
Sled for newborns from 3 months. How to choose a sled for newborns: the best models for children of different ages. Why winter sleds are good


Expecting the appearance of a child, mothers enthusiastically choose the first baby transport - a stroller, with which they will proudly walk along the street. Parents think about buying a sled later, when the baby is at least a year old. And it is completely in vain, because a children's sled is a practical, convenient thing that can be used in parallel with a stroller, the main thing is to choose the optimal model that matches the age of the baby.

Why do you need a baby sled?

Mobility in difficult weather conditions

For many young mothers, winter is a difficult period that requires effort to move with the baby and constantly protect him from the cold and wind. Heavy snowfall can easily render any stroller useless, no matter how floppy it may be. Even large inflatable wheels can slip in drifts.

But it is necessary to visit the clinic, go for groceries, and just walk with a baby in any weather. This is where a good, reliable sled comes in.

Joy for the child

8-10 month old babies can be quite active on a walk. Even such crumbs will appreciate the new vehicle, which is fun and interesting to ride in.

If the baby is already taking his first steps, he will like to independently push the light structure of the sled.

Variety and availability of models

Despite the fact that the sled is a rather ancient invention, manufacturers of children's products do not get tired of improving them. Today on the market you can find safe models in which you can lay or seat even a 6-month-old baby. And the varied prices for sleds make the purchase affordable for families, even on the most modest budget.

Basic requirements for sleds for children under one year old

Safety and reliability of the structure

The safest for children under one year old are considered models that have:

- seat belts,

- wide stable runners,

- seat with backrest,

- a pusher handle for an adult,

- a footrest for a child.

Also, when choosing a sled, you need to pay attention to their width: the wider the runners are, the more stable the model. The sled should not have sharp parts and mechanisms that can injure the baby.

For the manufacture of children's sleds, only high-quality and safe materials should be used, therefore, when buying, it is imperative to familiarize yourself with the product quality certificates.


The sled should be:

- compact,

- easy to fold-unfold,

- have little weight,

- easy access to elevators, doorways and public transport.


The comfort of the child on a walk will be provided by a soft seat, a backrest adjustable in several positions, a footrest. Adults, on the other hand, will appreciate the presence in some models of a rocker pusher and small reliable wheels that lower if you need to walk on the asphalt or ride between the shelves of the supermarket.

sled with wheels

Protecting your child from bad weather

Reliable accessories will protect your baby from the cold and wind: a warm envelope fastened to the sled, a cover for legs, a windproof visor, a fur insert or a mattress.

For adults, a fur sleeve for the sled handle and a bag can be included with the sled.

Bright and attractive design

The baby should like it, so it is worth choosing models of bright colors, original shapes and additional stylish accessories.

Easy to clean

The sled runners should be easy to clear of snow, wash quickly. Fabric parts should be easily removable and washable.

Popular models of sleds for babies


Such models resemble in shape stroller having runners instead of wheels. Popular manufacturers and models of wheelchairs: Rich Toys, Kristy Luxe Premium, Kangaroo, Snegurochka, Slides, Sanchyata, Timka.


- Convenience (an adjustable back and footrest allows the child not only to sit, but to be in a reclining position, which ensures a comfortable sleep during a walk),

good protection a child from the wind and snow,

- the child sits high enough from the cold ground.


- quick wear of the fabric seat,

- restrictions on the age of the child (up to a maximum of 2-2.5 years),

- not suitable for downhill skiing.

Classic shape models

These are our usual metal models with a wooden seat. For children under one year old, they are equipped with a removable metal back and a pusher handle. Famous manufacturers and models: Morozko, Nika, Adbor, Anmar Active , Tako, Sofia.


- simplicity of design,

- light weight,

- affordable price.


- the need to purchase additional accessories (mattress or warm cover with the ability to attach to the sled),

- some cumbersome structure (it is better to choose models with a mechanism for folding and unfolding the pusher and adjusting it in height),

- uncomfortable sitting for babies up to one year old,

- lack of seat belts.

Sled with a snap-on seat

Most often these are models made of high quality plastic with a removable metal pusher handle. Notable brands and models: KHW Kunststoff Snow Baby Fun, Orion.

A lot depends on the choice of a stroller for mom and baby. In most cases, the choice is based on practicality, maneuverability, and lightness.

The choice of the correct and comfortable stroller becomes especially relevant in winter period when the roads are snowy and it becomes more difficult to roll a regular stroller. And in this case, sled carriages become the favorite.

A sled - a stroller is a hybrid of a stroller on skids. They are great for snowy winters. A huge number of models of strollers - sledges are presented on the demand market.

How to make a choice, taking into account all the peculiarities of walks? Let's figure it out.

What are they: with skis and on a wheelbase

To date there are two types of sleds - strollers:

  • On skis (runners).
  • With a wheelbase.

Let's analyze each one separately. So, unlike ordinary sleds, sleds - a stroller on skis (runners) have:

  • Backrest (adjustable or not).
  • Visor.
  • Legs cover.
  • Seat belts.
  • Auxiliary wheels for easy transport on asphalt.
  • The handle is a pusher.
  • Footrest.
  • Compactness of storage.

As for sleds - strollers with an additional wheelbase, this model is more expensive than sleds on runners. Also, in addition to those characteristics that are endowed with a sled - a stroller on skis, this model additionally has:

  1. A wheelbase consisting of 4 wheels and, if necessary, replacing skids.
  2. Recessed visor that allows you not only to cover, but also to completely cover your baby from all weather conditions.
  3. Insulated cover for legs.
  4. A sleeve for the hands and a bag for the mother that attaches to the handle of the sled.

In addition to all the "pluses" that the sledges are equipped with, there are also important "minuses" in their operation:

  • Large weight, which in some cases reaches 12 kg.
  • Price segment.
  • Bulky (You cannot bring the child along with the sled or lower them down the stairs).
  • Lack of a shopping basket.

How to choose?

If, after much thought: what kind of transport to buy for the baby for the winter? - your choice still settled on a sled - a wheelchair, then this information will be very useful for you. The parameters for choosing a sled are given below.

Age: features of all-terrain vehicles for babies from 3 months

It should be noted right away that the use of this transport for newborns is prohibited.

The use of sleds - wheelchairs is allowed for at least 3 months... This age is indicated for those models in which the backrest is adjustable. Most children at this age do not yet know how to fully sit and sleep on the street, so the reclining and lying position will be very useful.

If the position of the back is in certain model the sled is not adjustable, then the recommended age for use is 8 - 10 months. By this time, the children are fully seated, which means that there will be no additional load on the spine.

Attention! Most parents worry that such a sled is "one time", or rather the season. Because they believe that the design of this transport will not withstand an older child. This is not true. The declared age of use of the sled - stroller is up to 3-4 years.

Frequency of use

The experience of living in your community will help you decide how often you will use this winter transport.

If there is little snow in winter, and it is constantly cleared away, then it would be advisable to choose a simple, inexpensive, lightweight model, or even a stroller. If the situation is exactly the opposite, then you should wisely approach the choice of a more comfortable and safe model of a sled - a stroller for your child.

For babies from birth to 6 months, you need to purchase a stroller with a carrycot and wheels with good shock absorption. This will allow the newborn's fragile spine to form correctly and avoid health problems in the future. Sleds - a stroller do not have such functions.


Also, an important role when choosing a sled - carriage is played by their equipment. This is just the case when the more "bells and whistles", the calmer you and more comfortable for your baby.

You should definitely pay attention to the adjustable backrest, the presence of seat belts, internal insulation, the depth of the hood and the materials from which the sleigh is made - the stroller.

Top Models

Below is a list of some of the best models according to customer reviews.

Slithering Kangaroo - 1

Sleds on skis (runners) weighing only 6.48 kg. Lightweight (relative to other models), easy to fold. The backrest has 1 position... There are seat belts.

The kit includes:

  • raincoat;
  • a bag for Mother;
  • cover for legs.


  • Wide, steel runners.
  • Easy to fold.
  • Minimum weight.
  • Comfortable handle.
  • Windproof and moisture-repellent fabric.
  • Folding footrest and visor.


  • One back position.
  • Lack of auxiliary wheels on runners.

Average price: 2300 rubles.

Push - Push Lux Winter's Tale

Sleigh - a stroller on skis (runners) with auxiliary wheels. The weight of this model is 7 kg. Compared to the previous model, they are more compact in size. Easy to fold. The backrest has three positions. Handle - the pusher is adjustable for the height of the parent... There are seat belts.

The kit includes:

  • warm cover for legs;
  • hand muff.


  • Backrest and pusher handle adjustment.
  • Additional castors.
  • Convenience of folding.
  • Hand muff.
  • Windproof and waterproof fabric.
  • The presence of wind and snow protective film.


  • A short visor that will not completely protect your little one from the weather.
  • Non-adjustable footrest.
  • Lack of a bag for small items.

Average price: 3300 rubles.

Slippers Gerda-42

Sled is a stroller with 4 auxiliary wheels. Product weight 7.3 kg... Ease and convenience when folding and storing. The backrest has three positions. Convenient rocker handle- pusher, seat belts.

The kit includes:

  • mattress;
  • awning;
  • cover for legs.


  • Adjustable backrest.
  • Reversible handle.
  • Presence of a small shopping basket.
  • The presence of auxiliary wheels.
  • The presence of a pocket for small items.


  • Non-adjustable footrest.
  • Shallow visor.

Average price: 3700 rubles.

Nika, children 7-2

Perhaps one of the most popular and demanded models on the sledding market is a stroller. This model is a sanimobile, because has a retractable wheelbase.

It is worth noting that Nika is much harder for Children than previous models. Its weight is 10.3 kg. This is due to the presence of a wheelbase. The back has three positions (including the lying position). There is an adjustable and reversible handle, as well as five-point seat belts.

The kit includes:

  • mattress;
  • awning;
  • a bag for Mother;
  • warm cover for legs;
  • mittens for hands.


  • Adjustable backrest.
  • Reversible handle.
  • Deep, three-piece visor.
  • Quick change of skids to wheels and vice versa.
  • Adjustable footrest.
  • Bag for small things and mittens for hands.
  • Wide seat.


  • Great weight.
  • Large dimensions.

Average price: 5290 rubles.

Galaxy Kids 1

The declared weight of the product is 11.3 kg. Change of runners to wheelbase. The backrest folds out to a prone position... Comfortable, reversible handle and adjustable footrest. Recessed visor that extends almost to the bumper. Five-point seat belts.

The kit includes:

  • fur mattress;
  • awning;
  • warm cover for legs;
  • small bag;
  • hand muff.


  • Adjustable back and footrest.
  • Reversible handle.
  • Recessed visor.
  • Wide seat.
  • Strong, lightweight frame.
  • Change of runners to wheelbase.


  • Large weight of the product.
  • Large dimensions.

Average price: 5580 rub.


When choosing a sled - carriage, pay attention to the runners: they should be long and wide. The weight of the item you want to buy should depend on your physical capabilities. Accessory elements: leg cover, hand muff, etc. - are necessary for long and frequent walks. And, of course, design. Who doesn't love the combination of style and comfort? Enjoy the shopping.

It is very inconvenient to drive along snow-covered streets that are not always cleared from snowdrifts. And you must admit that winter strollers are quite heavy and clumsy. And if with the older children everything is quite simple - I put them on a regular sled, fastened them and drove off, then with the smallest children everything is much more complicated. But for such situations now there is also a way out - the so-called sled for newborns. True, with real newborns, hardly anyone will ride on sleds, because for the smallest the first months of life, walks are recommended only for 15-20 minutes, but this name stuck. So, what is the difference between children's sleds for newborns from the already familiar classic sleds?

Features of a sleigh for newborns

A sled for newborns is popularly called a winter stroller on runners. They differ from ordinary sleds in their appearance which looks more like a standard stroller. These are the main advantages of this new form of transport.