
Sofia stuzhuk how old. Sofia stuzhuk. Blogging and Conscious Motherhood


Absolute sterility in everything is finally about me. No matter how the soul of other moms from Instagram aches for my unfortunate children😂 But yes, my children can eat from the floor, for example 😂 And Lolka's finger sucks not of perfect cleanliness)))) Well, then everyone is safe and healthy. Nevertheless, in some cases, especially in crowded places, in malls, when children touch or I touch everyone 😅 I prefer not to put my hands to my face, let alone into my mouth 😬 And, of course, perfect option- to wash hands. But when opportunities do not turn up, there are such ways ❤️ ⠀ Yesterday I told you in stories and showed you about the best sanitizers in Ukraine, which I preferred @saaniti ❤️ I have listed all their advantages, I will not repeat myself. Together with them we will soon release my Named Limited Edition 😍😍😍 With a new scent 💕 I'm sure you will like it ❤️

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Oh, already this SOCIALIZATION ⠀ Sometimes it seems to me that most people just somewhere heard this SCARY word and adopted it. And what is it ⠀ “What about children without a kindergarten” - you ask “but what about socialization” 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ ⠀ And every time I answer live broadcasts one and the same: Surely THIS SOCIALIZATION is only possible in the kindergarten? Are you serious now?)))))) And if a child does not go to kindergarten, he will not be socialized?))) A savage?)))) ⠀ Let's start with Wikipedia))) Socialization is the process of integrating an individual into social system, entering the social environment through mastering its social norms, rules and values, knowledge, skills that allow it to function successfully in society. Well, simply put, this is a process of adaptation to the social environment) When the child understands that there are other people, children and need to interact with them. ⠀ Girls, David, of course, is only 3.5, but are you watching my stories?))) This is a hyper-communicative child)))) With regard to him, I generally do not tolerate these reproaches of yours about socialization))) My David NEVER

  • 19 days ago

Well, we don't know how it is with you there. You can write anything on Instagram ⠀ Yes, girls! And this is so!) You will never know the truth anyway) Tell me at least a million times that I am sincere with you. ⠀ Actually, of course, I am a living person! The same as you! Not a saint, not an iron one. And I have bad days Bad mood, I will quarrel with Dima somewhere else, something will pile on and, to top it off, the children will do some kind of Skoda🤷🏻‍♀️ Of course, everything happened during my motherhood. Of course, it happened when I was frustrated (which later, of course, was not happy about). Life is like that. ⠀ But I want you to understand. After all, the question is not to be an ideal (and even more so to seem ideal) mom, who never, no, no. And in perfect balance. In living in harmony (it is clear that this is not possible 100% 100% of the time), so that if you suddenly fell out of this state of harmony and balance - feel it. Understand, accept, bring yourself back. It is about understanding that if you are “frustrated”, this is not normal. Somewhere there has been a shift and you need to find it and work it out. And if you fall for children -

It became interesting to me🙄
Do you like Sofia Stuzhuk?
Yes / no and why?

And in general, do you like such accounts with great posts, tips, etc.? 🤔


The first time I've heard))

- @xlebyshek, Instamama😊

Who is she?

Norm baba)

In some ways yes, in others no.

Vacuum does great. I really want to do it too, but I can't, it is much heavier than it seems. By the way, she also releases her own line of clothes for feeding))

Outwardly I like her and her family, but in many views I disagree with her, the approach of her friend Alina (lalisea) is closer to me

Well, right now, a lot can fall on me 💩 from her fans, but this is an ordinary pontorezka who is engaged in show off and makes a mega zvizdoo with a bunch of dough, although all that she has in her life is an unemployed husband with a residence permit in Priluki, who lives on my mother’s money, and vyebonov, God forgive me, she’s also very smart, she cannot connect two words, I don’t like fiction (I said this myself), no, I don’t invent, I study with this misfortune at the same university, and no, I don’t envy her, yes, like the last mare I laugh at her, but I don’t envy her

- @ karina2212, usual not hard) I do. And at the expense of clothes ... I don't like models at all I thought it would be prettier

- @ollyg, 😆😆😆 the husband is also a stripper in the past, if I'm not mistaken? 😑

I don’t like her, I subscribed and I’m thinking of unsubscribing. I don’t see anything interesting for me in her account.

- @_shvedikk_ I don't know such details, but I once saw pictures of him in leopard pants😂

It seems like a good woman, but somehow everything is very pretentious, to be honest

- @_shvedikk_, @ karina2212 I looked at these clothes😂 purely for herself, she talked about it and the price is straight fire😂 she has a sense of humor if she thinks that these masterpieces cost so much😑😁

I like her figure madly !!! as she once said former colleague"if I had a pussy, then I would have already stood 😂😂😂" I am dragging myself with small things, 😳 he is so cool 😍 I would fall in love and kooooo🐱 oh yeah .. her cat is my favorite 😻 but otherwise ... such ... something I find it useful, something is not quite ... but again, for each his own .. but dirty ... it's somehow childish, don't you think? 😝

I don't understand who she is and where she is from, and why 🙈

- @bkorn, yes, I looked at these models (cutouts on the shoulders😬) and the price😟😬 and I like it, what's the difference for what money they live [email protected] I largely disagree with her approach to upbringing ... But in general, a clever girl, she makes money while I am writing a comment here😂🙈

I went and looked at this babentia, well, it’s okay, but I won’t subscribe - I don’t like those. @bkorn agrees, the clothes are creepy and geared towards a certain type of figure. @freeme she is really great for making money, but if her husband is her mother's 😱🙈🙄 then this is really, the man should be able to provide for his family, and not show biceps, triceps and a pipis in tight tights. @ollyg and agree with you 😂😂😂🌬

She's not a dime, so that everyone would like it .... Each "product" has its own buyer, as, in general, the seller. I worked for a company that sold goods through direct sales. So there was one crazy woman among the "sellers", with help and all the cases (the behavior was clearly inadequate). So she was selling! It means that there were people who did not listen, became interested.

Subscribed to it a long time ago, when it was not yet popular. I used to like her very much, now she is generally annoying, and I do not agree with many of her posts ...

- @mamasita_viktoriia, where did you get the idea that he is my mother’s gigolo ?!

- @freeme, and where I wrote, what they live there for😂 I don’t know, and somehow FSUs😁 I subscribed to it - it suits me like a nice picture, but no more😒

- @freeme, for which I bought and sold write above))

- @bkorn, I wrote to you about clothes, about housing - to another girl😳

- @bkorn, and I saw a page with clothes, when there were a couple of models there and without a price. I'll take a look)

- @mamasita_viktoriia monamifrost?) with tattoos and occasionally gray-haired)))

She pisses me off, I don't like those. Some show-off.

- @ lady.well, thanks 🙏🏻 they say he is a cool mom))

- @ lady.well, not her))) but this one is really cool)

- @mamasita_viktoriia this mom)) since 14 years old)

Gospadi. what is her show-off? I would have such a body-fotkalast every day. where is so much bile and the habit of counting other people's money. each of you is posting pictures of something - children, food and all kinds of nonsense. do you show off too? Well, you care about whose money people live on. I would be very much for it if my mother-in-law provided for us. conveniently. she connects normally words. and even more than two. I am subscribed to it. I like to watch her as much as other preggie moms.

- @freeme, oh, blunted😂 well, it's okay for me to be blunt in the morning😒

The girl is trying to earn at the expense of her figure, family, growth on Instagram) what's wrong with that)

- @koko_kris, 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 completely agree with you!

Signed, attractive girl, good mom. I do not agree with everything in her posts, but it is. At what expense they live, this is a private matter and no one held a candle.

I don’t like it, and it’s embarrassing that some mothers in the comments ask her for advice about guards, upbringing, etc.

Not subscribed to it, but I like it. Nice appearance, it is pleasant to look at the family. Damn, girls, it's so unpleasant to read your comments often. You should crap everyone and everything🙀

- @nastena_psh, similar :)

I don't even know who I'm talking about😂

I just like sports mothers 😆 I subscribed to her for a long time, but I couldn't remember who it was by name and surname 🙈

By the way, many people write that they do not agree with her posts, I didn’t notice at all that she was writing something, I only leafed through the pictures 😂

- @ lem.s_wifey, that you sho, she writes such treatises there)))

The maiden is great), too, does not agree with everything in terms of raising children. But she is interesting exclusively in aspects of motherhood or sports ...) in principle, she has never made applications for something more.

- @ lem.s_wifey, 😆😆😆 how so?)

- @_shvedikk_, didn't pay attention 🙈

- @ollyg, God, I love you !!! I also knew all these facts, but did not want to voice them! Someone has spilled the truth 😂👍

Does she have an account here?

Download app to meet new friends, chat about your kids and pregnancy, share advice and more!

Who does not know Sofia Stuzhuk? This gorgeous 21 year old is the hottest Instagram mom ever! Today, Sonya's Instagram page is followed by more than 385 thousand users, she has her own clothing brand If only wear, she regularly runs Telovod weight loss marathons, thanks to which each of us can find a dream figure. And, of course, Sonya is the mother of the lovely one-year-old boy David, who, by the way, already has his own fun-page on Instagram with more than 24,000 fans. Sofia is not only a successful mother, but also a happy wife: her husband Dmitry supports her beloved in every possible way, helps her in everything and takes an active part in their common institute. By the way, Dima also has his own Instagram profile, in which he posts many bright family photos with Sonya and David, demonstrates her ideal athletic body and motivates subscribers to take care of themselves and their health.

By the way, it is Sofia's stunning forms and stunning appearance that is the very hook that quickly swallowed Instagram, making her a real star on the social network and beyond. But if you think that external data is the only key to the success of Sonya and her super-family, you are wrong! The fact is that on her page the girl posts not only "cute" photos with her son, "selfies" and "abs-ki", not at all: unlike most similar accounts, here you can find a huge amount of useful things for both young mothers, and for everyone who is close to the principles of healthy lifestyle, information. Explanatory texts, valuable personal experience, sincere presentation of the material and, of course, open warm smile Sofia made her an Instagram star. Today the editorial staff of the site offers super-material about the secrets of popularity, slimness and happy family life beauties Sofia Stuzhuk! Enjoy!

About what she did before popularity:

She lived for 14 years in Sevastopol, from where, after the referendum, she moved to Kiev. Transferred to KNU named after I. Shevchenko, where I am now studying at the law faculty in the 5th year of the correspondence department. Six months after the move, she met her current husband Dima. Before the birth of the baby, she lived, enjoyed life, studied, worked in the gym.

About meeting your husband and relationships after the birth of a child

You can read our love story on Instagram using the tag # stuzhuk_relationship. We met in the gym, Dima came up and asked to write down the number and drop the call (his phone was in the locker room), and I pretended to take it off, but in fact I didn't want to) then it turned out that we simultaneously left the locker rooms to meet each other :) walked home together, talked, met a week later and have not parted since then. I, I must say, often receive direct messages about all sorts of personal problems. Very often I come across stories that after the birth of a child, the relationship with her husband deteriorated (and, of course, I understand why this can happen!). It gets really tricky! Life sucks in, and there are more chores and various responsibilities for two at the same time. And some women are so sucked in by motherhood that they forget that, in addition to "mother", they are also "woman" and "wife"! I am periodically sucked too. And we also quarrel, because we are people too. What is very important? It is important to remember that, first of all, you started a family with your man! That you consciously wanted a child from him! And that you love him and that you cannot push him into the background!

About his popularity on Instagram:

What is the secret of popularity? It is hard to say. Usually people say that I have a light syllable, which attracts my openness, appearance and interesting information which I sometimes write. I had no intention of becoming popular or even starting a blog. I just wrote what I think, and people themselves subscribed to my page. Now for me it is a hobby with an earnings. Social networks give a lot of opportunities - in particular, for running an Internet business. I opened my own clothing line and run marathons. I am engaged in what brings me pleasure and, naturally, I have bonuses from this.

About how I recovered after pregnancy:

Everything is as simple as 2x2: I am young, the body recovers quickly and even without much effort. This is the first pregnancy, after which it is usually easier to get back in shape. After the second, it will probably be more difficult. I always followed the figure, including during pregnancy (I was engaged in the 5th week and from the 14th to the 34th), I tried to eat right and exercise in the gym. During pregnancy, she gained 11.5 kg. Before pregnancy, I weighed 56, but my usual weight is 53-54. In the summer before pregnancy weighed 51-52 :) I came to childbirth with 67.5 kg. On the day of birth, I threw off 6 kg. Another 1 kg the next day, 58 was like 2 weeks later. Now - 54.5 :) How not to get too much for pregnancy? Continue to eat right (or start) and continue, only at a lower intensity, exercise, or go to yoga, or to the pool, and walk a lot if not exercised before. A month after giving birth, I slowly began to study at home and after two months - in the gym.

About the secrets of harmony:

I have never been on diets and, in principle, am not a supporter of them. I am exclusively for proper nutrition and I constantly try to adhere to its principles. My diet lacks fast carbohydrates and saturated fats. No gastronomic rubbish. Only healthy, fresh food, as well as easy-to-prepare meals (no oil, mountains of spices, cheeses and cream).

About boundless love for his son David:

My son is my greatest love. Dad decided to call him David, I wanted Pasha. But when he was born, it seemed to me that he is very much even David. This name really suits him! In the first minutes after giving birth, I remember the bewilderment: I didn't really understand what had happened!)) Then there was fear, and panic, and "how to continue to live", but over time everything fell into place: life was filled with new colors and solid childish positive. I clearly remember my experiences from that unhealed navel, from the slightest belching, pimple. And even though she knew that everything was fine, she was so afraid of harm. Then she did not yet realize that she had become a mother and did not think that these months would fly by like a moment. It was worth blinking, and then my boy is like that ... he will soon run. And I already figured it out and got used to it :) and it seems that I already know everything ... how and what to do) and I'm not afraid of anything. Everything has changed a lot. Now I try to pay as much attention to him as he requires and even more! And now there is no need to write about overprotection. The line is very thin, but I understand it, and this is not about me. I am an adequate mother, just very loving. For me right now, priority # 1 is David. Not me, not even my husband (is that right?) And not household chores ... I'd rather not wash the dishes, but I'll sit with David at toys. He loves to play when I'm around. He learns very quickly. He knows how to stick molds into holes, repeats after me what I show him. He understands almost everything I say to him. In a word, I am in harmony with him.

On the upbringing and development of David:

How do I raise David? One sentence cannot be described ... and two, too. In love. He grows with us in love. Well, or according to Petranovskaya (author's note: Lyudmila Petranovskaya is a Russian psychologist, teacher and publicist). In general, I have a lot of information about this, which I share under the tag # stuzhuk_mother. They asked how I develop the baby. No way. I do not interfere with his development. I give permission to open cabinets, drawers, sort out everything there, climb the stairs to the second and third floors and scout everything there. I’m just around so that he doesn’t hurt himself. I don't understand what early development means? A child develops from birth, and I think almost all parents contribute to his development in every possible way: they read with him, play educational games / toys. Everything has its time. So I also support the development of my son.

About where and how she gave birth to a baby:

Everything went naturally. I gave birth in Priluki :) In my instagram I have my birth history and the tag # stuzhuk_rody. Why in Priluki? This native city husband, here it is a million times cheaper than in Kiev, I liked the conditions and managed to agree on almost all points. I was very pleased with the renovation in the maternity hospital - fresh. The rodzal is spacious and has a modern human couch that was raised to a half-sitting position during childbirth. Well, in general, I was glad that I gave birth there. We paid a penny - UAH 5,000. All the fights I was in the delivery room, alone with my husband, no one touched us, only occasionally they came to listen to the baby. Have we had partner childbirth? Not really. I didn’t let my dad try. I was really a "nikakashka", and I decided that he simply did not need to see THIS thing :) Let some secret remain, but how I suffered, he already saw and heard :) So the intimacy did not go anywhere: ) I must say one thing: a husband is simply obligatory during fights, or an assistant like a doula, in order to give a drink and rub his lower back. Without that, I don’t know how I would have coped.