
What eyebrows are suitable for an oval face. Ideal eyebrow shapes for an oval face. With the help of threads


Owners of oval faces are not in vain considered real lucky ones, because with their eyebrows they can perform any experiments. But is it really so? What is the ideal eyebrow shape for an oval face?

Best Forms

What eyebrows are suitable for an oval face? The championship here was immediately divided by 3 wonderful types - straight (horizontal), with a break (spread out) and arched. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Straight or horizontal

The horizontal shape of the eyebrows emphasizes the correct proportions, makes the face rounder and visually shorter. Psychologists believe that the owners of horizontal eyebrows are distinguished by a strong spirit, leadership skills and independent disposition. The main thing is not to reduce your eyebrows to the bridge of your nose, otherwise you will immediately acquire an unfriendly evil look. It is better to raise them a little during a conversation - this will give your appearance softness and friendliness.

Advice! The beginning of the horizontal eyebrow is located quite low, which makes the look heavy and even somewhat gloomy. This nuance can be quickly corrected - just correct the shape with tweezers. Lengthen the tip of the eyebrow (if necessary, it can be drawn with a pencil), remove the hairs located in the bottom row at the base, and make the head rounded.

Be sure to observe the symmetry of straight eyebrows - this is the main key to success.

To paint this shape, use neutral shades. The blue-black color attracts too much attention to itself and emphasizes all the flaws in appearance.

With a kink or apart

correct form eyebrows for girls with an oval face cannot do without a beautiful kink. This classic look is considered the standard and resembles the wing of a flying bird.

This solution is ideal for romantic natures of all ages and classes. Thanks to the break, the look becomes open, and the girl herself looks much younger than her years. Eyebrows apart best emphasize the unusualness of almond-shaped eyes.

Advice! When forming a break, do not forget about the sense of proportion, otherwise, instead of a gentle open look, you can get a predatory, angry or amazed face. Clearly define the beginning, middle and tip of the arc. Make the break itself soft, and the tail a little thinner.


Beautiful arched eyebrows will give the oval face balance and serenity, make it softer and more feminine. But keep in mind that such a form requires especially careful study. Here it is very important to strike a balance between the length and thickness of the arc, as well as their height (arch). The latter can be low, medium and high.

Advice! To make the image as natural as possible, make a smooth transition and select the optimal thickness of the arcs.

How to shape eyebrows correctly?

To get perfect eyebrows for an oval face, learn how to shape them correctly. This detailed instruction will also help you with this:

Step 1. Decide on the beginning of the eyebrow. To do this, attach one tip of the pencil to the wings of the nose, and the second to inner corner eyes. This place will be the beginning of the eyebrow.

Step 2. Find its end. Now move the tip of the pencil to the outer corner of the eye. The completion of the eyebrow will be just at this point.

Step 3. And the last - bend. Position the tip of the pencil so that it crosses the pupil exactly in the middle - in this place you need to make a bend.

In order not to forget the location of the found points, mark them with a cosmetic pencil. Look at this photo and do the same.

Advice! To divert attention from small wrinkles, slightly shorten the length of the eyebrows.

Step 4. Decide on the width - the facial expression in most cases depends on this. So, the owners of a sophisticated face are perfect for eyebrows of medium thickness. If they do not have enough volume, powder, paint, pencil will help to fill it. Their shade should match the skin tone as much as possible. Also, do not forget to carefully shade the cosmetic product.

For girls with thin eyebrows and a small forehead, the beginning of the arc should be emphasized with a light pencil, and the tip should be made darker. But with eyes that are close to each other, it is necessary to expand the distance between the eyebrows to 2 centimeters. As for sloppy and bristling hairs, they will have to be additionally fixed with a gel, giving the desired direction with a thin brush.

Tips to help you choose the right eyebrow shape for your face type:

How to correct the form?

There are 4 methods for correcting the shape of the eyebrows for an oval face:

Method 1. Plucking is the most common method in which excess hairs are removed with tweezers. This is not a quick matter and for many it is quite painful, but for home care fits just perfect. The main thing is not to overdo it and not pluck out the excess.

Method 2. Wax - used in salons, it is considered very fast, but can cause significant discomfort.

Important! Be aware that some wax ingredients can cause an allergic reaction.

Method 3. With the help of threads - this is the most ancient method, which is often used today. The technology is simple:

  • Take a strong thread and fold it in half;
  • Tie in a knot;
  • Put on your thumbs and forefingers;
  • Twist it several times to make a loop in the middle;
  • Pass the extra hair through this loop and remove it, either squeezing or unclenching your fingers.

Method 4. Depilation cream - according to the principle of exposure, it resembles wax treatment, but differs from it in the complete absence of pain.

Important! Depilatory cream can also cause an allergic reaction, so test it on a small area of ​​your wrist or elbow first. In the absence of redness and irritation, you can proceed to the eyebrows.

Eyebrow care principles

Having picked up the right eyebrows for an oval face, read the basic rules for caring for them:

  • To maintain shape, regularly remove regrown hairs in any way that is acceptable to you;
  • Comb them daily with a special brush;
  • Perform depilation in the direction of hair growth, otherwise you can damage the bulbs and provoke the appearance of ingrown hairs and severe irritation;

  • Give preference to tweezers with rounded ends;
  • Carry out the procedure only in good daylight;
  • Use a magnifying mirror if necessary;
  • Regularly lubricate your eyebrows with burdock or castor oil - these are the best preparations for enhancing growth and strengthening hairs;

  • To make depilation absolutely safe, carry out all actions with clean hands and alcohol-treated tools;
  • Try not to stretch the skin of the eyelids - this contributes to the appearance of wrinkles;
  • To remove a hair in one motion, grab it at the very base;
  • To reduce pain apply a hot compress to the eyebrow area or wipe it with ice. This must be done before the procedure;
  • At the end of the process, lubricate the skin with a disinfectant;
  • Pamper your brows with a massage. It is performed with an ordinary brush from an old carcass and consists in repeated combing;
  • Do it once a week nourishing mask. Mix burdock, olive and Castor oil in equal amounts, warm on water vapor, apply on 2 cotton sponges and apply on eyebrows for 15 minutes. Wash off the rest with warm water.

One of the ways to quickly transform the appearance, visually hiding the “problem” areas of the face, is to change the shape of the eyebrows. Unfortunately, if it is chosen without taking into account individual characteristics, even the most attractive face can take on an unnatural, dull, gloomy or overly surprised look. How to correct and color eyebrows?


Eyebrows can change facial expression beyond recognition. That is why it is so important to learn how to choose the right form. Too thin or unnaturally shaped eyebrows make the face look artificial. For girls with small facial features, excessively wide eyebrows should become taboo, they look comical.

Eyebrow shaping can be done by yourself or by a professional.

In general, the procedure cannot be called complicated if you arm yourself with the right tools and the necessary knowledge.

Conventionally, the correction can be divided into long-term and short-term. Under the long-term means microblading, tattooing, the effect after which lasts for a period of one to several years.

Short-term correction will last until the hairs begin to grow back. On average, it is 2-3 weeks.

Eyebrow correction is a procedure with a violation of the integrity skin so it is important to ensure its safety. We are talking about the disinfection of the working area, hands and materials, as well as the disinfection of the eyebrow area after the procedure.


There are several common eyebrow shapes, but before their features are considered, some terms should be defined. The beginning, or head of the eyebrow, originates at the bridge of the nose. The middle part or body is the main area of ​​the eyebrow and includes the curve. The tip is otherwise called the tail, usually it is already the head and body of the eyebrow.

Regardless of the type chosen, the ideal shape assumes that 2/3 of the eyebrow falls on the head and body, and only 1/3 is the tip of the eyebrow after the break.

Depending on the points at which the head and tip lie, such forms are distinguished as:

  • Straight. At the same time, the head and tail lie in the same plane, thanks to which it is possible to visually make the forehead wider and “correct” an overly elongated face.
  • Rising. The head is located just above the tip, the latter is usually directed towards the temples. Thanks to this form, it is possible to slightly narrow the face and stretch it.
  • Descending. The tip of the eyebrow is slightly higher than the head - this form is not usually used, and if this is a natural look of the eyebrows, then it is better to correct it. The fact is that they give the face a dull expression.

In addition, it is customary to distinguish the following forms:

  • Rounded. They are characterized by a smooth arcuate bend, rounded beginning and tail. Usually this form is found in women of the oriental type. Suitable for square, diamond and rectangular face, allows you to hide the excessive "angularity" and rudeness of the features.
  • Triangular. It is also called a “house”, with a moderate bend and proportions, this shape looks elegant and coquettish. If you do not follow these rules, the face acquires an astonished and unnatural expression.
  • Curved. These are eyebrows with a break, a pronounced break. They invariably catch the eye and, when changing the shape of the arch and the proportions of the eyebrows, suit almost every type.

Eyebrows with a break allow you to divert attention from the "problem" areas of the face, visually younger.

How to choose according to the type of face?

The most harmonious face shape is oval. All other types, far from it, can be made more attractive with the help of various makeup tricks and the right eyebrow shape.

So, chubby girls can recommend eyebrows with a pronounced kink. They are characterized by a thin tip, the decrease in volume of which begins from the middle of the eyebrow. It is important to achieve a natural bend, and not turn the eyebrows into sharp “ticks”.

With a round face shape, both too wide and narrow eyebrows should be avoided. The former make the face even more massive and round, while the latter give the face an unnatural expression.

For a square face, eyebrows with a noticeable break are also recommended, they should be made smooth, rounded at the base. The bend should fall over the middle of the eye or its outer corner. If necessary, it is recommended to extend the tip, the eyebrow should turn out to be slightly longer than usual. The tip should be directed towards the temples. As for the width, it should be medium or slightly wider. Thin eyebrows look unattractive on a square face, making it already large lower part even more massive.

This shape is also suitable for a rectangle face. Wide straight eyebrows will look good on such a face. It is important not to move them too close, otherwise the face will become even more elongated shape. The tip of the eyebrow should be slightly pointed and directed towards the temples.

With a triangular type of face, the eyebrows should be slightly shorter, but at the same time quite thick, with a natural curve. The tip can be slightly wrapped inward, giving it a more rounded shape.

If you have a heart-shaped face, then it is important to choose eyebrows that will allow you to achieve a balance between the upper and bottom faces. For this, the optimal rising eyebrows with a pronounced arch. They should not be led to the lower part of the face, but should be directed to the temples. Do not choose too wide and thick eyebrows, they will make the forehead area heavier.

The pear-shaped face requires a visual increase in volume in the forehead and temples in order to balance these parts with the expanding lower cheek and chin area. Suitable for wide and thick eyebrows with a bend. The less expressive eyes, the more noticeable the “arch” should become.

The bend should be shifted closer to the outer corner of the eye.

For diamond face you should choose a rounded shape of the eyebrows or an option with a soft bend. Too sharp arch will only emphasize the "angularity" of the face.

It is not for nothing that the oval shape is considered one of the most successful, so its owners can afford almost any shape. Eyebrows of medium density with a soft break are considered classics. Arc-shaped give the image softness, romance. However, you should carefully consider the width of the eyebrow, the point of the bend. Otherwise, the eyebrows will turn into "houses", giving the face an unnatural expression of constant amazement. Wide rising eyebrows will suit an oval, but too thin, elongated face. They will visually make it a little more rounded.

When choosing a shape, it is important not only to select it taking into account the shape of the face, but also focusing on facial features. So, with close-set eyebrows, it is recommended to increase the space between the eyebrows in the nose bridge and make the eyebrows themselves thinner. At the same time, it is important to ensure that a space not wider than two fingers (index and middle fingers connected together) remains free from hairs in the area of ​​​​the bridge of the nose.

As for the color, it should match the shade of the hair, and for blondes it should be 2-3 shades darker. Today, stylists say that even brown-haired and black-haired girls are not recommended to choose black eyebrows. They look rude and even vulgar, add a few years to the face.

Correcting the shape of the eyebrows, it is important to remember their natural appearance. As a rule, professionals only slightly correct the natural shape, so that the face retains its natural attractiveness.

How to determine proportions?

For building correct eyebrow you need to pick up a white cosmetic pencil (in principle, you can take a color one, but dark lines can be distracting). First, you need to select 3 points - the beginning of the eyebrow, its highest point and the end.

The first can be found by placing a pencil from the wing of the nose to the eyebrow. This will be the beginning of the eyebrow. Next, from the wing of the nose through the middle of the pupil, you need to draw an imaginary line to the eyebrow. This will be the highest point. At the same time, you need to look straight ahead so that the location of the pupil does not move. Finally, putting the pencil to the wing of the nose, you should draw a line through the outer corner of the eye to the eyebrow. This will be the end point.

If you decide to radically change the shape of the eyebrows, then you can apply on their entire surface foundation, and then make the necessary "markup". After that you should draw suitable shape and shade it with a brown pencil. So you will roughly understand how the new shape will look on your face.

From the beginning to the middle of the eyebrows, a single thickness should be maintained, the narrowing begins at the break point or a little earlier. To achieve proportionality allows you to work with both eyebrows at once. It is wrong to first pluck one eyebrow and then the other.

The correct form involves the removal of hair at the bottom of the eyebrow. Plucking the hairs from above is fraught with the fact that the look will turn out to be heavy. In addition, with this method it is not possible to significantly change the shape. Finally, the hairs above the eyebrow grow slowly, so if you pluck out the excess, you risk permanently changing the shape.

Design methods

Eyebrow shaping is usually done with tweezers or threads. The first method is considered more painful, but it is available to almost everyone, while the thread removal technique requires the possession of certain skills.

In addition, you will need a mirror to work. Its dimensions should be such that it completely reflects the face. It is better when the mirror has a stand, so the hands will remain free. Specialists use a mirror with a magnifying glass, which allows you to see even small hairs.

In addition, you should prepare a disinfectant solution that treats work areas, hands, and tools. If there is makeup on the face, then you will also need a means to remove it.

With pronounced pain syndrome You can also use anesthetic applicators, special creams. In their absence, you can use a warm solution of chamomile, as well as ice cubes.

Adjustment in the cabin

Correction in the salon can become an analogue of home plucking. It is better to trust professionals if you are making a correction for the first time, real professionals change the shape, taking into account the individual characteristics of the face, and select the appropriate shade. In the future, you will be able to maintain it on your own or undergo repeated professional corrections.

Eyebrow correction and architecture - this is the name of the service in most salons, it involves coloring the hairs, selecting and giving them the desired shape.

Most masters work with tweezers, removal is also possible with the help of threads.

If there are too many hairs above the eyebrow, in fact, already on the forehead, the master can first use wax in order to achieve smooth skin. It should not be applied in the area close to the eyes, especially in the lower part of the eyebrow.

If you want to achieve the perfect shape for a long time, tattooing can be recommended. The master selects the appropriate form, after which the pigment is injected under the skin to a depth of 0.5 mm. At first, such eyebrows look unnaturally bright, but after a week they look quite natural. The result is enough for several years.

Today there are the following tattoo techniques:

  • Shot. It involves drawing the contour of the eyebrow and filling the resulting shape with pigment. This method inferior to other technologies, because the result is not the most natural.
  • Hair. Allows you to achieve attractiveness and naturalness due to the fact that individual hairs are drawn.
  • Combined. Allows you to achieve the most attractive result, because it combines the advantages of shading and hair technology.

If tattooing is carried out using a special apparatus (working on the principle of a tattooing tool), then the microblading technique that is popular today is carried out manually. First, the master draws a shape with a pencil, after which he manually draws individual hairs with a thin sharp needle with a coloring pigment.

The depth of pigment penetration during microblading is slightly less than 0.5 mm, and its excess, which appears on the surface of the skin, is immediately removed. When contacting a professional in your field, you will get a better and more natural result compared to a tattoo. However, such eyebrows will last an average of a year.

When using European microblading technology, it is possible to achieve the effect of thick wide eyebrows, since the master draws hairs of the same length and thickness. However, a closer look reveals that they are not real.

Oriental technology is carried out with great regard for the growth and direction of the hair, which is why the eyebrows look more natural. However, it is impossible to significantly change their shape with this technique.

Finally, there is an eyebrow extension method that allows you to get thick and beautiful eyebrows in a couple of hours. However, it is difficult to distinguish them from natural ones. The essence of the method is the same as with eyelash extensions.

For one natural hair from 1 to 3-4 artificial ones are attached, which are as close as possible to yours in color and structure.

How to draw yourself?

If you are self-correcting, then you need to remove makeup and clean your face. Prepare everything at once necessary tools and decide on the form. Schemes and methods for determining suitable proportions and shapes have been given in the relevant section of this article.

Today on sale there are stencils for eyebrows. It is enough to choose a suitable "contour" and circle it, and then remove all the hairs that go beyond the boundaries of the pencil lines. The advantage of this method is that it allows you to quickly get an almost perfect shape of the eyebrows. Why "almost"? Such stencils do not take into account the individual characteristics of the face.

Before plucking, the hairs need to be combed up a little, using a special brush or an old and well-washed eyelash brush for this. If the procedure is too painful, you can precede the plucking by applying chamomile lotions.

To do this, a teaspoon of dried chamomile flowers is poured into a glass of hot water and infused for 10-15 minutes. Warm, so that the skin can tolerate, soak the cotton wool with infusion, wring it out and put it in the hair removal area for 2-3 minutes.

Under the influence of heat, the pores will open and the hair will “slip” out of it faster and more painlessly. Also, chamomile infusion is characterized by analgesic, bactericidal and wound healing properties.

If you are using tweezers, then you need to grab the hairs one at a time, slightly pulling the skin in this area and pulling out the hair sudden movement in the direction of its growth. If you do not take into account the direction of growth, the procedure will be more painful and threaten with ingrown hairs.

For the same reason, you should capture the hair closer to the base, which will avoid its breakage and further ingrowth. After the procedure, the skin is disinfected. For severe inflammation, you can use an anesthetic or cooling gel. The main thing is that it has a light water structure.

Another option is threading, that is, removal using threads. This method requires some skill and skill, but has several advantages. For one capture with a thread, several hairs can be removed at once, and irritation after such a procedure passes faster. An important advantage is that the hairs become softer and thinner over time.

You need to use a special thread called Arabic. It is quite dense, but it glides well through the hairs, while it does not tear or stretch.

From this thread, cut a “piece” half a meter long and tie its ends.

Do you look with envy at what shape of eyebrows Cara Delevingne and Megan Fox have, but your own do not cause such delight? To find the perfect one, it is not at all necessary to go to the salon, and today you will see for yourself!


Professional makeup artists claim that the shape of the eyebrows can completely change the face as in better side, and vice versa. And he says that if there is not enough time for a full-fledged make-up, you definitely need to make up your eyebrows, it is they who give the face character. But how to choose this correct form? We have prepared detailed instructions for you!

The correct shape and curvature of the eyebrows is primarily determined by the shape of your face.

Eyebrow shape for an oval face

Eva Mendes and Heidi Klum have oval faces

The oval shape of the face is considered ideal, and the main task of the eyebrows is not to disturb the beautiful natural proportions. If you are a happy owner of the correct oval face, choose horizontal eyebrows. They can be rounded a little, but you don’t need to raise the kink of the eyebrow too high. This will visually stretch the face.

The correct shape of the eyebrows for an oval face

Eyebrow shape for a long face

Sarah Jessica Parker and Liv Tyler have long faces

An elongated face needs to be made visually wider. This problem is solved by absolutely straight eyebrows. By the way, this form this season is also considered the most trendy. Straight horizontal lines round the face, giving it softness.

Straight eyebrows for a long face

Selena Gomez and Kirsten Dunst are round-faced actresses

The opposite of a long face is a round face. Accordingly, the task is the opposite - to visually stretch the shape of the face and bring it closer to the oval. Owners of a round face will suit eyebrows with a noticeable break, raised high, with a thin tip and a slightly wider beginning. It is very important not to overdo it and not make a comma instead of a beautiful eyebrow.

Angelina Jolie and Olivia Wilde square shape faces

The face in the form of a square is straight hard lines of the jaw and cheekbones. To soften the transitions, the eyebrows should be arched, without a clear break. High rounded eyebrows will suit you, you can even make them quite wide and noticeable.

Arched eyebrows for a square face

Eyebrow shape for heart shaped face

Scarlett Johansson and Reese Witherspoon have heart faces

The heart-shaped face has sharp corners around the cheekbones and chin. The correct shape of the eyebrows will help soften them and visually even out the width of the face. You need raised eyebrows with a smooth, even curve. This is a classic brow shape.

Correct eyebrows for a heart-shaped face

Taylor Swift and Jennifer Aniston have diamond-shaped faces

A diamond-shaped face is a combination of square and heart shapes. Therefore, the task is the same - to soften the contours and make the zygomatic part less wide. The classic shape of the eyebrows with a soft bend will do just fine. Only, unlike the face-heart, shape the eyebrows a little wider than the natural shape.

Eyebrow shape for a diamond face

Focusing only on photographs or diagrams in the pictures, you will not be able to 100% correctly choose the correct shape of the eyebrows. To do this, you need to conduct an experiment. Buy eyebrow stencils or draw and cut different eyebrows out of paper. Sit in front of a mirror in good light, remove your hair from your face, wash off your makeup, and open up your neckline. Alternately apply stencils and carefully examine your face. In this case, a selfie or an outside opinion helps a lot. When you find the shape that suits you best, draw it directly on your eyebrows with a dark pencil. If even in such a comical form the face looks good, feel free to pluck and tint your eyebrows according to this shape. This is your ideal!

There are no unimportant details on the face, however, some elements can set the tone for the entire make-up and image as a whole. One of them is the eyebrows. AT recent times a lot of attention is paid to them, since the correctly chosen shape of the eyebrows for an oval face, the photo of which can be viewed on the net, often helps to hide some flaws and emphasize the merits.

It is very important to consider that there is no universal formula perfect eyebrows, it is selected in accordance with some features of the face.

Perfect eyebrows for an oval face

Someone may say that choosing eyebrows for an oval-shaped face is as easy as shelling pears and will be deeply wrong.

Although the oval is the most common face shape, for selection it is necessary to take into account the features of the main facial features, the size of the lips, nose, and the distance between the eyes.

Most makeup artists consider the oval face the easiest to work with, as it has nearly perfect proportions. However, the choice of eyebrows for each individual lady remains a subject of discussion, since it is this detail that sets the tone and mood for the whole image.

In total, there are three main forms that can vary:

  • straight;
  • curved;
  • pointed.

The biggest problem for most girls is precisely the definition of their own face shape, since an oval can often be confused with a round or elongated one.

So, simple measurements will help to distinguish an oval from a circle. Both are devoid of angles and sharp lines, which gives the face the maximum degree of femininity, but the round one has an equal length and width. Oval is still less wide. Also round face has the same width at the top and bottom, and the oval is slightly narrower in the chin area.

The elongated type differs from the oval face by a high forehead, less pronounced cheeks and a sharper chin. After determining the type of face, you can proceed to the selection of your form.

How to find your eyebrow shape?

For an oval face, any shape is organically suitable, except for the arched one, as it visually lengthens the face.

When choosing a shape for yourself or for a client, it is important to take into account the character of the girl, since it is the eyebrows that fully correspond to him, namely:

How to finalize the form?

In this matter, the services of a qualified eyebrow specialist, who can accurately determine which fashionable shape will suit your face, will be indispensable.

If it is not possible to contact such a specialist, then a simple stencil can help with the choice. They're in a wide range are presented in stores and catalogs of beauty products and are distinguished by a fairly low cost. Armed with several samples, you can easily choose the right shape.

The stencil must be applied to the eyebrow and completely painted over with a regular correction pencil. Then the stencil is removed and the result can be evaluated. For greater confidence, you can use the advice of friends or relatives who will help determine what looks more natural and emphasizes all the advantages.

Having chosen the necessary shape of the eyebrows for an oval face, they can be adjusted with tweezers or a special thread. Or use the services of a master in the salon.

After that, you need to maintain the shape, and take care of the hairs themselves with the help of various oils, argan or burdock oils are perfect. This is especially necessary if the eyebrows are constantly exposed to dyes or cosmetics.

If you have an oval face, then you are lucky. After all, you have the most harmonious and proportional form. Many professional makeup artists will say that this is the most convenient "stuff" to work with. It is believed that the shape of the eyebrows for the oval should be beautiful, since, first of all, it sets its expression. Therefore, you should pay close attention to them.

But before taking on them, you need to find out what shape of eyebrows suits an oval face. With the right choice, you can smooth out the flaws of the face and emphasize its dignity. Correcting eyebrows, do not forget about fashion trends.

for oval face type

There are three types of eyebrows that are best suited for girls with an oval face. In addition, they are the most common, they are horizontal, eyebrows with a soft break and arched. And since these shapes are great for an oval face, then, having this type, you can safely try different variations in mood.

Horizontal eyebrow shape

If you want to smooth out the elongation of an oval face, then this shape of the eyebrows will suit you. After all, she visually rounds him. It is believed that the owners of such eyebrows have an independent disposition, leadership inclinations and strong character traits. Do not bring your eyebrows to the bridge of your nose if you do not want to look unfriendly. It is better to raise them slightly when communicating - this way you will be more attractive and friendlier.

The heads of the eyebrows, located somewhat low, also make the look gloomy. This can be corrected by correcting them. To do this, you need to slightly lengthen the tips of the eyebrows and remove a few hairs in the area of ​​\u200b\u200btheir natural bend, and round the head. It is also important that the symmetry of the location of the horizontal eyebrows is observed.

Cosmetics also require close attention and careful selection. You should know and remember that radical black colors of this brow shape can emphasize all the imperfections of the face. To avoid this, choose natural shades of special paint.

Eyebrows with a soft break

This eyebrow shape oval shape faces are most suitable for natures who are not deprived of romance and femininity. And all because then the look becomes sincere and frank, and besides, its owner is somewhat rejuvenated. Most of all, splayed eyebrows will be combined with almond-shaped eyes. As in any other business, it is important to have a sense of proportion when shaping the brow line. Otherwise, the result may be the opposite of what you wanted: your expression will become angry, amazed, or too predatory.

arched eyebrows

This eyebrow shape is also suitable for an oval face shape. She will give his expression serenity and poise. Arched eyebrows can soften the outer features of your appearance. It should be remembered that this form requires special care to work out the lines. It is important to maintain a balance in the ratio of the length and thickness of the superciliary arches, including the height of their bend. To make the image as natural and organic as possible, observe moderation and smooth transitions, as well as the optimal thickness of arcuate lines.

Shaping eyebrows: how to do it?

To get it for an oval face, you first need to decide on optimal length. How to do it? It's easy: you need to attach the pencil with one end to the sinus, and the other - to the inner corner of the eye. The place where the pencil touched the eyebrow, make it the beginning. To define its end, move the pencil towards the outer corner of the eye and eyebrow. In the place where they intersect, it is best to complete it.

For those who already have wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, there is a way to divert attention from them: you need to make the length of the superciliary arches shorter. The width of the eyebrows is also important, since for the most part it is determined with its help. Thus, for a thin face, eyebrows of medium thickness are more suitable. In the case when they lack density and width, you can use a pencil, paint and powder. Color, of course, must be chosen in accordance with skin tone.

If you have thin brows and a low forehead, use a lighter shade of pencil to emphasize the beginning and darken the tip. In the case when you can visually smooth out this flaw. To do this, increase the distance between the eyebrows to two centimeters.

And if you are “lucky” to have naughty eyebrows: the hairs grow inaccurately and bristle in all directions? Here a special fixing gel will come to the rescue, thanks to which you can give them the right direction using a special brush.

What eyebrow shape is best for an oval face? Since this type of appearance suggests nice shape superciliary arches, often the eyebrow line does not require correction. In this case, you can only get by with care. And girls often do not have to bother with eyebrow adjustment at all, since they are initially beautiful.


The shape of the eyebrows for an oval face shape is adjusted in several ways. The most popular is plucking. Its essence is simple: excess hairs are removed with tweezers. Although this is not a quick matter, the probability of plucking out the excess is minimal. A great way to take care of your eyebrows yourself.


Another method is hair removal with wax. Although this is the fastest, but very painful way to get rid of excess hair. But this procedure is better to take place in a beauty salon. It is also necessary to remember that some wax components can cause allergic reactions. But no matter how fast this method is, you still have to trim the shape with tweezers.

With the help of threads

Eyebrow correction with ordinary threads is the oldest way. Its execution technique is simple: the thread must be folded in half and tied in a knot. Then the thread must be put on the shifted fingers, and then twist it so that curls form in the middle. Then, attaching this middle to the excess hair, just squeeze and unclench your fingers.