
How to wash an aquarium completely. How to clean an aquarium at home? Cleaning in an emergency

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It does not matter where the aquarium is located - in the office or at home, it will please its owners only with perfect cleanliness. Although there are many pets (fish, shellfish, snails), cleaning accessories, human intervention in the water is inevitable. However, cleaning a home reservoir is not an easy task, so you should clearly know: why cleaning is required, the causes of pollution, the process of the procedure and other features.

The appearance in the aquarium of the remains of the vital activity of fish, food, dead pets and plants, provokes a deterioration in water quality and turbidity (algae) occurs, which form on the walls of the aquarium and in the water space. Turbidity is a coating on the glass and substrate. This factor directly affects the fish, affecting their health and comfort.

Various filters and other cleaning equipment are now popular, and mollusks, snails, and fish that eat the above-described waste are also allowed into the aquarium, but they cannot cope with pollution on their own, so cleaning with an aquascaper is necessary.

Causes of Aquarium Pollution

Plaque on glass and substrate may appear for the following reasons:

  1. Aquarium overpopulation. Each pet requires a certain amount of liquid at the rate of 1.5-2 liters. If there is less water per fish, then cloudy water cannot be avoided.
  2. Overfeeding. Fish do not always eat food intended for one-time feeding. Its settling on the substrate contributes to the decomposition and the appearance of algae.
  3. Stagnant water. In the aquarium hobby, any owner of a home pond takes responsibility for caring for pets and. If it was done at the wrong time, then the process of turbidity of the liquid begins, which can spread to new water.
  4. Bright lighting. With abundant light, the liquid begins to bloom. This leads to rapid turbidity of the water, which provokes the appearance of algae.

How often should you clean your aquarium?

The number of aquarium cleanings depends on several factors: the volume of the tank, the number of pets and vegetation. Based on these indicators, the owner makes cleaning 1-2 times a week.

Minor but important indications for cleaning:

  • if deterioration in fish health is noticeable;
  • show a decline in water quality;
  • appearance containers begin to deteriorate, and the water becomes cloudy.

If, nevertheless, the view of the aquarium is spoiled, but the cleaning was not carried out, then you can see the dirt with your own eyes. To do this, it is worth watching the fish and when it swims away from the bottom, swaying the water, a small mud cloud rises from the substrate. This indicates urgent cleaning, because dirt can not only spoil the health of floating inhabitants, but also lead to death.

However, if the aquarium is perfectly clean, then you need to regularly monitor the presence of concentrated nitrogen compounds. They also lead to death, and require urgent elimination.

What's Included in Aquarium Cleaning

  1. Getting rid of glasses from cloudiness (plaque).
  2. Decoration cleaning.
  3. Trimming and weeding of aquarium vegetation.
  4. If necessary, carry out a bottom siphon.
  5. Fluid replacement.
  6. Cleaning of filter devices.
  7. Pouring water into the aquarium.

Before you start cleaning, you will need to disconnect all aquarium electrical appliances from the mains, except for external filters.

Aquarium cleaning process

Glass cleaning

With the appearance of algae in the aquarium, plaque forms on its walls, spoiling the appearance. To fix this shortcoming, you will need to use 1 of these tools:

  • a scraper with a metal blade (or a blade from a clerical knife);
  • washcloth (new);
  • scraper of magnetic origin.

Scraper with metal blade easy to get in specialized stores. It perfectly removes plaque from glass, but is not applicable in. This is due to the rigidity of the metal, leaving scratches on such a surface.

washcloth- the cheapest way to clean. Its disadvantages: it is required to get it by hand everywhere and is not suitable for plexiglass containers. Don't use an old sponge! It can bring bacteria into the aquarium, and lead to the disease of the fish.

Scraper of magnetic origin used for cleaning Plexiglas surfaces, containers where it is not possible to clean from above or tanks that are too deep. Its advantages: does not scratch glass, does not require lowering the limbs into the water. Disadvantages: Cleaning of corners and lower glass edge is problematic.

Algae cleaned when cleaning the glass should not be tried to catch. Further in the process, most of them will leave along with the replacement of water, and the rest will serve as food for the fish.

Decoration cleaning

If the aquatic decorations are coated or cloudy, then they can be cleaned with a hardened brush or washcloth inside the aquarium (if the object can be removed, then it can be washed outside the container, but in aquarium water!). Do not use cleaning agents or detergents and also return the clean and wet accessory to the container.

Algae-eating fish also fight algae. They will not be able to 100% clean the aquarium of them, but they will be able to thin out the frequency of cleaning a little.

Vegetation cleansing

Vegetation is important in an aquarium, but if it is overgrown with algae, it has overgrown shoots, grasses cover each other's lighting, interfere with aquarium pets, die and decompose, then they are harmful and lead to frequent pollution of the water space.

During vegetable processing, plants should be weeded out, however, when weeding root species, bottom turbidity should not be raised.

You can see how to clean artificial aquarium plants:

If snails, mollusks, shrimps and other similar animals live in the water space, then it is worth reducing the number of weeds, because vegetable juice and silt harm the health of arthropods.

substrate siphon

After the above procedures, a lot of dirt and turbidity rises to the surface of the water to eliminate bottom pollution, most often a siphon or hose is used.

Before the procedure, you should prepare and take a white bucket (if the siphon drags on a fish or an arthropod, it can be immediately seen and returned to the aquarium). Next, lower the device into the water and drive it near the bottom so that it sucks in the dirt, along with the bottom liquid.

If only large fish live in the aquarium, then aquascapers place the end of the siphon immediately into the sewer.

Water change

When cleaning the aquarium every time a water change is carried out. One-time replace 15-50%, based on the degree of pollution and the conditions created:

  • presence or quantity of phytofilter and plants;
  • population density;
  • whimsicality of pets for cleanliness;
  • filter power;

Water changes are required to establish a normal balance of concentrated nitrates in the water. Clean and dirty aquariums are checked for this subject using special tests. The performance level should be:

  • for unpretentious: 20-30 mg / l;
  • for whimsical 5-10 mg / l.

When cleaning, it is not necessary to change the water in 100% quantity. This is not called a substitution, but it is carried out only after a fish epidemic. After restarting, it is required that the aquarium mature for 14 days, without pets living in it.

If there is no vegetation in the water area and large fish species live, then a change is required 1-2 r / week, but otherwise, regular water change is practically not needed.

Filter cleaning

An important nuance when cleaning the filter is the removal of only mechanical impurities. Inside the filter lives a colony of micro-organisms that are beneficial to fish and participate in biofiltration. It is worth cleaning porous fillers and sponges very carefully to keep them safe.

In order for the cleaning to go well and without loss of microorganisms, it is worth using more or less clean aquarium water, and not from a tap or siphon.

Sponge filters with compartments for fillers, external canister prefilters, etc. are cleaned once every 7-14 days. To make sure that the equipment is dirty, you will need to pay attention to the jet flowing from it. If it is weakened, then the filter needs a procedure.

Porous filter parts: balls, rings, etc. are cleaned approximately 1 time in 2-3 months. During the procedure, it will be necessary to replace worn parts.

The rotary head of the equipment is washed out with ordinary water without chemicals. To improve the quality of cleaning, it is recommended to use a cotton swab.

Filling liquid

It is supposed to pour only settled water into the home reservoir, with the same temperature as that drained from the aquarium. Depending on the volume of the aquarium, it is filled with a watering can, hose, or bucket.

Do not pour liquid directly onto the substrate, so as not to violate its integrity. To do this, it is recommended to use or a saucer.

Several Yet useful tips you can learn from the video:

Aquarium cleanliness plays important role both in creating the interior and in the well-being of its inhabitants. In order not to upset the balance of the beauty and health of the fish, you will need to take cleaning with all responsibility, do it correctly and regularly.

An aquarium is a small world in the water. Watching fish is a fascinating thing, but there comes a time when every owner of a personal underwater kingdom begins to ask questions about cleaning an aquarium with fish at home.

During the cleaning process, the fish tank should be rid of unnecessary objects and plaque that forms on the walls. Consider the main causes of algae growth.

  1. Overpopulation by inhabitants. About 2 liters of water should fall on 1 individual.
  2. Surplus food. All food that is not eaten by the fish settles to the bottom and begins to decompose over time.
  3. Water stagnates.
  4. Light. Due to the bright light, the water blooms. Such an environment is favorable for algae.

After finding out the reasons, you can begin to cleanse.

How often to clean the aquarium and why

At home, it is impossible to create a favorable environment for fish that would eliminate the cleaning process. Snails will help to cope with some pollution, but sooner or later human intervention will be needed. You need to know how often to clean the aquarium.

The frequency depends on the volume. If the capacity is 50 liters or more, you will have to clean more often. Initially, the cause of pollution is the lack of a proper microclimate for fish. This indicates errors during startup. To do this, there is a drug that promotes the formation of bacteria. With small sizes, cleaning can be carried out as it gets dirty. For example, if the volume is up to 20 liters, you can clean it once every 2 weeks.

During cleaning, you need to bleach the scenery, wash the plants, and remove plaque from the walls. Partial water changes occur once every few weeks. If the aquarium is cleaned frequently, the amount of fish food can be reduced. There are times when the filter does not cope with the work. This may be due to a large number fish. In such cases, it is better to replace it.

You should always consider the number of fish. The more of them, the more often you need to clean the aquarium. Due to oversaturation, there is a risk of death of the inhabitants. There are species of fish that painfully endure frequent changes of water.

When the aquarium holds more than 10 liters of water and is equipped with the necessary equipment, you can clean it once a month. The whole process of cleaning is to remove plaque. When changing water, dirt is removed from the bottom, but a filter can handle this.

Frequent water changes affect the microclimate, and fish and plants are stressed. There are times when a brown fleecy coating appears on the walls of aquariums. It is useless to remove it. You have to deal with the cause of it.

Routine cleaning should take place several times a week. If, when the fish move, a mud stain rises from the bottom, then this is a signal to start cleaning, even if the inhabitants feel good.

Video tips

Preparing the aquarium for cleaning

Before starting work, you need to prepare the tool and material. You will need:

  • Large capacity.
  • Scraper.
  • Siphon, complete with hose.

Prepare clean water. Remove stagnant water from the aquarium, up to 30% of the total volume. When keeping sea fish, the water must contain sea ​​salt. Fresh water must be free of impurities and chlorine.

The infusion of water takes place within two days. Two hours before the start of cleaning and two hours later, do not feed the fish.

The containers used must be new. Hands should be washed before the procedure. Before starting work, turn off electrical appliances and the filter.

How to drain water

You will need a deep container, a jig, a net, a hose with a clamp. Procedure.

  1. Aquarium water is collected in the jig. You can use a container or another aquarium.
  2. All plants are removed. If the water drains due to algae disease, they will have to be thrown out and new ones used.
  3. A deep container is placed next to the aquarium, one level lower.
  4. The hose must be flexible, and the length is several times greater than the height of the aquarium.
  5. The hose is filled with water, and the edges are clamped.
  6. One end is placed at the very bottom, next to the ground. This will remove not only water, but all contaminants. The other end of the hose is lowered into the container.
  7. After the clamps are removed.
  8. If the capacity is smaller than the volume of the aquarium, then periodically you will have to pour out the water.

ADVICE! When the water is not completely removed, large fish can be left, and small fish can be planted.

Where to put the fish

With a complete water change, the fish are caught with a net and planted in a deep container or in another aquarium. Aquarium water is used. When the water is completely replaced, you can plant the aquarium with plants. It is not recommended to run the fish for about a week. During this period, a microclimate will form. After a couple of days, the water will become cloudy. This indicates the activity of bacteria, and after a few days it will begin to brighten. It's time to bring back the fish.

Step by step cleaning plan

Aquarium - home and office decoration. It is easy to keep it clean. The main thing is to know some of the nuances.

Walls and glasses

Cleaning begins with cleaning the walls. Entertainment depends on them. Bacteria and algae grow on glass. This gives it a messy look.

ATTENTION! Cleaning chemicals must not be used, even for use on the outer surface. Traces of dirt are easily removed with a special scraper. If it fails, you can take the blade.

The outside of the aquarium can be cleaned with a damp sponge or cloth. Special detergents will not harm the inhabitants. Snails and fish cope with some types of pollution, but traces remain on the glass. Part of the plaque can be eaten by fish, and the rest is removed when the water is drained.


Rinsing the soil will lead to a violation of the microclimate and a deterioration in the health of the fish.

With a good filter, part of the waste is removed, the other remains and settles at the bottom. Rotting disrupts the growth of algae, to prevent this, you need to clean the soil. For this, a special siphon is used, which is designed to clean the soil. Devices may differ in characteristics and functionality, but the principle of operation remains the same.

Pollution from the soil is washed out by pressure. The result is clean soil and water. It is advisable to use it at the time of a partial water change.

Algae and decorations

A dark film forms on decorations and algae. To remove, use a washcloth or a brush with a hard bristle. Cleaning work can be carried out inside the aquarium or removed. The use of cleaning agents is not recommended. Before returning the decorations and seaweed, they must dry.

INTERESTING! To combat algae that settle on glass and decorations, fish are used to eat them.


The sponge inside the filter needs to be cleaned regularly to avoid clogging and reduce water flow. But it should be borne in mind that an old sponge with traces of contamination is more effective than a new one. This is due to the fact that beneficial bacteria live on the surface of the sponge. With severe pollution, the flow of water is difficult, due to a decrease in oxygen, these bacteria die.

Thus, a sponge from a low-power filter needs to be washed once every few weeks. If the filter contains activated carbon, it must be changed monthly. Filters with primary cleaning are replaced every few weeks, and biological filters are washed once a month.

Water change

Replacing all the water can do harm, as when washing the soil. In order not to disturb the microclimate, about 30% of the water should be replaced weekly.

How to remove dirt without draining the water

You can take care of the health of the inhabitants of the aquarium by cleaning once a week.

  • Prepare the volume of water to be replaced.
  • To clean glass and algae, you will need a scraper.
  • deep capacity.
  • Hand pump.
  • Replacement filter accessories.
  • Special cleaners for walls.
  • Blade.

Step by step to remove pollution:

  1. Walls. Glasses can be cleaned with a scraper. For difficult dirt, a blade is suitable. Use of clean rubber gloves is required. The scraper is used only for work in the aquarium.
  2. Water preparation. It is necessary to determine how much water will be changed. With regular maintenance of the aquarium, 15% of the volume can be replaced. If there are sick fish, then update to 50%.
  3. Water pumping. A pump is placed in the aquarium and the water is pumped into a container.
  4. Gravel cleaning. In such cases, a special pump is used. It can be used to remove food residues and dirt. If there are fry in the aquarium, then a cloth must be attached to the end of the pump. In the presence of sand, it is not recommended to use a pump in the form of a shovel. To remove contaminants, you can use a hose from the pump, this will allow you not to come into contact with sand.
  5. Scenery. Do not forget that the scenery is also kept clean. Algae begin to grow at a rapid pace with an excess amount of nutrients. You can remove them with a scraper in pumped water. If cleaning is difficult, a bleach solution can be used. After that, the scenery is washed with boiling water, dried and returned back.
  6. Adding water. Water replacement should take place in compliance with the temperature regime - this is an important factor in the health of the inhabitants of the aquarium. For fish, warm water may seem too hot. When using tap water, soften it. With an increased level of nitrates, half the volume can be replaced with distilled water.

IMPORTANT! Aquarium salt contributes to the purity of water. It is useful, prevents the occurrence of diseases.

After changing the water, you can proceed to the treatment of the external surface of the aquarium, using a damp cloth or sponge, without chemical detergents.

Video plot

How to properly care for an aquarium

When the aquarium is equipped and fish are launched into it, it needs to be regularly looked after. This will preserve the attractive appearance and health of the inhabitants. It will take a couple of minutes every day and a couple of hours a week to leave.

Feeding and Equipment Inspection

Inspection of the inhabitants. At the time of feeding, you need to examine the fish for diseases. If in doubt, find out the cause and take action.

  • Water change. Once a week or two, change some of the stagnant water.
  • Glass care. Remove algae from the walls of the aquarium.
  • Filter. The filter needs maintenance. Clean the sponge and change the elements that filter the water.
  • Plants. They require attention. Dead ones must be removed, some should be cut off.
  • Cooling. In the warm season, the aquarium needs to be cooled. Install away from direct sunlight.

Reading time: 1 minute

An aquarium is a great way to relax, an interior decoration, an opportunity to observe the life of your little silent pets. But, alas, he cannot live without cleaning. How to wash an aquarium? What is the best way to do it? With what frequency? What cleaning will not harm its inhabitants? We will answer all these questions below.

Here are some helpful tips:

  • In fact, the aquarium is cleaned by any " chemistry"- from hozmyla to" Domestos". But you need to take into account important point- the more aggressive the remedy, the more difficult it is to get rid of it completely. Leaving the container unwashed is detrimental to its inhabitants.
  • Do not forget to clean not only the new aquarium, but also the decor, and the soil - colored crumbs, sand, quartz, gravel. Of course, we will not wash plant substrates.
  • If you have a large aquarium, then it is cleaned at the installation site. Old water is pumped out with a pump and hose. " Chemistry"In this case, we will not apply - there is no way to wash it off. Use hydrogen peroxide from a pharmacy - it is safe for fish, does not require rinsing.

Cleaning tools

Magnetic brushes or scrapers for the aquarium. What is the best way to clean aquarium walls? The tool is used when the walls are covered with a green coating or brown dots.

Note that the innovation should be applied very carefully - if at least a grain of sand gets between it and the glass, there is a great chance to scratch the surface.

Careless, inattentive cleaning with scrapers leads not only to an ugly aesthetic appearance. Remember that under the pressure of water, a scratch can develop into a crack, which already threatens with a flood and a catastrophe for the inhabitants.

Sponge for washing dishes Ideal for everyday cleaning. Remarkably, the tool has a soft and hard side. First, we carry out general wiping, the second - we fight pollution.

It is almost impossible to damage the walls of the aquarium with a sponge - after all, you work with your own hands and feel the force of pressing and pressure. In addition, if a soil microparticle gets on the glass, it is unlikely that it will threaten the appearance of a scratch.

After washing, the sponge must be rinsed under running water and dried!

Toothbrush Great for cleaning walls and decor. With a toothbrush, you can clean mini aquariums, small parts without fear.

Now let's move on to the schedule of aquarium washing processes.

Cleaning a new aquarium

After you have bought a new fish house, it must be cleaned before starting the inhabitants. This is the necessary procedure. As, in principle, for any thing after purchase. After all, it is not known where it was in the warehouse, how thoroughly it was cleaned in the window, and whether it was covered with road dust during transportation. New aquarium - how to wash it?

The first cleaning is quite simple - here are her instructions:

  1. It is best to wash in the bathroom.
  2. Lay out towels or cloth in advance. After all, an aquarium is an extremely fragile container that can easily slip out of your hands when wet.
  3. What is the easiest way to clean a new aquarium? Get your brush ready or dish sponge) and baking soda.
  4. Place the aquarium carefully on a cloth and pour hot water from the shower over it.
  5. We tell further how and how to wash a new aquarium. Sprinkle some baking soda on a brush or sponge and start wiping the walls inside and out with this tool.
  6. After such cleaning, rinse the container several times to wash off all the remnants of soda from it. You can carefully lay it on its side to rinse all the walls.
  7. The last stage of the action how to clean a new aquarium” is the most responsible. You need to very carefully remove the container from the bathroom. We recommend asking a friend for help.
  8. That's all, the aquarium for turtles and fish is ready for further installation.

Scheduled cleaning

Aquarists advise cleaning the fish house at least once a week. Don't worry - completely drain the water, you don't need to remove the soil! This is harmful - so you disturb the biological balance.

Weekly, we will clean the aquarium for turtles and fish like this:

  1. The first step is to get all the installed equipment - thermoregulation, aeration, filter. All this is put aside.
  2. Clean the plants, trim them if necessary.
  3. How else can you wash the aquarium? Sponge or special wipers-scrapers.
  4. If necessary, you can siphon the soil. There is no need to clean it every week.
  5. Change of water - instead of the old, fresh is added.
  6. Clean the equipment and return it to its place.
  7. Finally, wash the outside of the aquarium and dry it with a clean cloth.

Advice! Do not forget to clean the lid and lamps of the aquarium at least once a month.

Cleaning in an emergency

Unfortunately, it also happens that an infection is introduced into the aquarium, which results in the death of its inhabitants. Here, simply washing will not be enough. We need total disinfection.

For this purpose, the aquarium is filled to the very brim with a solution of a disinfectant (some examples are in the photo). Please note that not all household chemicals has disinfectant properties. Therefore, it is worth looking at the label before use.

"Potassium permanganate" Formalin "Chlorine"
Chloramine Sulfuric acid Hydrochloric acid

How to wash an old aquarium effectively in this case? Aquarists recommend using the following:

  • Potassium permanganate solution.
  • formalin solution.
  • bleach solution.
  • Chlorine solution.
  • A solution of sulfuric or hydrochloric acid.

After disinfection, the aquarium is washed very thoroughly and left for disinfection for a day. And the entire inventory is better to be subjected to heat treatment. Namely, boil.

The video in this article will tell you a number of tips on the topic.

Advice! If mycobacteriosis is noticed, then the aquarium is filled with a solution washing powder with the calculation of 0.5 kg of funds per 30 liters of water.

Detail cleaning

Now let's consider more special cases.

From algae

Whatever flora lives in your aquarium, the appearance of brown and green dots on its inner walls, as well as plaque, is not good. This is a sign of poor water quality. Lower algae can appear here for several reasons - overpopulation of the aquarium, large amounts of ammonia, dirt, nitrites, nitrates, lack of the proper number of green inhabitants, untimely water replacement.

It is worth fighting the problem with the help of special means ( how to clean the aquarium from greenery):

  • Algaecide preparations. Popular examples that can be easily found in pet stores: UDO Ermolaeva Algicide + CO2, Tetra Aqua Algo Stop depot.
  • How to wash algae from the aquarium yet? Whiteness or bleach solution. All green decorations in the aquarium are soaked in these substances. After processing, they must be washed very, very carefully under running water and dried.
  • The most important thing is to eliminate the cause of the situation. This is a decrease in daylight hours, as well as the density of fish settlement, an increase and more frequent changes in water.

From limescale

For what reason does it appear water stone» from inside:

  • Too much fish food.
  • Use of hard water.
  • Absence of living plants.
  • Use of unsettled and unfiltered water.

This whitish layer is salts deposited on the glass surface as a result of liquid evaporation. You can get rid of it in the following ways - how to wash the plaque in the aquarium:

  • mechanical cleaning. Use a special scraper with hard bristles ( but not metal), the abrasive side of a kitchen sponge, a plastic scraper, an old toothbrush ( for hard to reach places).
  • Special chemicals for glass cleaning limescale sold in shops. Be sure to thoroughly rinse the substance before launching the fish.

How to wash the aquarium from limescale yet? Can also be used folk remedies. But before using them, it is important to free the aquarium from fish:

  • Lemon acid. Dilute 20 g of powder in 1 glass of water, mix thoroughly. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spray the aquarium walls with it. Leave for 15 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly.
  • Ammonia. Dilute the substance in a ratio of 1:10 in water. Clean the surface with this solution.
  • Acetic acid. An excellent answer to the question "How to wash the aquarium from plaque?" Dilute one tablespoon in one glass of water. Apply the product with a spray bottle or a rag.

Filter cleaning

Many are interested in how to rinse the filter from the aquarium. Let's just say that cleaning the filter is a simple matter. It is not done regularly, but as needed - when the device starts to work poorly.

bottom cleaning

Again, this operation is carried out as pollution, sludge formation. It is produced using a special apparatus - an aquarium siphon, available in most pet stores.

The first cleaning of the soil is carried out a month after you launch the fish. Further, the degree of its contamination is quite simple to determine - turn the substrate and feel what smell comes from the risen bubbles. If they smell like rotten eggs, the soil urgently needs to be cleaned.

When cleaning, you do not need to plant fish, as well as with an incomplete water change. How and with what to wash the soil in the aquarium? Stick the siphon into the substrate to the base and methodically clean the area. Only after the water in the tip of the device is clear, the cylinder head can be moved further.

Recall that the cleaning procedure should be completed by adding fresh, settled water and cleaning the walls of the aquarium from the outside.

Advice! Some aquarists prefer to clean the substrate without a siphon. Then how to wash the soil in the aquarium? The substrate is transferred to a bucket, which is placed under a powerful stream of running water. From time to time you need to turn the soil in order to thoroughly clean it.

decor cleaning

Any scenery in the aquarium needs to be cleaned over time from overgrown algae, dirt - stones, shells, driftwood, figurines. The easiest way is to take them out of the container and clean them by hand.

  1. Artificial corals, stones and ceramics are easiest to whiten with "Whiteness". Dilute the product in water in a ratio of 1:10. Soak the decor for 1-2 hours depending on the degree of soiling. After that, it should be thoroughly rinsed under running water until the smell of chlorine disappears. Otherwise, you risk poisoning the fish.
  2. We will tell you how to wash the stones for the aquarium. They are cleaned like this: while they are wet, they are sprinkled with a sufficient amount of soda. It can be rubbed with a brush to form a kind of gruel. Leave for half an hour, then brush again, rinse with soda. Even if particles of algae remain on the decor after this, the vegetation will disappear in 1-2 days.
  3. Sea corals are boiled before being placed in the aquarium. But it’s better not to do this with shells - you will remove all mother-of-pearl. Then how to wash the shells from the aquarium? The easiest way is to use a slightly non-standard way - to put the treasure in an anthill for several hours. Insects are guaranteed to free it from organic matter.

Cleaning artificial plants

Do not use strong toxic products for such decor! It is not necessary to clean it all at once, but gradually, in order to harm beneficial bacteria colonies as little as possible.

Here are great methods - how to wash the greens in the aquarium:

  • Boiling water. One of the simple, effective and safe ways. Soak the plant in boiling water for 10-15 minutes. From snails and remaining algae, clean it with a scraper.
  • Bleach. Not all artificial algae will withstand such exposure. For many, the substance threatens discoloration. But high-quality samples are covered with a special varnish, which helps to preserve the color of the plant when exposed to bleach. You need to use a 10% solution of the agent ( 1 part bleach to 9 parts water). In it, artificial plants are aged for 15 minutes. Then they are placed in ordinary water for the same amount. Then - a thorough rinsing in the flow.
  • Iodized salt and lemon juice. How to wash the plants in the aquarium yet? Such a composition will perfectly clean the silk decor. Before cleaning, we recommend rinsing the plants in hot water. After it - under the flow.

So we figured out how to rinse the aquarium. As you can see, care is not very difficult. The main thing is to produce it in a timely manner so as not to harm aquatic inhabitants.

Regular and proper cleaning of the aquarium with fish is the key to the success of your pets. Ask yourself if you are willing to spend 30-60 minutes on this every week before you buy an aquarium and get some fish. In order to do everything right, no special skills are required, it is enough to learn the basics and practice a little at home.

Step-by-step cleaning of the aquarium at home: instructions

1. Clean the aquarium with a siphon.

It is not so difficult to properly clean the aquarium with a siphon, it is enough to do it once, and then you can do it with your eyes closed. Aquarium siphons come in a variety of designs, but no matter what they are, an aquarium bottom siphon will always be built on the same principles.

With this procedure, it is necessary to begin the procedure for cleaning any aquarium with fish. You should siphon both the surface of the ground and a little from the depth. As a rule, the main waste accumulates on the surface. It is necessary to siphon off such a volume that you are going to pour back in the form of settled water. It is not difficult to calculate this amount, the main thing is not to forget to do this, but if you have water with a margin, then you have nothing to worry about.

2. We clean the glass.

In fact, we want to say from our own experience that the most problems arise with glasses, simply because it is too lazy to clean them ... This is the hardest work - you have to work with a scraper, go through all the growths. If you do not do this when the first growths appear, then in the future it will be very difficult to deal with them, and even more so, not a single cleaner fish can cope with the growths of many months.

3. Filter cleaning.

Cleaning the filter is third on the list, because for this we need water from the aquarium so that we can wash the filter parts in it, rinse the sponges. It is better if it is the water that you siphon last, so that it contains as little turbidity and sediment as possible. After washing the filter in this water, you collect it and install it back.

4. Pouring settled water into the aquarium.

When all the so-called dirty work of properly cleaning the fish tank is done, there is only a little left for us - to fill in clean water. This should be water that you have defended for a week in a special container. Only after the water is filled, you can turn on the filter, as well as lighting.

5. Add vitamins.

Also, if required, you can add some fish vitamins to the aquarium. It can also be water products, as well as algae control. In general, it is better to fill in such products either together with new settled water, so that they immediately spread throughout the volume, or fill them in the area where water is released from the filter.

Why clean the aquarium!

It is clean, first of all, to remove food residues, the vital activity of fish and other inhabitants. These products settle to the bottom, accumulate there, if they are not removed in a timely manner, they can cause deterioration in water quality. And the quality of the water in the aquarium, as you know, directly affects the health and longevity of your pets.

Of course, if you have live plants with a developed root system in your aquarium, then they will be able to process all the leftovers from food, fish life, etc. very well.

How often should you clean your aquarium?

The frequency of cleaning the aquarium is determined primarily by the number of pets, the presence of plants, filters, etc. The average frequency with which it is optimal to clean with a bottom siphon is once a week. If you are a beginner in the aquarium business, then this indicator is optimal for you.

The second question is what to clean! Siphoning - once a week is necessary in almost all aquariums with fish. But you can clean the filter at different intervals. For example, if you have an internal filter installed, then it would be optimal for it to also clean the sponges once a week. For an external filter, this procedure can be carried out every few months. Depending on the model and the number of fish in the aquarium, cleaning can take place every 2-3 months.

  1. Be sure to plan ahead for when you need to clean. Do it the day before so you don't have to wait until the last minute. For the sake of such a case, we advise you to tune in at least a little to a small half-hour work with the aquarium in advance - it will be easier to do everything, and at the same time not be lazy.
  2. If you suddenly forgot to defend the water (and this happens to busy people who have large aquariums), then it is better to skip cleaning than to siphon and fill in unprepared (not settled) water.
  3. If you are completely lazy, then in small aquariums you can clean less often, for example, once every 2 weeks (for aquariums up to 30-40 liters). But here it all depends on the pollution of the aquarium, filter power, etc.
  4. Try to move the siphon in the aquarium without sudden movements. This must be done in order not to frighten the fish once again, especially if these fish are large and shy.
  5. Do not siphon deep into the soil, which is located right next to large plants. This soil contains nutrients for plants (of course, if the dirt comes through the stones, then it is necessary to siphon even there, in the depths). In addition, it is not worth disturbing the root system of plants once again, as this is stress for them - plants do not like transplants and movements around the aquarium.

Clean the aquarium properly and regularly and regularly and then you will minimize any problems. If you have questions or important additions to the above tips, you can always leave your comments on the site.


Caring for an aquarium is like cleaning a house, the same simple rules to stay healthy and clean, and regularity. In this article, you will learn how to properly care for a home aquarium, what are the important little things and how often to do it. Why do you need to siphon the soil? What cleaning agents can be used? How to wash the filter sponge? Why and how to change the water in the aquarium? You will find answers to these and other questions.

Filter care - how to wash the filter?

The sponge inside the filter must be cleaned regularly to prevent it from clogging and reducing the flow of water that it can pass through. But note that an old and dirty sponge is more effective than a freshly bought one.

The fact is that beneficial bacteria that turn toxic substances into neutral ones live just on the surface of the sponge, in this very dirt. But, if the sponge becomes too dirty, it begins to pass much less water. The amount of oxygen needed for bacteria drops, and they begin to die.

Therefore, the inner filter sponge, which is small in capacity, needs to be cleaned once every two weeks. The internal filter, which has a much more powerful pump and a larger usable volume, does not clog as quickly. You can clean the sponge of the internal filter no more than once a month, for some models even more.

There are also other materials in the internal filter that have a shorter lifespan. So, filters activated carbon they need to be changed once a month, otherwise they accumulate dirt and begin to give it back.

Primary filters (dense white fabric that first takes in water) are best changed every two weeks, but this also depends on the aquarium itself.
The biological filter, which is usually made in the form of ceramic or plastic balls, should be washed monthly. Please note that it is enough just to rinse it, and not bring it to the factory state.

How to properly care for an aquarium?

To maintain the biological balance in the aquarium, experts recommend the following aquarium care scheme.

Daily care:

  • feeding and examining the fish. Feeding should be moderate, it is necessary to ensure that the fish eat all the food for the time set for each species of fish. Feed particles should not fall on the ground, as this can lead to the growth of bacteria. During feeding, you should count the fish, observe their behavior, make sure there are no signs of disease.
  • check the tightness of the aquarium and the serviceability of the devices. The difference in water temperature near the ground and on the surface should not exceed three degrees, otherwise the heater should be checked for proper operation. If the water becomes cloudy, check the operation of the filters, increase the capacity or replace if necessary.
  • inspect algae and plants, if necessary, remove damaged leaves and excess.

Weekly care:

  • clean the coverslip, aquarium walls and plant leaves. If necessary, thin out the plants, apply fertilizer under the roots, remove excess algae, clean the soil with a siphon.
  • measure water readings, PH, KH, DH. Perform a water change of 20 to 30%. Use only dechlorinated water for this.
  • clean the filter.

Aquarium water care

The more competent the care of the aquarium is, the faster the biological balance will be achieved and the aquarium will “ripen”. The most common mistake is a complete water change, or changing too much a large number water, unless absolutely necessary. With such frequent manipulations, it is impossible to achieve equilibrium. But you can not ignore the turbidity of the water, as well as high levels of nitrates and ammonia. In each case, the cause of the violations should be identified and eliminated. Water filtration should also be given special attention, each filter has its own operating requirements that must be observed.

Aquarium care mistakes

To begin with, we would like to look at aquarium care mistakes that you can avoid, unlike many beginner aquarists. Many try to do everything either at random, or because they heard from friends how to do it right ...

Even a small mistake can seriously set you back in terms of results, because, as you know, it is much easier to spoil something than to create anew. That is why we have prepared for you a list of the most common mistakes in the aquarium trade.

And also, we will help you avoid them, as well as deal with them, if they still could not bypass your home aquarium:

  • soil flushing
  • replacement of all water
  • turning off the lights for a long time
  • turn off the filter at night
  • easy access to the aquarium for children

Soil flushing

There is an opinion that rinsing the soil is a great way to rinse the aquarium (this is especially true for small aquariums that are bought for children, but parents who are not particularly knowledgeable in aquarium affairs take care of them). In fact, washing the soil at the root kills the entire biological background of the aquarium, as a result of which the balance deteriorates sharply. We strongly advise against doing this, as it will be right in this case - to siphon the soil.

Fish feeding

An important aspect of keeping an aquarium is feeding the fish. Perfect option This is feeding once a day at the same time. Someone feeds 2 times a day, but we do not recommend doing this, since the fish do not have the most active digestion, they can simply start having problems. Approach feeding responsibly, do not take long breaks, otherwise the fish will starve and may start to get sick.

Replacing all water

Replacing all the water when maintaining an aquarium can bring the same problems as flushing the soil. As a result of such an action, the biological balance of the aquarium can be seriously shaken. It is correct to replace only 15-20% of the total water once a week.

Switching off lighting for a long time

Many people don't take aquarium lighting seriously. This is especially manifested in laziness or forgetfulness, as a result of which the light may not turn on for several days. This is an extremely wrong and irresponsible approach. The light should burn every day for 10-12 hours, depending on the plants and animal composition of the aquarium.

Turning off the filter at night

Probably a lot of novice aquarists did this - they turned off the filter or aeration for the night. First of all, because of the noise, the source of which they can become. This also cannot be done, and it is necessary to fight not with the effect, but with the cause. Buy a quieter filter, or get a quieter diffuser for your aerator.

Easy access to the aquarium for children

Small children are unlikely to be able to somehow harm themselves when they are near the aquarium, but they can harm it very easily. Children under the age of 5-6 years have no concept of responsibility and therefore they can throw foreign objects into the aquarium, etc. Therefore, the aquarium should, if possible, have a lid, and it should be kept away from children's access.

How to properly care for a small aquarium?

In fact, caring for a small aquarium consists of the same manipulations as caring for a large one, but it requires more precision in setting up equipment performance, calculating the amount of water to change. Also, with a small amount of water, you should pay special attention to the choice of the inhabitants of the aquarium and scrupulously monitor the plants. You can not overdo it, too frequent cleaning can as soon as possible lead to imbalance, while insufficient attention to aquarium hygiene can lead to the accumulation of toxic substances and the death of fish. A small aquarium should be provided with good filtration and aeration.


None. It is very important to wash the filter with water alone. And it is also important that the water was from the aquarium. Tap water contains chlorine, which kills harmful bacteria in the water. But he does not know how to understand and also kills beneficial bacteria living in the internal filter.

Settled water can be used. But here again, different water with different hardness, acidity and temperature, and it can affect the bacterial colony.
So that best method- draw water from the aquarium and rinse the filter and its contents in this water.

Ideally, even the container in which it is washed should be used only for the needs of the aquarium, if the floors are washed from it, then the chance that the chemistry will remain in the container is quite significant.
And it is important not to wash everything to a shine, just rinse well.


A good filter will remove some of the waste from the aquarium, but most of it will still settle in the ground. Fish waste and food residues settle in the soil and rotting upset the balance, stimulating the growth of algae.
In order to prevent stagnation and decay of the soil, it is necessary to clean it with a special device - a soil siphon. Siphons may differ in size, shape and functionality, but the principle is the same.
The soil siphon uses the principle of water flow.

The pressure of water washes away the light parts from the ground, and the heavy ones settle back. The result is very useful - all the dirt goes with the flow of water, the soil is clean, the water is cleaner, algae growth is reduced.
Since the use of a soil siphon requires a large amount of water, it is wise to carry out cleaning along with partial replacement. That is, instead of just draining some of the water, you clean the soil and thereby achieve two goals at once.
For herbalists, cleaning the soil can only be done superficially, since it can not be reached everywhere. But in them much more harmful substances are decomposed by the plants themselves, and the silty soil contributes to the good growth of plants.


Although some aquarists go years without water changes and say they are fine, regular water changes are vital to an aquarium.
The amount of water that needs to be changed will vary depending on the conditions in your aquarium, but on average 10-20% per week is a normal amount for any tropical aquarium. Herbalists or densely planted aquariums need a 10-15% change every two weeks.

The main task of the substitution is the removal of nitrates and ammonia, and the replacement of the mineral balance. Without water changes, your aquarium will look good for a while, but only because the negative factors gradually accumulate.

Over time, nitrates will accumulate and the water will become more and more acidic. But one day the balance will be broken and the aquarium will turn into a swamp.


In order to change the water, it must first be prepared. Tap water contains chlorine, metals and differs in temperature and cannot be poured immediately.

There are two ways to get rid of chlorine. Buy a water conditioner that will bind chlorine and metals and just stand it for two days.
In addition, settled water will be compared with the temperature in your house and will be much more usable.

10/18/2017 1 4 095 views

Watching the life of aquarium inhabitants is fascinating and soothing. Therefore, many, with a burning desire to have such beauty at home, are interested in how to properly clean an aquarium with fish at home.

Why wash a freshly bought aquarium?

A new, freshly bought aquarium needs a thorough cleaning. For all the time that he was in warehouses and stores, a lot of dust and dirt accumulated in him. And this is not in the best way affect the life of the fish.

  • place the aquarium in the bath;
  • place a wooden stand or something soft on the bottom of the tub. This is to protect the enamel of the product;
  • pour on a sponge baking soda;
  • carefully rub the walls of the tank;
  • rinse abundantly with warm water;
  • let the aquarium dry.

These manipulations will be enough to populate the wards in a new aquarium. In addition to baking soda to remove dirt from the aquarium, any chemistry will do, whether it be Domestos, comets or ordinary bleach. It is important to carefully remove the substance from the glasses. Even a microscopic particle can kill fish.

How to properly clean an aquarium?

  1. Wall cleaning.
  2. Bottom wiping.
  3. Filter purge

Wall cleaning

Most of the problems arise when cleaning glasses. Since the process requires a lot of patience and time. Use a scraper or regular plastic card. Go through all the rises.

This procedure must be performed on time, as having missed it for the first time, the growths will be more difficult to eliminate. And even more so, not a single snail or cleaner fish can cope with them. Do not use detergents to clean glass. This will be detrimental to pets.

  1. Pollution from algae and soil is well removed with a special scraper.
  2. If the scraper doesn't do the job, use a blade.
  3. Dirt on the lid and the outer part of the walls, wash with a damp sponge.

To facilitate the task will help special solutions. They can be purchased at the pet store. They are completely safe for fish.

It is worth noting that cleaning an aquarium with an established biological balance must be done with a scraper. If the water in the aquarium is fresh, use a clean foam sponge. This will prevent the formation of bacterial turbidity.

  • move down the glass;
  • upon reaching the ground, firmly press the sponge to the glass;
  • slowly return to the top;
  • rinse the sponge in water;
  • repeat the operation until the windows are completely clean.

Wiping the bottom

Waste from the life of fish and food residues settle in the ground even with a good filter. The decay process begins. The balance is broken. The algae are starting to grow. A special device, a siphon, helps prevent rotting and stagnation of the soil. Siphons differ:

  • size;
  • form;
  • functionality.

However, the purpose of any siphon is to clean the soil from a large amount of contaminants. The product works on the principle of water flow. In this way, the soil is cleared of the light parts of the waste, while the heavy parts are returned to their place. As a result, the flow of water carries away all the dirt. Soil and water are cleared. Algae growth slows down. To clean the soil with a siphon, you need to use a lot of water. Therefore, it is reasonable to combine cleaning with a partial replacement. Thus, you can kill two birds with one stone. Clean the soil and add clean water.

For the herbalist, surface cleaning of the soil is carried out, since the siphon cannot always reach hard-to-reach areas. This is a big minus, since harmful substances are formed in herbalists due to the decay of the plants themselves. In addition, the soil in such aquariums is usually covered with silt. This serves as a good stimulation for plant growth.

  1. Dip the siphon into the aquarium water and drain the required amount into a container. It can be a bucket, a pan or a basin. If you do not need to defend the water, drain immediately into the sink.
  2. When pumping water from the aquarium, keep an eye on the fish, soil and plants. Together with dirt, they can get into the siphon and suffer.
  3. Take care of the decorations, gravel or sand at the bottom of the aquarium. Thoroughly rinse the material that is located at the bottom. It is necessary to remove all food, small parts from plants and other waste that was formed from the life of fish, snails.
  4. Use a gravel vacuum. Position it at the bottom of the aquarium. While siphoning, clean the water and soil from any foreign contaminants.
  5. Rinse plants, wood decorations. The aquarium and its accessories can be cleaned with an algae scraper. However, if the pollution is strong, for example, a green coating or a black beard, it is better to use a sink for washing. In this case, any cleaners, including soap, are prohibited. As a last resort, use a mixture of water and salt to clean the aquarium components.
  6. Let the decorations dry thoroughly before placing them in the aquarium.

Filter purge

Cleaning the filter cannot be combined with washing the decorations and changing the water. A sudden change in the balance of the aquatic environment can harm the fish and aquarium plants. Wash the external filter and the internal filter at least twice a month.

  • disassemble the filter;
  • using a toothbrush and water, go through its parts;
  • Rinse the absorbent sponge separately.

General cleaning of the aquarium

Many beginner aquarists are concerned about the question, how often should a general cleaning of the aquarium be carried out? Experts do not advise completely washing the aquarium more than once every five years. However, there are times when general cleaning may be required earlier. For example, if a black beard settled in an aquarium and special means do not bring tangible results.

  1. Turn off all electrical equipment. Lighting fixtures can be left.
  2. Drain one third of the water. In the future, it will need to be poured into the aquarium in order to establish biological balance.
  3. Pour some more into another container.
  4. Remove plants carefully. It is important not to damage the root system and not to raise the turbidity from the bottom.
  5. Rinse each leaf carefully under the tap. Remove leaves that have begun to rot. Place in a container with old aquarium water.
  6. Let the water that remains in the aquarium stand for 15 minutes.
  7. Use a hose to collect dirt and drain most of the water. Leave the volume in which it was more convenient to catch fish in order to transplant into another tank.
  8. As a reservoir, use a container with a large surface area of ​​water. This will allow the fish long time be without ventilation.
  9. Before catching fish, remove large objects from the aquarium.
  10. Transplant the fish into a basin and cover with glass on top.
  11. Drain off any remaining water.
  12. Remove and thoroughly rinse the soil. If any infections are found, hold the soil in boiling water. However, it is better to replace with a new one.
  13. Wash the aquarium with clean water using a sponge or washcloth. However, it is not recommended to use any detergents.
  14. Place the soil in a clean aquarium.
  15. Restore filters. Plant your plants. Refill with old water. Place the fish. Top up with clean distilled water.
  16. Install the aquarium equipment and connect it.

Video: How to clean an aquarium with fish at home?