
Stones that should only be worn as a pair. Successful neighborhood: which stones are worn in pairs, which ones are in splendid isolation What color of clothes to wear with emeralds


A high gem quality emerald can cost more than real diamonds. These are not legends at all, and beautiful stones of rich green color can really be very expensive. But along with natural crystals, absolutely mythical stones are offered on the market at the price of real emeralds. These include red and black emerald. Naming other, beautiful minerals in themselves, by the name of a precious stone, merchants are trying to profitably sell their goods.

A high-quality gem-quality emerald can cost more than real diamonds

All mineralogical encyclopedias characterize emerald as a transparent mineral with a crystalline structure, belonging to the beryl group. The color of the stone is characterized as green with a hint of blue. It has its own name - emerald. This indicates the uniqueness of the color of the stone.

Depending on the deposit, precious gems may have a slightly more pronounced yellow or blue color, but it is impossible to find a blue emerald. Dull stones with a bluish color can be simple beryls or have an artificial origin. The same applies to the mineral, which is often sold as red emerald. This is a rare, beautiful and valuable crystal of bright red color. It is called bixbit and belongs to the same group of beryl as a real emerald.

Sometimes on sale you can also find transparent minerals of very dark shades. Unscrupulous dealers may offer them as a rare black emerald, but you should not pay attention to their assurances that the stone is genuine. Under this name, any dark gray crystal can appear.

All mineralogical encyclopedias characterize emerald as a transparent mineral with a crystalline structure, belonging to the beryl group.

Natural emerald can only be green. The heterogeneity of the color of a large crystal makes it possible to obtain jewelry stones and lighter in color, and with a bluish tint, and yellowish green. Depending on the color saturation and transparency (purity) of the crystal, the price for it is also formed. On the labels of jewelry, you can, among other things, notice the designation 2/2 or 3/3. These numbers in the professional environment of jewelers indicate the color and purity of the stone: the larger the number, the higher the stone is rated according to a five-point system. Designations are found only on jewelry with natural stones.

A cloudy, opaque crystal looks like this due to inclusions of air bubbles or other minerals (such as talc). At the same time, it is considered an emerald, but will have a low cost. On the label of the product in this case put a low rating.

Natural emerald can only be green

What is an "emerald garden"?

Some varieties of gemstone (Colombian, Tanzanian, Indian emeralds) contain inclusions of liquid, air or salt crystals enough big size. They are usually visible to the naked eye. A network of small cracks can also form inside the crystal. The value of the stone is noticeably reduced due to such defects, but there are very few pure stones, and varieties with such inclusions are very common.

To avoid overstocking and falling prices for emeralds, jewelers use a simple marketing trick. In low-grade stones, vices are presented as advantages, they come up with a poetic name and sell minerals, albeit inexpensively, but in large volumes. In this case, the color suggested the name: an emerald with defects in the light resembles an interweaving of branches and green leaves.

Do not mistake stones with inclusions for a fake. This is most often a real natural emerald. An artificially grown crystal usually has a completely transparent mass, rich color and an ideal surface.

Emerald - a precious stone (video)

Where are emeralds mined?

Geologists call it greisen and pay attention to this mineral as a sign of the presence of precious stones. Emerald ore can be formed as a result of the action of hot water in thermal springs on granite rocks, which are very characteristically destroyed. The Colombian emerald, which is considered the best in the world, comes across just in such veins. Very rich, but unusual emerald ore in Colombian deposits is represented by carbonate shales.

The mineral itself is found in ore veins in the form of inclusions. Colombia is currently the main supplier of the gemstone (50-95% of world production). In the same place, at the Muso deposit, an unusual dark emerald is mined with light zones arranged radially. This type of stone has its own name - trapiche. In addition to the Colombian deposits, such stones have not been found anywhere else, perhaps the reason for their formation was an unusual emerald ore.

In addition to Colombia, emeralds are mined in many places: in the USA and Canada, in a number of European countries, in Pakistan and Afghanistan, India, on the African continent and on about. Madagascar. Ural emeralds, mined in Russia, are famous for the size of pure crystals. They are considered very high quality even by world standards.

Emerald ore is spread all over the planet

Gallery: precious emerald (25 photos)

Emerald ore is spread all over the planet

The magical properties of emerald allow not everyone to wear it Natural emerald can only be green All mineralogical encyclopedias characterize emerald as a transparent mineral with a crystalline structure, belonging to the beryl group

How to identify a real emerald?

Buying expensive jewelry, no one wants to buy a fake. Similar to emerald, ordinary green beryls are often offered at a low price. This is what should alert the buyer in the first place.

How to choose an emerald so as not to be mistaken? There are several features that are unique to real stones:

  1. Dichroism, or the ability to change color with a change in the angle of incidence of light. Turning the stone 90º, you can see how it changes from a bluish hue to golden or vice versa.
  2. Natural emerald has a rich green color, sometimes with a velvety sheen. The crystal may be hazy, but never light green, bottle, marsh.
  3. Cracks and inclusions are another way to distinguish natural crystals from grown synthetic counterparts. If the stone has no flaws, it is fabulously expensive, comparable in price to diamond or surpassing it. A hydrothermal emerald without flaws is ten times cheaper.

Trying to determine the authenticity of a stone with the help of special equipment is quite difficult. This task is only for specialists.

Buying expensive jewelry, no one wants to buy a fake. Similar to emerald, ordinary green beryls are often offered at a low price.

The common name "hydrothermal emerald" means that the crystal was grown in a laboratory. The chemical composition of synthetic stones is fully consistent with the best varieties of Colombian minerals. Nano-emerald can be grown only under certain conditions, which are kept secret by each manufacturer of such stones. Hydrothermal emerald is cheaper than real crystals, but differs from them in high purity and color saturation. Depending on the amount of certain additives, scientists can grow stones with predetermined properties and the desired shade.

Artificial emerald repeats the properties of a natural crystal. It has dichroism, has a rich color and even consists of the same substances. How to distinguish an artificially created emerald from a real stone?

The only way is to pay attention to defects. If there are no noticeable cracks, then the stone should be examined through a magnifying glass: microscopic defects are always present in real crystals. And only their complete absence will indicate the laboratory origin of the insert. Another sign may be the lack of an assessment of color and clarity on the jewelry label.

It is necessary to distinguish one mineral from another if we choose it as a talisman. For these purposes, you can use both faceted inserts and raw crystals. But it's impossible to replace gem emerald green garnet, beryl, chrysolite or artificial equivalent.

Green gem magic

Like many precious stones, the green emerald in Russia was known under a completely different name. Borrowed from Arabic and Turkish, the modern name comes from the Greek word "smaragdos". And it is the emeralds that are mentioned in the annals where green gems are discussed. In the languages ​​of the Romance group, the Greek word also changed, and emeralds are still called "esmerald".

Both the precious emerald, and the zumurut mentioned in Avicenna's treatises, and the green stones beloved by the Maya and the Incas, which the conquistadors identified as esmerald, are one and the same mineral, currently known as emerald. The magical properties that are attributed to him have been used to solve problems since ancient times.

In European medieval magic, the emerald is a symbol of chastity and motherhood. The description of the stone notes its special properties: to cleanse, to help fight one's own shortcomings, to produce noble impulses and radiate a positive mood. Since ancient times, the emerald stone has been considered a protector from other people's evil spells and thoughts, from despondency and short-sighted acts. It is believed that the magical properties of the emerald stone increase if it is inherited from previous generations.

This is a wonderful amulet for young mothers: an emerald and its varieties can be presented to a spouse after the birth of their first child. Jewelry with inserts of processed stones will give a woman peace of mind and satisfaction with her new position. The protection of the crystal also extends to the child: he cannot be jinxed, he will sleep more peacefully at night and suffer less from various childhood diseases.

Emerald in lithotherapy

Modern healers emphasize and medicinal properties emerald. Traditionally, contemplation of the green depth of the crystal was recommended for the treatment of eye diseases. Currently, it is believed that any kind of emerald is able to relieve the tension of the organ of vision.

The precious green crystal is also credited with the ability to calm nervous system, level the manifestations of chronic fatigue syndrome. Cleansing, antiseptic properties are also noted: it is believed that there are no bacteria in water infused with a gem. She can wash her face with acne and skin irritations, wash poorly healing wounds.

The Egyptian queen Cleopatra, whose beauty surprised her contemporaries, greatly appreciated the emerald: its value as an amulet that prolongs youth was incredibly important to her. But it is still believed that the constant wearing of jewelry with a gem rejuvenates and gives vitality. In practice, both the improvement of metabolism and the normalization of the work of the whole organism were noted.

The magical properties of emerald (video)

Combination with zodiac signs

The magical properties of the emerald allow not everyone to wear it. Regardless of who suits the gem according to the horoscope, dishonest people who are at odds with their own conscience will not be able to wear jewelry with it. Inserts will break, the product will be lost, and, like many precious stones, the emerald will not help its owner.

But, when choosing jewelry for yourself, you need to take into account which zodiac sign the emerald suits. This will help to avoid problems that arise when the influence exerted by crystals on the life and fate of their owners is inconsistent.

The ideal companions will be the emerald and the sign of the zodiac - Virgo. People born between August 21 and September 20 very often have a pessimistic outlook on life. A product that contains Ural emeralds will help them treat the environment with great confidence and give them the ability to enjoy every moment of their existence.

Courageous Sagittarius magical mineral the emerald will allow you to get rid of the desire to surpass others and make them calmer. But most of all, it will be useful to the Gemini: the importance of the emerald stone for them lies in its ability to give wisdom and composure. Impressive, insecure representatives of this sign will be able to gain sober thinking and a philosophical attitude to any situation in life. It will be easier for singles to find a mate, and family people will be able to trust their partner more.

Cancers, Pisces and Scorpios are also among those who suit jewelry containing magical crystals. They equally need endurance and ease in relations with others. Despite the difference in potential, both the quick-tempered Scorpio and the modest Cancer are signs corresponding to the elements of Water. It is her receptivity and ability to shape-shift that makes those born under these constellations so sensitive to outside influences. The ability of a coldish crystal to protect against external negativity was noticed in antiquity and can help the signs of the Water trine.

The magical properties of the emerald allow not everyone to wear it

Representatives of other zodiac signs should not wear emerald jewelry too often. Helping in some situations, they may well harm in others. The criterion for choosing a gem as an amulet or a talisman that attracts wealth, for them, should be the expected events themselves: at a business meeting related to financing their enterprise or obtaining a loan, such an ornament will come in handy.

It is best to purchase gems and jewelry with them in reputable large jewelry companies. Experts will give full information about where the emeralds of the presented group are mined, if necessary, they will conduct an examination and provide confirmation of the authenticity of the crystal.

When buying jewelry in random places, it should be remembered that the characteristic of the emerald marks the green coloring of different shades as the only possible one. Dark, saturated colors increase the value of the stone, but a completely black emerald does not exist in nature. Careful attention to the choice of crystals will greatly reduce the risk of disappointment in the purchase.

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Olesya Glova

Emerald is a precious stone that is on a par with diamond, ruby ​​and sapphire in value. A source of beauty and a symbol of wealth, a stone of philosophers and sailors, a treasure from the bowels of the earth - this mineral has remained one of the most desirable for humans for centuries.

Appearance and features of the emerald

The main advantages of the stone are its intense green hue and transparency. Dots, veins and even mesh-cracks are allowed. Emeralds are not as hard as diamonds, so it is extremely difficult to find and cut the perfect pebble without cracks and chips.

Even stones interspersed with a different breed are valued. A jeweler who has not been able to find a flaw in a sample with the naked eye already considers it flawless. (By comparison, a diamond is flawless at 10x magnification.)

Emeralds adorn earrings, diamond brooches and necklaces, bracelets. As the only stone, they are inserted into rings, pendants.

The legends associated with the Inca emeralds made this mineral the embodiment of wealth and countless treasures. They don't have half of the notoriety that trails behind some of the famous diamonds, but there are some very large samples in the world that have caused the death of many destinies.

The largest deposits of emeralds today are Colombian and Zambian, sometimes Egyptian, Ural or Irish mines. Stones from Norway, Austria, and the USA are also known, but rarely reach us.

How to distinguish a fake?

Only the beryl rock mineral is considered real, but in stores you can find excellent examples of imitation, trade name or fake. So, a stone will pass for an emerald, which is not even close to it.

  • smaragdolin (Brighton) - a glass fake;
  • evening - chrysolite under artificial lighting;
  • quintessa, igmerald, emerite - artificial stones;
  • false - tourmaline of a similar color;
  • Ural - young pomegranate;
  • oriental - sapphire-aquamarine.

All of these varieties got their names either from traders trying to attract uninformed buyers, or as a characteristic of color.

Emerald as a gift: who suits

Wanting to make a precious gift, think about it: who is the emerald stone suitable for? You can rely on the choice of the zodiac sign, or you can use the traditional advice for choosing gifts.

Emerald is good to give to close women with whom you are connected by family ties - mother, daughter, sister, daughter-in-law, wife. Such a gift from a man to whom his wife gave a child is especially good - a gift timed to coincide with this joyful event will become a talisman for the energy connection between the mother and her child.

Tradition prescribes giving jewelry for an emerald wedding - the 55th anniversary living together. However, if the spouses have lived their lives in discord or are formally married, but live in different houses, making such a gift is at least inconvenient, and perhaps even dangerous.

The stone absorbs the emotions of a married couple and begins to actively “teach” them the right love - as a result, the whole family will not end up with problems.

From the point of view of beauty and style, the green stone emphasizes the appearance of girls with the “autumn” color type, red-haired, blue-eyed, gray-eyed, green-eyed. It looks beautiful on light pinkish skin, earrings with it are very suitable for ruddy girls.

Generally jewelry with emerald give the appearance a touch of luxury, nobility, tranquility and solidity. If such a description does not fit the character or lifestyle of the girl, it is better to choose another gift.

Interestingly, unlike diamonds and sapphires, emeralds on a young lady are not considered bad manners.

Influence on the signs of the zodiac

Astrology refers the emerald to the element of water, seeing in it the qualities of moisture, mobility and the ability to purify. Thus, ideally, representatives of the signs of the elements of water should wear jewelry or own a raw mineral.

Emerald suits the astrological signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, very good for Aquarius. Contraindicated in Capricorn. other signs may require consultation with an astrologer for individual selection.

The magical properties of emerald

Emerald is credited with the ability to endow a person with wisdom, help in the development of new knowledge, develop piety and kindness.

The jewel should be worn either by those who have the above qualities and wish to strengthen them, or by those who seek to acquire new qualities and develop them in themselves, sparing no effort. Therefore, the stone is contraindicated for people who are not aware of their base aspirations.

Ancient legends contain many examples of how the emerald “teaches” liars, ignorant and greedy people, throwing them situations that are difficult to get out of if you do not reach a new level of awareness.

Magicians use the emerald to gain new knowledge about the universe, to connect with the events of the future and the past. This mineral has nothing to do with fortune telling, but it helps to look at things as the result of divine providence.

"Green ice" strengthens faith, spirituality and gives strength to the heart chakra and helps to project love on the world, teaches the highest form of love and respect, true selfless friendship.

Sometimes he is also credited with influencing love affairs, but it should be noted that love adventures and passionate impulses are opposite to the properties of the emerald stone. "Emerald" version of love is patience, kindness, a wish for prosperity and respect for the object of love.

The tradition of using emerald amulets

Emerald has long been considered the patron saint of sailors and sea travelers. Probably, because of its color, which in its purest form is a shade of aquamarine, it was associated in the concept of people with the sea element and its patron Neptune.

Going on a sea journey with this amulet in your bosom was a guarantee of a successful completion of the journey in the hostile elements of the sea.

Symbolizing for the owner the highest form of love, the emerald became the stone of motherhood, maternal love and worries. Moreover, both mothers could wear it to maintain the spiritual strength that needs to be given to children, as well as adult sons and daughters who were away from their relatives - as a reminder and amulet of the mother's blessings.

That is why emerald jewelry was reverently passed from mother to daughter or son, who gave them to his wife.

Healing properties of gemstone

The emerald is also credited with a healing effect. Recommendations for solving vision problems can be considered quite reasonable: spectrum waves that give a pure green color, like this stone, treat visual acuity disorders such as farsightedness and myopia.

This is apparently due to the ability Green colour relax your eyes and improve concentration.

To enhance vision with the help of an emerald, it is enough to contemplate it closely for 5 minutes every day. In this case, the jewel should be well illuminated by natural daylight. It is better if it is a large stone the size of small beans, in extreme cases - at least 2 mm in diameter.

Emerald is one of the most beautiful and elegant gemstones. Since ancient times, representatives of the aristocratic stratum of society have loved to wear jewelry with such inserts. The decoration is harmoniously combined with many elements. women's wardrobe. Today, the stone does not lose its popularity, but at the same time, many fakes appeared on the shelves. Therefore, you need to know the rules of how to choose emerald earrings.

The color shade of the stone can be light green or dark. In any case, when wearing jewelry with emerald, you need to choose the right wardrobe not only based on taste, but also taking into account the color scheme of the jewelry. Bright green stones in earrings look good with elements of clothing in black, white, gray and gold. Dresses, blouses and skirts of delicate or pale shades are usually selected for them. Of course, it is best to choose clothes of the same tone with a gem.

Combining emerald earrings with casual wear

Particular attention should be paid to the style of clothing. To create a stylish and fashionable image things should be elegant or classic cut. Earrings with emeralds go well with fitted suits of a discreet shade and delicate dresses. The use of casual clothing is excluded.
- It should be noted right away that such earrings will be extremely inappropriate, because it makes no sense to wear them on a hike, shop or for a friendly walk. However, options with miniature elegant stones can be used at work or in a restaurant. In this case, a loose suit, dress, thin jumper or blouse will be a good combination. In addition, you can include trousers or a skirt in your everyday wardrobe.
- Jeans and any knitted sweaters, as well as T-shirts and T-shirts, are strictly prohibited to be worn in combination with such earrings. In this case, the image will turn out, rather, not stylish and luxurious, but artsy and vulgar. During the spring season as outerwear you can choose a classic coat or a thin raincoat, and in winter - a sheepskin coat with natural fur or a fur coat. It is best to exclude a down jacket from the wardrobe.

Combination with long evening dresses

Earrings with emeralds are a very expensive piece of jewelry that can emphasize the beauty of an elegant evening dress. Such an ornament will look especially elegant with cocktail dresses to the knee or ankle. It is important that the material of the product is silk, velvet or chiffon. The outfit can be decorated with lace and fur elements.
- With evening wear, you can wear large earrings with large stones. On the solemn events they will be especially useful. Emerald in such earrings goes well with diamonds. As an addition, you can use a bracelet or a ring, but a necklace will not work.

Green with graying pebbles, of course, very beautiful in appearance. Sometimes it is called romantically - green ice. The Greeks, in ancient times, compared the stone with radiance, but today there is a great demand for it. Emerald is as popular as ruby ​​or sapphire.

O magical properties ah stone was said in antiquity. Emerald to this day attracts the eyes of many jewelers and collectors, and used to be the favorite stone of Cleopatra and the pharaohs in the tomb, just studded with emeralds.

Emerald - what is it

Emerald is considered precious green stone does not lose its brightness and color under artificial lighting. The price is much more expensive than a pure diamond. The power of the stone has long been known and legends have been made.

Although this is a rather difficult test for owners when wearing. Not every zodiac sign is suitable for a stone. Exceptionally strong-willed people, in particular the twins to strengthen the spirit, courage, betrayal of strength in men, and women as the keeper of the family hearth from evil eyes and inducing damage.

Emerald perfectly heals its owner, relieves fatigue, eliminates insomnia, headaches, discharges emotions and calms.

What is the meaning of the stone

Emerald has a close relationship with religion. It is even written about in the Bible, when the lost stone from the crown of Satan was turned into a bowl and then presented to Solomon by the Queen of Sheba herself. It was from this cup that Jesus Christ drank at the supper.

That is why many priests prefer this stone, symbolize it with vitality, harmony, spring purity. The stone means hope and faith in generosity, support of the spirit and peace of mind, harmony of the soul with the body.

But liveliness, hypocrisy, infidelity of spouses and scams and even addictions immediately stop. The emerald is able to overcome all the bad qualities of its owner, to direct the energy of a person in the right direction.

This is the patron of the family hearth, comfort in the house, a talisman for mutual feelings between loving people. Also for fishermen who constantly take an emerald with them to the sea to pacify strong hurricanes and sea elements.

Stone deposits

Even in ancient times, large deposits were found in Egypt. Today, Colombia, Norway, Africa, Australia, Pakistan, and Russia have high-quality emerald mining.

Who suits the emerald

Among female names, a pebble is suitable for Julia, Anastasia, Evgenia, Zinaida. From male names - Gennady, Yuri, Semyon, Peter.

As a profession, the emerald is an excellent helper and patron of sailors and travelers, as well as an amulet for women to protect the family hearth, or for young girls and boys, so that they do not show dishonor towards each other and do not allow debauchery.

The stone is suitable for creative people to embody their ideas and inspiration, or business people for luck. But hypocrites, bigots will only make themselves sick.

A precious stone in the form of a gift will bring a person luck, bright thoughts and goodness. Helps children and spouses to achieve family well-being.

emerald properties

  1. Physical. Emerald is hydrothermal. It was formed at the initial stage from granite. Along with ruby ​​and sapphire, it is closely associated with granitic pegmatites and quartz apogranite, phlogopite, and biotite greisens.
  2. The magical properties of the emerald are able to charge the owner with powerful positive energy, it promises to come true to all prophetic dreams. This is one of the favorite stones of magicians, which can positively affect the fourth heart chakra when lowering a pebble into a vessel for a short time with red wine in order to enhance magical properties for seeing the future, divination and divination. For yogis, the stone is an excellent biostimulant.
  3. The healing properties of the stone have long been described by sages. Emerald is in demand in the treatment of eye diseases, heart and skin diseases, pain and colic in the heart area, as well as diabetes, burns, and lowering blood pressure. The stone helps to relax and calm, eliminate insomnia and eye problems. Emerald must be applied every day to the eyes, kept for 20 minutes. So, the owner will be protected from contagious infectious diseases, fears and insomnia.

Which zodiac signs are suitable

Emerald - a talisman or jewelry for protection, self-preservation, also attracting wealth, success, strength in the family and fidelity of spouses among travelers.

According to the horoscope, a pebble is suitable for Libra, Leo, Aquarius. Cancers, Taurus, Sagittarius, Gemini and Virgo can wear esoterically. This is an excellent talisman from the impact of bad and negative habits, bringing thinking and optimism to its owner, joy in life, finding meaning in all your victories and failures.

Gemini carriers of such a stone begin to better navigate the most intricate and difficult situations in life, it is much easier to solve your problems.

Sagittarians wear a stone for self-affirmation, protection from anxiety, anxiety and temporary setbacks.

Taurus women the stone will bring brightness, luck, emotionality in life.

Cancers, Taurus and Sagittarius- calmness and tranquility due to their excessive vulnerability, inability to often control their emotions.

Aquarius is an emerald:

  • teaches to be restrained;
  • value well-being in the family;
  • bring peace, love, support to the house;
  • drive away all bad people and enemies;
  • Helps to avoid stress and anger.

For pregnant women, women in childbirth and children, the emerald will become a talisman against the evil eye, protection family relations, a talisman of fidelity and love in the family. Besides, it's just great. beautiful decoration, if you still choose a stone for a person, taking into account his zodiac sign, individual qualities.

The value of the stone for the owner will increase significantly and it will certainly bring invaluable benefits and support, eliminate anxiety, nervousness and irritability, and strengthen memory.

Many Gemini are not talkative, do not like to communicate with people, and because of their taciturnity often do not have friends. They are shown to wear this stone.

But emotional and sensitive crayfish, constantly hiding their feelings and emotions, should wear a stone to calm down, the ability to keep control over themselves. Wearing an emerald for crayfish is the best medicine and bringing fun, joy, positive to life, in particular, getting rid of melancholy.

Which zodiac signs are not suitable

The only zodiac sign is Scorpio, wearing an emerald which is categorically contraindicated.

Types and colors of stone

Emerald is not widely distributed on earth. This is a unique and quite rare stone. It is found in Colombia, Brazil and Egypt in limited quantities.

Produced in the USA, France and India. On the shelves in our country, high-quality specimens are quite rare. To find a good pebble, you need to spend a lot of time and effort.

There are many types of such a stone in color, shape, texture, depending on the country mined. For example, Colombia is considered rich in emeralds, where high quality emerald is mined, with a stunning rich color, with deviations and deformations in the cut, which indicates its naturalness.

Today, the Ural Gems company in our country is engaged in the production of emerald as an analogue of the real one with a thick saturated green color, which indicates the content of chromium and iron in the composition. This color scheme once again emphasizes the uniqueness of the stone when mined in our Russian deposits.

The Ural semi-precious company subjects fossils to primary processing on high-tech equipment, then delivers them to the markets in their pure form without any additional processing, which preserves all the inherent natural beauty and high characteristics in the stone. If you need to buy such a pebble, it is recommended to contact the Ural gem company.

Amulets and talismans with emerald

If a person with a pure soul and thoughts, then a stone in the form of an amulet or a talisman will bring good luck and luck in business.

If a person is constantly drawn to somehow change, for example, a spouse, then the stone will quickly stop such a fact.

The emerald is able to withstand heavy blows of fate, absorbs the manifestation of aggression towards its owner, eliminates negativity and psychological problems helps to become more balanced and get rid of stress. Negative energy passes, the biofield is cleared and charged with positive energy.

The stone affects the family hearth, the birth of children. Talismans are suitable for people endowed with intuition and superpowers when communicating with other worlds.

Due to its sensitivity, many magicians prefer to use stone in their work. For ordinary people, emerald will help eliminate existing vices, calm nerves, reveal conspiracies and deceptions when worn for more than 3 months.

What are the prices for stone

Emerald is difficult to acquire, because it is not easy to find. To become an owner, you must first look for such a precious stone, since the cost depends on many factors.

Appraisers are encouraged to pay attention to color scheme emerald, since customers want to get a rich, bright green stone when buying, they also pay attention to transparency and purity. The value with such parameters will be much higher.

The heavier the emerald, the more expensive. The degree and quality of processing affects the price. An untreated stone after primary cleaning is several times cheaper, but a deeply processed one will cost a lot. So, the market price for 2.73 carats in rubles will cost an average of 25,000.


Emerald - quite rare natural stone and of course, today the production of synthetic limiting emeralds is widely developed in our country through hydrothermal processing.

This is done by many manufacturers with ruby ​​and sapphire to make artificial gems with a high content of iron oxide, brown tubular components, from which rings and coupons of domestic production are made, such as budget options imitating more expensive models.

The presence of microcracks, other minor internal defects on the stone indicates its purity, transparency of a rich green color. Although when buying a stone should not have unnecessarily visible flaws. It's best to contact the experts first.

Emerald is durable, but still inferior to diamond and ruby, occupies an intermediate position between artificial and natural formation and is not of particular value as a piece of jewelry.

But after hydrothermal treatment by building up a layer of emerald, the stone becomes more natural and confusion occurs, as it becomes similar in color to natural minerals.

Even in ancient times, many legends went around this stone containing crystals. and outwardly similar to chrysolite, which is called the evening emerald. Chrysolite turns yellow in daylight, and becomes deep greenish in artificial light.

Emerald is also similar to chrysoberyl, tsavorite, verdelite, chrome diopside, so it is quite difficult for an uninformed person to distinguish it from fakes and other imitating stones.

How to distinguish an original from a fake

Fake emeralds are not uncommon. Today, a stone is of great value to a person, so there are a lot of people who want to fake it. The emerald in the photo is similar to colored beryl, which does not represent any jewelry value at all.

You need to buy such a talisman only in proven salons, where everything is in order with the documentation required by law, otherwise you can only throw money away, and a lot of it.

Stone care is not required. It is enough from time to time to wipe from dust with a dry cloth. A real stone should not darken even when lowered into water, exposed to the sun for a long period.

This green pebble is constantly accompanied by risks and difficulties when buying. Ideally, the distribution of saturated colors along the edges should be uniform. If there are minor inclusions and chips, then they are unique, due to the presence of various chemicals in the composition of the emerald: chromium, iron, sodium, on which the color palette of this mineral directly depends.

In fact, it is valued more than a diamond. Cracks in the stone are acceptable, which indicates its fragility.

Today, nanotechnology has made it possible to obtain synthetic emeralds that are difficult to distinguish from natural stones and only professionals, connoisseurs and esotericists can do it.

Emeralds look great in jewelry. An emerald ring is a great choice for lovers who want to show the purity and depth of love for each other. Emerald will fill with energy and emotions not only your love, you can feel the influence of this stone in other areas of your life. Rings with emeralds have long ceased to be exclusively women's decoration, today men can afford rings with large shining emeralds. In jewelry stores today you can find a variety of rings, earrings, bracelets and other jewelry with emeralds.

Emerald is a stone of people born in May, moreover, this crystal is included in the list of zodiac stones. Emerald suits Libra, Scorpio, Leo, Taurus and Cancer. The longer the emerald is in the zone of your biofield, the better. If possible, try not to part with emerald jewelry. The more time you spend with this crystal, the stronger its effect on your aura and emotional condition. Raw crystals can be placed under your pillow or carried in your pocket throughout the day. Many people use this method.

Some people think that the emerald is too expensive a stone and for this reason do not buy it. To discover its powerful metaphysical properties, it is not necessary to buy an expensive emerald, raw and untreated crystals, purchased at a more affordable price, will fully allow you to appreciate the energy merits of this unique stone.

Emerald for everyone

Emerald can be worn by anyone, regardless of age and gender. This bright green gem has the ability to reduce the manifestation of negative emotions, gives strength and wisdom to solve life's problems and eliminate problems that stand in the way of your well-being. If you cannot afford a large expensive stone, do not despair, today you can buy raw emerald or emerald beads. Of course, the quality of the emerald in them will not be very high, but they look very beautiful, both alone and in combination with other crystals with other metaphysical properties.

Emerald is a very visible stone, and although in today's society many things are tried to be flaunted, including money, this stone carries much more than just a demonstration of the wealth of the owner. Emerald improves memory, clarifies the mind and sharpens a person's ability to perceive and understand things.
In addition to other properties already mentioned, emerald has the ability to relieve stress. If you want to show your loved one the depth of all your feelings, want to find health, peace of mind and harmony - the emerald is exactly the stone that will help you in all your endeavors. Of course, a beautiful emerald is a sign of prosperity and well-being, it is pointless to deny the importance of money, so the possession of an emerald is beneficial from all sides.

Compatibility of emerald with other stones

Heart chakra stones can be combined with each other in a variety of very interesting combinations. Emerald goes well with green aventurine, dioptase, green amethyst, variscite and moldavite. Green heddenite has a positive energy and, like many other green stones, goes great with emerald. This combination is believed to promote emotional balance and calmness.

Pink rhodochrosite, green apophylite, rhodonite and lilac lepidolite can also be excellent companions for emerald. Emerald can be combined with any pink stone heart chakras. These stones include pink kunzite, crystal rose quartz and a stone often referred to as pink emerald, pink morganite.

Emerald and pink morganite make a worthy pair with blue beryl, which we know as aquamarine, as well as white beryl, known as goshenite. These stones strengthen the faith and devotion of a person.

Emerald is a stone of not only stunning beauty, but also powerful energy. Make friends with this precious crystal and you will see how your life will change and be filled with positive emotions.