
How the most unusual family lives now. The most unusual names that parents gave to their children. Musical triplets that became famous at the end of life


The family is an important unit of society, the greatest value for every person. Each family is unique in its own way and not like the others. We have collected the TOP 8 of the most interesting families, in our opinion, that can surprise society.

The family of the most real Rapunzels lives in Illinois. The length of the hair of the mother and her three daughters reaches about 5 m. The mother, Tere Lynn, does not cut her hair with adolescence, the length of which is more than 1.5 m. By her example, she inspires three daughters, but the younger brothers are still on the sidelines. You cannot envy the head of the family who has to spend a lot of money on shampoos and conditioners. The family spends a large bottle of shampoo to wash their hair every time.

Social networks were exploded by a photo titled (“Mom, Twin and Me”), which was posted on Twitter by Keilan Mahoms from Indianapolis, USA. For many users, this image has become a real mystery, a phenomenon. And this is not surprising: it is unrealistic to understand who is the mother and who are the twins. Mom and daughters are like two drops of water. You guessed which of them is who. I haven't yet.

Meet Zion Chan, a giant man, the head of the world's largest family, with 39 wives, 94 children, 14 daughters-in-law and 33 grandchildren. In total, the family numbers 181 people, but as you understand, this is not the limit of all Zion Chan's capabilities!

This huge family from an Indian village lives in a 4-story large house that resembles a dormitory. Strict discipline reigns in the family: the whole life lies on the shoulders of women. It's scary to imagine how much food this family eats in one day!

In such a large family, Zion Chan feels like a real king. He sleeps in a separate large room, on a spacious bed, and decides on his own when and with which wife he wants to spend the night.

In this section, the first place deservedly goes to the famous, scandalous Kardashian family from hot California. Kim and her sister are on everyone's lips: Kourtney, Kloe, Kendall and Kylie, as well as their adventurous mom, Kris Jenner. Thanks to the American reality show on E! the family made a round sum of money. Rumor has it that for one episode the family receives at least 80 thousand dollars. Just imagine for a minute what a big sum comes out if the first episode was released in 2007 and filming continues to this day.

5. Family from the past

The Rozovs family from Yaroslavl is a family from the past that lives in Domostroi, yearns for tsarist Russia, wears only clothes of past centuries and adheres to the way of life of the past.

Keisha 1.98 meters and Wilco 2.13 meters from Dagenham take the honorable first place in the Guinness Book of Records as the tallest married couple in the world. Their 6-year-old son Lucas has reached the height of an eleven-year-old boy, the growth of a four-year-old daughter is above 1 meter, and their newborn daughter Iona was born with a height of 56 centimeters. Tall children are born to tall parents.

The Kelly Family is an American-Irish family that has been in the music world since 1980 and has sold over 20 million albums. The group was founded by the head of the family, Daniel Kelly, who, having married Barbara Ann for the second time, actively began to accustom all family members to music and singing, and soon their first album appeared, and then the rapid growth in the world of show business.

The British Bartletts family set the world record for being the oldest family in the world. The combined age of four sisters and a brother is 500 years, 5 centuries. These are: 102-year-old Kathleen, 100-year-old Gladys, 94-year-old Lillian, 92-year-old Leonard and 86-year-old Courtney, who were born in the early twentieth century. They have survived two World Wars, 19 Prime Ministers and five British monks.

We wish everything good health, and live to see a century.

Before you say that your family is very strange, take a look at our selection first.

We think that each of us at least once called our family the Adams family, because in each family unique people are born that can drive other members to madness. But believe me, there are truly unique families in the world that are difficult to compete with in the non-standard.

1. Unique albinos

In Brazil, in the state of Pernambuco, there is a truly unusual family. The father and mother are quite ordinary Brazilians, but of their five children, three were born with absolutely white skin. This is simply a unique case, because even the theoretical possibility of the birth of an albino in a Brazilian family is one in seventeen thousand cases.

Albino children in a small town are not to be envied. All their lives they hear ridicule, neighbors forbid their children to play with them, and their mother was once almost arrested on suspicion of kidnapping white children.

2. Snow-white Indians

Another unique albino family lives in India. Unlike their Brazilian counterparts, where some of the family members are albinos, in the Indian family, all of its members have white skin and hair. All 10 family members, and even grandchildren, are 100% albinos. The Pullan family prides themselves on their color and uniqueness, although in India's hot climates it is a lot of hassle for them.

3. Risking your life for the sake of having children

American Stacy Herald has a seemingly "standard" American family - a husband and three children. But Stacy gave birth to all the children, risking her life, because her height is just over 70 centimeters, and Stacy is considered the shortest mother in the world.

Stacy suffers from a rare osteogenesis disorder that causes brittle bones and underdeveloped lungs. The difference with the height of Stacey's husband becomes more than a meter. Each pregnancy was a risk to her life, because newborn babies were almost half the height of their mother, and small sizes internal organs Stacey could simply not withstand the stress of carrying children.

But this is not the worst thing. Two of the three children inherited the mother's illness. But, despite this, the parents are not going to stop at replenishing the family. Opinions on this decision, of course, differ - is it worth giving life to children, knowing that they will be sick all their lives? Probably, these parents think they can handle it.

4. For 20 years, not a single girl

Another unique family lives in the United States. All of its members have a standard height, weight and White color skin. But for more than 20 years of the appearance of children in this family, only boys are born. Jay and Kaiteri Schwandt never found out the sex of the unborn child.

Mom admits that she has no idea what her reaction would be if a girl was born. In 2015, their family was replenished with a thirteenth son. Mom considers the number "thirteen" to be significant.

She herself was the thirteenth child in the family, and her youngest son was born on the 13th and became the 13th child. Do parents want to try their luck and give birth to another baby? So far they haven’t said yes, but they haven’t said no either.

5. Hairy beauties

Another unusual family lives in India, which consists of seven women - a mother and her six daughters. The father of the family, to whom the mother was married at the age of 12, died. What is special about these women? Three out of six daughters suffer from a rare disease of hypertrichosis - excessive hairiness. Mother Anita Samari Rouse is sure that the girls inherited the "werewolf gene" from their father, whom she married "on pain of death." But not everything is so sad. After the family was shown on TV, the girls were helped through the procedure. laser hair removal, after which they became noticeably prettier.

6. Cheaper by the dozen?

Another family lives in the United States, known all over the world thanks to its mother, Nadia Suleiman. Unmarried, she has 14 children, 8 of whom were born on the same day. "Eight" was born when the woman already had six children. Multiple pregnancy came as a result of artificial insemination, to which she resorted earlier. Nadia admits that she did not expect that there will be so many children.

The life of Nadia Suleiman causes a lot of controversy in society. After all, she is unemployed, lives on social benefits and with money from talk shows, where she is constantly invited. Once she admitted that she wanted to have many children in order to imitate her idol Angelina Jolie, because Nadia even underwent plastic surgery to look like a star. She is also accused of filming pornographic videos. Whatever it was, but Nadia claims that she is a happy mother and loves her children.

7. The reluctant Gemini

American married couple Lizy and Adriana Shepard got married in 1994. They dreamed of children, but pregnancy did not come. Then the couple decided to have IVF. Of the 14 embryos, 12 were frozen and 2 were used. They had wonderful twin girls. A few years later, they wanted another child. The couple went to the same clinic and used one of the frozen embryos.

When their third daughter was born, Lizy and Adriana were speechless - the girl was just a copy of her older sisters. It turns out that the twins were born 11 years apart! I wonder if the youngest daughter will look like the older sisters only outwardly, or will she take on their character as well?

8. Polygamy is not a hindrance to a family

The United States is really rich in non-standard families, probably because people are not afraid to live the way they want and do not adjust to other people's rules. In this family, everyone has the usual height and weight, and their children are born on time. What makes them different? Complex family relationships.

This family consists of 8 adults and 3 children. Who are they to each other? To be honest, it's hard to figure it out. Spouses Siera and Martin have been married for 9 years and have two daughters. Spouses Molly and David have been married for 15 years and have a daughter. These married couples are in polyamorous relationships with each other, while also having other lovers.

All members of this union are familiar with each other, have with them great relationship... Are they jealous of their legitimate halves? They say no. They can meet other people openly and not lie or feel guilty about it. The spouses assure that in such a tandem, their marriages have become even stronger, and love has only multiplied.

Their children do not lack love. If one of their parents goes to "rest", the other will definitely stay at home. This is the golden rule. By the way, children are familiar with the partners of their parents, but for children they are “friends” of mom and dad. If parents have unforeseen situations at work, they ask the lovers to sit with the children. Everyone is good and everyone is happy! Are these people doing the right thing? We don't know ...

In the old days, parents gave their child unpretentious names that directly reflected the essence of real events. The boy could be called Zhdan, Pervun, Second. In Soviet times, it was possible to come up with a name in a revolutionary way. In the USSR, Sparks, Oktyabrins, Lenins, could be called Sickle and Hammer.

In addition, one could even find abbreviated names, for example, the courageous Pofistal (The winner of fascism Joseph Stalin), the incomprehensible Perkosrak (First space rocket), the wonderful Revdit (Child of the Revolution) and even Dazdraperma, known for sure to everyone (Long live May 1st).

The name Dazdraperma is not that outdated.

Modern names that surprised the whole world

Now the fashion is a little different, but there are no less original and interesting names. The parents who gave their beloved son the name BOCh rVf 260602, “a biological object of a human of the Voronin-Frolov family,” were very distinguished, the numbers are just the date of birth.

It is difficult to imagine how affectionately the parents of the child are called, but it is known that his dad also plans to take a similar name soon.

Also in Russia, babies grow and delight those around them from April, March, Moon, Cosmos, Lunalika, Wind - these are a kind of fresh natural names.

There are children who are named Fox and Dolphin, Kit, Mercury, Ocean. Some names draw a direct parallel to the divine origin of children, it is not for nothing that many mothers and fathers call their children angels: Angel Mary, Messiah, Jesus, Buddha-Alexander, Christamrirados.

No less popular are double and even triple names: Polina-Polina, Kasper Dear, Nikolay-Nikita-Nil, Matvey-Raduga, Monono Nikita, Summerset Ocean, Luka-Happiness, Zarya-Zaryanitsa, Sofia-Solnyshko, Yaroslav-Lyutobor.

There is a wonderful family in which they try to give children monarchist names: Tsar, King, Sovereign, Tsarina. An exception was made for the youngest daughter, she became the Favorite-Beauty-Clever. Older children, still called ordinary names, also plan to change them so as not to stand out from the rest.

Russia is not original in the matter of choosing a name for children, in some countries children are given a very long name, the longer, the happier the child will be, the parents are sure. Such cases are not uncommon in Spain and India. And in France there were four brothers named January and February, April and March. Their surname was also unusual - 1792.

We think that each of us at least once called our family the Adams family. After all, each family is born unique, capable of driving other members to madness. But believe me, there are truly unique families in the world that are difficult to compete with in the non-standard.

1. Unique albinos

In Brazil, in the state of Pernambuco, there is a truly unusual family. The father and mother are quite ordinary Brazilians, but of their five children, three were born with absolutely white skin. This is simply a unique case, because even the theoretical possibility of the birth of an albino in a Brazilian family is one in seventeen thousand cases. Albino children in a small town are not to be envied. All their lives they hear ridicule, neighbors forbid their children to play with them, and their mother was once almost arrested on suspicion of kidnapping white children.

2. Snow-white Indians

Another unique albino family lives in India. Unlike their Brazilian counterparts, where some of the family members are albinos, in the Indian family, all of its members have white skin and hair. All 10 family members, and even grandchildren, are 100% albinos. The Pullan family prides themselves on their color and uniqueness, although in India's hot climates it is a lot of hassle for them.

3. Risking your life for the sake of having children

American Stacy Herald has a seemingly "standard" American family - a husband and three children. But Stacy gave birth to all the children, risking her life, because her height is just over 70 centimeters, and Stacy is considered the shortest mother in the world. Stacy suffers from a rare osteogenesis disorder that causes brittle bones and underdeveloped lungs. The difference with the height of Stacey's husband becomes more than a meter. Each pregnancy was a risk to her life, because newborn babies were almost half the height of their mother, and the small size of Stacey's internal organs could simply not withstand the stress of carrying children. But this is not the worst thing. Two of the three children inherited the mother's illness. But, despite this, the parents are not going to stop at replenishing the family. Opinions on this decision, of course, differ - is it worth giving life to children, knowing that they will be sick all their lives? Probably, these parents think they can handle it.

4. For 20 years, not a single girl

Another unique family lives in the United States. All of its members have a standard height, weight and white skin color. But for more than 20 years of the appearance of children in this family, only boys are born. Jay and Kaiteri Schwandt never found out the sex of the unborn child. Mom admits that she has no idea what her reaction would be if a girl was born. In 2015, their family was replenished with a thirteenth son. Mom considers the number "thirteen" to be significant. She herself was the thirteenth child in the family, and her youngest son was born on the 13th and became the 13th child. Do parents want to try their luck and give birth to another baby? So far they haven’t said yes, but they haven’t said no either.

5. Hairy beauties

Another unusual family lives in India, which consists of seven women - a mother and her six daughters. The father of the family, to whom the mother was married at the age of 12, died. What is special about these women? Three out of six daughters suffer from a rare disease of hypertrichosis - excessive hairiness. Mother Anita Samari Rouse is sure that the girls inherited the "werewolf gene" from their father, whom she married "on pain of death." But not everything is so sad. After the family was shown on TV, the girls were helped to undergo laser hair removal, after which they became noticeably prettier.

6. Cheaper by the dozen?

Another family lives in the United States, known all over the world thanks to its mother, Nadia Suleiman. Unmarried, she has 14 children, 8 of whom were born on the same day. "Eight" was born when the woman already had six children. Multiple pregnancies occurred as a result of artificial insemination, which she had resorted to earlier. Nadia admits that she did not expect that there will be so many children.

The life of Nadia Suleiman causes a lot of controversy in society. After all, she is unemployed, lives on social benefits and on money from talk shows, where she is constantly invited. Once she admitted that she wanted to have many children in order to imitate her idol Angelina Jolie, because Nadia even underwent plastic surgery to look like a star. She is also accused of filming pornographic videos. Whatever it was, but Nadia claims that she is a happy mother and loves her children.

7. The reluctant Gemini

American married couple Lizy and Adriana Shepard got married in 1994. They dreamed of children, but pregnancy did not come. Then the couple decided to have IVF. Of the 14 embryos, 12 were frozen and 2 were used. They had wonderful twin girls. A few years later, they wanted another child. The couple went to the same clinic and used one of the frozen embryos. When their third daughter was born, Lizy and Adriana were speechless - the girl was just a copy of her older sisters. It turns out that the twins were born 11 years apart! I wonder if the youngest daughter will look like the older sisters only outwardly, or will she take on their character as well?

8. Polygamy is not a hindrance to a family

The United States is really rich in non-standard families, probably because people are not afraid to live the way they want and do not adjust to other people's rules. In this family, everyone has the usual height and weight, and their children are born on time. What makes them different? Complex family relationships. This family consists of 8 adults and 3 children. Who are they to each other? To be honest, it's hard to figure it out. Spouses Siera and Martin have been married for 9 years and have two daughters. Spouses Molly and David have been married for 15 years and have a daughter. These married couples are in polyamorous relationships with each other, while also having other lovers. All members of this union are familiar with each other, have excellent relations with them. Are they jealous of their legitimate halves? They say no. They can meet other people openly and not lie or feel guilty about it. The couple assure that in such a tandem their marriages have become even stronger, and their love has only multiplied. Their children do not lack love. If one of their parents goes to "rest", the other will definitely stay at home. This is the golden rule. By the way, children are familiar with the partners of their parents, but for children they are “friends” of mom and dad. If parents have unforeseen situations at work, they ask the lovers to sit with the children. Everyone is good and everyone is happy! Are these people doing the right thing? I don't know, but I have no right to judge them

Each family has its own laws and secrets, and for the most part even the most average family can surprise upon closer acquaintance. What can we say about those who themselves are unusual people living in unusual families? We invite you to find out how these people live - real unique families.

Albino family

In Brazil, in the state of Pernambuco, there is a truly unusual family. The father and mother are quite ordinary Brazilians, but of their five children, three were born with absolutely white skin. This is simply a unique case, because even the theoretical possibility of the birth of an albino in a Brazilian family is one in seventeen thousand cases. Albino children in a small town are not to be envied. All their lives they hear ridicule, neighbors forbid their children to play with them, and their mother was once almost arrested on suspicion of kidnapping white children.

Snow white Indians

Another unique albino family lives in India. Unlike their Brazilian counterparts, where some of the family members are albinos, in the Indian family, all of its members have white skin and hair. All 10 family members, and even grandchildren, are 100% albinos. The Pullan family prides themselves on their color and uniqueness, although in India's hot climates it is a lot of hassle for them.

For 20 years, not a single girl

Another unique family lives in the United States. All of its members have a standard height, weight and white skin color. But for more than 20 years of the appearance of children in this family, only boys are born. Jay and Kaiteri Schwandt never found out the sex of the unborn child. Mom admits that she has no idea what her reaction would be if a girl was born. In 2015, their family was replenished with a thirteenth son. Mom considers the number "thirteen" to be significant. She herself was the thirteenth child in the family, and her youngest son was born on the 13th and became the 13th child. Do parents want to try their luck and give birth to another baby? So far they haven’t said yes, but they haven’t said no either.

Hairy beauties

Another unusual family lives in India, which consists of seven women - a mother and her six daughters. The father of the family, to whom the mother was married at the age of 12, died. What is special about these women? Three out of six daughters suffer from a rare disease of hypertrichosis - excessive hairiness. Mother Anita Samari Rouse is sure that the girls inherited the "werewolf gene" from their father, whom she married "on pain of death." But not everything is so sad. After the family was shown on TV, the girls were helped to undergo laser hair removal, after which they became noticeably prettier.

Cheaper by the dozen?

Another family lives in the United States, known all over the world thanks to its mother, Nadia Suleiman. Unmarried, she has 14 children, 8 of whom were born on the same day. "Eight" was born when the woman already had six children. Multiple pregnancies occurred as a result of artificial insemination, which she had resorted to earlier.

Nadia admits that she did not expect that there will be so many children. The life of Nadia Suleiman causes a lot of controversy in society. After all, she is unemployed, lives on social benefits and on money from talk shows, where she is constantly invited. Once she admitted that she wanted to have many children in order to imitate her idol Angelina Jolie, because Nadia even underwent plastic surgery to look like a star.

She is also accused of filming pornographic videos. Whatever it was, but Nadia claims that she is a happy mother and loves her children.

Reluctant twins

American married couple Lizy and Adriana Shepard got married in 1994. They dreamed of children, but pregnancy did not come. Then the couple decided to have IVF. Of the 14 embryos, 12 were frozen and 2 were used. They had wonderful twin girls. A few years later, they wanted another child. The couple went to the same clinic and used one of the frozen embryos. When their third daughter was born, Lizy and Adriana were speechless - the girl was just a copy of her older sisters. It turns out that the twins were born 11 years apart! I wonder if the youngest daughter will look like the older sisters only outwardly, or will she take on their character as well?

P oligamy is not a hindrance to the family

The United States is really rich in non-standard families, probably because people are not afraid to live the way they want and do not adjust to other people's rules. In this family, everyone has the usual height and weight, and their children are born on time. What makes them different? Complex family relationships. This family consists of 8 adults and 3 children. Who are they to each other? To be honest, it's hard to figure it out. Spouses Siera and Martin have been married for 9 years and have two daughters. Spouses Molly and David have been married for 15 years and have a daughter. These married couples are in polyamorous relationships with each other, while also having other lovers. All members of this union are familiar with each other, have excellent relations with them.