
2 stripes on shoulder straps rank of police. Shoulder straps and ranks of the Russian police: the meaning of the stars on them, historical continuity. Shoulder straps and ranks of Russian police officers


In our country, the police keep order, control and regulate it.

Many people ask how to distinguish between shoulder straps and police ranks in order to correctly address a person in uniform and “not lose face”?

The police and the military have a lot in common. They protect the citizens of Russia, ensure the safety of the life of the inhabitants of our state.

Duties of the police Russian Federation the following:

  • enforcement and control of the law;
  • organization of order for the population;
  • disclosure of crimes;
  • prevention of illegal actions, search for criminals.

Police ranks and epaulettes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is one of the main bodies of the law enforcement system in our state. The Ministry of Internal Affairs assigns positions or special titles to its employees, guided by where, in which unit the employee works.

The law of the Russian Federation describes periods of seniority in special ranks, which almost correspond to military ones, only the marshal and corporal are missing. In addition to the title, the word "police" and "retired" are written.

Police officers are divided into five component ranks from private to general.

All employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with special titles are required to wear uniforms and insignia.

Shoulder straps are insignia. They are on the shoulders and show what rank the policeman is in. To properly understand the differences, you need to look at shoulder straps, determine the number of stars, size and how they are located.

More details about the ranks are provided below.

The highest commanding staff

This officer rank includes generals.

In ascending order they include:

  1. Major General - one big star on shoulder straps.
  2. Lieutenant General - 2 large stars located vertically.
  3. Colonel General - three large stars placed vertically.
  4. Police General of the Russian Federation - the emblem of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the form of a double-headed eagle at the inner edge and one very large star (from 07/20/2015 the emblem was changed by Post. Pr. No. 1147 of 11/03/14 - there were 4 large stars). In 2015, in Russia there was the first assignment of this title to the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Kolokoltsev V.A. This is the highest rank of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Conditions for obtaining titles - required experience. It is added to the previous length of service, five years each for the first and second ranks from the above list. The third and fourth ranks from the list are appointed only by the president of the country.

Note: shoulder strap is covered with a pattern, there are no gaps.

Senior commanding staff

The signs of this officer rank also differ, and it consists of three ranks according to the list:

  1. Police major - one big star;
  2. Lieutenant colonel - two large stars, their placement is horizontal on the outer edge of the shoulder strap;
  3. Colonel - big three stars. Their location: two are located horizontally along the outer edge of the shoulder strap, and the third is above them in the center.

The necessary conditions for obtaining ranks in this category are a certain length of service, which is added to the service in the previous rank. Maybe three to four years.

Take note: a distinctive feature is two gaps (two vertical stripes) on shoulder straps, their edging is red.

Middle commanding staff

This is the first officer rank. It also has its differences:

  1. Junior lieutenant - 1 star.
  2. Lieutenant - two stars horizontally.
  3. Senior lieutenant - three stars: two are placed horizontally along the outer edge, the third - in the center, above them.
  4. Captain - there are four small stars: two along the outer edge, and two above them in the center - one above the other.

Ranks are assigned by decision of the authorities, required condition for career growth: a diploma of higher education, and then a certain length of service, which is added to the length of service in the previous rank.

It is worth noting: shoulder strap highlights one clearance.

Junior commanding staff

Here again, everything differs in ranks, and their signs are also different from one another:

  1. Junior sergeant - in the middle are two stripes horizontally.
  2. Sergeant - there are not two, but three in the middle.
  3. Senior sergeant - in the center it is one wide horizontally.
  4. Foreman - one wide long vertical stripe.
  5. Ensign - two asterisks are placed on the pursuit vertically.
  6. Senior warrant officer - there are three such stars.

These titles are given by the decision of the authorities, and the prerequisite for obtaining these titles is the following: secondary or secondary specialized education.

Good to know: shoulder strap is monophonic, without gaps and patterns.

The rank and file of the police

This rank of police is the youngest. It includes:

  1. Privates - there are no signs on shoulder straps (clean, empty), they receive the title from the first day of service in the police.
  2. Cadets of educational institutions - a large letter "K" is depicted on shoulder straps.

The rank and file is subordinate to all four commanding structures listed above in order.


Based on the above, when meeting with an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a policeman, you can easily determine what rank a person stands in front of you.

It is enough to remember the main dividing points:

  • empty shoulder straps - private;
  • stripes - sergeants;
  • stars without stripes - ensigns;
  • stars and stripes - officers;
  • big stars and patterns are the highest composition.

The division of police officers into five main types - compositions, and the introduction of insignia is of great importance for the order, control and effective service (for the benefit of the state) of this structure.

To the question What rank do two stars on shoulder straps mean, given by the author Elena Gridnevskaya the best answer is If the shoulder straps are clean, without stripes, and the stars are small and located along the shoulder strap, this is an ensign. If there is a strip along the shoulder strap, the clearance is called, and the stars across the shoulder strap are a lieutenant. If there are two gaps and across the big stars, lieutenant colonel. Golden epaulettes with big stars - lieutenant general.

Answer from Irinka...[guru]
Looking at what shoulder straps.

Answer from Ded[guru]
ensign, lieutenant, lieutenant colonel, lieutenant general

Answer from Evgeny Vakhnenko 190(T)[newbie]
It all depends on their location! May be an ensign, lieutenant or lieutenant colonel

Answer from Alexander[guru]
depending on which stars, small lieutenants, large lieutenant colonels on the sides of the shoulder strap, the lieutenant has one polo between the stars, the lieutenant colonel has two stars located on them, the ensign has two hardly, there are no stripes on shoulder straps

Answer from Leani[guru]

Answer from spesivtsev maxim[guru]
twice father

Answer from Lukerya Onion[guru]
If on shoulder straps with one stripe and the stars are not big - lieutenant
If 2 stripes and stars are large - lieutenant colonel
And if not stripes, but a STRIP in a zigzag, but embroidered with gold, and the stars are huge, then Lieutenant General

Answer from Ilya Chuchilov[newbie]

Answer from Evgeny Stolyarov[newbie]
Depending on which ones, there is an Ensign, Lieutenant, Lieutenant Colonel, General Lieutenant.
Ensign without stripes.
Lieutenant one stripe red
Lieutenant colonel two red stripes
General Lieutenant without stripes

Answer from Ѝlvina Mukhametdinova[newbie]

Answer from Yuri Polukhin[guru]
The answers are missing the rank of vice admiral

Answer from Yovetlana Nikolaeva[newbie]
If the stars are small and are located vertically, then the ensign, if the stars are medium (13 mm), are located horizontally, and with one gap (stripe), then the lieutenant, if the stars are large (20 mm) and are located horizontally, and with two gaps, then lieutenant colonel , if vertically large stars (22 mm), then lieutenant general.

Answer from Maxim Seleznev[newbie]
Zatya also has 2 stars on shoulder straps

Military ranks in Armed Forces Russian Federation on Wikipedia
Military ranks in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Military ranks and insignia of the Red Army 1940-1943 on Wikipedia
Check out the wikipedia article on Military ranks and insignia of the Red Army 1940-1943

General of the Russian Army on Wikipedia
Check out the wikipedia article on Army General Russia

Two stars of the TV show on Wikipedia
Check out the wikipedia article on Two TV show stars

Star insignia on Wikipedia
Check out the wikipedia article on Star insignia

Major on Wikipedia
See the Wikipedia article about Major

Lieutenant Colonel on Wikipedia
See the Wikipedia article about Lieutenant Colonel

Different power structures and the form is different. Depending on the rank, one can understand not only which path a person has traveled up the career ladder, but also distinguish the form of addressing him. The title is easily recognizable by the shoulder straps on the shoulders of a military officer or a security officer or security structure.

Shoulder straps

Initially, they did not have such a significant meaning, but only an applied purpose. With their help, they held the belt of the bag with cartridges. Therefore, the shoulder strap was only on one shoulder - the left. It is for this reason that in the Navy the rank was indicated by stripes on the sleeve.

In Russia, epaulettes appeared as distinctive signs on military clothing at the end of the 16th century during the reign of Peter I. They were used only among soldiers, since, starting with officers, they did not carry bags and guns.

The current customary shoulder straps have an irregular rectangular shape with special designations. Stripes, stars and stripes indicate the type of uniform and the rank of the wearer.

Rigid bright sewing, often with ornaments or galloons, with remarkable stars and other signs of identification of the power structure and rank, adorn the dress uniforms. The field uniform has epaulettes with the usual identification symbols and simple sewing.

Insignia in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Among the employees of the Ministry of the Interior, and in particular the police, there are 2 stars on the shoulder straps of several ranks.

Star location and rank designation:

  • ensign - 2 small stars located in the middle along the shoulder strap;
  • lieutenant - 2 small stars across the shoulder strap in its lower part;
  • lieutenant colonel - 2 large stars across the shoulder strap in its lower part;
  • lieutenant general (highest commanding staff) - 2 big stars along the shoulder strap, but closer to the bottom.

The shoulder straps of the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are blue-green.

The number of stars on any shoulder straps symbolizes the rank, and thus everyone who understands ranks and ranks can tell by shoulder straps who is in front of him.

Military insignia

The military has little difference in shoulder straps than the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The designation of 2 stars is also for the ensign, lieutenant, lieutenant colonel and lieutenant general with the same location. The color of the shoulder straps themselves is marsh or rather dark green with brown tint. Differences from the police are not only in color, but also in the red stripes along the axis of the shoulder strap. For ensigns, they are located along the edge. Junior officers, among whom the owner of two stars - a lieutenant - have one red stripe in the middle of the shoulder strap along the axis. The colonel, who is part of the senior officers, wears two red stripes on his shoulder straps at the edge along the axis. And only for senior officers and the lieutenant general, in particular, the stars are not attached, but sewn on the shoulder strap. Ceremonial galloon and red stripes along the axis on the very edge.

Insignia in the Ministry of Emergency Situations

The FPS and the Ministry of Emergency Situations are paramilitary units, and therefore their uniforms are not much different from the generally accepted recognition symbols of other security services.

The blue shoulder straps of the Ministry of Emergency Situations have a rectangular shape rounded on one side. The red edging and symbols of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are on the shoulder straps of any composition. Recognitive concepts, like all other law enforcement agencies, have 2 stars for an ensign, lieutenant and lieutenant colonel. Location is identical. There are differences, but in other ranks.

In fact, they have a huge history and is rooted in the Middle Ages. Shoulder pads in those days carried no less significant symbols - coat of arms and other heraldic designations of belonging to a particular family or even to the Court. Not all knights wore protective shoulder pads, but even then there was some kind of their current concept. They have survived centuries of evolution, changing along with humanity, and now they have a form familiar to us, but far from the last for themselves.

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The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia are paramilitary, they have the appropriate uniforms and insignia. Insignia depending on special ranks, located on shoulder straps, for employees of the FPS were established by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated July 3, 2008 N 364 "On approval of the Rules for wearing uniforms by employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, emergencies and elimination of consequences of natural disasters, having special ranks of the internal service", and are identical to the corresponding signs for police officers.

The basis for the placement of insignia made in the form of plates and stars is the shoulder strap.

Persons of the middle and senior commanding staff wear shoulder straps:

  • on tunics (jackets) in dress uniforms - sewn-on shoulder straps with a golden field, with gaps and orange piping;
  • on tunics (jackets) with everyday uniforms, demi-season jackets, coats and winter jackets - sewn-on shoulder straps with a gray-blue field, with gaps and orange piping;
  • on woolen jackets and summer jackets - removable shoulder straps with a gray-blue field, with gaps and orange piping;
  • on shirts (blouses) of white and gray-blue color - removable shoulder straps with a field, respectively, of white and gray-blue color, with gaps and orange piping;
On shoulder straps, in accordance with the special rank, golden-colored metal stars are placed.

Persons of private and junior commanding officers wear shoulder straps:

  • on tunics (jackets), demi-season jackets (for ensigns of the internal service), coats and winter jackets - sewn-on shoulder straps with a gray-blue field, with orange piping;
  • on woolen jackets, summer jackets and shirts (blouses) - removable shoulder straps with a gray-blue field, with orange piping;
  • on shirts (blouses) white color(for warrant officers of the internal service) - removable shoulder straps with a white field;
  • on demi-season raincoats - shoulder straps made of the fabric of the top of the products, sewn into the seam of attaching the sleeve, with a triangular upper edge fastened with a button.
In accordance with the special rank placed:
Cadets educational institutions epaulettes are worn:
Insignia for a special rank - plates (stripes) on the shoulder straps of foremen of the internal service are located along the longitudinal center line, sergeants of the internal service are located perpendicular to the longitudinal center line of the shoulder strap.

The emblems on the shoulder straps are metallic golden color - a small emblem of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. The emblems are placed on the longitudinal center line of the shoulder strap, at a distance of 5 mm from the button.

Placement of insignia on shoulder straps

Placement of stars on the shoulder straps of the middle, senior, senior commanding staff and ensigns of the internal service

Special rank of internal serviceNumber of stars on the chaseStar diameter, mmDistance from the lower edge of the shoulder strap to the center of the first star, mmDistance between the centers of the stars along the shoulder strap, mm
Colonel General3 22 25 25
Lieutenant General2 22 25 25
Major General1 22 45 -
Colonel3 20 25 25
Lieutenant colonel2 20 25 -
Major1 20 45 -
Captain4 13 25 25
Senior Lieutenant3 13 25 25
Lieutenant2 13 25 -
Ensign1 13 45 -
Senior Warrant Officer3 13 25 25
Ensign2 13 25 25

I would like to understand the system of military ranks. What do, for example, two asterisks on shoulder straps mean and who is an ensign? I think it will also be useful for young readers of the newspaper - boys who will serve the Motherland.

Thank you in advance, your longtime reader Zoya Stepanovna Karamysheva.

Thank you for this interesting question! Let's start from the beginning. V Ancient Russia with military ranks didn't bother. Everything was simple: commanders were called according to the number of soldiers in their subordination - ten's manager, centurion, thousand's manager.

Shoulder straps were invented under Peter the Great, but not at all in order to sew stars on them, they simply fastened a bag with cartridges so that the strap would not slip. After some time, shoulder straps began to be used to distinguish the rank of the military.

In the Red Army there were no titles until until the second half of the 1930s. It was believed that ranks were a bourgeois affair, and all Red Army soldiers were equal comrades with different positions. However, convenience will take its toll, and shoulder straps will be restored at the beginning of 1943.

In Russia, two types of military ranks of military personnel have been established - military and naval.

It all starts with the recruiting office, where the conscript is given a military ID and automatically assigned the rank of private, - tells guard lieutenant colonel Boris Sokolov. I wonder what this title is introduced in July 1946, before that they were addressed exclusively as fighters, or as Red Army soldiers).

A military career from a private to a marshal has 20 steps, Sokolov continues. - Each level corresponds to certain shoulder straps, by which you can find out not only the military rank, but also belonging to certain branches of the military by color scheme. In particular, in the army it is customary to distinguish between three types of shoulder straps - everyday, field and dress.

We will focus on everyday military shoulder straps and their corresponding ranks. All titles can be divided into several groups.

Soldiers : soldier (clean shoulder strap) and corporal (experienced soldier) , on the pursuit of which there are metal narrow squares (badges) of golden color, reminiscent of the “greater-less” sign in mathematics.

Sergeants and foremen: junior sergeant, sergeant, senior sergeant, foreman. The tabs are getting wider, but there are still no stars.

Ensigns:ensign, senior ensign. Translated from Church Slavonic language "prapor" means banner. The title was first introduced in 1649 by decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. In the period 1917-1972. The rank of lieutenant did not exist. Since 2009, the institute of ensigns has been liquidated, but in February 2013, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announced the return of the institutes of ensigns and midshipmen to the army and navy, respectively.

The first stars appear on the ensign shoulder straps. Small ones (the ensign has two, the senior has three).

In general, the larger the star, the higher the rank. Yes, s stars on the shoulder straps of marshals of the Russian Federation have a diameter of 40 mm, generals - 22 mm, senior officers - 20 mm, junior officers and ensigns - 13 mm.

As for the number of "five-pointed" - If you can count to four, you won't get confused.

junior officers : junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant and captain. On the shoulder straps of these military men there is a strip called a clearance and small stars.

* - Ensign

** - lieutenant

*** - senior lieutenant

**** - already the captain!

The origin of the word "captain" is Latin, meaning literally - chief, head.

Senior officers: major, lieutenant colonel, colonel. There are already two gaps and “medium” stars on shoulder straps, one for the major, two for the lieutenant colonel, three for the colonel.

Major literally - senior, greater. The colonel is the commander of the regiment.

Senior officer corps : major general, lieutenant general, colonel general, army general, marshal. Incidentally, the origin the words marshal are pretty funny. Initially, this is a groom. But not simple, but some noble duke or king. The title of marshal was established in the USSR in 1935.

“Life is hopeless, like a general's shoulder straps,” they joke in the army, because there are no gaps on the shoulder straps of generals. But big stars shine.


Where is the generalissimo?

Stalin was the first and last generalissimo in the USSR. Specially for the new rank, a uniform and shoulder straps-epaulettes were developed. But the leader of the peoples did not favor this "suit", and even at the Victory Parade he was in his favorite tunic.

The title was abolished in 1993, along with the rest of the Soviet military ranks. The list of military ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, created at the same time, did not include the rank of generalissimo.

The last owner of this high title on planet Earth was the leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea Kim Jong Il - in 2011, the title of generalissimo was awarded to him posthumously.

Natalia Khairulina