
Zoya stories. About mutual understanding. How to restore mutual understanding in the family


Illustration: Hyocheon Jeong

They met at the beginning of summer right in the middle of the street. Lidochka broke the heel, and Semyon somehow magically (by hitting the curb) returned it to its place.

Oh, you just saved me. Thank you! Lidochka exclaimed, casting Semyon an admiring glance.

She was a gentle nature and completely unadapted to the rough realities of life.

“Not at all,” Semyon answered condescendingly.

He loved it when girls looked at him like that, so he invited Lida on a date almost immediately. This is how their romance began. The lid was flying. In Semyon's presence she felt an inexplicable burst of eloquence. No one had ever listened to her with such attention.

- An amazing sight! she chirped, looking at the evening sunset. – You know, I once painted pictures... And I also played the piano! But then she dropped it. After all, music requires perseverance, but I can not do without movement ...

Beloved nodded in understanding. For three months of their rapidly developing relationship, the girl managed to tell him absolutely everything about herself, and not only. Semyon learned in detail the biography of Lidochka's parents, Sonya's grandmother, Vasily's grandfather, cousins ​​Masha, Dasha and Natasha, as well as the entertaining life story of Adelaide's second cousin and her apricot poodle named Champion.

- If you put on him all the medals earned in competitions, then he won’t be able to take a step. Just fall! - Lidochka rattled enthusiastically. Semyon smiled meaningfully.

“What a mysterious man he is, after all,” she thought. “Such a deep look ... But I’m talking all sorts of nonsense, even uncomfortable. . Semyon met the idea, as always, with restraint. That is, he nodded. At seven, he urgently needed to go to an important meeting. "Today, after the exhibition, I'll talk to him. I'll finally find out what's on his mind..." Lisa told herself firmly.

We went to the museum through the park. The rain had washed away the leaves on the trees, the sun was shining on the wet paths, clouds were floating in transparent puddles. On the green grass of the lawn, lazily stretching to its full length, lay a large red cat.

- Look, what a beauty! Lidochka said blissfully. - The sun, the sky, this cat in the wet grass ... And it still trembles with rain. Everything is so shaky, fragile ...

Simon sighed.

“Wow, how sensitive he is,” Lida was amazed. “So receptive…”

“That's exactly what is fragile,” Semyon thought gloomily. “Because of this, we scored the third goal ... And there is nothing to scold the midfielder! With two ricochets in different directions on wet grass, try not to slip ...” He sighed again . It turned out loud and somehow hysterically.

- It's amazing how many can not notice such beauty! – imbued with such an unexpected reaction of her beloved, Lidochka continued. - After all, we live as if we are writing a draft. Work is home, home is work. We don't see anything. And trees and grasses are blooming around, birds are hovering over their heads, it's a shame ...

“It’s a shame,” Semyon mentally agreed. “With such refereeing, we will never have order. Well, for what, one wonders, were we given a penalty?! And these removals? I had to play in the minority for almost a whole time ...”

“Don’t be upset,” Lidochka smiled. – Thank God, there are still people on earth who can feel beauty. By the way, we've arrived.

Lida adored Dali. She was drawn to everything inexplicable and mystical. Semyon Dali irritated. He was generally frightened by schizophrenics, to whom, no doubt, the great artist also belonged. But for the sake of Lida, Semyon was willing to endure.

“Here, my dear, is my favorite picture. It is called "Dream caused by the flight of a bee around a pomegranate a second before awakening."

"Well, is he normal after that?" Simon thought mockingly.

Lidochka took three steps back and thoughtfully tilted her head to one side.

– Magnificent Gala... Broken reality in the world of dreams and forebodings. A chain of wondrous associations. The realism of the unreal. The pomegranate is showered with grains, the bee turns into predators frozen in flight. Look at that disproportionately big fish...

“Big,” Semyon agreed, and he immediately remembered fishing.

“This is art,” he thought. “You sit on the bridge, look at the float, the water is smooth, like a mirror, and silence ... You can hear a mosquito squeaking on the other side, not like a bee ... And Valery, of course, pours: "There are no catfish for five kilos! No. "Yes, okay. In fishing, the main thing is not the catch, but the company, the process itself..."

“Sema,” Lidochka finally decided. - My birthday is in a week. So... I want us to spend it together. I know one cozy restaurant where they play classics - Mozart, Vivaldi, there are candles on the tables...

“Candles! Damn, I completely forgot to call in a car service!” Semyon remembered and frowned. “I’ll stall right on the road, what then?”

"Silence... Why is he silent?" Lidochka was alarmed, and suddenly she felt an insight, from which she was thrown into a cold sweat. “My God, what a fool I am! He was scared! He is simply not ready for such conversations. Look how upset he was ... Surely, he decided that I was going to encroach on his freedom, to marry him. What a shame..."

“Only I won’t go to Petrovich anymore,” Semyon thought. “I’ve had enough of that defective carburetor ... I better get the address of his service from Kabanov. did you write it down?" Simon tensed up.

Lidochka once again looked at the gloomy face of her beloved and almost burst into tears. Her shoulders shook slightly.

- What? he was confused.

"How naive she is with me ... So defenseless and completely unadapted to life," Semyon smiled mentally. "Well, nothing. I'm there, which means everything will be fine."

“Of course, Lidochka, we will definitely go to your restaurant,” he assured and whispered softly: “I adore you.” And Mozart with candles too...

- Truth? - the girl started up and gratefully clung to her beloved. - What a blessing that we understand each other perfectly!

Full understanding is unproductive.
Yuri Lotman

The joy of communication does not lie in understanding the interlocutor.

A smart person is distinguished by the fact that he knows how not to understand.
Edward Herriot

A smart person is not afraid to look like a fool to another smart person.
Marcel Proust

Often opinions converge far from the truth.
Alexander Furstenberg

Mutual misunderstanding is the only thread that connects people!

Twenty percent of heart attacks in people are from mutual misunderstanding, the remaining eighty percent are from understanding.
Vladimir Dubinsky

To understand everything does not mean to forgive everything.
Erich Kestner

To understand everything means to forgive everything or be offended even more.
Leszek Kumor

Let's not try to understand each other so as not to hate each other.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

He who understands people does not seek understanding from them.
Bohuslav Wojnar

Long live those who never sort things out.

It's not scary when they don't understand you at all. It is much worse when you are misunderstood.
Vladimir Kultygin

Whoever demands understanding hardly wants to be understood correctly.
Alexander Kruglov

Happiness is when you are understood, misfortune is when you are seen through.
Valery Vorontsov

If the interlocutor agrees with you, then he does not care about all this.

If you want to successfully negotiate business, you must first of all internally decide to cede something from your right.

Opinions converge thanks to benevolence and contrary to evidence.
Nikolai Vekshin

Whoever wants to be right about everything, they don't listen to him.
Lao Tzu

Man does not listen, man perceives.

Mutual obedience and benevolence, achieved without a preliminary struggle, is a manifestation of inactivity and timidity and unfairly bears the name of unanimity.

In others, you understand only what you have overcome in yourself.
Kshishtov Konkolevsky

Understanding is the extent to which your thinking makes someone else's organic for yourself.
Alexander Pyatigorsky

The wall of misunderstanding should be dismantled brick by brick.
Absalom Underwater

Beware of philosophizing where simplicity of wisdom is needed. Learn at least one thing: not having sufficient knowledge about anything, do not deny what you are told.
Concordia Antarova

The incoherence of other speech depends only on the one who listens to it. The human mind is built in such a way that it cannot be incoherent to itself.
Paul Valery

Arguing is much easier than understanding.
Gustave Flaubert

Understanding is a sharp look from the window of a passing train.
Viktor Krotov

Mutual understanding requires mutual lies.
Don Aminado

People are divided into two kinds: for some, thought controls life, for others - on the contrary. This is the reason for the lack of understanding between people, this is the key to explaining the madness of the world.
Lev Tolstoy

Mutual understanding is not so much a common opinion as common values. With dissimilar values, we speak different languages, even using the same words.
Alexander Kruglov

If we remove the terminological confusion from the minds, we will run into the differences of the souls themselves.
Alexander Kruglov

You can ride in the same carriage, but in different directions.
Boris Lesnyak

Those with different paths cannot agree together to act.

Whoever is destined to understand much is destined to be misunderstood by many.
Gennady Matyushov

A fool will not understand the truth, a noble heart is false. Both do not have the appropriate organs for this.
Ivan Fedorovich

The commensurability of thinking is a guarantee of mutual understanding and a prerequisite for mutual agreement.
Ilya Shevelev

Words are worthless when you say them to a wolf.
Maksim Gorky

A smart person will not only never say anything stupid, but will never even hear anything stupid.
Carl Ludwig Berne

A reasonable person will not find fault with the direct meaning of words if he understands what he wanted to say with them.
Luc de Vauvenargues

The misfire of a thought also depends on the head that is being aimed at.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

There are fewer fools than people think. People just don't understand each other.
Luc de Vauvenargues

In order to understand the meaning of what people have said, it is necessary to distinguish between the true and the false in the heart.
Mo Tzu

Understanding another begins with understanding his delusions.
Absalom Underwater

Sometimes you have to understand even idiocy.
Pavlo Zagrebelny

Wise men can always agree, although they all think differently, and fools can never agree, although they all think the same way.
Konstantin Melikhan

Souls are impenetrable to one another.
Anatole France

In important matters of life we ​​are always alone and our real history can almost never be understood by others.
Lev Tolstoy

The most everyday experience tells us that between me and my most intimate friend lies an endless thickness of mutual misunderstanding.
Mikhail Gasparov

In this world, almost nothing is said that would be understood as it is said, and almost nothing is done that would be perceived as it is done.
Denis Diderot

Only one's own basic thoughts have truth and life, for only they are understood in their true sense.
Arthur Schopenhauer

People understand any proposals differently than the one who makes them.
A. Bloch (Chisholm's Law)

Where two meet, there actually meet six: how each imagines himself, how the other sees him, and how he really is.
William James

Our intentions are much clearer to us than our actions, and this leads to great misunderstandings in communication with other people, because for them our actions are much clearer than our intentions.
Ernst F. Schumacher

You can always explain yourself, but never understand each other.
Anatole France

Ever since the invention of speech, people have not been able to agree with each other.
Henryk Jagodzinsky

How can the heart express itself?
How can someone else understand you?
Will he understand how you live?
Thought spoken is a lie.
Fedor Tyutchev

Those who think that they do not need others become intractable.
Luc de Vauvenargues

He who does not have his own opinion always contradicts.
De Lingre

You can communicate with those who speak a different language, but not with those who put a completely different meaning into the same words.
Jean Rostand

Don't think that others think the same as you.

The lack of mutual understanding manifests itself in the form of a lack of respect from relatives, trust with children, good relations with colleagues. Efforts are needed to change the situation

What is mutual understanding?

Mutual understanding between people is a coincidence of judgments and views, finding solutions in conflict situations. The foundation of a long-term relationship is mutual understanding.

Without mutual understanding, the existence of a working relationship, love or friendship is impossible. It is important for a person to feel the support of like-minded people in case of quarrels or conflicts. Mutual understanding is the main assistant on the way to success.

In family relationships, mutual understanding makes it easy to go through joint difficulties, while maintaining family comfort and a calm atmosphere. If at the beginning of a relationship mutual understanding arises by itself, then in the process of family life it is supported by all family members.

Mutual understanding and friendship are inseparable concepts The ability to forgive, patience and support are the main parameters of friendly relations and mutual understanding.

Reasons for the lack of understanding

The problem of mutual understanding can be present in any type of relationship. If mutual understanding disappears, then the relationship falls apart. Finding the causes of what is happening will help to collect them bit by bit.

Establishing the cause of the loss of mutual understanding:

  • Selfishness and obsession with self-interest.
  • Neglect of the opinion of a partner.
  • Misunderstanding of the words, actions of the partner.
  • The desire to impose an opinion on a partner, unreasonable entry into disputes.
  • Inability to find a compromise, be flexible and avoid conflicts.
  • Inability to listen and hear.
  • There is a big difference in the level of education / upbringing / intellectual development, when it becomes more difficult to find a “common language” over the years.

An attentive attitude towards a partner will help to establish mutual understanding. Do not expect quick results - focusing on the problem of mutual understanding in a relationship can aggravate the current situation.

For an easy path to agreement, here are some tips on how to achieve mutual understanding:

  • Talk about everything more often. Share thoughts, tell news, discuss books and movies. Speak more frankly.
  • Find things to do. If you live together - do household chores, if colleagues - have lunch together, if friends - go shopping, relax in a bar.
  • Pay Attention. Friendly glances, smiles, light touches will have a positive impact.
  • Keep happy moments in mind spending time together, remember why this person attracts you so much.
  • Forget and don't hold grudges, goodbye and do not think about the bad that is in the partner
  • Focus on your partner's needs. Make small gifts: treat them to ice cream, go to a movie.
  • Come up with traditions. You can go on a picnic with your family on Sundays, exchange books with friends once a month, and arrange a “tea ceremony” with colleagues. Any habits or traditions, if followed for a long time, bring together.
  • Give in to each other. Let your partner make a choice, trusting - the relationship will become more sincere. Start by taking small steps, such as “give in” to arguments, because the ability to give in is the basis of mutual understanding.
  • Do not deny your partner's problems and requests for help. Support in difficult times with deeds, advice, do not remain indifferent.
  • In case of a disagreement do not allow yourself rude remarks to the partner, neither in personal communication, nor in the discussion "behind the back." Be tactful and correct.
  • In strong quarrels, never reveal your partner's secrets to strangers.

How to restore mutual understanding in the family?

The problem of "fathers and children", as well as the lack of understanding between spouses, has been formed for a long time. The prerequisite may be a crisis in a relationship or self-obsession.

How to restore mutual understanding with your husband?

To restore mutual understanding between spouses, it is worth keeping yourself in hand during quarrels. Follow simple tips and then you will look at your soul mate from the good side.

  1. Start talking to your husband again. Share experiences, opinions about the book you read, desires or memories. Conversations help to “discover” an interesting person and fall in love again.
  2. To have more topics for discussion - start watching movies, read books, support hobbies, find common things outside of everyday life. Let it be a new weekend tradition, or a new joint hobby (sports, drawing, design).
  3. Don't impose your "plan of action", give your husband more freedom in actions and decision-making.
  4. Do not "saw" for misconduct and do not reproach for wrong decisions. The main task is to create comfortable conditions for changing the situation for the better. Example: don't whine that you don't have enough money - help find profitable job offers or help climb the career ladder; do not scold that he often meets with friends - find an interesting activity for him with his family and become his best friend.
  5. Share experiences and listen to your husband's feelings. Don't be indifferent, support. Do not hold back grievances, gently reporting the oversight, without reproaches and quarrels.
  6. Diversify your sex life. This kind of relaxation with a new passion will bring a lot of positive emotions into boring everyday life.

How to restore mutual understanding with children?

The problem of loss of mutual understanding in the family is between the parent and the child. You can gain family understanding by finding a “common language” with the child, becoming congenial comrades.

The search for mutual understanding with a teenage child is necessary for his psychological development, education of true values ​​and ethics of social behavior.

Here are some tips to help you get along with kids of all ages:

  • Love and accept your child for who they are.. Speak more often, let the child know what is dear to you. With good grades and bad grades, after a misdeed and a wrong decision, feed love with care, understanding and tenderness. Hug more often - it brings you closer.
  • Don't lie and keep your promises. The child must be sure of the firmness of your words and intentions.
  • Listen. If a child shares his impressions, talks to you - this is important for him. In response, you need mom or dad to speak out, show interest. State your opinion, express your feelings. Have an active dialogue about the affairs and feelings of the child, about what surrounds, worries or pleases.
  • Give yourself permission to do what you love. Do not stop the goals and aspirations in the life of a child.
  • Don't run to help where he can handle himself, let me make mistakes.
  • Openness in relationships, trust. Accept that your parents are wrong. They must admit mistakes to the child, be responsible for the lies. Do not hide the details of your life from the child: let him know how and with whom you work, with whom you are friends, how you relax, what you dream about, regret. Talk about what surrounded you at his age.
  • Joint conflict resolution. Do not walk away from quarrels, do not hide resentment, and let your child do the same. Conflicts must be resolved: discuss the problem, find a way out together.
  • Spend more time together, do not make excuses, referring to fatigue. Show interest in hobbies. With a small child, you need to walk more, get out to interesting places.

A game for preschool children is a way of learning about the environment: objects, animals, people. Through games, children learn creativity, absorb and reinforce behavioral foundations, develop attention, and learn to compete.

How to maintain mutual understanding?

Mutual understanding accompanies the beginning of a love relationship. During this period, young people can talk for hours, share experiences.

Mutual understanding of a guy with a girl at first does not require effort to maintain. But preparing to live with a person for many years in a trusting relationship, you need to make an effort not to lose this feeling.

For a happy family life:

  • Keep getting to know each other. Accept the good and the bad in a partner with love, as when meeting. If the new habits of your half do not please you, do not try to redo it, be patient.
  • Keep surprising each other, make gifts, surprises. Many over the years forget to please their loved ones. Pleasant little things in life together discharge the domestic environment.
  • Don't let yourself and your partner get fed up with intimacy. Mutual understanding in sex is an important component of a happy relationship.

Maintain good and open relations with friends, the usual social circle.

In order not to lose mutual understanding with friends, you need to:

  • "don't forget" them. Do not postpone meetings for a long time, joint trips to the cinema and restaurants, to sporting events.
  • Don't refuse help. Let it be support with words, the need to listen or give a little more time.

A huge part of the time people spend in a working environment, surrounded by colleagues and superiors. It is necessary to establish mutual understanding in the team to maintain a comfortable environment and improve performance.

Mutual understanding between employees can be established and maintained.

Follow the tips:

  • Avoid conflicts, quarrels, gossip. Do not let them get involved in intrigues, "separation" of the team and squabbles. Establish yourself as a person adequate, calm, peaceful.
  • Don't hesitate to help your colleagues, but don't let them push and abuse support.
  • Treat everyone equally Learn to win people over.

Mutual understanding makes people more honest, relationships are kinder, and life is calmer. To be able to win and maintain it is the work necessary to achieve happiness and well-being, psychological and emotional comfort.

Mutual understanding is not when words are understood, but when pauses are understood.

I did not begin to love you less, I just decided that I should value myself more.

Nothing improves mutual understanding like mutual desire ...))

Do not remind people that they were once forgiven. It's mean.

Relationships are often sorted out when they are no longer there.

People made for each other rarely live in the same city...

Happiness lasts seconds, but memories of it remain for a long time.

The conversation of the blind with the deaf often leads to mutual understanding than the conversation of the dumb with the dumb.

Women cannot live without news: if there is none, they immediately invent it.

The person who agrees with you all the time is probably lying to others as well.

How to arrange a woman to yourself?
You need to position the woman so that it is convenient for both you and her.)))

I begin to feel like God: people remember me only when they feel bad.

All troubles in this world are from slavery. Men are slaves of desires, Women are slaves of emotions, and the more of this, the less mutual understanding!

If you love a man, he must know and feel it, if you want reciprocity ... there is no such person in the world who does not care to be loved ...

People don't understand good relationships. At first they like it, then they take it for granted, and then they generally begin to demand!

Excuse me, does anyone know what street love, trust, mutual understanding live on? Long time no see just.

For some reason, we call people who we do not understand crazy, and those who do not understand us - fools.

It's better to be bad, but try to change! Than to seem good but be rotten.

Love is a whole country in which Wisdom, Passion, Tenderness, Trust, Mutual Understanding, Happiness, Beauty and Patience live.

Sometimes, you need to quarrel only in order to put up later!

It is not difficult to understand a woman, it is much more difficult to understand her correctly.

I always leave one foot outside, I love the cold, and its borders with heat. And he keeps covering that same leg all the time. We don't have mutual understanding.

People are lonely because they burn bridges instead of building them...

Mutual understanding is when you know exactly what you need to give a person in return in order to get what you yourself want.

Thinking and understanding is so difficult, so many tend to judge (and condemn).

A short, daily rapprochement with a person does not cost either one or the other a gift: a lot is needed on both sides of life experience, logic and warmth of the heart, so that, enjoying only the merits, not to stab and not stab mutual shortcomings.

Get better and figure out who you are before you meet a new person and hope they understand you.

Without knowing yourself, how can you understand others?

Knowing that there is a person with whom you feel mutual understanding can turn the earth into a flowering garden.

If you want to know what a woman really thinks, look at her, but don't listen.

It is very important to speak out so that you are heard and understood.

Often, in the concept of mutual understanding, people put only the understanding of themselves by the other side. So to speak, one-sided mutual understanding ...

Don’t offend me, please… I don’t have the strength to resist… I’ll close my soul, I won’t let you in… Then you won’t get through…

True understanding is that no one understands anything, but at the same time everyone is right in their own way.

Only a sincere and open person can create an atmosphere of mutual understanding.

Children need to be loved and understood so that there are no thoughts of parting with life.

Don't shackle other people! Give them the opportunity to live and create, because your light can destroy not only him, but the whole world around him.

Statuses about mutual understanding

In relationships between people, mutual understanding is practically everything. A person learns himself through communication with his family, with others, with work. In fact, people are constantly in relationship with everything and everyone and cannot do without mutual understanding. That is why finding with others is quite important. Thinking about mutual understanding - what it is and why it is needed, it is worth remembering that this is a process that helps to understand oneself through communication with other people. Therefore, if a person has problems, and it seems to him that no one understands him, you need to start with yourself and look into your soul.

Family foundation

A family cannot be strong if there are no such components as mutual respect, mutual support and understanding between the spouses. Only thanks to them such a great feeling as love can flourish for many years. If even one of these foundations is "not functioning", the relationship will be vulnerable. This can manifest itself in quarrels or in growing distrust.

Almost all the problems that arise between a husband and wife are due to a lack of mutual understanding. If you do not respond to the situation in a timely manner, there is a risk that scandals will become chronic, and then it will be much more difficult to tune in to the same wave.

Is it possible to learn to understand each other?

This question worries not only newlyweds, but also those who, for some reason, have forgotten how to find a common language with their soul mate. Therefore, knowledge of how to achieve mutual understanding will be useful to everyone. To return peace and tranquility to the family, you will have to spend time and effort, but the result is worth it.

Revelation Evenings

As a rule, household chores, work and caring for children exhaust the spouses so much that in the evening they only want silence. There is practically no time left for each other, and the husband and wife stop sharing their opinions. This alienates them and creates misunderstanding. To correct this state of affairs, it is necessary to arrange evenings of revelations, when the spouses will be completely focused on each other. How does mutual understanding arise? You can make plans, share your experiences and thoughts, dedicate a soul mate to your own dreams, or resolve accumulated conflicts.

All conversations must be conducted in a calm, friendly tone, without turning to insults and not making claims. You need to speak directly, but express your wishes gently. The interlocutor should not feel important to let him know that the main goal is to find a compromise.

One conversation - one problem

Many spouses make a typical mistake that leads to complete collapse: they “throw out” all the negativity that has accumulated over a long time at each other with every quarrel. Mutual understanding in relations in this case is unlikely to be achieved. The couple must clearly remember the main rule for themselves: one conversation solves one problem. You should not recall all the insults, this will cause the interlocutor to be aggressive and want to defend himself. that's unlikely to happen.

What does the partner want?

Thinking about mutual understanding - what is it and how to restore it, spouses often forget that a partner also has desires. By asking what your soulmate wants, you can solve many problems. But other people's needs and desires must be taken seriously, without joking or belittling their importance. As practice shows, all of them are feasible, it is enough to realize that this is of great importance for a partner. Then he, in return, will want to do something good and will value his family more. If you speak the same language, it will be much easier for the couple to achieve mutual understanding.

Talk about relationships!

Hushing up problems and creating the illusion of happiness is a disastrous thing. Someday the negative will still break through, but it will be much more difficult to understand each other. You need to talk about relationships, indicating the problem as soon as it appears. Then quarrels will not grow like a snowball.

Why does misunderstanding occur?

Trying to understand mutual understanding - what it is and how it arises, it is necessary to realize that "mutually" is a kind of balance. You can’t just receive without giving anything in return, so the formula “I - to you, you - to me” should underlie any relationship.

In order for the family to develop harmoniously and the spouses to successfully cope with crisis periods, it is necessary to understand that all people are individuals, and they have their own advantages and disadvantages. Don't project your own thoughts onto others. You must accept them and not try to change them.

Conflicts can arise when one of the spouses ceases to respect the interests and needs of the other. Such a position will negatively affect the relationship and will be the first step towards misunderstanding. You should always remember that ignoring brings dissatisfaction and irritation, which sooner or later will “fall” on your soulmate.

Sometimes spouses do not attach importance to trifles and do not worry about small disagreements. But everything big starts with small things, and you should not forget about it. You can always find a compromise and understand the motivation of the second half, but for this you need to show wisdom, patience and stop putting your own interests first.

When a family is going through moments of crisis, mutual understanding and respect will become the base that will help save the relationship. Therefore, it is so important to learn not only to listen, but also to hear each other. Frequent conflicts are a dangerous signal, which means that the couple should devote more time to problems and try to understand why this is happening.

What prevents you from understanding each other?

Mutual understanding between people depends on many factors. Creating families, partners are sure that they will live happily ever after, because at the time of painting, the relationship is strong, and difficulties seem to be trifles of life. But over time, the situation changes a little, because the feelings are no longer so bright, and the passion has subsided a little. It is no longer necessary to spend every second nearby and it is not so scary to offend your soulmate as before. It is this period that becomes the beginning of the crisis.

Psychologists not only talk about how mutual understanding arises, but also highlight the main reasons that lead to the fact that a couple ceases to understand each other:

When one of the spouses begins to think about mutual understanding - what is it and how to restore trust and respect - this is the first step to success. Family is a daily work that brings pleasure if people love each other.