
The author offended my mother. Moshkovskaya I offended my mother read. Analysis of the poem “I offended my mother” by Moshkovskaya


Emma Moshkovskaya
"I offended my mother"

I offended my mother
Now never, never
We won't leave the house together,
We won’t go anywhere with her.

She won't wave at the window,
And I won't wave to her,
She won't tell anything
And I won't tell her...

I'll take the bag by the shoulders,
I'll find a piece of bread
Find me a stronger stick,
I'll go, I'll go to the taiga!

I will follow the trail
I will look for ore
And through the stormy river
Let's go build bridges!

And I will be the main boss,
And I'll be with a beard,
And I will always be sad
And so silent...

And then it will be a winter evening,
And many years will pass,
And then onto the jet plane
Mom will take the ticket.

And on my birthday
That plane will fly in,
And mom will come out from there,
And mom will forgive me.

Emma Efraimovna Moshkovskaya (1926-1981) - Soviet children's writer and poet.
She graduated from the Gnessin Music and Pedagogical College (1954) in vocal class, and worked at the Arkhangelsk Philharmonic (mezzo-soprano). At the beginning of her creative career she received the approval of Samuil Marshak. In 1962, she published the first collection of poems for children, Uncle Shar, which was followed by more than 20 collections of poems and fairy tales for preschool and junior children. school age. Soviet composers wrote songs based on Moshkovskaya's poems.

  • to form in younger schoolchildren a value orientation and the ability to form moral judgments;
  • develop students’ ability to behave in accordance with moral standards and etiquette rules;
  • learn to evaluate your own behavior and the behavior of other people.


  • determine and express rules of conduct during cooperation (ethical standards);
  • show the importance of observing moral rules of communication in the family, the ability to create an atmosphere of trust.


  • determine and formulate the purpose of the activity in the lesson;
  • learn to express your assumptions based on working with text and proverbs;
  • learn to give an emotional assessment of the class’s activities in the lesson.


  • introduce the biography of E. Moshkovskaya, her work “I offended my mother”;
  • work on improving reading skills: accuracy, fluency, expressiveness, intensify thoughtful reading.

Expected results of achievement in the lesson:

  • we must learn to see, understand and appreciate the beauty of human relationships, especially in the family;
  • be able to evaluate your own actions and the actions of other people.

Lesson Project

Lesson steps Formation of subject knowledge Formation of UUD
1. Organizing time The teacher reads:

“We are happy, we are having fun!
We laugh in the morning.
But now the moment has come
It's time to get serious.
Eyes closed
Hands folded
Heads lowered
The mouths were closed.
And they quieted down for a minute
So as not to hear even a joke,
So as not to see anyone,
And only myself!”

2. Emotional entry into the lesson. “Lullaby Song” sounds (A. Maikov)

Children's answers.

  1. Warmth, affection, love.
  2. She took “the wind, the sun and the eagle” as her son’s nanny.
  3. They looked after her son very well.
  4. Kind, strong, brave.
- What did you say?

– When did you first hear a lullaby?

-Who sang it to you?

– What does mother offer to children?

– Confirm with words from the Lullaby.

- Why?

– How did she want her son to be?

Because during the lesson we will talk about mother, about the attitude towards mother. – Why do you think I included “Lullaby” in the lesson?
3. Problem-based learning activities. a) It is written on the board: “I offended my mother.”

(children's answers)

– Read the words written on the board.

– What did you think when you read these words?

b) Problematic question – How can you offend a person?
V) Group work.

There are texts on the tables.

Read the texts, discuss, draw a conclusion.
1 gr.

Petya saw his friend Slava being pushed by a boy during a game of Tag. Slava fell and cried. Petya ran up to him and helped. Slava skinned his knee, and besides, he was in great pain and shame.

– Why do you think Slava was offended?
2 gr.

Mitya ran into the garden, snatched the doll from the hands of his little sister Tanya and ran through the garden. Tanya stood and cried.

Mitya’s older brother Seryozha ran out of the house. He took the doll from Mitya and began to play with it. Mitya ran to complain to his father. My father saw everything through the window.

– Describe the boy’s condition.
d) Group representatives come out and voice their conclusions. - So what does it mean to offend someone?
d) Teacher.

In a word, a gesture, a look, physically.

- How can you offend?
– Has this ever happened to you?
– How did you feel?
- How did you do?
Guys, I wanted you to remember one poetic tip:

“When you want to say a word,
My friend, think, don’t rush,
It can sometimes be leaden,
It was born from the warmth of the soul.”

-What does lead mean?
Lead is a heavy metal. This means that the words are heavy and offensive. A polite person will never cause trouble or offense to anyone. the main idea works?
People say: “The word heals, the word hurts.” – Explain the meaning of this proverb.
Conclusion: A kind word makes people feel warm in their hearts, but an evil word leaves them resentful and their friendship crumbles.
4. Relaxation. Music is playing.

Put your heads on the tables.
Voluntary exercises.

– You are little snowflakes that have laid down on the ground and are resting calmly.

And now the snowflakes are gradually waking up, standing up, stretching, circling in the air.

The girls sit down. And now the first to land are fragile, small snowflakes.
The boys sit down. And then more snowflakes.

Men always wait for the ladies to take their seats.

5. Goal setting and construction of a project for getting out of a difficulty. A) Acquaintance with the work of E. Moshkovskaya “I offended my mother.” - Guys, let's turn to the textbook.

– Read the title of the poem.

– What would you like to know and learn?

– We need to speak beautifully;
– To make it pleasant to listen to others;
– Read expressively;
– Why do you need this?
- Give advice to the boy. - Guys, these are the objectives of our lesson.
6. Implementation of project construction. In front of you are the “Lesson Objectives” sheets. – Highlight the tasks that you would like to solve in class.
b) Acquaintance with the biography of E. Moshkovskaya. Teacher's story.

– What works have you already read?

Reading a poem by the teacher.

Sorry for the boy, sorry for the mother.

– Did you like the poem?

– How did it make you feel?

V) Reading a poem by students. – How did the boy and mother treat each other before the quarrel?

– Find these lines and read.

– Was the boy worried that he had quarreled with his mother?

Why did he always see himself sad and silent?

– What illustration would you draw for this work?

– Does the text say how the baby offended his mother?

Mom is the most close person, the most native.

A well-mannered person will not offend you either in word or in deed.

Come quietly to your mother, hug her and say kind, gentle words.

– What advice would you give to a boy?
7. Primary consolidation. G) Work in groups.

There is no better friend than your dear mother.
A mother's heart warms better than a heart.
Good word and will keep you warm in the cold.
Good children are the crown of a home, and bad children are the end of a home.

The child may be crooked, but it’s sweet to the mother’s father.
A person has one natural mother, and he has one Motherland.
One bad word can lead to a quarrel forever.
The beauty of the heart is more valuable than the beauty of the face.

The mother feeds her children like the earth does her children.
Every mother loves her child.
It's warm in the sun, good in mother's presence.
A kind word to a man like rain in a drought.

(1 representative from the group comes out and explains the completed task).

d) Working on fluent reading skills with game elements.

(slides 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)

– reading “bird market”;
– “read like me, read with me”;
– reading “lightning”;
– reading “I’m taking you in tow”;
– reading “you are taking me in tow”;
– reading “with agreement”;
– reading “remember the word”;
- expressive reading;
- "Ask a Question".

- Read the proverbs.

– Choose one that suits our lesson, explain its meaning.

– Remember the rules of working in a group.

8. Reflection. A) Worksheets “My successes in the lesson.”

1. E. Moshkovskaya - children's poet.

a) I listened and learned new things.
b) I participated in the work on the work.

2. Working with proverbs.

a) I chose proverbs that corresponded to the text.
b) Explained their meaning.

3. Practicing reading skills.

a) I listened carefully.
b) I read with elements.
c) I read expressively
d) I asked questions.
e) I answered questions.
b) In class:

- I was excited...
- Made me think...
- I made conclusions...

There is a self-assessment sheet in front of you.

Highlight the tasks you completed. Check the “Lesson Objectives” sheet. Have you completed your tasks? Well done!

9. Lesson summary. – Why is it important to love each other in a family?
– How to express your love for your mother?
– How to show your special attention so that she feels cared for?
10. Homework. – Read the poem expressively.
– Write a mini-essay “I say sweet words mom"

Tyumen region. Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.

Nizhnevartovsk district.



Summary of a literary reading lesson

on this topic:

E.E. Moshkovskaya “I offended my mother”

Prepared by: Lyubov Alexandrovna Komalova

2015 - 2016 academic year

Subject : E.E. Moshkovskaya “I offended my mother”

Goals and objectives:


Introduce the biography of E. Moshkovskaya, her poem “I offended my mother”;

Work on improving reading skills: accuracy, fluency, expressiveness, intensify thoughtful reading.


Continue introducing students to works about mother;

To form in younger schoolchildren a value orientation and the ability to form moral judgments;

Develop skills in expressive reading, analysis of poetic text, reading by role and by heart;


Determine and formulate the purpose of the activity in the lesson;

Learn to express your assumptions based on working with text, with proverbs;

Develop imagination, fantasy, Creative skills;

Improve listening skills, making assumptions;

Expand children's vocabulary, promote the development of reading horizons;

Learn to give an emotional assessment of the class’s activities in the lesson.


Define and express rules of conduct during cooperation (ethical standards);

Show the importance of observing moral rules of communication in the family, the ability to create an atmosphere of trust;

To promote in children a sense of responsibility for their actions, the ability and desire to forgive;

Cultivate good feelings and respectful attitude to close people;

Learn to evaluate your own behavior and the behavior of others.

Planned achievement results in the lesson:

Students should be able to predict the content of a work; read poems with expression; find words in the poem that help introduce the characters; explain individual expressions in the lyrical text; pose questions to the poem;

we must learn to see, understand and appreciate the beauty of human relationships, especially in the family; be able to evaluate your own actions and the actions of other people.

Lesson content:

1. Organizational moment.

The bell rang and fell silent!

The lesson begins!

2. Updating basic knowledge.

Slide 2 + application 1

My mother is like spring.

The way the sun laughs

Just like a light breeze

It will touch my head.

He'll get a little angry,

It's like a cloud has rolled in

The way she is a rainbow:

Look and it’s shining!

What is this poem about?

What literary device does the author use? (metaphor)

Underline the verbs indicating the actions of the mother with two lines.

What technique does the author use? (personification)

Why do you need a mother?

Slide 3

There is such a parable. I want to tell it to you.

The day before his birth, the child asked God:

I don't know why I'm going into this world. What should I do?

God answered: “I will give you an angel who will always be by your side.”

He will explain everything to you.

But how can I understand him, since I don’t know his language?

The angel will teach you his language. He will protect you from all troubles.

What is the name of my angel?

It doesn't matter what his name is. He has many different names. But you will call him mom.

Slide 4

Each of us has this good angel who takes care of us. It is from the mother’s lips that the child hears the first words and songs in his life.

3. Goal setting.

Slide 5

You already guessed that the next poem will also be about mom. Open the textbook p.120. Read the title.

That’s right, we will get acquainted with the work of E. Moshkovskaya “I offended my mother».

What would you like to know and learn? What question do you have?

4. Work on new material.

A) Acquaintance with the biography of E. Moshkovskaya

Slide 6

Emma Efraimovna Moshkovskaya (1926-1981)

The Russian poetess was born in Moscow in friendly family. As the poetess herself recalled, the family was very friendly and hardworking. The girl was surrounded by an atmosphere of love, cordiality, and mutual understanding.

Emma Moshkovskaya with early age She began to show extraordinary vocal abilities, so after finishing school she graduated from music school and became a singer, and tried to write songs for friends herself. Soon she discovered a writer's gift for accurately reproducing children's speech and feeling children. Her first poems began to appear on the pages of children's magazines “Murzilka”, “Pioneer”, “Counselor” and Emma Moshkovskaya began to engage in poetry professionally. The poetess’s favorite hero is the baby, for whom the world full of adventures and wonders. He is brave and kind, feeling responsible for his surroundings.

She quickly became a very popular author - publishing houses published 2-3 of her books per year. In addition to poetry, Emma Moshkovskaya tried her hand as a prose writer, playwright, and translator.

Slide 7

Test "Test yourself"

B) Listening to an audio recording of a poem

Slide 8

Did you like the poem?

How did it make you feel? (Sorry for the boy, sorry for the mother.)

c) Reading the poem by students. Selective reading.

Slide 9

How did the boy and mother treat each other before the quarrel? Find these lines and read.

Was the boy worried that he had quarreled with his mother?

Who did he think he was?

Why did he always see himself sad and silent?

Does the text say how the baby offended his mother?

What advice would you give to a boy?

Mom is the closest person, the dearest. A well-mannered person will not offend you either in word or in deed. Come quietly to your mother, hug her and say kind, gentle words.

D) Drawing up a plan for the poem.

Slide 10

How many parts does the poem consist of? (three)

What is said in part 1? (about how he offended his mother)

What lines does it end with? (And I won’t tell her...")

Name this part? (I offended my mother)

What is said in part 2? (about who the boy will become)

What lines does it end with? (And so silent...")

Name this part? (I will be the main boss)

What does Part 3 talk about? (about how mom will forgive)

Name this part? (and mom will forgive me)

Expressive reading. Reading competition.

With what intonation will you read the poem?

At what pace?

Which words can you highlight logically?

    Reading competition

D) What does the word MOTHER sound like in other languages ​​(Historical background).

Slide 11

- We have now spoken the word “mother” many times. It sounds almost the same in different languages. (cards)

Bengal – mayera;Catalan – maare;Czech – mother’s;Danish – moa;
Estonian – ema;
French - maman (mama);Haitian Creole - Manma;
Hebrew – ima;
Hindi - ma; Icelandic, Italian – mother;Korean – omma;
Latin - matrem; Slovakian - mommy;
Spain, Italy – madre;

Persian - maman, anne;Netherlands – mA; Lithuania - mamite; Türkiye - ana

Bulgaria - mamo, T-shirt; Sweden –mur; Ukrainian – mati, mamo; Greek – mitera, mana.

5. Reflection.

Slide 12

- What did you learn in the lesson?

- What would you praise yourself for?

- What did you do especially well?

6. Lesson summary. Homework explanation. Grading.

Slide 13

Did you like the lesson?

What did you learn in the lesson?

What can you praise yourself for?

Why is it important to love each other in a family?

How to express your love for your mother?

How to show your special attention so that she feels cared for?

Today in class we looked at how you can convey feelings, emotions, and love for your mother with the help of poems, music, and paintings.

D/z Expressive reading of a poem; You can learn it by heart if you wish.

Annex 1

My mother is like spring.

The way the sun laughs

Just like a light breeze

It will touch my head.

He'll get a little angry,

It's like a cloud has rolled in

The way she is a rainbow:

Look and it’s shining!

My mother is like spring.

The way the sun laughs

Just like a light breeze

It will touch my head.

He'll get a little angry,

It's like a cloud has rolled in

The way she is a rainbow:

Look and it’s shining!

My mother is like spring.

The way the sun laughs

Just like a light breeze

It will touch my head.

He'll get a little angry,

It's like a cloud has rolled in

The way she is a rainbow:

Look and it’s shining!

My mother is like spring.

The way the sun laughs

Just like a light breeze

It will touch my head.

He'll get a little angry,

It's like a cloud has rolled in

The way she is a rainbow:

Look and it’s shining!

My mother is like spring.

The way the sun laughs

Just like a light breeze

It will touch my head.

He'll get a little angry,

It's like a cloud has rolled in

The way she is a rainbow:

Look and it’s shining!

My mother is like spring.

The way the sun laughs

Just like a light breeze

It will touch my head.

He'll get a little angry,

It's like a cloud has rolled in

The way she is a rainbow:

Look and it’s shining!

My mother is like spring.

The way the sun laughs

Just like a light breeze

It will touch my head.

He'll get a little angry,

It's like a cloud has rolled in

The way she is a rainbow:

Look and it’s shining!

My mother is like spring.

The way the sun laughs

Just like a light breeze

It will touch my head.

He'll get a little angry,

It's like a cloud has rolled in

The way she is a rainbow:

Look and it’s shining!

Please tell me a poem about my mother. and got the best answer

Answer from Alice Cullen[active]
Emma Moshkovskaya
I offended my mother.
I offended my mother
Now never, never
We won't leave the house together,
We won’t go anywhere with her.
She won't wave at the window,
And I won't wave to her,
She won't tell anything
And I won't tell her...
I'll take the bag by the shoulders,
I'll find a piece of bread
Find me a stronger stick,
I'll go, I'll go to the taiga!
I will follow the trail
I will look for ore
And through the stormy river
Let's go build bridges!
And I will be the main boss,
And I'll be with a beard,
And I will always be sad
And so silent...
And then it will be a winter evening,
And many years will pass,
And then onto the jet plane
Mom will take the ticket.
And on my birthday
That plane will fly in,
And mom will come out from there,
And mom will forgive me.

Answer from Yergey Barsky[newbie]
mom is sleeping she is tired

Answer from Polina Love[active]
I have a verse that is not as pitiful and touching as written above, but still:
P. Sinyavsky
I drew a portrait
I tried my best.
I broke it from trying
All your pencils.
And brown and blue,
And the orange one broke...
Still a beautiful portrait
Because it's MOM!

Answer from YALISMAN[guru]
The kindest, most gentle
Meek as if spring Flower
The one who came up with the idea of ​​calling you mom
I came up with the best I could.
Music of the name of this dear...
How to convey it, how to explain it.
Like the flight of a white-winged crane
Like a silver thread of rain.
Like the shadow of overshadowing foliage in the heat
Like a shelter in bad weather,
Where can I find so many impressive words?
Those that all people will understand.
Where can you find so many brilliant colors?
To convey your appearance
Even the sky is sometimes dreamy
Quietly watching you.
To see your heartfelt caresses
To reveal your character
Cup of the meek eternal patience
Drink with you
Your heart, what tell me in comparison
Can she resist him?
How much bad has managed to be forgotten
Give mom's heart
How many have endured and how many have forgiven
Children of cruel insults
How much it regretted, loved
How it burns with faith!
Who would have thought that fragile, tender
You are like a rock to children.
The oceans of your strength are boundless
So much support and warmth.
How pleasant are your consolations!
How they help.
You are a source of inspiration for me
On the most difficult days.
I know now that I can't do anything
I will repay you, mother;
I'm silent and in awe
What more can be said!

I offended my mother
Now never, never
We won't leave the house together,
We won't go anywhere with her.

She won't wave at the window,
I won't wave either
She won't tell anything
I won't tell you either...

I'll take the bag by the shoulders,
I'll find a piece of bread
I'll find a stronger stick
I'll leave, I'll go to the taiga!

I'll follow the trail
I will look for ore
I'm across a stormy river
I'll go build bridges!

And I will be the main boss,
And I will have a beard
And I will always be sad
And so silent...

And then there will be a winter evening,
And many years will pass,
And then onto the jet plane
Mom will take the ticket.

And on my birthday
That plane will arrive.
And mom will come out from there,
And mom will forgive me!

Analysis of the poem “I offended my mother” by Moshkovskaya

The poem “I offended my mother” by Emma Efraimovna Moshkovskaya is one of the most famous and touching in the poetess’s work. In 1975, a cartoon was made based on the work.

The poem was written no later than 1968. The poetess turned 42 at that time; she, a singer of the Arkhangelsk Philharmonic, decided to try herself as a children's writer. She was supported by S. Marshak, and was also very lucky with her first publishing house - the newly organized Detsky Mir. There her poems were accepted for publication, and later she began collaborating with Detgiz and many children's magazines. In terms of genre - a poetic story, cross rhyme, 7 stanzas. The lyrical hero, a boy, quarreled with his mother. He probably didn’t listen, snapped at him, or even deceived him. Now he understands that, as they say, everything is over between them. Then he sadly remembers how great it was to be friends with his mother. Go somewhere together, talk about this and that, laugh. And my mother always stood at the window when he left alone, on his own. We could cheerfully wave our hands at each other, even shout something and show with gestures. And it was so interesting to discuss all sorts of things with her. Mom is an understanding person, in general. Was. Now “she won’t tell anything.” It’s not just out of stubbornness that the boy refuses to reconcile. In fact, he is also scared. It seems that mom will not forgive. Yes, he definitely wouldn’t forgive himself. I probably need to leave home, but not to where it’s better, on the contrary, to the remote taiga. To be surrounded by danger, mosquitoes and a lot of hard work. And he, of course, is the head of the expedition, everyone respects him, and even the newspaper will write about him. But these will not be frivolous adventures at all, no, only socially useful work. People will need a bridge - and he’s right there, ready to build it even at night. One. And no one, no one will know why he has such a sparse beard and sad appearance. Years will go by, but one day a plane will fly straight into the taiga, and in it - mom! And she will be glad that he has become a serious person, she will believe that he will no longer offend her for anything. You can even fly home with your mother, and someone else will complete the bridge. E. Moshkovskaya’s poems are like genuine children’s speech, with its characteristic turns of phrase and naive logic. For example, the terrible “never-never”, which simply expresses the limit of time. A series of seemingly monotonous repetitions, which, however, move the plot and set the rhythm. Enumerations, epithets (stormy river, jet plane). Verb, idea of own day birth as a time of miracles, a combination of prosaism and fantasy. Exclamations, lonely dots.

In the poem “I offended my mother” by E. Moshkovskaya, the lyrical hero talks about his experiences after a quarrel with the most important person on earth - his mother.