
How to push properly during childbirth? Contractions and attempts in childbirth. How to breathe during childbirth. How to give birth and push in order to give birth quickly and without breaks? What does it mean to push


Everyone knows that you need to push during the birth of a baby “down”, and not “in the head”. Otherwise, in the postpartum period, the mother will shine with pale red eyes and amaze the imagination of the baby and those around her with cheeks and breasts to match. But that's not the worst part. The main thing is that, pushing incorrectly, a woman makes the period of passage of the birth canal by the child ineffective and protracted. By directing her titanic efforts “in the wrong direction”, the mother simply keeps the child in herself, since wrong attempts not only do not advance the baby, but also prevent it. Let's figure out where the wrong attempts come from.

The main reason is not in the “stupidity” or “lack of education” of a woman, as is commonly believed, but in an extremely unfortunate position, which is used in our country to conduct a difficult period. The position lying on your back with legs raised does not allow the body to reliably determine where its “bottom” is, which is why you have to raise your head and shoulders in order to orient yourself at least a little. In this position, the birth canal of a woman leads at 45 degrees upward, which means, firstly, that the baby, getting out of such tightness, also has to crawl up, and secondly, the pressure of the baby's head on the nerve endings of the mother's pelvic floor is insufficient, and in fact it is it that causes reflex expulsion contractions of the abdominal press and diaphragm, which are called attempts. Normally, in positions that are natural for attempts and which the vast majority of women instinctively accept (if they are allowed to), attempts simply do not happen wrong. These are vertical positions - squatting and hanging, in which the force of gravity helps the baby move down, and the pressure of his head on the mother's pelvic floor causes the strongest straining urges that are simply impossible to resist. Here, the tasks of the mother do not at all include thinking about how and where to push. There is only one task - to succumb to the powerful movements of the body, it does almost everything by itself. In our conditions, we must make extra efforts for effective and correct attempts. In this we will be helped by external factors that are little dependent on us, more on the permission of the doctor, and internal factors - proper tight breathing and attention to the signals of our body, which depend entirely on us.

So, with our doctor, we can try to agree on the following:

* so that we raise the back of the delivery table (nevertheless, the “bottom” of the body will already be more pronounced)

* in order to be allowed to clasp their knees spread apart with their hands and push, pulling them towards themselves (here is independent control over bringing the legs together (we know that it is absolutely impossible to bring your legs together in attempts!), a folded pose that helps the press to do its job, feeling your body as one whole in this important work, i.e. the most powerful concentration of all efforts)

* to allow the first series of attempts to be carried out, crouching near the delivery table, and climbing on it immediately before inserting the head.

* to be allowed to touch the top of the head, which is already visible from the birth canal. A huge surge of strength and hormones needed for effective attempts is provided!

The following directly depends on us:

* Correct labored breathing. We take a quick and deep breath through the mouth, inhale “into the belly”, and hold the breath. At the same time, we feel approximately in the region of the solar plexus or slightly below such a “balloon”, “ball”. We begin to push this ball down, while feeling how the abdominal muscles move down and the perineal tissues relax by themselves. The difference between correct and incorrect attempts is only in the localization of inspiration. If we inhale "in the stomach" - the attempt will go down. If we inhale "in the chest", the attempt will go "in the head" with absolutely the same muscle effort. Signals about the infidelity of the straining effort are a feeling of heaviness in the face and its redness, a feeling that the stomach moves, as it were, a little upward, while the tissues of the perineum are reflexively compressed. It is clear that it is necessary to work out the correct direction of efforts during pregnancy - in the delivery room there will no longer be time for "balls" and "weights". In order to feel the correctness of the attempt, it is not necessary to push hard. Even with the slightest wrong effort, a specific feeling of heaviness in the face already appears. The most important task will be to learn how to inhale as deeply as possible, into the very stomach, while the amount of air (during training) does not matter. You do not need a lot of air, it is important to inhale it deeply. Exhalation matters too. If you exhale strongly and sharply, then the sudden disappearance of the pushing force will throw the baby back. Therefore, the exhalation should be as light and imperceptible as possible, but at the same time fast enough. During training, you can try to exhale the air first, and then only release the muscle effort. In childbirth, this will need to be done quickly and synchronously. Screaming while trying is the most stupid thing to do. The cry takes all the straining effort up, and the baby does not budge. A cry can be useful to us only at the moment of “crowning”, when the baby’s head comes out in the largest size and it is very important not to push it hard at this moment so as not to injure the perineum. But even here it will not be necessary to scream, you can just breathe "doggie".

* Attention to the signals of your body. It is very, very important to listen to your body's signals, as they tell us unequivocally about the baby's current needs and effective delivery. During one pushing contraction, there are usually three peaks of the urge to push. It is very important to push at the peak, when you want it most strongly. It is at this moment that mother and baby act together, their efforts are synchronous and aimed at achieving a common goal, and are most effective! Pushing when you don’t feel like it is not necessary (this rule does not apply to situations in which you need to help the baby get out faster). The intervals between attempts are the time for proper rest. It also sometimes happens that the cervix has already opened completely and the mother feels the pressure of the head, but there are no pushy urges yet. This means that the birth canal is not yet ready and the baby has not yet taken the best position to move along it. And although trying to push saves you from passively waiting out the most difficult last fights, you don’t need to do this. Such attempts will not be effective anyway, but the forces that will be needed in the future for real attempts will be taken away. If you have the opportunity to choose the position of the body, then it is also very important to listen to the prompts of the body and respond to them. The most comfortable position for the mother is exactly the one in which the baby is most comfortable now, and which contributes to the best course of this stage of labor (this applies to both the period of contractions and the pushing period).

In this way, we can prepare well for the birth of our baby and do it in the best possible way. Good luck!

The second stage of labor begins after the cervix opens 10 cm, and the fetal head descends into the pelvic cavity. The main moment that completes the laborious period is the actual birth of a child. And the speed and success of his birth depends on how correctly the expectant mother will push during childbirth. We will try to consider the features of the second stage of childbirth, the difference between contractions and attempts and how to properly push during childbirth.

What are pushing during childbirth and how to distinguish them from contractions?

Are arbitrary contractions of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, which occur in response to the advancement of the fetal head along the birth canal. With the full opening of the cervix and the advancement of the fetus, the woman in labor begins to notice a feeling of pressure on the anus (similar to a desire to recover), as the rectal receptors are irritated. In response to this irritation, the woman in labor has an involuntary desire to empty the intestines. As a result, the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall and the diaphragm contract. This is the mechanism for the formation of attempts during childbirth.

An attempt differs from a fight in that a woman herself can regulate the strength and duration of an attempt, and a fight is an involuntary muscle contraction, the strength and duration of which a woman cannot influence.

When and how to push during childbirth?

When a woman begins to feel pressure on the anus and a desire to recover, the doctor should perform an internal obstetric examination and determine how much the cervix has opened and how much the fetal head has sunk. If the cervix has not yet opened completely, then the woman is forbidden to push, as this can lead to the appearance of soft tissues, including the cervix. In addition, the early active participation of a woman in the pushing period can significantly weaken the forces of the woman in labor and lead to weakness in attempts.

Now let's talk about how to properly push during childbirth.

  1. It is necessary, at the command of the doctor, to take a deep breath with a full chest.
  2. Then you need to tighten the muscles of the abdomen, buttocks and thighs, helping your baby move towards the exit. At the same time, make sure that the muscles of the face are relaxed.
  3. Exhale smoothly and gradually so that the baby's head does not return to its original position.
  4. After exhaling, inhale sharply again and continue to push. For one such fight, you should push three times.
  5. After an attempt, it is necessary to take a deep breath and exhale, while trying to relax all the muscles and restore strength before the next attempt.
  6. During an attempt, a woman should press her chin to her chest as much as possible, and with her hands either take hold of the handrails of Rachmaninov's chair or wrap them around her knees and spread them as much as possible. All your strength, during an attempt, should be directed to the place of maximum pain. If after an attempt the pain intensifies, then this means that the woman is doing everything correctly and the child is moving along the birth canal.

How long does labor force last?

The duration of attempts is different in primiparous and multiparous. So, in primiparas, the second stage of labor lasts up to 2 hours, and in multiparous ones, up to 1 hour. The second factor is the strength of the abdominal muscles. In physically prepared, slender women, the straining period lasts less than in obese, inactive women.

Thus, 80% of the successful outcome of childbirth depends on the woman herself, how correct her behavior in childbirth is. And you can practice pushing correctly in courses of conscious parenthood for expectant mothers and fathers. Easy and fast childbirth and healthy babies!

Any action of the expectant mother in childbirth affects the course of the process. The successful birth of a baby depends on how successfully the woman in labor adapts to each of the stages of labor activity. The start of contractions is not a reason to panic. It is necessary to put into practice everything that was learned during pregnancy. The ability to breathe and push properly will help the baby go through the birth canal faster.

Contractions and attempts: the difference and functions

One of the early symptoms of labor is contractions. Uterine contractions take place at regular intervals. Gradually, they become more frequent and more painful, do not stop, no matter what position the woman in labor takes. At the same time - an important stage before the passage of the child through the birth canal.

When the muscles of the diaphragm and the press are covered by the strongest tension, attempts come. This phenomenon falls on the second phase of childbirth, which begins with the opening of the cervix and ends with the birth of a baby. At the moment of attempts, the outcome of the process depends on whether the woman in labor knows how to push well.

The main purpose of contractions is to open the cervix. The task of attempts is to push the baby to the birth canal and expel it from the mother's womb. The woman in labor can control the pushing (as opposed to contractions). At this time, the muscles of the diaphragm and peritoneum contract, and working pressure is formed inside the abdominal cavity, which helps the baby to be born faster.

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Many women are afraid of independent childbirth precisely because of the pain. The perception of pain, the lowering of its threshold is influenced by the nervous tension of the woman in labor, the use of stimulant drugs, and the protracted nature of the process. The technique of correct breathing helps to alleviate the condition.

Breathing takes on important functions at the time of childbirth. An excess of oxygen in the blood dulls the sensitivity to pain in a woman in labor, prevents fetal hypoxia. Rapid breathing at certain stages is like an analgesic. Pre-worked out breathing methods contribute to the successful opening of the birth canal, reduce the likelihood of an abnormal course of the process.

Modern breathing techniques that pregnant women learn in prenatal courses are the result of many years of experience. The ways of breathing in contractions, the active phase, at the time of the release of the fetus are seriously different (for more details, see the article:). In total, there are three types of breathing: deep relaxing, superficial, straining.

Breathing techniques during contractions and attempts

Proper breathing at each stage of childbirth has its own characteristics. At the beginning of the fight you need:

  • inhale deeply for 4 counts with your nose;
  • exhale slowly through your mouth for 6 counts, fold your lips into a tube.
  • take a deep breath through the mouth;
  • make numerous superficial breaths-exhalations (like a puppy with thirst).

Accelerated breathing dulls the pain, allows you to distract from experiences and focus. With painful opening of the cervix, tactics should be changed:

  • inhale deeply through the nose;
  • singing any of the vowels, exhale with your mouth (as if blowing out a candle);
  • exhalation and inhalation should be long, the same in time.

Breathing between contractions should be slow, aimed at restoring strength between pain attacks. During attempts, the woman goes to the delivery table, where she is under the supervision of an obstetrician. The tactics of breathing during this period changes, in many ways the specialist helps the woman in labor:

  • On command, you should breathe “on the count”, as described above. A husband or loved one will help to concentrate on the exercise.
  • Breathing should be deep to provide additional pressure on the diaphragm. This will allow the child to quickly find a way, push off the legs from the uterus. You should let out air with your mouth when it is not enough at all.

  • Hold your breath for a long time. The correct technique will be taught by a specialist during a course for pregnant women. With air in the chest, you should push into the lower abdomen, helping to push the child out with the muscles of the press and diaphragm. It is important to ensure that tension and strength go to the pelvis, and not to the head. Otherwise, damage to the vessels of the face and eyes is possible. Vain efforts are harmful to health and delay childbirth. You can also harm the baby, who at the same time experiences hypoxia. The doctor will be there and tell you how to breathe correctly at a certain moment, correct the technique of execution.
  • When the baby's head comes out, you can not push. Because of this, the muscles of the vagina can tear. You should breathe shallowly, like a dog.

How to push properly?

The period of attempts feels different from contractions (see also:). At this moment, a new feeling appears - bursting. The child wants to get out, and the desire to push arises constantly. Here it is important to follow the commands of the obstetrician in order to really help the baby. If you push out of time, the risk of ruptures of the birth canal and problems in the child increases.

When asked what is more unpleasant - contractions or attempts, each woman in labor responds differently. If a woman cannot control the contractions, then she can manage the attempts and the unpleasant sensations associated with them.

How to understand that an attempt is beginning?

During the first pregnancy, attempts can last up to 2 hours; in multiparous women, they are reduced to 30 minutes. Understanding this state is not always easy. Its approach is evidenced by an indomitable desire to push, as during a bowel movement. There are 3 pushes per contraction. Typically, tension is maintained for 5–7 seconds, with a three-minute break. It is better to make several short attempts than one long one.

With the onset of signs of an attempt, a woman in labor may try to restrain herself, fearing involuntary emptying of the intestine. This incident usually does not occur, because an enema is given before childbirth (we recommend reading:). However, even if this happens, it will not be an unpleasant surprise for the medical staff.

In what position and how should you push?

During an attempt, you can take up to 3 deep breaths, combining them with a long breath hold. The correct posture for this is lying on your back, take a breath of air with your chest and tilt your head forward. You can hold your knees apart with your hands, pulling them to the armpits. Efforts should be directed to the lower abdomen and focus on this. If it hurts after an attempt, then everything is going right, and the child is moving through the birth canal.

What to do in between attempts?

At this time, you should relax as much as possible and give the body a rest. The advancement of the child through the birth canal is carried out on exhalation. Before the end of the attempt, the exhalation should be slow, smooth. A new urge to defecate will not take long, and soon the obstetrician will ask you to push.

How to restrain an attempt at the request of an obstetrician?

The desire to push does not always appear when the cervix is ​​fully dilated, in addition, you can not push if the baby is stuck or goes wrong, too fast. To avoid birth breaks, in such cases it is important to restrain the attempt and “breathe” at the command of the obstetrician (for more details, see the article:). Shallow breathing will help. Relax your stomach and exhale. The process is resumed at the request of the obstetrician.

It's not too late: how to prepare for childbirth?

The science of giving birth correctly should be mastered from 20–24 weeks of pregnancy. In the last months, you need to bring all the techniques to automatism, practice for 10 minutes. It is important to be able to breathe correctly in any position - lying, sitting, standing. A good video tutorial will allow you to step by step analyze the breathing technique in contractions and the pushing period. However, it is worth considering that you will not learn how to give birth only by video.

It will help attending courses for pregnant women: during lectures, specialists will definitely focus on the respiratory issue. In addition to breathing exercises, you should learn techniques to relieve pain in labor, choose a prenatal diet.

Nutrition and drinking regimen

Prenatal nutrition should be aimed at maintaining muscle elasticity. A month before giving birth, you should limit the consumption of meat, salt. All the right foods (which do not include smoked meats, pickles, fast food) are useful in small doses. At week 38, it is worth enriching the diet with oils that will ensure the elasticity of blood vessels and the birth canal. Good to give birth will help such products in the menu:

  • carrots, pumpkin;
  • oils (except sesame);
  • cereals;
  • baked apples;
  • vegetable broths;
  • low-fat yogurt, kefir.

It is worth removing foods that strengthen the stool from the diet: meat, eggs, milk and other foods rich in animal proteins. Do not indulge yourself with sweets, white bread, pickles. The role of water is also overrated. By childbirth, the mother’s body has the necessary supply of water. You should drink no more than 2 liters per day, juices, fruit drinks, compotes, weak tea are shown. When you want to drink in childbirth, it is better to suck on an ice floe or rinse your mouth with water.

Massage and exercise

From debilitating pain during contractions, massage of the lower back, shoulders, neck, head helps (see also:). This should be done by a partner who accompanies the woman in labor. You can master the technique in the prenatal period. Massaging the lumbar region is especially effective.

You should get acquainted with several exercises and postures that help relieve pain:

  • Lie on your left side with your knees and hips bent. Between the legs, you can put an anti-stress pillow, a soft toy.
  • Get on all fours on the floor in front of a chair or bed. Knead your legs, keep your hands on a chair or headboard.
  • In a kneeling position, grab the fitball, lean on it and sway. Imagine riding the waves.

Exhausting contractions and childbirth are the last step to meeting the future baby. Their success depends on the mood of the woman in labor, her ability to assemble at a crucial moment. It is important to remain calm, follow the instructions of the obstetrician. Only then everything will be successful, and the first meeting with the baby will forever be remembered.

No matter how a woman behaves during childbirth, her every action will certainly affect this important process. The successful birth of a child depends on whether the mother can adapt to several phases of labor. When contractions begin, it is important not to get confused and put into practice all the knowledge gained about proper breathing and relaxation methods. A little later, in addition to contractions, attempts appear when the muscles of the diaphragm, abdominals and pelvis are seized by a state of strong tone. It is at this point that the outcome of childbirth depends solely on the degree of preparedness of the woman. If she knows how to push during labor, the baby will be born quickly and easily.

Attempts are called involuntary contractile activity of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, due to which a child is born. Attempts appear in the second stage of labor, which begins after the full disclosure of the cervix and continues until the baby is born.

The mechanism of development of attempts

When the cervix has dilated more than 10 cm, intense uterine contractions cause the baby's head to gradually sink down, squeezing the rectum. Being under pressure, the receptors of the walls of the rectum send a signal to the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall and diaphragm, and they begin to contract reflexively. A woman has an urge to empty her intestines - this is the so-called attempts.

Duration of attempts

The woman in labor cannot in any way affect the strength of the contractions, but she can control the intensity of the attempts. Attempts last from 20 minutes to 2 hours. The duration of this period of time in childbirth is determined by such factors:

  1. Parameters of the pelvis of the woman in labor. The owner of a wide pelvis is much easier to displace the fetus and it turns out faster for her than for a pregnant woman with a narrow pelvis.
  2. Fruit size. It is difficult for a "well-fed" baby to move along the mother's birth canal.
  3. The position of the child during childbirth. It is great if the baby pressed his chin to his chest and descends along the birth canal with the back of his head forward. But the position of the child facing forward significantly delays the moment of his birth.
  4. Childbirth is faster if they are not the first in a row. On average, the period of pushing takes 2 hours for women who give birth for the first time, and 1 hour for multiparous mothers.
  5. The use of epidural analgesia for pain relief. This method increases the duration of the period of attempts by an average of 1 hour (3 hours for nulliparous and 2 hours for multiparous).

How to induce labor for a woman in labor

As a result of centuries of obstetric practice, today every doctor and woman in labor under his guidance knows how to facilitate the process of delivery:

  1. To make the baby fall faster, his mother needs to spread her legs wide and sit down. At the same time, it is important to tear off the heels from the floor surface. Everything, of course, depends on the specific situation. So, it is more convenient for some women to sit on a chair at this moment, while others lie on the floor and pull their spread legs as close as possible to themselves.
  2. A woman's ability to breathe and push will help spur childbirth. You need to rehearse a very long and leisurely exhalation in advance. It is important to relax the perineum, vagina and buttocks. The diaphragm at this time will put pressure on the fetus and it will begin to descend. You can’t specifically push, this is allowed only in cases where it is impossible to cope with an involuntary desire.

What happens in the second stage of labor

When the cervix opens wide to let the fetus through, a woman feels the same sensations as when she wants to empty her intestines. That's why she finds the strength to push. If the woman in labor listens carefully and does everything that the doctor tells her, she will successfully complete her natural mission.

To do everything right, without five minutes, mom needs to know by heart a few simple, but very important rules. Contractions that have reached the peak of their strength last from 60 to 90 seconds, and the interval between them is on average 1 minute. During this short period, a woman should try to restore her strength: if possible, completely relax her muscles and rest.

How to push properly in the second stage of labor

Here is a detailed diagram that covers all the important points that a woman in labor needs to remember:

  1. At the next fight, the expectant mother should grab the arms of the chair and pull them towards her. In this case, you need to take a deep breath, gaining full lungs of air.
  2. Now you need to hold your breath, as if conserving the air inside. All efforts should be aimed at the lower region. It is wrong to push during childbirth "in the face" ("in the head"). To support the baby in his advancement to the exit, the mother presses her chin to her chest and strains her abdominal muscles. In this case, the hips and buttocks should be in a relaxed state.
  3. The exhalation must be smooth, otherwise the baby's head will return to its original position. And if you exhale with force (jerk), the child can even get a traumatic brain injury. Deep and calm breathing of a woman in labor, on the contrary, provides the child with a sufficient amount of oxygen.
  4. After exhalation, you can not relax and rest. You need to take a deep breath and push again. During the time that a full attempt lasts, inhalation-exhalation according to the principle described above must be repeated 3 times. A woman in labor should purposefully push for at least 15 seconds, then inhale deeply and push again. So she should repeat 3 times, and then rest a bit. For some women, it is enough to push 2 times, for others - at least 5. Everything is very individual. In any case, you need to carefully listen to the advice of a midwife.
  5. During childbirth, a woman must be very attentive to the signals that her body gives. If the pain caused by the next attempt increases, this is a good sign. Mom is doing everything right and the child is moving closer and closer.
  6. You mustn't scream while pushing. In this case, the valuable oxygen that the baby needs so much, his mother spends on crying.
  7. After the end of the attempt, the woman restores measured even breathing, rests and prepares for the next attempt.

Childbirth can bring a lot of unpleasant moments to a woman. However, at this time she needs to think about her baby, who is several times harder.

It is important! When the baby's head comes out, you can't push. At this moment, you need to breathe "doggy".

What happens in the third stage of labor

Finally, the baby overcomes all obstacles and is born, after which he is immediately placed on the chest of an exhausted but happy mother. At the same time, the third, postpartum, period starts. After about a quarter of an hour, you will need to push one more time so that the uterus can expel the so-called children's place. This process is not painful, since the weight of the placenta is only 500 g.

How to learn to push during childbirth

At special courses, a pregnant woman will be shown exercises, thanks to which she will understand and remember how to push properly. In the classroom, expectant mothers will be taught to control their muscles and breathing.

The starting position for most exercises is lying on your back. At the same time, the woman spreads her knees wide, pulls them to her chest and fixes them with her hands. The head should be tilted forward and the chin should be pressed to the chest. Next, the instructor will explain how to properly tighten the stomach to push the fetus to the exit. Some exercises can only be performed with the support of a man in the presence of a midwife. Perform them lying on a hard surface with a pillow under your head.

In the classroom, a woman will also learn what actions in the process of childbirth are strictly prohibited. It is forbidden:

  • push not in the lower part of the body, but “in the head”;
  • arch your back, lifting the pelvis and perineum;
  • bring your knees together;
  • give in to panic;
  • scream;
  • sit on a hard surface.

When a woman, for any reason, pushes incorrectly, she only prevents the baby from moving forward. Here is one important point that you need to pay attention to during childbirth: it is inconvenient to push on the unfolded delivery chair, therefore, with the permission of the doctor, it is better to meet the first attempts near it.

When to start pushing during childbirth

Every expectant mother should not only ask in advance how to push during childbirth, but also know when to start this responsible mission. To begin with, the doctor must decide on which segment of the birth canal the fetal head is located. You can start pushing only if the fetus has already passed most of the birth canal and its head is located on the pelvic floor. If a woman begins to strain ahead of time, she will quickly use up her strength, so she will be completely unprepared to push when she really needs to. In addition, such a rush can disrupt uteroplacental circulation and lead to oxygen deficiency for the baby.

The need to direct all your strength to properly pushing, all women appear at different times. If such a desire arose when the baby's head is low, but the cervix did not have time to fully open, you can not push, otherwise this may lead to rupture of the cervix.

How to push correctly during childbirth and not get torn

A pregnant woman should know how to breathe and push properly in childbirth, not only to help her baby come into the world easily, but also in order not to harm herself.

You need to worry about the safety of the perineum from the moment when the little man begins to confidently erupt forward and does not return to its previous position. At this time, the midwife inserts three fingers of the right hand into the vagina - this does not allow the baby's head to move forward quickly under the influence of an attempt and contributes to the fact that the skin of the perineum gradually stretches and the risk of ruptures, respectively, decreases.

The most correct position of the baby's head is when the chin is tightly pressed to the chest, since in this case the head passes through the birth canal with the least energy consumption. To protect the woman in labor from breaks, the midwife holds the baby by the head with two fingers of her left hand and controls her correct progress.

First, the back of the baby's head comes out, then the crown appears, then the baby's chin comes off the chest and the face erupts outward. When the baby's head begins to change its position and straighten up, but the face has not yet appeared, the woman in labor can no longer push. Note that it depends on the woman in the first place whether she will receive breaks during childbirth or not. So, with the help of dog breathing, you can significantly reduce the pressure force during attempts. Most often, the baby's erupted head is turned face down, then the baby turns to the mother's left or right hip. Immediately with the turn of the head, the shoulders that have not yet come out turn, after which the front shoulder appears, which is located near the pubic joint, and then the back shoulder, which is located at the sacrum. And finally, without much effort on the part of mother and child, his torso and legs slip out.

How to push during childbirth: about the nuances

When a baby makes its way to the world through the birth canal of a woman, his body puts a lot of pressure on the organs that surround him. Add to this the stress of the mother, which she purposefully pumps up in order to push properly. Naturally, the bladder and intestines may involuntarily empty at this time. Despite the fact that a woman, taking an active part in childbirth, may completely ignore what happened, such an “embarrassment” is scrolled with horror in her head by all future mothers before childbirth. Do you know what doctors will tell you about this?

This is the last thing to worry about on the eve of childbirth. Firstly, this is a natural and natural reaction of the body of a woman who is going through the process of childbirth. In addition, such phenomena for medical staff are not new. Secondly, the midwife will immediately eliminate all sudden and unwanted discharge, so their contact with the medical staff and the woman herself is minimal.

Instead of worrying about such trifles, a woman who has almost become a new mother should focus on her feelings and carefully listen to the doctor's recommendations. Then it will take quite a bit of time and the two closest people in the world will finally meet!

How to push during childbirth. Video

At the beginning of the second stage of labor, with the full opening of the cervix, the fetal head, due to uterine contractions, begins to move down, squeezing the walls of the rectum. In response to irritation of the receptors of the rectum, the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall and diaphragm contract reflexively: this is how attempts begin. The head of the fetus presses on the pelvic floor and on the woman's rectum, causing her to want to empty her intestines - the urge to defecate. This is the push.

When can you push?

Before you start pushing, you need to call the doctor to determine where the baby's head is. It is necessary to push only if she has passed almost the entire birth canal and is already lying on the pelvic floor. Premature attempts lead to a rapid exhaustion of the woman's strength, weakness of attempts, impaired uteroplacental circulation and lack of oxygen for the baby.

For all women, the desire to push arises at different times. If it appeared when the head is already low enough, but the cervix has not yet fully opened, then by pushing the head with force, the woman in labor can provoke a rupture of the cervix. To restrain premature attempts, a woman in labor is recommended to use a special breathing pattern.

How to breathe during childbirth

  1. Take a full deep breath.
  2. Hold your breath, as if swallowing air, tighten your abdominal muscles (the muscles of the thighs, buttocks and face are completely relaxed). Gently increase the pressure on the bottom. Tighten your abdominal muscles more and more, helping the baby move through the birth canal.
  3. Take a slow breath.
  4. Further, when you feel that your breath is not enough, exhale smoothly - but in no case "jerk". During a sharp exhalation, intra-abdominal pressure decreases rapidly and the baby's head also quickly moves back, which can lead to a traumatic brain injury. After that, immediately, without relaxation and rest, take a breath - and push.

During the full effort, repeat all these steps three times.

After the effort, take a full breath and restore calm, even breathing with complete relaxation. So you can quickly restore strength for the next attempt.

Attention! At the moment of removing the head, the midwife will ask you not to push - breathe like a dog.

How to push properly during childbirth?

While pushing, press your chin tightly to your chest, grab your knees with your hands, spread them apart and pull them to the armpit. The force of the attempts should be directed to the point of maximum pain. Increased pain after an attempt suggests that you are doing everything right and the child is moving along the birth canal.

How long do the pushes last?

In primiparous, this period lasts an average of 2 hours, in multiparous - 1 hour. Its duration can be influenced by various factors. Thus, the use of one of the methods of anesthesia - epidural analgesia - leads to a lengthening of the second stage of labor to an average of 3 hours in nulliparous women and up to 2 hours in multiparous women. A large fetus, a narrowed pelvis, weak labor activity, overstretching of the anterior abdominal wall can also increase this stage of labor. Conversely, in women with well-developed abdominal muscles, the duration of the ejection period is reduced.

How to avoid tearing during childbirth?

Protection of the perineum begins from the moment of eruption of the head, i.e. from the time when the child's head does not go back between attempts. The midwife with three fingers of the right hand prevents the head from moving quickly during an attempt, which leads to a gradual stretching of the skin of the perineum and prevents tears. Normally, the fetal head passes through all the birth canals with its smallest diameter - in a bent state (the chin is pressed to the breast). To prevent ruptures, the midwife clasps the baby's head with two fingers of her left hand and monitors its correct progress.

The occipital region of the head erupts first, then the crown of the head, then the extension of the head occurs and the face is born. From the moment when the head of the fetus begins to unbend, until the full birth of the face, the woman in labor is forbidden to push. It should be remembered that the integrity of the perineum depends not only on the actions of doctors, but also on the behavior of the woman herself during childbirth. Breathing through the mouth with a "dog" can significantly weaken attempts. The born head in 96% of cases faces back; then the baby's face turns to the mother's right or left thigh. Simultaneously with the external rotation of the head, an internal rotation of the shoulders occurs, then the anterior shoulder (located at the pubic joint) and the posterior shoulder (located at the sacrum) are born. The further birth of the trunk and legs of the child occurs without difficulty.