
Where is aventurine mined? Aventurine - The world of minerals. Collecting minerals and gems. Gem products. Jewelry stones, cutting. How to distinguish a fake from a real aventurine


Aventurine is a difficult and very effective stone. Its characteristic feature, which distinguishes it from other minerals, is a special shimmer inside the crystal. Natural aventurine stone is a fine-grained variety of quartz. It is considered semi-precious.

In addition to the generally accepted name, the mineral has several more names. It was called the Golden Spark in Ancient Russia due to the golden sparkles inside the stone. In Altai, the name Belorechit was more accepted. In America - Colorado gold. In India, Indian jade. In China, it was called the stone of love. By the way, green aventurine was highly valued there and was called the stone of emperors.

From the history

The first description of aventurine stone appeared before our era. This mineral is essentially quartz with the smallest scattered inclusions of mica, chlorite, and hematite flakes.

Even the ancient Egyptians knew how to fake it - they knew the secret of creating a special shiny glass, strongly reminiscent of aventurine.

But, unfortunately, over time, the secret of manufacturing was forgotten, and people returned to stone imitation only in the 16th century. They were Murano glassblowers (Murano is a place not far from Venice). And, it should be noted, they did it quite by accident. They poured molten glass into a bowl of copper filings. As a result, a reddish-brown glass was formed, which sparkled in the light.

Subsequently, the experiment was repeated and the result was named aventurine in honor of what happened. In Italian, this word means "accident". But the name of the stone has nothing to do with the activities of adventurers.

Green aventurine was treated in a special way in China - it was considered sacred. In this stone, they sought protection from the evil eye and misfortunes. It was from it that the seal for the emperor was cut.

By the beginning of the 19th century, aventurine began to acquire special significance in Russia as well. It was polished and used to create parts for jewelry, household items, interior and decor elements, as well as signet rings. Processed aventurine looks very aesthetically pleasing, it is easy to process, so the use of this material in Russia was very frequent.

Currently, aventurine can be easily faked, and many, unfortunately, do not know how to distinguish an artificial analogue of a stone from its natural original. But in fact, learning to distinguish a natural crystal from an artificial one is not difficult - you need to study it physical properties and a color palette.

Physical properties of stone

The composition of aventurine can vary, and this directly affects its color scheme and characteristics. The stone may contain mica, hematite, muscovite, rutile, sphene, apatite, leucoxene, iron hydroxides and inclusions of many other crystals. It is mainly fine-grained quartzite with the inclusion of flakes of other minerals. It is they who provide the sparkling flicker of the stone at the turn.

On the Mohs hardness scale, the indicators are low - only 6-7. This means that the stone is quite fragile. The density of its structure is 2.65 g/cm³. The crystal itself is opaque and has a glassy sheen that appears after polishing.

In nature, there are many colors of aventurine - from rich black to almost white color. This ornamental stone it can be blue, and green, and yellow, and even cherry. Inclusions of other minerals determine its color. Often the shade is affected by the presence of cracks that are filled with iron hydroxides.

The strongest sparkle is characteristic of the golden-cherry and honey-yellow species, by the way, their structure is the most uniform. And the presence of hematite in general can completely remove the flickering effect of the stone.

Almost all types of aventurine are ornamental stones.

Color palette and varieties

Green aventurine is often confused with jade and. But, unlike him, these stones do not have a characteristic flicker. This is the most durable and dense type of aventurine. Its color can vary from light green to green. The green species also has a second name - fuchsite. The shade is due to the presence of chromium in the composition.

Blue aventurine is the most beautiful type of mineral. Inclusions on a dark blue background are especially noticeable in the stone, and therefore the mineral strongly resembles the starry sky. Aventurine blue also has its own name - the nights of Cairo. Raw blue aventurine is completely different from itself after polishing. From this type, jewelers received truly stunning cabochons and beads.

Black aventurine is a very dense and heavy type of mineral. Rarely found in nature. Shiny inclusions are most clearly visible in this stone. Black and blue varieties of aventurine are most often counterfeited.

Pink aventurine has a homogeneous structure, high density and slightly pronounced sparkle.

Cherry aventurine has a translucent structure and shines quite brightly. Sometimes has more brown shade due to the presence of hematite. The inclusions of flickering particles are small and frequent. A special aventurine brilliance is noticeable even in low light.

Honey-yellow aventurine is a yellow stone with a porous and homogeneous structure. Sometimes he appears before us in a more orange hue. The color is achieved due to the presence of muscovite in the composition. Has a pearly sheen.

Spotted-striped aventurine is somewhat reminiscent of agate due to its heterogeneous color. But agate has a multi-colored color, and the spotted-striped appearance of aventurine is usually two-tone.

White-red aventurine is an ornamental variety of stone, characterized by stripes and spots of dark red on a white background.

Place of Birth

Natural aventurine owes its color to the continent, where it was extracted from the bowels of the earth. The mineral is mined in the usual way - just like many other stones. Deposits are scattered all over the world.

In India, in the state of Madras, the green mineral Indian jade is mined, and the state of Jaipur is famous for the extraction of a rare blue species with a blue tint. In Altai and in the Ural Mountains, species of golden-cherry color are mined. In Australia, you can find crystals of red and burgundy shades. In the USA, yellow shades of stone are mined. There are also deposits in Norway, Austria, Spain, China, Chile and Finland.

How to properly care

Aventurine is a rather brittle stone, so it can be easily scratched. To avoid damage, it is necessary to store products from it in special fabric bags. The mineral must also be protected from sudden changes in temperature.

It is possible and necessary to clean products, but without the use of chemicals. Several times a month, jewelry should be washed with running water and cleaned with a brush and soapy water.

Original or fake: distinctive features

Synthetic analogues of stone look brighter, catch the eye with their color, shimmering particles in them are evenly spaced, and their size is the same. Natural aventurine, mined from underground, has more muted hues, often has a patchy color and uneven shimmer.

Aventurine(from the Italian "avventura") - an unusual case. The name "Aventurine" was not originally given to a stone, but to an artificial product. A real aventurine is a rock of the quartzite group with inclusions of flakes of mica, goethite, hematite, which gives the stone a characteristic shimmer. Aventurine is also called a mineral of the feldspar group with goethite and magnetite flakes. Other names for this stone are aventurine spar, aventurine labrador and.

Origin and chemical composition

Aventurine stone, being fine-grained, refers to. The characteristic brilliance of the mineral is given by inclusions of mica, goethite and hematite, sometimes copper. The chemical composition is silicon oxide.


Aventurine is considered inexpensive semiprecious stone. So, the cost of beads is 10-15 dollars.

Physical and chemical properties of aventurine

  • The chemical formula is SiO2.
  • Color - white, pink, green, orange and cherry.
  • Syngony - trigonal.
  • Hardness 6-7 on the Mohs scale.
  • Density - 2-2.6 g per cm3.
  • Fracture - conchoidal.


A variety of aventurine is belorechit - a mineral named after the Belaya River in Altai. The stone is characterized by a fine-grained structure and a variety of color options, has a dense structure and can be polished almost to a mirror finish. Belorechit is mined in the area of ​​the city of Zmeinogorsk, located in the southwestern part of Altai - in Rudny Altai.

Aventurines with inclusions of mica sparkles of emerald green color are called fuchsite - in honor of the German mineralogist Johann Fuchs. Aventurines come in different colors - yellow, blue, black, honey, pink, cherry, but most often they are green (this color is given to the stone by small scattered particles of chromium mica) and red-brown (due to hematite plates).

Processing and use

Aventurine is widely used as. Not only inserts for jewelry are made from it, but also decorative items - caskets, figurines, seals.

Aventurine deposits

Gemological specimens are mined in the vicinity of the city of Ballari in India, in Russia (in Siberia, Altai and the Urals), in Tibet, in Tanzania, in Austria, in Brazil and in Spain. In Russia, there are stones of white, light gray, honey, pink, brick, cherry color. Green aventurines are mined in India, USA, China.

How to distinguish from a fake

Natural aventurine on store shelves is a rarity. The most popular among consumers samples of golden brown and black with a sheen are glass with artificial metal additives. A natural mineral, unlike fakes, is not so sparkling and bright. In addition, inclusions of sparkles in imitators are usually uneven: on one stone there are places with a high concentration of sparks and almost without them.

Imitation and synthetics

Under the name "aventurine" there are several different minerals. But most often we are talking about glass imitation, which is called aventurine glass. It is obtained by adding oxides of copper and iron, chromium and cobalt to the molten glass mass, which form different colors- green, red-brown, blue, black.

Aventurine imitations look brighter and "smarter" than natural stone. Their commercial names are no less spectacular: blue and black aventurine are called "Nights of Cairo", and red-brown - "Golden Sand". Aventurine glass is often set in gold.

magical properties

In ancient times, aventurine was considered the talisman of players. They believed that he gives luck in the game, good luck in business and helps in risky situations. Aventurine is a stone of sailors and travelers, businessmen and bankers - all those who are not afraid to take risks and believe in their luck. A person wearing aventurine makes a favorable impression on others, sometimes not wanting it himself.
The stone attracts new extraordinary people into the life of the owner. This stone turns the world of its owner into a bright, festive firework, gives a feeling of joy of life, lightness and flight. If you are unlucky in love, put on aventurine, it "collects" love from space. This is one of the best love talismans, it pushes for extravagant deeds, paints feelings in new colors, awakens fantasy. If you need to relieve excessive tension in communication, get rid of complexes - wear aventurine. With this stone, a person gains faith in himself, becomes independent.

Green aventurine is especially "favorable" to fair-haired women, gives them good luck in love, peace in the house and beauty. Dark red aventurine will help to start a new business: it gives any project the necessary energy boost, awakens in its owner ingenuity and helps to find a way out of any situation.

For people who spend a lot of time behind the wheel, it is recommended to make an aventurine insert in the shifter or just put a piece of aventurine in the glove compartment. It will create a pleasant atmosphere in the car interior and help the driver not to fall asleep at the wheel.

Medicinal properties

Aventurine is believed to help with various diseases skin (rashes, eczema) and baldness. Improves blood composition, helps in the treatment of heart diseases associated with rhythm disturbance (especially when the rhythm slows down). If you wear aventurine, set in gold, on the middle finger of your hand, it will help you get out of a depressive state, relieve the blues. This stone awakens sexual desire. It can also be used to energize the body of an elderly person. It is recommended to wear aventurine for chronic bronchitis, lowering the general tone, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Aventurine is effective in the treatment of the thyroid gland. But note: it is not advisable to wear a stone for more than one month in a row. According to lithotherapists, this can cause an energy imbalance. It is believed that aventurine should be worn on the waning moon and only during one lunar phase, that is, no more than a week. Aventurine is not a capricious stone, it easily and generously opens its soul to a person, but does not like nervous people.


Aventurine can be worn by people born under the signs of Earth and Water, which include Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo.


Aventurine has been popular since ancient civilizations. The Indians considered him the talisman of fakirs and snake charmers. It was Indian merchants who in the Middle Ages introduced Europeans to aventurine. Master jewelers appreciated the exquisite beauty of the stone. According to an old legend, aventurine got its name in the 16th century. Italian glassblowers, famous throughout the world for the invention of Murano glass, did not notice how copper filings got into the molten glass. The result is a material that looks like natural stone. So a seemingly insignificant case gave the name to the sparkling mineral.

Aventurine has been known in Russia since the 18th century. After the discovery of its deposits in the Urals, jewelry with aventurine inserts came into fashion. In addition to jewelry, the mineral was used to make vases, candlesticks and cutlery handles. A massive stone vase with a height of 1.5 m and a bowl diameter of almost 2.5 m is stored in the Hermitage. An equally unique exhibit is in the London Geological Museum - an aventurine vase, which was presented to the British aristocrat Murchison by the Russian Emperor Nicholas I. In the old days, aventurine was also called a sparkler, a sparkler and a golden spark. And the Russian mineralogist V. M. Severgin believed that the most correct translation of the name is spark.

Aventurine - gemstone

The mineral got its name for its resemblance to aventurine glass. Since Italian glassblowers got this material absolutely by accident, its name is appropriate: adventurus is translated from Latin as a case.

Synonymous names: sparkler, golden spark, pseudojade, imperial stone.

general characteristics

In fact, aventurine stone is one of the subspecies of quartz, quartzite. That is why aventurine borrowed its properties from quartzite. It is a fine-grained rock, consisting of quartzite with small inclusions of hematite, mica or chlorite.

These inclusions reflect sunlight and cause the stone to sparkle and shimmer. Moreover, the shade of shimmer depends on the composition of the mineral and can be gold, silver, pink, emerald.

On a chemical level, this stone, like quartzite, is silicon dioxide. In addition, its composition includes various impurities that affect the color and luster of the mineral: iron, aluminum, manganese, potassium and others. Depending on the inclusions, the color of aventurine is brown, green, white, pink, orange, cherry.

For this mineral, regardless of color, the presence of shimmering sparkles on the surface is characteristic. It is they who distinguish it from other types of quartzite.

This stone is hard and durable and can be worked very well. By itself, it is opaque, but some varieties may be slightly translucent.

The main physical properties of aventurine:

  • chemical formula - SiO2
  • glitter - glass
  • transparency - opaque or translucent
  • hardness - 6.5-7
  • density - 2.59-2.6 g/cm3


Based on the above differences, the following varieties of this mineral are distinguished:

  • Fuchsite - green aventurine. It is very common in nature. It got its name in honor of the mineralogist I. Fuchs. The composition is characterized by the presence of chromium, which gives such a shade of color. Also included are mica flakes. They are what make fuchsite shine.
  • Honey aventurine is a variety that is characterized by a uniform but porous texture. The bright yellow sparkling stone got its color due to the presence of muscovite in the composition.
  • Brown with a cherry sheen - a uniform, dense, fine-grained variety of aventurine, which is characterized by uneven color. This color is obtained due to the presence of hematite in the composition.
  • Golden cherry aventurine has a red color with a golden sheen. It is the most sparkling of all varieties of aventurine. The stone itself is translucent and has an attractive appearance. It is this type of mineral that can be found in the photo more often than others as a sample of aventurine.
  • The pink variety is a fine-grained stone, sparkles weakly, translucence up to 3 mm is typical. The stone got its color due to the presence in the composition a small amount gland.
  • The spotted-striped look has a white or pink coloration that shows cherry spots or stripes. It is this type of stone that is most often used for making souvenir crafts.
  • Striped white appearance, it is characterized by the presence of golden stripes on a white background.

Place of Birth

Thanks to many varieties, this mineral is found in all corners of the planet. So, in Colorado in the USA, golden stones are mined, in India near Chennai and in China - green ones. Also in India, but already in the west, blue stones are mined.

In Russia, a yellowish-brown mineral is mined in the Urals. There is a large deposit, which has been developed since the beginning of the 19th century. High quality fuchsites accompany iron ores in Magnitogorsk.

A large deposit of green and blue minerals is located in Brazil (Minas Gerais). It is this country that is the main supplier of aventurine to the world market. Also, this stone is mined in Australia, Norway, Chile, Spain, Austria.


Since ancient times, this stone has been used as an ornamental material. Stone cutters carved figurines, souvenirs, figurines from it.

It is also widely used in jewelry. Aventurine jewelry is always popular with buyers. This is facilitated by a variety of colors of the mineral and a relatively low price. Beads, rings, bracelets - jewelers use it in all kinds of products.

Today, natural aventurine is quite rare. Most often, under the guise of this mineral, a fake is sold in stores - aventurine glass. If it is important for you to have only a real stone, then the purchased imitation can be safely thrown away.

How to distinguish a fake, you can not argue for a long time. It is enough to carefully consider the proposed sample and visually determine its origin. The fake has a very bright color And a large number of sequin. In nature, saturated colors are quite rare. In addition, iridescence is characteristic of a real mineral: in bright light, when the stone is turned, a weak iridescent glow can be seen on its surface.

magical properties

Choosing the right aventurine, you can save yourself from many problems. Varieties of stone can affect different areas of life. However, a common ability for all types of aventurine is protection from the evil eye and other types. negative impact. This mineral received these properties and significance in magic due to its reflective surface. All the negativity directed at the owner is reflected from it at the energy level.

Other magical properties stone depends on its color.

  • Green aventurine helps its owner to increase his wealth. He is able to attract money, helps to find a good job. By choosing an ornament with green aventurine, you can win the lottery, find a wallet with money. There is good luck and luck in financial matters.
  • The yellow kind of aventurine helps to purify a person. This mineral is great as a permanent talisman. It can also be worn by people during meditation. Yellow aventurine stone helps to restore physical and moral strength. Therefore, it is shown to be worn by people who work in hard exhausting work.
  • Blue aventurine patronizes students. He also helps people professional activity which is associated with communication. Such people will gain attractiveness in the eyes of others. Wearing a product with blue aventurine, you can easily find mutual language with almost every person.
  • Black aventurine has a very attractive appearance. Silver sparkles on a black background are mesmerizing. Seeing products with black aventurine in the photo, many are in a hurry to buy it, but from a magical point of view, this stone has a rather heavy energy, and it should be worn carefully. Crushed into powder, it can become a source of severe mental illness. This quality of it is successfully used by black witches to induce damage.
  • Cherry and brown aventurine reveals hidden talents, protects against illness and grief. Jewelry with such a stone will be an excellent talisman for a child. He will lead him through life and save him from dangerous situations.

Who suits in terms of astrology

Aventurine stone perfectly reveals its magical properties in astrology. Each sign of the zodiac can safely put on this mineral: it will perform its usual protective functions and will contribute to the development of positive qualities in a person. But for Libra, jewelry with yellow aventurine will be a particularly successful amulet.

The stone has the best effect on this zodiac sign, brings good luck, money and gets rid of ill-wishers.

Medicinal properties

Aventurine is a stone that soothes nervous system relieves stress, improves sleep. Lithotherapists focus on how to wear aventurine for medicinal purposes. By choosing green aventurine earrings, you can get rid of migraines and memory problems.

Aventurine beads help to normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland and relieve problems with the lungs. A ring with an insert of this stone helps to remove excess fluid from the body and helps to get rid of excess weight. The yellow kind of aventurine relieves kidney stones.

2.6 g/cm³

Place of Birth

Varieties of aventurine

The texture and color of aventurine depend on the composition of the inclusions, the size of the grains, and the uniform distribution of the constituent minerals. So, green aventurines are characterized by a homogeneous structure, uniform color and they are more durable, while golden-cherry and honey-yellow aventurines have the strongest sparkle.

In various color varieties, the amount of chromophore minerals (giving color and shine) varies from 5% in light ones with the presence of muscovite and rutile to 40% in cherry ones, in which one hematite is present, as a result of which the shimmering effect completely disappears.

Decorative and ornamental varieties of aventurine:

  • Uniform Honey Yellow - An evenly grained and uniformly colored variety with flakes of muscovite giving it a bright "sparkle". Typical defects are porosity and shagreen.
  • Uniform brown with a cherry tint - a uniform, uneven color, fine-grained, dense variety.
  • Uniform golden-cherry - a fine-grained variety. It is this variety that is most similar to Venetian glass. It has a bright color and the most intense shimmer. In thin sections, it is translucent to a depth of 5 mm.
  • Uniform pink - a fine-grained variety with a slight sparkle. The texture is massive, it can shine through to a depth of up to 3 mm.
  • Spotted striped cherry white. A variety in which vague spots and indistinct stripes of cherry-brown tones are spread over a white or rose quartz background. Used as an ornamental stone.
  • Indistinctly banded white variety. Intermittent fuzzy light golden stripes on a white background. Sometimes the accumulation of muscovite scales can form their own stripes, which do not coincide in direction with golden ones.

Imitations and fakes

Almost everything that is now sold in large quantities in stores under the brand name "Aventurine" is colored glass with shiny inclusions - imitations of glass with the addition of copper, iron, chromium and cobalt oxides, or simply copper filings. Glass with a luster resembling aventurine was able to make even the ancient Egyptians, but later the secret of its manufacture was lost. Red-brown glass, imitating the color of aventurine, was again obtained only in the 16th century by glassblowers on the island of Murano near Venice, when some copper filings accidentally fell into a vessel with molten glass. Hence, in 1700, the modern name of the stone arose.

Excessive brightness and an abundance of sparkles usually indicate a fake. Color natural stone relatively less bright and variegated, saturated colors are rare. Sometimes natural stone, unlike synthetics, can show a slight iridescence, while fake aventurine just shines a lot. In glass imitations, the scales are more often randomly arranged, and areas of colored glass with a reduced content of sparkles or without them are visible. More often than others, glass imitations of a bright golden brown or blue-black color with an abundance of highly shiny flakes are found, but natural aventurine is usually pastel colors, is rarely quite uniform and is usually much paler.

Beliefs about adventure

The existing opinions about the effect of the magical properties of aventurine on its owner are contradictory in themselves. According to one point of view, this stone promises good luck in gambling and risky business. Other authors claim that aventurine attracts love to its owner, enhances positive emotions and self-confidence, gives a clear mind and clears the head of extraneous thoughts.

Magic and healing properties aventurine are discussed frequently, but are of a twofold nature. Some of these properties were described in ancient times, and these descriptions belong to the realm of ancient legends, myths and legends. Another thing is the statements already published today about the magical and healing properties of this stone, which are either the fruits of the ignorance of their authors, or obvious quackery. So far, the only alternative to the spread of pseudoscientific ideas about stones in the press and on the Internet is individual satirical stories.

see also

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Literature and references

  • (Russian)
  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • (Russian)
  • (Russian)

An excerpt characterizing Aventurine

The princess, grimacing with a desire to hold back her tears, sat beside Natasha and listened for the first time to the story of these last days love of his brother with Natasha.
This painful and joyful story, apparently, was necessary for Natasha.
She spoke, mixing the most insignificant details with the most intimate secrets, and it seemed that she could never finish. She repeated the same thing several times.
Desalle's voice was heard outside the door, asking if Nikolushka could come in and say goodbye.
“Yes, that’s all, that’s all ...” said Natasha. She quickly got up, while Nikolushka entered, and almost ran to the door, knocked her head against the door, covered with a curtain, and with a groan of pain or sadness escaped from the room.
Pierre looked at the door through which she went out and did not understand why he was suddenly left alone in the whole world.
Princess Marya called him out of absent-mindedness, drawing his attention to his nephew, who entered the room.
Nikolushka's face, resembling his father, in a moment of spiritual softening in which Pierre was now, had such an effect on him that, having kissed Nikolushka, he hastily got up and, taking out a handkerchief, went to the window. He wanted to say goodbye to Princess Mary, but she restrained him.
- No, Natasha and I sometimes do not sleep until three o'clock; please sit down. I'll have supper. Go down; we will come now.
Before Pierre left, the princess said to him:
It was the first time she had spoken of him like that.

Pierre was led into a lighted large dining room; a few minutes later steps were heard, and the princess and Natasha entered the room. Natasha was calm, although a stern expression, without a smile, was now again established on her face. Princess Marya, Natasha, and Pierre equally experienced that feeling of awkwardness that usually follows the end of a serious and heartfelt conversation. It is impossible to continue the previous conversation; it is shameful to talk about trifles, but it is unpleasant to be silent, because you want to talk, but it is as if you are pretending to be silent. They silently approached the table. The waiters pushed back and pulled up the chairs. Pierre unfolded the cold napkin and, deciding to break the silence, looked at Natasha and Princess Mary. Both, obviously, at the same time decided on the same thing: in both eyes, contentment with life shone and the recognition that, in addition to grief, there are also joys.
- Do you drink vodka, Count? - said Princess Marya, and these words suddenly dispersed the shadows of the past.
“Tell me about yourself,” said Princess Mary. “Such incredible miracles are being told about you.
“Yes,” Pierre answered with his now familiar smile of meek mockery. - They even tell me about such miracles, which I have never seen in a dream. Marya Abramovna invited me to her place and kept telling me what had happened to me, or was about to happen. Stepan Stepanitch also taught me how I should tell. In general, I noticed that it is very calm to be an interesting person (I am now an interesting person); They call me and they tell me.
Natasha smiled and wanted to say something.
“We were told,” Princess Mary interrupted her, “that you lost two million in Moscow. Is this true?
“And I became three times richer,” said Pierre. Pierre, despite the fact that his wife's debts and the need for buildings changed his affairs, continued to tell that he had become three times richer.
“What I have undoubtedly won,” he said, “is freedom…” he began seriously; but decided not to continue, noticing that this was too selfish a subject of conversation.
- Are you building?
- Yes, Savelich orders.
- Tell me, did you know about the death of the countess when you stayed in Moscow? - said Princess Mary, and immediately blushed, noticing that, making this question after his words that he was free, she ascribed to his words such a meaning that they, perhaps, did not have.
“No,” answered Pierre, obviously not finding awkward the interpretation that Princess Mary gave to his mention of his freedom. - I learned this in Orel, and you can not imagine how it struck me. We were not exemplary spouses, ”he said quickly, looking at Natasha and noticing in her face the curiosity about how he would respond about his wife. “But this death shocked me terribly. When two people quarrel, both are always to blame. And one's own guilt suddenly becomes terribly heavy in front of a person who is no longer there. And then such a death ... without friends, without consolation. I’m very, very sorry for her, ”he finished, and with pleasure noticed the joyful approval on Natasha’s face.
“Yes, here you are again a bachelor and a groom,” said Princess Mary.
Pierre suddenly blushed crimson and for a long time tried not to look at Natasha. When he ventured to look at her, her face was cold, stern, and even contemptuous, as it seemed to him.
“But you definitely saw and spoke with Napoleon, as we were told?” - said Princess Mary.
Pierre laughed.
- Never, never. It always seems to everyone that being a prisoner means being visiting Napoleon. Not only have I not seen him, but I have not heard of him either. I was in much worse society.
Dinner was over, and Pierre, who at first refused to tell about his captivity, gradually became involved in this story.
“But is it true that you stayed behind to kill Napoleon?” Natasha asked him, smiling slightly. - I then guessed when we met you at the Sukharev Tower; remember?
Pierre admitted that this was true, and from this question, gradually guided by the questions of Princess Mary and especially Natasha, he became involved in a detailed account of his adventures.
At first he spoke with that mocking, meek look that he now had on people, and especially on himself; but then, when he came to the story of the horrors and sufferings that he saw, he, without noticing it, got carried away and began to speak with the restrained excitement of a man who experiences strong impressions in his memory.
Princess Mary, with a meek smile, looked first at Pierre, then at Natasha. She saw only Pierre and his kindness in this whole story. Natasha, leaning on her arm, with a constantly changing expression, along with the story, watched Pierre, not looking away for a minute, apparently experiencing with him what he was telling. Not only her look, but the exclamations and short questions that she made showed Pierre that from what he was telling, she understood exactly what he wanted to convey. It was evident that she understood not only what he said, but also what he would like and could not express in words. About his episode with a child and a woman, for whose protection he was taken, Pierre told this way:
- It was a terrible sight, the children were abandoned, some were on fire ... They pulled out a child in front of me ... women, from whom they pulled things, pulled out earrings ...
Pierre blushed and hesitated.
- Then a patrol arrived, and all those who did not rob, all the men were taken away. And me.
- You, right, do not tell everything; you must have done something…” said Natasha and was silent for a moment, “good.”
Pierre went on talking. When he talked about the execution, he wanted to avoid the terrible details; but Natasha demanded that he should not miss anything.

What names did not give a multi-colored stone with golden sparkles. IN ancient Russia gold spark, Belorechit - in Altai, spark, aventurine, gold stone, stone of love (China). In mineralogy, it is recorded under the poetic name - aventurine stone.

History and origin of the name

Exists interesting story the origin of its name. In the 16th century, at one of the glass factories near Venice (in Murano), metal filings accidentally spilled into the liquid glass mass. The glass turned out unusual, it sparkled. Both such glass and stones that have a similar sparkling effect began to be called aventurines, because peravventura in Italian means accident.

The second version of the origin of the name is from the Italian word Aventura, which means a fun adventure.

Green aventurine is especially revered in China, because there the seal of the emperor was carved from it. So it is considered a sacred stone. Aventurine was also popular among the Indians, who believed that it protects snake charmers and fakirs from misfortune. Later, merchants from India introduced European residents to the stone, which appealed to many.

The aventurine gem is distinguished by good polishing, so in the 19th century in Imperial Russia many amazing things were made from ornamental stone - handles for knives and forks, vases, seals and much more. The largest decorative item made from a single piece of aventurine is now in the Hermitage. This vase is 146 cm high and 246 wide.

Physical properties

  • An opaque mineral with a greasy, glassy sheen;
  • Brittle, with conchoidal fracture;
  • Mohs hardness in the range of 6–7;
  • Density varies from 2 to 2.6 gr. per cube. cm.;
  • The dash is white;
  • The color is very diverse: pink and white, orange, brown, red-brown, cherry, green and red, honey-yellow and blue, but black is especially beautiful;
  • Trigonal syngony;
  • Lack of cleavage.

Aventurine colors

The color and texture of the stone depends on the composition and inclusions, the size of the sparkles and the uniformity of their distribution. Dark red and gold with a hint of honey are the most sparkling. Stone green color- with a uniform structure and color, stronger than the rest. Indian jade is its second name, its shade varies from delicate light to dark green.

The minerals that give color and shine to the golden spark are called chromophores. Their number varies from five percent, and then there will be light shades, up to fifteen. In the presence of only a chromophore called the flicker is completely absent. Minerals such as rutile, muscovite, leucoxene, limonite, or sphene may also be present.

Red-brown or with a cherry tint, an ornamental stone is usually monophonic, but with an uneven color, dense and fine-grained.

Blue untreated aventurine, when mined, is very different in appearance from its processed counterpart. This is noticeable both live and in the photo. But after polishing, the shade of the gem becomes more expressive, and you want to touch the matte surface again and again. We also advise you to get acquainted with the blue stone -.

Place of Birth

There are quite a lot of deposits of this gem in the world. It is mined on almost all continents:

  • in Europe (Austria, Spain, Norway, Russia)
  • in Australia;
  • in Asia (India, Madras state, China);
  • on two American continents (Chile, Brazil, USA).

Depending on where the stones were taken from the bowels of the earth, they are colored. For example, in India, the so-called Indian jade is mined - green aventurine, in the USA - "golden Colorado stone", in Russia in the Urals - taganaite.

Medicinal properties of aventurine

It is difficult to say to which organ systems does not apply its medicinal properties aventurine stone: digestive and circulatory, cleanses the owner's body of toxins and toxins, heals wounds, reduces pain in injuries.

It can be used to cure the following diseases:

  1. skin conditions, including eczema and rashes under the skin;
  2. Severe hair loss;
  3. warts;
  4. cure colds and bronchitis help aventurine beads. They are also effective in diseases of the thyroid gland;
  5. Aventurine ring, as well as pendants and bracelets normalize blood pressure;
  6. With the help of a spark, you can calm your nerves;
  7. Put a stone set in gold on the middle finger of your hand, and it will help you get rid of blues and depression;
  8. Disorder of the digestive tract.

To provide a therapeutic effect, you do not need to wear a gem all the time. The stone has the strongest effect when the moon is waning. And for more than a month, jewelry with aventurine is generally contraindicated to wear. More shows its properties to heal aventurine in silver.

The magical properties of aventurine

Our distant ancestors attached great importance to the mystery of the magic of this stone. It was believed that the mineral helps the owner, brings good luck and financial independence.

Also, the gem can:

  1. Encourages action;
  2. Develops leadership qualities;
  3. Improves intuition;
  4. Green aventurine helps gamblers in cards and roulette, and this same mineral helps couples to maintain passion, promotes family well-being;
  5. Golden-green aventurine removes the hatred and envy of other people from the owner, drives away the induced damage. This is especially true for young children. Hang a decoration with this stone over a stroller or a crib, as well as over the door to the nursery;
  6. Need protection to help on the road or travel - aventurine blue will help with its properties. It will help you focus and increase attention, it also has a positive effect on the psyche of its owner, calming and removing negativity;
  7. The most mysterious stone of this family is black aventurine. It helps a person to open the subconscious. Ideal for meditation and introspection, it helps in finding the meaning of life, revealing oneself in business.

For people of creative professions, aventurine is a great helper, calling on the muse and inspiration, revealing hidden talents, and leading the owner to success.

Talismans and amulets

Since ancient times, the gem has been treated with care. Everyone dreamed of becoming the owner of an aventurine talisman - to buy, find or receive as a gift. Indeed, with his appearance, happiness settled in the house, and luck was inexhaustible. The stone has such power and energy that success always accompanies the owner of the talisman.

  • The green gem helps couples avoid scandals, making the relationship sincere and kind. Place a talisman from this shade in the house, and you will see how your family relationships will be transformed.
  • Aventurine is also used as a talisman of good luck and wealth. Wear an amulet made of this stone in your left pocket, and ventures will bring you profit, and your business will be successful.
  • The gem has one more property. Wearing an amulet from this mineral, you can feel the bad intentions of others, and react to them in time.

Stone Talisman of blue color able to make a person attentive, quickly respond to changes. Great for hazardous workers. Put a stone in the gearshift knob or put it in the glove compartment of your car and it will save you from accidents, making the road easy and fun.

Interesting video: Jewelry with aventurine - a precious mineral

How to distinguish a fake

Due to the structural features of the aventurine stone, it is very easy to fake, which is what scammers use. Very common when buying magic stone a cheap glass trinket or a beautiful imitation is slipped.

To protect yourself from buying a fake, carefully inspect the gem when buying. If a stone with a rich color and a large number of randomly arranged shiny scales, you most likely have a fake. More often than others, golden brown and blue-black are forged. A natural mineral is usually paler, not quite uniform and shows a slight iridescence, while a fake one simply shines.

Aventurine Care

Due to the fine structure of the mineral, it is quite easy to scratch it. Therefore, you need to store beads, seals, rings and earrings with aventurine in fabric bags. In the place where the stone is located, there should not be sudden changes in temperature, he does not like them.

Any jewel sometimes it just needs to be cleaned. The same rule applies to items with aventurine. This should be done with a soap solution and a brush, and not with chemicals.

Rinse it under running water several times during the month, and to charge the gem with good energy, put it under the sun for a while. Aventurine is undesirable for a long time under the rays, it will darken.

Aventurine and the signs of the zodiac

From the point of view of astrology, the magical abilities of a golden stone directly depend on the lunar phase and on the astrological data of the owner - the zodiac sign, date of birth and planetary placement at the time of birth.

This mineral will be a good talisman for Cancer, Virgo and Taurus. He strengthens the health of the first, makes the second soft and sensitive, becomes their advisers in difficult situations, and the third (especially the blue ones) help them become dreamers, establish love relationships, diluting the insipid life of Taurus with romantic relationships.

But Aries, Sagittarius and Leo, these are not the zodiac constellations for which the mineral is suitable. After all, the mineral causes an exacerbation of cynicism and fatalism in people of fiery signs, exacerbates emotions, turning them into hysterics and squabblers. Those who do not listen to the advice of an astrologer will also face financial difficulties.

Wearing this gem should be approached with great care by those born under the sign of Capricorn. But Pisces and Scorpions receive energy from the stone and persistently move towards their goal.

Gemini, Aquarius and Libra need to be worn only if necessary, as a talisman, for example, when going on a first date, but frequent wearing can make people born under these signs careless and gullible, sometimes hysterical if a person is mentally unstable.

Note and interesting facts

  1. No matter how close the stone is to you, it is enough to wear it three times a week. After all, daily wear can adversely affect your psyche. It will make you a risky and eccentric person.
  2. No matter how old you are, there are no age restrictions for wearing aventurine products, but keep an eye on lunar calendar necessary, especially in autumn-winter period. Wear the stone only in the waning phase.
  3. The uniqueness of the gem is that it adapts and will be combined with any clothing - casual, sports, classic, evening. Feel free to wear it with anyone.
  4. Take even big problems lightly, remember that aventurine, like champagne, is light and playful, frothy and free. If you believe in luck and be an optimist, he will help you, but if not, you cannot avoid a headache.
  5. When choosing a piece of aventurine, take only the one that suits you. You see it and you feel it is yours. Only such a talisman will benefit you and help in resolving issues. If you have at least a share of doubts, refuse the purchase.
  6. Aventurine metallic is not a stone, but the color of a car. The originality of this shade is interspersed with sparkles and a glossy base.
  7. Remember, the more shine in the mineral, the more likely it is to run into a fake. There will be no harm, but no benefit either. Another way to check the naturalness of the stone is to run it on the glass. If there is a scratch on the glass - aventurine is natural, on the stone - a fake.

Interesting video: Magic aventurine - a gem

Aventurine - magical and healing properties of the stone, colors and photos

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