
Facial contouring for beginners what to buy. Sculpting the face is a step-by-step guide for beginners. Rules for contouring a round face type


Women are so arranged that they are rarely completely satisfied with their appearance. In their quest for excellence, they spend a lot of time varnishing their nails, dyeing their hair, adjusting the shape of their eyebrows or experimenting with the color of eye shadow and lipstick. But what if you don't like the shape of your face, your nose seems too long or too wide, and your chin is massive? In this case, there is a fairly simple way out - contouring. Previously, facial contouring techniques were available only to professional makeup artists. We looked at photos of stars in glossy magazines and admired the wonders of modern plastic surgery. But, as it turned out, not all celebrities resort to the services of plastic surgeons, but no one refuses the services of a good makeup artist. Moreover, in just an hour, without pain and rehabilitation, you can get high cheekbones, a chiseled nose and plump lips.

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Thanks to glossy publications and video blogs, face contouring has become available to everyone. With a little practice, patience, brushes and makeup, even a beginner can master the magic of makeup. It is with the help of sculpting that you can achieve your ideal face shape. Further in our article we will tell you how to properly apply the contour to your face. Let's take a closer look at what contouring is, what it is for, and how to do it contouring the face. step-by-step instruction Photo. This is the perfect online tutorial of its kind.

Benefits of contouring and how it works

The new method of highlighting beautiful outlines of the appearance takes into the background such familiar makeup, even despite the new, safe, modern cosmetics offered by development corporations.

All this, thanks to the significant advantages of contouring over conventional makeup. The advantages of contouring include:

  1. The ability to quickly smooth the surface of the skin, without the use of plastic surgery, the effects of chemicals and other aggressive methods. With the help of special tools (concealers and bronzers), it is possible to easily accentuate unique contours female face... There is no difficulty if it is necessary to hide the shortcomings of individual zones. You can smooth out the asymmetry in a quality manner, which is very difficult to achieve with makeup.
  2. It is much easier to mask the reflections of age with this method. Smart use of contouring tools and aids at home will help create the effect of expensive Hollywood makeup. In general, with the help of contouring it is possible to achieve perfection. female image, which conventional cosmetics will not allow.

Contouring types

Contouring should be based on the individual characteristics of the skin. If skin covering prone to dryness or there are many expression lines, you should select products for wet contouring. For oily skin - dry contouring.

Moisturizing technique- for wet contouring, all cosmetics must have a greasy moisturizing base. This approach will provide skin hydration, visually reduce wrinkles, and give the skin a healthy look. For durability, the finished make-up is fixed with a thin layer of light-textured powder. Dry contouring technique

Dry contouring- carried out with the help of cosmetics based on powder. This method will help prevent the appearance of oily sheen for a long time, reduce the secretion of sebaceous fat on the skin. Beforehand, apply a make-up base and a foundation on the skin, and place all the necessary shadows on top and carefully shade.

What you need to contour your face

The methods for creating the perfect image are not complicated, you do not have to study long to master them. However, you will need special cosmetics for facial contouring. This list includes:

  • foundation for makeup that matches skin tone;
  • lightening powder (highlighter);
  • blush;
  • tonal basis;
  • concealer is a palette with several light and dark tones.

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In addition, you will need additional devices, without which face modeling will not work:

  • sponges;
  • beveled contour brush;
  • blush brush.

How to contour step by step

  1. A makeup base (the one you usually use) and a thin layer of foundation or BB cream are applied to the face. This is a mandatory face preparation before starting contouring.
  2. We draw a nose. Draw the dark lines with the corrector along the sides along the nose to the very tip. Please note that the line should be straight and not tilt to the side at the nostrils. If you want to make the nose visually longer, draw lines starting from the eyebrows.
  3. We draw cheekbones. To highlight the cheekbones, paint with the darkest shade underneath the cheekbone. You can determine where it is located by the fossa that forms when the lips are pulled in. Apply a lighter shade just above the shadow, and add some highlighter on top for a radiant complexion.
  4. Darken the forehead. This step is for those who have a high forehead and who are not happy with this feature. The upper part of the forehead along the hairline and the areas on the sides of the forehead should be darkened.
  5. Lightly darken the areas near the upper eyelid.
  6. Apply a light corrector: lighten the middle of the nose (between the dark lines), the central part of the forehead and the corners under the eyes, the cheekbone (the part above the dark line you drew earlier), the area above the upper lip, the areas in the corners of the lips.
  7. The last step in facial contouring is the blending step, which smooths out the lines between light and dark areas. You need to start performing it sequentially - from light areas to dark ones. When applying powder, shading is performed during the procedure, you can wait with the cream.
  8. Please note that you do this step if the face correction was performed with creamy textures. If you did the correction with dry textures, then you blend them right in the process of applying with a brush.

  1. It is strictly forbidden to use liquid foundations and loose powders at the same time. Since the result will be clear lines of shades that cannot be shaded;
  2. After removing the excess corrector, it is necessary to apply a transparent powder;
  3. You can contour the face using only foundation and bronzer;
  4. Dry skin should be moisturized, special cosmetics should be applied as a base layer;
  5. If you are going to take a photo, you need to remember that the highlighter has a reflective effect. Therefore, you should not lighten the convex parts of the face too much in order to avoid overexposed skin areas in photographs;
  6. In case of perspiration under the nose, apply a matte highlighter to the nasolabial triangle.

Today, every girl, thanks to step-by-step instructions and photos on face contouring, can look irresistible. Facial contouring is good remedy performing high-quality modern make-up, and as you can see from photographs and videos, it is very suitable for emphasizing your own beauty. In addition, you can do the contouring yourself at home. Actually, there is nothing difficult in creating the perfect image. Correcting minor facial imperfections with cosmetics is a great way to enjoy your appearance without worrying about imperfections.

To always look young and beautiful, the fair sex makes any sacrifices. Every woman strives to be in the center of attention at any event, especially if there is supposed to be big number guests.

Likewise, girls strive to be beautiful when it comes to photography.

After all, the beauty captured on photographs will remain for a long memory. In such a situation, face contouring helps. This technique has long been adopted by the most fashionable and famous personalities.

Contouring is a type of make-up that can be used to visually correct the oval of the face, adding expressiveness to it. To use this wonderful technique, you need to know some of the nuances.

What it is?

To perfect your facial contours, you don't have to go from one extreme to another and resort to risky steps like plastic surgery. You can get by with very affordable and by simple means that can be purchased at any beauty store: a set of brushes and tonal foundations different tones. In addition, you need to know how face contouring is done. Modeling the contour of your face, you can achieve an amazing effect.

Celebrities were the first to try sculpting the oval of the face. On pages fashion magazines photographs began to appear, where the images of the most famous personalities were complemented by impeccable makeup, made using means of dark and light shades, thanks to which a clear outline was created. Such modeling is based on a combination of light and shadow, which helps to emphasize some areas of the skin, and hide others so that they are invisible.

To remove imperfections, you will need several different darker tones.

Light-colored cosmetics and highlighters will help highlight the merits. Such structuring of your appearance should begin with the procedure for smoothing the skin tone with a conventional foundation.

The procedure for changing the shape of the face visually has been known since the beginning of cinematography. To prevent the actors in the frame from looking “flat”, the make-up artists began to use the contouring technique. Gradually, she firmly entered the life of modern stars.

Facial contouring must be performed observing some application rules:

    Not worth it use red or orange products, as they can make the skin tone painful.

    It does not follow buy a highlighter with large sparkles, as they will make your face look unnatural. You should give your preference to products that are lighter than your skin tone. These products will give your complexion a soft glow.

    By contouring you can make your look more expressive. To do this, you just need to apply dark remedy on the area between the beginning of the eyebrow and the bridge of the nose.

What to do?

To emphasize all the advantages of your face, it is not enough just to know the contouring technique. You also need to know by what means this procedure is performed.

Makeup artists distinguish the following types cosmetic procedure face contour modeling:

  • Dry contouring. As you might guess from the name, this technique is performed with dry means: powders, shadows of various shades. This design can be used to everyday makeup... Even beginners can do it, as the products are easy to apply and blend, completely merging with the skin.
  • Creamy contouring. It is carried out with the help of correctors, various tonal means, highlighters. Beginners and amateurs cannot cope with this type, since unprofessional application of cosmetics will create a mask effect. Therefore, it is worth entrusting the cream contouring to masters with sufficient experience. The indisputable advantage of this type of "sculpting" is that the skin not only does not dry out, but even moisturizes. You should use this procedure if you are going to an evening event or photo session.

Whichever type you prefer, the main thing is not to overdo it with the cosmetic products used, because the result should be as natural as possible. To achieve this, turn your attention to the tools you are going to use. Among them, there must be the following goods:

    The foundation for applying makeup.

    Palette with dry or creamy cosmetic products. Instead, you can use tonal creams and powders of different shades.

    Stick for contouring. This is a kind of pencil of a certain shade, with which it is easy to apply the product to certain areas of the skin.

    Kit cosmetic brushes. Among them should be a special beveled brush for applying blush and several flat brushes.

    Special powder to consolidate the effect obtained. Many women do without it, but professional makeup artists insist on using it.

In addition, you cannot just go to the store with cosmetics and buy the first products that caught your eye.

It is worth considering many nuances so as not to purchase products that will not suit you.

Pay attention to the brand of the purchased product. A palette from an unknown manufacturer may contain an odd reddish tint that can make your face look unnatural. Products for any type and color of skin are produced by NYX, Anastasia Beverly Hills, Absolute New York.

The determining factor when buying should be the dark shade present in the palette. It must be a maximum of two tones darker than the natural tone. It is better to give preference to warm undertones, as such products will look more natural. If you have a light skin tone, you can try products with pink undertones.

For beginners in contouring, a variety of powders are better suited, as they are much easier to work with. Givenchy, Dior or Maybelline should be preferred when purchasing such products.

For those looking to master modeling using products with a creamy texture, chabi sticks are best suited. With their help, you can quickly get good face contouring skills. It is worth giving your preference to the Clinique sticks. Among them, you can find both highlighters and dark contours.

When choosing a highlighter, remember that it should not contain too large flickering particles, and its color should be no more than two shades lighter than the complexion.

When buying brushes, numbers 130-190 should be preferred when it comes to applying corrective agents. For shading, it is better to choose brushes with a large bevel. The material from which the brushes are made also matters. For dry products, you can take a brush with both synthetic and natural fibers, but for creams you should take only a natural brush.

Step by step diagrams for beginners

To properly sculpt, you need to take into account what kind of make-up you are going to make: everyday or evening. For any case, there are application features that you need to know if you want to look natural and natural. The first thing to consider is lighting. Experts advise to carry out all makeup manipulations in natural light or as close as possible to it. If there is not enough light, then there is a risk of getting an unnatural make-up, which will be too conspicuous.

Basic steps of face modeling:

    Necessary apply a make-up base to the skin.

    Should even out the resulting tone with foundation or BB cream.

    With help a wide flat brush is required to apply concealer cream to the area under the eyes and the wings of the nose.

    Using dark corrector, you should outline the nose by drawing straight lines from the bridge of the nose to the tip of the nose. This step will help you adjust the shape of the nose, making it the way you want it.

    In the next step it is necessary to highlight the cheekbones. Since they play important role in all the technique of sculpting, then they should be done main focus... To correctly highlight the cheekbones, mentally you need to draw a line from the ear to the lips, and then draw in the cheeks. Under the resulting fossa, apply a dark corrector so that the tone near the ear is as dark as possible. It is not worth bringing the line to the auricle itself; it is better to leave a small area.

    Should correct the frontal part of the face, especially if it is very large. To do this, you just need to draw a dark strip from one temple to another, stepping back about a centimeter from the beginning of hair growth. More emphasis is required on the temples.

    With help a dark corrector needs to darken the upper eyelids. This action will help to give expressiveness to the look.

    Should carefully shade all applied lines. The transitions should be performed as softly and inconspicuously as possible. It is necessary to start the shading process from the light areas, gradually mixing them with the dark ones. These movements can be done with your fingers, but you can use brushes.

This technique is suitable for any kind of contouring.

However, for dry modeling, you need to shade the products immediately after application.

How to make your face thinner with makeup?

Facial sculpting for different personalities is impossible to always do with the same movements and use the same products. There is no one size fits all approach. Each girl is an individual person who has her own peculiarities of appearance. These features must be taken into account when performing the contouring procedure. The main task of modeling is to achieve a flawless oval face, for this you need to visually reduce certain areas, and sometimes remove the double chin.

    Narrow round face possible by lightening the central part of the face and darkening the rest of the skin.

    Too wide the shape of the nose can be changed by highlighting its lateral areas with dark means, and the back with light ones. And you can visually remove the length of the nose in a simple way- gently shading a little dark corrector at the very tip.

    Owners of a narrow of an elongated face, you need to focus on the cheeks so as not to make the oval of the face even longer. The chin and cheekbones should be darkened. When using blush, do not apply it too close to the temples.

    If everyday make-up is created using dry products, then you should first moisturize the skin, and then apply a make-up base on the face. evening make-up using creams should start with the eyes and eyebrows to get a spectacular appearance.

    Mimic wrinkles visually removed with a highlighter and moisturizer.

Breast contouring

Do not think that the contouring technique is applicable only to visually change the shape of the face. With the help of cosmetics, you can correct your figure, for example, make your bust more expressive. To do this, you need to adhere to the following steps:

    Apply a dark product on the inner line of the chest near the hollow and shade well.

    You should powder a little shaded product to make it more invisible.

    Top neckline you need to apply with a brush a little dark bronzer.

    To visually enlarge the size of the breast, apply a dark product to the collarbone line and blend.

    For the remainder décolleté, you need to apply a light corrector, shade and powder.

By adhering to these simple rules, you can easily emphasize the beauty of your breasts.

This is especially important when it comes to evening events.

How to mask nasolabial folds?

The nasolabial folds can cause a lot of problems, for example, give out the woman's age. This and other imperfections can also be hidden with makeup. It must be done carefully and slowly in order to achieve the desired effect. Correction should be carried out according to the following scheme:

    Cleansing and moisturizing the dermis. It is easier to apply cosmetics on prepared skin.

    Applying makeup base and foundation. A darker tonal product is applied to the nasolabial area. Remember to blend the applied products thoroughly.

    Application to the nasolabial area of ​​the corrector, ideally suited to the skin tone, shading the product.

    Sculpting the rest of the face, depending on your preferences and characteristics.

    Securing applied means with the help of powder. It is important that it is not tinted, otherwise the desired result will not be achieved.

    At the end make-up, you should make up your lips with light lipstick.

Modeling the cheekbones

The cheekbones are a very important area that should not be forgotten when performing contouring. Correctly emphasized, they will add aristocracy and nobility to the appearance, correct the oval of the face. That is why it is necessary to emphasize them correctly. To highlight the cheekbones, you need dark and light correctors. A darker shade is applied to the area close to the temples, and a lighter shade is applied to the lips. After good shading, the cheekbones will look as natural as possible. If applied too a large number of means, you can stretch the oval of the face too much, which is not always required.

Some nuances should be taken into account:

    Not worth it highlight cheekbones with blush, as they will add extra color to the face instead of correcting its shape.

    Not worth it use grayish unsaturated products. It is better to give preference to warm undertones, as they look more natural.

    Better to study contouring on powdery products. It is easier to work with them with brushes and fingers. The main thing is to get smooth transitions of light and shadow on the face.

Choosing the right products and applying them competently will help to highlight the desired areas of the skin and make your face beautiful and natural.

For different face types

Having decided on an independent face modeling, you may not achieve the desired result. Often this is due not only to the wrong choice of funds, but also to the wrong application to your face oval. To avoid possible mistakes, you need to know the nuances of each form.

    Owners oval faces are lucky as they don't have to put in a lot of effort to create their makeup. It is enough to apply the contour to the lateral parts of the forehead, highlight the eyebrows and cheekbones, and then apply the highlighter to the central part of the face. After shading, the procedure is complete.

    Girls, in which the shape of the face is similar to a rectangle, you need to take care of modeling the lower jaw. To do this, you need to apply a contour on its sides with large strokes, and then highlight the frontal zone with it. With a highlighter, mark the area under the eyes and the middle of the chin. Shade gently.

    Owners a round face should pay more attention to the cheekbones. If you make them more expressive and narrow, then you can visually bring your face type closer to an oval one. And then do the makeup of the first type.

All girls strive for beauty. They are constantly on the lookout for the perfect cosmetics that can highlight advantages and hide flaws. The blush is designed to make the look fresher and more youthful. Lipstick - to bring lips closer to the ideal. The toner is designed to make the skin smooth and healthy. But correct contouring face will help to completely change its shape without surgery. We will tell you more about it in this article. You will learn the history of the origin of this technique and the subtleties of its application.

What is it

Sculpting is a method of applying makeup, during which the shape of the face is corrected by adding shadows and contours to it. In the process, cosmetics with dark and light pigmentation are used, as well as highlighters. The method was originally used by professional makeup artists. Contouring was necessary in order for the models to appear better in photographs. Over time, the secrets of mastery were also comprehended by ordinary people. Now everyone can approach the ideal.

What is such a make-up for?

Make-up "face contouring" is able to relieve complexes of many girls and women. With its help you can:

  • Decrease or increase the length of the nose, make it thinner or thicker.
  • Get rid of the massiveness of the forehead, make it less "bulky" and "heavy".
  • Draw cheekbones, completely or partially remove chubby cheeks.
  • Make a sharp chin less visible.
  • Add sharpness to features or, conversely, softness.

These are the most common options. In fact, sculpting can visually remove many flaws.

What is needed for this

Face contouring lessons will be effective only with special cosmetics. So, to start doing makeup, you will need:

The foundation

It could be foundation or BB cream. Without this, it is impossible to start any make-up. It is important that the tone matches your skin tone. Too yellow, too white, or too dark a shade can disrupt the entire composition. Choose the foundation that is most convenient for you to use. It should be suitable not only for colors, but also by the type of dermis. Recommended foundations:


Since contouring is a play of light and shadow, you will need bronzers, highlighters and correctors. For convenience, they are collected in special sets. They can be dry or creamy. We will tell you how to choose them in the next paragraph.


You can apply the product either with brushes or with a beauty blender. There should be several types of brushes in your arsenal. We will also talk about them below.

Everything necessary tools and makeup products can be purchased at the online store site. The assortment of the First Moscow Customs Store includes a variety of beauty products at attractive prices. Rather, go to the catalog, you are guaranteed to find something suitable for yourself.

How to contour your face: choosing cosmetics


What to look for when choosing a sculpting kit:

  • Naturalness. All shades in the palette should be close to natural. The presence of red, orange, black or blue pigments is not allowed, as they will not organically blend with the flesh color.
  • Blush. They shouldn't be too bright. Choose what looks good on you. It can be a peach or pale pink pigment.
  • Structure. If you choose a creamy product, it should be very soft and smooth. Dry cosmetics must be composed of very small particles. It is important that the contents of the palette fit perfectly on the skin and blend well.
  • Lack of sparkles. Matte tones will allow you to achieve the most natural effect... Mother-of-pearl is only allowed as part of a highlighter.
  • Corrector. The main shade with which you will darken individual areas should be no more than two tones darker than the skin.

We offer the following contouring kits:


You may need the following brushes:

  • Large, flat and fluffy. It is good for applying and blending a highlighter.
  • Beveled. Best for drawing the cheekbone line. It makes a line that is clear, smooth and natural at the same time. It is convenient to blend cosmetics with this brush.
  • Flat. Ideal for applying blush and contouring the nose.
  • Kabuki. This is a voluminous brush that is convenient to use when applying creamy products.

Also, some girls note the convenience of beauty blenders. They are great if you have liquid or cream cosmetics in your palette. We offer to purchase the tools necessary for contouring in our store:

Each form has its own subtleties and features of the correction technique. But there are some rules that you need to know in order to understand contouring.

  1. Apply an even layer of foundation. The base should be a product that matches your color and texture perfectly. This will smoothen the tone and also increase the hold of your makeup.
  2. It all starts with the nose. To do this, you need to take a dark color corrector. Draw two lines along the entire length of the nose from the sides. Also, the area between the nostrils should be darkened separately.
  3. The cheekbones darken from the end of the lips along the zygomatic bone. If you can't see it, pull in your cheeks like a fish.
  4. Darken the corners of the forehead slightly and add some color along the hairline. The end of the chin also needs to be tinted with dark pigment.
  5. As a rule, the following parts need highlighting: the nasal bridge, “apples”, the area under the eyebrow and above the lip.
  6. Further, all lines are neatly shaded. Make sure everything looks as natural as possible.

Face contouring: step by step instructions and photos

Despite the general rules, each skull shape requires a different approach. Below we will outline the main features.

Round type

In this case, the game is played more with shadows than with light. You will need a bronzer one to two shades darker than your natural skin tone. Pay attention to the cheekbones. You need to darken the cheeks well on the sides to make the face look slimmer. Also, this technique makes the silhouette clearer and sharper. Add some dark pigment along the outline to stretch the shape. Also, don't forget to draw lines along the nose and add shadows to the chin.

With a highlighter, draw a straight line from the bridge of the nose to the tip of the nose. This will help shift the focus from the heavy bottom and cheeks to the center. Also, the triangle of the chin and the area under the eyes should be highlighted. Don't forget the blush: apply a little pink shade on the cheeks between the dark streak of bronzer and the light highlight of the highlighter. Gently blend the entire composition, from light tones to dark ones.

Oval type

The oval is considered ideal. It is to him that all makeup artists strive. Basically, the goal of sculpting is to achieve exactly this shape. Therefore, the owners of an elongated skull just need to emphasize the main advantages of their appearance. You can make the nose a little shorter: to do this, draw a dark line on only half of the bridge of the nose. Do not overuse the darkening of the cheekbones: it will only stretch the face more. Draw a thin line from the earlobe to the dimple in the cheek. Also add some shadows to the corners of the forehead.

Place some highlighter in the inner corner of your eye. This will open the eye and completely refresh the whole look. Outline the chin with a white line to balance the outline. Add lighter pigment to the forehead area. You shouldn't be trifling here: "paint over" the entire area from the bridge of the nose to the middle of the forehead. Add shine to the tip of the nose. Draw a line of blush from the wings to the beginning of the cheekbones.

Square type

The main purpose of this sculpting is to make all the lines softer. That is why you need to start from the place under the cheekbone. Darken the sharp corners along the jawline. Smoothly bring the bronzer line to the temples and hairline to bring the square closer to the oval. Also paint dark streaks along the cheekbones. They must be very thin. In no case should you add shadows to your chin.

Use a highlighter to highlight your forehead. Draw white lines from the corners of the eyes to the tip of the nose. Highlight the area under the lip with light and draw the strip into the "triangles under the eye". It is also worth adding a light pearlescent pigment to the chin. Fill in the space between bronzer and highlighter with blush. Avoid horizontal lines: they will only emphasize square shape... Make sure that each stroke is vertical.

Triangular type

Darken your hairline a lot. Draw darker strokes under the cheekbones to align the jawline with the rest of the face. Add a small black dot on the chin itself to visually make it a little smaller. Avoid accents on the nose and eyes: they are already quite visible. Highlight the under eye area and then add pearl under the nose. Add light strokes to the forehead, under and above the eyebrow. Apply the blush in crisp, even strokes straight towards the wings of the nose.

Do not strive to bring the shape to a perfect oval: after all, this is much more difficult to do with a triangle than with a circle or square. Turn the features of your appearance into pleasant and memorable virtues. Just try to soften the lines as much as possible, make them smoother and clearer. It is not necessary to destroy all the specifics of the triangle. It will be enough just to smooth out all the irregularities.

Face contouring for beginners step by step: photo and video

In this video, a girl with a triangular shape shows the basics of contouring. Her face has many sharp edges: she talks about how to soften them. Using the example of specific products, the blogger demonstrates the technique of applying makeup from scratch. She explains which makeup to choose and which brushes to use.

Elena Krygina is one of the most popular beauty experts in the entire Internet space. Thousands of makeup artists and ordinary girls Worldwide. Because she competently and easily explains all the subtleties of makeup. In this video, the girl tells how to properly sculpt. She reveals the quote: "The average make-up of a star on the red carpet." The video has already collected three million views, which means that it can be useful to you too!

Now you know how to properly contour the face. Don't be discouraged if something doesn't work the first time. Makeup is a special kind of painting. And in order to become a master, you need to make a lot of mistakes and get your hands on it.

Facial contouring is an impressive make-up technique that helps make-up artists achieve perfect shape faces. Facial contouring, also called sculpting or, is the latest trend in home makeup. Now, looking at the perfect movie stars, know you can achieve the same result yourself. To do this, you just need to determine the shape of your face and use our guide.

It is with the help of contouring that you can achieve the ideal shape of your face. Further in our article we will tell you how to properly apply the contour to your face. This is the perfect online tutorial of its kind.

Contouring the face is achieved with a beveled brush, bronzer, highlighter and blush. First you need to decide what type your face shape belongs to.

If you have a heart-shaped face, then this can characterize you as a very caring and expressive person who sees the world in a different way. Such a person is able to give last shirt needy, can patiently listen to others and are sensitive to others. And it is not surprising that this face shape resembles the shape of a heart. Famous celebrities with heart-shaped faces are Jennifer Love Hewitt, Reese Witherspoon and Keri Mulligan.

Bronzer. The cheeks are highlighted on the heart-shaped face, so do not over-expose the angle of the cheeks so that the face does not seem too pointed. Begin to trace the cheek line from about the middle of the ear. The rule of "less is more" is appropriate when you highlight the cheeks on a heart-shaped face.

Since with a heart-shaped shape, the upper part of the face looks larger than the chin, it is worth aligning the general appearance of the face by darkening the temples with bronzer. Maintain a balance between your temples and your cheekbones.

Avoid adding any dark contour lines on the lower jaw. The heart shape of the face is already angular, so any dark outline will only accentuate the shape of the corner and shift the balance of the face.

Lengthen the nose, also applying darker bronzer on the sides, to soften the angular shape and give your look a sophisticated look. By darkening a small area under the tip of the nose, you will give it a more raised shape. It all depends on how much you want to change your original nose shape.

Highlighter select the line of the nose, the area under the eyes, the chin. And on the forehead should be used with caution so as not to weigh down upper part faces.

Blush Apply over the bronzer line on the cheeks, keeping the elongated lines tilted towards the chin. This will add symmetry and maintain the natural curves of the face.

If you have a square face, then this suggests that you are a doer and are ready for anything to get the most out of life. The hard lines of your face give you a confident, piercing look, but at the same time, you can be overly naive. This is the type of woman who wears red lipstick, hot pink nails and can have a beer with the guys while playing. This set of qualities is one of a kind that defines many aspects of femininity in you. Notable square faces are Olivia Wilde and Demi Moore.

Bronzer. The main purpose of contouring an angular face is to soften the jawline while darkening the harder lines. So you can bring unwanted angles into the shadow, and bring other parts of the face to the fore, highlighting them with a highlighter.

Apply the darkest color on the temples and along the hairline on the forehead. This will soften the square shape of your face and give it a rounder look with focus in the middle of your forehead. Align the nose by outlining it more dark color to lengthen it. Do not darken your chin, however, or your face will look unnaturally spiky. On the cheekbones, draw short, light lines starting from the middle point of the ear.

Highlighter Highlight the forehead, under-eye areas and chin. This will make your look visually clearer. It is worth considering that for a square face, a minimum amount of backlighting is used. Therefore, special care should be taken to highlight areas of the face in order to preserve naturalness.

Blush Blend in a rounded shape from the edge of the cheekbone and down to intersect with the center point of the eye. This rounded blush will add a new round line to your face to soften the square shape of your face and keep it balanced.

If you have an oval face shape, it means that you are rare. Since the oval face is considered to be stylistically universal. People with this face shape combine courage and calmness in facial expressions that inspire confidence and favor in others. At the same time, when your face tells everyone about your loyalty, you are an incredibly mischievous person who loves to have fun and to be naughty, like playing hide and seek in the department store. People with oval shape faces are always young at heart. Famous celebrities with oval faces- Jessica Alba, Beyoncé and Jennifer Lopez.

Bronzer. Since your face already has one of the most balanced shapes, its contours should focus more on highlighting and reducing individual features instead of full form... People with an oval face shape tend to have more prominent noses. So, contouring the face with more emphasis on the sides of the nose than on the cheeks will compensate for these functions. To make your nose look shorter, select only half of the bridge of your nose.

If the cheekbones are darkened, lengthening of the face should be avoided. Try to guide your line starting just above the corners of the mouth, making a triangle. This will visually separate the face and avoid the "horse" effect.

Highlighter. Applying a highlighter line above the lip and on the chin will widen your face to make it more symmetrical. Be sparing with highlighting the upper lip, but outline the chin area with flat white shading to maximize the shape. Highlighting your forehead will help you balance your chin, just try to avoid excess shine on it.

Blush Apply in short and sharp strokes, starting from the wings of the nose to the sides to the top of the ear. This blush will look very natural.

If you have a triangular face shape, then this suggests that you are an incredibly intuitive person. Such people are very empathetic and know how to quickly find solutions. They are strong, independent and unique. Notable celebrities with triangular faces are Ashley Greene, Scarlett Johansson and Halle Berry.

Bronzer. Since the chin is the narrowest part of the face with this shape, it is necessary to apply as much dark shading as possible here so that the chin merges with the general background of the face. It should be balanced with other parts of the face.

Darken the outline of the hairline to reduce the width of the forehead and achieve more symmetry. All bronzer lines should be soft to maintain balance on the face. Also, don't make your eyes stand out too much. With a triangular face, as a rule, the eyes come to the fore. Allow your other features to be visible as well.

Highlighter. Avoid making your nose stand out in the foreground. Highlight the under eye areas and continue this line under the nose. This will shorten it slightly and maintain balance. Highlight the forehead over the eyebrows and the chin.

Blush. To give your face beautiful light blush, apply blush in as straight lines as possible to the nose. By using straighter lines of blush, you can add a sense of balance to the face, as long as these lines do not follow your triangle so as not to overload the face.

If you have an elongated face shape, then this suggests that you are comfortable with life. You are cheerful and this playful nature attracts other people to you. You illustrate calmness even when you don't feel it. Famous celebrities with elongated faces are Sarah Jessica Parker, Sandra Bullock and Kim Kardashian.

Bronzer. The trick with this face shape is to cut down on its appearance. Should darken lower part chin to reduce its length. Then apply a dark border along the outline of the hairline from temple to temple. This will widen the face slightly, but balance it.

Highlight your eyes so that they draw all the attention to yourself and away from your chin and forehead. Highlight the cheekbones just a little with horizontal lines. Darken the nose only up to half of the bridge of the nose, so as not to lengthen it.

Highlighter. Try not to overexpose your face too. With a highlighter, aim only under the eyes, lightly touch the bridge of the nose and the space between the eyebrows. On the chin, carefully stretch a light line under the lip wider with a highlighter to visually widen and shorten the chin. Remember, overusing a highlighter will only lengthen your face even further. But the right accents will help balance it.

Blush. The elongated shape of the face is conducive to applying blush in wide straight lines towards the nose. This blush will complement your face shape very beautifully.

If you have round form face, this suggests that you have a certain airiness and charm, and those around you would very much like to know where you have so much energy from. Chubby girls tend to stop the glances of passers-by. Such girls do not stay alone for long. Many people consider it important for themselves to get to know you. Notable chubby celebrities include Kirsten Dunst, Diana Argon and Kate Upton.

Bronzer. Another form in which the contouring of the face requires the use of most of the bronzer for darkening. This procedure helps to reveal more clearly the structure of the soft face. Darken your cheeks at the sides, creating the effect of tapering the shape of your face without touching your forehead and chin.

Highlighter. Exactly, as along a ruler, highlight the bridge of the nose, starting from the middle of the forehead, to draw attention to the center of the face. Also select the top of your cheeks and make a triangle for your chin. This will lengthen the rounded face and create a soulful, balanced and more aesthetic look.

Blush. Do not forget that the round face has the same round cheeks. Therefore, when highlighting them, keep the angularity of the shape. Here you should use blush very sparingly so as not to overdo it. Highlight your cheeks, just above the cheekbones in a teardrop shape, where the widest part is closer to the nose. However, depending on your personality, you may want to refrain from using blush altogether.

Thanks to face contouring, every girl can feel like a famous beauty on the Hollywood red carpet. After all, the makeup technique, which was available only to professional makeup artists, is now widely used by ordinary girls. Face contouring, as you can see from the photos before and after the procedure, is easy to perform even without experience, but with the condition of knowing some secrets.

In order to correctly contour the face, it is necessary to determine the type of face , because the correctness of the application of sculpting agents depends on this.

Face contouring can be done according to 2 schemes. In the first scheme, a girl can use cream-based cosmetics, in the second scheme, dry (powdery) products are used. At the same time, you do not need to buy expensive products, you can use 2-3 tones of one powder.

This procedure is performed thanks to the play of color and light. ... Thanks to face contouring, the procedure, which is very simple step by step, transforms a woman when compared before and after makeup (see the photo) .

The sequence of actions when performing this type of makeup:

  • Determine the type of face (one of the common shapes: oval, circle, etc.).

  • We select the cosmetics to be used. Fundamentals, tone, quality.

  • Apply makeup according to the type of face.

  • We shade and paint well the eyes and lips.

Contouring procedurei facebefore and after make-up seems incredible, because it can replace plastic surgery... Thanks to the color and shadows, you can hide imperfections and beautify, draw attention to the best parts of the face. This is especially noticeable in the photographs before and after the procedure.

Sculpting of different types of faces

In accordance with the type of the girl's face, the technology for applying cosmetics will change. This is due to the fact that each type of face has its own individual positive features that need to be highlighted and emphasized.

Shape: circle and square

Round faces endow their owners with beautiful soft, flowing lines, which makes them more delicate, cute, even a little childish.

Square faces when sculpting, you need to stretch and narrow as much as possible. But to get the expected result, you need to be more careful with the modulation products, apply them smoothly, softly, with rounded movements, without using clear straight lines.

Face contouring, it's not difficult procedure, if you know all the actions step by step, then the result before and after will be overwhelming.

How to sculpt a round and square face:

  • Apply dark tones in a semicircle, from ears to cheeks and from temples to forehead, so that the shadow goes to the center of the face, but does not touch the lips, nose or eyes. This will visually stretch the face and make it narrower. This effect will give age, but at the same time make the face more feminine.

  • Light tones need to give relief, they need to be applied:

  • To the center of the nose. In a straight line along the entire nose.

  • Under the eyes. Especially if the girl has bags or bruises in this area of ​​the face.

  • From the end of the frog of the eyes (outer carina) to the mouth, along the sides of the nose.

  • Under the lower lip, in order to give more volume to the lips.

  • Above the bridge of the nose, apply in a small circle.

  • Apply in dark tones to the sides of the nose to make it lighter and smaller. Bring the contour of the chin in straight lines to give shadow and hide the second chin, if necessary.

If the girl has a round and massive chin, you can apply a little light cosmetic product in its center, shade it well. This will visually reduce the chin and stretch it.

Shape: oval, triangle

Facial contouring, a step-by-step procedure, before and after for oval and triangular faces, is less complex than other face shapes. Since they are close to the ideal of beauty, you just need to focus on the merits of facial features. The easiest way to assess the merits is by personal photographs.

Highlighters should be applied in the center of the face (under the eyes, on the nose, under the lower lip, in the center of the chin). And with sculptures to give shadows, to remove the contour of the face on the sides and on the neck. You need to apply shadows on the neck along the center, in straight lines.

The main secrets of modeling for all face shapes are:

  • Facial features that need to be reduced or hidden should be hidden with shadows.

  • Features that emphasize the beauty of the girl need to be highlighted.

  • All cosmetics used for modeling must be well shaded.

Face contouring is not a complicated procedure, if you think over your actions step by step, see the result before and after makeup. Don't forget to experiment and don't lose your personality.