
Charles enel master key with parallel translation. Read online "Master key to fulfillment of desires." Charles Enel "Master Key System". How to get everything you want from life" - Book summary


In the previous post, I did not express my opinion about Charles Haenel’s book “The Master Key of Desire Fulfillment” in the hope of finding like-minded people, people interested in models of the world, in order to avoid spatial fasting, but... while like-minded people have not been found, I will share my impressions.

IN Lately becoming more and more popular new model visions of the world, many commercial and esoteric books have been written on this topic, trainings and seminars are being actively created, promoted and sold, films are being made. There are a lot of authors of “discoverers of truth” and a lot of variations on the theme... This idea is exploited by psychologists, physicists, writers who create adapted methodologies or practical methods of using this knowledge to achieve various personal results and, of course, to make banal profit. The commercialization of this topic is active, since it is the embodiment of humanity’s dream - managing reality.
Before Enel’s book, I read a lot of literature on the topic of a new vision of the world model. This is "Transurfing of Reality" by Vadim Zeland (5 detailed books with a system of evidence), and the works of Dr. Sinelnikov, and Simoron, and Castañeda, and John Queneau with his "Reality", there were also attempts to change the angle of observation of the manifestations of our life with the help of books and trainings by Mirzakarim Norbekov and Yuri Khvan. All these works and methods are good in their own way and have given me a lot.

But I couldn’t get rid of the feeling that in all these wonderful works, the method and truth are too blurred either by the emotions of the authors, or the authors are carried away by proving the veracity of their conclusions, scientific and experimental evidence, preparing the reader for the material presented, or the multifunctional universal truth is hidden or expressed not clearly due to the utilitarian method presented, the narrow specialization of the use of open patterns.. This is either restoring health, or building a career, or relieving stress, attracting love and restoration family relations etc. I lacked refined truth, the essence of an idea not tied to achieving a specific personal result. There was not enough presentation of the material, without regard to the reaction of the reader, who needs to prove the rationality and reality of the maxims presented.
Vadim Zeland presented a method of controlling reality that was closer and more comprehensive than all the authors I have read, especially in comparison with Castañeda, where a lot of legends, jokes and wonderful false paths are presented as an attempt to educate a student. However, it is difficult to study Vadim Zeland’s method, due to the volume of his books, his WORLD is incredibly complex, where everything is connected to each other and the student’s path is like dancing on a razor blade, the path along which you can make your way is so narrow. He, Zeland, apparently understood this himself, since he published the sixth book, “Transurfing in 75 days,” where he tried to concisely present the methodology for managing reality.
Charles Haenel's book "The Master Key of Wish Fulfillment" meets all my unspoken requirements and fills in all the blank spots. His presentation of the method of controlling reality includes a model of the world and allows you to use it utilitarianly at your own discretion, because it is not theorems with proof systems, but short axioms that do not require proof, and the author himself does not care about how plausible it will be look like his work. He gives his students a gift, a precious gift, the correct mastery of which he monitors like a strict teacher, presenting the material in parts with test tasks and practical exercises.
One could say that "The Master Key of Wish Fulfillment" by Charles Haenel is a worthy summing up, the quintessence of truth, collected from the works of all the previous authors mentioned. It would be possible, but Enel’s book was written more than a century earlier and the fact that this book is the only work of this author, and not even so, he did not actually write the book, Enel took a few selected students to whom he sent courses of lectures to their homes, and He demanded in return that he complete test assignments; these lectures are what the book consists of. That is, writing was not the means or craft of Charles Haenel, a successful, happy and harmonious man of his time.
Despite the tightness of this work, it includes all of the above methods and a new vision of the world, a vision of the world for dedicated people who set high goals for themselves.
Why do I recommend reading Charles Haenel’s book “The Master Key of Desire Fulfillment”? The answer is contained in a short excerpt from the introduction to the book, written by the author himself:
“The difficulties that arise for us are mostly caused by confusion in thoughts and ignorance of real interests. We face a serious task - to discover the Laws of Nature. In accordance with which, we must put ourselves in order. Therefore, clear thinking and spiritual insight are invaluable benefits for us. All processes, even mental processes, are based on a solid foundation.
The sharper our feelings, the more insightful our judgments, the more refined our taste, the purer our morals, the more refined our minds, the loftier our aspirations - the purer and greater the rewards that life brings us. Therefore, studying the best thoughts in the world brings the greatest pleasure.
The newly discovered powers, applications and possibilities of the mind are incomparably more amazing than the most amazing achievements of material progress!
Thought is energy. Active thought is active energy; concentrated thought is concentrated energy. Thought focused on a specific goal becomes power. This power is used by those who do not believe in the virtue of poverty and the beauty of self-denial. They perceive these values ​​as “comforting the weak.”
The ability to receive and manifest this power depends on the ability to recognize the Infinite Energy that eternally resides in a person, constantly creating and recreating his body and mind, ready at any moment to manifest through him in any desired form. The manifestation of power in a person’s external life is directly proportional to the degree to which he recognizes this truth.”

Charles Enel - Master Key System

How to get everything you want from life

Bill Gates" href="/text/category/bill_gejts/" rel="bookmark">Bill Gates and the millionaires of Silicon Valley. Napoleon Hill himself, author of the bestseller “Think and Grow Rich,” admitted that he owes his success in life to “MasterKey” "Now this unique practical manual is available to everyone. Read it, do the exercises - and make your life better today!

UDC 130.123 BBK 88.2

The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel Original Copyright © 2000 by Anthony R. Michalsld This original edition was published in English by Kallisti Publishing, USA Russian translation Copyright ©2006 Sophia Publishing House The book was published with permission from Kallisti Publishing, USA All rights reserved

All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.

© "Sofia", 2005 ISBN -426-6 © "Sofia", 2005

Introduction 7

Lesson i. Overview of the Master Key system 11

Lesson 2: Basics of Your Mind 21

Lesson 3. Be aware of your

mental resources 31

Lesson 4. From effect to cause 40

Lesson 5. Creative Mind 49

Lesson 6. Human Brain 58

Lesson 7. Using the Almighty Force.... 67

Lesson 8. Thoughts and their results 77

Lesson 9. Affirmations and your Mind 88

Lesson 10. A CLEARLY DEFINED reason 99

Lesson 11. Inductive Reasoning

and objective mind 109

Lesson 12. The Power of Concentration 119

Lesson 13. Dreams and dreams

Lesson 14. The creative power of thought 138

Lesson 15. The Law By Which We Live 147

Lesson 16. Spiritual Understanding 156

Lesson 17. Symbols and reality 166

Lesson 18. Law of Attraction 176

Lesson 19. Your mental food 184

Lesson 20. The spirit of things 192

Lesson 21. Think big 202

Lesson 22. Spiritual Seeds 212

Lesson 23. The Key to Success - Service 222

Lesson 24. Alchemy 231

Master-Key system: questions and answers.


Athletics" href="/text/category/atletika/" rel="bookmark">The Athletic Club, the Rosicrucian Society, the London Psychotherapeutic College, the Writers' League of America, the American Society for Psychical Research... Finally, he wrote at least five books, one of which, "Master Key System" had a great influence on the further development of all New Thought.

"Master Key" was created over the years as a paid 24-week correspondence course. A master key, as you know, is a key that fits all the locks in the house. The system of creative thinking created by Enel was positioned in the market as “the way to solve all problems.” The promotion of this product, naturally, was greatly facilitated by the author’s personal example. Healthy, happily married, harmoniously developed and lucky in business - Charles Enel has really solved all his problems!

Each lesson was mailed to students separately, along with a cover letter and test questions. The student had to save the lessons along with the cover letters, and fill out the page with questions and return it to the sender. Enel responded by sending another piece of paper with the correct answers. It was also recommended to keep these sheets of paper as a brief summary of the Master Key. Usually a week was allotted to learn one lesson. Only the student who successfully completed all 24 lessons received the right to buy the entire “MK System” in the form of a book bound in elegant leather.

"The System" enjoyed great success for several decades at the beginning of the 20th century - and is still recognized as one of the unsurpassed masterpieces of this genre. The laconic (sometimes to the point of aphorism) numbered paragraphs of Enel's lessons really contain a huge amount of Thought - perhaps now, so many years later, it no longer seems so “New”, but this does not cease to be true. We create our own reality! Thought is primary, matter is secondary! Anything is possible, you just have to want it! Practical exercises made it possible to verify the effectiveness of theoretical theses, and answers to questions served as an inexhaustible source of positive affirmations for every day.

In a letter to Enel dated January 1, 2001, Napoleon Hill, author of the best-selling book “Think and Grow Rich,” admitted: “I owe much of my current success to the principles of the Master Key System.” Another prominent New Thought figure, Claude Bristol, quoted entire paragraphs from the Master Key in his book The Magic of Faith.

However, since the late 1930s, the correspondence course has ceased, and the book has not been reprinted. (Charles Haenel died in 1949.) Rumor has it that while studying at Harvard University, this second-hand book rarity accidentally fell into the hands of Bill Gates after which he dropped out of school and began to realize his dream - “a computer on every desk”... They even claim that even today, when the “Master Key” is available in several electronic publications in English, millionaires are actively studying it Silicon Valley. If this is true, it means that the current generation of entrepreneurs and top managers in America understands that money is earned and progress is made not through the exploitation of a single person or the elimination of competitors, but through the Power of the Enlightened Mind.

For this Russian translation, the version of the “Master Key” was chosen, recently published - after more than half a century - by the American publisher Anthony Michalski, an admirer and researcher of the works of Charles Haenel. He slightly changed the structure of the material, combining, in particular, answers with control questions, provided the lessons with headings and wrote the last section, Master-Key system: questions and answers. We also contributed by dividing the text of each lesson into “Thesis” and “Exercise”, and calling the cover letters “Introductions”. IN For the rest, Anthony and we tried to preserve as much as possible both the spirit and the letter of this wonderful classic work about the possibilities of creative human thought.

Andrey Kostenko

Lesson 1

Overview of the Master Key system


It is a great honor for me to bring to your attention Lesson One of the Master Key System. Do you want to bring more power into your life? Then you need to find consciousness of power. Do you want more health? You need health consciousness. Do you want more happiness? You need consciousness of happiness. Embrace the spirit of these blessings until they are rightfully yours. And then it will be impossible to alienate them from you. All things in the world are subject to the inner strength of man.

You don't need to gain this power. You already have it! But you need to understand and use it, manage and be imbued with it in order to move on and achieve success in this life.

Gradually, as you master this System, as your

plans and strengthen your inspiration, you will find understanding; you will begin to realize that this world is not a dead pile of stones and logs, but a living being! It consists of beating human hearts. It is full of life and beauty.

It is obvious that working with like this the material requires understanding, but those who have gained this understanding are inspired by a new light - a new power. Every day they gain more and more confidence and strength; they realize that their hopes and dreams are coming true, that their lives have acquired a deeper, fuller, clearer meaning.


2. The mind is creative. All external conditions, all our surroundings, all our life experiences are the result of our habitual, prevailing mental attitude.

3. The mood of the mind inevitably depends on what we think. Therefore, the secret of all power, all achievement and all possession is in the way we think.

4. After all, before we do, we must be. We can do only within the limits of what we are. And what we are depends on what we think.

5. We cannot manifest powers that we do not possess. The only way to master power is to realize power, and we cannot realize it until we understand that all the power is within us.

6. There is a whole world inside us: a world of thought, feeling and power, full of light, life and beauty. And although he is invisible, his powers are enormous.

7. This inner world is controlled by the mind. Having discovered this world, we will find a solution to any problem, the cause of any effect. And since the world within us is subject to our control, all laws of power and possession are also subject to us.

8. The external world is a reflection of the internal. What appears on the outside has been found on the inside. In the inner world we can find infinite Wisdom, infinite Power, infinite Source of everything we need. They are waiting to be revealed, developed and manifested. If we recognize these potentialities of the inner world, they are embodied in the outer world.

9. The outer world reflects the harmony in the inner world with harmonious states, a pleasant environment around us, and all the best. It is the basis of health and a necessary ingredient of all greatness, all strength, all acquisition, achievement and success.

10.Harmony in the inner world means the ability to control our thoughts and determine for ourselves what impact this or that life experience will have on us.

11.Harmony in the inner world creates optimism and abundance; internal abundance leads to external abundance.

12. The external world reflects the circumstances and states of the internal consciousness.

13. If we find wisdom in the inner world, we will gain understanding that will allow us to discern the wonderful possibilities hidden in this inner world. Then we will have the power to manifest these capabilities in the outside world.

14. Realizing the wisdom in the inner world, our mind takes possession of it. And then we come into real possession of the power and wisdom necessary to create in the outer world that which is essential for our most complete and harmonious development.

15. Inner world - practical world; this is a world in which strong people generate courage, hope, enthusiasm, confidence, trust and faith. All this gives them the mental sophistication to have a dream and the practical skills to make the dream come true.

16. Life is a constant unfolding, not just expansion. What comes to us in the external world already exists in our internal world.

17. Any possession is based on consciousness. Any purchase is a result accumulative consciousness. Any loss is a result wasteful consciousness.

18.The productivity of the mind depends on harmony. Discord means failure. Therefore, one who desires to gain power must be in harmony with Natural Law.

19. Connects us with the outside world objective mind. The organ of this mind is the brain, the cerebrospinal nervous system ensures its conscious communication with every part of the body. This nervous system responds to every sensation of light, heat, smell, sound and taste.

20. When this mind thinks correctly, when it understands the truth, when the thoughts sent into the body through the cerebrospinal nervous system are creative, these sensations are pleasant - and harmonious.

21. As a result, our body is filled with energy and creative vitality. But through the same objective mind we can allow grief, illness, need, limitation and all types of discord and disharmony into our lives. Therefore, it is the objective mind that, through wrong thinking, connects us with all destructive forces.

22. Connects us with the inner world subconscious, or subjective mind. Its organ is the solar plexus. All subjective sensations, such as joy, love, excitement, breathing, imagination, and other subconscious phenomena are controlled by the sympathetic nervous system. It is the subconscious that connects us with the Universal Mind and gives us access to the Infinite creative forces of the Universe.

23. Coordination of these two centers of our being and understanding of their functions is the key to the great secret of life. With this knowledge, we can consciously maintain the interaction of the objective and subjective minds, thus managing the finite and the infinite. Our future is entirely in our control. It is not at the mercy of capricious and fickle external forces.

24. All people agree that there is only one Principle, or Consciousness, which permeates and fills the entire Universe, being essentially the same everywhere. It is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. All thoughts and things are within Him. It is “all in all.”

25. In the Universe there is only one consciousness capable of thinking. And when it thinks, its thoughts become objective things for it. Since this Consciousness is omnipresent, it must be present in everyone; and each of us must be an expression of this Almighty, Omniscient and Omnipresent Consciousness.

26. From the fact that in the Universe there is only one Consciousness capable of thinking, it necessarily follows that yours consciousness is identical with the Universal Consciousness - or, in other words, all minds are one mind. This conclusion is inevitable.

27. The consciousness concentrated in the cells of your brain is the same consciousness as in the brain cells of any other person. Each human mind is only an individualization of the Universal, Cosmic Mind.

28. The Universal Mind is static, or potential energy; he simply is; it can manifest itself only through the human mind, and the human mind only through the Universal. They are one.

29. A person’s ability to think is his ability to influence the Universal Mind and manifest it. Human consciousness consists only of the ability to think. Kenneth Walker says: “The mind itself is considered to be a refined form of static energy from which springs the activity called thought, the dynamic phase of the mind. Mind is static energy, thought is dynamic; these are two phases of one phenomenon.” Therefore, thought is a vibrational force generated when the mind moves from the static phase to the dynamic phase.

30. Since the Universal Mind, which is Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent, contains the sum of all properties, all properties must always be potentially present in every person. Consequently, when a person thinks, the thought by its very nature is doomed to be embodied in objective reality or circumstances corresponding to the original source of this thought.

31. This means that every thought is a cause, and every state is a consequence. And therefore, it is absolutely necessary for you to control your thoughts in order to create only the states you need.

32.All power comes from within and is completely under your control; it is brought to us by accurate knowledge and conscious application of certain principles.

33. It is obvious that, having well understood this law and learned to control your mental activity, you will be able to apply this law to any situation; in other words, you will begin to consciously cooperate with the Almighty Law, which is the fundamental basis of all things.

34.Universal Mind is the basis of the existence of every atom; every atom is constantly trying to manifest more life; everything around is reasonable, and everything is trying to achieve the goal for which it was created.

35.Most people live in the outside world; only a few have found inner peace, but it is precisely this that creates the outer world. This means that he is creative, and everything that you see in your outer world has already been created by you in your inner world.

36. The Master Key system will help you use the power that will become yours as soon as you understand the connection between the outer and inner worlds. The inner world is the cause, the outer world is the effect; To change the effect, you need to change the cause.

37.You will immediately notice that this is a completely new idea, unlike anything before. Most people try to change consequences by working with consequences. They do not understand that this is just replacing one suffering with another. To eliminate discord, you need to eliminate the cause, which can only be found in the inner world.

38. All growth comes from within. Everything in nature demonstrates this. Any plant, animal, any person is a living testimony to this great law; people have been making the same mistake for centuries: they are looking for strength and energy outside.

39. The inner world is the “universal cornucopia,” and the outer world is its mouth. Our ability to receive depends on the degree to which we recognize this Universal Source, this Infinite Energy that is each of us.

40. Recognition is a mental process. Thus, mental activity is the interaction of a person with the Universal Mind. And since the Universal Mind is consciousness that permeates all space and gives life to all living things, this mental action and reverse action gives us law of causality however, the basis of this connection is not in man, but in the Universal Mind. It is not an objective ability, but a subjective process, and its results are visible in an infinite variety of states and situations.

41. To express life, one needs reason; without it nothing exists. All that exists is a manifestation of this one fundamental substance from which and through which all that exists is created and is constantly being recreated.

42. We live in a bottomless sea of ​​malleable substance of the mind. This substance is eternally alive and active. She is extremely sensitive. She accepts various shapes according to the demands of reason. Thought creates the form, or matrix, into which matter is cast.

43. Remember that the result of a request is already contained in the request itself and that a practical understanding of this law replaces poverty with abundance, ignorance with wisdom, discord with harmony and tyranny with freedom, and these are the greatest of material and social benefits.


44. Now start learning to express your requests. Choose a room where you can be alone and no one will disturb you. Sit up straight - so that you are comfortable, but not slumped; let your thoughts wander where they please, but remain completely still for fifteen minutes to half an hour; do this for three or four days or a week until you have complete control over your physical being.

45. For many this will seem like an extremely difficult task, for others it will be easy, but before continuing with classes, it is absolutely necessary to learn to fully control your body. Next week you will receive instructions on your next step, but in the meantime, master this exercise.

Security questions and answers

1. What is the external world in relation to the internal?

The outer world is a reflection of the inner world.

2. On what does any possession depend? Any possession is based on consciousness.

3. How is a person connected with the objective world?

Man is connected with the objective world by objective reason; The organ of this mind is the brain.

4. How is it connected with the Universal Mind?

It is connected to the Universal Mind by the subconscious (subjective) mind; its organ is the solar plexus.

5. What is the Universal Mind?

The Universal Mind is the basis of the existence of every atom.

6. How can a person influence the Universal Mind?

Human ability to think is his ability to influence and express the Universal Mind.

7. What is the result of this action and interaction?

The result of this action and interaction is cause and effect; every thought is a cause, and every situation is a consequence.

8. How to create harmonious and pleasant states?

Harmonious and pleasant states are created by correct thinking.

9. What is the cause of all discord, disharmony, need and limitation?

Discord, disharmony, need and limitation are the result of wrong thinking. 10. Where is the source of all strength?

The source of all forces is the inner world, the Universal Source, Infinite Energy, the conductor of which is every person.

Lesson 2

The Basics of Your Mind


The difficulties we encounter are largely due to confusion in our thoughts and ignorance of our real interests. We are faced with a serious task - to discover the laws of nature, in accordance with which we must bring ourselves. Therefore, clear thinking and spiritual insight are invaluable benefits to us. All processes, even mental processes, are based on a solid foundation.

The sharper our feelings, the more penetrating our judgments, the more refined our taste, the purer our morals, the more refined our minds, the loftier our aspirations - the purer and greater the rewards that life brings us. Therefore, studying the best thoughts in the world brings the greatest pleasure.

The newly discovered powers, applications and possibilities of the mind are incomparably more amazing than the most amazing achievements of material progress!

Thought is energy. Active thought is active energy; concentrated thought is concentrated energy. Thought focused on a specific goal becomes power. This power is used by those who do not believe in the virtue of poverty and the beauty of self-denial. They perceive these values ​​as “comforting the weak.”

The ability to receive and manifest this power depends on the ability to recognize the Infinite Energy that eternally resides in a person, constantly creating and recreating his body and mind, ready at any moment to manifest through him in any desired form. The manifestation of power in a person’s external life is directly proportional to the degree to which he recognizes this truth.


1. The work of the mind is represented by two parallel types of activity, one of which is conscious, the other is subconscious. Professor Davidson says: “He who expects to illuminate all types of mental activity with the light of his own consciousness is little different from him who intends to illuminate the Universe with a hand-held torch.”

2. Subconscious logical processes are characterized by certainty and correctness, which would be impossible if they allowed the possibility of error. Our mind is designed in such a way that it contains the most important foundations of knowledge, while we ourselves have not the slightest idea of ​​how this is done.

3. The subconscious soul, like a benevolent stranger, works and cares for our well-being, giving us only ripe fruits. The final analysis of thought processes shows us that the subconscious is the theater of the most important mental phenomena.

4. It was through the subconscious that Shakespeare effortlessly acquired great truths hidden from the conscious mind of the student. This is how Phidias sculpted in marble and bronze, Raphael painted his Madonnas, and Beethoven composed symphonies.

5. Ease and mastery depend entirely on the degree of our independence from consciousness. Mastery in playing the piano, skating, typing - in fact, in any profession that requires skilled labor - depends on the activity of the subconscious mind. The miracle of brilliantly performing a piece on the piano while maintaining a lively conversation demonstrates the power of our subconscious powers.

6. We all know how dependent we are on the subconscious for our greatest, noblest and brightest thoughts, and this is all the more obvious since their source is beyond our perception. We find ourselves endowed with tact, instincts, a sense of beauty in painting, music, etc., without being completely aware of the source and location of these qualities.

7. The value of the subconscious is enormous. It inspires us, it warns us; it brings us names, facts and pictures from the storehouse of memory; it guides our thoughts, tastes, and performs such intricate tasks that our conscious mind could not cope with them even if it had the power to do so.

9. If we compare these two types of activity - activity dictated by the will of the moment, and activity that flows smoothly, majestically, rhythmically, unshakable and constant at any moment - the latter will inspire us with awe and force us to seek an explanation for this riddle. We immediately understand what it is

processes vital for our physical existence, and the conclusion suggests itself that these most important functions are not accidentally alienated from our outwardly directed will, with all its changes and transitions, and given under the guidance of a constant and reliable force within us.

10. The external and changeable of these two forces is called conscious, or objective mind(he deals with external objects). Inner strength is called subconscious, or subjective mind. In addition to its work on the mental plane, it controls the normal functions of the body that support our physical existence.

11. It is necessary to clearly understand the functions of these two minds on the mental plane, as well as certain other fundamental principles. Perceiving the world through the five basic senses and acting through them, the conscious mind deals with the impressions and objects of outer life.

12. This mind is endowed with the ability distinctions, carrying with her responsibility for choice. He is endowed with the ability to reasoning- inductive, deductive, analytical or syllogistic - and this power can be very highly developed. This is the seat of the will and all the energies flowing from it.

13.He is able not only to influence other minds, but also to control the subconscious mind. Thus the conscious mind becomes the responsible ruler and guardian of the subconscious mind. This is his high mission, which can dramatically change the conditions of your life.

14. Often states of fear, anxiety, poverty, illness, disharmony and other evils take over us due to false assumptions perceived by the unprotected subconscious mind. A well-trained conscious mind can prevent all this through vigilant protective activity. He can well be called the “guardian of the gate” of the great kingdom of the subconscious.

15. One writer expressed the basic difference between the two phases of the mind this way:

16. “The conscious mind is the reasoning will. The subconscious mind is an instinctive desire, the result of a past reasoning will.”

17. The subconscious mind draws fair and accurate conclusions from premises taken from external sources. If the premise is true, the subconscious mind reaches an unmistakable conclusion. If the premise or indication is false, the entire structure collapses. The subconscious mind is not involved in the process of proof. He relies on the conscious mind, the “gatekeeper,” to protect him from erroneous instructions.

18.Accepting all instructions as true, the subconscious mind begins to act in accordance with them throughout its vast field of activity. The conscious mind can give him a true or false indication. In the latter case, the cost of a mistake may be a threat to the life of the creature.

19. The conscious mind must be alert during all waking hours. When the "guardian" is not "on duty" or his sober reasoning is temporarily suspended for a number of reasons, the subconscious mind is left unprotected, open to instructions from any source. During wild excitement caused by panic, in the heat of anger, under the influence of the impulses of an insane crowd or other uncontrollable passions, these states are most dangerous. At such a moment, the subconscious mind is open to suggestions of fear, hatred, selfishness, greed, self-deprecation and other negative forces emanating from the people or circumstances around us. The results of this are usually extremely unfavorable, and the consequences of this can torment us for a long time. Therefore, it is very important to protect the subconscious mind from false suggestions.

20. The subconscious mind understands intuitively. That's why it acts quickly. He does not take the slow path of conscious reasoning. In fact, he doesn’t even know how to use it.

21. The subconscious mind never sleeps, never rests, just like your heart, your blood. It has been found that as soon as you simply formulate certain tasks to the subconscious mind, it activates the forces with the help of which the desired result is achieved. This is the source of power that connects us with Omnipotence. There is a deep root cause here within that deserves the deepest study.

22. The effect of this law is interesting. Those who put it into action, going to a person with whom a difficult conversation was expected, suddenly discover that “something” has already been here before them and solved all the problems! Everything has changed - everything has become harmonious. People find that when they are faced with a serious business problem, they can allow themselves to pause and let “something” guide them to the right solution. Everything is settled! Indeed, those who have learned to trust the subconscious find that they have limitless resources at their disposal.

23. The subconscious mind is the habitat of our principles and aspirations. It is the source of our artistic and altruistic ideals. These instincts can only be subverted by diligent and consistent activity to undermine the innate principles.

24. The subconscious mind is not capable of contradiction. Therefore, if it receives wrong instructions, the sure way to overcome them is to use a powerful counter-instruction and repeat it often so that the mind accepts it and eventually forms new, healthy habits and thoughts about life. After all, the subconscious mind is the habitat of Habit. What we do repeatedly becomes automatic and ceases to be the result of judgment, taking root in the subconscious mind. And this is good for us if the habit is healthy and correct. The cure for a bad and wrong habit is the recognition of the omnipotence of the subconscious mind and instilling in oneself the thought of one’s own freedom in this moment. Endowed creative ability and united with our Divine Source, the subconscious mind will immediately create this freedom.

25. Let us summarize the above: normal functions of the subconscious on the physical plane are associated with regulation and life support, with maintaining life and restoring health; with care for offspring, containing an instinctive desire to preserve all life and improve its conditions as a whole.

26. On the mental plane it is a storehouse of memory; hidden in it are wonderful messengers of thought, working independently of time and space; it is a source of practical initiative and creative vitality. This is the habitat of habit.

27. On the spiritual plane it is the source of ideals, aspirations, imagination and the channel through which we recognize our Divine Source. And to the extent that we recognize this divinity, we understand the source of power.

28. Someone will ask: “How can the subconscious change our state?” The answer is: this is possible because the subconscious is a part of the Universal Mind, and the part must correspond to the whole in appearance and quality; the only difference is the scale. The whole, as we know, is endowed with the ability to create; it, strictly speaking, is the only creator, and therefore the mind is also capable of creating. Since thinking is the only type of activity available to the mind, thought must also certainly be creative.

29. However, we understand that there is a huge difference between mere “thinking” and conscious, systematic and creatively directed thinking. By thinking in this way, we bring our mind into harmony with the Universal Mind, tune into the Infinite, and activate the greatest force that exists - the creative power of the Universal Mind. This, like everything else, is governed by natural law, and that law is the "Law of Attraction": The mind is endowed with the ability to create and automatically interacts with the object of thought, bringing it to life.


30. Last week I gave you an exercise to learn how to control your physical body. If you have completed it, then you are ready to move on. This time you will begin to control your thoughts. If possible, always train in the same room, on the same chair, in the same position. Sometimes it is impossible to study in the same room: in this case, just make the most of the available conditions. Now, as before, be completely still, but control any thoughts. Over time, this will allow you to manage all the thoughts that worry, worry and frighten you, and develop only those that you want. Keep practicing until you master this skill perfectly.

31. At first you will be able to do this for no more than a few moments, but this exercise is very useful because it will very clearly demonstrate to you what a huge number of thoughts are constantly trying to penetrate your mental world.

32. Next week you will receive instructions for an exercise that you find more interesting, but first you need to learn how to do it.

Any thing can be formed from 14 elements. In this case, each thing will have its own order of connection of electrons in the molecule.

When two or more molecules combine, a new individuality arises. And this individuality has characteristics that are not characteristic of any of the constituent elements.

Thus, a sodium atom and a chlorine atom form a salt. And this is the only combination of elements that can give us such a substance. As for the salt itself, it differs significantly from both sodium and chlorine.

What is true for the inorganic world is no less true for the organic. Certain processes of consciousness will always provoke a certain effect, and the result will invariably be the same. The same thought will be accompanied by specific consequences, and no other thought will be able to achieve the same goal.

It is difficult to doubt the truth of this law, since any principle must exist independently of the organ through which it functions. For example, light must exist - otherwise there would be no such organ as the eye. And sound must exist - otherwise there would be no ear. And, of course, there must be a mind - otherwise there would be no brain.

Thus, mental action is nothing other than the interaction of the individual with the Universal Mind. And since the Universal Mind is a consciousness that fills all space and gives life to all beings without exception, this mental interaction can be defined as the law of cause and effect relationships.

This is the Universal Chemist. It is worth noting, however, that the very principle of cause and effect is contained not in the consciousness of each individual, but in the Universal Mind. It is not an objective ability, but a subjective process.

However, the individual is capable of manifesting this power. And since there is no limit to the possible combinations of thoughts, there is no limit to the circumstances that result from this thought process.

Primitive man, naked and primitive, gnawing bones in the darkness of caves, lived and died in a world hostile to him. This hostility and this vegetation were the result of his ignorance. He himself created Hatred and Fear around himself. His only support was a wooden club. In everything that surrounded him - in animals, forests, rivers, seas, clouds and people like him - he saw only enemies. The ties that tied it all together were hidden from him.

Modern man is born into relative luxury. Love rocks his cradle and protects his youth. Starting an independent life, he picks up not a club, but a pencil, and he relies mainly on the brain, and not on the muscles. The physical world for him is a servant, not a master; the people around you and the forces of nature are friends, not enemies.

Such a significant transformation - from hatred to love, from fear to confidence, from the struggle for material existence to mental control - was dictated by the slow dawn of Comprehension. How more people comprehends the essence of the Cosmic Law, the more fully he manages his life.

Thought is what forms organic structures in animals and people. The desire of the protoplasmic cell towards light generates a certain impulse. And this impulse gradually shapes the eye. Or take another example. A species of deer grazes in the forest, where the branches of the trees are located very high. Constant attempts to reach tasty foliage lead to the fact that the animals' necks - cell by cell - lengthen. As a result, the new kind- giraffe. When amphibious reptiles awaken the desire not to swim or walk, but to fly through the air, they develop wings and turn into birds.

It is clear that these tiny creatures are aware that the plants they fed on are dead. And if they don't want to starve either, they need to move somewhere else. This is what they do - with the help of temporarily grown wings.

Professor Elmer Gates from the Smithsonian Institution (Washington) has successfully proven that mental images have a direct effect on brain cells. And these cells, in turn, affect the entire body. In particular, guinea pigs were placed in cages painted predominantly in one color or another. Subsequent autopsies showed that the brains of these pigs were more intensely colored than the brains of the same pigs kept in other cages. In addition, experiments were conducted with the sweating of people who were in one mood or another. The salts that came out with sweat were used as a basis. It turned out that the sweat of an irritated person has an unusual color, and grains of this salt placed on a dog’s tongue caused a reaction similar to poisoning.

UDC 130.123 BBK 88.2

Translation from English by Daria Kostina.

Enel Charles

E65 Master Key to the fulfillment of desires / Transl. from English - M.: LLC Publishing House "Sofia", 2007. - 256 p.

ISBN 978-5-91250-426-6

Considered a classic in the literature on the creative power of thought, this book provides the clearest, most comprehensive yet concise explanation of the laws underlying the phenomenon of Success.

If you want to achieve something - not only in business, but simply in life - the Master Key System will teach you how to do it. They say that Bill Gates and Silicon Valley millionaires read Charles Haenel's book. Napoleon Hill himself, author of the bestseller Think and Grow Rich, admitted that he owed his success in life to the Master Key. Now this unique practical guide is available to everyone. Read it, do the exercises - and make your life better today!

UDC 130.123 BBK 88.2

The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel Original Copyright © 2000 by Anthony R. Michalsld This original edition was published in English by Kallisti Publishing, USA

Russian translation Copyright ©2006 Sophia Publishing House The book was published with permission from Kallisti Publishing, USA All rights reserved

All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.

© “Sofia”, 2005

ISBN 978-5-91250-426-6 © Sofia Publishing House LLC, 2005

Charles F. Haanel was born in 1866 in the northern US state of Michigan, but spent most of his life in the southern city of St. Louis. He began his career as a courier in a company that made enamelware, and ended up as the president of several large companies that were involved in everything in the world - from growing coffee to gold mining. “Everything is clear,” a reader experienced in American business will say. - The so-called self made man: a person who made himself. He probably knew how to rip out competitors’ throats and tear the skins off the working class.” History, unfortunately, is silent about how formidable a “business shark” Mr. Enel was; nothing is known about his yachts either, football clubs and presidential ambitions. Perhaps he was, after all, a representative of a different breed of American businessmen, less studied by the average Ukrainian. Their European ancestors were pious Christians and went to America precisely so that no one would interfere with them from living according to faith and conscience. By the end of the 19th century, American Christianity gave birth to a new, but also purely American worldview - New Thought, or New Thought; Please do not confuse it with Gorbachev’s “New Thinking”. New Thought is characterized as "a practical and at the same time spiritual way of life." This is a very broad and quite diverse movement that flourishes to this day, touching, but not mixing, on the one hand, with traditional “religious” spirituality, and on the other, with what is now called “New Age” and “esotericism.” , and in Enel’s time it was called “mysticism” and “occultism”.

New Thought itself, however, also has many alternative names - “the science of success”, “practical metaphysics”, “creative thinking”, “science of the mind”, etc.

So, Charles Haenel was one of those entrepreneurs who believed that they owed all their success to studying the laws of creative thinking and applying them to Everyday life and in business. Enel practiced the “power of thought” as selflessly as he did his companies. Archives indicate that he was active in a dozen organizations dealing with physical, moral and mental development person. Thirty-second degree Mason; Shriner; Member: Athletic Club, Rosicrucian Society, London Psychotherapeutic College, American Writers' League, American Society for Psychical Research... Finally, he wrote at least five books, one of which, "The Master Key System", had a great influence on further development of all New Thought.

“Master Key” was created in 1912-1917 as a paid 24-week correspondence course. A master key, as you know, is a key that fits all the locks in the house. The system of creative thinking created by Enel was positioned in the market as “the way to solve all problems.” The promotion of this product, naturally, was greatly facilitated by the author’s personal example. Healthy, happily married, harmoniously developed and lucky in business - Charles Enel has really solved all his problems!

Each lesson was mailed to students separately, along with a cover letter and test questions. The student had to save the lessons along with the cover letters, and fill out the page with questions and return it to the sender. Enel responded by sending another piece of paper with the correct answers. It was also recommended to keep these sheets of paper as a brief summary of the Master Key. Usually a week was allotted to learn one lesson. Only the student who successfully completed all 24 lessons received the right to buy the entire “MK System” in the form of a book bound in elegant leather.

"The System" enjoyed great success for several decades at the beginning of the 20th century - and is still recognized as one of the unsurpassed masterpieces of this genre. The laconic (sometimes to the point of aphorism) numbered paragraphs of Enel's lessons really contain a huge amount of Thought - perhaps now, so many years later, it no longer seems so “New”, but this does not cease to be true. We create our own reality! Thought is primary, matter is secondary! Anything is possible, you just have to want it! Practical exercises made it possible to verify the effectiveness of theoretical theses, and answers to questions served as an inexhaustible source of positive affirmations for every day.

In a letter to Haenel dated April 21, 1919, Napoleon Hill, author of the best-selling book Think and Grow Rich, admitted: “My present success is largely due to the principles of the Master Key System.” Another prominent New Thought figure, Claude Bristol, quoted entire paragraphs from the Master Key in his book The Magic of Faith.

However, since the late 1930s, the correspondence course has ceased, and the book has not been reprinted. (Charles Haenel died in 1949.) Rumor has it that while studying at Harvard University, this second-hand book rarity accidentally fell into the hands of Bill Gates, after which he dropped out of school and began to realize his dream - “a computer on every desk”... They even claim that even today, when the “Master Key” is available in several electronic publications on English language, Silicon Valley millionaires are actively studying it. If this is true, it means that the current generation of entrepreneurs and top managers in America understands that money is earned and progress is made not through the exploitation of a single person or the elimination of competitors, but through the Power of the Enlightened Mind.

For this translation, the version of the “Master Key” was chosen, recently published - after more than half a century - by the American publisher Anthony Michalski, an admirer and researcher of the works of Charles Haenel. He slightly changed the structure of the material, combining, in particular, answers with control questions, provided the lessons with headings and wrote the last section, “Master-Key” System: Questions and Answers. We also contributed by dividing the text of each lesson into “Thesis” and “Exercise”, and calling the cover letters “Introductions”. Otherwise, Anthony and we tried to preserve as much as possible both the spirit and the letter of this wonderful classic work about the possibilities of creative human thought.

Andrey Kostenko.

Lesson 1.

Review of the Master Key system.


It is a great honor for me to bring to your attention Lesson One of the Master Key System. Do you want to bring more power into your life? Then you need to gain consciousness of power. Do you want more health? You need health consciousness. Do you want more happiness? You need the consciousness of happiness. Embrace the spirit of these blessings until they are rightfully yours. And then it will be impossible to alienate them from you. All things in the world are subject to the inner strength of man.

You don't need to gain this power. You already have it! But you need to understand and use it, manage and be imbued with it in order to move on and achieve success in this life.

Gradually, as you master this System, as your plans crystallize and your inspiration grows stronger, you will gain understanding; you will begin to realize that this world is not a dead pile of stones and logs, but a living being! It consists of beating human hearts. It is full of life and beauty.

Obviously, working with such material requires understanding, but those who gain this understanding are inspired by a new light - a new power. Every day they gain more and more confidence and strength; they realize that their hopes and dreams are coming true, that their lives have acquired a deeper, fuller, clearer meaning.


1. On any plane of existence the truth operates: much attracts even more. It is equally true that loss entails even greater losses.

2. The mind is creative. All external conditions, all our surroundings, all our life experiences are the result of our habitual, predominant...

UDC 130.123 BBK 88.2 E65 Translation from English by Daria Kostina Enel Charles E65 Master Key for the fulfillment of desires / Translation. from English - M.: LLC Publishing House "Sofia", 2007. - 256 p. ISBN 978-5-91250-426-6 Considered a classic of literature on the creative power of thought, this book provides the clearest, most comprehensive, yet concise explanation of the laws underlying the phenomenon of Success. If you want to achieve something - not only in business, but simply in life - the Master Key System will teach you how to do it. They say that Bill Gates and Silicon Valley millionaires read Charles Haenel's book. Napoleon Hill himself, author of the bestseller Think and Grow Rich, admitted that he owed his success in life to MasterKey. Now this unique practical guide is available to everyone. Read it, do the exercises - and make your life better today! UDC 130.123 BBK 88.2 The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel Original Copyright © 2000 by Anthony R. Michalsld This original edition was published in English by Kallisti Publishing, USA Russian translation Copyright ©2006 Sophia Publishing House The book was published with the permission of Kallisti Publishing, USA All rights reserved All rights are reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form. ISBN 978-5-91250-426-6 © "Sofia", 2005 © LLC Publishing House "Sofia", 2005 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION........................ ........................................................ ....................... 7 LESSON I. OVERVIEW OF THE “MASTER KEY” SYSTEM .................. .................... 11 LESSON 2. THE FUNDAMENTALS OF YOUR MIND.................................... ........................... 21 LESSON 3. BE AWARE OF YOUR MENTAL RESOURCES......... ........................................ 31 LESSON 4. From EFFECT - to CAUSE. ............................................... 40 LESSON 5. CREATIVE INTELLIGENCE................................................. ...... 49 LESSON 6. THE HUMAN BRAIN.................................... ................................ 58 LESSON 7. USING THE ALMIGHTY POWER. . . . 67 LESSON 8. Thoughts and their RESULTS.................................................... .......... 77 LESSON 9. AFFIRMATIONS and YOUR MIND.................................... ................... 88 LESSON 10. A CLEARLY DEFINED REASON .............................. ................. 99 LESSON 11. INDUCTIVE REASONING AND OBJECTIVE REASON......................... ........................... 109 LESSON 12. THE POWER OF CONCENTRATION .................. .................... ...................... 119 LESSON 13. DREAMS and DREAMERS..................... .................................... 129 LESSON 14. THE CREATIVE POWER OF THOUGHT.... ........................................ 138 LESSON 15. THE LAW BY WHICH WE LIVE .................................... 147 LESSON 16. SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING................................................................. ......... 156 LESSON 17. Symbols and REALITY.................................... ....................166 LESSON 18. THE LAW OF ATTRACTION............................. .................................... 176 LESSON 19. YOUR MENTAL FOOD..... ........................................... 184 LESSON 20 SPIRIT OF THINGS................................................... ................................ 192 LESSON 21. Think BIG...... ........................................................ ... 202 LESSON 22. SPIRITUAL SEEDS.................................... ....................... 212 LESSON 23. THE KEY TO SUCCESS IS SERVICE................... ........................... 222 LESSON 24. Alchemy.................. ........................................................ ... 231 MASTER KEY SYSTEM: QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. . . . 241 INTRODUCTION TO THIS BOOK AND ITS AUTHOR Charles F. Haanel was born in 1866 in the northern American state of Michigan, but spent most of his life in the southern city of St. Louis. He began his career as a courier in a company that made enamelware, and ended up as the president of several large companies that were involved in everything in the world - from growing coffee to gold mining. “Everything is clear,” a reader experienced in American business will say. - The so-called self made man: a person who made himself. He probably knew how to rip out competitors’ throats and tear the skins off the working class.” History, unfortunately, is silent about how formidable a “business shark” Mr. Enel was; nothing is known either about his yachts, football clubs or presidential ambitions. Perhaps he was, after all, a representative of a different breed of American businessmen, less studied by the average Russian. Their European ancestors were pious Christians and went to America precisely so that no one would interfere with them from living according to faith and conscience. By the end of the 19th century, American Christianity gave birth to a new, but also purely American worldview - New Thought, or New Thought; Please do not confuse it with Gorbachev’s “New Thinking”. New Thought is characterized as “a practical and at the same time Introduction 4 spiritual way of life.” This is a very broad and quite diverse movement that flourishes to this day, touching, but not mixing, on the one hand, with traditional “religious” spirituality, and on the other, with what is now called “New Age” and “esotericism.” , and in Enel’s time it was called “mysticism” and “occultism”. New Thought itself, however, also has many alternative names - “the science of success”, “practical metaphysics”, “creative thinking”, “science of the mind”, etc. So, Charles Haenel was one of those entrepreneurs who believed that They owed all their success to studying the laws of creative thinking and applying them in everyday life and in business. Enel practiced the “power of thought” as selflessly as he did his companies. Archives show that he was active in a dozen organizations concerned with the physical, moral and mental development of man. Thirty-second degree Mason; Shriner; Member: Athletic Club, Rosicrucian Society, London Psychotherapeutic College, American Writers' League, American Society for Psychical Research... Finally, he wrote at least five books, one of which, "The Master Key System", had a great influence on further development of all New Thought. “Master Key” was created in 1912-1917 as a paid 24-week correspondence course. A master key, as you know, is a key that fits all the locks in the house. The system of creative thinking created by Enel was positioned in the market as “the way to solve all problems.” The promotion of this product, naturally, was greatly facilitated by the personal example of the author. Healthy, happily married, harmoniously developed and lucky in business - Charles Enel has really solved all his problems! Each lesson was mailed to students separately, along with a cover letter and test questions. The student had to save the lessons along with the cover letters, and fill out the page with questions and return it to the sender. Enel responded by sending another piece of paper with the correct answers. It was also recommended to keep these sheets of paper as a brief summary of the Master Key. Usually a week was allotted to learn one lesson. Only the student who successfully completed all 24 lessons received the right to buy the entire “MK System” in the form of a book bound in elegant leather. "The System" enjoyed great success for several decades at the beginning of the 20th century - and is still recognized as one of the unsurpassed masterpieces of this genre. The laconic (sometimes to the point of aphorism) numbered paragraphs of Enel's lessons really contain a huge amount of Thought - perhaps now, so many years later, it no longer seems so “New”, but this does not cease to be true. We create our own reality! Thought is primary, matter is secondary! Anything is possible, you just have to want it! Practical exercises made it possible to verify the effectiveness of theoretical theses, and answers to questions served as an inexhaustible source of positive affirmations for every day. In a letter to Haenel dated April 21, 1919, Napoleon Hill, author of the best-selling book Think and Grow Rich, admitted: “My present success is largely due to the principles of the Master Key System.” Another prominent New Thought figure, Claude Bristol, in his Introduction 6 book The Magic of Faith, quoted entire paragraphs from the Master Key. However, since the late 1930s, the correspondence course has ceased, and the book has not been reprinted. (Charles Haenel died in 1949.) Rumor has it that while studying at Harvard University, this second-hand book rarity accidentally fell into the hands of Bill Gates, after which he dropped out of school and began to realize his dream - “a computer on every desk”... They even claim that even today, when the “Master Key” is available in several electronic publications in English, Silicon Valley millionaires are actively studying it. If this is true, it means that the current generation of entrepreneurs and top managers in America understands that money is earned and progress is made not through the exploitation of a single person or the elimination of competitors, but through the Power of the Enlightened Mind. For this Russian translation, the version of the “Master Key” was chosen, recently published - after more than half a century - by the American publisher Anthony Michalski, an admirer and researcher of the works of Charles Haenel. He slightly changed the structure of the material, combining, in particular, answers with control questions, provided the lessons with headings and wrote the last section, “Master-Key” System: Questions and Answers. We also contributed by dividing the text of each lesson into “Thesis” and “Exercise”, and calling the cover letters “Introductions”. Otherwise, Anthony and we tried to preserve as much as possible both the spirit and the letter of this wonderful classic work about the possibilities of creative human thought. Andrey Kostenko LESSON 1 OVERVIEW OF THE MASTER KEY SYSTEM INTRODUCTION It is a great honor for me to bring to your attention Lesson One of the Master Key System. Do you want to bring more power into your life? Then you need to gain consciousness of power. Do you want more health? You need health consciousness. Do you want more happiness? You need the consciousness of happiness. Embrace the spirit of these blessings until they are rightfully yours. And then it will be impossible to alienate them from you. All things in the world are subject to the inner strength of man. You don't need to gain this power. You already have it! But you need to understand and use it, manage and be imbued with it in order to move on and achieve success in this life. Gradually, as you master this System, as your Lesson 1 Review of the Master Key System I1 plans crystallize and your inspiration strengthens, you will gain understanding; you will begin to realize that this world is not a dead pile of stones and logs, but a living being! It consists of beating human hearts. It is full of life and beauty. Obviously, working with such material requires understanding, but those who gain this understanding are inspired by a new light - a new power. Every day they gain more and more confidence and strength; they realize that their hopes and dreams are coming true, that their lives have acquired a deeper, fuller, clearer meaning. THESIS 1. On any plane of existence the truth operates: much attracts even more. It is equally true that loss entails even greater losses. 2. The mind is creative. All external conditions, all our surroundings, all our life experiences are the result of our habitual, prevailing mental attitude. 3. The mood of the mind inevitably depends on what we think. Therefore, the secret of all power, all achievement and all possession is in the way we think. 4. After all, before we do, we must be. We can do only within the limits of what we are. And what we are depends on what we think. 5. We cannot manifest powers that we do not possess. The only way to master power is to realize power, and we cannot realize it until we understand that all power is within us. 6. There is a whole world inside us: a world of thought, feeling and power, full of light, life and beauty. And although he is invisible, his powers are enormous. 9 Master Key for fulfilling desires 8. This inner world is controlled by the mind. Having discovered this world, we will find a solution to any problem, the cause of any effect. And since the world within us is subject to our control, all laws of power and possession are also subject to us. 9. The external world is a reflection of the internal. What appears on the outside has been found on the inside. In the inner world we can find infinite Wisdom, infinite Power, infinite Source of everything we need. They are waiting to be revealed, developed and manifested. If we recognize these potentialities of the inner world, they are embodied in the outer world. 10. The outer world reflects the harmony in the inner world with harmonious states, a pleasant environment around us, and all the best. It is the basis of health and a necessary ingredient of all greatness, all strength, all acquisition, achievement and success. 10. Harmony in the inner world means the ability to control our thoughts and determine for ourselves what impact this or that life experience will have on us. 11. Harmony in the inner world creates optimism and abundance; internal abundance leads to external abundance. 12. The external world reflects the circumstances and states of the internal consciousness. 13. If we find wisdom in the inner world, we will gain understanding that will allow us to discern the wonderful possibilities hidden in this inner world. Then we will have the power to manifest these capabilities in the outside world. 14. Realizing the wisdom in the inner world, our mind takes possession of it. And then we enter into the real possession of the power and wisdom necessary to create in the outside world what essential for our most complete and harmonious development. The inner world is a practical world; it is a world where strong people generate courage, hope, enthusiasm, confidence, trust and faith. All this gives them the mental sophistication to have a dream and the practical skills to make the dream come true. Life is a constant unfolding, not just an expansion. What comes to us in the external world already exists in our internal world. Any possession is based on consciousness. Any acquisition is the result of accumulative consciousness. Any loss is the result of a wasteful consciousness. The productivity of the mind depends on harmony. Discord means failure. Therefore, one who desires to gain power must be in harmony with Natural Law. Objective reason connects us with the outside world. The organ of this mind is the brain, and the cerebrospinal nervous system ensures its conscious communication with every part of the body. This nervous system responds to every sensation of light, heat, smell, sound and taste. When this mind thinks correctly, when it understands the truth, when the thoughts sent into the body through the cerebrospinal nervous system are creative, these sensations are pleasant - and harmonious. As a result, our body is filled with energy and creative vitality. But through the same objective mind we can let into our lives grief, illness, need, limitation and all types of 11 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Master Key for the fulfillment of desires of discord and disharmony. Therefore, it is the objective mind that, through wrong thinking, connects us with all destructive forces. The subconscious or subjective mind connects us with the inner world. Its organ is the solar plexus. All subjective sensations, such as joy, love, excitement, breathing, imagination, and other subconscious phenomena are controlled by the sympathetic nervous system. It is the subconscious that connects us with the Universal Mind and gives us access to the Infinite creative forces of the Universe. The coordination of these two centers of our being and the understanding of their functions is the key to the great secret of life. With this knowledge, we can consciously maintain the interaction of the objective and subjective minds, thus managing the finite and the infinite. Our future is entirely in our control. It is not at the mercy of capricious and fickle external forces. All people agree that there is only one Origin, or Consciousness, which permeates and fills the entire Universe, being essentially the same everywhere. It is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. All thoughts and things are within Him. It is “all in all.” There is only one consciousness in the Universe that can think. And when it thinks, its thoughts become objective things for it. Since this Consciousness is omnipresent, it must be present in everyone; and each of us must be an expression of this Almighty, Omniscient and Omnipresent Consciousness. From the fact that in the Universe there is only one Consciousness capable of thinking, it necessarily follows that your consciousness is identical to the Universal Consciousness - or, in other words, all minds are one mind. This conclusion is inevitable. The consciousness in your brain cells is the same consciousness as in the brain cells of every other person. Each human mind is only an individualization of the Universal, Cosmic Mind. The Universal Mind is static or potential energy; he simply is; it can manifest itself only through the human mind, and the human mind only through the Universal. They are one. A person’s ability to think is his ability to influence and manifest the Universal Mind. Human consciousness consists only of the ability to think. Kenneth Walker says: “The mind itself is considered to be a refined form of static energy from which springs the activity called thought, the dynamic phase of the mind. Mind is static energy, thought is dynamic; these are two phases of one phenomenon.” Therefore, thought is a vibrational force generated when the mind moves from the static phase to the dynamic phase. Since the Universal Mind, which is Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent, contains the sum of all properties, all properties must always be potentially present in every person. Consequently, when a person thinks, the thought by its very nature is doomed to be embodied in objective reality or circumstances corresponding to the original source of this thought. This means that every thought is a cause, and every state is a consequence. And therefore, it is absolutely necessary for you to control your thoughts in order to create only the states you need. 13 Master Key of Desire Fulfillment 33. All power comes from within and is completely under your control; it is brought to us by accurate knowledge and conscious application of certain principles. 34. It is obvious that, having well understood this law and learned to control your mental activity, you will be able to apply this law to any situation; in other words, you will begin to consciously cooperate with the Almighty Law, which is the fundamental basis of all things. 35. Universal Mind is the basis of the existence of every atom; every atom is constantly trying to manifest more life; everything around is reasonable, and everything is trying to achieve the goal for which it was created. 36. Most people live in the outside world; only a few have found inner peace, but it is precisely this that creates the outer world. This means that he is creative, and everything that you see in your outer world has already been created by you in your inner world. 37. The Master Key system will help you harness the power that will become yours once you understand the connection between the outer and inner worlds. The inner world is the cause, the outer world is the effect; To change the effect, you need to change the cause. 38. You will immediately notice that this is a completely new idea, unlike anything before. Most people try to change consequences by working with consequences. They do not understand that this is just replacing one suffering with another. To eliminate discord, you need to eliminate the cause, which can only be found in the inner world. 39. All growth comes from within. Everything in nature demonstrates this. Any plant, animal, any person is a living testimony to this great Lesson 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 1. Review of the “Master Key” system of the 14th law; people have been making the same mistake for centuries: they are looking for strength and energy outside. The inner world is the “universal cornucopia”, and the outer world is its mouth. Our ability to receive depends on the degree to which we recognize this Universal Source, this Infinite Energy that is each of us. Recognition is a mental process. Thus, mental activity is the interaction of a person with the Universal Mind. And since the Universal Mind is a consciousness that permeates all space and gives life to all living things, this mental action and reverse action gives us the law of causality, but the basis of this connection is not in man, but in the Universal Mind. It is not an objective ability, but a subjective process, and its results are visible in an infinite variety of states and situations. To express life requires intelligence; without it nothing exists. All that exists is a manifestation of this one fundamental substance from which and through which all that exists is created and is constantly being recreated. We live in a bottomless sea of ​​malleable mind-stuff. This substance is eternally alive and active. She is extremely sensitive. It takes different forms according to the demands of the mind. Thought creates the form, or matrix, into which matter is cast. Remember that the result of a request is already contained in the request itself and that a practical understanding of this law replaces poverty with abundance, ignorance with wisdom, discord with harmony and tyranny with freedom, and these are the greatest of material and social benefits. 15 Master Key for fulfilling desires EXERCISE 44. Now start learning to express your requests. Choose a room where you can be alone and no one will disturb you. Sit up straight - so that you are comfortable, but not slumped; let your thoughts wander where they please, but remain completely still for fifteen minutes to half an hour; do this for three or four days or a week until you have complete control over your physical being. 45. For many this will seem like an extremely difficult task, for others it will be easy, but before continuing with classes, it is absolutely necessary to learn to fully control your body. Next week you will receive instructions on your next step, but in the meantime, master this exercise. CHECK QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THEM 1. What is the external world in relation to the internal? The outer world is a reflection of the inner world. 2. On what does any possession depend? Any possession is based on consciousness. 3. How is a person connected with the objective world? Man is connected with the objective world by objective reason; The organ of this mind is the brain. 4. How is it connected with the Universal Mind? It is connected to the Universal Mind by the subconscious (subjective) mind; its organ is the solar plexus. Lesson 1. Overview of the Master Key system 16 5. What is the Universal Mind? The Universal Mind is the basis of the existence of every atom. 6. How can a person influence the Universal Mind? Human ability to think is his ability to influence and express the Universal Mind. 7. What is the result of this action and interaction? The result of this action and interaction is cause and effect; every thought is a cause, and every situation is a consequence. 8. How to create harmonious and pleasant states? Harmonious and pleasant states are created by correct thinking. 9. What is the cause of all discord, disharmony, need and limitation? Discord, disharmony, need and limitation are the result of wrong thinking. 10. Where is the source of all strength? The source of all forces is the inner world, the Universal Source, Infinite Energy, the conductor of which is every person. LESSON 2 THE FUNDAMENTALS OF YOUR MIND INTRODUCTION Most of the difficulties we experience are caused by confusion in our thoughts and ignorance of our real interests. We are faced with a serious task - to discover the laws of nature, in accordance with which we must bring ourselves. Therefore, clear thinking and spiritual insight are invaluable benefits to us. All processes, even mental processes, are based on a solid foundation. The sharper our feelings, the more penetrating our judgments, the more refined our taste, the purer our morals, the more refined our minds, the loftier our aspirations - the purer and greater the rewards that life brings us. Therefore, studying the best thoughts in the world brings the greatest pleasure. The newly discovered powers, applications and possibilities of the mind are incomparably more amazing than the most amazing achievements of material progress! Lesson 2: The Basics of Your Mind 18 Thought is energy. Active thought is active energy; concentrated thought is concentrated energy. Thought focused on a specific goal becomes power. This power is used by those who do not believe in the virtue of poverty and the beauty of self-denial. They perceive these values ​​as “comforting the weak.” The ability to receive and manifest this power depends on the ability to recognize the Infinite Energy that eternally resides in a person, constantly creating and recreating his body and mind, ready at any moment to manifest through him in any desired form. The manifestation of power in a person’s external life is directly proportional to the degree to which he recognizes this truth. THESIS 1. The work of the mind is represented by two parallel types of activity, one of which is conscious, the other is subconscious. Professor Davidson says: “He who expects to illuminate all types of mental activity with the light of his own consciousness is little different from him who intends to illuminate the Universe with a hand-held torch.” 2. Subconscious logical processes are characterized by certainty and correctness, which would be impossible if they allowed the possibility of error. Our mind is designed in such a way that it contains the most important foundations of knowledge, while we ourselves have not the slightest idea of ​​how this is done. 3. The subconscious soul, like a benevolent stranger, works and cares for our well-being, giving us only ripe fruits. The final analysis of thought processes shows us that the subconscious is the theater of the most important mental phenomena. 19 Master Key of Desire Fulfillment 5. It was through the subconscious that Shakespeare effortlessly acquired great truths hidden from the conscious mind of the student. This is how Phidias sculpted in marble and bronze, Raphael painted his Madonnas, and Beethoven composed symphonies. 6. Ease and mastery depend entirely on the degree of our independence from consciousness. Mastery in playing the piano, skating, typing - in fact, in any profession that requires skilled labor - depends on the activity of the subconscious mind. The miracle of brilliantly performing a piece on the piano while maintaining a lively conversation demonstrates the power of our subconscious powers. 7. We all know how much we depend on the subconscious for our greatest, noblest and brightest thoughts, and this is all the more obvious since their source is beyond our perception. We find ourselves endowed with tact, instincts, a sense of beauty in painting, music, etc., without being completely aware of the source and location of these qualities. 8. The value of the subconscious is enormous. It inspires us, it warns us; it brings us names, facts and pictures from the storehouse of memory; it guides our thoughts, tastes, and performs such intricate tasks that our conscious mind could not cope with them even if it had the power to do so. 9. If we compare these two types of activity - activity dictated by the will of the moment, and activity that flows smoothly, majestically, rhythmically, unshakable and constant at any moment - the latter will inspire us with awe and force us to seek an explanation for this riddle. We immediately understand that these are Lesson 2. The Basics of Your Mind 20 processes vital for our physical existence, and the conclusion suggests itself that these most important functions are not accidentally alienated from our outwardly directed will, with all its changes and transitions, and given under the direction a constant and reliable force within us. 10. The external and changeable of these two forces is called the conscious or objective mind (it deals 11. 12. 13. 14. with external objects). The inner force is called the subconscious, or subjective mind. In addition to its work on the mental plane, it controls the normal functions of the body that support our physical existence. It is necessary to clearly understand the functions of these two minds on the mental plane, as well as certain other fundamental principles. Perceiving the world through the five basic senses and acting through them, the conscious mind deals with the impressions and objects of outer life. This mind is endowed with the power of discrimination, which carries with it the responsibility for choice. He is endowed with the power of reasoning - inductive, deductive, analytical or syllogistic - and this power can be very highly developed. This is the seat of the will and all the energies flowing from it. He is able not only to influence other minds, but also to control the subconscious mind. Thus the conscious mind becomes the responsible ruler and guardian of the subconscious mind. This is his high mission, which can dramatically change the conditions of your life. Often states of fear, anxiety, poverty, illness, disharmony and other evils take over us 21 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Master Key of Desire Fulfillment due to false assumptions perceived by the unprotected subconscious mind. A well-trained conscious mind can prevent all this through vigilant protective activity. He can well be called the “guardian of the gate” of the great kingdom of the subconscious. One writer has expressed the basic difference between the two phases of the mind this way: “The conscious mind is the reasoning will. The subconscious mind is an instinctive desire, the result of a past reasoning will.” The subconscious mind draws fair and accurate conclusions from premises taken from external sources. If the premise is true, the subconscious mind reaches an unmistakable conclusion. If the premise or indication is false, the entire structure collapses. The subconscious mind is not involved in the process of proof. He relies on the conscious mind, the “gatekeeper,” to protect him from erroneous instructions. Accepting all the instructions as true, the subconscious mind begins to act in accordance with them throughout its vast field of activity. The conscious mind can give him a true or false indication. In the latter case, the cost of a mistake may be a threat to the life of the creature. The conscious mind must be alert during all waking hours. When the "guardian" is not "on duty" or his sober reasoning is temporarily suspended for a number of reasons, the subconscious mind is left unprotected, open to instructions from any source. During wild excitement caused by panic, in the heat of anger, under the influence of the impulses of an insane crowd or other uncontrollable passions, these states are most dangerous. At such a moment, the subconscious mind is open to suggestions of fear, hatred, selfishness, greed, self-deprecation and other negative forces emanating from the people or circumstances around us. The results of this are usually extremely unfavorable, and the consequences of this can torment us for a long time. Therefore, it is very important to protect the subconscious mind from false suggestions. The subconscious mind understands intuitively. That's why it acts quickly. He does not take the slow path of conscious reasoning. In fact, he doesn’t even know how to use it. The subconscious mind never sleeps, never rests, just like your heart, your blood. It has been found that as soon as you simply formulate certain tasks to the subconscious mind, it activates the forces with the help of which the desired result is achieved. This is the source of power that connects us with Omnipotence. There is a deep root cause here within that deserves the deepest study. The effect of this law is interesting. Those who put it into action, going to a person with whom a difficult conversation was expected, suddenly discover that “something” has already been here before them and solved all the problems! Everything has changed - everything has become harmonious. People find that when they are faced with a serious business problem, they can allow themselves to pause and let “something” guide them to the right solution. Everything is settled! Indeed, those who have learned to trust the subconscious find that they have limitless resources at their disposal. The subconscious mind is the home of our principles and aspirations. It is the source of our artistic and altruistic ideals. These 23 24. 25. 26. 27. Master Key of Wish Fulfillment instincts can only be subverted by diligent and consistent activity to undermine the innate principles. The subconscious mind is incapable of contradiction. Therefore, if it receives wrong instructions, the sure way to overcome them is to use a powerful counter-instruction and repeat it often so that the mind accepts it and eventually forms new, healthy habits and thoughts about life. After all, the subconscious mind is the habitat of Habit. What we do repeatedly becomes automatic and ceases to be the result of judgment, taking root in the subconscious mind. And this is good for us if the habit is healthy and correct. The cure for a bad and wrong habit is the recognition of the omnipotence of the subconscious mind and instilling in yourself the thought of your own freedom at the moment. Empowered with creativity and one with our Divine Source, the subconscious mind will immediately create this freedom. Let's summarize the above: normal functions of the subconscious on the physical plane are associated with regulation and life support, with maintaining life and restoring health; with care for offspring, containing an instinctive desire to preserve all life and improve its conditions as a whole. On the mental plane it is a storehouse of memory; hidden in it are wonderful messengers of thought, working independently of time and space; it is a source of practical initiative and creative vitality. This is the habitat of habit. On the spiritual plane it is the source of ideals, aspirations, imagination and the channel through which we learn Lesson 2: The Foundations of Your Mind 24 our Divine Source. And to the extent that we recognize this divinity, we understand the source of power. 28. Someone will ask: “How can the subconscious change our state?” The answer is: this is possible because the subconscious is a part of the Universal Mind, and the part must correspond to the whole in appearance and quality; the only difference is the scale. The whole, as we know, is endowed with the ability to create; it, strictly speaking, is the only creator, and therefore the mind is also capable of creating. Since thinking is the only type of activity available to the mind, thought must also certainly be creative. 29. However, we understand that there is a huge difference between mere “thinking” and conscious, systematic and creatively directed thinking. By thinking in this way, we bring our mind into harmony with the Universal Mind, tune into the Infinite, and activate the greatest force that exists - the creative power of the Universal Mind. This, like everything else, is governed by natural law, and this law is the “Law of Attraction”: The mind is endowed with the ability to create and automatically interacts with the object of thought, bringing it to life. EXERCISE 30. Last week I gave you an exercise to learn how to control your physical body. If you have completed it, then you are ready to move on. This time you will begin to control your thoughts. If possible, always train in the same room, on the same chair, 25 Master Key of Desire Fulfillment in the same position. Sometimes it is impossible to study in the same room: in this case, just make the most of the available conditions. Now, as before, be completely still, but control any thoughts. Over time, this will allow you to manage all the thoughts that worry, worry and frighten you, and develop only those that you want. Keep practicing until you master this skill perfectly. 31. At first you will be able to do this for no more than a few moments, but this exercise is very useful because it will very clearly demonstrate to you what a huge number of thoughts are constantly trying to penetrate your mental world. 32. Next week you will receive instructions for an exercise that you find more interesting, but first you need to learn how to do it. Cause and effect in the hidden kingdom of thought are as absolute and unchangeable as in the world of visible, material things. The mind is a skilled weaver of both the lower garment (character) and the outer garment (circumstance). James Allen TEST QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1 1 . What are the two types of mental activity? Conscious and subconscious. 12. What determines ease and skill? On the degree of our independence from the conscious mind. Lesson 2: The Basics of Your Mind 26 13. What is the value of the subconscious mind? It is huge: the subconscious guides, warns us, controls life processes, and contains memory. 14. Name several functions of the conscious mind. He is able to discriminate; endowed with the ability to reason; the will is in it; it can influence the subconscious. 15. How is the difference between consciousness and subconscious expressed? The conscious mind is the reasoning will. The subconscious mind is an instinctive desire, the result of past reasoning will. 16. What method is needed to influence the subconscious? Mental formulation of what you want. 17. What will be the result? If desire is in harmony with the forward movement of the great Whole, forces will be brought into play that will bring about the result. 18. What is the result of this law? Our environment reflects states corresponding to the prevailing mental attitude that we develop in ourselves. 19. What is the name of this law? Law of Attraction. 20. How is it formulated? The mind is endowed with the ability to create and automatically interacts with the object of thought, bringing it to life. LESSON 3 BE AWARE OF YOUR MENTAL RESOURCES INTRODUCTION You have already learned that the Individual can influence the Universal Mind, and the result of this action and interaction is cause and effect. Thought is the cause, and the circumstances you encounter in life are the effect. Therefore, give up any attempts to complain about past or existing circumstances, since changing them and making them the way you would like to see is your task. Direct your efforts to realize the mental resources that are always at your disposal and give rise to any real and lasting strength. Keep practicing hard until you realize that if you understand your strength and persistently pursue the right goal, it is impossible not to achieve it. After all, the powers of the mind are always at the disposal of purposeful will and are ready to begin to translate thoughts and desires into actions, events and states. Since the source of every vital function and every action is in conscious thought, habitual actions become automatic, and the thought that controls them passes into the realm of the subconscious. However, she remains just as reasonable. It needs to become automatic, or subconscious, so that the conscious mind can move on to other things. But new actions, in turn, will become habitual, and then automatic and subconscious, in order to again free the mind from these details and allow it to move on to other types of activities. Once you realize this, you will find a source of strength that will allow you to cope with any situation in your life. THESIS 1. The necessary interaction of the conscious and subconscious minds requires a similar interaction of the corresponding nervous systems. This interaction is beautifully described by Thomas Troward: “The cerebrospinal system is the organ of the conscious mind, and the sympathetic system is the organ of the subconscious mind. The cerebrospinal system is the channel through which we receive conscious perception from the physical senses and control body movements. The center of this nervous system is the brain. 2. The center of the Sympathetic System is located in the ganglion mass behind the stomach known as the Solar Plexus. This is a channel of mental 29 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Master Key of wish fulfillment action that subconsciously supports the vital functions of the body. The connection between the two systems is through the vagus nerve, which emerges from the brain region to the chest and extends its branches to the heart and lungs. Finally, passing through the diaphragm, it loses its outer sheath and connects with the nerves of the Sympathetic System, linking both systems together and making the person physically a single entity.” We have seen that every thought is received by the brain, the organ of consciousness; here it is left to our consideration. When the objective mind is satisfied that a thought is true, it sends it to the Solar Plexus, or brain of the subjective mind, so that it enters our flesh, enters the world as reality. Now it can no longer be the subject of objections. The subconscious mind does not know how to object; he just acts. He accepts the conclusions of objective reason as final. The Solar Plexus is called the “sun of the body” because it is the central distribution point for the energy constantly created by the body. This is a very real energy, and this “sun” is also very real. The energy travels through very real nerves to all parts of the body and is released into the atmosphere that envelops the body. If this radiation is strong enough, the person is called attractive; he is said to have a strong “personal magnetism.” Such a person has enormous power. Often his mere presence calms the troubled minds that cross his path. When the Solar Plexus is in action and radiates vital energy into every part of the body, Lesson 3. Become aware of your mental resources 30 and also sends it to everyone he meets, the person experiences pleasant sensations, his body is full of health and everyone with whom he interacts also feels good and Nice. 8. If this radiation is interrupted for some reason, our sensations become unpleasant, the flow of life and energy to some parts of the body stops. This is the cause of any human illness - physical, mental or social. 9. Physical illness arises because the “bodily sun” no longer produces enough energy to animate any part of the body; spiritual - because the conscious mind depends on the subconscious to produce the vital force necessary to support its thoughts; a social illness arises due to the fact that the connection between the subconscious mind and the Universal mind is interrupted. 10. The Solar Plexus is the place where the part unites with the whole, the finite becomes the Infinite, the Uncreated becomes the Created, the Universal becomes individualized, the Invisible becomes visible. It is the place where life arises, and the life energy that a person can generate from his solar center is limitless. 11. This one energy center Omnipotent because it is the point of contact with all life and all intelligence. Therefore, he can do whatever he is ordered to do, and the power of the conscious mind is contained in him; the subconscious can and will implement those plans and ideas that the conscious mind offers it. 12. This means that conscious thought is the ruler of this solar center from which the life and energy of the whole body emanate, and the quality, character and nature of our thought are determined by the quality, 2 Master Key 31 Master Key of wish fulfillment, the character and nature of the thought that will be emitted it is the sun, and therefore the nature that is formed as a result of life's circumstances. 13. So it is obvious that all we have to do is let our light shine; The more energy we can emit, the faster we can turn unwanted states into sources of pleasure and profit. Then it is important to know how to let it shine, how to create this energy. 14. Non-resisting thought expands the solar plexus; resisting - reduces. A pleasant thought expands it; unpleasant - reduces. Thoughts of courage, strength, confidence and hope create a corresponding state, but the solar plexus has one arch enemy that must be completely destroyed in order to be able to shine at all, and that enemy is fear. This enemy must be completely destroyed. Get rid of it. Banish forever. He is the cloud that hides the sun, creating eternal darkness. 15. It is this personal devil that makes people afraid of the past, present and future; fear themselves, their friends and enemies; be afraid of everything and everyone. When fear is successfully and completely destroyed, your light will shine, the clouds will dissipate and you will find a source of strength, energy and life. 16. When you realize that you are truly one with the Infinite Power, and can consciously realize this power, actually demonstrating your ability to overcome any hostile circumstance by the power of your thought, you will have nothing to fear. Fear will be destroyed, and you will enter into your original rights. 17. The life experiences that we have to gain determine the attitude of our mind towards life. If we Lesson 3. Be aware of your mental resources 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. d 32 expect nothing, then we will get nothing. If we demand a lot, we will get a larger share. The world is harsh only when we cannot defend our rights. Criticism of the world is cruel only for those who cannot defend their ideas. Many ideas never see the light of day due to fear of this criticism. But a person who knows that he has a Solar Plexus is not afraid of criticism or anything else; he is too busy radiating courage, confidence and strength; he will mentally anticipate success; he will smash all obstacles to pieces, jump over all the chasms of doubt and hesitation that fear places in his path. Knowing our ability to consciously radiate health, strength and harmony will allow us to realize that there is nothing to fear as we are connected to the Infinite Power. This knowledge can only be acquired by applying this information in practice. We can only learn something by doing something; This is how an athlete gains strength in training. Because the following statement is so important, I will state it in several versions so that you fully understand its full significance. If you are religious, I would say that you can let your light shine. If your mind is inclined towards natural science, I would say that you can awaken the Solar Plexus. Or, if you prefer a psychological explanation, I would say that you can influence your subconscious mind. I have already said what the result of this impact will be. This is the method that interests you now. You have already learned that the subconscious mind is intelligent, endowed with creative ability and responds to the will of the conscious mind. Therefore, which 33 Master Key for fulfilling desires 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. is the most natural way produce the desired impact? Mentally focus on the object of your desire; By concentrating, you influence the subconscious. This is not the only way, but it is a simple and effective way. And the most direct, and therefore giving the best results. This method gives such extraordinary results that many people think that miracles are happening. It is the way in which every great inventor, every great financier, every great statesman has been able to transform the elusive and invisible force of desire, faith and confidence into real, tangible, material facts of the objective world. The subconscious mind is part of the Universal Mind. The part must correspond in appearance and quality to the whole. Therefore, this creative power is absolutely limitless; it is not bound by any precedent, that is, it does not have a primary model according to which it must apply its creative principle. We have discovered that the subconscious mind is under the influence of our conscious will, which means that the limitless creative power of the Universal Mind is controlled by the conscious mind of the individual. In putting this principle into practice, in accordance with the exercises given in the following lessons, it is useful to remember that it is not at all necessary to describe the way in which the subconscious mind will create the results of your desire. The Finite cannot notify the Infinite. You just need to say what you want, not how you should get it. Lesson 3: Become aware of your mental resources 34 28. You are the channel through which the uniform becomes diversified, and this differentiation occurs through purpose. All that is required to set in motion the causes that will produce the results that you desire is recognition of them. And this happens because the Universal Mind can act only through man, and man only through the Universal Mind; they are one. EXERCISE 29 For this week's exercise, I'll ask you to take it a step further. I want you not only to be completely still and hold back all thoughts as much as possible, but also to relax, free yourself, allow your muscles to return to their normal state. This will take all the pressure off the nerves and eliminate the tension that so often leads to physical fatigue. 30. Physical relaxation is a voluntary exercise of the will, and this exercise will prove very useful to you because it allows blood to circulate freely between the brain and body. 31. Tensions lead to restlessness of the mind and its improper functioning; hence the excitement, concern, fears and anxiety. Therefore, relaxation is absolutely necessary for us in order to give the greatest freedom to our mental abilities. 32. Do this exercise as diligently as possible. Mentally relax every muscle and nerve until you feel calm and quiet, at peace with yourself and the world. 33. Then the Solar Plexus will be ready for action, and the result will surprise you. 35 Master Key for fulfilling desires TEST QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 21. Which nervous system is the organ of the conscious mind? Cerebrospinal. 22. Which nervous system is the organ of the subconscious mind? Sympathetic. 23. Where is the center of distribution of energy constantly produced by the body? In the Solar Plexus. 24. How can this distribution be interrupted? Thoughts containing resistance, criticism, discord, but especially fear. 25. What is the result of this interruption? All the troubles that befall the human race. 26. How can this energy be controlled and directed? Conscious thought. 27. How can you completely eliminate fear? By understanding and recognizing the true source of all power. 28. What determines the circumstances we encounter in life? Our prevailing mental attitude. 29. How can you awaken the Solar Plexus? Mentally concentrating on the situation we want to create in life. 30. What is the creative principle of the Universe? Universal Mind. LESSON 4 FROM EFFECT TO CAUSE INTRODUCTION L/rock the fourth will explain to you why what you J think or do or feel indicates what you are. Thought is energy, and energy is force, and precisely because all the religions, sciences and philosophies that the world has known to this day are based on the manifestation of this energy, and not on itself, our world has always been limited by consequences, ignoring or not understanding the reasons. Because of this, in our religion there is God and the Devil, in science there is positive and negative, in philosophy there is good and bad. "Master Key" reverses the process; this system is interested only in the cause, and the letters coming from students tell me wonderful stories; they convincingly prove that students find reasons, thus gaining health, harmony, abundance and everything else that they need for well-being and happiness. Life is an expression, and our goal in it is to express ourselves harmoniously and creatively. Grief, sadness, unhappiness, illness and poverty are not necessary, and we constantly eliminate them. But this process of elimination is to rise above any limitations, to go beyond them. The one who has strengthened and purified his thought does not have to worry about germs, and the one who has realized the law of abundance immediately reaches the source of benefits. Thus, fate, fate, chance become easily subject to us, like a ship to a captain or a train to a driver. THESIS 1. Your “I” is not a physical body. The body is just a tool used by the “I” to achieve its goals. Nor can the Self be the mind, since the mind is just another tool that the Self needs to think, reason, and plan. 2. “I” must be something that controls both body and mind, that directs them, determines what they will do and how they will act. Once you realize the true nature of your Self, you will be able to enjoy the feeling of a previously unknown power. 3. Your personality is made up of countless individual characteristics, characteristics, habits and character traits; they are the result of your previous way of thinking, but have nothing to do with the real Self. 4. When you say, “I think,” your “I” is telling the mind what to think; when you say, “I am going,” Lesson 4. From effect to cause 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 38 your “I” tells the physical body where to go. The real nature of the Self is spiritual, and this is the source of the real power that comes to people when they realize their true identity. The greatest and most wonderful power that the Self has is the power of thinking, but few know how to think creatively, that is, correctly, and therefore people usually achieve only insignificant results. Most people allow their thoughts to focus on selfish goals: this is an inevitable consequence of infantile thinking. As the mind matures, it understands that in every selfish thought there is a grain of defeat. The trained mind knows that every transaction must bring benefit to everyone who is somehow involved in it, and any attempt to profit from the weakness, ignorance or need of another inevitably works against him. This happens because the individual is part of the Universal Mind. A part cannot resist any other part; on the contrary, the well-being of each part depends on their recognition of the interests of the whole. Those who recognize this principle receive a huge advantage in life. They don't exhaust themselves. They can easily eliminate wandering, idle thoughts. They are always ready to focus as much as possible on any subject. They waste neither time nor money on things that will never benefit them. If you can't do this, it's only because you haven't tried hard enough until now. It's time to try. The result will directly depend on your efforts. Here is a very strong 39 Master Key of Desire Fulfillment affirmation*, which can be used to strengthen the will and realize your unlimited possibilities: “I can be who I want to be.” 10. Each time you repeat this, be aware of who and what the “I” is; try to clearly understand the true nature of the Self. If you succeed, you will become invulnerable - of course, if your goals and intentions are creative and in harmony with the creative principle of the Universe. 11. Use this affirmation! Use it constantly, in the mornings and evenings, and also every time you remember about it during the day; practice it until it becomes part of you. Create such a useful habit for yourself. 12. If you do not do this, it would be better for you not to start this course at all. Modern psychology says that by starting something and not finishing it, or by making a decision and not sticking to it, we form the habit of failure - complete, shameful failure. If you don't intend to do something, don't start it; if you start, see it through to the end, even if the sky falls on you! If you decide to do something, do it. Don't let anything or anyone stop you. The “I” in you has been determined, everything is decided; the die is cast, no more objections or disputes. 13. If you stick to this idea, starting with the little things that you know you can control, and gradually trying more and more, but under no circumstances allowing anything to take over your Self, you will eventually be able to control * Affirmation ( letters, “affirmation”) - a formula for self-hypnosis. - Lesson 4. From the effect - to the cause 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. * 40 by ourselves. But many people, to their chagrin, discovered that it was easier to rule the kingdom than to rule themselves. But when you learn to control yourself, you will find the “Inner World” controlling the outer world; you will become irresistible; people and things will respond to your every desire without any visible effort on your part. This is not as strange and impossible as it may seem if we remember that the Inner World is controlled by the “I”, and this “I” is part of the Infinite “I”, which is the Universal