
International Mother's Day when celebrated. When is Mother's Day in Russia: what date is celebrated, congratulations. The cult of the Mother in Ancient Greece and Russia


Mom is a person who gave the opportunity to learn the taste of life and enjoy it. A word that sounds great regardless of country or language. In November, Russia celebrates Mother's Day, a celebration dedicated to women who gave life to all of humanity. Although today in the world the celebration falls on different dates, all successful mothers and pregnant women receive congratulations from people close to them once a year. This time is a reason to say dear person warm words about your love and express gratitude for the many years of upbringing.

What is mother's day

The celebration of this event dates back to ancient times. Even ancient civilizations showed respect, praised their goddesses, symbolizing motherhood, which confirms the special value of every woman as a mother. The worship of the goddesses took place through lavish ceremonies and festivities, accompanied by dances with the offering of gifts.

Expression of respect modern women who gave birth to children, originates in the 17-19 centuries in Great Britain. The day that comes on the fourth Sunday of Great Lent was called Mother's Sunday. Given that many lower-class Englishmen worked for wealthy people outside their homes, everyone was given a day off in honor of the holiday. People could go home to spend time with loved ones. Coming to the family, the children presented their mothers with a special cake symbolizing this day.

In the United States, the official recognition and approval of Mother's Day took place in the late 19th - early 20th centuries and took place in several stages:

  • The year 1872 is remarkable for the first mention of the Mothers' Day. The celebration was initiated by Julia Ward Hove.
  • The second stage occurred in 1907, when, after the grave death of her mother, a resident of Philadelphia, Anna Jarvis, addressed the US government to approve a national holiday in honor of women raising children.
  • The state of Virginia first responded to Jarvis's request in 1910.
  • The last stage came in 1914, when, after long discussions of the Jarvis initiative by the US Parliament, the President of America approved the date - May 2, after which a number of countries followed suit.

In most countries of the world, this is a public holiday, a special event, the purpose of which is to strengthen the tradition of caring for a pregnant woman or a woman who has already taken place in motherhood. The younger generation teaches poems of gratitude, dedicated to moms and grandmothers for their patience and care, thereby expressing deep respect. The festival is intended to remind everyone to whom he owes his birth and life.

When is mother's day celebrated

The dates in the calendars of the festive event of different countries fall on different periods of the year:

  • The second Sunday in May is celebrated by the USA, Japan, Canada, Turkey, Australia, China and a number of other countries.
  • The first Sunday in May is a holiday for the inhabitants of Holland.
  • The last Sunday of spring is the time to receive congratulations to the mothers of France and Sweden.
  • Israel marks the 30th day of Shevat, coinciding with the death of Henrietta Szold, believed to be the mother of the rescued Jewish children.
  • The Arab countries celebrate Mother's Day on March 3.
  • On March 22, the British, congratulating their beloved women, present them with flowers, as well as postcards.
  • Thailand celebrates the event on August 12, coinciding with the birthday of Queen Sirikit.

Mother's Day in Russia

Mother's Day in Russia also has its own prehistory of the holiday and some traditions. Each child has the opportunity to thank a dear person for the mother's work, upbringing, love and tenderness. The adult generation should show respect, thank the woman who gave them life.

History of the holiday in Russia

The origin of the Russian mom's day dates back to 1998. The initiator of the approval of the official date was A.V. Aparina, who at that time was the chairman of the State Duma Committee on Women, Family and Youth Affairs. Aparina's idea was supported by the government. On January 30, 1998, President B.N. Yeltsin, by whom it was established an official holiday Russia. The date of the solemn event was not determined, and the last Sunday of November was approved as the date of celebration. Since 1999, our country annually celebrates significant date.

Purpose of the holiday

Russian women, who gave life, are endowed with self-sacrifice, generosity, love and patience like no other. Russian woman always remains a keeper hearth and family comfort, investing goodness and experience accumulated in life in children. Once she becomes a mom, her life is completely upside down. She has a new meaning of life, a child to whom, regardless of his gender, age and appearance, she will give her love.

Holiday traditions

Russia celebrates Mother's Day relatively recently, so we have not yet developed the age-old traditions of this new holiday. A forget-me-not flower and a teddy bear with a violet became the symbols of the celebration. City administrations organize concerts, paying special attention to grandmothers and mothers with many children. Children of kindergartens and schools prepare performances, learn poems, songs, make gifts to bring joy to their mother.

Each member of society forms traditions, which after a while will carry them through the generations. Any manifestation of attention to mother will give her joy, reflected by a sparkle in her eyes. All members of modern society owe their lives to the woman who gave birth to them, so at least once you need to thank her for this. On November 26, 2019, mothers will receive their annual congratulations, and Mother's Day in 2019 will come on the 25th of the last autumn month.


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The Russian calendar has a very important day for all people on the planet. It does not apply to public or religious holidays. Nevertheless, thanks to him, you can express your feelings to the person who gave life. On Mother's Day 2018, it will once again show how we love our mothers.

Mother's Day in 2018: what date in Russia

In 2018, Mother's Day falls on November 25th. Mother's Day in Russia this year will be celebrated at the official level for the 21st time.

Mother's Day is a holiday for women who already have children and those who are preparing to become mothers. Mothers play important role in the continuation of the human race. They not only bear the child, but also are engaged in education, the formation of his character and personality. Mother's Day is dedicated to all women who have children, as well as pregnant women in Russia.

At the official level, Mother's Day in Russia was approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin of January 30, 1998. The initiative to establish the holiday was put forward by the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation A. Aparina.

When is Mother's Day in Russia

The holiday is celebrated on different dates every year. Only the day of the week and the month remain unchanged. Usually this is the last Sunday in November. In 2018, the celebration falls on 11/25/18.

For the Mother's Day in our country for several years now the all-Russian social action "Mom, I love you!" On the pre-holiday week, within the framework of the action, promotional postcards are distributed, which can be sent by mail or simply presented to mom. The symbol of the action is forget-me-not - a legendary flower, which, according to popular beliefs, has the miraculous power to bring back the memory of people who have forgotten their loved ones.

Due to the youth of the holiday, some kind of unified culture of its holding in Russia has not yet been formed. The only rule is that on this day you definitely need to meet or call your mother and say words of love. This tradition is also trying to take root: men buy flowers and give them to all women along the way, especially young mothers with strollers.

When is mother's day in Ukraine and the world in 2018

This holiday in Ukraine does not have a fixed date - it is celebrated on the second Sunday of May.

Mother's day in our country is not public holiday and this is not a day off. Nevertheless, since 2000 it has had the status of an official one.

Together with Ukraine on May 13 This year Mother's Day will be celebrated in 85 countries of the world, including the USA, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Germany, Finland, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Switzerland, Croatia, Czech Republic, Japan, Canada, Australia , Brazil, India, Cuba, New Zealand, Peru, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Turkey.

A week earlier than in Ukraine - on the first Sunday in May- Mother's Day is celebrated in Lithuania, Portugal, Romania, Hungary, Angola, Spain, Mozambique and Cape Verde.

Mother's Day is one of those holidays that they are afraid to accidentally miss in the hustle and bustle of everyday worries. This holiday is dedicated to the most beloved and most important woman, who gave the opportunity to live and enjoy life. Officially, Mother's Day in Russia began to be celebrated in 1999, but the very first mentions of the holiday can be found in the history of the ancient world.

Mother's Day in the history and culture of different countries

The veneration of mothers, many centuries ago, existed in Ancient Greece... Inhabitants of this fabulous country worshiped in one of spring days Gae is the mother of all gods. The ancient Celts honored the goddess Bridget on a holiday, and the Romans had a three-day March holiday, in which they sang the praises of the parent of their patrons, Cybele.

In England, back in the distant 17th century, it was customary to celebrate Mom's Resurrection, proclaimed by King Henry III. On every second Sunday of Great Lent, children who flew away from the family nest and worked in wealthy homes had to visit their parents with gifts and gifts bought with their own money. In honor of the maternity holiday, employers provided everyone with a legal day off.

America has its own history of the emergence of a touching holiday. Its founder is Julia Ward Howe, who published the Mother's Day Proclamation in 1870. Unfortunately, her initiative did not receive general support. Most likely, the reason for this was that Julia positioned the role of the mother only as a fighter for peace.

Mother's Day in modern Russia

Initiative to create a holiday in Russian Federation came from the State Duma Committee on Women, Family and Youth Affairs. The chairman of the Committee, Alevtina Viktorovna Aparina, made a useful proposal to establish Mother's Day. The order on the establishment of Mother's Day in Russia was signed on January 30, 1988 by Boris Yeltsin, then the country's president. The date for the celebration was set for the last Sunday in November.

Since 1999, this touching holiday has become one of the most adored in every Russian family... On this day sincere congratulations pour in to beloved mothers and women who carry a baby under their hearts. Children of all ages prepare surprises for the holiday. Kids make gifts with their own hands and draw beautiful postcards... Matured children visit their parents with gifts, flowers and useful gifts.

On this day, festive concerts, contests, festivals, exhibitions dedicated to mothers are held everywhere. Soul films and holiday programs are broadcasted on television. Matinees and themed evenings are held in schools and preschool childcare facilities. V in social networks and on forums happy women congratulate each other, and loving children shower them with virtual bouquets, colorful pictures and beautiful poems.

How and when Mother's Day is celebrated in various states

Unfortunately, the UN has not yet established an International Mother's Day, so in different countries honoring the most beloved women falls on different calendar dates. In China, Japan, USA, Finland, Belgium, Canada, and in a number of other countries, Mother's Day falls on the second Sunday of May for many years. On the last Sunday in May, it is celebrated in France and Sweden, in England on March 22, and in Poland they come to mothers with gifts and flowers on May 26.

In countries that were once part of Soviet Union, the dates of one of the most soulful mass holidays also vary. In Belarus, the holiday is marked on the calendar on October 14. The Georgians, who are anxious about their mothers, congratulate their parents on March 3, and in Kazakhstan they do it on September 16 from year to year. In sunny Uzbekistan, Mother's Day is combined with International Women's Day and is celebrated annually on March 8, while in Armenia the unofficial, but popular among the people, Mother's, Beauty and Spring Day is celebrated on the Annunciation holiday - April 7.

In many countries have survived folk traditions and the customs of celebrating Mother's Day. For example, Americans pin carnations to their clothes, while the white innocent flower is chosen by those whose mothers are no longer alive, thus they honor their bright memory.

Estonians greet with cloth flags hanging on city streets, and Finns lay flowers at the Worker Mother Monument in Helsinki. It is noteworthy that this monument was also erected on Mother's Day in 1996.

According to opinion polls, Mother's Day is one of the five most beloved and important holidays in many countries. There is nothing to be surprised at - it is difficult to find a person who would not honor his mother and would not be grateful to her for his birth.

Mother's Day is celebrated all over the world as a token of gratitude for the maternal care of children. Moreover, as is clear from the traditions of different countries, not necessarily about their own children.

All over the world, this tradition falls on different dates, from February to December. In some countries, Mother's Day, like many other holidays, has become commercial in nature: companies make money from selling holiday-related attributes like the pioneers in this field - the United States.

The tradition of celebrating Mother's Day is rooted in religion, but not always. We offer you an overview of how this date is celebrated in different countries of the world, where the reasons may be religious, historical or mythical reasons.


Despite the fact that International Women's Day is traditionally celebrated in Russia on March 8, Mother's Day also exists, and according to federal legislation, since the late 1990s, it has been celebrated on the last Sunday of November (in 2018 - November 25). As noted in the State Duma at the time of the establishment of this holiday, its goal is to support the traditions of caring for women, to consolidate family foundations and to especially note the importance in the life of each main person - Mother. In this regard, the holiday has a narrower focus in contrast women's day March 8, when men express gratitude not only to their mothers, but also to their wives, sisters, grandmothers, girlfriends, and just passers-by on the street.


Mother's Day is celebrated in the Republic of Belarus on October 14. Like other former Soviet republics, Belarusians also celebrate March 8 with traditional flowers and gifts. But at the state level, Mother's Day was officially established in 1996, although it has been celebrated since 1995. Believers on the same day in October celebrate the feast of the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Great Britain

Residents of the UK celebrate "Mother's Sunday" on the fourth Sunday of Lent (March 11 in 2018). The holiday was originally a church holiday: most historians believe that it arose from the Christian tradition of the 16th century, when it was customary to visit mothers on the fourth Sunday of Great Lent. The religious tradition gradually faded into the past, but through the efforts of merchants who saw a great opportunity to make money on the holiday, it again began to gain popularity throughout the UK from the 1950s.


Until 1965, Día de la Madre was originally celebrated in Spain on the Day of the Virgin Mary - 8 December. Today Mother's Day is celebrated on the first Sunday in May - the month that, according to the Catholic faith, is dedicated to the Virgin Mary. Día de la Madre remains a popular and commercially promoted holiday.


In Portugal, Dia da Mãe is an unofficial holiday that takes place on the first Sunday in May. As in Spain, it was previously celebrated on December 8 - the day of the Catholic feast of the Immaculate Conception.


In Hungary, Mother's Day also falls on the first Sunday in May. It was first celebrated in 1925 by Hungarian Red Cross youth.


Muttertag was created by the Association of German Florists and usually falls on the second Sunday in May. Germans celebrate this holiday with some restraint, as negative associations associate it with the period of National Socialism, when Nazi leaders used any excuse to stimulate the birth rate.


Marianne Heinisch, founder of the Austrian women's movement, has been considered the initiator and activist of Mother's Day since 1924. She found support for her idea in the scout movement, which also supported the celebration of this day. As in Germany, in Austria the holiday falls on the second Sunday in May.


Swiss chefs, pastry chefs and florists, using the example of Germany, realized the huge commercial potential of Mother's Day, and then imported the holiday into their country. This partly German-speaking country celebrates Muttertag on the second Sunday in May.

Greece and Cyprus

Mother's Day is celebrated in Greece and Cyprus - also on the second Sunday in May. The ancient Greeks used to have an annual spring holiday to honor the goddess Rhea, the wife of Kronos, who had many offspring.


The French celebrate the Fête des Mères on the last Sunday in May in accordance with a law passed in 1950 - except for those years when Pentecost falls on that day. In this case, Mother's Day is postponed to the first Sunday in June. The law mandates the formal tribute to French mothers.

As for the origins of the holiday, some cities in France began to celebrate la Journée des mères as early as 1918, when mothers with many children began to be honored for their contribution to the increase in the population of the Republic. During the Second World War, the popularity of the holiday increased thanks to the efforts of the pro-fascist Vichy regime. Later, after the liberation of France in 1944, the authorities continued to support the "Feast of Mothers" in an effort to increase the country's population.


In Israel, Mother's Day is celebrated on the 30th of the month of Shevat according to the Jewish calendar, and falls on the dates from January 30 to March 1. The holiday was established in honor of Henrietta Szold, a public figure of the first half of the twentieth century, who passed away on February 13, 1945. Henrietta did not have children of her own, but she herself saved many Jewish children from Nazi Germany during the war years. In Israel, Szold is called the "mother" of all saved children, and therefore the annual Memorial Day has also become Mother's Day. Today the holiday is mainly celebrated in preschool institutions(kindergartens), where parents are also invited. Commercial content of the holiday is not cultivated in Israel.

This holiday is equally loved in all countries of the world, and this is not unusual. Everyone has a mother, which means that they can celebrate Mother's Day not only in Russia, but all over the world.

Mother's Day in Russia: the history of the holiday

In our country, Mother and Grandmother's Day was usually celebrated on March 8th, mixing everything in one heap. Meanwhile, President Yeltsin, according to his decree, approved a separate date for all mothers, according to which Mother's Day in Russia falls on the last Sunday of November.

And of course, not a single serious law or decree is issued without the participation of the State Duma. Mother's Day was no exception.

Mother's day: the purpose of the holiday

The purpose of the Mother's Day holiday is to draw attention to the problems of mothers in our country. Although, in an amicable way, in order to solve all the problems associated with motherhood, you need to celebrate this date every day.

If you are not enough for every day, then at least once a year you can find the most pleasant, warm and beautiful words for your beloved mothers and congratulate them on their Day.

If you think that one day of the year is too little, add to your holiday calendar also International Mother's Day. It is celebrated in Europe, the USA, Japan and Canada every second Sunday in May. Give your moms something nice beautiful gift... May they feel your love on this holiday.

When is Mother's Day in Russia? (what date, date for 2019)

The official date when Mother's Day is celebrated in Russia is the last Sunday in November. In 2019, all of Russia will celebrate Mother's Day on November 24. Do not forget to congratulate dear and beloved mothers on the holiday!