
The theme of the seasons in the preparatory group. Abstract of the lesson "Seasons" in the preparatory group. I. Organizational moment


Outline of the lesson of the teacher of the center preschool development"Luchik" for children 6 years old according to the program

"Educational games" Gorshkova A.V.

Targets and goals:

    Development of creative skills and physical readiness ( fine motor skills hands) of the child, necessary for the successful mastery of the material in the future: purposefulness of search actions, the desire to achieve a positive result, perseverance, independence, perseverance.

    Training students to develop memory, logical thinking, speech development.

Demo Material : a large calendar, pictures with the months of the year, pictures with different weather conditions, colored felt-tip pens for working on a magnetic board, multi-colored magnets.

Handout: pictures with the names of the months for coloring on the theme "Seasons", clean sheets of paper, colored pencils.

Lesson duration: 40 minutes.

Lesson plan:

    Preparation for the lesson - 2 minutes.

    Healthy warm-up - 5 minutes.

    Explanation of the task - 10 minutes.

    Completion of tasks - 20 minutes.

    Summing up 3 minutes.


Healthy warm-up 1. "About mice."

The mice came out once

See what time it is.

One two three four,

The mice pulled the weights,

Suddenly there was a loud ringing

Here come the mice

"About an orange"

We shared an orange

There are many of us, and he is one

This hedgehog slice

This slice for a swift

This slice is for ducklings

This piece is for kittens.

This slice is for the beaver

And for the wolf peel

He is angry with us - trouble

Run away whoever

Task 2.


In the middle of the sheet we draw a tree trunk (this is a year), there are 12 branches on it (12 months), we list them, on each branch there are 4 nests (each month has four weeks), in each nest there are 7 chicks (each week has seven days ), we list the days of the week, each chick has one white wing and the second black (in every day there are two halves of day and night)

Task 3.

Riddles "12 months"

1. Tight kidneys burst,

And the leaves have hatched

Lilac blossomed in the garden

From day to day the day is longer.

Take off your warm jacket!

Blooming came to us ... (May)

2. In the frost from dawn

The snowmen lit up.

Hey frost, hit harder

Start the year ... (January)

Task 4. seasons and weather conditions.

1. The sun plays with a ray

And the snow is melting, melting!

The birds couldn't sleep

Came to visit us ... (spring)

2. Hot. The sun bakes

The bee collects honey

The strawberry is coming!

When does it happen?.. (summer)

3. From a cloud, like from a sieve,

Drip - drip - dripping water!

Flowers and birds are glad to her,

What kind of water is this? .. (rain)

4.Like the feathers of the Firebird,

It sparkles and sparkles

Powdered the forest, meadow

Winter white ... (snow)

Summarizing. Reflection of the lesson.

Distribution of small prizes and stickers for active work.

Summary of the lesson "Seasons"

Target: to form and develop children's ideas and knowledge about the characteristic seasonal manifestations of the seasons.


enrich the vocabulary of children on the topic "Seasons"; develop visual-figurative and verbal-logical thinking; develop fine motor skills.

Preliminary work:

Examination of illustrations depicting the seasons; reading literary works about the seasons; didactic games: "Determine the sequence"; "Say it right"; "What season?"; word games: “Say a word”, “What is the weather?”; puzzles; observation in nature. Learning the song "Autumn knocked on our door" (I. Smirnova)

Equipment and materials:

projector, computer, board; audio recording of P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons", songs "Sunny Drops" (S. Sosnina), "Song of the Snow Maiden" (A. Varlamov), minus the song "Autumn has knocked on us" (I. Smirnova); slide show with landscapes and scenes of the seasons (spring, summer, autumn, winter), illustrations of migratory and wintering birds (according to the number of children); pictures with mushrooms, vegetables and fruits; pencils, counting sticks; disposable plates with semolina according to the number of children.

I. Children enter the group to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons"

Educator: R fuck, let's stand in a circle holding hands with those with whom you are friends, with your best friends. It's nice to hold each other's hand. Smile at each other. Smile to everyone present. Did you notice when you went to kindergarten what time of year it is?

Guys, I know one fairy tale about the Snow Maiden, which happened in a cold winter. Do you want to listen?

Telling a fairy tale by a teacher

"Quiet at night winter forest. White hats of trees and snowdrifts in the clearings turn blue under the moon. Not a whisper or a rustle is heard. Only Santa Claus creaks.

In the depths of the forest, in a clearing, there is an ice fairy-tale palace with painted patterns on the windows.

The Snow Maiden is sitting at the window, looking to see if Frost will come soon. She saw grandfather, was delighted, took him to the palace, laid him on a snowy bed.

I'm tired, Snow Maiden, - Frost sighed. - I did a lot of work during the winter. Rivers and lakes froze. The snow held them together with frost, so that fur coats and hats near the trees and bushes would not crumble. AT New Year He gave gifts to the children. It's good that winter is over, now you can sleep until next winter.

The Snow Maiden heard the words of her grandfather and began to cry.

What trouble did you have? Frost frowned.

I want to see spring, summer and autumn. The birds told me how everything in the forest turns green and blooms, but I have never seen flowers. Every year winter is deep sleep it lets me in that I fall asleep before the cold.

Ask the titmouse to help you, - suggested Frost. Let her keep you awake with her song.

The Snow Maiden was delighted and ran to the titmouse, and the bird says:

Dear Snow Maiden, I would be glad to help, but I'm afraid for you. Spring will come, it will bring warmth, and you will melt.

The Snow Maiden did not answer anything, kissed the titmouse goodbye and went to rest with Santa Claus until next winter.

Guys, who wants to help the Snow Maiden look at spring, summer and autumn?

And how can we tell the Snow Maiden about the seasons? (Children's answers.)

II. Educator: What time of the year, we will be the first to talk about, you will find out by guessing my musical riddle. Sounds 2 verses of the song "Solar drops" (S. Sosnina) Children guess.

Projection slide show spring scenery and stories on the board.

What is spring like in our region? (cold and warm, cloudy and sunny, rainy, green, etc.).

What good things do you know about spring? (nature comes to life, snowdrops appear - the first flowers, buds swell on trees and leaves appear, etc.)

What are the spring months? (March April May)

Who brings spring on wings? (birds.)

What are these birds called? (migratory.)

What are the names of birds that do not fly to warmer climes? (wintering)

The Snow Maiden probably also wants to know which birds are wintering and which are migratory. Can we help her? Then go to the tables, on a sheet of paper, you see images of birds. Your task: circle migratory birds in blue, wintering birds in red.

Well done! You all did very well. The Snow Maiden will immediately understand which birds are wintering and which are migratory. And the birds carry on their wings to the next season. To which, you will find out by guessing the riddle.

Mystery: If the sun is blue,
and flowers bloom in the grass,
if everything is warm,
then comes to us ... (SUMMER)

Look at the summer landscapes, what can you tell the Snow Maiden about summer so that she likes it? (Slide show of summer landscapes, children describe the image).

Exercise: "Lay out according to the model"

The teacher shows the children a diagram - a sample and asks: “Who does the drawing look like? But so that the butterfly is not bored alone, let each of you guys lay out exactly the same butterfly from the counting sticks on the table as in my picture. Well done guys, your butterflies look like mine.

I propose to turn into a butterfly.


The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up, (trunk to the right, to the left.)

I didn’t want to sleep anymore, (torso forward, back.)

Moved, stretched, (hands up, stretch.)

Soared up and flew, (hands up, right, left.)

The sun will only wake up in the morning, the butterfly is spinning, winding, (circling)

A butterfly flew across the meadow and fell asleep, preparing for the next season. Guess the riddle:

I bring the harvest, I sow the fields again,

I send birds to the south, I undress the trees,

But I don't touch the pines

And Christmas trees, I - ... (Autumn)

Now there is an opportunity to introduce the Snow Maiden to autumn. How can this be done? (children's answers). That's right, you can use the song. (Children sing under minus the song “Autumn knocked on our door” by I. Smirnova)

What do you like about autumn? (beautiful autumn landscape, rich harvest)

What can upset autumn? (cloudy, rainy weather)

(During the stories projection slide show autumn scenery and plots on the board).

riddlea: If it's cold all around,

if the river is under ice,
everything is covered in snow: the ground, houses,
it means that she came to us ... (WINTER)

Guys, the Snow Maiden wants to know, what can you tell us about winter? After all, this is her favorite time of the year.

Projection of a slide show of winter landscapes and plots on the board.

Introduce the Snow Maiden, what is the winter like in our region?

(snowy, frosty, long, white, cheerful, etc.).

What are your favorite winter activities?

(sledding, skating, snowball fights with friends)

Child: Blue snow sparkles in the sun.

Here is a snowman standing funny

Children rush to the rink in a crowd,

We need skates and skis in winter

Fur coat and hat keep us warm

And we forget about the frost!

Frost paints not only the cheeks of children on a walk, but also paints the windows with patterns. Close your eyes and remember what patterns you saw on the windows in winter. I propose to draw them with semolina.

Creative task "Frost patterns" (musical accompaniment “Song of the Snow Maiden” by A. Varlamov)

- It is necessary to pour a thin layer of semolina into a plate and evenly distribute it over the surface. With the tip of your index finger, begin to draw "frosty" patterns. You don't need to press hard. If you want to create new drawing, spread the grits evenly over the surface and start a new pattern.

Well done! You all did very well.

Guys, the Snow Maiden liked your idea about the seasons and she sent you an SMS with tricky questions. Let's play?

Game "Tricky Questions"

The facilitator asks questions, if the answer to the question is “yes”, the children clap their hands, if “no”, stomp their feet

September, October, November are the summer months?

When the leaves begin to fall, does spring come?

Children go to school on the first of September?

In summer, girls and boys wear warm hats, warm boots, fur coats and go sledding?

In winter, do all animals prepare for a long hibernation?

Do the trees have bright green leaves in autumn?

In winter, we love swimming and sunbathing, admiring flowers and picking berries?

Do migratory birds return in spring?

In summer you can swim in the river and sunbathe on the beach?

In autumn, cold rains fall, leaves turn yellow and fall?

In winter, do people wear T-shirts, shorts, sundresses?

Autumn is a great time of the year?

You know everything about the seasons very well.

III . Summarizing:

What were the difficulties?

How did you deal with them?

Thank you all for your hard work!


  1. Pavlova N.N.; Rudenko L.G. Smart pictures. Materials for correctional and developmental work in kindergarten. - M.: "Genesis", 2011.
  2. Uzorova O.V., Nefedova E.A. 1000 exercises to prepare for school. - M .: Planet of childhood, 2002.
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  4. Postoeva L.D., Lukina G.A. integrated correctional and developmental classes for children 4-6 years old. - M.: Bibliophile, 2006 - 64 p.
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  6. Tales of Mother Earth. environmental education through fairy tales, poems and creative tasks / A. Lopatina, M. Skrebtsova. - 2nd ed. - M.: Amrita-Rus, 2008.

Olga Sapozhnikova
Summary of the lesson "Seasons" in preparatory group

Goals: to consolidate the concept of nature in general, animate and inanimate nature; continue the formation of ideas about seasonal phenomena in nature in different season; develop speech skills, thinking, memory; cultivate interest in the study of native nature.

Equipment: interactive board, notebook.

The course of the lesson;

Topic message

Look my dear friend

What is around?

The sky is light blue

The sun shines golden

The wind plays with leaves

A cloud floats in the sky.

Field, river and grass,

Mountains, air and foliage,

Birds, animals and forests.

Thunder, fog and dew.

Man and season-

It's all around (nature)

Guys, today we will go to nature. Do you know the word "nature".

What does she mean? (plants, birds, animals)

And what can not be called nature? (what is made by human hands)

- Today we will talk about seasonal changes in nature in different seasons.

Listen carefully to the riddles

1) It smells of lilac, the sky is clear,

The grass is soft and green.

And in a sundress bright red

Walks on the ground. (Spring).

2) Look. What is a fairy tale?

Everything around in colors and colors.

How much golden light!

Well, of course it is. (summer).

3) Gray clouds float across the sky.

A wedge of cranes flies south.

The tops of pines shot up into the sky.

Wandering sadly outside the windows. (autumn).

4) The snow is dancing and spinning.

The blizzard queen rushes

On a sleigh, and with her herself

Coloring-. (winter).

What unites all the riddle words? (It's four season.)

Practical work "Natural phenomena".

- In nature, constantly occur changes: sometimes the wind blows, then it rains, then it snows, then a rainbow appears in the sky. Leaves on trees grow in spring and fall off in autumn. All these changes in nature are called natural phenomena, or phenomena of nature. Many natural phenomena are associated with a change seasons(or seasons, that's why they are called seasonal

- Now we will be divided into four groups. Each Group will describe one of seasons. Group must identify at least 5 seasonal phenomena.

For example. Autumn: 1) it is raining; 2) leaf fall begins; 3) first snow; 4) birds fly away to warmer climes; 5) cooling.

All speeches are heard groups. The teacher once again draws the attention of children to objects of living and inanimate nature. The work is summed up groups.

K o n k u r s h t e c o v.

Children read by heart poems that talk about the signs of summer, autumn, winter or spring.

Sad time! Eye charm! Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -

I love the magnificent withering of nature, the forests dressed in crimson and gold.

In their vestibule there is noise and fresh breath, and the skies are covered with wavy mist.

And a rare ray of sun, and the first frosts, and distant threats of a gray winter.

P h i s c u l t m i n t k a

The children were walking in the forest (Children march in place).

Watching nature. (The palm is applied to the eyes).

They looked up at the sun (They raise their heads to the top and “reach for the sun).

And their rays warmed.

Butterflies flew.

They waved their wings. (flapping wings).

We clap together (clap hands).

We stomp our feet! (stomp their feet).

Well we walked (March, inhale-exhale).

And a little tired! (Children sit in their seats).

The game Name the months of the year» .

Everyone has it seasons have their months?

Let's remember them.

(slide show)

V and k o r and n a “Phenomena of nature (seasonal phenomena)».

1) The sun does not rise so high in the sky, the days are getting shorter, the air temperature drops to zero degrees and below. Thick fogs hang. Rains are heavy, drizzling. Sometimes it snows. Rivers, lakes and ponds are covered with ice. (Season - late autumn.)

2) The birds are restless. The leaves on the trees change their color, turn yellow, red, brown, and then fall off. Potatoes, carrots, beets are being harvested. Frost appears on the ground, grass, roofs of houses in the morning. (Season - autumn.)

3) The sun rises low. The days are shorter than the nights. Rivers, lakes, ponds are frozen. The soil is frozen. The weather is frosty. The whole land is covered with snow, cold winds blow, snowfall and blizzards are frequent. (Season - winter.)

4) The sky has become blue, high, and white-white light clouds are floating across it. It is getting warmer. Snow melts, streams run, ice drifts on the rivers, the soil thaws, precipitation falls in the form of rain. Buds swell on the trees and primroses appear. (Season - spring.)

5) The sun rises high. The weather is hot. The whole earth is covered with a green carpet. Birds chirp merrily, taking care of their offspring. Flowers bloom, butterflies flutter, bees fly. Everything around moves, pleases with bright colors. (Season - summer.)

Game "Squirrels, hares, mice."

All participants are divided into groups. Groups are named: "Squirrels", "hares", "Mice". The leader is chosen. Three hoops are placed at a distance of 5 meters from each other. These are houses "animals". The leader gives the command "Squirrels - mice!".Named groups should change"houses". The player caught by the driver becomes the driver, and he joins the team from which he was caught. The leader can submit such signal: "Mice - squirrels - hares!". Then all three teams must leave their house.

The game "When does it happen?"

The trees dropped their outfit

And the naked stand.

But what is the miracle? Like a flower.

Small on a branch. (leaf).

(Leaf fall - in autumn.)

Appeared from under the snow

I saw a piece of the sky.

The very first, most tender, -

Clean small. (snowdrop).

(In the spring.)

There has been a lot of snow.

The birds were hungry.

I'll make a feeder for them,

I will give them grains, I will give them a cheesecake.

Come to me soon

Bully sparrow.

Come to me sister

Yellow-breasted. (tit).

(In winter.)

This is a girl Natasha

In a bright pink shirt.

A bird flies over Natasha.

Bloomed in the field. (chamomile).


The game "Pantomime".

In each season people came up with interesting activities - fun.

What winter children's fun do you know?

Guys, show your favorite fun with facial expressions and gestures.

Winter - skiing, skating, sledding, playing snowballs.

Spring - launching boats, playing hopscotch.

Summer - swimming, playing football.

Autumn - collection of autumn leaves.

Guys what is it now season? (Spring)

Correctly! Let's sing a funny song about it season.

A song is being performed "Spring came"

Outcome lessons.

- What have you learned about lesson?

What did you like about lesson?

- Which the time of year you love?

Lesson is over. Thank you all for your active work.

Summary of the lesson on familiarization with fiction

Theme: Conversation « Seasons ».

Reading the story of V. Dahl« Old manYearling»

Target: Expand and clarify children's knowledge of the seasons.


Clarify children's knowledge about the seasons, the number of months in a year, in seasons;

To give knowledge about the names of the months of the year in ancient Rome, to develop a cognitive interest in the history of human development;

With the help of experience, to give knowledge about the movement of the Earth around its axis and around the Sun;

Develop the ability to answer fully, with common sentences, to substantiate your conclusions;

Cultivate the desire to learn new things.

Corrective work: Continue to consolidate the temporary representations of children, activate the work of safe analyzers, orientation in space.

Equipment: Illustrated material, musical arrangement, globe, sheets of paper, pencils, story text, different types of calendars.


1 h. Introductory attention game« Arrange posts» ( with direction change).

2 h.Guys, guess the riddle:

Every year they come to visit us:

One gray

another young

the third is jumping

and the fourth cries (4 seasons).

Calendar display.

- Do you guys know why the year is called round? On the calendar layout (board game« Seasons») turn the arrow« wheels of time»- WINTER, SPRING, SUMMER, AUTUMN ... so a year has passed, and so on in a circle, ad infinitum ...

Humanity has different forms countdown. You are already familiar with one of them.– This is a clock, by which we know the time of day. And what helps us to know the days, months?That's right, calendar (demonstration different types calendars).

- Calendarthis is a list of the days of the year. There are 365 days in a year, which is a lot, look how thick the calendar is. Each leaf is a day of the year, and for convenience, people divided all the days of the year into weeks and months. Who can tell us how many months there are in a year? Name them? What month is it? What time of year does it belong to?

3 h. Didactic game:

Give the children cards on which the month and its ordinal number are written out of order, the children must correct what is wrong.

4 h. Fizminutka:

Like snow on a hill, snow, (get up on your toes, hands up)

And under the hill snow, snow, (squat)

And on the Christmas tree snow, snow, (get up, hands to the sides)

And under the tree snow, snow, (we wrap our arms around ourselves)

And under the snow the bear is sleeping (swayed from side to side, arms bent at the elbows, in front of the chest, palms away from you)

Hush, hush, do not make noise, (finger to lips, in a whisper).

5 part a) Exercise« Earth Movement» - put the pencil in the right hand in two fingers on a plane, at the same time rotate around.

Conclusion: - The Earth also rotates around its axis passing through the North and South Poles.

b) showing the rotation of the Earth on a globe.

Conclusion : - It turns out the yearis the time it takes for the earth to revolve around the sun.

An experienceexperiment: showing children with a globe and table lamp or candles of the change of day and night on Earth.

6 h. Gymnastics for the eyes.

The children do the show.

Right - left, right - left,

You look with your eyes.

Up - down, up - down,

Close and rest.

You close your eyes tightly - tightly,

Blink and rest.

And then start again!

7 h.Guys, would you like to take a trip into the history of the names of the months of the year? Then sit back and listen: - In many countries of the world, the months of the year are called as it was invented in the ancient city of Rome. The Romans first called the months of the year by numbers or numbers: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12…, and then gradually they renamed some months in honor of their gods and heroes.

JANUARY– in honor of the god of time, patron of travelers and sailorsJANUS;

FEBRUARY– in honor of the big holidayday of cleansing from sins and bad deedsFEBRUTUS;


APRIL - APRICUS– sun-warmed bloom;

MAY– named after the Roman general and emperor Julius Caesar;

AUGUST - named after another emperor– Octavian Augustus;

And the rest of the months remained named by ordinal numbers.

Did you enjoy the monthly trip?

And now I'll read you a fairy tale– a riddle written by V. Dahl more than 100 years ago, and you listen and try to guess it.

8 part V.Dal« Old man-year-old»

An old man came out. He began to wave his sleeve and let the birds go. Each bird has its own special name. Waved the old man-year-old for the first time– and the first three birds flew. It blew cold, frost. The old man waved a second timeand the second trio flew. The snow began to melt, flowers appeared on the fields. The old one-year-old waved for the third timeflew the third trio. It became hot, stuffy, sultry. The men began to harvest rye. Waved the old man-year-old for the fourth timeand three more birds flew. A cold wind blew, frequent rain sprinkled, fogs lay.

And the birds were not ordinary. Each bird has four wings. Each wing has seven feathers. Each pen also has its own name. One half of the wing is white, the other– black. The bird will wave oncewill become light-light, wave another - it will become dark-dark.

What kind of birds flew out of the sleeve of the old one-year-old man?

What are the four wings of each bird?

What are the seven feathers in each wing?

What does it mean that each feather has one half white and the other– black?

9 h. The result of the lesson:

What new and interesting did you learn today?

How can you show the experience with the rotation of the Earth?

What city did the names of the months come from?

What else can you tell your friends, parents?

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Target: To consolidate the idea of ​​the characteristic features, features of different seasons; develop thinking, imagination in the preparation of proposals. Activate the use of complex sentences, adjectives in the speech of children (selection of definitions); to fix to describe the subject according to its main features; to teach to understand the meaning of proverbs, sayings, signs; exercise in regulating the tempo of speech and the strength of the voice, highlighting the sound in the word; learn to come up with sentences with prepositions and convey feelings of joy, surprise, grief with your voice. Cultivate love for nature, maintain cleanliness in the ecological environment.

Material for the lesson: illustrations of the seasons, a plan for the game “Box of Feelings”, a bird feeder, bird silhouettes, bird food (millet, oats, bread crumbs), sentence models, pictures with primroses, album sheets, colored pencils.

Preliminary work: a walk in the park, along the streets of the city, watching the work of adults. Manufacture of feeders, feeding birds. Reading poems, stories, memorizing proverbs, sayings, invocations, poems. Working with the calendar of nature, planting a vegetable garden on the window. Examining illustrations, drawing landscapes. Audio recording of P.I. Tchaikovsky seasons”, voices of birds, wind noise.

Lesson progress

Children enter the group to the song of V. Shainsky “Together it is fun to walk across the open spaces”

Educator: All children and adults are friends in our group. We know how to be friends with each other and make friends with our fingers.

Finger gymnastics.

Girls and boys are friends in our group,
We'll make friends with you, little fingers.
1-2-3-4-5 - we begin to count
1-2-3-4-5 - we finished counting.

Educator: Soon you will go to school and you will remember our kindergarten, your friends, our games and activities, holidays and walks. Today we will talk with you about our Siberian nature. And let's go on a journey through the seasons, remember what we know about them. For a long time, man has been observing nature: collecting proverbs, sayings, signs. He composed poems, invented riddles and passed them on from father to son, from mother to daughter. We saved nature for you and me. So it turns out that we will talk about our Siberian land, about our Motherland, how it should be protected and protected. After all, only here in Siberia this happens in autumn, winter, summer and spring. In other areas, countries, everything is different.

Educator: What time of year do you think we are in? How did you know? Children's answers.

The illustration is on display.

Educator: guys, tell us what kind of summer we have in Siberia?

Children's answers: hot, green, clear, rainy, sunny, colorful, warm, long-awaited, etc.

Educator: what do you like about summer? What do you dislike about summer?

Children's answers.

Educator: guys, what kind of nicknames do you know about summer.

Children's answers.

Rain, rain, more
Shoots will be thicker!
rainbow arc
Don't let it rain.
Come on sunshine
Above the log!
Rain, rain, pour -
There will be loaf of bread!
Rain, rain
Have pity
At least don't fill the road!

Educator: In the summer, people relax at the sea, go to the forest, go hiking. What would you wish to vacationers, so that it remains clean after them in nature? What can and cannot be done outdoors? Break into pairs and agree on which posters you would place in nature? Sketch your suggestions. Children draw ecological signs of behavior in nature. Explain what you drew and why.

The music of I.P. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons"

Educator: What time of the year do you think comes after a hot summer?

Children's answers. Autumn.

An illustration of autumn is exhibited.

Educator: Tell us what kind of autumn we have in Siberia?

Children's answers: golden, rainy, sunny, dirty, productive, mushroom, cheerful, deciduous, etc.

Educator: what proverbs and sayings about autumn do you know, how do you understand them?

Children's answers:

  • In autumn, the web is for clear weather.
  • Autumn chills the water.
  • September is never fruitless.
  • In autumn, birds fly low - to a cold, high - to a warm winter.
  • What is the weather in November, so is May.

Educator: Autumn is a harvest time and we will now find out how it will please us.

D/I “Box of Feelings”

Drawing up a descriptive story about the object inside the box according to the plan of the scheme. Inside the box are natural vegetables and fruits. Educator: what do you like about autumn? Why? Children's answers. Educator: guys, how do we help nature in the fall?

Children's answers: we harvest, clean the lawns from debris. We are starting to build bird feeders for wintering birds.

An audio recording sounds with the sounds of a blizzard, wind, bird voices.

Educator: Guys, what time of the year do you think? Why?

Children's answers: Winter, the wind is howling, the frost is cracking, etc.

An illustration about winter is exhibited.

Educator: what kind of winter do we have in Siberia?

Children's answers: frosty, cold, white, snowy, windy, long, cheerful, etc.

Educator: help to finish the proverb, I will start, and you will finish it.

  • December is ending... (winter starts)
  • Smoke pillar to... (to frost)
  • In winter, the sun sets in the clouds... (to snowfall)
  • Winter and summer go well... (no)
  • The snow is deep - a year ... (good)
  • Winter is not summer: in a fur coat ... (dressed)
  • Two friends - frost yes ... (winter storm)

Educator: what do you like about winter? Why?

D/I “We won’t say what we do, but we will show what we do”

  • Show what you like in winter, what you can do in winter.
  • Why don't you like winter?

Imitation of movements of arms, legs, facial expressions, gestures.

Educator: well done! Well, everything was depicted, let's breathe and pronounce the winter sounds.

Breathing exercises.

Sweeps powder paths sh-sh-sh-sh (arms below, light swings with arms from side to side)
The blizzard will blow: in-in-in (circular hand movements)
The blizzard will spin uuu (children spin around and sit down)

Educator: guys how do we help wintering birds in winter?

D/I classification of birds.

Place wintering birds on the feeder, name them.

Children's answers: tit, sparrow, dove, magpie, crow, woodpecker, etc.

Educator: what do we feed the birds?

Children's answers: seeds, crumbs, grains of oats, millet. We feed the birds. Children choose bird food.

An audio recording sounds with the sounds of a drop, cheerful singing of birds, a stream.

Educator: The cold winter has passed and...

Children's answers: Spring.

The illustration is on display.

Educator: what kind of spring do we have in Siberia?

Children's answers: cold, warm, cloudy, sunny, rainy, murmuring, green, etc.

Educator: name any spring word and the sound the word ends with.

Children's answers: thawed patch (A), kidney (a), stream (Y), ice (T), sun (E), etc.

Educator: what proverbs and sayings about spring do you know, how do you understand them? Children's answers: Spring day feeds the whole year.

  • March with water, April with grass, and May with flowers.
  • Every seed knows its time.
  • What goes around comes around.
  • May frost will not squeeze out tears.

Think of sentences with the words: drops, stream, spring, primrose. Lay out your proposal with a diagram and read it. The children are doing the task.

Educator: Guys, do you know protected plants, primroses.

Children's answers: coltsfoot, lungwort, fry, ram, common dandelion, etc.

Educator: why it is impossible to destroy these plants, where they are used?

Children's answers: primroses medicinal plants, can be used in food, (soup, salad, jam).

Educator: Find these plants in the pictures and we will make our own red book. The children are doing the task.

Educator: listen to the poem:

Save the earth, save
Skylark at the blue zenith
Butterfly on dodder leaves,
Sunlight on the paths.
Over the desert the shadow of the baobab,
The hawk hovering over the field
Swallow flashing in life
Take care of the earth! Take care!

Educator: our journey is over. You have to go to school soon. Learn to see, feel, observe. Because nature and homeland are inseparable from each other. Even the words are similar to NATURE and HOMELAND. Let's say together affectionately and tenderly: "Beloved motherland, like a dear mother."

The game "What I liked in the lesson"

Children stand in a circle. The teacher throws the ball, asks a question, the child answers.