
What is included in the seniority allowance. Calculation of length of service for a pension on a preferential basis


To determine the amount of monetary allowance and pensions, the calculation of the length of service of a serviceman is used. When calculating, you need to know the current legislation or use a calculator that will help you find out important information in a few minutes.

When calculating seniority, a special seniority, used under special conditions of activity mainly in law enforcement agencies:

  • Border Troops, PSS, PSO, Airborne Forces.
  • Educational military institutions that train future employees of the Airborne Forces.
  • Reconnaissance air assault groups belonging to the ground forces of the Russian Federation.
  • Civil Defense Troops, individual positions available in the state of naval vessels for combat purposes.

According to Art. 13 of the Federal Law No. 4468-1, the military are entitled to pensions if they have 20 years of regular or preferential service. Before retiring, you should use the length of service calculator for military personnel - this will simplify the calculation procedure and allow you to find out the terms credited to the length of service, as well as the number of full years worked.

It is worth noting that the online calculator for the length of service of a serviceman works on the basis of data from the current regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Information about changes

Before making calculations, contract employees should prepare all the necessary information in advance: military rank, full name, date of birth; the beginning and end of calendar terms of service; periods of study in civilian educational institutions; preferential stages to be credited.

To indicate the terms of service, orders from the commander to be sent to "hot spots" may be needed, employment history and other documents, which usually contain all the data necessary for self-calculation.

Let us denote that any programs are developed taking into account the current legislative acts regulating this issue, and they should also be guided by when carrying out independent calculations:

  • Federal Law "On the status of military personnel".
  • Federal Law "On the provision of pensions for persons ...".
  • Order of the Ministry of Defense No. 200 of 06/30/2006.
  • Order of the Ministry of Defense No. 555 dated 11/10/2008.

To calculate allowances and total length of service, the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2014 No. 1074 are applied. According to them, the total period includes the following periods:

  • Service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the USSR, as well as in formations organized for the duration of military operations.
  • Employment of citizens of the Russian Federation in the armed forces of the CIS countries.
  • The stay of the military until 1995 in units and other subdivisions of the former republics of the USSR that are not part of the CIS.
  • Being in the service in the formations of various countries with which there is an international agreement.
  • Temporary suspension of service in the ranks of the Army for the period of election as a deputy to the State Duma and other representative or legislative bodies of power.
  • Unknown absence, captivity, detention, unjustified dismissal until the circumstances are clarified.
  • Service in the bodies of the criminal correctional system, the Federal Drug Control Service, the prosecutor's office, the tax police, customs, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, the National Guard troops, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, the FSB.

For employees of the Airborne Forces, educational organizations for the training of military personnel, the Navy, the PSS, aviation, 1 month of service is counted as 1.5. The calculator also equates 12 months to two years of work for military pilots, testers of parachutes and catapult installations. A complete list of positions with a preferential calculation of seniority is indicated in Government Decree No. 1074.

The above rules apply to the calculation of the length of service of working pensioners, as well as upon retirement. In addition, according to the procedure for calculating seniority, upon termination of the contract with its subsequent conclusion, it is not subject to recalculation.

Sazonov V.V. served in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, where a year of service was equivalent to one and a half years. The actual length of service is 15 years, but in terms of length of service it is 22.5 years, since for all 15 years he worked in a position with a preferential calculation of length of service. To get the answer, it is enough to multiply the number of years worked by the benefit years.

According to Art. 14 FZ 4468-1, the following rules apply to the calculation of the seniority pension of a serviceman:

  • With 20 or more years of service - 50% of the amount of salary (allowance), for each year over - plus 3%. The total percentage cannot exceed 85.
  • At 25 calendar years, if at least 12 years have served in the army, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Guard, the Federal Drug Control Service, the Federal Penitentiary Service - 50% of the monetary allowance, and for each year after 25 years - 1% additionally.

For the correct calculation of length of service, it should be taken into account: if there are periods in the length of service when preferential terms for calculating were not in effect, they must be written out separately.

In the future, when applying for a pension, not only length of service is taken into account, but also military rank, as well as position and salary during service. If a soldier is disabled due to a general illness or injury received in the line of duty, he is entitled to additional allowances for old age benefits.

All citizens of our country are entitled to pension payments, however, if civilians can retire when they reach the appropriate age, then persons who have completed military service have the right to end their service and receive pension payments after 20 calendar years, but not earlier they reach the age of 45. have a different degree of stress and risk to life, therefore, the law provides for preferential length of service for military personnel for retirement, the so-called preferential length of service, where the calculation of length of service is determined by multiplying the actual term served by a multiplying factor. The value of the indicator is determined based on the danger and complexity of the tasks performed, depending on the service in different branches of the military. If the official activity was carried out in unequal conditions, and preferential length of service was not applied at all stages of service, the length of service is calculated by adding calendar years with a grace period.

The concept of preferential seniority

Speaking of preferential length of service, the legislator implies that some periods of service are counted towards the length of service in terms that are largely different from calendar periods. You can often hear the phrase “I have a year and a half of service” from the military, but this statement is not true.

For example, a soldier is serving in a unit where the length of service is calculated 1:1, but he was sent to the combat zone for 3 months, he became a member of the WBD, and these 3 months, and not the whole year, will be included in the preferential calculation. Another calculation example: an employee in the troops with a preferential calculation of service of 1: 1.5 months directly participated in the counter-terrorist operation on the basis of an order for 3 days, these days will be calculated 1: 3. If a soldier was injured or otherwise injured while participating in such an operation, the time of continuous stay in a medical institution will also be counted in the length of service as 1:3. Factors affecting the terms, the value of the coefficient and the rules for calculating preferential service are set out in the Government Decree of September 22, 1993 N 941.

Calculation of length of service on a preferential basis

When moving from a position that means a standard calculation of length of service to a title with preferential length of service, the preferential length of service is calculated based on the actual time spent in this position in accordance with the order. The calculation includes the time of vacations, business trips, medical treatment and other legitimate cases of absence from the unit, which do not imply dismissal. The value of the multiplying factor is established by law, depending on the complexity and danger of the tasks performed.

Note! The highest ratio of 1:6 for months is applied to those who fought in penal battalions during the Great Patriotic War.

Service 1:3 months

The calculation of length of service of 1:3 months is applicable for veterans of the Second World War and equivalent participants / veterans of hostilities, liquidators of the accident in Chernobyl, including for conscript soldiers. It is worth noting that this category of servicemen includes those who served in the former republics of the USSR during the period of aggravation of interethnic strife (Nagorno-Karabakh, Ingushetia, Tajikistan and other zones of emergency), those who were liable for military service who performed international duty in Afghanistan, and those who took participation in UN operations outside Russia. Unreasonably prosecuted, convicted, repressed military men, who were subsequently rehabilitated, in terms of the calculation of length of service, 1:3 months are counted as the time unreasonably spent in places of deprivation of liberty.

1:2 months

It is counted to the participants of the Second World War, who served in units that did not take part in the battles, who were captured against their will, to prisoners of concentration camps. In addition, military personnel have the right to length of service 1: 2:

  • serving in remote garrisons of Russia;
  • military experts seconded to the armies of countries engaged in hostilities;
  • conducting work with nuclear waste and recharging reactors;
  • performing combat missions in high-altitude areas;
  • divers who are under high pressure conditions for a long time.

A complete list of military specialties and preferential conditions is published in the PP dated September 22, 1993 N941.

1:1.5 months

  • certain categories of flight personnel;
  • surface sailors serving on nuclear ships;
  • border guards;
  • crews of diesel submarines.

This list is far from complete. The military, who are entitled to preferential calculation of seniority, are notified of this by an appropriate order. All job transfers involving a transition to positions with a different calculation of length of service are accompanied by an order and calculation of the length of service on the day of the job move. The period of military service is credited to the length of service for persons who have completed military service, on a calendar basis, with the exception of the time spent serving in preferential terms, during this period a multiplying coefficient is applied.

Preferential pension for military personnel

In fact, a soldier may serve less than 20 years, but with the use of a preferential calculation of the term of service, one can become a pensioner at a young age. If health and family circumstances allow, the continuation of the service is not forbidden, in this case, the size of the pension will increase with every extra year, but the day of its appointment will come after the dismissal. Many military pensioners prefer to quit and find work "in civilian life", receiving and preferential pension, and wages. The military, working in civilian organizations, the pension is accrued in full, with the exception of allowances, specially designed for working pensioners. Upon reaching the total for the country retirement age, if civil experience and accumulated pension points, a military pensioner has the right to receive insurance and funded pension if he switched to this type of pension provision.

The procedure for applying for a pension for preferential years of service

The procedure for applying for a pension by a serviceman, the procedure for calculating and processing payments is determined by 50 Art. Federal Law No. 4468-1 "On Military Pensions", which states that pensions are provided by the Ministry of Defense, therefore, you need to contact the pension department of the military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence. The application must be considered within 10 days. The beginning of the calculation of the pension is considered the day of dismissal from service. If for some reason a military pensioner did not submit an application to the military registration and enlistment office in a timely manner, then the pension for the missed period will be paid to him from the date of dismissal. If the application deadline is missed by more than a year after the dismissal, then pension payments are accrued for 12 months preceding the date of application. In the event that the pension has already been accrued, but for some reason has not been claimed, it can be paid retroactively for no more than 3 years. If the fault of the state body responsible for the accrual or delivery of money is established in untimely payments, then the pension will be paid for the entire period. The pension provision for combat veterans implies the payment of monthly allowances in the amount established by law.

The provision of pensions for military personnel, as well as members of their families, is regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 N 4468-1, according to which, at the expense of the federal budget, a serviceman's pension can be granted for seniority, disability, and his family for the loss of a breadwinner. One of the payments of military pension maintenance provided for the abandonment of military service(dismissal).

In addition, the law provides for the following provisions:

What pensions can military personnel receive?

Legislation for pension provision military personnel for this category of citizens is established three types of pensions:

  • by seniority;

At the same time, the law stipulates some nuances when obtaining the right to pension provision:

  • Seniority pension is assigned and paid to its recipient after his retirement.
  • Assignment of a disability or survivor's pension does not depend on the length of service of a soldier.
  • A disability pension is established if it occurred during the service or within three months after the dismissal, or even later, but arose due to illness or as a result of an injury received during the service.

It is allowed for a military pensioner to re-enter military service or service in internal affairs bodies, or in other services provided for by law. True, in this case, the payment of pension benefits assigned to him terminated during service and will be able to resume at his next dismissal, when he declares the restoration of the provision to the pension authority.

Conditions for awarding a military pension for years of service

In accordance with Article 13 of the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 N 4468-1, the right to establish a pension for length of service has categories of military personnel who, on the day of dismissal from service, have a length of service in the amount of at least 20 years old or dismissed from service due to reaching the maximum age limit for staying in the service, for health reasons, or as a result of organizational and staff changes.

Pension maintenance for length of service for the second category of military personnel is assigned on the condition that on the day of dismissal they:

  • reached the age 45 years;
  • have a common work experience 25 years and over, of them not less 12 years and six months length of service was military service and (or) service in the bodies and institutions provided for by law.

The procedure for calculating seniority

When calculating seniority for appointment military pension service periods are taken into account:

  • military, in the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service (including previous assignments in this system on civil defense and emergency situations and disaster relief);
  • in the bodies controlling the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances;
  • in the bodies and institutions of the penitentiary system.

For officers and persons from the commanding staff, seniority may be credited their study period before entering the service (but no more than 5 years) - one year of study goes for six months of service. Service in special conditions is counted in the length of service at a preferential rate.

The military experience also includes the time of service:

  • in the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation;
  • in Soviet partisan detachments and formations;
  • time of work in state bodies. authorities and administrations, civil ministries, departments and organizations with the condition of remaining in military service or as part of the above bodies and institutions;
  • the time spent in captivity (if the serviceman was not voluntarily captured and, being there, did not commit a crime against his state);
  • the period of serving a sentence and detention in case of unreasonable prosecution or repressed and then rehabilitated.

Amount of pension provision

What will be a serviceman for length of service depends on several factors: military experience (length of service), position and rank, (DD), the availability of conditions for increase and allowances. The pension content of a serviceman is established in accordance with Art. 14 of the law of February 12, 1993 N 4468-1:

  • For seniors 20 years pension is assigned in the amount 50% of the sum DD.
  • Additionally, for each year exceeding 20 years of service, 3%, but no more than 85%.

For persons with 12 years and 6 months military service and (or) service in other bodies provided by law, with a total work experience of 25 years or more, a pension benefit is assigned in the amount of 50% of the DD for a total service of 25 years plus 1% of the amount of DD for each year over.

In addition, the law defines the following points:

  • To a pensioner who lives in an area where DDs are set odds, for the period of his residence there, they are applied in the calculation of pensions, allowances and increases.
  • Retirees who have served Far North and equivalent areas for at least 15 and 20 years, when they move to a place of residence outside these areas, a pension (including allowances and increases) which was assigned using northern coefficients, preserved. And for those who live in areas where the coefficient is not established or is applied in a smaller amount than at the last place of service, the pension is calculated (including allowances and increases) using the coefficient at the last place of service(limit size 1.5). At the same time, the time of application for the appointment of a pension does not depend.

Cash allowance of the military when calculating pensions

The base (DD) used to calculate his pension in accordance with the law consists of the following components:

  • military official salary;
  • salary depending on military or special rank (with the exception of promotion for service in special areas or conditions);
  • monthly or percentage bonus for length of service (length of service), including payments for indexing DD.

From January 1, 2018, the allowance was increased by 4%, as a result of which military pensions also increased.

In 2018, when calculating a military pension, DD in the amount of 72,23% from the amount of the base DD. The law planned an annual increase of 2% to reach 100% of the size, but this provision has been suspended.

Conditions for increasing the amount of payments

For some categories of pensioners, the amounts of payments for length of service are subject to an increase, provided that they belong to one or another group of recipients. As a percentage of Estimated Pension Amount (RRP) installed at the rate of social pension (5240.65 rubles from April 1, 2018) the increase is made:

  • disabled as a result of military trauma from 175 to 300% of RRP;
  • disabled people who participated in the Great Patriotic War and persons with the award "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad" who became disabled - from 100 to 250%;
  • participants of the Great Patriotic War (WWII), war veterans; former prisoners (underage) of fascist concentration camps, etc.; persons who received the award "Inhabitants of besieged Leningrad" (if they do not receive an allowance for disability); invalids from childhood who were injured or maimed as a result of military operations during the Second World War or their consequences - for 32% of RRP;
  • those who were in military service for at least six months or worked during the Second World War, not including work in the temporarily occupied territories of the USSR, or who have orders and medals of the USSR for selfless work and impeccable military service during the Second World War, as well as those who were unreasonably politically repressed, then rehabilitated - by 16 percent RRP.

In counting from the size of the pension by 15-100% pensions go up:

  • Heroes Soviet Union, Russian Federation and awarded the Order of Glory of three degrees;
  • Heroes of Socialist Labor, Labor of the Russian Federation;
  • champions of the Olympic, Paralympic, Deaflympics;
  • persons who received the Order of Labor Glory of three degrees or the Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" of three degrees.

For persons who have repeatedly been awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, the Russian Federation, Socialist Labor or the Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation, the pension content is increased accordingly each rank received.

Seniority allowance for military personnel

In certain cases, accrual is provided for the pension benefit for long service allowances. They are determined as a percentage of the estimated pension (RRP). The law establishes allowances for the following recipients:

  • pensioners (to care for them) who have a disability of group 1, or when they reach the age of 80 years - 100% RRP;
  • pensioners who do not work and have dependent family members (incapacitated), provided that the latter is not paid or a pension:
    • 32% - with one disabled person;
    • 64% - with two disabled;
    • 100% - with three or more.
  • pensioners who participated in the Great Patriotic War, who are not disabled: 32% , and when they reach the age of 80 years - 64% . The supplement is not calculated if the pension has already been calculated using the increase.

Right to a share of the insurance pension

If a military pensioner, dismissed from service, continues to work in civilian positions, and the employer deducts for him in Pension Fund, or a pensioner operates as an individual entrepreneur with the payment of appropriate contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, he may be entitled to receive a second pension - (except for a fixed payment to it) when he reaches the conditions required by law:

  • Age 60 for men, 55 for women. It is possible to assign an old-age insurance pension for work in special difficult conditions and areas.
  • The minimum is at least 9 years (if it was not taken into account when). The seniority requirement increases every year by 1 year to 15 years.

When calculating insurance experience it excludes the periods of service that existed before the appointment of a disability pension, or the time of service and other activities that have already been taken into account when calculating the amount of a pension for years of service.

Additional requirements provided for the appointment of an insurance pension:

  • The minimum size (IPK) is 13.8. The requirement for it increases by 2.4 annually until it rises to 30.
  • The presence of a military pension for length of service or.

Procedure and terms for applying for an appointment

For the assignment of a military retirement pension, it is necessary to apply to the authorities of those services in which the recipient of the pension served before retirement: pension authorities of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Federal Penitentiary Service and the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. When applying, a soldier must submit:

  • application for a pension;
  • documents (if necessary) confirming the existence of conditions for increasing payments or establishing allowances.

You can apply to the pension authority in person or send the application and documents by mail. After checking the submitted documents, if everything is in order with them, within ten days after submitting the application (if the required documents are submitted no later than 3 months from the day they were requested) the assignment of a pension benefit is carried out.

If an application for the appointment of pension maintenance was received late, the pension for the previous period is established from the day when the person became entitled to it, but not more than for 12 months until the day of application.

General procedure for the payment of pensions

The legislation defines the procedure for paying pensions and stipulates some other conditions for receiving it:

  • The payment of military pension maintenance is made through the Savings Bank of Russia by crediting to the recipient's account, or by transfer through postal communication services at the place of residence or stay of the pensioner. In agreement with the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation by decision of the federal executive body, the procedure for paying pension benefits can be changed.
  • A pensioner can receive pension benefits personally, or with the help of a trustee, drawn up in accordance with the law.
  • The payment of a military pension does not depend on whether or not its recipient has earnings under an employment contract or other income. In this case, dependency and disability allowances are not paid.
  • A pension accrued and not received by a pensioner in a timely manner due to his fault is subject to payment for the time that has passed, but not more than 3 years before applying for it. In case of non-receipt of a pension due to the fault of the body paying it, the payment is made for the entire past time.

Soldiers, by virtue of their professional activity often become pensioners much earlier than ordinary citizens.

A completely young man or woman, having served a certain number of years, which is called length of service, is entitled to a pension under special conditions. And the calculation of their pensions is different from the civil one. Let's talk about this in more detail.

According to the legislation (law of the Russian Federation No. 4468-1), military personnel are entitled to receive in the following cases:

  1. If by the time of dismissal from service the length of service is 20 years or more. This rule also applies to citizens who are in the service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in the bodies of the penitentiary system, in the fire service.
  2. If the total length of service is 25 years (and twelve and a half years of them are given to military service), the age of the serviceman is 45 years old, and he is dismissed due to the age limit of the awarded rank, with ongoing organizational measures or for health reasons. This paragraph also affects the persons mentioned in the first paragraph.

If at least one of the conditions is met, then the serviceman can count on a seniority pension. And when the opposite happens, then his length of service is counted in the general, and he retires on the general basis, which are provided pension legislation.

The limit for military personnel varies significantly. It depends on the title awarded. So,

  • enlisted personnel retire at the age of 50;
  • average generals - at 60 years old;
  • captains - at 55;
  • marshals, colonel-generals and other senior staff - at 65;
  • women - at 45 years old.

Conditions for awarding a retirement pension

For military personnel

  • service in the army of the Russian Federation or CIS countries;
  • serving in the armies of countries former USSR»;
  • they have served more than 20 years or have reached retirement age;
  • in other cases, which are provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation “On pensions for persons who have served in the military, served in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, bodies for controlling the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, and their families ".

For cosmonauts, pilots and testers are citizens of the Russian Federation

  • have work experience (for men - at least 25 years, for women - at least 20 years);
  • if they leave the service for health reasons or other valid reasons;
  • cease their activities for reasons providing for obtaining such a type.

Minimum and maximum pension

The calculation of the seniority pension for a serviceman is carried out in accordance with the laws 173 FZ and 4468-1 FZ. Accrual mechanisms depend on the reason for retirement:

  • When leaving for length of service - 55% of, with the addition of 3% for each irregular year, but not more than 85%.
  • When leaving for length of service, but in the presence of mixed (for example, with civil) seniority - 55% plus 1% for each irregular year (over the service life).

Medium basic pension at the moment it is 14,000 rubles for privates, 20,000 for captains, and more than 35,000 for officers of a higher rank.

Financing is made from the funds of a special fund of the relevant state structures. Moreover, co-financing from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is also possible.

The calculation procedure is established by Article 14 of Law No. 4468-1.

The retirement pension for servicemen is set at 55% of the monetary allowance for 20 years plus 3% of the monetary allowance for each year over 20 years. Its size cannot exceed 85% of the monetary allowance.

Monetary allowance is according to military rank, according to position (excluding increasing coefficients) and an allowance for length of service in percentage terms. Salaries are set by the Ministry of Defense and are fixed. The most common salaries for some titles are shown in Table 1.

Table 1

Pension supplements are shown in Table 2.

table 2

It should also be noted that this type of pension increases:

  1. Disabled persons who became disabled as a result of a military injury:
    • Group 1 - by 300% of the basic part of the old-age labor pension;
    • group 2 - by 250%;
    • Group 3 - by 175%.
  2. Disabled people who became disabled due to a general illness and participants in the Second World War:
    • group 1 - by 250%;
    • group 2 - by 200%;
    • Group 3 - by 150%.
  3. Disabled people who became disabled as a result of the general and have the award "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad": group 1 - by 200%;
    • group 2 - by 150%;
    • Group 3 - 100%).

The following are added to the seniority pension:

  1. Military pensioners who are disabled of the 1st group or disabled of the third degree, as well as those who have reached - 100% of the basic part of the labor pension.
  2. If a military pensioner has disabled family members (if one is disabled - 32%; if two - 64%; if three or more - 100% of the basic part of the labor pension). It should be noted here that these allowances are charged only for those disabled family members who do not receive social or labor pension.
  3. Participants in the Second World War, but who are not disabled - 32%, when they reached the age of 80 - 64% of the basic part of the old-age pension.

What is preferential and minimum length of service?

Length of service is not always counted according to the calendar.

When a serviceman serves in special conditions, a preferential calculation of length of service is applied to him.

For example, for participation in hostilities, the experience goes: 1 to 3 (that is, three are counted in one year). It should be noted that the maximum coefficient that is applied when calculating a military pension is 1.5.

According to the general rules, the grounds for preferential calculation of military service are:

  • participation in hostilities, performance of tasks in a state of emergency and in armed conflicts, counter-terrorist operations;
  • military service in and equivalent areas, as well as in areas with adverse climatic and environmental conditions;
  • military service outside the Russian Federation;
  • military service in military units and on ships involved in the performance of special tasks;
  • being in military positions, the performance of duties for which is associated with an increased risk and danger to life and health.

With a length of service of 20 years in a preferential calculation, the minimum pension comes.

The procedure for calculating the length of service for military personnel

(ATD + HVD + NVL) x 55% + 3% for each year of service,

  • HVZ - salary by rank;
  • NVL - seniority bonus.

As you can see, when calculating the amount, the following are taken into account:

  • Position salary.
  • Work experience.
  • Rank.
  • Excellent qualification.
  • Seniority allowance.

Salary and bonuses are cumulative. After that, the amount is multiplied by a percentage of the allowance. If necessary, add to the result district coefficient.

The maximum amount of the superannuation pension is 85% of the allowance.

Example 1

Suppose a serviceman retires with the rank of lieutenant colonel, the position is deputy regiment commander.

  • Military school: 07/01/1979 - 06/30/1984.
  • Service under the contract: 07/01/1984 - 01/31/2010 (of which he participated in the hostilities in Afghanistan: 12/01/1986 - 11/30/1987, in the hostilities in Chechnya: 05/01/1994 - 11/30/1994).
  • Service in the Chita region: 12/01/1987 - 04/30/1994.

The pension is assigned in the Tula region, where the pensioner lives. There are no dependents.

  1. We consider the length of service and whether he is entitled to a military pension:
  • Years of training in a military school are included here. It turns out 5 years.
  • The time from 07/01/1984 to 11/30/1986 is considered in calendar terms - 2 years 5 months.
  • The period from 12/01/1986 to 11/30/1987 is considered on a preferential basis - one month for three. (since there was participation in hostilities). It turns out one calendar year, which becomes equal to 3 years.
  • The period from 12/01/1987 to 04/30/1994 is also considered on a preferential basis - one month for a month and a half (since the Chita region is a remote area). According to the calendar - 6 years 5 months. Preferential - 9 years 7 months 15 days.
  • The time from 05/01/1994 to 11/30/1994 is considered on a preferential basis - one month for three. According to the calendar 7 months, on benefits - 21 months or 1 year 9 months.
  • The period from 12/01/1994 to the date of dismissal is counted according to the calendar. It turns out 15 years 2 months.

Add up: 5 years + 2 years 5 months + 3 years + 9 years 7 months 15 days + 1 year 9 months + 15 years 2 months = 36 years 11 months 15 days.

The amount of the pension is 55% of the monetary allowance for 20 years of service and 3% for each year of service over 20 years, but not more than 85%. In our case it turns out:

55% + (36 years old - 20 years old) * 3% = 103%. Since there is a limit on the maximum amount, the pension will be 85% of the monetary allowance.

2. We determine the amount of monetary allowance itself:

The salary for a lieutenant colonel is 3034 rubles. The salary for the deputy commander of the regiment is 4374 rubles. The length of service is more than 25 years, so the maximum allowance for calculating a military pension is 70% of the salary. Amount of allowance:

(3034 + 4374) + (3034 + 4374) * 70% = 12593.60 rubles.

3. Determine the amount of military pension:

12593.60 * 85% = 10704.56 rubles. There are no dependents, so there are no additional payments for this.

Taking into account the monthly additional payment under the Decree of the President, the total amount of pension payable:

10704.56 + 1000 = 11704.56 rubles.

Example 2

The major is dismissed as senior assistant to the chief of staff of the regiment. Date of birth - November 15, 1964.

  • Education at a civilian university: 07/01/1984 - 06/30/1989.
  • Then he worked in a non-military organization: 09/01/1989 - 06/15/1995.
  • After that, he enters military service and serves until 01/31/2010.

Dismissal occurs upon reaching the age limit for military service. After being discharged from military service, he does not work, has two sons, 22 and 20 years old, and a daughter, 25 years old. The 22-year-old son studies in an educational institution full-time.

  1. We determine the length of service and the right:

Length of service from 06/16/1995 to 01/31/2010. We count the periods according to the calendar, it turns out 14 years 7 months 14 days.

2. We determine the "mixed" length of service and the right to a military pension:

  • The period of study is 5 years of experience.
  • Work in a civilian organization is counted in the length of service for calculating a military pension according to the calendar. And that is 5 years 9 months 14 days.

Total "mixed" experience, taking into account the service:

5 years + 5 years 9 months 14 days + 14 years 7 months 14 days = 25 years 4 months 28 days.

The condition for calculating a military service pension is met (25 years of total work experience are required, of which at least 12 years 6 months is military service).

On the date of dismissal from military service, the major turned 45 years old. Thus, there is a right to a military pension for long service on a "mixed" length of service.

The size of the military pension is 55% of the allowance for 25 years of total work experience and 1% for each year of service over 25 years. In total, in the case under consideration, the size of the military pension will be 55%.

4. Determine the amount of allowance:

  • The salary for a major is 2660 rubles.
  • The salary for the senior assistant to the chief of staff of the regiment is 3853 rubles.
  • The percentage increase to the military pension for 15 years of service is 55% of the salary.

Total allowance: 2660 + 3853 = 9769.50 rubles = 6513

5. We determine the size of the military pension itself:

6513 * 55% = 3582.15 rubles.

The pensioner has a dependent son (one who studies full-time). The amount of the supplement to the military pension in this case is 32% of the calculated amount of the military pension.

The estimated amount is 2562 rubles.

The amount of the military pension: 3582.15 + (2562 * 32%) = 4401.99 rubles.

Taking into account the monthly additional payment under the Decree of the President, the amount of the military pension payable:

4401.99 + 1000 = 5401.99 rubles.

Example 3

Let's take the same major, but, let's say, he worked in a civil organization for a year less.


  • passport with registration;
  • a military ID, or other certificate, where there will be marks that the serviceman served, was fired and handed over his weapon.
  • private bussiness;
  • prescription;
  • token (or personal number);

All available records must be certified by the official, his signature, as well as the seal.

When all the documents are collected and the fact of retirement comes, it will be necessary to write an application for a military pension.

In addition to the above documents, you will also need:

  • photo matte 3 x 4 in one copy;
  • SNILS;
  • employment history.

Other documents confirming the fact of special conditions of service may be required.

It is important to note that the registration of a pension will begin from the moment when the military enlistment office receives military officer's certificate. After this point, it will take about three months for the serviceman to accrue the first pension.

It is quite possible to issue this pension in the usual PFRF at the place of registration. Only here you will still need to provide a certificate of the average monthly salary for the last five years.

Article navigation

Length of service in a situation with employees in the army, the FSB, etc. - this is a special type of seniority in the military (or other equated to military) service, which is used when. In order for a military pensioner to qualify for this payment, he must meet one of the following conditions defined in Art. 13 of the above law:

  • length of service is 20 years;
  • no less work experience 25 years, of which 12.5 years of service.

Which members of the military can receive a retirement pension?

The legal relations of military pensioners are regulated by the law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 No. 4468-1. Ensigns, officers, midshipmen, contract soldiers who served in the power structures of Russia and the former Soviet Union are entitled to this type of payment.

concept "serviceman" applies not only to those persons who are directly related to the Armed Forces. Military pension system affects and other categories of citizens:

  • Penitentiary Services;
  • Engineering and construction troops;
  • Fire Service;
  • Foreign Intelligence Service.

A citizen is considered a serviceman until he retires in connection with retirement or for other reasons. With access to the reserve, the dismissed person receives the status of a military pensioner.

What periods count towards military service?

The procedure for calculating length of service for establishment is determined by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 22, 1993 No. 941. Required length of service includes service in various positions in the following structures:

  • in the bodies of the FSB, foreign intelligence, counterintelligence;
  • in the bodies of the penitentiary system, drug control authorities, the state fire service;
  • federal bodies of government information and communications;
  • civil defense troops;
  • the United Armed Forces of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the USSR;
  • border, railway, internal troops;
  • bodies of state protection;
  • other military formations of the state.

Decree No. 941 has two appendices, which indicate the specific time of service and location, counted in length of service to establish a military pension on preferential terms- 1 month of service for 2 months, as well as 1 month of service for 1.5 months.

Is studying at a military school included in the length of service?

Rules for the inclusion of periods of study in higher and secondary special. institutions in seniority and length of service to establish a military pension differ depending on which point (“a” or “b”) of Art. 13 of Law No. 4468-1, security is assigned. According to paragraph "a", the persons specified in Art. 1 of the law, who have 20 years of service on the day they leave the service.

According to clause 2 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 22, 1993 No. 941, officers identified for service from the reserve, taking into account acquired in civilian educational institution(OU) of the specialty, for female officers assigned to the service under the specified condition, who were not in the reserve, the time of their study before being assigned to serve in civilian higher educational institutions or in secondary special educational institutions in which there was a military department, within up to 5 years at the rate of one year of study in 6 months are counted in the length of service for establishing a pension.

On these conditions, the length of service includes the period of study in civilian higher educational institutions of officers who, being students, directly from the indicated educational institutions until they graduate and are accepted to continue their studies at higher military educational institutions.

Additional periods counted towards length of service

In addition to military service, in the length of service to establish a military pension under paragraph "a" part 1 of Art. 13 of Law No. 4468-1 includes the following periods (the most common situations):

  • service in the FSB, internal affairs and other law enforcement agencies in the USSR and Russia;
  • service in the security agencies, armed forces and other power structures of the CIS countries;
  • the time spent in custody of persons who were unreasonably brought to criminal responsibility;
  • breaks in service due to illegal dismissal.

Certain periods are included in the length of service for the calculation of military pensions at a concessionary rate(one year of service is counted towards seniority in larger size, for example, 1 year for a year and a half, 1 month for 3, etc.). The list is quite voluminous to give it in its entirety, so we will indicate some grounds for including these periods when establishing a military pension:

  1. Service in high mountains or remote areas.
  2. Periods participation in hostilities.
  3. Special conditions passing service:
    • work to eliminate the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
    • skydiving, flight work, etc.;
    • periods of service that are associated with nuclear weapons (surface ships, nuclear submarines).

The periods of conscription service are included in the length of service for establishing a military pension on a calendar basis or, in case of participation in hostilities, on a preferential basis.

Appointment of a pension for years of service to military personnel

It is established by those military men who have accumulated a certain length of service in a military position. Thus, this security can be assigned subject to the following requirements:

  • The pension is established by those dismissed from the service if they have a special output at least 20 years old.
  • Upon dismissal due to the maximum possible age of service - 45 years, during organizational and staffing events or due to the inability to continue service for health reasons, a military serviceman is subject to pension provision for a mixed length of service if he served at least 12.5 years and his total work experience of 25 years.

If these conditions are not met, then this type of payment cannot be assigned.

The security is established from the date of dismissal from the authorities and is paid for life or until the re-entry to the service.

The appointment is being handled authorized departments of departments in which the citizen served before dismissal, at his request. The application is accompanied by the necessary documents that give the right to increase the amount of the pension (about awards, dependents, etc.) and confirm the lack of work (within 3 months from the date of application). After providing all the necessary paperwork within 10 days pension provision is made.

Military pension supplements

To the security, which is established for the persons specified in Art. 1 of Law No. 4468-1 (calculated in the minimum amount, including), surcharges are due:

  1. Military pensioners - disabled people of the first group or reached 80 years old, to care for them in size 100% calculated size(PP) military pension, specified in Part 1 of Art. 46 of law No. 4468-1.
  2. Non-working military pensioners who are supported by disabled family members:
    • 32% RR military pension - if there is 1 dependent;
    • 64% RR pensions - 2 dependents;
    • 100% PP pensions - 3 or more dependents.

    This allowance can be assigned only to family members of a former military man who are not paid an insurance or social pension.

  3. WWII participants from among the citizens specified in sub. "a" - "g" and "and" sub. 1 p. 1 art. 2 laws "About Veterans":
    • 32% RR military pension - non-disabled;
    • 64% RR military pension - to citizens from among them who have reached the age of 80.

The allowance provided for in paragraph "c" of the first part of Art. 17 of Law No. 4468-1, are not assigned to military pensions calculated with the increase provided for in Art. 16 of the above law.