
Men's wardrobe by the sea. What clothes to take to the sea. What medicines you need to take with you to the sea


Collecting bags at the sea at the last moment is perhaps the worst idea of ​​all. Therefore, it is better to start “preparing the sleigh in the summer”, so that by the beginning of the vacation it remains just to check if everything is packed in a suitcase.

Hygiene supplies

Here, of course, sunscreens will come first: sun cream and a heat protectant hair spray that will save hair from burnout. The first one should be given special attention. Many girls sincerely believe that you only need to take the cream with the highest level of protection, but this depends only on your skin type.

Attention! The highest SPF is needed only for children and girls with very fair skin, which practically does not tan. The darker the skin, the lower the SPF.

  • Toothbrush;
  • Toothpaste;
  • Soap, shower gel, intimate hygiene gel;
  • Face and body cream.

If you have not previously gone to beauty treatments, take a razor and products after depilation with you.

What do you think you just need to take with you on vacation

Clothes and footwear

Of course, the complete set will depend on the cultural program planned for the rest. If you go on a voyage on a cruise ship, then you cannot do without evening pay, or even several, and stiletto sandals. But if this is some seaside village, where there is only an embankment of the sights, all these attributes are completely useless. Therefore, we focus on the required minimum clothes:

  • Linen - at least 3 sets. You can take a pair of bras in basic colors and 5-7 panties for them.

Important! Choose colored underwear to match the sets of clothes that you picked up for the trip.

  • 2 swimwear. This is a necessary minimum, because if you want to defile in a new way every time - to your health! You can go for this trick: combine details of different separate swimwear by getting all new models;
  • A set of warm clothes: trousers / jeans, long sleeve or turtleneck, jacket with long sleeve;
  • Beach tunic or pareo;
  • Shorts and long skirt(walking option);
  • T-shirt, top - 1-2 pieces;
  • Headdress.

Dresses, trousers, suits - all this takes place, but is not included in the mandatory list.

WITH shoes the situation is much simpler: 1 pair of beach shoes, 1 pair of walking shoes (sandals, sandals, ballet flats or pantolettes) and 1 pair of closed shoes + socks.

What medicines to take with you to the sea for an adult and a child

If we are traveling within our own or neighboring states, then we should not worry too much about a set of medicines and medicines, since they can be bought in addition at any nearby pharmacy. Take with you the necessary minimum of drugs that will be needed in the first case: antiseptics, antipyretic, sorbents, antihistamines. If you have a chronic illness, be sure to put in supportive medications.

Another thing is a trip abroad, where you can neither clearly explain what you need, nor choose the appropriate analogue of our drug, nor buy most drugs without a doctor's prescription. Here the list needs to be thought over much more carefully. Mandatory items will be:

  • Antipyretic (paracetamol or ibuprofen in any drugs);
  • Drugs that improve the functioning of the digestive system, since unfamiliar cuisine can cause a number of problems (Motorix, Mezim, Domrid, etc.);
  • Sorbents (Smecta, White coal);
  • Antiseptics (hydrogen peroxide, iodine);
  • Bandage, cotton wool, plaster;
  • Wound healing ointments (Rescuer, Panthenol);
  • If necessary, means against increased / decreased blood pressure, drugs for the cardiovascular system.

A children's first-aid kit has its own specifics, since here we should take care of the presence of the following components:

  • For children under 7 years old - acetone test. Strips for determining the level of acetone in urine. Even if your baby has never suffered from this before, changes in climate, regime and dietary habits may well provoke a jump in acetone;
  • Rehydrating agents and agents for intoxication (Regidron, Atoxil);
  • Healing ointments (Bepanten, Panthenol);
  • Antipyretic and cough suppressants.

You will be surprised that the list does not include the activated charcoal recommended by most resources. No, it's not a mistake, it's just that this drug has long outlived its usefulness. Even an adult is unable to drink the required number of tablets, because for 10 kg of weight you need to drink 1 tablet of coal (you can take it twice a day, but not more than 30 tablets). Therefore, it is much easier to purchase the same Smecta or White coal.

Kids' things

The collection of children's luggage needs to be approached much more thoroughly than your own, and you need to think over the list of necessary things in advance. It will vary depending on the place of rest and your plans, but the "backbone" looks like this:

  • Bathing suit - at least 2 pieces. Ideally - 3. Why so many? This is not at all a tribute to fashion, but a completely practically justified requirement: the child bathes in one, the second dries, and the third is a spare;
  • Linen. 5-6 panties and a pair of T-shirts;
  • Cloth. For boys, this is a pair of shorts, long pants, 2-3 T-shirts, a long sleeve and a warm blouse or a light windbreaker. A pair of dresses or sundresses, a pair of T-shirts / T-shirts, shorts and a skirt + a set of warm clothes will be enough for girls;

Important! The amount of clothes for children should be at least twice as much as for adults!

  • Hats. A pair of panama hats for boys and a panama hat and scarf for girls;
  • Shoes. 1 pair for the beach, 1 for walking and 1 closed pair in case of bad weather. Of course it is not rubber boots, sneakers will be quite enough, to which do not forget to grab your socks;
  • Toys. These are sets for playing with sand, and entertaining books, coloring pages with accompanying office supplies;
  • Pot.

The list of things for the baby will differ from the one suggested, since here we need:

  • Bottles for drinking and milk mixtures and means for their thorough cleaning;
  • Children food. If you are sure that upon arrival you will be able to replenish your stocks, take the amount required for the travel time + 1-2 days, otherwise it is better to stock up for the entire period of your stay;
  • Diapers, wet wipes, absorbent diapers, skin care products. You can buy diapers in addition, so you shouldn't carry several packages with you. This not only takes up a lot of space, but also significantly increases the weight of your luggage (which is very important when flying);
  • 3-4 sets of clothes + headwear.

And finally

It is simply impossible to imagine a trip without modern gadgets. Well, how can you not post a couple of photos a day on Instagram? No, there is no way without it. In principle, if we have a high-quality smartphone, all we need additionally is a charger or a power bank (external battery). If there is enough space, a laptop + charger, a camera, an e-book can join it.

And most importantly, don't forget to double-check your documents. Make a couple of copies of your passport, child's birth certificate, exit permit (issued if only one of the parents travels abroad), tickets, insurance. Put all this in different places so that in case of loss, you will at least have copies.

What to take to the sea?
It seems that this skirt, and those slippers, and that disk are vital for the trip. As a result, the suitcase swells to an enormous size and does not close.
A minimum of things are required!

Not forget!!!
Passport (international passport), tickets, insurance, hotel reservation (voucher, voucher), money, credit cards. Make sure that your passport contains a visa (for traveling abroad), that the insurance includes all cases that may occur. It is also worth stocking up on the address and phone numbers of the embassy if you are going on vacation to another country.

List by category.

1. Items of clothing and footwear:
- a couple of underwear changes
- swimsuit (2)
- skirt / shorts (2 pcs.)
- T-shirt, T-shirt, top (2-3 pieces) and T-shirt (T-shirt) with long sleeves (1 piece)
- jeans and trousers made of lightweight fabric
- sweater (in case of cold weather)
- socks (2 pairs)

Think about where you will be going.
If you have any evening entertainment (clubs, parties), bring something for them.
For such outputs, do not take half of the cabinet. A pair of bright blouses (or an evening top) will be enough, which will harmonize well with existing skirts or trousers, as well as spectacular jewelry. For men, it seems to me that you don't need to take anything specially. Jeans, light-colored shirt or T-shirt are the best outfit for a beach party.
If there is a desire and a place in the suitcase, then you can add beautiful sandals for evening outings to a disco or a bar.

Shoes to take with you to the sea:
- beach shoes (flip flops or flip flops or sandals)
- light footwear for the street and excursions

2. Hygiene products:
- Toothbrush
- soap
- shower gel / shampoo
- towel, one large and one medium
- sanitary pads or tampons
- napkins, regular and wet
- shaving products

3. Cosmetics:
- decorative cosmetics (it is better to take waterproof and do not need to take a lot decorative cosmetics, in the heat it only interferes with the skin to breathe).
- cream before, from, for, after sunburn
- milk or cream to moisturize the skin

4. Miscellaneous:
- camera / camcorder
- telephone
- chargers for the above
- Sunglasses
- headdress
- Beach bag
- travel wallet
- hairbrush
- hair accessories

What to take with you to the sea from medicines
A first aid kit with a minimum set should also be at hand, especially in exotic locations.
V compulsory set includes:
- adhesive plaster (excursions are always a lot of walking)
- headache tablets
- cotton wool and bandages
- Activated carbon
- hydrogen peroxide
- from diarrhea
And, of course, if you are allergic to something or any diseases, take medications for them.

So, let's get down to business. We sort things in this way (each item has its own package): shoes, underwear, wrinkling things, non-wrinkling things, trousers (fold at the seam and twice in half).
Choosing a container - a suitcase or a travel bag.

At the bottom there are shoes, in the gaps between them there are socks and underwear rolled into rollers, then those gadgets that are not included in carry-on luggage and we will not need it to the destination. All the remaining things, except for trousers, are folded in a pile in an unfolded form so that those that wrinkle are lined with two or three non-wrinkled items of clothing (shirts, thus, will be in the middle). Trousers will become the filling of this peculiar sandwich. Now all that remains is to cross the sleeves in front, fold the entire structure in half and put it in a suitcase.

On the side there will be a place for a travel bag (French necessaire, literally - necessary), 1) a travel case or a small suitcase with toilet items. 2) A box with a set of accessories for needlework or sewing), which must be placed so that it is easy to use it when needed.

The long-awaited vacation that you are going to spend at sea is approaching? This means that you cannot bypass such a procedure as collecting the necessary things.

Some of us like to approach the process thoroughly, begin to think through all the nuances and pack our suitcases some time before the trip, others do not have this opportunity and collect clothes and other items in the last minutes, in a hurry throwing everything that comes to hand into our bags.

In order to make it easier for yourself and not to regret that you still left the most important at home, it is best to calm down, collect your thoughts and make detailed list things for a vacation at sea, which will take into account all your requirements and individual wishes.

Let's start with the main thing - with a list of documents that you must have in stock:

  • Passport - internal for traveling within your country and foreign for traveling abroad. It's a good idea to make a photocopy of your main identity document, so you can keep the original in the hotel safe and carry a copy with you that you won't be afraid to lose or accidentally spoil.
  • When traveling with a child under the age of 14, you must bring a birth certificate with you.
  • Compulsory health insurance policy, which will allow you to visit a medical center if necessary. institution in another city or insurance, issued in a travel company when buying a tour.
  • Travel tickets - it is advisable to protect yourself and immediately purchase a set of travel documents also for the way back home.
  • Cash and bank cards.
  • Driver's license.

Note! According to the changed rules of the customs service of the Russian Federation, for a child to leave with one of the parents, now it is not necessary to draw up the consent of the second parent, provided that he did not draw up an official statement of disagreement with the export of the child abroad.

When a baby travels with other relatives - beloved grandmother or aunt, a notarized permission of only mom or dad is enough.

Well, we have sorted out the most important thing, now you might think about what kind of clothes a girl needs in order to feel not only attractive, but also comfortable and protected on vacation.

For convenience, you can write down all your wishes in the form of a table, then it will be faster for you to navigate your requirements:

Assumed conditions Required clothing Quantity, pcs.
Beach vacation Swimwear 2 — 3
Pareo, tunic 1 — 2
Sun protection headdress 1
Beach shoes 1
City Tour Shorts, light trousers or breeches 1 — 2
Sundress, summer dress 1 — 2
T-shirt 2 — 3
Long Sleeve Slim Shirt 1
Comfortable sandals or sports shoes 1
The publication" Cocktail dress or skirt with a fancy blouse 1
Heeled sandals 1
Pants set 1
Inexpensive but stylish jewelry 1
For cool weather Sweater, cardigan or windbreaker 1
Jeans 1
Closed shoes 1
For home and sleep Underwear 5 — 6
Pajamas 1
Bathrobe or home suit 1
Slippers 1

Note! If you plan to visit various religious sites, you must familiarize yourself with the rules of conduct in them in advance.

So, for example, it is forbidden to enter Orthodox churches with bare legs (in shorts) and with a bare head. Similar restrictions exist in most other denominations. Be tactful and respect the feelings of believers.

Also, do not forget about personal hygiene products and protective cosmetics... It is not worth taking a large palette of decorative cosmetics and perfumery at sea.

Give your skin a break from synthetic fragrances and dyes. But sunscreen and moisturizing lipstick can come in handy.

What to take on a trip to the sea with a child?

It is equally, and perhaps even more important, to make a list of things at sea with your child. Do not forget that a growing organism is more susceptible to changes in climate, environment and time zone.

So that your vacation with your child goes smoothly, and you do not run to the nearest shops in search of such necessary but forgotten children's things at home, we have compiled an approximate list of clothing and footwear items that will be enough for your son or daughter to spend a full summer vacation:

Assumed conditions Required clothing Quantity, pcs.
Beach Swimwear, for girls - swimsuit 2 — 3
Light T-shirt, cotton shirt with long sleeves, which protects baby skin from sun rays 1 — 2
Panama, kerchief 2 — 3
Rubber fixed heel slippers 1
Walking Shorts 2 -3
Dresses, sundress 2 – 3
T-shirts 2 – 3
Sandals 1 – 2
In case of cold snap Turtleneck with a high neck 1
Warm fabric pants, jeans 1
Windbreaker, knitted blouse 1
Closed shoes 1

We have not included lingerie in the list, but we think that every mother will be able to decide and assemble a sufficient set of panties and T-shirts for herself, based on the length of stay away from home.

In addition to clothing and footwear, babies should have a few favorite toys, a beach play set, a swimming ring or vest, as well as baby hygiene products and sunscreen for delicate skin.

Note! We do not specifically give advice on collecting a home first aid kit, since this issue should be worked out with a personal doctor who knows the individual characteristics of your child. Taking advantage of general recommendations, you can harm his fragile body.

Necessary and necessary things for a man

Most men, as practice shows, shift the worries about the fees on the shoulders of their fair half. If you are not one of those, and decided to pack your suitcase yourself, our article will tell you what to take on a trip to the coast.

A real gentleman, even on vacation, is obliged to take care of his appearance, so do not forget to put together a personal care kit, which should consist of such necessary items:

  • Razor and the necessary tools for this procedure.
  • Toothbrush and paste.
  • Deodorant.
  • Shampoo, shower gel.
  • Perfume.
  • Hairbrush.

Note! When going on vacation abroad, carefully read the rules of the local customs service so that you do not have to get rid of prohibited items urgently.

Usually, alcohol, tobacco products and some foodstuffs are included in the list of not allowed for import and export.

The lists that we have given in our article are of a general nature, because we did not take into account many factors that can affect their formation.

The living environment, climatic conditions and even the country you are planning to visit are of great importance. You may also have personal health or lifestyle issues that need to be considered when collecting.

Take our advice - do not postpone everything "for later" and start packing your bags at least a couple of days before the trip. And do not forget to take the list with you, because at the end of the vacation days you will have the same procedure, and with it it will become much easier to collect things on the way back.

Vacation at sea. How long have we been waiting for this moment! We choose the perfect place, agree on the time of departure, book tickets in advance. And now, when all these issues are resolved, and the cherished date is getting closer, it's time to think about what you need to take with you on a trip.

To prevent your holiday packing from turning into a real chaos, we offer you several useful tips.

Important! The most important thing is not to forget your documents and money. Even if it is all that you take with you, you will buy the rest on the spot. In case of loss or loss of documents or money, there is a risk not to leave the house at all.

List of required documents:

  • Passports... When traveling within your homeland, it is enough to take only an internal passport. When you have to travel abroad, do not forget your passport. Perhaps you need a visa to enter this country - check its availability again.
  • Tickets... Be sure to bring roundtrip tickets. Hide your ticket home so that you do not accidentally throw it away after you arrive on vacation.
  • Vouchers... If you are going to a hotel where you have already booked a room, tour. the company is obliged to issue you an agreement on the basis of which you will be settled. Don't lose it.
  • Medical insurance... Do not forget to take your compulsory medical insurance policy or VHI. When traveling to another country, be sure to take out insurance when buying a tour.
  • Money and your bank cards... Do not keep the entire amount prepared for the vacation in cash or only on cards. It is better if you can use both types of calculation.
  • Driver's license... Even if you didn’t come with your own car, you may want to rent a car to do a self-guided tour or go shopping. In this case, you need your rights.

Without what modern girl indulge in a vacation on the seashore?

On vacation, you so want to take a break from the office style of clothing, high heels and formal suits. But it is always important for a girl to feel charming and beautiful. Therefore, the clothing list is the first thing we start with.

  • Swimsuit- 2 pieces.
  • Rubber beach slippers... Necessary to avoid the risk of injuring your foot on a rocky bottom.
  • Pareo, panama, sunglasses... These accessories not only make you look irresistible on the beach, but also protect you from strong sun exposure.
  • Lingerie and light pajamas... Calculate the amount of linen approximately according to the number of vacation days - one change per day.
  • Sundress, shorts, T-shirts, light shirt with long sleeves, linen trousers... In such clothes, it will be convenient for you to go on an excursion or walk along the embankment.
  • Cocktail dress or set... Perhaps you are planning to visit a theater, restaurant or nightclub on vacation. Then such clothes will not be superfluous in your suitcase.
  • Long sleeve cardigan or jersey thrown over a sundress - and you are not afraid of either the sea breeze or the evening coolness.
  • Sandals or moccasins... Will be convenient for walking around the city.

During your seaside vacation, you cannot do without cosmetics. However, these should not be decorative products, but means of protection from the sun's rays - sprays, foams and lotions.

It's good if the SPF value indicated on the label is at least 30. Bring a moisturizing night cream and hygienic lipstick with you.

Make a list of personal care products. Regardless of the day of your cycle, bring a set of sanitary pads with you. From climate change, the body can malfunction, you must be prepared for this.

The hotel usually provides toothpaste, soap and shampoo. But, if you have your favorite brands, you can take them. Don't forget your toothbrush, hairbrush, and deodorant.

Note! This list is for guidance only. You can supplement it as you wish, or remove unnecessary ones.

What to take on a trip to the sea with a child?

Traveling with a child is a great opportunity to be together, learn something new and make the trip unforgettable.

The list of things at sea with a child needs to be approached more responsibly. Especially if your little one is tender preschool age.

Clothes and footwear:

  1. Swimsuit or swimming trunks for the beach - two pairs.
  2. Beach sneakers. It is good if they are fixed on the leg. The kid will not stumble or lose them.
  3. Headdress - several. Necessarily!
  4. Shorts, T-shirts, T-shirts, sundresses - the quantity is at your discretion.
  5. Knitted jacket, windbreaker, trousers - for cool evenings.

Often Small child reacts poorly to a change of scenery. It is especially important for children to observe their usual rituals. Therefore, bring your favorite toy, some children's books and board games.

With them, the baby will feel more confident and calmly fall asleep. It will be convenient to take his chamber pot or toilet seat on a trip.

Although many hotels give these items for temporary use, it is not entirely hygienic and, if possible, it is better to bring your own.

The immunity of a small child is very different from that of an adult, so you cannot do without a home first aid kit.

List of essential medications for a holiday with a child:

  • Thermometer... Electronic only! Do not take mercury on a trip - do not expose yourself and others to danger.
  • Antipyretic- what you usually take.
  • Antihistamine- prescribed by the doctor specifically for your baby.
  • Spray for sore throat and vasoconstrictor nasal drops.
  • Activated carbon or smecta for mild stomach upset.
  • Antiseptic- hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green.
  • Patch.

Important! This is a list of the simplest remedies for mild ailments. For more serious symptoms, do not self-medicate, see a doctor!

Necessary things for a man

What to take on a trip from clothes, a strong half of humanity can decide according to their preference.

But, in order to look neat and feel comfortable on vacation, his list should include the following things:

  • Swimming trunks - 2 pieces.
  • T-shirts - 3-4 pieces.
  • Shorts, trousers made of light light fabric for walking around the resort.
  • A long sleeve shirt and dress pants for an event or restaurant outing.
  • A hat that protects from the sun's rays. Sunglasses.
  • One windbreaker.
  • Lingerie, taking into account the daily change. 2-3 pairs of socks.
  • Slippers, sandals, summer shoes.

Also, a man must collect a set of his hygiene products - a razor, shaving products, deodorant, a comb and other necessary items for daily use.

At the end, let's put together a small table with a list of things for a vacation at sea for the whole family.

Documentation Clothes and footwear Hygiene products Medications
Passports Beachwear Toothbrush Antipyretic
Tickets Beach shoes Towels (if not provided at the hotel) Antispasmodics
Cash and bank cards Hats Deodorant For indigestion
Insurance policy Clothes for walking in the resort Hairbrush For allergies
Vouchers (hotel reservation) Walking shoes Sunscreen Sore throat
Driver's license Cool weather clothing Gaskets Antiseptics
Lingerie Razors Sunburn remedies

Any person wants his summer vacation to be at the highest level and to leave an exceptionally pleasant experience. During summer travel to the sea and to resorts, clothing plays an important role.

To eliminate the annoying inconveniences during the trip and rest, and the unpleasant memories associated with them, you need to think as carefully as possible how best to dress for the trip and what things to take with you.

How to pack a suitcase for a trip to the sea

When collecting a suitcase for a trip to the sea, you need to remember that they can greatly overshadow any vacation. Going on vacation through a travel agency by bus or plane, you yourself will have to carry all your belongings until you get to the place. Therefore, you should have a few of them.

This should be adhered to, although not so strictly, even if you go to the sea by private transport.

You do not need to fill your suitcase with unnecessary things, but take only the most necessary things with you on vacation at sea. Firstly, a minimum of things will be enough for you, and secondly, you will definitely want to please yourself with a new thing on vacation and buy something. In all resorts, a wide variety of goods are sold in tents: beach towels, bags, light dresses, tunics, sandals, pareos, jewelry. How to shop correctly? You can read the article "Smart Shopping" about this.

It is very pleasant to get various new clothes out of a suitcase after a vacation - capes, hats, bracelets ... above. Besides, there are girls and women who just adore.

If you are going on vacation to Turkey, Singapore or Thailand, you can take only a minimum of things with you. For example, in Singapore you can buy high-quality branded clothes two or even three times cheaper than in Moscow. Having gone on vacation to these countries, you can easily recoup your vacation.

The prices for leisure clothing in Thailand will please. Especially if you drop by Khaosan Road in Bangkok. There are many beautiful and varied sundresses, swimwear, beach slippers and other casual clothing and footwear for leisure at a very affordable and low price.

Excellent and fairly inexpensive shopping in Crimea. Here, leisure clothes are much cheaper than at any Russian resorts.

Wardrobe for a trip to the sea

How much clothing should you take with you for your seaside vacation? Very often, this question arises before the fair sex going to the beach resort. Especially if they do it for the first time in their life.

The minimum amount of clothing that you are going to take with you on a trip to the sea should include a pair of light sundresses different lengths or 2 dresses - for the beach and evening, for example, cocktail, if you are planning some kind of banquet or celebration on vacation. It is better to take plain dresses, one of them can be white. In addition, you need to take a pair of T-shirts, a tunic, shorts, a pareo, as well as a set of warm clothes for cool evenings. This may include a sweater, jacket, windbreaker, etc.

You also need at least 2 sets of underwear and, of course, a swimsuit. It is better to take a pair of swimsuits as well. If necessary, while one is drying, you can use the other. This is an approximate minimum wardrobe for a trip to a summer resort, which will allow you to spend a comfortable vacation.

It is best to choose matching items for your trip. So that they can be easily combined with each other both in color and style.

Good sunglasses are useful to protect you from the intense southern sun, and will make you look beautiful at sea.

Separately, it should be said about summer hats. They must be taken with you. It can be a hat, cap, panama or kerchief. Summer is in the midst of the sun, it is hot. Therefore, it is harmful and even dangerous to walk with an open head under the sun. If you do not want to be sick or dizzy, not tormented by nausea and fever, wear hats during the day.

What else can you take from clothes

If you wish, you can take a skirt, top, light knitted trousers and jeans, a shirt that can be worn with shorts or with a skirt, or, if necessary, thrown over burnt shoulders.

It is very convenient to tidy up in the morning or sit in a bathrobe over a cup of tea. If you are accustomed to this kind of comfort, a light, cute robe will be very useful for you at a summer resort.

By the way, here I would like to remind you that clothes wrinkle during transportation, no matter how you put them. Therefore, if you do not want to wash and iron your clothes for an additional fee (this service is now available in many hotels and resorts), take a small portable iron with you.

What clothes to take on a summer trip to the sea

On a trip to a beach resort or "savage" at sea, it is better to take clothes made of light and natural fabrics. These can be items made of silk, chintz or linen. Open tops, light skirts, airy sundresses or dresses will look very beautiful on you. While things made of synthetic fabrics can cause some discomfort. It is easy to sweat in them in hot and calm weather, which cannot but alienate the people around them.

All things that you are going to take to the sea, it is desirable to be universal. It is convenient if you can wear clothes not only on the beach, but also for an evening walk, to a restaurant or a disco. Try not to take tight clothes on a trip, as they are very uncomfortable on vacation. In addition, putting on such clothes on a wet body after swimming at the sea, you will experience discomfort.

What to wear for the beach

When going to the beach, it is better to put on a swimsuit right away. Top can be worn light dress, preferably without fasteners and zippers, to avoid problems on the beach when taking it off and putting it on. Take with you to the sea beach bag made of cloth fabric, in which it is convenient to put a towel and everything else: pareo, sun cream, etc. A rectangular beach bag with long handles and a simple uncomplicated cut is very convenient.

In addition, you need to remember that dear and fashion bag on vacation, this is a good temptation for thieves.

Evening wear on vacation

For evening walks or going to a restaurant, you can wear Cocktail Dress... Even the dress you wear during the day will work. Just add an elegant belt or belt to it. Decorate your neck with beads, exchange a beach bag for a clutch. Use heeled sandals instead of beach sandals.

For an evening out on vacation, you can use the minimum kit. For example, a beautiful long sundress to the floor, sandals with heels and a little bit of jewelry. And you will be irresistible.

What shoes to take on a trip to the sea

From footwear, in addition to sandals and sandals for the beach, you need to take comfortable sandals with you, which will be useful for hiking and long walks in the mountains and forest paths.

Cosmetics and personal care products

Of the cosmetics that will really come in handy on vacation, you can take your tanning cosmetics and softening cream after it, powder, waterproof mascara, a small palette of eyeshadows and a transparent lip gloss. And of course, your favorite perfume.

We also do not forget about personal hygiene products. The minimum that should be included: shampoo and hair balm, toothpaste and a brush, soap and shower gel.

Manicure by the sea

There is little to say about vacation manicure. At sea, many girls have long nails that often break. Therefore, give up the build-up long nails before the trip. On vacation the most practical manicure- is it colored French or classic.

We will not remind you of tickets, vouchers, documents, credit cards, money, mini-first-aid kit (adhesive plaster and wet wipes are required), photo and video equipment, telephone, charging and other necessary things when going on vacation at sea. They are implied by themselves, and we hope you will not forget them. Just in case, check again. We advise you to read also the article "How to dress for a summer trip".

Enjoy your stay!

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