unemployed women

In addition to medical benefits, payments and maternity benefits for non-working women include unemployment benefits.

But only if he registers with the employment center, having issued the status of unemployed. In this case, unemployment benefits are guaranteed during pregnancy and until the end of maternity leave.

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