
How to tie a tie. How to tie a tie in the classic way: step by step photos. "Bow tie" or on an elastic band


Don't know how to tie a tie? You don't have to worry too much if you don't wear it, though... such a skill is never superfluous. Read, watch and experiment.

The ability to properly tie a tie is the basis of modern business etiquette. And although not all gentlemen wear this accessory, they must wear it correctly. There are over 80 node types, but the most basic ones will suffice. Everything is much simpler than it might seem - experiment with different options and choose the one that seems most convenient to you.

A tie is the basis of a business wardrobe; it harmoniously complements ensembles in casual style. It is tied around the neck (or more precisely, the shirt collar), it can be thick, thin, have different colours, length, go with or without a pattern, be strict, just beautiful or generally playful.

You need to choose a tie according to the style of clothing so that it harmoniously fits into the existing wardrobe. Pay special attention to the appropriateness of the design, color, texture of the shirt, jacket, trousers. There are simple ones, there are quite complex knots - the first ones are easy to make from the photo the first time, with the second ones you will have to practice. It is impossible to say unequivocally how best to tie an accessory, because everyone likes their own options.

A tie is an essential part of a business men's suit well, it dilutes everyday clothing ensembles. If you wear it wisely, you can emphasize the dignity of appearance and successfully hide flaws.

How to tie a tie correctly depends on its type and the desired result. The easiest way is to focus on the photo and video guides, and for someone it is more understandable to watch detailed instructions with pictures, and for someone - a visual video.

Thin tall men are best suited for accessories with horizontal patterns, stocky, low - with plain or vertical patterns.

If a man is tall and large, in no case should he wear a thin narrow tie, since such a model will further distort the proportions, but a wide strip with a vertical pattern or geometry will fit perfectly. Small patterns, variegation, bright colors distract attention from the tummy well.

If you like suits, striped shirts, plaid, you can safely buy a tie with a similar pattern. The main thing is that the sizes of cells or strips should not be the same, otherwise they will “merge”, and it will start to ripple in the eyes.

The shades of the shirt and tie are chosen the same, or a game is played on contrasts. By the way, narrow models do not suit not only full men, but also gentlemen of age.

Before we talk about how to tie a tie, we emphasize that knots are very different, some are universal, others are only suitable for certain accessories. Each node is individual, and it can acquire a special sound from you. We offer to compare different options - popular schemes are usually simple or fashionable, but not the fact that they will suit you.

The most commonly worn accessories are 8.25-9.5 cm wide, but this does not mean that you cannot choose another option. Young people are prone to experimentation and often rely on a mini-tie up to 6.35 cm wide.

Bright colors, unusual patterns set accents, attract attention, discreet solutions just harmoniously complement the overall ensemble.

How to tie a tie step by step, we will describe in the following detailed description. Some knots exist only in their pure form, others may have certain variations. Strictly follow the rules of tying, and if something does not work out, carefully look at the step-by-step instructions and start all over again.


The most popular type of knot, earlier the skills of tying it were passed from father to son from one generation to another. The technique is easy to perform, boring and uninteresting - with it you will not stand out from the crowd, although you can achieve balance due to unusual colors or bright patterns.

Throw on the product, the wide end on the left side, the narrow end on the right, and above, the wide part is placed on the narrow one. Now tuck the larger part under the smaller one to the left and below, wrap the narrow one, thread the larger one through the loop.

The knot is named after the Duke of Windsor himself, who probably liked to tie his tie in this way. It is comfortable to wear because it does not tighten the neck, ideal for celebrations. You can tie the "Windsor" each time anew or gently loosen it, remove it through the neck.

When thrown, the ends lie, as in the case of the four, and the seams look inward. Stretch the narrow end around the waist, the main work is done with most of it.

The knot is not very voluminous, asymmetrical and looks more elegant than the usual Windsor. It fits all shirts. Proceed as in the case of the Windsor, but when you do in front of the knot, shift the wide tip from left to right, pull it to the neck and thread it under the collar, pull the knot down, you don’t need to pull hard.

This knot is a more complex version of the "four". The end of the accessory is first wrapped around the knot four times, and then tucked in. The result is a wide asymmetrical knot - interesting, concise and versatile.

The knot is made in three steps, therefore it belongs to the simple ones. Products made of thin materials do not hold this shape well - consider this moment. Removing a tie is easy, but it can unravel just as quickly, so touch it up from time to time. The tie is thrown with the seams outward, then the wide part is turned “face”. There is only one cross step.

A very beautiful knot, which is formed by means of a back loop connection. Ideal for shorter men.

"Albert" refers to variations of "Victoria". The tie is thrown with seams inward, the wide tip should go to the right, the narrow one stretches over the navel. A crosshair is made, the narrow part turns wide to the right.

Double oblong knot looks beautiful on woolen and cotton ties, a festive option. On the neck, the product is thrown with seams outward. A crosshair is formed, the narrow part turns to the right, the front part of the knot is formed, the wide part is pulled up to the neck, threaded under the collar.

The most popular knot in the USA. It is done quickly, the seams look outward. Start working according to the standard scheme, then pass the wide part over the collar, wrap it, pull it out on the left side, pull the larger part again, pass the working side through the "front" loop, tighten.

A wide "free" knot, the history of which is about 100 years old. His car is the artist Balthazar Klossowski, who made the tie rather eccentrically, leaving the narrow part long and the wide part short.

Make a crosshair, then pull the narrow one to the neck, thread it over the collar, pull the wide part behind the collar to the right, pull the narrow one to the neck, tuck in the collar and pull to the left. Wrap the narrow end from right to left so that you get front part node.

A complex knot that is somewhat reminiscent of a braid, but it still looks quite formal. Tie take not colorful, standard length. When the front part of the tie is ready (standard scheme), pull the wide end through the collar, then the loop on the face of the knot, pull the tip to the left and tighten a little. It is the narrow end that is stretched, its remainder at the end fits into the collar.

It is done crosswise, it comes out wide, it works optimally with light fabrics. In terms of style, it is versatile. Cross the ends outward, make sure that the narrow one lies on the wide one and looks to the left, lay the wide one to the right, wrap the narrow end with the wide one. Pass the wide part through the loop at the neck and pull it into the eye.

The diagonal one is tied from the front of the tie, the narrow end is bypassed from below, the wide end is taken to the right, wrapped around the narrow one, pulled into the loop around the neck to the left. Through the eye you will need to stretch the wide part from top to bottom.

Visually, this type of knitting resembles a cross, it is tied around the neck with a “face”, the ends are crossed, the wide one is held under the narrow one to the left, then to the left down from the inside, to the right down from the outside. At the end, the wide part is pulled to the right under the narrow one, then to the left and put on top of it.

"Murell" - a large two-layer knot of a geometric shape. You cannot remove it - you can only untie it. When the crosshair is ready, place the narrow end over the wide one, stretch it to the neck, wrap the collar, and then wrap the narrow end around the wide one. The narrow end must be pulled up, thrown over the collar, and the narrow end must be led down to the right.

How to wear a tie

The basic rules for a successful shirt + tie tandem are as follows.

  1. The tie should be slightly darker than the shirt.
  2. If the pattern is polka dots, the shade of the polka dots should match the color of the shirt.
  3. Have you chosen a shirt and a suit of the same color? A tie will fit absolutely anyone.
  4. Stripes and checks look good together, but not very well. It is better to stay on a cell-cell or a strip-strip.
  5. A black tie and a black shirt are mourning, but not a business suit.
  6. The accessory is not worn with a short sleeve shirt.

On every day the best option there will be a model of a dark shade with a small pattern. Do not overload the image - wear a patterned tie with a plain shirt.

And one more thing - the clip, when the jacket is buttoned up, should not be visible, dark suits and ties are worn for a daytime event, and light ones for an evening event.


It is not difficult to tie a tie beautifully, some knots can not be untied, but loosened - in this case, tomorrow you will not have to do them again. It is important to follow the rules for matching accessories with shirts, choosing the right thickness, shade and width. To create a business image, use discreet options; for every day, you can choose something brighter.

Mother of two children. I have been running a household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I constantly try various means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.

With the help of a tie, a man always gets a complete and complete image in a working environment or at informal events. Stylists believe that every man's wardrobe must have a trouser suit and a shirt, as well as all the necessary accessories. A tie is a versatile accessory that complements all types of shirts and suits, and can be combined with other items of clothing.

Most men know only one technique, how to tie a tie, although today designers and stylists practice about 20 varieties of knots. And mathematicians, physicists and scientists have generally proved that the ways of tying a tie can be more diverse, up to 85 types of weaving. In any case, the more a man knows the options, the more perfect he will be. appearance in any life situation.

How to tie a tie correctly is shared by stylists and designers around the world. In everyday life, the average man has only 3-5 types of knots, although the world of men's fashion and historical experience offer more than 20 types of knots. Some of them have become unshakable classics, others belong to solemn and elegant types, others are novelties and still little-known techniques.

Before moving on to learning, it is important to remember a few general rules for weaving a knot:

  • you need to practice all kinds of knots directly on the neck;
  • the classic requires that a wide strip a couple of centimeters be located below the belt on the trousers;
  • a wide strip of a tie should go down twice as low as the narrow end of the accessory;
  • most often, a wide edge is involved in weaving, so it is initially placed below the narrow one;
  • it is necessary to select the shape of the knot, starting from the type of collar on the shirt and the variety of the tie itself.

When choosing a tie, you should pay attention to its width and length, as well as the variety, that is, what event it is intended for. Not the last role in the choice is played by the color of the accessory, the shade and patterns should overlap with the shirt and trousers.

How to tie a tie in pictures for men

All ways of tying a tie, of course, will be very difficult to learn and train skills, but you need to know the most sophisticated and suitable for the style of a man. The more a man knows the techniques, the more diverse his image will be. The most common knot variations around the world today are the Windsor and Half Windsor, Double and Cross Knot, Prince Albert and Granchester Knots, and the Triangular Knot. There is also a standard and easiest knot option for beginners.

simple knot

If for a man tying a tie is a completely unfamiliar activity, experts advise starting training and learning with simple knot, which is called Four-in-hand or “four”. As a result of weaving, an asymmetrical cone should be obtained with a slight negligence inherent in England. For weaving, you need to do all the manipulations:

  • a tie is put on the neck, the wide edge is lowered below, after which it is thrown in a cross movement from above the narrow strip to the left;
  • now it is pulled under the narrow edge, circled around the thin edge to form the eye;
  • then a wide strip is lifted up and threaded through the loop on the neck into the resulting eye.

Everything, the knot is ready, it remains only to level it and straighten the thick edge of the tie along a narrow strip. The universal version of the knot is combined with all types of accessories of any width and materials of manufacture. At the same time, it looks beautiful and youthful, elegant and at the same time strictly in the style of the classics.

half windsor

Using a technique such as Half Windsor or Half Windsor, you can easily and quickly get a beautiful, light and neat knot with the iconic dimple under the base. You can run this node like this:

  • from right to left, they cross its narrow strip with a wide edge of a tie, make a turn and pull a wide ribbon through a loop around the neck;
  • now pull it out under the narrow edge on the right;
  • wrap again, but already around a narrow strip, forming a pocket;
  • leading to the left, a wide strip is lifted up to the loop;
  • now the strip is lowered down, passing the pocket around the narrow strip.

The knot is ready, it remains only to slightly tighten it and straighten it in the center of the shirt. For this method, it is better to choose a tie from dense and filled fabrics. If a man is wondering how to tie a wool tie, the Half Windsor tie is the perfect answer.

Granchester knot

Granchester is a technique to tie a tie of sufficient length, resulting in a knot close to the Cavendish variant. We are talking about a large and colorful knot, and in order to get enough volume, the tie must be taken longer than the standard model. So, we tie a tie beautifully in Granchester as follows:

  • a wide strip is crossed with a narrow one on the inside, after which two turns are made to the left, forming a double pocket;
  • a wide strip is lifted up through the loop from the inside;
  • lowered over the pocket in the direction to the right, after which it is drawn from the inside under a narrow strip to the left;
  • now again a wide strip is wrapped around a narrow one, forming a third pocket;
  • on the right side, a wide strip is lifted up to the loop from the inside;
  • at the end, a wide strip is threaded down through three pockets.

The result should be a voluminous and wide knot, which is located in the center of the shirt collar. Stylists advise combining this knot with the Shark collar.

cross knot

If a man wants to beautifully tie a tie in an elegant and informal version of the knot, it is worth considering the Cross Knot technique, which was developed by a woman and designer from Sweden, Amanda Christensen. You can create a node in the following way:

  • a wide strip is placed on top of a narrow one towards the left;
  • make a turn around the narrow part to form a pocket, after which the wide edge is brought up over the loop;
  • make out the girth of the loop, displaying a wide strip on the right;
  • again repeat the turn around the narrow part, making one more pocket;
  • repeat the turn, but now bringing the strip from the inside into the loop;
  • the wide edge is threaded up, after which it is pulled into pockets.

The result is a voluminous and uniform knot that can hide some of the flaws in the appearance of a man. Most often, this technique is practiced on ties made of thin flowing fabrics.

Windsor knot

Which has been practiced for many years by men around the world. Stylists generally believe that any man needs to learn this knot, as it is ideal for formal meetings and everyday work environments. You can braid Windsor as follows:

  • cover a narrow strip from right to left with a wide strip, make a turn around a narrow strip;
  • a wide edge is drawn from the inside into a loop, a turn is made on the right side around the loop;
  • a wide strip, leading to the left under the loop, repeating the turn from this side;
  • now with a wide strip make a turn around a narrow one, forming a pocket;
  • the edge is wound from the inside into a loop around the neck, lifted up and then pulled into pockets.

The result is a strict knot of sufficient volume, a rich and symmetrical design with a double reliable fastening. This knot will brighten up a tie of any shape, variety and size.

double knot

If we consider all the options for tying a tie, this is a simple and very attractive design that is performed in a few steps:

  • a wide edge crosses a narrow one from the outside;
  • a turn is made twice around and a wide edge is wound from the inside under the loop around the neck;
  • after that, a wide edge is drawn from the inside of a double pocket.

The result is an elegant and classic design that looks best on long, thin accessories. Difference between in a simple way and the Double knot consists in the number of pockets, that is, the turns of a wide strip around a narrow one.

Knot "Prince Albert"

- An English classic tie-tying technique that accepts narrow and thin accessory options. You can assemble the structure as follows:

  • the long wide edge is placed in a cross way over the narrow edge towards the right;
  • make two turns from the inside of a narrow strip, leading a wide strip on the right side;
  • now the wide edge is brought out from below to the loop around the neck and lowered into the pockets with which the narrow strip turned around.

It remains only to straighten the structure on itself, correcting the knot. Ideally, such an English version will look on men of short stature, as well as on thin and elongated models of accessories. But it is better to choose a shirt with an extended collar.


The standard instruction for tying a triangular tie, the Kent knot technique is suitable for beginners in this business, as it is quite simple in itself. To weave, follow these steps:

  • a wide strip should be 30 cm lower than a narrow one;
  • a wide strip is crossed with a narrow one on the inside;
  • now make a turn around the narrow part, forming a pocket;
  • after that, a wide strip is brought under the loop from the inside;
  • at the end, a wide strip is passed through the pocket, straightening down to the very belt of the trousers.

The result is a standard triangular knot, which is ideal for the winter season and woolen ties. Although on silk models it will look elegant and stylish.

How to tie a long tie?

Men who prefer elongated models of accessories are interested in how to fashionably tie a tie in order to visually make it shorter. Under the influence of fashion, not only the models of ties undergo changes, but also the methods of weaving them. Today, stylists offer several options on how to create the perfect design for a long tie to balance the proportions.

The most common classic knot for a long tie is the small knot. You can braid it like this:

  • the wide edge of the tie on the neck is located below the narrow edge;
  • a wide strip is turned inside out, then threaded from the inside under a short strip;
  • a turn is made with a wide strip around a narrow edge to design a pocket;
  • now the wide edge is brought under the loop around the neck;
  • a wide strip is carried out inside the pocket, evenly positioned along the shirt.

The resulting design must be slightly tightened, straightened in the center of the shirt collar. Also for elongated models, the Prince Albert knot, which was described above, is suitable.

Expert opinion

Helen Goldman

Short tie

This type of tie is not considered a classic and is a risky choice for a man. Most often, this accessory model is practiced in the dress code of civil servants. You can only wear a tie strictly under a jacket, its width differs from the norm, and simple and compact designs are selected as knots. Of the above techniques, the Kent knot, Half Windsor knot, small and double knot are ideal.

Also, experts advise trying the Wismar node, which is performed in just a few steps:

  • a tie is hung around the neck, a wide strip is thrown over a narrow one, turning to the left;
  • after that, on the left side, it is brought in from the inside under the noose around the neck;
  • a turn is made around the loop on the left, after which, under a narrow strip, a wide edge is inserted to the right;
  • now a wide strip is lifted up to the loop, make a turn around it on the right;
  • at the end, a wide strip is lowered parallel to a narrow one.

The result is an elegant and very informal knot that is ideal for both men and women. Wismar looks best on solemn ties made of silk and satin, emphasizing the advantages of shortened models.

Wide tie

For men, the search for options for tie knots should be based not only on their visual appeal or style, but also taking into account the size and parameters of the accessory itself. Today, wide models of ties that violate the framework of standards have come into fashion. But in matters of choosing a knot and how to tie a thick tie, you should be extremely careful. A visually colorful tie can be spoiled by an irrational design option.

Several node options will look ideal:

Prince Albert.

Node Four.


Eldridge knot.

Standard Windsor.

There are also strict contraindications to such a tie model, for example, the large Granchester knot, the no less voluminous Double Windsor and the Balthus variant. All these nodes are so large that they overload an already wide accessory, and due to its size, it can turn out even larger size node. Designers are advised to look for symmetrical and compact nodes with increased height in relation to width.

Tie a tie on yourself: life cards

The fashionable word “life hack” today has fallen in love with the society because it has simplified various complex tasks and actions at times. The same can be said about the ways of weaving ties, experts offer life hacks on how to quickly and beautifully design a design without skills.

An illustration of how to braid a tie in 10 seconds.

Video, how to make a knot in less than half a minute:

Thanks to these little tricks, men who do not have free time for complex and sophisticated knot options will quickly cope with the task of weaving a tie.

Elastic band tie

- this is a regatta, that is, a neckerchief in a ready-made state that does not require weaving. Such models are attached to an elastic band and fasten behind the shirt collar. If, nevertheless, there is a need to create a design from a tie with an elastic band, you need to perform just a few steps:

  • the tie is put inside out, I put an elastic band on top for further fastening to it;
  • the narrow end of the accessory is placed on top of the elastic, but strictly on the right side of the wide strip;
  • then the narrow edge is placed under the wide one, thereby forming the front zone of the knot;
  • the thin edge should be located on the left, it is passed through the elastic and pulled down;
  • all plexuses are leveled, pulling up the formed knot.

Do you wear elasticated ties?


If the normal size of the regatta in relation to the girth of the neck came out of the resulting design, you can sew up a homemade knot. It is advisable to measure the desired length of the regatta in advance in order to quickly fix the result at the end.

We knit a knitted tie beautifully

Knitted tie is new trend v men's fashion, which refers to the casual style, that is, the urban style. Today, men prefer to wear such ties with strict classic and retro looks in suits and shirts. They are preferred in the cold season in winter and autumn, and fashion designers combine them with tweed suits and unpaired jackets.

Knitted tie

In principle, most tie designs are suitable for this model. But the following methods are considered the most ideal options for weaving a knot:

Quarter knot:

knot kent:

Prince Albert:

For reference! Knitted patterns of ties are unofficial version accessories for men, which is called knitted ties.

How to tie a men's tie from a satin ribbon?

Despite the numerous types of ties and knots from them, home-made options are very popular, not so much because of savings, but because of the possibility of creating an author's bow. A man can design a non-standard and elegant version of a tie, having only one satin ribbon. Ideal for such an accessory is the version of the Wismar knot, which is practiced by both men and women.

The weaving method itself was described above, although for learning it will be enough to view the step-by-step actions in the illustration. This knot is recommended to be worn only on special occasions. But for a working and formal setting, a tie from satin ribbon and the Wismar knot is not recommended by stylists.

Also from the ribbon you can make an elegant and bright butterfly for, again, a solemn event.

Video instructions

Visually and in more detail, all the methods of weaving knots from ties can be viewed on the videos.

Simple knot:

Half Windsor:

Granchester knot:


If a man prefers to be conspicuous by his perfect and fashion style in clothes, it is important to think through all the details, down to the smallest detail. The tie is an integral part men's wardrobe, the perfect complement to a shirt and suit. Today, stylists offer more than 20 types of knots, most of which have been described above. And for the full picture, you should look at the patterns of weaving in pictures and videos.

To tie a tie correctly and beautifully is a whole art. The beauty of the knot depends not only on its type: Murell, Pratt, Kent, etc., but is determined by the texture of the material of the tie and the model of the shirt collar itself.

For example, a tight, lined tie will not work for a neat, narrow knot, as the design would be too bulky. Complex knots look perfect only on a sample of thin silk fabric.

Choose a tie knot

Click on the tie you like and you will open step by step diagram tying with photo and video instructions.

Node features

The type of knot is determined by the model of the shirt collar and the material of the tie. Let's see for which node this or that sample is suitable.

Simple small knot "Kent"

The easiest way to tie your own tie is to make a small knot. It will turn out right if you tie a tie immediately over the shirt. The small knot is also called the Kent knot. It is better to create it from fairly dense fabrics, such material will give it volume.

The benefits of the knot are obvious with short ties. A "modest" knot does not require a significant length of the ends. This option is chosen for products made of very thick fabric. You simply cannot tie them otherwise, they will protrude ugly.

"Van Wijk"

This a good choice if the shirt collar is buttoned or studded. You can also wear a tie with an Italian-style collar.

Such a knot is one of the most unusual. It can be compared to a spiral or a cylinder, as the wide end is circled around the thin one three times, creating beautiful folds.


This is a very elegant rather dense knot with a clear symmetry. Its density is increased due to several turns of the wide end around the already formed node.

The design feature is that the knot is actually tied with a seam outward. This is not visible on the finished sample, since according to the rules, the shape of the resulting knot must fit exactly into the neckline of the shirt collar. It is perfect for a Kent collar.


The knot is universal and very common. It is as easy to create as it is to tie a small knot. The result is a somewhat asymmetrical cone-shaped variant. It is suitable for shirts with classic, medium and wide collars.


The Murrell looks like an inverted knot, as the narrow end ends up on top of the wide end. This creates the effect of a two-layer tie, which looks very impressive. The knot itself is symmetrical and has a strict triangular shape. It is suitable for shirts with wide and soft ends of the collar.


This is one of the largest tie knots. It has the shape of a three-dimensional cone. Tie it on a tie with long ends. If you neglect the scheme and tie carelessly, the knot will turn out to be sloppy. It is easier to deal with the ends of thin material.

This way of tying a tie is ideal for short men, as the ends will turn out optimal length. For tall men, the tie will end up being too short.

In any case, this way of tying a tie assumes that you immediately leave the narrow end shorter than usual, otherwise you simply will not have anything to form a bulky knot from.

"Balthus" a fairly wide knot is suitable for collars like "Kent". A classic shirt with such a tie also looks harmonious.


This is one of the most unusual knots. The finished form is similar in appearance to the pagan symbol "Trikvert". You need to tie it with the narrow end. This will require skill and practice. The first time you may not be able to create a neat knot.

You can wear a tie tied in such an unusual way with wide and medium collars with buttons.

"Prince Albert"

It is good to knit such a knot on a narrow tie. Its shape is somewhat asymmetrical. The knot's double loop gives it extra volume. To make the shape stricter, the knot must be tightened strongly. This will give the tie a businesslike look. It is important that the inner loop peeks out from below.

"Prince Albert" is suitable for shirts with a long collar or collar with buttons.


This is both a spectacular and elegant knot. Its size can be changed by varying the position of the wide and narrow ends of the tie.

Such a universal way to tie a tie is suitable for many shirts, it looks especially impressive with an Italian collar, the “smile” angle of which is 180 degrees.

"Half Windsor"

The finished knot must be symmetrical. It should be located clearly in the center of the neck. Otherwise, it needs to be tied up. At the final stage, it is desirable to create a dimple on the node. It looks especially impressive on wide ties with a thick base. This method allows you to permanently preserve the shape of the knot.

It is suitable for collars with divorced ends: classic, Kent.


Tie a tie in this way with the wrong side out. You should get a volume knot. Usually choose this option for short ties with filler.

It is good for shirts with a narrow collar.


This is another unusual knot. You need to knit it with a narrow end. The result is a rather impressive and very beautiful knot, of course, if everything is done carefully and according to the rules. It is whimsical in a sock, as it blooms all the time.

Not all shirts are suitable for such a knot. You need to choose shirts whose collars have soft tips with a fairly wide “smile”.


This option is chosen for official meetings and memorable celebrations. This is an integral part of a thoughtful evening dress. Depending on the occasion and your taste, the butterfly bow can be tied in different ways with the technique " Bat or Distel.

Usually printed silk butterflies are worn during the day. The main thing is not to take too dense fabric to create a butterfly. For tailcoats and tuxedos, it is customary to use cotton bow ties. The shirt must have a turn-down collar. You can create a bow tie knot from a special sample with notches.

To be on top means not to allow negligence in details. A tie is one of those accessories that harmoniously completes a carefully crafted look. Knowing how to tie a tie correctly is important for anyone who strives for a perfect appearance. Understanding the principle of tying a tie in several ways will allow you to experiment with details. There are more than a hundred options for tying a tie, and each of them is worthy of attention. Consider the main schemes.

Small knot - how to tie?

To tie a tie with a small knot, it is better to use models from heavy fabrics, such as silk.

The tying algorithm is simple:

  1. The wide end of the tie is turned with the seam outward, the ends are intertwined in such a way that it is narrower on top.
  2. Pass the wide part of the tie over the narrow one.
  3. The wide end is brought to the knot, passed through the resulting loop between the tie and collar.
  4. Bring forward the wide part.
  5. The same part is passed under the top layer, pulled out and tightened.

Windsor knot - by the footsteps of the duke

This knot was named after the Duke of Windsor. Among all the knots, it was he who most often could be seen on the duke's collar, which is understandable - the knot looks elegant and solemn, while not causing any discomfort even when worn for a long time. To tie a tie in this way, elongated models are chosen (4 cm longer than the standard options).

The tying instruction step by step is as follows:

  1. The tie is thrown around the neck with the wrong side inward so that the wide end is on the right and the narrow end is on the left. The latter is pulled to the level of the solar plexus, then they work only with the wide part.
  2. The wide end is placed on top of the narrow one, thus forming a cross.
  3. Pull the wide end to the neck, pull through the resulting collar.
  4. Wrap the collar of the tie, pull it to the left.
  5. Lay under the narrow end to the right.
  6. The wide part is again pulled up to the neck and threaded this time over the collar of the tie.
  7. The wide part is pulled to the right.
  8. They form the "full face" of the tie, shifting the wide part to the left in a horizontal position.
  9. The wide end is pulled to the neck, threaded under the collar of the tie.
  10. Pass through the loop on the front side.
  11. Pull the wide part down, tightening.

The resulting node is aligned.

How to tie a Victorian knot

It is easy to learn how to tie a Victorian knot for everyone who has already mastered the knotting of the "four". The difference between this weave is an extra turn. It is created with the help of the end of the tie, which is wrapped around the knot four times and additionally tucked in.

The knot made according to this scheme looks neat and harmonious, despite the clearly traceable asymmetry. The knot is perfect for a casual office look.

Ordinary "four": how to?

The easiest way to tie a tie is to follow the instructions for the "four". For the first time, popularity for this version of the knot came in the middle of the 19th century in England. But it was not the dandies who practiced the use of knots, but the drivers driving the four horses, rightly believing that this was the only way the tie would not interfere in the wind.

Weaving is formed on the narrow part of the heavy fabric tie. The knot fits almost all types of images, it is appropriate in any situation. Tie it in the following way:

  • They put on a tie in such a way that the wide part is much longer than the narrow one (no less than 30 cm).
  • The ends are twisted.
  • The wide part is led behind the narrow one.
  • Spend the wide end in front of the narrow.
  • The wide part is pulled into the loop between the tie and the collar from the bottom up.
  • Fixing the front part with a finger, preventing tightening, the wide end is pushed into the loop through the top.

At the final stage, they check how uniform the ends are, adjust and, if necessary, redo the knot.

"Oriental" - what is it and how to do it

To properly tie an Oriental tie, it is enough to go through three stages. And in order for the knot to hold, it is advisable to use dense fabrics. On a thin canvas, achieving the desired shape will not work.

Weaving is best obtained on the so-called "winter" ties, for example, from wool. Throughout the day, the tie must be constantly adjusted, otherwise it will simply untie. for the holidays and solemn events in this way it is better not to tie a tie. It looks more elegant when combined with a casual office suit.

What is a diagonal knot

To properly tie a diagonal knot, you need to have some experience in creating at least the simplest weaves. Formed from two layers, it will require some skill and manual dexterity. The advantage of the node is reliability.

During the day, it does not untie, despite some asymmetry. In addition, a spectacular view of an unusual knot, which is more suitable for light and light fabrics, can be considered a bonus.

What you need to know about weaving "Calvin"

The knot was named after the mathematician and physicist Calvin, the author of the theory of the structure of atoms from knots. The physicist himself has nothing to do with the development of the tie. You don't have to be a great mathematician to tie a knot quickly. Tie it up in just a few steps. The final weave has an oblong shape, it looks especially impressive on woolen and cotton fabrics.

It is better to wear Calvin knots not every day to the office, but for special events.

"Balthus" and "Cavendish" - features of the formation

To beautifully tie the Balthus knot, it is better to use light silk fabrics. The author of weaving was an artist from Switzerland - Balthasar Klossovsky. For the first time, the knot began to be tied in the 30s. The author himself wore it with pleasure in a somewhat unusual interpretation, swapping the ends.

Today, this tying option is not relevant, although you can experiment from time to time, but more like a man medium or short height to create harmony.

Visually, the Cavendish knot is nothing more than the interweaving of two quarter knots. They tie it both on holidays and on weekdays. Just like Balthus, the weave looks better and holds on light fabrics.

"Onassis" - the nuances of creation

Analyzing different kinds tie knots are also worth noting "Onanssis", the author of which is an entrepreneur of Greek origin Jackie Kennedy. It was he who came up with the idea to change the traditional version of the "quarter" by adding a new detail - a wide free end without fastening.

The knot is eccentric, suitable for bold and temperamental men, can also be used in women's fashion. Looks especially impressive on bright light fabrics with prints.

"Prince Albert" and "Pratt" - the principle of creation

For connoisseurs of beautiful and elegant weaving, the option to create a knot called "Prince Albert" is suitable. Simple step-by-step instruction will allow you to tie an unusual beautiful knot, resembling an unblown bud. To form the weave, you will need a tie that is longer than the classic models. Most of all, a tie with such a knot is suitable for men of short stature.

Weaving "Pratt" is popular in the United States. It can be seen there in almost all public figures, office workers, bankers. The knot is easy to tie, strong and comfortable. Important nuance- seams outward, disguised at the end behind the collar of the shirt.

"Trinity" - the subtleties of tying

One of the most unusual relatively new knots is Trinity. Every year it is gaining momentum, being popular with men and women of all ages. The peculiarity of weaving is an asymmetric shape. Anyone who masters the classic way of tying it will be able to complement the image stylish detail drawing the attention of those around you.

"Christensen" - cross or square knot

It is the cross or square that is called the traditional Christensen knot. It is ideal to combine it with models of shirts with a high collar. Weaving looks equally elegant and noble on a thin and wide tie. Required condition- dense fabrics in the base, for example, cashmere, wool and others.

"St. Andrew" - a knot in honor of the Apostle

The knot got its name in honor of the Apostle Andrew crucified on the cross. The cross was given an oblique shape, hence the unusual crosswise shape of the weave. You can wear such knots for a tie both to the office and to festive events. Their versatility is their main feature and advantage.

Tie a knot on woolen fabrics with a plain surface. Only in such cases, he looks noble and elegant, keeps, without requiring intervention every day.

Unusual option - New Classic knot

Fashionable and stylish knot called New Classic. Analyzing the ways of tying a tie, this particular one can be noted as the most suitable for models from medium-weight fabrics and the same middle length. Forming a knot without at least minimal experience will not be easy. Therefore, you can count on the result only after several training ties. The knot is in particular demand among Italian dandies.

Will answer the question of how to tie a tie with a scheme step by step description actions:

  1. Lay out the ends of the tie crosswise so that the wide one is above the narrow one with an offset to the left.
  2. The wide part is lifted up so that the seam remains invisible.
  3. Pass through the loop from top to bottom.
  4. Further, step by step in the pictures you can see how the pulling to the left occurs in front of the formed corner.
  5. Again they are pulled into the loop, but this time the opposite is true - from the bottom up.
  6. Tighten the knot.

A properly tied tie will be placed strictly in the center, look neat and harmonious.

How to tie an American knot

An interesting scheme for tying a tie called "American". They start by laying out the ends crosswise and in such a way that the narrow one is slightly to the right and above the wide one.

The next step is to pull the wide end into the neck loop downwards and tighten the formed knot (minor). Next, the wide end is passed in front of the knot to the right, pulled up into the neck loop and down into the newly formed loop. The finished knot is tightened.

The principle of forming a bow tie - features

The video instruction below will simplify the process of tying a bow tie. For the first time they began to tie it back in the 1700s, but it continues to be in demand to this day, and all because, with all the elegance and solemnity, it is not difficult to tie it.

The peak of the popularity of the black "butterfly" came in 1886, when the tuxedo appeared as a replacement for the tailcoat, in combination with which they wore an exclusively white bow tie.

Subsequently, the node suffered many more changes, but is still relevant and in demand. To tie a bow tie correctly, it is better to first familiarize yourself with the video in Russian, which clearly shows each of the stages in close-up. The step-by-step instruction looks like this:

  1. A plain or printed, but always thin tie is worn around the neck in such a way that the left side is at least 4 cm longer than the right side.
  2. The ends are twisted again so that the elongated part is on top.
  3. The long end is looped between the tie and collar.
  4. Carefully form the upper layer of the bow tie by folding the short part across the ends of the collar.
  5. Fixing the top layer with a finger, lower the long part on top.
  6. Again hold the fabric, this time fixing the bottom.
  7. The long end is thrown over the top over the bow layer.
  8. The formed loop is passed into the knot behind the upper layer of the butterfly.

At the finishing stage, holding the bow by both ends, pull it in both directions, thus aligning and tightening the knot.

Free Style knot - a luxurious novelty for connoisseurs of light classics

Even in the photo you can see how fresh and original the Free Style knot looks. Weaving combined the elements of the usual simplest knot and the Winsor. It looks especially elegant on silk models, subject to the creation algorithm.

Tie a knot as follows:

  • The ends are laid out in a cross, so that the wide one is above the narrow one with an offset to the left.
  • Wrap the wide part behind the narrow one with pulling to the right.
  • Pull down into the neck loop.
  • Pass in front of the formed corner to the right.
  • They stretch it up into the neck loop, down into the formed loop.

At the final stage, the knot is tightened and the correctness of its location is checked.

In conclusion, a little about the rules for wearing a tie in principle. It is considered correct that the tie reaches the belt buckle. It is strictly forbidden to tuck the ends of a tie into trousers. The width of the tie should match the lapels of the jacket, be neither wider nor narrower. It is not recommended to combine a tie with an unbuttoned shirt. Do not overload the tie with additional accessories. You can use only one of them, for example, a pin.

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Any gentleman should know how to tie a tie to look respectable and concise. An elegant accessory emphasizes the main concept of business style, focusing on the clear geometry of the cut of the jacket and tuxedo in general. There are over 80 ways to properly tie a tie to match the type of shirt and outfit you wear. To choose perfect option Musinga, it is recommended to decide:

  • With dress code type. All types of tie knots are designed to complement an informal or formal image, and therefore differ in complexity, volume and final appearance.
  • With the type of collar on the shirt, the shape of the cut of which affects the choice of textile accessory.

You can learn how to quickly knit regattas by watching a tutorial video or by reading detailed instructions. Fashion designers claim that this is not only a male skill. Having mastered the technology of creating spectacular weaves, you can in a couple of moments or a stole, which are considered an exclusive addition to an urban bow in the demi-season period of the year.

There are several options for tying a knot on a tie correctly, which do not require much effort and special skills. They are recognized as the basis of approved etiquette, allowing men to easily emphasize the conciseness of a non-trivial taste.

Node "Kent"

This is a kind of asymmetrical musing on a wide tie, which is suitable for representatives of the strong half of humanity with an average build.

The salient features of this method are:

  • Ability to work with ties of medium length and width exceeding the 5 cm mark.
  • A simple knot consisting of a single loop, which makes it possible to adapt a small tie for people of large stature.

Stylists say that the Kent knot looks perfect in tandem with T-shirts equipped with a narrow stand-up collar.

Node "Fourth"

This is a classic version that was very popular among our grandfathers. It can be tied in a minute, because it is single and uncomplicated.

The advantages of this type are:

  • The usual way of weaving a loop, allowing you to create it in a minute.
  • The correct geometric shape of the triangle, which is ideally combined with the avant-garde and everyday elements of the wardrobe.

The only drawback of the quarter knot is its routine, which does not make it possible to stand out from the general mass of people. But it can be used on ties of any length and width, which makes it versatile.

Knot "Prince Albert"

This is an incredibly beautiful, original and spectacular mousing, which resembles an unblown flower bud. It consists of several loops with pickup, so before creating it, it is recommended to watch a video tutorial or a master class with detailed description technologies.

It fits:

  • for short men, because the revolutions take about 7-10 cm from the length of the regatta;
  • for bright shirts decorated with floral prints, gradient transitions and contrasting piping around the perimeter.

It will look fashionable if a man complements a business ensemble with a metal clip and cufflinks, decorated with gilded plating.

Knot "Pratt"

This is an American knot that all famous politicians, Hollywood stars and successful businessmen use with pleasure.

It is a laconic half of a rhombus, which:

  • tied with a fixation seam outward, due to which a wide and noticeable transition is obtained;
  • does not hide the collar of the shirt, opening up unlimited scope for experiments on the image.

Designers advise to combine a tie with such a knot with plain suits in achromatic colors and polo, in which a triangular pattern prevails.

Knot "Half-Winzor"

This type of half-Windsor tie puff is used by Vladimir Putin, whose image is being created by a whole team of stylists and meters in the fashion industry.

It differs:

  • a flat triangle, which is obtained in the process of its creation;
  • elongated asymmetry of the free edge, which emphasizes its official style;
  • versatility of use, which allows it to be created on ties of any length and width.

A regatta with such a knot can be worn under a formal or casual shirt, as well as at a festive reception or business meeting.

Windsor knot

Such knitting of a tie became popular during the life of the Duke of Windsor, who preferred it to all other weaving options. This double technique made it possible to create a correct triangular knot, which helped to tighten or adjust the diameter of the neck in one movement.

The only rule for creating a Windsor knot is that the accessory must be long so that in the end the tie can fall to the line of the fixation belt.

Knot "Cavendish"

This mousing is created by interlacing two quarter sections of the tie, so it looks very unusual and original. It is quite large, moderately voluminous, so designers recommend combining it with shirts and glamorous blouses, complemented by widely spaced collar sides. There is a special instruction that quite simply explains the process of creating the Caventish node.

To make it look as impressive as possible, choose a thin and light tie, decorated with pleating or partial glossy coating on the front side.

Knot "Oriental"

This type can only be used if the tie is thick. It is created in three steps, so even a novice guy who wants to impress can make it. Distinctive features of the Oriental node are:

  • not a very tight method of fixation, which does not allow it to be created on narrow products;
  • a simple and even triangle, which is obtained in the final, will not be able to decorate a solemn tuxedo, but it will look very succinctly as an addition to an office ensemble. Every man should remember that this type of knot should not be forgotten.

You should learn how to discreetly straighten your tie, because it can come loose at the most inopportune moment.

"Victorian" knot

This type of tie has become known as the “extra twist quad”, because in the process of its creation, the tongue of the tie is wrapped four times around the mousing being created, and then neatly tucked inside.

This trick gives the finished knot an asymmetrical shape that perfectly emphasizes the strict geometry of the cut of conservative suits and casual shirts, which are decorated with check patterns or contrasting stripes.

Knots that are suitable for thin ties

The thin tie is called “herring”, which is explained by the type of its cut and a width not exceeding 5 cm. They are used as an addition to a casual or office bow, unobtrusively emphasizing the elegance of the design of sweaters and cardigans worn over a plain shirt.

"Cross" knot

The first variants of such a tightening of a tie really looked like a cross, so their name came from there. The cross knot is quite dense, narrow and complex, so it is used exclusively by connoisseurs of the avant-garde or youth style. It visually increases the width of the tie and focuses on the shirt collar.

Node "Kelvin"

This is a diagonal and rather complex knot, which is created in stages and slowly. It was named after the physicist Lord Calvin, who worked on proving a practical theory about the way atoms are built and the key knots. Distinctive features of such a tie tie are:

  • spectacular knot, which is sure to turn out if you read the instructions in detail;
  • it will take more than one lesson to tie a Kelvin knot in a matter of minutes;
  • the loop is ideally combined with winter and demi-season elements of the wardrobe, focusing on the conciseness of the modern dress code.

St. Andrew's Knot

It is believed that the great martyr Andrew was crucified on an X-shaped cross, hence the name of this knot. It is very cool, moderately voluminous and has a fairly simple creation mechanism. If you look at this mousing at an angle, its cross-shaped tightening method will be very noticeable, due to which the tie is very easily adjustable in length.

Designers advise using this type on textile accessories made of chiffon, crinoline, satin or organic silk.

Original ways to tie a tie with an interesting knot

A thin or thick tie can be transformed in a matter of minutes by tying it with an elegant knot that will accentuate the collar of a business shirt and harmonize with accompanying accessories. The scheme that any life hack offers allows you to learn non-standard ways of weaving knots on classic ties, adapting them to the youth or urban trends of the season.

Node "Eldridge"

This type of puff is used by the famous TV presenter Dmitry Dibrov, who is considered an expert in business style. The knot looks like a pigtail, and its diagonal way of creating in a winning light emphasizes the strict image of its owner.

The Eldridge knot is tied on elongated, solid-colored ties, then its quality and appearance are in harmony with the natural geometry of the cut of brightly colored shirts.

Knot "Trinity"

This is a modern way of tying a tie, in which the oblique line is pulled through the entire knot. It is very festive and elegant, so it is suitable for a corporate photo, going to a restaurant or a secular party.

If the owner of the tie has a short neck, then such a knot will visually lengthen it and the overall picture of the tuxedo will be exclusive, respectable and complete.

Knot "Van Wake"

The world-famous artist Lisa van Wijk, who combined practical and aesthetic aspects in one knot, became the author of this exquisite way of tightening a tie. He is different elongated shape, wide execution and smooth lines that soften the business style.

Unlike other knitting options, this knot looks advantageous on textile accessories decorated with geometric patterns.

Knot "Balthus"

If you need to create a small node, then immediately pass by. Here is the most voluminous and wide way to tighten a tie, which lovers of eccentric looks will appreciate.

It will look perfect on accessories made of silk, and learning how to create it can take more than one hour.

Knot "Cape"

This is a very attractive, openwork and sophisticated knot that a beginner cannot master the first time. He very gently emphasizes the luxury of an expensive tuxedo, and is also able to distinguish any man from the crowd of “men in black”.

It cannot be used on striped ties, but watercolor designs are ideal.

"Diagonal" knot

This is the most extraordinary and complex knot that will make a man a real star of a trendy party. It is asymmetrical and consists of two layers, so it is ideally combined with shirts in which the collar has a wide turn-down part. It is customary to complement it with jewelry clips, which are decorated with glossy polymer ceramic inserts.

The bow tie

In the case of a bow tie, everything is also very simple. detailed instructions on photo and video:

If you want to feel confident in any situation and attract admiring glances from women, then you should familiarize yourself with the key points of combining a tie with strict things. The main rules are:

  • Ties with patterns and appliqués are combined with shirts decorated in a minimalist style. An ideal choice would be a solid color model with straight cuffs and a front placket.
  • Monochromatic accessories complete the main concept of the style that dominates the decoration of combined shirts. They will "calm" and "balance" a camouflage shirt, thematic pattern or contrast overlays. They are usually tied under a turn-down collar.

Don't forget about right choice suit shirts. It should always be a tone lighter than the jacket, if made in a similar color. For bright shirts, casual models of trousers and jackets made from textured cloth or thick textiles are perfect.