
At what age do they retire? In Russia, the retirement age will be raised. Among the main changes are the following


All able-bodied citizens of the country retire when they reach a certain age, which is determined by law. This age may change from time to time, but basically it remains at the level determined once by the legislation in force in the country.

What's this?

The retirement age is the age limit set for the citizens of the country as the age of their departure for retirement. For men, this age is set to this moment at 60 years old, for female pensioners 55 years old.

In addition, the size of the pensioner's existing work experience is important, which must necessarily be at least the minimum value established by law.

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In some cases, there may be an assignment to citizens retiring a social pension benefit, which they can receive when they reach the age limit of 65 years for male pensioners and 60 years for women, respectively.

conditions for retirement

The grounds for sending to pensions in Russia in the current 2019 are accepted as follows:

  • Retirement requires citizens to reach the legal age limit;
  • pensioners applying for retirement must provide documentary evidence of their work experience at their disposal, not less than the level established by law;
  • the intended recipient of a pension in Russia must have an official registration at the place of his own residence in the country;
  • it is required that a pensioner provide, in order to calculate the allowance received by him, the volume of his average monthly earnings accrued during his labor activity;
  • the presence of Russian citizenship is mandatory for the subject who arranges for a pension in Russia;
  • the pension is established in accordance with the data provided by the citizen and is calculated according to a coefficient determined by law.

Major changes

Changes in the conditions of retirement in Russia are determined by law and relate mainly to the age of retirement and the amount of work experience that is necessary to carry out the relevant calculations for calculating the pension.

Among the main changes are the following:

  1. Possible increase in the age limits for retirement according to the restrictions adopted in the country.
  2. Reducing the pension calculation coefficient due to changes in the tax legislation of the country.
  3. Reducing the minimum period of service, which is taken into account when calculating the pensions received by citizens.

  4. The introduction of a system of simplified calculation of pensions, which implies the existence of a calculation formula using the coefficient of pension accruals and the length of service of a citizen.

Raising the retirement age in Russia

The possibility of increasing the age limits for the direction of retirement in the country is regulated in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in force in the country. Today, it is possible to increase the agreed age in the country to 65 years for men and 60 years for women.

Also real purpose of receiving social pension citizens, starting from the specified age categories.

Retirement age may be increased for certain categories of persons going into retirement, such as workers in the Far North or military personnel extending their term of service.

In all other cases, an increase in the retirement age is possible only after the adoption of the relevant bill by the government of the country or due to the implementation of pension reform.

What is the retirement age in Russia?

The considered retirement age in Russia today is determined by the provisions of the laws in force in the country.

There are different retirement ages for both sexes.

In men

The current retirement age for men is 60. In a number of cases, when assigning a social pension, men have the right to retire when they reach the age of 65.

The law provides for the possibility of military pension starting at age 45. Disability pension can be assigned from any age.

Among women

The official retirement age for women in the country is 55.

In the case of a woman working in hazardous production or in difficult conditions, retirement is allowed from the age of 45 years.

Disability pension is available from any age.


Upon retirement, the following requirements are imposed on citizens:

  1. Achievement of a certain legal retirement age.
  2. Providing documents on the volume of existing work experience.
  3. The presence of registration at the place of permanent residence in the country.
  4. Russian citizenship.
  5. The presence of other grounds for retirement before the statutory period.

  6. Proper execution of all documents required for retirement.

What documents are required?

In order to properly issue a retirement, a citizen should provide the following documents:

  1. Application for the appointment of the status of a pensioner to a citizen.
  2. A work book containing all marks on the existing work experience.
  3. Passport of a citizen of the country.
  4. Code of individual registration in tax authorities.
  5. Documents on the composition of the family, if we are talking about applying for a pension in case of loss of a breadwinner.
  6. Certificate of assignment of a disability group, if we are talking about the appointment of a disability pension.

Advantages and disadvantages

The appointment of a pension benefit has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits of pensions include:

  1. The opportunity to receive a well-deserved financial assistance from the state.
  2. Availability of pensions for all categories of citizens.
  3. Direct dependence of the amount of pension on the period of employment.
  4. The reality of retirement before the statutory deadline in a number of cases.

  5. No need to cook large volume documents upon retirement at the established age.
  6. The speed of registration of a pension upon reaching the established age.

The legally established age at which citizens can apply for state-guaranteed financial security. General principles legal regulation In Russia, issues related to the retirement age are regulated in two fundamental documents:

1. Federal Law of December 17, 2001 “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation" (No. 173-FZ);

2. Law of the Russian Federation of December 15, 2001 “On state pension provision"(No. 166-FZ).

Retirement age in Russia.

For the first time retirement age in the Russian open spaces was appointed in 1932 (that is, back in the USSR). Currently, it is fixed separately for women (from 55) and men (from 60), but will change until 2021. This is due to changes in the Federal Law No. 173. Retirement age for women will change in stages, eventually reaching the figure of 60 years.

1) mothers with fifteen years of work experience who have five or more children, whom they raised until they reached the age of eight;

2) citizens with a work experience of 20 or more years who became disabled due to injuries received during military operations;

3) women from the age of 40, and men - from 50, who are visually impaired group I, having seniority from 20 years;

4) father or mother of a disabled child (provided that he was raised up to 8 years);

5) citizens working in the open spaces Far North;

6) people with very rare diseases (in particular, Lilliputians) who have a disability (from the age of 40 or 45 years).

The recently developed pension reform provides, as part of its implementation, early retirement status for other categories of people working underground, in harmful and dangerous working conditions. A request to become a pensioner ahead of schedule will be able to submit citizens who have been laid off on a reduction.

Law No. 4468-1 regulates some pension features for the category of military personnel. For them, a retirement pension is maintained. The right is given to military personnel who have worked in their position for 20 years or more. Law No. 173 guarantees early retirement for teachers who have worked in educational institutions for 25 years or more. For ballerinas, early retirement comes with the acquisition of fifteen years of experience on stage. For the stewardess category - 20.

Retirement age in 2015: briefly about the changes.

Reform pension system from 2013 to 2015 is characterized by the presence of many advantages. The most important among them remains the introduction of a funded savings system. Russia managed to create a favorable climate for accumulation.

The size old-age pensions leaving later than the statutory deadline, according to the new system is calculated using the premium coefficient. Citizens receive special points for each month from the day the right to pension arises. They are determined on the basis of a fixed salary. The higher premium coefficient guarantees an increased amount of the insurance pension.

Summary of retirement age premium rates.

The number of full months that have elapsed since the date of the emergence of the right to insurance pension

For a fixed payout

For insurance old-age and survivor's pension

Retirement age 2016

On September 17 of the previous year, the Ministry of Finance of Russia put forward a proposal to continue raising retirement age in 2016. Having previously made the necessary calculations, the ministry announced a colossal saving of public funds (620 billion - 1.3 trillion rubles). The government has not yet made a final decision. Social Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets on the air of the RBC TV channel managed to declare that the government plans in the near future do not include fundamental changes in this direction. , according to the Deputy Prime Minister, until 2018 will practically not change. From 2017, the changes in retirement will affect only civil servants.

Retirement age in the world.

After analyzing the legislation of the countries of the world, we can conclude that retirement age in most world practices, it is set in the range from 50 to 65 years. In Ukraine it is 55 (women) and 60 (men), in Kazakhstan - 58/63, in Israel - 62/67, in China - 50/60.

In mid-June current year The Russian government announced the pension initiative. The proposal to carry out the reform received a great response in society. The outline of the project is in the adoption of a new age limit for citizens retiring. So, for men, the age limit is proposed to be increased by 5 years, and for women - by 8. The second reading of the bill is scheduled for 09/26/2018.

Highlights of the proposed reform

After the first reading, the gist of the federal law is as follows:

  1. After the speech of the President of the Russian Federation, it is planned to raise the retirement age for both women and men by 5 years. To do this, it will be necessary to amend Article 8 of the Federal Law No. 400-FZ, adopted on December 28, 2013.
  2. If the experience of a man is forty-five years, and women - forty, then they can become pensioners 2 years earlier. At the same time, the condition that men reach the age of sixty and women fifty-five is not cancelled.
  3. A transitional period is envisaged. The five-year increase will affect men, whose retirement age will come in 2023, and women - in 2026. For more details on the calculations, see the tables below.
  4. The date of entry into force of the law is 01/01/2019.

The bill was approved by the deputies in the first reading. 72.9% voted for. These are 328 members of United Russia. Only one member of this faction, Poklonskaya N.V., spoke out against. and one hundred and four parliamentarians representing all other parties. Nobody refrained. Under the pressure of violent public outrage, the authorities promised to finalize the project and make amendments to ease its severity for the population.

Table of increasing the retirement age

For the male population of Russia:

For women:

The last time the discussion of the scope of working capacity and the adoption of the corresponding law took place in 1928. There have been many changes over the past period:

  • the average life expectancy of Russians has increased;
  • the standard of living and its comfort has increased;
  • people began to work in better conditions.

The Pension Fund cited statistics, according to which the country has seen a steady increase in pensioners to the detriment of the number of employees. Based on this, it was concluded that after a few years it will be very difficult for the Russian state to provide pension payments.

The nuances of retirement in 2019/2020

During a television broadcast, the President of the Russian Federation brought to the attention of citizens the amendments to the proposed law. According to them, citizens who lived to 60/55 years (men/women), in next year will be able to go on vacation at 60.5 / 55.5, and not at 61/56. The same relief will apply to those Russians who turn 60/50 in 2020.

The adoption of such a six-month exemption will make early retirement possible for people. This will allow those who have planned their lives in advance, taking into account the old canons, to adapt to the new rules. While the relatively young generation will have enough time to get used to the updated pension realities.

Easy retirement

There is a section in the draft law devoted to the retirement period for citizens belonging to the privileged category:

  1. The Russians living in the regions of the Far North are also not minutes of change. Northerners, men will be legalized in the position of pensioners from the age of 60, and women - from 55. They will also be subject to the transition period.
  2. Benefit requirements medical workers and teachers do not change. But the retirement period is also proposed to be shifted by 5 years.

In the current legislation, there are preferences for women who are mothers of many children (five children or more). They are given the right to receive the status of a pensioner 5 years earlier. And so it will remain. The President recommended that those mothers who have four, as well as three children, be included in the privileged category. They should retire respectively, 4 and 3 years earlier.

Who will not be covered by the law

It is not planned to increase the age allowing for retirement for the following categories of citizens:

  1. Working in conditions recognized as harmful and dangerous. Provided that the employer made payments corresponding to the tariffs established for this.
  2. Citizens whose untimely retirement is due to social motives or health status.
  3. Injured during man-made disasters or affected by radiation.
  4. Men and women who were in the flight test staff. We are talking about people who directly took part in the testing of parachute, aeronautical, space and aviation equipment.

How is retirement in other countries?

One of the main arguments of the supporters of the transition is the situation with the solution of this issue in other countries. It looks like this:



Bosnia and Herzegovina

Belgian kingdom


United States




The situation cannot be called stable. The adoption of the new law caused a split federal law. This move is subject to continuous criticism from experts. Known for the occasion of popular protests. Therefore, until the law passes the second reading, it is difficult to predict exactly how people will retire from next year.

The issue of accrual, payment and age for registration of pensions is of interest to every resident of the country. Will it be increased? How many men and women will be able to live up to retirement age in Ukraine? After all, a pension is often the only income of an ordinary Ukrainian in old age. A person can no longer work as before, so he is looking forward to the moment when he can draw up a pension he has earned.

Draft law and changes in the retirement age in Ukraine

According to the latest data, a bill was proposed in Ukraine to change the retirement age for women. The authors of the bill, registered in the Verkhovna Rada by the Servants of the People, believe that in 2011 women were treated unfairly. More precisely, the time of retirement should not depend on the date of birth. If the introduced bill is approved, women will become pensioners much earlier - at the age of 55. However, there is an important limitation: this will become possible only if there is no job, that is, it will be forbidden to work and receive a pension at the age of 55 at the same time.

As for the male population, in Ukraine by 2028 approximately half of 60 summer men be able to retire on time. The rest, due to lack of experience, will work until the age of 63 or 65. The Ministry of Social Policy indicated that in 2028, only 55% of men will have the required length of service by years. The rest will have to work until the age of 63 and 65. The number of pensioners who will not receive pensions will increase every year.

Raising the retirement age

International creditors may put forward a demand to Ukraine to raise the retirement age to 65 years. This is due to the growth of the "hole" in the budget of the Pension Fund, which could not be closed by the pension reform.

In order to carry out the indexation of pensions provided for by law, in 2019 the deficit of the Pension Fund was increased to UAH 157 billion (up to UAH 139 billion last year).

Last December, when it became finally clear what the deficit of the Pension Fund would be, the authorized persons of the World Bank stated that Ukraine could not escape the revision of the pension reform and raising the retirement age to 65 years.

What is the experience like?

Ukrainians were taught to distinguish between the concepts of “work experience” and “insurance experience”. For the first, you need to work, and for the second, you need to make all the calculations to the pension fund.

After the start of the implementation of the pension reform, the population had a lot of questions about how these retirement norms now look in practice.

  1. Preferential experience. Such length of service is credited to those who worked at enterprises for a full time and faced harmful and dangerous working conditions. Enterprises with such production costs are listed in the lists approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
  2. Insurance experience. This type of experience is a certain period of time during which a person was subject to compulsory state pension insurance and for which monthly contributions were paid in an amount not less than the minimum insurance premium (Article 24 of the Law of Ukraine "On Compulsory State Pension Insurance").
  3. Special experience. Special experience looks like the total duration of a certain labor activity in the relevant types of work, giving the right to early appointment labor pension.
  4. General (work) experience. This is the experience that works in most cases. It is calculated according to the records in work book. Work experience may include such concepts as general, preferential and special work experience. In the Law of Ukraine "On Pension Provision", the concept of total work experience is mainly used to distinguish it from the length of service that gives the right to benefits for the appointment of a pension.

It is known that the seniority, which was earned before January 2004, is automatically equated to the insurance experience. It is also worth noting that after the introduction of the insurance period from January 1, 2004, it did not matter how many people actually worked. Now it is taken into account during what period and how much the employer paid for the employee to the Pension Fund.

It is also known that from January 1, 2019, citizens got the opportunity to retire at the age of 60, 63 or 65 for a well-deserved rest. This age depends on the number of accumulated years of insurance experience in labor activity.

Retirement age in Ukraine

The law that introduces pension reform in Ukraine and changes the retirement age will be introduced in stages.

Changes that await Ukrainians:

Retirement age

Insurance experience


Retirement age in Ukraine for women, table

Date of Birth


Retirement period

First half of 1962


Until the end of December 2017

Second half of 1962


Until the end of 2018

First half of 1963


Until the end of 2019

Second half of 1963


Until the end of 2020

First half of 1964


Until the end of 2021

Second half 1964 and younger


Until the end of 2022

Starting from 2028, the insurance period must be at least 35 years.

The size of the old-age pension since January 2019 is UAH 1,669.20, which is the minimum amount that a pensioner can receive. Those who worked and managed to earn experience will receive 1% for each year.

All Ukrainians who have reached the age of 63 and have earned the established insurance experience can count on 40% of the minimum wage, but not less than 1497 UAH. When the minimum wage is increased, this amount will automatically increase.

Old-age pension, or how will the changes affect pensions?

So at what age do people retire in Ukraine?

According to Part 1 of Art. 26 of the Law of Ukraine “On Compulsory State Pension Insurance” dated 09.07.2003 No. 1058-IV provides, in particular, that from January 1, 2019, persons upon reaching the age of 60 years have the right to receive an old-age pension and if there is no insurance period less than 26 years old.

In the absence of the required insurance period of 26 years as of January 1, 2019, a person acquires the right to an old-age pension after reaching the age of 63 and with an insurance period of 16 to 26 years.

In the event of an insurance period of 15 to 16 years, a person acquires the right to an old-age pension after reaching the age of 65 years.

Retirement age in Ukraine and the world

There are 12 million pensioners for every 10 million working population in the country. This is a fairly large difference, which contributes to a deficiency in pension fund. Therefore, the state is forced to take decisive action to reduce the number of people dependent on state pension benefits.

In America and Europe, over the next thirty years, they plan to move to a retirement age of 70 years. Citizens of retirement age are strongly encouraged to work as long as possible. So in Japan, for example, the later you go on a well-deserved rest, the higher the pension.

The pension depends on the minimum wage and cannot be less than the minimum level. This means that it will automatically increase with the growth of these indicators.

At what age to retire in Ukraine, everyone decides for himself, based on individual characteristics, but the minimum age and length of service are prescribed by law. Upon reaching the retirement age, a Ukrainian can apply for a pension at any time convenient for him. The law does not specify the maximum allowable time.

Retirement age in Ukraine and preferential pensions: is there a connection?

The changes also affected the privileged categories of citizens:

  1. Teachers. The retirement age of an educator depends on his age and special experience. The mandatory experience for a teacher is 30 years. Employees in the field of education and health after reaching the age of 55 and with special work experience are entitled to a pension for years of service. From April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020, the seniority pension must be at least 27 years and 6 months of service. All changes occur gradually so that they do not cause shock and indignation. If there is not enough experience or age, teachers are offered to refine.
  2. UBD. According to paragraph 3 of the Final Provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On Compulsory State Pension Insurance, participants in hostilities enjoy the right early exit on retire. "Afghans" For this category, the retirement age of women in Ukraine is 50 and the length of service is 20 years. For men, respectively - 55 and 25 years. When applying for a pension, it is imperative to provide a document on participation in hostilities.
  3. Miners. According to Art. 14 of the Law on Pensions, workers directly employed full-time in underground and open-pit mining operations related to the extraction of coal, shale, ore and other minerals, in the construction of mines and mines, are entitled to a pension regardless of age, if they were have been employed in these jobs for at least 25 years, and employees of leading professions in these jobs (burrowers, jackhammer drivers, mining machine operators) - if they have been employed in these jobs for at least 20 years. Women with less than 7 years of experience in the industry and men with less than 10 years of experience can have their retirement age reduced by the same amount.
  4. Disabled. According to Art. 25 of the Law of Ukraine "On Pension Provision", disability pensions due to an industrial injury or occupational disease are assigned regardless of the length of service. At the same time, for disabled people of II, II and III groups of a general disease prerequisite for registration of pension payments for disability is the presence of a certain insurance experience. So, for example, a person with a disability of groups II and III at the age of 56 must have at least 14 years of experience. If disability is assigned to a citizen who has already reached retirement age, 15 years of service is enough for him.
  5. military personnel. In 2019, pensions will be recalculated for military personnel who are 65 years old and have a work record of 35 years for men and 30 for women. The increase in pensions will be from 15% to 40%.

On the preferential pension can count on:

  • Women over 45 with at least half of the minimum 15 years of work experience in a mine.
  • Men over 50 with at least half of the minimum 20 years of work experience in a mine.
  • Women who have raised 5 or more children or who have been disabled since childhood have the right to retire at the age of 55.

The main conditions for the appointment of preferential pensions:

  • availability and duration of special (preferential) work experience;
  • reaching a certain (preferential) age;
  • confirmation of the relevant working conditions of the employee based on the results of attestation of the workplace.

The retirement age has not been changed for:

  1. Dwarfs.
  2. The visually handicapped.
  3. Ukrainians who participated in military conflicts.
  4. Citizens working in industries with increased hazard.

Applying for an old-age pension

Who are offered an increase in the terms of retirement for Russians for 5 years for men and women, was considered and adopted by the deputies of the State Duma in the final third reading on September 27, 2018. On October 3, 2018, Law No. 350-FZ was signed by President V. Putin. The text of the law itself can be found below:

The law provides for the adjustment of the retirement age from 2019 as follows:

  • "prolong working life" up to 60 years instead of the current 55 (the increase will be 5 years);
  • for men to postpone retirement up to 65 years instead of the previously provided 60 (an increase of 5 years).

On August 29, 2018, President Vladimir Putin proposed to soften the retirement age for women and increase them by only 5 years, i.e. up to 60 years, instead of the 63 years proposed in the original draft. The corresponding amendment by V. Putin was adopted by the deputies in the second reading of the bill.

All changes that are established by law will apply only to those who were supposed to retire after January 1, 2019(cm. ).

Those who are already retired will not be affected by these changes (on the contrary, the funds saved from raising the retirement age will be directed directly to increasing pensions - from 2019, the increase will be on average).

How will the retirement age increase from 2019?

According to the old law, they had the right to retire early if they received the required number of years of service - 25-30 years old depending on the place of work. Under the new law, all the requirements for seniority in these professions will remain the same, but it will be possible to issue pension payments only 5 years after acquiring the required experience.

Starting from 2019, these categories of workers will also undergo transition period, during which annually the border of the working capacity period will be postponed for a year relative to the previous terms. You can determine the retirement schedule under the new law based on the data presented in the table below:

Note: ** According to the amendment proposed by President Vladimir Putin, citizens who, according to the old law, were supposed to draw up a pension in 2019 and 2020, will be able to do this 6 months earlier than the new retirement age.

Thus, starting from 2019, teachers and doctors can acquire the right to receive an early pension only after a certain number of years after receiving the required special experience:

  • in 0.5-4 years during the transition period (from 2019 to 2022);
  • 5 years after acquiring the required seniority, starting in 2023.

Retirement Schedule for Far North Workers

The increase in the retirement age will also affect future recipients. Previously, northerners had the right to early registration of pension payments upon reaching the age of 50 (women) and 55 (men). New law provides for an increase in the period of working capacity for them also by 5 years (ie, up to 55 and 60 years). In addition, a transitional period from 2019 to 2023 will be provided for them in a similar way.

You can determine the year of retirement for northerners according to the new rules based on the data presented in the table below:

MenWomenWhen will they retire
Date of BirthRetirement ageDate of BirthRetirement age
I half of 196455.5 I half of 196950.5 II half of 2019
II half of 1964II half of 19691st half of 2020
I half of 196556.5 I half of 197051.5 II half of 2021
II half of 1965II half of 19701st half of 2022
1966 58 1971 53 2024
1967 59 1972 54 2026
1968 60 1973 55 2028

Thus, men born in 1964-1967 and women born in 1969-1972 are subject to transitional provisions - for them, the "working period" will increase by 0.5-4 years. For men and women born respectively, starting from 1968 and 1973, the final values ​​of the retirement age will already be set - 60 and 55 years.