
How to clean a drape coat at home. Cleaning a coat at home: how to clean a coat from stains. Video: how to clean drape outerwear


Coat... Take it to the dry cleaners again. None of us thinks about this at all, buying once again the incredible beauty of the color of a hummingbird, because with the advent of rains and cold weather, one does not want to wear dark clothes, no matter how practical it is. And we begin to worry about how to bring it into a divine form even when the thing finally loses all its charm. Do not rush to get upset, it is quite possible to clean your coat at home, you don’t even have to make much effort.

First, let's look at care tips.

  • Cleaning, even if you do it at home, should still be carried out in strict accordance with the labels on the product label.
  • Before using a cleaning agent, be sure that it will not damage the color of the coat, try the product on the inside of it, for example, on the lapel.
  • When you remove the stain, treat it from the edges to the center, otherwise it will leave a halo.
  • Before you remove the stain, be sure to prop up the lining of the coat and place a piece of dense soft fabric under the stain, between the fabric and the lining, it will absorb moisture.
  • If the coat is unlined - your task will be greatly simplified, just put the fabric under the place you are going to clean.
  • Remove the grease stain from the inside out with refined gasoline, and put a paper towel on the stain itself.
  • Tea and coffee stains can be removed with a solution of two tablespoons of glycerin and one tablespoon of ammonia.
  • Beer stains can be removed with hydrogen peroxide.
  • A fresh stain from oil or grease can be removed with a warm iron: put a paper towel on the stain and iron it with a warm iron, change the paper as it gets dirty.
  • You can also clean the fabric from greasy stains like this: add one teaspoon of detergent and ammonia to half a glass of water. Soak a cotton swab in the solution, wipe the stain with it, then iron it through a white cloth or gauze.
  • A greasy collar can be cleaned with a mixture of four teaspoons of salt and one teaspoon of ammonia. With the resulting mixture, applied to a cotton swab, clean off the contamination.

Cleaning coats made from different types of fabric

And now we can move on from general advice to specific cases and types of fabric.


To update your cashmere coat, simply wash it in the washing machine. The washing mode should be delicate, the water temperature should not exceed 30 degrees.

Grease stains are removed with gasoline, the method is described in detail above. You can also use talcum powder or regular baby powder. Sprinkle generously on the stain and leave overnight, in the morning brush off the dirt with a soft brush.


Do-it-yourself cleaning of a drape coat is quite simple. Hang it on hangers, sweep away dust and dry debris with a soft brush. You can also roll up a dense ball of rye bread crumb and walk it over a drape product, the crumb will collect dry debris and small impurities.

You can also clean the drape using the “dry” washing method. Lay it on a horizontal surface, sprinkle with washing powder and leave for half an hour. Then brush off the powder with a soft brush. This method will perfectly refresh and clean the drape coat. Iron it with an iron with a steamer and dry it on a coat hanger.


If the coat is made of wool, then you can use the method described above for cleaning with a mixture of ammonia and detergent.

Hold the greasy places over a jet of steam from a kettle or wipe with a cloth dipped in tea leaves. A solution of alcohol and vinegar, mixed in a one-to-one ratio, also works great.

How to clean light

And, finally, a few tips for working with the coat of the most capricious of colors - white. Soak it in plenty of water with a special liquid product. Rinse using rinse aid, then rinse with plenty of cool water to avoid yellowing.

Let the water drain, then wrap the thing in a terry towel so that it absorbs excess moisture, and dry it by hanging it on a coat hanger.

By following these simple tips, you can keep your outerwear in perfect condition without using dry cleaning for a long time.

Ironing secrets on video

I like to wear a coat at any time of the year. Convenient and beautiful. But how to clean it or wash it at home if the coat is dirty? I decided to get into the cleaning issue as soon as possible. Winter is leaving, soon it will be warm, it is necessary to shake up the wardrobe and prepare old things for use.

Cleaning a coat at home - where to start?

Proper and good care can increase the life of your coat. Of course, you can use the services of dry cleaning, but not everyone will be able to find the time for this. The coat can be easily cleaned at home, without having special skills.

Cleaning and maintenance always starts with an inspection.

  1. We hang the coat on a coat hanger and, in good light, carefully examine it.
  2. We start with problem areas - this is the inside of the lining, collar and pockets for stains.
  3. At the same time, we determine what material or fabric your coat is made of. Each material, whether it is drape, cashmere or wool, requires certain care. More on this below.

Coat cleaning depending on the material

Draped coat

Drap has long established itself as an excellent and easy-to-care material for sewing coats. To clean the drape, you can use the products you use to clean, for example, carpets. You need to follow the instructions, that is, apply foam to the stain, let it dry. After that, the dirty dried stain should be cleaned with a brush with natural bristles.

If the coat is light in color , you can apply the popular Vanish cleaner by laying the coat on a flat surface, you need to sprinkle the powder on dirty stains, then gently scrub the product with a soft clothes brush.

Pay attention to the label on the inside, it may well be that the coat is washable.

If washing is not suitable for the product , then you can do with a simple dry cleaning or treat small dirt with a solution of soap.

Liquid solution with water , applicable also to woolen products, placed in a wide dish. After soaking a clean cloth in the solution, wipe the contaminated area with it. The material of the coat in this place should be thoroughly wet. Strongly rub the soap solution is not recommended. The tool should work within half an hour. Then wetting the material with water, remove the soapy water with a dry cloth. Dry the product on a coat hanger.

Wool coat

Woolen coat is cleaned with a brush . Salted and greasy places can be treated with a sponge soaked in a solution of table vinegar and alcohol one to one.

Dark coat it is good to clean with a cloth dipped in strong tea leaves or apply steam.

Fresh grease stains are removed with talc or starch , without sparing this remedy, you need to sprinkle the stain and wait a few hours. Then the material is cleaned of powder.

Cashmere coat

Cashmere is easy to machine wash. at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees on a delicate mode, as well as a coat made of polyester. Stains should be removed with baby powder or talcum powder. The contaminated place is sprinkled, left for 12-15 hours, then cleaned with a brush.

Coats in light fabrics

To clean a light-colored product , you need to try twice. It is not possible to selectively clean the stains on the coat; there will be stains from the detergent and streaks. Therefore, after cleaning the stains, it is better to rinse the item thoroughly in cool water. After the water is glass, wrap the product in a towel, let the remaining moisture be absorbed. After drying the coat on the coat hanger.

Useful video on how to clean a coat at home

In case of more serious pollution, in order to avoid damage to a good and expensive thing, you will have to turn to specialists - professionals will do this work much better.

A wool coat is a stylish and elegant outerwear that reliably protects from wind and cold. Like any material, wool gets dirty over time. In addition, it becomes covered with pellets and may lose its presentability.

To maintain the appearance of the product, it is recommended to clean the woolen coat completely once or twice a year. In addition, with regular wear, you need to remove hair, dust, pellets that accumulate on the surface of the material once every one to two weeks. It is recommended to remove stains from wool as soon as you notice.

Features of cleaning a wool coat

He will tell you how to properly care for a woolen coat, whether this material can be washed and dried. If the product cannot be washed, use dry methods to remove dirt and stains, or dry clean the garment.

For regular cleaning and maintenance of outerwear, use a special soft brush for wool and a sticky roller or roller. Before cleaning, hang the coat on a coat hanger and sweep over the surface with a garment roller. It will rid the material of spools, clean it of dust, hair, hairs and threads.

Inspect the coat for stains and dirt, don't forget the lining! Pay special attention to problem areas such as the collar, pockets, cuffs and sleeve edges. Such areas are polluted and salted more than others. Light dirt can be removed with a soft bristle brush. Walk the brush in the direction of the pile.

If necessary, the brush can be lightly dampened with clean water or soapy water. But don't wet the coat too much! Wipe dirt on the material with a soft sponge, napkin, cloth or cotton pad. Never use hard sponges and brushes!

First, be sure to clean with a brush and roller, and only then begin to remove difficult stains. Stains are cleaned from the edges to the center, then there will be no streaks on the product. Difficult dirt before cleaning can be held under a jet of steam.

After dry cleaning, leave the wool coat to dry on a hanger in an upright position in the air or in a well-ventilated area. You need to store the product in a special bag for clothes in a closet with doors.

Then the clothes will last a long time, retain their shape, color and presentable appearance. And now let's take a closer look at how to clean a wool coat at home.

How to clean a wool coat without washing

  • Walk with a sticky roller or roller for clothes over the material to collect threads, hairs. Then take a soft-bristled brush and brush the coat in the direction of the lint. If necessary, the brush can be lightly moistened in running water;
  • To clean the coat from dirt and small stains, prepare a soapy solution. To do this, dissolve a teaspoon of liquid soap in a liter of clean water. Instead of liquid soap, you can rub regular hard soap on a coarse grater. Stir the composition until foam is formed. Dampen a soft cloth in the solution and blot the dirt, do not rub the material! If it is a stubborn stain, leave the soap solution on for 5-10 minutes. Then rinse the area with a sponge dipped in clean water and blot with a dry cloth or napkin;
  • Oil and grease stains are removed with refined gasoline. To do this, rip off the lining and cover the contaminated area with a paper towel. Dip a cotton pad or swab in gasoline and wipe the stain from the wrong side from the edge to the center;
  • Grease stains are also eliminated by talc or potato starch. Sprinkle the powder on the stained area and cover with a white cloth or paper towel. Place a load on top and leave for 6-10 hours. Then remove any remaining talc or starch with a brush;
  • Drink and food stains, as well as fresh stains, will be removed by a mixture of alcohol and vinegar. Take the components in equal parts and mix. Dip a cotton pad or swab in the mixture and soak the stain. Leave on for 10-15 minutes and then rinse with a sponge dipped in clean water. Also, a mixture of ammonia and vinegar will help eliminate greasy areas;
  • Greasy places are also treated with a mixture of ammonia and salt. To do this, take alcohol and salt, mix in a ratio of 1 to 4. Rub the problem areas with the composition. You can leave for a few minutes and then brush off the remnants of the product;

  • A black woolen coat is wiped with a cotton pad dipped in fresh and slightly warm brewed black tea. This procedure will update the material and color of the product;
  • A white or light wool coat will save a solution of ammonia and salt. Mix a teaspoon of salt and four teaspoons of alcohol. Wipe the contaminated areas with the composition, then clean with a damp sponge and wipe with a dry soft cloth;
  • For white and light products, Vanish carpet cleaner is also used. Pour the powder onto the dirt and gently rub it into the fabric. Remove the rest of the product with a brush;
  • For the care of natural wool, a solution of glycerin is used. Mix two parts glycerin and one part water or ammonia. Then wipe the problem areas with the composition using a cotton pad or sponge. After that, clean the product with a damp sponge or soft cloth soaked in running clean water. By the way, a solution of glycerin effectively removes stains from coffee and tea;
  • If you are afraid to spoil the material, use special products for wool and delicate fabrics. These are mild shampoos and various liquid products. They are used not only for washing, but also for ordinary cleaning. Rub the stain with the composition and then rinse with a sponge dipped in clean water;
  • For stubborn and stubborn stains, a wool stain remover can be used. Choose oxygen-containing products without alkali and chlorine!

Is it possible to wash a wool coat

Do not wash coats made of 100% natural wool. The rest of the products can be washed if the label allows it. You can find more information on the values ​​\u200b\u200bon the label of clothes and things. However, the coat should be washed very carefully and only on a delicate cycle using special detergents for wool.

For washing, choose special shampoos, balms or liquid detergents for washing woolen products. When rinsing, use conditioners to soften the water and material.

In the washing machine, the coat is washed in a delicate mode with a temperature of up to 30 degrees without spinning! The product must be put in a bag or cover for clothes or washed, wrapped in a duvet cover or pillowcase.

You can also wash your wool coat by hand. To do this, use a large volume of cold water and detergents for woolen clothes. After washing, thoroughly rinse the product at least two or three times so that there are no soapy traces or streaks left. Wringing the coat is not recommended.

Woolen coat should not be twisted and rubbed heavily, dried vertically, dried in dryers and washing machine, with a hair dryer or heaters, in direct sunlight! Do not wash the product too often, otherwise it will stretch and lose its shape. Do not wash your wool coat if the label says not to.

It is important to dry the product properly so that it does not stretch or lose its shape. To do this, after washing, wrap the coat in a large terry towel or light-colored terry sheet and leave until the fabric absorbs excess moisture.

Then lay out the clothes on a horizontal surface, carefully straighten the material, remove wrinkles and irregularities. Dry the woolen coat in the fresh air without direct exposure to sunlight or in a cool room with good air circulation away from the battery.

The coat is a very popular item in women's wardrobe. In order for such clothes to retain a presentable and neat appearance, you need to regularly care for them. The main procedure is cleaning, which can be both regular and emergency. There are many different models, each of which needs special care, so when cleaning the product from contamination, you should carefully select the products.

Types of cleaning

It is not so difficult to carry out the care of outerwear at home, if you choose the right type of cleaning. There are different cleaning methods for coats.


Dry cleaning means the complete absence of contact of the product with water. It is most suitable for emergency cleansing or for daily maintenance of the appearance of things. You can select the following attributes for this procedure:

  • Brush with not very coarse bristles. It should not strongly cling to the fibers of the fabric with a bristle, so as not to damage the structure of the product. The brush should clean the surface of dirt with a slight pressure, so you should choose a device with a soft or medium pile, depending on the type of fabric being cleaned.

  • A popular stain remover for outerwear is a spray that is applied to small stains. When dry, it has a powdery structure and is easily removed from the fabric with a brush. The advantage of the product is its compactness and speed of effect, so many people always carry a bottle of such a spray with them.
  • Another upgraded option is special cleaning wipes that are impregnated with a special compound. They are only able to cope with certain types of stains, but in the case of their use, there is even no need to remove outer clothing.


Wet cleaning looks like using special cleaning compounds dissolved in water on certain areas or the entire surface of the coat. This treatment is often done before the main wash, but sometimes it is used to remove stubborn stains in small areas of the product. A type of procedure is steam treatment of fabric using a generator or a special iron.


Washing is suitable for some types of outerwear. If the fabric of the coat is among the "unpretentious", then it can be washed in the machine by selecting the appropriate mode. In this case, powders, gels and fabric softeners are used. Sometimes only a manual type of care may be suitable for a coat. It is important not to overexpose the thing in a soaked state and monitor the temperature of the water.

Features of care by type of fabric

The type of fabric is a determining factor when choosing how to care for a coat at home. The most popular for this type of outerwear are the following materials, each of which has a number of special characteristics.


The composition of the winter coat often includes wool. Raw materials of different origin are sometimes used in outerwear, the wool of different animals is combined, therefore it is worth checking in advance the reaction of the material to cleaning agents in its small area:

  • To remove hairs and small dirt, it is best to choose a special roller with a sticky surface or a brush.
  • To avoid streaks, woolen garments should be brushed towards the center.

  • You should not wash a warm coat in the machine, opt for a hand wash at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees. When wringing, do not make strong manipulations with the fabric, otherwise the product may be deformed.
  • It is recommended to dry woolen items in a horizontal position so that they do not stretch from their own weight.
  • In order for a black wool coat to have a luxurious look, it should be treated with a solution of strong black tea.


Synthetic material is used to maintain a clear shape of the product. One of the most popular for outerwear is polyester:

  • The easiest way to remove dust is to shake the product or use a brush.
  • For washing in the machine, the mode for synthetic materials or the delicate mode is suitable. The temperature should not exceed 30 degrees. Gentle products should be used and in no case should bleach be used for cleaning.
  • Spinning is recommended to be done carefully, without crushing the fibers of the fabric.


This material requires very careful handling. Made from goat hair, it is soft, but not very resistant to mechanical stress:

  • To remove small dirt, a damp cloth is usually used.
  • If the items are machine washable, select a 30 degree wash cycle without spinning. The same temperature is recommended for hand washing.
  • You should not wring out the cashmere fabric too much, it is better to fold it horizontally on a towel rolled up in several layers.
  • If you decide to iron the product, it is better to use a steam generator.


Leather is one of the most durable, non-staining and easy to clean materials:

  • To clean the dust, you just need to use a damp cloth.
  • A mixture of ammonia and soap is used for daily cleaning to keep the coat presentable.
  • Due to the fact that the skin is contraindicated in long contact with water, it is necessary to avoid long soaking, while the product should be turned inside out and only the lining should be treated with an aqueous solution with a product.
  • When drying, the coat should be placed on a hanger. It is important that the drying is complete, otherwise some parts of the coat may stretch.
  • Salt stains can form on leather products in the cold season. They are recommended to be removed with food vinegar.


It is preferable to use dry technologies to clean the drape coat, because the material is not very suitable for contact with moisture:

  • To remove small dirt, a brush with coarse bristles is suitable, which should be used in the direction of the villi. An interesting alternative for dusting is bread crumb, which, when rolled into balls, removes dust.
  • The breadcrumb technique is also suitable for cleaning light or white coats from dry dirt. Such branded products are cleaned with ammonia, milk or glycerin.
  • Priority is hand washing in water at room temperature. Drying is done on hangers.


Suede is an unstable material to pollution. But caring for her is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance:

  • Small dust particles are removed with a swab soaked in ammonia. Do not disturb the direction of the pile of the product during the cleaning process.
  • Wash products by hand in soapy water, sometimes glycerin is added during washing. After treatment in soapy water, do a few more rinses in clean water at a temperature of 30 degrees.
  • Drying is carried out in a horizontal position. If you want to iron a coat, then do this procedure from its wrong side, reducing the temperature of the iron to a minimum.

Other materials

A bouclé coat should be cleaned of small dirt with a soft brush. In order to thoroughly wash the product, sometimes they even use upholstery shampoo. It is important that highly concentrated chemical compositions are not used during washing, and the sun's rays do not fall on the fabric during drying.

Before washing a bologna coat, use gasoline to remove strong stains on the product. In the process of removal, it is worth moving from the edges to the center. After the main dirt has been washed out, all coats should be washed by hand at a temperature not exceeding 45 degrees. Wring out the product very gently with a towel, and dry on a coat hanger.

To clean a velor coat without damaging it, you should avoid using concentrated chemicals.

In addition to common materials, you can see products from other fabrics that require more complex care. If it is allowed to clean outerwear in the washing machine, then you need to use the delicate wash mode, it is better to iron the product with steam through gauze.

Rubber fabric - neoprene is also used to make coats and has a very easy cleaning technology. With delicate mode, it calmly tolerates machine washing at 30 degrees. You should re-wash such a coat, turning it inside out and dry it, protecting it from sunlight.

What can be cleaned?

There are various types of stains, each of which has its own list folk remedies and proven recommendations for cleaning:

  • Stubborn dirt can be washed with soapy water, especially complex dirt is pre-sprinkled with soda.
  • To eliminate glossy areas on the coat, the people often used sand, which was left on the product in a heated form for 30 minutes. Greasy areas are easy to clean with a mixture of milk and soda, an alcohol swab and lemon juice, for some fabrics a mixture of vinegar and alcohol will be useful.

A worn collar is tidied up using ammonia and salt, and then a regular brush.

  • To remove the pellets and not damage the coat, which has large villi, you can use a trimmer with a special small nozzle. A more time-consuming method is to remove the flaw with scissors or a hair comb. For smoother fabrics, you can use tape or a razor, sometimes even sandpaper will be useful.
  • Coat sleeves are often cleaned by ironing. A cotton cloth soaked in a solution of water and soap is placed on the site of contamination and ironed.
  • The steamer can perfectly clean delicate fabrics. When using it, products with a caustic chemical composition are not used, all contaminants are removed with steam, which helps to extend the life of the thing.
  • To ensure that the buttons of the coat always exude a beautiful shine, they should be wiped with special solutions of ethyl alcohol. Also use citric acid or toothpaste.

Stain removal

  • To remove a greasy stain, a gasoline solution and talcum powder may come in handy.
  • To clean the oil, you need to iron the contaminated area through a paper towel without delay.
  • If you have spilled coffee or tea on your coat, then ammonia will help you deal with stains.
  • If fuel oil has got on the surface of the thing, then you can wipe off such a stain yourself using essential oil, ammonia or even turpentine.
  • Fresh ink can be removed from coat fabric with salt and lemon juice.
  • Vinegar and alcohol can be used to remove alcohol stains from coats.

Possible mistakes

When rubbing stains, you can further blur the contamination on the surface of the product. This happens when the process is carried out with too fast and sweeping movements. Such actions can lead to the formation of ugly stains.

If you use solvents to remove grease stains from genuine leather yourself, you run the risk of discoloring the leather and damaging the film that protects the coat.

Before you put your winter or demi-season coat in the closet for the summer, you need to carefully prepare it. Unfortunately, even the most accurate wear of clothes cannot guarantee the impeccable cleanliness of your belongings. Oil stains, traces of reagents, road dirt - all this and much more we often see on our outerwear. It's quite expensive to take your coat to the dry cleaner every season. Is it possible to clean outerwear at home without fear that after such a procedure the coat will have to be carried to the trash? Of course you can, and we will tell you how easy it is to do it!

Regular coat care at home
Do you want that when switching to a new set of clothes, you do not have to look with regret at the hopelessly damaged items from the previous collection. Then try to take care of your coat regularly! So, first of all, you need:
  1. Check the item every day for any dirt. Particular attention should be paid to light-colored coats or wool and cashmere products that require special delicate care. Remember that cleaning stains and other dirt the day they appear will give a much greater effect than washing a coat a few months later. Stubborn stains are quite difficult to remove, and here you simply cannot do without dry cleaning.
  2. Brush your coat regularly with a dry brush. This item can be purchased at any hardware store. A clothes cleaning brush will help remove dust, lint, and hair from all types of fabrics. Do not forget to periodically rinse the product in running water (soap can be used) so that dust does not accumulate between the villi. Remember that even if you do not notice the smallest dirt on clothes, this does not mean at all that they are not there. Especially attentive should be those who have fluffy pets at home!
  3. Before putting away the coat for storage, it is necessary to iron it thoroughly. It is necessary to start processing the product from the wrong side. However, it is not recommended to use a damp cloth. Start ironing with pockets (if any). Move slowly throughout the fabric, gently ironing each section of the product. You should be especially careful when you start ironing the bands, sleeves and collar. When processing these parts of clothing, it is necessary to moisten them first. Steam the item until completely dry. To avoid the effect of "salting", you can use ordinary gauze. A great alternative to conventional irons are modern steam generators. For ironing the front of the coat, you need to use a thin fabric. Start processing the product from the sleeves. If the fabric is not fluffy, then the sleeve can be ironed from the bottom up, otherwise, in the direction of the pile. After you put the sleeves in order, you need to carefully iron the shoulders, back and apron of the shelf. Lapels and collar are processed last. Please note that after ironing, the coat should hang on the shoulders for at least two hours.
  4. Do not forget about the proper care of the coat, even while away. Usually, upon the arrival of friends and relatives, the owners of the house take all the outerwear and put it in a “common pile” on a sofa or armchair. The result of such "gentle" handling may be a rumpled coat with traces of dust or dirt. Therefore, while visiting, ask your friends to hang their coats on hangers in the closet. In this case, you do not have to worry about the safety of your belongings. Also, take precautions when traveling on public transport. So you can avoid the formation of holes, stains and other contaminants on clothes.
Basic ways to clean a coat at home
Cleaning a coat at home should begin with a study of the composition of the fabric. It is the material from which the clothes are made that directly affects how exactly we will process the coat.
  1. Leather product. If you have to clean a leather coat at home, do not rush. To care for such clothes, you must follow the principle of regularity. For example, it is worth treating the cuffs and collar of the product with orange peel weekly. This will give the skin a special shine. Glycerin is also suitable for regular skin treatment. You can wipe dirt stains from the surface with a soapy solution. Take equal proportions of ammonia, liquid soap and water, mix all the ingredients, and then carefully treat the contaminated area. After the skin is dry, treat it with castor oil.
  2. Cashmere outerwear. A cashmere coat can be left in the washing machine. As a rule, for such products, the "hand wash" mode is used at a minimum temperature. However, you must be careful and always read the label on the clothes before washing.
  3. Suede product. A suede coat is quite difficult to clean at home. If you find a stain on this type of outerwear, dry cleaning is preferable. For a suede coat, you can use a special elastic band, which is sold in shoe stores. If this is not possible, an ordinary school eraser, sandpaper or hard foam rubber will do. Dirty or slightly greasy areas of a suede coat (usually cuffs, pockets and sleeves) are treated with an eraser or paper. To keep your coat looking its best, don't forget to regularly rub your suede with regular, finely ground kitchen salt.
    Washing a suede coat is quite difficult. If you still decide to do this, then in no case do not use a washing machine for this purpose. Gently wash the product in a basin at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees Celsius. Do not twist or squeeze the item under any circumstances. After washing, wrap the coat in a towel and wait until all the water has been absorbed. Then carefully hang the clothes on the hangers.
  4. Bologna outerwear. If you want to wash the so-called down coat, be very careful. Such things are quite capricious for all types of washing, and have the peculiarity of irretrievably losing their original appearance. Before washing such a product, be sure to study all the conditions for caring for it on the tag. If machine wash is allowed, then it would be preferable to select the "hand wash" mode without spinning.

Still dry cleaning!
If you still don’t dare to wash or iron your coat at home, take the item to a dry cleaner. The main thing is to choose a proven and well-established company that works in compliance with all European quality standards.

You can find information on whether the coat can be washed at home and dry-cleaned on the product label. It is worth remembering that even dry cleaning according to the generally recognized “euro” standard is not absolutely safe for coats. In the course of processing with special means, the service life of outerwear is reduced by an average of a year (the average period of wearing a coat is five years). Therefore, wear the thing carefully and do not forget to take care of your wardrobe every day, and then you will not experience any problems!