
The Wonderful Sack is a didactic game. Kindergarten Didactic Guide: Miracle Pouch Magic Pouches - a game for sensory development

Breast cancer

After many years of studying the activity of the brain and psyche in children, scientists came to the conclusion that great value it is the hands and fingers that play in the development of the child. And the level of development of children's speech directly depends on the improvement of fine motor skills of the hands. Therefore, scientists strongly recommend stimulating and developing a child's speech through constant training for the fingers. The more active and accurate the finger movements of a small child, the faster he begins to speak. Simple hand movements help to remove tension not only from the hands themselves, but also from the lips, relieve fatigue. They are able to improve the pronunciation of many sounds, which means they can develop the child's speech. The fingers are endowed with a large number of receptors that send impulses to the central nervous system person. Oriental doctors have found that massage thumb increases the functional activity of the brain, massage of the index finger has a positive effect on the state of the stomach, the middle - on the intestines, the nameless - on the liver, kidneys, little finger on the heart.

The development of fine motor skills will help the child to improve the muscular, visual, nervous and skeletal systems. Games with cereals are very useful for this. For them, both smaller pearl barley and millet are suitable, as well as peas, beans of various types. You can play from an early age, as soon as the baby learns to sit. But the child should be supervised by adults so that he does not eat or shove small objects into his nose.

Games with cereals are one of the most interesting activities... Promote the baby's perseverance and attentiveness, imagination and fantasy.

What does this sound like?

You will need some opaque empty jars and different types croup. Decorate the jars with brightly colored glue paper. Pour a couple of tablespoons of different cereals into the jars: dry peas, beans, semolina, buckwheat. Shake the jars with the baby one by one and determine by ear what is in which jar. For small children, you can start with two jars, but older children can already be given four or more jars.

Find the frog.

You will need a glass of cereal and a small frog toy. Place in a deep bowl and bury the toy. Ask the child to find the toy in the rump first with the left and then with the right hand.

Feed the bird and the mouse.

You will need a pinch of dry peas, beans (you can choose other cereals, the main thing is that they have a different structure). Pour a little grains (twenty pieces) of each type into a flat plate. Ask your child to distribute the cereals to the empty containers. When sorting, the child will like to feed the bird with peas, the mouse with beans.

Drawing in rump.

You will need a glass of semolina and a tray. Spread the cereals in an even layer on the tray. Show your toddler that you can paint on the rump with your fingers. Children can come up with their own drawing or just repeat after you. To "erase" the drawing, shake the tray slightly with gentle movements, and you have a "blank canvas" again.

Miracle bags.

For such a toy, you will need small bright bags of 5-6 pcs. In each bag you need to put different kinds cereals, differing from each other in size, shape, texture: small (millet), medium (buckwheat) and large (beans, peas). Ask the child to choose small grains, large ones, feeling each bag.

Find out by the form.

For this game, you need a small pallet, pour the beans into it, bury the balls and cubes. We ask the kid to choose first the balls, then the cubes.

Ordinary cereals can be useful not only in food, but also for the development of motor skills of hands and fingers. Come up with different performances, change the rules, add new game elements.

Hope your little ones enjoy the cereal games. Good luck with your baby in your work!

For the game we need a magic bag. For this, a small handbag or a regular sock is suitable (preferably big size). You will need to put small items in the bag (small toys, Kinder surprise figures, an eraser, buttons, etc.). Now let the child try to determine by touch what he is holding in his hands.

What develops?

Speech, imagination, improves tactile sensations, spatial perception, memory, visual representation and expressive speech.

To play you will need:

  1. magic bag;
  2. small items different forms and sizes. The number of subjects is at least 20 (assuming that there are at least 5-6 subjects per participant).

How to play (rules)

Step 1.

Step 2. How to choose items for the bag

Step 3. Give the magic bag to the child.

Step 4. If the child immediately named an item from the bag

Step 5. How can the game continue

Step 6. When all the children have learned what is in the bag, the game can be continued in a different way.

Important to remember!

This game is suitable for children from the age of 3, when they can already speak and name an object at least one word.

Academy of educational games. For children from one to 7 years old Novikovskaya Olga Andreevna

Magic pouch

Magic pouch

For the game, prepare a ball, cube, brick, prism, bar and bag of bright fabric. Thread the elastic into the bag so that the child cannot look into it at the moment when he gropes for an object there. Place all items in the bag. Show it to the child and ask him to insert his right hand into the bag. Let the baby grope for one of the figures in the bag, name it and only then get it out.

As you repeat the game, have your child feel for a specific object, such as a ball or brick.

Next time with your child, put toys, fruits, or other different shapes in the magic bag. Have your child identify each one by touch.

The game will help teach the child to identify objects by touch, to look for the given objects in this way.

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Magic Pouch Place in an opaque bag 8-10 objects familiar to your child (whistle, doll, rubber toy, keys, chess piece, hairbrush, etc.). Blindfold him, ask him to pull out one object and determine by touch what it is. When the kid has mastered it

Magic bags - a game for sensory development

Magic Bags - Sensory Development Game

This very simple game will teach your kid to memorize the shape and properties of an object with his fingers, recognize it by touch, think, see with closed eyes, develop speech, vocabulary, tactile ability of small fingers.

How to make this educational toy?

I sewed 2 small identical bags with an elastic band from red material. I sewed shiny butterflies, flowers and circles on them, children generally like everything shiny.

In the apartment I found paired identical objects of small size, different in properties - smooth, rough, round, sharp, soft.
In total, I found paired items:
- big and small rings
- balls of the same size, but one smooth, the other rough
- caps from bottles of different sizes
- a toy from kinder
- scrunchy
- pacifier
- and other trifles ...
I put this good in two bags.

You can play like this:

Mom puts her hand in the bag and takes out the item. Names its properties, if necessary, gives the baby a touch. And then he will forgive him to find the same in his bag. But on condition - do not peep into the bag! We play until all the items are laid out from the bag. If the kid did not guess the item, return it back to the bag and try again.
It is very important to play not only with your right but also with your left hand.

You can play in another way - mom puts her hand into the bag, gropes for an object, names it, takes it out of the bag and shows it. So we take out all the items, and then put them back. And your baby must then repeat everything himself. This is an option for older kids.

What other items can be put in the magic bag:
- eraser (round, triangular, square, rectangular)
- pencil
- a ball of thread
- finger battery
- magnetic letters, magnetic numbers
- geometric volumetric figures, flat geometric figures
- a piece of skin (usually such pieces hang on leather bags, upon purchase, together with the price tag)
- a piece of fur
- rope
- fridge magnets
- perfume bubbles
- coins
- sweets
- cube
- pebble
- small toys(machine, matryoshka, dog)
- a comb for a doll
- toy spoon
- buttons (round or square)
- natural material(shells, cones, acorns, chestnuts)
Etc. etc. - the list is endless.

The easiest way to play with babies is with one bag. Place the figures of animals known to the child - a cow, a giraffe, a snake. Ask to take out the snake. Then the giraffe, then the cow. You can offer to guess what kind of animals hid in the bag. Children of two or three years old like the very process of the appearance of animals from a mysterious handbag.

For experienced players, we continue the game - we train not only the tactile, but also visual memory- we invite you to play with us your favorite doll or any other toy, and put in front of it all the objects taken out of the bag. The child tells the horse which items have been taken out, they are remembered, you can even count everything. Then the child closes his eyes, and the doll, meanwhile, hides one item in the bag. It is necessary to name the disappeared object. Gradually, the number of items must be increased.
Now you can change places, mom closes her eyes, and the baby hides the toy.

In stores you can find ready-made sets with cubes, balls, cylinders, etc. For the smallest, we offer to arrange the figures in pairs, and for the older ones - get a certain figure, find objects that are similar in shape near them. The same figures can be of different sizes - one is larger, the other is smaller. Figures can also be divided into two halves, taking out one half, you need to find the other half by touch.

Another version of the game is competitive. Suitable for playing with several children. We distribute a bag to all children, put the same sets of objects. The presenter pulls out, for example, a cylinder and shows it to all participants. Whoever pulls out the same figurine faster is the winner.

The magic bag game can be used to develop speech, in particular, expand the child's vocabulary and develop thinking.
First try to find one of the geometric shapes in the bag, now describe in words. "I came across a figure that does not have a single corner." The guys guess what kind of figure it is. They especially like to change.
The older the children are, the more difficult the descriptions can be. It is important that all the guys have been in the place of the host in this game. After all, it is easy for someone to describe objects and to tell, but for someone it is difficult. The skill appears during training.

Playing with your child with bags, you will develop his memory, logic, observation, fine motor skills, speech, vocabulary. This simple game directs the child to active activity, develops sensory abilities, trains visual memory, teaches counting, acquaints with the properties of an object. Besides all of the above, this is just an interesting and addicting game.

In the process of educating children, you can use a very simple didactic game - "Wonderful bag". What exactly it is, and when it is more expedient to carry it out, you will learn from this article.

The object of the game "Wonderful Sack"

In the course of the game, children learn to determine what kind of object it is, according to the characteristic outward signs, that is, in form. It can also be used to develop speech and imagination.

Required inventory for games
  1. Opaque bag. For babies, it is recommended to sew it from bright fabrics (to increase interest in what is happening), and for older children - from dark fabrics.
  2. Items. They must be relevant to a specific theme (vegetables, geometries, animals, letters or numbers) and have pronounced differences in shape.

Description of the game "Wonderful bag"

The meaning of the game is very simple: you need to put your hand into the bag, feel for an object and name it, without seeing what it is specifically. So that children do not get confused, first you can put 1 object, and then, when they learn to play like that, already several.

The players, in addition to the main task, can be given additional:

For very young children, you can offer in this way to choose a toy with which he will then play. To do this, they are first shown the objects that are put in the bag, and then each one in turn takes out his own.

This game is suitable for children from the age of 3, when they can already speak and name an object at least one word. She has no age restrictions, so by complicating the rules of conduct, she can be used even in high school.