
Synopsis of a lesson on mathematical development with children of the middle group “Mathematics in the forest. Synopsis of a lesson on mathematical development in the middle group Video: do-it-yourself educational games


Program content:
1. Consolidate knowledge about the sequence of numbers in a number series
2. to consolidate the ability to navigate on a horizontal plane
3. exercise the ability to identify and compare the features of objects
4. cultivate the ability to work in a team
5. learn to use numbers correctly

vocabulary work
Exercise in agreeing adjectives with nouns, correct pronunciation of numerals

* Logic blocks of Lienes:
* Linear "Yes-No"-ka;
* Numbers from one to ten;
* Kuizener's sticks;
* Two-color square of Voskobovich;
* Nikitin cubes;
* Sheets in a cage;
* Pencils according to the number of children.

Lesson algorithm

1. Game motivation;
2. Numerical "yes-no"-ka;
3. Working with Gyenesh blocks “Lay out the banks on the shelves”;
4. Work with Nikitin's cubes "Choose a tent";
5. Working with Kuisener sticks
a. Choose a fishing rod
b. Pay for purchases
6. Voskobovich's square "invite mouse friends";
7. Work on sheets of paper “we will show the fisherman the way”;
8. Circles of Lull "let's catch a fish";
9. Reflection.

1. Once upon a time there was a fisherman, and he had an evil, wicked wife. She sent him once for fish to the river, but did not say how much to catch. I, he says, guessed, and you: guess. You can’t guess, it will be bad for you The fisherman was sad, but there was nothing to do, he began to think, guess.
Guys, maybe we can help him guess how many fish the evil wife asked him

2. Let's try to guess, here we have a number line: numbers from one to ten
Guess the number by the type of game "yes-no"

3. The fisherman was delighted, he was about to go - but he had no fishing rod, no tent, no food with him. I had to go to the store. Came - and the shelves are a complete mess. He began to help the seller to arrange the banks on the shelves.
Let's help them

Task with Gyenesh blocks

On the top shelf in the left corner are all the red thick cans.
On the middle shelf in the right corner are not blue rectangles and round jars
On the bottom shelf in the left corner are not yellow and not red, not round and not triangular
Children expose red thick large and small cans.
Expose yellow and red rectangles and circles
Expose blue rectangles and squares.

4. We helped the fisherman to the seller, the seller said thanks.
Our fisherman went to the tent department, but there were no tents. The fisherman was sad. What to do?
Look, here I have one tent.
Let's try to make the same.

Working with Nikitin's cubes.

Compilation of the image according to the model on the board.

5a. What is the most important thing for a fisherman?
Fishing rod. He needs to choose a rod.
How many rods are here. Which one should he choose?
Children set up a numerical ladder from Kuizener's sticks, and put aside the ones that are not needed.

Fisherman's fishing rod between yellow and burgundy. She is neither black nor yellow. It is shorter than burgundy.

What is she, show (purple)

5 B. So, the fisherman chose a tent, a fishing rod for himself, you have to pay for them. The seller showed him the coin he needed (red stick)
What number does this stick represent? (four)
The fisherman has no such coin. What other coins of the same length can we offer him?

Children collect sticks of a different color, red in length: four white, two pink, or one blue, one white.

6. Finally our fisherman went to the river. He walked and walked and got lost.
He met a mouse, asked the fisherman to take him to the river, and the mouse alone is afraid, asks her friends to call.

Working with a two-color Voskobovich square.

Children at the tables fold the figure of the mouse.

7. The mouse was delighted that she had so many friends, and showed the way.
And so that the fisherman does not forget the way, he needs to draw a plan.
But he has neither paper nor pencil. Look at your tables, maybe something will come in handy for a fisherman.

Graphic dictation

8. In gratitude for the help, the fisherman decided to catch fish not only for himself, but also for mice.
He decided to catch red fish for himself, and round mice.
Put your fish, guys, in these plates. In a red plate of red fish, and round ones in yellow.
Look, we have red and round fish at the same time.
Where do we put them? (inside the hoops).
What can be done with them so that both the fisherman and the mice get them? (Cook fish soup)

Children lay out the Gyenesh blocks in the appropriate circles.

9. The fisherman ate fish soup with mice, and returned home. I gave the remaining fish to my grumpy wife. She counted them ... and did not scold him, since he brought as much as she asked.
Who remembers how much she asked for?
Find the desired number on your tables, and secretly show it to me.
Children find the right number.
What did our fisherman lack?
What color rod did he buy?
How much did he pay for it?
Who helped him find his way to the river?
One mouse?
What kind of fish did you cook the ear from?

Abstract of a lesson in mathematics in junior group"Circle, Square, Triangle"

Target: consolidation of knowledge of geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle).



- continue to acquaint children with the triangle, form the skills to distinguish and name it, examine it tactile-visually, classify figures by color and name;

- to form skills to distinguish geometric shapes among themselves;

- name objects of round, square and triangular shape;

- consolidating the skills of using glue, teaching how to make a booth for a dog from geometric shapes: a circle, a square and a triangle.


- development of memory, imagination;


- to cultivate accuracy while working with glue.

Demo material: circle, square, triangle.

Handout: a set of geometric shapes; large and small circles in 2 colors, large and small triangles in 2 colors; squares big and small. Among them are the same as the teacher.

Application material: for each child, 1 circle, square and triangle cut out of colored paper, glue, a sheet of paper.

Lesson progress:

There are three pictures on the magnetic board (circle, square, triangle).

The children are sitting at the tables.

Educator: Guys, today a puppy came to visit us, and he wants to check how well you know geometric shapes. Shall we show him how well we know them?

The teacher shows the children a circle of blue color and asks:

Children: a circle.

Educator: What colour is he?

Children: Blue.

Educator: You also have a circle on the tables, show it.

What did you show?

Children: a circle.

Educator: What colour is he?

Children: blue

Educator: This is a blue circle. Now circle it with your finger.

- Guys, is he rolling? Try to ride it.

Then the teacher shows the children a triangle yellow color and asks the children:

- Who knows what it is (if the children do not answer, the teacher calls the figure himself, then asks the children to repeat the word in chorus with him, and then pronounce two or three children on their own)

- Guys, now find a triangle on your table.

- Pick it up.

- Can I ride it?

- Why can't you ride it, what's stopping you?

Children: corners.

Educator: What figure did you show?

Educator: And now, guys, look at what pieces are on your table?

- What color are they?

Put the red shapes aside and name them.

- Set aside the squares. What color are they and how many are there?

- Set aside the circles. How many?

Game "Find the same figure"


- Guys, in front of you are geometric shapes - a circle, a square and a triangle.

- Now what figure I will raise, you must also find the same one on your table, pick it up and name it.


Someone in the morning, slowly (Walking in place)

Inflates a yellow balloon (Children blow and shrug)

And how do you let go (Raise your hands up, clap)

It will suddenly become light around (Turn)

What is this ball? (Children in chorus "Sun")

Educator: Well done boys!

Finger gymnastics "Orange"

We shared an orange

There are many of us, and he is one.

This is a slice for a hedgehog

This slice for a swift,

This slice is for ducklings,

This slice is for kittens

This slice is for the beaver

And for a wolf... peel.

He's angry with us, trouble!

Run away in all directions.

Educator:- Guys, the puppy says that you are great, you know geometric shapes well.

- But he has one problem, he has nowhere to live and he asks you and me to make a house for him.

Does anyone know what the dog house is called?

Can we help him make a house?

(Sit the children at the second table, where the material for the application is in advance: geometric shapes, glue and a sheet of white paper)

Educator:- Guys, in front of each of you are geometric shapes. Let's call them again.

Children: circle, square, triangle.

Educator:- What figure do you think we will make the walls of the booth from?

Children: From a square.

Educator: And from which roof of the booth?

Children: From a triangle.

Educator: But our puppy needs to somehow get into his booth, we need to make an entrance for him, so take a circle and glue it in the center of the square.

Educator: Well done boys.

- The puppy is very grateful to you that you made a booth for him.

- Let's say goodbye to the puppy, say to him "Goodbye!"

“I think he’ll want to come to class someday.”

Educator: Guys, let's remember what figures we talked about today?

Children: About the circle, square and triangle.

Educator: Well done boys.

“Look, guys, the puppy is gone and left his treat for you.

Larisa Shvydkaya
Abstract of the lesson on mathematical development v middle group

Abstract of a lesson on mathematical development in the middle group.

Target: consolidating children's knowledge of ordinal counting and geometric shapes.


Learn to answer questions: "How many?". "Which one?", "Which place?";

Develop interest in math games;

Cultivate respect for each other, the ability to listen to peers.

Didactic material:

Demo material: Pyramid with rings different color(red, blue. Green, yellow, ropes, gym sticks.

Dispensing material: Steering wheels with images of geometric shapes.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time:

caregiver: Hello guys! You are so big and beautiful! Come on, show me how big you are. Stretched high - high! Well done! You must be not only big, but also smart!

Main part:

caregiver: Guys, are you smart? Do you know everything? But this is what we will check now, look at the table, what is there?

Children: Pyramid!

caregiver: What is the pyramid made of?

Children: From rings

caregiver: Right from the rings, but are they all the same color?

Children: Not!

caregiver Q: Are there many or few? That's right, not much.

caregiver Q: How do we know exactly how many there are?

Sashenka thinks. And all watching carefully. Whether he thinks correctly or not.

caregiver: What good fellows you all know how to count, and now I want to see how you can remember.

game exercise: "Guess what's changed?"

I will now lay out the rings in front of you, and you must remember the order of their location, and now we close our eyes. Now let's open our eyes and see. What changed? (And so it is with every child).

Guys, what good fellows you are! And now we close our eyes again (at this moment boxes and pencils for each child appear on the tables instead of a pyramid).

Oh guys. what is it? Right! Now I have another task for you. Since you are so smart, you can definitely handle it. You pick up pencils, what kind of pencils do you have? That's right, and for example, I'm calling you ... put the first green pencil in the box, and now put the second yellow pencil in the box ... understand? Pull out the pencils. So, let's begin! (Red, blue, green yellow). Which pencil did you put in the box first? Right. And you ... what color pencil did you put in the box fourth? And further? (talk to each child).

Guys, you must be tired and I completely tortured you.

Let's get some rest.

On our street

Cars, cars.

little cars,

The cars are big.

Trucks are rushing

Cars snort.

Hurry, rush

As if alive.

Hey cars, full speed ahead!

I am an exemplary pedestrian:

I don't like to rush

I will make way for you. Children move from one end groups to another,

holding an imaginary steering wheel.

Do reversal, moving in the opposite direction.


Final part:

Well done! Now imagine that you are the driver of the car and you need to put the car in the garage. There is a geometric figure on your steering wheel, who can name it? (children take turns calling). And on the floor you see the outline of the garage. It also looks like geometric shapes. By signal. You start moving, drive all over group, and then must, on a signal, find their garage.

Started! (repeat several times)

What good fellows you all are! Did a great job! You all showed that you are not only beautiful and big, but also smart. Guys, let's remember how you proved to me? What did we do? (Shows a pyramid, what else? (Shows a box of pencils, what else? Why do you have a steering wheel in your hands? Thank you guys, you are great!

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Program content:

1. Introduce the formation of the number 8, teach children to count up to 8.

2. Fix spatial relationships (left, right, in the middle, on, near, behind).

3. Recognize and name geometric shapes, their properties, develop logical thinking, to educate in children the desire to do mathematics through the game.

Lesson progress:

Guys, today we are going on a trip. But on what we will go, now we will find out by guessing the riddle:

Doesn't fly, doesn't buzz

Beetle running down the street

He wears shoes made of rubber and eats gasoline.

Look guys, we got a squirrel on the way. This squirrel is an artist.

Look at the picture she painted, let's sit down and take a closer look.

What is in the middle? (tree)

How many trees are drawn? (one)

Show me number 1.

What is drawn to the right of the tree? (pond with ducks)

How many ducks? (choral and individual score. 5 ducks)

Show number 5.

What is shown on the left? (mushrooms)

How many mushrooms? (4. Account choral and individual)

Show number 4

Did you guys like the picture of a squirrel?

Squirrel gives a picture to children.

And let's guys, we'll give the squirrel a gift.

What does a squirrel love? (mushrooms, cones, jump from one branch to another)

So, we will give squirrels cones and mushrooms. - You have mushrooms and cones on your plate, as well as cards with 2 stripes.

Lay out 7 mushrooms on the top strip.

Children's account.

On the bottom 7 cones.

How many cones? (7) - on the top.

How many mushrooms (7) - on the bottom.

So they are equal. Now add one mushroom.

How many mushrooms? (8) but there are still 7 cones. Which is more cones or mushrooms?

How much more? (for 1)

What needs to be done to equalize? (add 1 bump)

River, what? (wide, deep)

How can we cross it?

Children's answers.

That's right, we swim across it on a boat.

We make a boat from the Voskobovich square.

Oh, look who's meeting us.

Guys, the hedgehog wants to play with us the game “call it right” (the hedgehog sits on a stump, behind a stump, near a stump).

Well done guys.

Our journey continues.

We came to the mysterious forest. Guys, look, the magpie has arrived.

The white-sided magpie that you brought us (a pouch glitters in the magpie's beak).

Got a letter.

I am a bear

Cheerful and fluffy

Lived in the calm forest

Befriended a fox

And the evil sorcerer once

Ruined us all.

you guys help

Collect us from the figures.

Here are pictures of the bear and fox. Takes out of the bag.

Let's count how many figures are in the bear image.

What color is the shape?


What are these figures called?


The children collect the bear. Think.

Let's count how many shapes are in the fox image.

What are these figures called?

What color are they?

Children collect fox.

With this our journey came to an end. It's time for us to return to our Kindergarten. Children get into the car and go to kindergarten.


1. Smolentseva A.A., Pustovoit O.V., Mathematics before school N. Novgorod, 2000.

2. Mikhailova Z.A., Gaming entertaining tasks for preschoolers. M., 2001

- continue to teach children to correlate the number of objects with a number;

- exercise children in direct and reverse ordinal counting within 5;

- to consolidate spatial concepts: above, below; upper right corner, lower left, etc.;

- continue to exercise in reading the "symbols" of the Gyenesh blocks and find the corresponding figure;

Distinguish strips by length, find the right one and define it in words;

To consolidate the ability to solve logical problems to establish actions

children in different time days, learn to guess riddles about parts of the day;

Develop visual attention, eye, logical thinking;

Learn to understand the learning task and perform it.

Material: a panel depicting objects arranged 3 in a row; numbers from 1 to 5 and cards with the corresponding number of items; Kuizener's sticks; animal models; Gyenesh symbols and blocks; riddles about parts of the day; wonderful bag; day model.

- Warm-up - forward and backward counting up to 5.

There is a knock on the door, Petrushka appears.

Hello guys! You recognized me? Today I work as a postman and I brought you such an unusual letter. Get it, sign it, and I'm in a hurry to other children. Goodbye.

Guys, the envelope is really unusual: there is no address on it, and it is all streaked with geometric shapes. What? (children's answers) Now let's open it. “I invite all the guys on a journey through the country of geometric shapes, but for this you need to complete tasks, and they are encrypted on your panel. Fairy of Mathematics»

Guys, are you ready to complete tasks to get into the Land of Geometric Shapes? Then take your seats.

Exercise 1"Open the second fungus from the top" (on reverse side subject-task). Guys, Fairy offers you your favorite puzzle game. It is necessary to count the items on the card and connect with the desired number. (individual questions for 2-3 children). Well, the first task is done correctly. What's next?

Task 2"Open the first strawberry from the bottom"

The game "Let's build a train" (Kuizener's sticks). First put in front of you sticks of blue, burgundy, red, black, Pink colour. On the tray you have multi-colored geometric shapes. These are animal models. What animal does the orange triangle, white circle, brown square represent? (fox, hare, bear). These friends want to ride the train. But the trouble is, there are only locomotives, and wagons must be attached to them - from the shortest to the longest. Build a train for the animals. The children are doing the task. Chanterelle wants to ride in the longest carriage - put her there; bunny - in the shortest; and the bear cub is in the carriage, which stands between the blue and red. What color wagon did the bear cub choose? Why? And the bunny? (children's answers)

Fizminutka"Our Pens"

We raise our hands up,

And then we drop them

And then we separate them

And we'll take it to ourselves soon.

And then faster, faster

Clap, clap more cheerfully.

We rested a little, we proceed to the third task.

Task 3"Open the first pear from the top"

Game "Decorate the rug with geometric shapes"

You have white rugs on the table. Now we will decorate them with geometric shapes, but first they need to be unraveled. The teacher shows the symbols of the geometric shapes of the Gyenes blocks, the child reads them, and the rest of the children find the figure and complete the task of the teacher: put the figure in the middle of the rug, the next one in the upper right corner, etc. (2-3 individual questions)

And we successfully coped with this task. What else has the Fairy of Mathematics prepared for us?

Task 4"Open the first fungus from below"

The game "Guess the riddle". But first, let's repeat the parts of the day (according to the model)

Reading riddles:

The sun rises bright