
How to remove unwanted hair quickly and effectively. Reduce hair growth naturally


It is safe to say that many women and men who have unwanted body hair have repeatedly asked the rhetorical question of how to get rid of it forever. Where to find ideal remedy to do away with unwanted vegetation in one go?

In fact, body hair removal is either very painful or ineffective. Why is that? Let's figure it out.

The days when body hair in men was considered a sign of masculinity has long since sunk into oblivion. Now many guys, like women, try to remove excess hair from their bodies. The back is especially troublesome.

Consider how to remove unwanted vegetation on the body, what methods and cosmetic procedures for this, they exist so that from all the diversity a person can find a method suitable for himself.

Depilation and epilation

The first thing worth focusing on: the body is done with the help or with the use of folk remedies. Depilation helps to get rid of only the upper visible part of the hair without affecting the hair follicle. This means that soon the hair will begin to grow again. This procedure is carried out using various depilatory creams, tweezers, and a razor. When epilation, it is the hair follicle that is destroyed, so that hair growth stops completely or for a long time... This effect can be achieved by photo, electro, laser and elos hair removal.


It is most often used to remove unwanted hair from the upper lip, chin and to shape the eyebrows. The plucked hairs should be thick enough to be picked up by the tweezers. Of course, you can pull out any unwanted hairs by the roots. But, unfortunately, this does not work out forever.


How to remove body hair? Shaving is by far the fastest, easiest and most economical way to shave. With the right products and a shaving razor, this procedure is safe. For its implementation, it is advisable to use various lotions, foams and creams, as well as special oils. However, dull blades or rough handling of the machine can cause injury. Do not forget that shaving will help remove unwanted body hair from strength for a week.

Depilatory creams

The depilatory creams contain special ingredients that dissolve the keratin that is part of the hair. The cream is applied to the skin in a thick layer and then removed with the supplied spatula along with the loose hairs. It is the simplest, cheapest and convenient way depilation. The whole process takes 10-15 minutes. The range of such creams is very rich. There are creams for different types skin and containing vitamin supplements and oils to soften and moisturize the skin. In any case, you should carefully read the attached instructions. These creams also do not remove unnecessary hairs forever, but only for 10-14 days. The disadvantages of this method include the unpleasant smell of the cream, as well as the possibility of allergies to the components of the cream and skin irritation.


This procedure is available in almost all beauty salons. However, you can do it at home. The heated wax is smeared on the problem area from which hairs need to be removed. Then let it freeze. Then the wax with the hairs adhered to it is removed, sharply tearing it against the growth of the hair. A serious disadvantage of this method is the strong pain and hair ingrowth in the future. Now wax strips have appeared in stores, with the help of which the procedure can be carried out at home quite easily.


Sugar hair removal is comparable to waxing in terms of effectiveness. The syrup contains sugar, lemon juice and water. The thickened composition is evenly applied to the skin area. Then, with a sharp movement of the hand, unnecessary hairs are removed in the direction of their growth. Shugaring is not suitable for those people who have fast growth body hair.

Thread epilation

Like plucking, it is mainly suitable for adjusting the shape of the eyebrows and removing hairs around the lips and on the chin. This inexpensive and fairly quick procedure is carried out by professional cosmetologists using a special roller, consisting of specially processed cotton threads. With the help of them, the hairs are wound on the roller with their subsequent pulling out. But removing vegetation with this interesting method also does not guarantee that it will not grow back.

Laser hair removal

Excess hairs on the body are removed by a laser, the energy of which, passing through the hair and reaching the hair follicle, destroys it. Ten minutes is enough for a complete cleansing of disturbing vegetation on the upper lip or chin. Such epilation is indicated for all skin types, and its results are immediately visible. However, it requires significant cash costs, although it also does not promise to eliminate hairs for good. Laser epilation is best done in a specialized clinic with a professional beautician, since a procedure done by a non-professional or the use of outdated equipment can lead to serious burns on the skin.

This method is very good for back hair removal for both men and women. After all, the reason for the appearance of unwanted vegetation in this area is the increased level of the male hormone - testosterone. And a woman can have a hairy back if the amount of testosterone in her body is too high.


Before the procedure, the problematic area of ​​the skin is covered with a special gel to prevent burns. Then it is processed with a special device that destroys the hair follicles with flashes of light. Soon, some of the treated hairs fall out. The remaining hairs should not be touched until the next procedure. Their frequency is once every 2-3 weeks. The course requires about 10 procedures. The only limitation when using this type of hair removal is hair color. Photoepilation is good for dark color hair, for blondes it is completely useless. This method also does not promise complete elimination of excess hair. After a while, they can start growing again.


The essence of this procedure consists in the introduction of a thin needle-electrode into the follicle of each removed hair. A weak discharge of current entering it destroys the hair follicle. The process is very painful and painful, despite the preliminary anesthesia. Electrolysis is good for areas of the body where not too much hair needs to be removed. To feel the effect of this expensive procedure, you need to do 15 to 30 sessions, which can be carried out for almost years. But those who decided on electrolysis enthusiastically talk about how to get rid of body hair forever. Therefore, it may be worth patience in order to get rid of unwanted vegetation.

Elos epilation

This body hair remedy is based on a combination of radio waves and optical effects. Their combination allows you to destroy as accurately as possible and prevent its growth in the future. Light protects skin from overheating. Treated hairs will not disappear immediately, but within 3-4 weeks. During this period, they should not be forcibly removed until the next session. A noticeable result can be obtained after 4-8 procedures. The value of this type of hair removal is the absence painful sensations and damage to the skin. The disadvantages include a very high cost and a very long period of the procedure.

About folk remedies for hair removal

Let's find out how to get rid of body hair permanently or slow down their growth with the help of folk remedies. Much depends on the recipe and the expected result. But when using folk ways, you should be extremely careful. Since they may contain substances that can even harm health. For example, rubbing an infusion of dope or nettle oil containing iodine and other active substances into the skin, it is possible that skin irritation, inflammation and the formation of bleeding wounds may appear. It is preferable to choose a folk remedy for body hair after consultation with a specialist and a thorough study of all the pros and cons. A dermatocosmetologist will give full information about all the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen method of dealing with excess hair, as well as talk about contraindications and plant components.

Traditional medicine recipes

Below are some popular recipes.


Now you also know how to get rid of body hair forever. Summing up, it is worth noting that the choice of a method for removing unwanted vegetation largely depends on the sensitivity and type of a person's skin, preferences and the state of his wallet. It is possible that all of the above will help those who have a lot of body hair to decide on the method of getting rid. Each of the above methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. Removing body hair is a very painstaking, time-consuming and rather expensive process. And only the person himself can decide which method to use.

Beautiful and long hair is a source of pride and envy.

Any girl puts a lot of effort into making her hair grow faster and become thicker, but at the same time, it begins to appear in completely the wrong places where we need it.

And now you have to deal with excess vegetation on the body.

If you decide to part with unwanted hair and prefer to use folk remedies for this, make sure that they are effective, and not based on "magic" conspiracies or spells (yes, there are many such tips).

And today the Beauty Pantry will tell you about how to get rid of body hair at home.

Precautionary measures

Before you seek help traditional medicine, please note: if you need to remove hair on the face (for example, above upper lip) or in the bikini area, only gentle products are allowed here, which will not result in chemical burns and irritation for you.

This rule applies, among other things, to the removal of hair in the armpits.

More aggressive agents are allowed to be used when it is necessary to remove vegetation on the legs, body and hands, since in these areas your skin is coarser, therefore, the chances of not running into trouble in the form of dryness, roughness, irritation are higher. But even in this case, the measure should be observed.

Now let's move on to the methods. Choose whichever one suits your taste:

How to get rid of body hair at home

Nettle Seed Recipe

Get 50 grams of nettle seeds in a store, in the country or from friends. You must crush and mix them together with vegetable oil(For 50 grams of seeds, take 100 milliliters of oil).

Pour the resulting mixture into a container with a lid and close tightly, then hide the container in a place that does not allow light to pass through for about 6 weeks.

Lubricate problem areas with the prepared infusion daily.

Hydrogen peroxide with ammonia

Buy hydrogen peroxide (6%) and mix one teaspoon of the product in equal parts with liquid soap, then add five more drops of ammonia. The last ingredient is especially important - it will help soften the effects of the peroxide.

Stir everything and apply the mixture to your body. It must be kept for 15 minutes, after which it should be washed off, using not water, but a pre-prepared chamomile decoction.

Repeat the procedure every week: first, unnecessary hairs will fade, then their growth will slow down significantly.

Potassium permanganate bath

Dissolve the potassium permanganate powder with water so that you get a pink solution. Stir the powder well so that not a single crystal remains (it is better to completely strain the resulting liquid). This is done in order to prevent burns: they are quite possible when the particles of potassium permanganate come into contact with the mucous membrane or skin of a person.

Pour the finished, strained liquid into a bathtub with warm water (it will acquire a pale pink color) and sit in it for 20-30 minutes.

Since scalp hair is not considered unwanted, be sure to protect it from the solution. After the indicated time, wipe off with a towel and moisturize the skin with a cream (it is likely that potassium permanganate will dry it out).

The procedure is allowed to be applied every day.

Castor with ammonia

Mix together the following components: 5 grams each castor oil and ammonia, 35 grams of ordinary alcohol and one and a half grams of iodine.

With this mixture twice a day, you should lubricate areas where unwanted vegetation is present. After just a few such procedures, your hairs will fall off on their own.

Homemade Hair Removal Paste

Can you cook special paste by mixing three tablespoons of yogurt (choose unsweetened), half a teaspoon of turmeric, and a couple of tablespoons of flour.

The ingredients must be thoroughly mixed until a pasty mixture is obtained, after which it is applied to the hairs. This composition is suitable even for delicate skin.

Mint infusion for ingestion

A bit unusual, but quite effective method is to consume a special drink every day - one small cup of mint infusion (dry mint leaves are simply poured with boiling water and insisted for only 5 minutes).

This herb regulates hormone levels, thereby preventing increased androgen production and slowing the growth of unwanted body hair.

How to get rid of facial, underarm and bikini hair

Datura decoction from unwanted vegetation

Datura root decoction is suitable for sensitive areas of the body, because the action of this remedy is very effective, but at the same time mild. They say that dope helps to forget about excess hair on the body forever.

Boil the root in a liter of clean water until you have a strong broth ready, which ultimately needs to be smeared with problem areas. It is more convenient to apply if you take a small piece of cloth and soak it with the resulting broth. Patches of skin with unwanted hair are rubbed three times a day for at least 14 days.

Be extremely careful and attentive when applying such a decoction! Datura is still a poisonous plant, and it should not be allowed to get into the eyes, on mucous membranes, as well as inside. Before use, apply a little of the product on a small area of ​​the skin in order to make sure that there are no allergic reactions whatsoever.

And also, the wrong dosage can lead to burns, therefore, before choosing this remedy, think carefully and take all precautions, and best of all, consult with a specialist dermatologist.

Rivanol solution

If you want to get rid of unwanted hair on your face, do not try to pull it out with tweezers, shave it with a razor or cut it with scissors - this will only stimulate their growth, in addition, they will become even thicker.

Set aside all the tools listed and use this recipe: prepare a solution by mixing it with water in proportions of 1 to 1000.

Green grape for facial hair removal

For hair removal in places where the skin is more delicate, sensitive and prone to irritation (this is especially true for the area above the upper lip), such a delicacy as green grapes is perfect.

Buy still unripe grapes in the store and when you get home, cut one berry into two equal halves. Now take one and with the inner side (the one where the juice will just flow out) rub the juice into the skin with your lungs massage movements... You can do this at least every day.

Let's be honest: you still won't be able to get a waist-length braid out of a short haircut in a couple of months (extension doesn't count), but we know how to help hair grow faster!

lead stylist-technologist Joico

“How to grow long hair fast? This is a question that I get asked very often. There are many myths around this topic. One of my “favorites” is that the less often you wash your hair, the faster your hair grows. Allegedly, frequent shampooing damages the hair follicles, and rare, on the contrary, strengthens them. Or another myth that wearing hats reduces the number of hair follicles ... And there is a great many such "nonsense" on the Internet. In fact, the rate of hair growth, as well as the amount of hair, largely depends on genetics. Still, you can help your hair grow faster! And it's much easier than you think. "

Eat right

“Hair is 85-90% keratin. Keratin is a protein that forms long, tightly twisted threads inside the hair. Do you want your hair to grow faster and be more durable? Add more protein to your diet. "


Don't forget about vitamins

“Now in any pharmacy you can find vitamins for beautiful hair... From myself I can add that hair needs B vitamins, as well as calcium, magnesium, zinc and copper. By the way, many of these vitamins and minerals are found in dark chocolate. So if someone reproaches you for eating chocolate, tell him that this is a special diet for hair growth. "

Use keratin shampoos

“As mentioned above, keratin is the substance that makes up hair. Give your hair more keratin to strengthen the hair shaft. Thus, you will preserve the length and take care of the quality of the hair. Give preference to professional shampoos, because they contain molecules of ingredients that are of the optimal size: not too large and not too small, but exactly the one that is needed to 'repair' hair damage. "

Trim the ends regularly

" How? Has just grown - and already cut off? Yes, because split ends will not disappear by themselves. If the hair is already damaged, it will delaminate further, which means that after some time you will still have to cut it off, but not 5-10 mm, but much more. The ideal interval between haircuts, if you dream of mermaid hair, is 3-5 months. But what if split ends appear faster? Use special means to "seal" the ends. They will not restore the integrity of an already dissected hair, but they will prevent further damage. "

Forget about cheap styling products

“Cheap products contain not only silicones, but also other polymers, such as acrylates. Light volatile silicones are washed off with ordinary shampoo, which cannot be said about acrylates. These polymers quickly build up on the scalp, build up in hair follicles, shut off the oxygen supply to cells and cause hair to thin. Do you need it? "

Do a head massage

“A gentle scalp massage induces blood flow to the hair follicles. Which, in turn, perfectly stimulates hair growth. At each wash, massage the scalp with your fingertips - combine business with pleasure. "

Buy a silk pillowcase

“Not the most obvious piece of advice, but the logic is pretty simple. Most often, pillowcases are made of cotton. Cotton fibers are quite abrasive. Silk is much less damaging to hair, which means that it will shine better and less split. "

How to remove hair with sugar paste
... The paste is hypoallergenic as it does not contain harmful substances. Slight redness after hair removal is quite natural, since the skin reacts to aggressive actions with irritation out of habit. Subsequently, she will get used to epilation and will stop reacting painfully. How to make epilation with sugar paste The skin must first be prepared using disinfectant solutions (lotion, tonic, chlorhexidine, calendula tincture) and dry wipes for cleaning. To prevent the paste from pulling the skin, baby powder is used (and even flour is used at home, which is then more difficult to wash off). The paste should be applied against, and torn off, on the contrary, in the direction of hair growth. The structure of the ro ...


Well, unfortunately, nails and hands in general are exposed to negative factors every day. Our varnishes, nail polish remover, detergents etc. cause great harm to both skin and nails. As far as I understand, the task of hand and nail care gets quite complicated from year to year.
I understand that our ancestors got along with natural remedies. But in the mode of city life, you can hardly find environmentally friendly buttercups.
Therefore, the choice of care is a difficult question.

Now I'm using peach oil for face and body skin. So far, I only smear my face and chest. Like. It is absorbed quickly enough and the skin becomes firm and pleasant to the touch. I hope it will meet my expectations. But I alternate with Black Pearl cream!

Long luxurious silky hair for many remains a dream, because it is associated with femininity, fragility and romance.

Feet got wet and cold: what to do so as not to get sick ...

Feet got wet and cold: what to do to avoid getting sick? This year, the winter is more slushy than snowy, and it’s so easy to get your feet wet on a walk. And if the baby's immunity is not strong enough, then such a walk may end with a cold. But there are several measures that mothers can apply in such cases, they will help the children stay healthy. 1. As soon as you notice that the baby's feet are wet, you need to go home immediately. 2. At home, you need to take off everything wet: shoes ...


Good advice... But it's not damp here at all, it's cold here.

It is because of such slushy, humid weather this winter that we got our feet wet and got sick, winter shoes are designed for frost and snow, but not as if not for puddles. The main thing is to take measures in time so as not to get sick, thanks for the advice-rules. We are still feet. rub with alcohol, if wet, they warm up very quickly.

Fluffy hair is difficult to style, but stylists have their own secrets for caring for such hair.

Few facts Average length hairs on the upper eyelid - about 1 cm, on the lower - up to 0.7-0.8 cm. Oddly enough, the owner of the longest cilia in the world is a man, the hairs on his eyelids have grown to 4.7 cm. Hair on the eyelids on average updated every 6 months. Their condition directly depends on the general condition of the body, the presence of the necessary vitamins A, E, group B, keratin and trace elements in the diet. Taking care of their hairstyle, women pay a lot of attention to hair: in pharmacies and stores they buy special shampoos, masks, conditioners, and use various folk remedies. The cilia also need additional nutrition and care. According to the research data, after applying various care ...
... How to care for your eyelashes and make your eyelashes grow long and thick? Cosmetologists recommend several methods: massage of the eyelid skin; hair nutrition with special oils and vitamins; masks from herbal infusions. Eyelid massage Eyelid massage helps to improve blood circulation in the hair follicles of the cilia and promotes their more active growth. Considering that the skin of the eyelids is very thin and delicate, massage ...

Nettle - simple and effective remedy for hair care

Which baby spray for combing hair is best.

I will praise our current purchase - a baby combing spray long hair Aqa baby. This is not the first spray that we use, we cannot live without such products. The daughter's hair grows from a year, the child treats them very anxiously, but until then, until we begin to construct a hairstyle. This week we are using aqua spray - the most positive impressions. Perhaps this is one of the best sprays I have bought - the smell is not irritating, the spray works great, not in one ...

Use of vitamins in ampoules at home

Hair after such a procedure becomes smooth, does not frizz. The proteins, vitamins and microelements contained in gelatin actively nourish the hair and heal it. Dissolve 10 grams of gelatin in 3-4 tablespoons of hot water, wait until it swells. Add 3-4 drops essential oil lavender and a teaspoon of natural honey and stir well. Apply the gelatinous mass to washed hair, spreading from roots to ends (you do not need to rub into the scalp), put on a pool cap ...
... Apply the gelatinous mass to washed hair, spreading from roots to ends (no need to rub into the scalp), put on a pool cap and warm with a towel. After 30 minutes, wash off the mask with lukewarm water. How to speed up hair restoration In order to restore lifeless hair, it is not enough just to regularly do regenerating masks. It is necessary to make adjustments and daily hair care: to wash your hair, use mild shampoos, which include natural oils; Use balms and silicone conditioners for damaged hair and moisturizers for split ends. wash your hair with lukewarm water, too high temperatures can break ...

The legendary Tripp Trapp® chair from the Norwegian brand Stokke ...

Stokke®'s legendary Tripp Trapp® highchair celebrates its 10th anniversary this season: high chair! To coincide with this milestone in the development of the company, the launch of the limited Jubilee Collection of high chairs made of oak wood with elegant fittings is timed. The design of the highchair that grows with the child was introduced in Norway in 1972 and revolutionized this category and for over forty years Tripp Trapp® has been a key item in the Stokke® collection. What ...

All experiments with orbiz balls.

All Orbeez Experiments What are polymer balls (known as orbeez)? They consist of a material called "sodium polyacrylate", which has the property of absorbing water. Our balls are small, but once you put them in water, they start to grow! What types of balls are there, and what can you do with them? 1. Colored polymer balls. The most common version of balls. They are initially very tiny, but at the same time, when they grow up, they have ...

Scientists at the Vitabiotics Research Center answered the question - how to stop hair loss? Long-term research and experiments have revealed the relationship between possible reasons and the consequences of hair loss - stress, lack of vitamins and improper nutrition Is what prevents women from keeping their hair healthy. The # 1 food supplement company in England shares the secrets of beautiful hair. Tip 1. Stress for a woman - stress for hair Speech ...


When the hair began to fall out, I began to look for the reason why. It turns out that there are many factors involved. Nutrition. Hair does not like heat and does not like cold. Stress. Reception a large number of pills, especially antibiotics, and of course vitamin deficiency. I began to rub Burr oil, the most inexpensive and effective remedy, I wash my hair with 911 onion shampoo with nettle, and I drink vitamins, I was advised to volvit. In the complex, of course, the result is visible, but only after a month.

Siberian old recipe for hair growth on cedar ...

The use of this mask guarantees, as Siberian healers assure, that the hair will become 1, 5 - 2 times thicker. Whether it is possible to fully believe these numbers or not, I don’t know, but the hair after this procedure looks just brilliant, it’s a fact! - a handful of peeled pine nuts - 2 tablespoons of water Crush a handful of pine nuts in a mortar. Add water little by little to make a thick gruel. Put the mixture in a ceramic pot and put in an oven heated to 150 degrees for 30 minutes ...

8 ways to grow hair fast.

It often happens that beautiful and Thick hair don't get any longer. Even refusing to use the services of a hairdresser cannot help. How can you be unhappy if your hair doesn't meet recognized beauty standards? We suggest you use recipes, proven over centuries - masks for hair growth, which will certainly correct the situation. Why hair does not grow: the main reasons are a genetic predisposition to slow growth - illiterate hair care - lack of ...

Ladies, since here we are not only losing weight, but also simply sharing the secrets of beauty and style, I will allow myself to post for you other useful articles in this area :) Not all of us should we pump the press, right?))) So: Useful Tips for hair care. 1. Before washing, the hair must be combed thoroughly. 2. It is not recommended to wash your hair with too hot or too cold water: the optimum water temperature is 35-45 C. The greasier the hair, the cooler the water should be. 3. Do not apply shampoo to ...

Add shine to your hair. Wual's blog on

Here are 13 tips for making your hair shiny at home. Deep care twice a week This, first of all, will allow your hair to have healthy follicles, because the hair will not shine if it is not healthy. Don't use too many different care products. Because all these hair products can be difficult to rinse off, as they thoroughly saturate the hair. They do not shine, as they are covered with a film of the product. Try to use a variety of tools, only ...

Make your hair beautiful!


Interesting! As a child, she often visited my grandmother in the village in the summer. We went to the bathhouse and rinsed our hair with nettle, then with birch broth, then with chamomile, which my grandmother herself brewed. Despite the fact that all day in the sun and in the water (in the river), the hair was awesome! All the same, natural gives a visible effect!

Hair type. Blog of user mariutk on

There are three types of hair. However, it is difficult to come across a clean, haired type. Mixed hair types are often seen. The main ones are divided into: normal, oily and dry. Each type of hair has its own characteristics that can be distinguished with the naked eye. Let's take a closer look at each of them. OILY HAIR TYPE. This type of hair can be identified by its shine. Greasy hair as if greased with sunflower oil. For oily hair, gluing of hairs into strands is characteristic. Hair like that ...

For all women who dream of luxurious lashes.

The moon also affects the condition of the hair in general ... The lunar calendar of haircuts divides the days into favorable and not so. So how moon calendar is responsible for the success of the haircut? First, the phase of the moon matters (everyone has heard of this). To make your hair grow faster, do a haircut on the waxing moon (1st and 2nd phases). A haircut on the waning moon will strengthen the hair roots and prevent their rapid loss, but they will grow back for a long time. The next moment that the lunar calendar of haircuts draws attention to is the days of the week. So, Monday is the day of the moon. All sadness and negativity away. However, those born on Tuesday, Wednesday, Sunday cannot have their hair cut on this day. Tuesday lunar calendar of haircuts is considered the Day of Mars. On this day, you can p ...
... A person may have an increase in eye pressure, resulting in impaired vision. The 26th lunar day is favorable for a new haircut. With its help, you can attract joy and good luck, improve your mood, and just feel happy. The 27th lunar day is very good for haircuts and improving mood and creating a positive mood in life. A haircut on the 28th lunar day will make a person charming and attractive. His appearance he will charm the people around him. On the 29th lunar day, hair cutting is undesirable: the lunar haircut calendar believes that on this day you can change karma. But it is not known in which direction these changes will go. The 30th lunar day is unfavorable for changing haircuts. A haircut on this day can even attract death to a person ... Hair after childbirth: pleasant and unpleasant metamorphoses.

The hair follicles of round hair become very strong; they are able to hold the hair longer than usual. Therefore, the hair on the head becomes more. Sometimes, due to the very tight standing to each other, the hair can change the direction of its growth, so it may seem that there are several tops of the heads on the head at once, but this is not so. It's just that the hair grows in different directions and does not fit well. The last stage of changes in the state of the body as a whole and the beginning of a return to normal functioning is the period of lactation (feeding) and refusal from it. In the first months after childbirth, as a rule, major changes the condition of the hair does not occur in comparison with pregnancy, therefore all the above phenomena are characteristic for the first months ...
... If a woman breastfeeds her baby for up to 9-12 months, this process can go almost imperceptibly, because the alignment of the hormonal background is more gradual than with early refusal from breastfeeding. How to get a haircut? In the first months after childbirth, when the hair remains unruly, as during pregnancy, short hair it is better to make it slightly deliberately careless, with protruding multi-level strands. Then the unruly hair will be "played" with the shape and appearance of the hairstyle itself. When, 3-4 months after giving birth, it seems that a lot of hair is falling out, then this illusion will be especially pronounced in the owners of long braids, therefore, a haircut can do a good job here too. It must be remembered that going to the hairdresser is ...

Greetings to all the configs)) I'm still new) sorry, if not on the topic. Here the question has ripened: in the summer I removed my "fur coat" not to the pubis. Outwardly, my husband really liked it. But the hairs grow back quickly, they began to prick and hurt - both him and me. He likes me, smooth (and myself))) much more, but the closeness becomes very painful ... Dear gurus)) Have you encountered a similar problem? how was it solved ?? I would like to be without "fur", but not prick)) can you tell me what you can do in my case?

Thanks in advance.

01/21/2007 22:43:42, Yura

I have a problem with leg hair. I used to remove it with the help of an epilator, but the hairs crawled through after that painfully, many of them were encumbered. Now I shave, but after a day my legs are already so pricked that brrrrr. What can be done? Does everyone shave? Ashamed in front of my beloved: ((

My husband really likes it when I shave off my hair, you know where. It gives me a lot of inconvenience, itching and irritation, when they begin to grow back, it is not convenient to wear underwear. And all this for what? Has anyone faced similar issues? It is still very difficult to explain to my spouse that this is inconvenient for me.


On the contrary, I like it, my husband doesn't :-)))

Or maybe do some hair removal? Some radical - a photo, for example.
I once did it with wax - a bit painful, of course, but you can endure it. But then - so nice - smooth and clean :))

12/20/2001 00:39:53, Family

Hair growth is a natural process in every healthy body, but sometimes you want it to be much slower. Most often, the thought of stopping the growth of body hair occurs in women who experience certain problems with hormonal background, as a result of which there is an accelerated appearance of the hairline. What to do in this case and how to cope with the presented problem folk remedies, described below.

What is the reason for the increased growth of body hair?

There are many factors influencing the uncontrolled growth of body hair. They are associated with thyroid disorders, and it may also be:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • diseases associated with the ovaries and adrenal glands;
  • any of the trimesters of pregnancy.

All these reasons are associated with an increase in the body's synthesis of androgen, which is a male sex hormone, and its excessive production is called hyperandrogenism.

It should be noted that sex hormones male type play for real important role in the life of every woman. They are irreplaceable precursors of female estrogens. This is due to the fact that it is together with androgens that the production of female sex hormones occurs.

In this regard, it is unacceptable to thoughtlessly influence the production of androgens. Most often, within the framework of an unsettled state of hyperandrogenism, specialists prescribe hormonal-type contraceptives that do not contain hormones similar in their characteristics to men. One of these most common means - Diane-35 - it is unacceptable to use it without prior consultation with a specialist.

Cosmetological methods

In order to make body hair growth less intense, resort to:

  • Sugaring, or waxing with sugar, which you can do yourself at home. The technique is effective, but not everyone is suitable due to the components that are active in the allergic plan.
  • There are 3 types of wax: hot, warm and cold. Most often, women use the second type against vegetation on the body. It guarantees an excellent result and, in comparison with other methods, is the least painful.
  • Electric depilator - the method is characterized by pain. In addition, some hairs begin to grow in, however, the effect of the presented procedure lasts 1 month and the cover becomes much thinner.
  • Bleaching is one of the techniques that experts recommend when there is very little hair. You should use 5-10% hydrogen peroxide, in which a cotton swab is moistened. This composition is used to wipe problem areas twice a day. Hair in just a week becomes thinner and less noticeable on the body.

A special cream helps against excess hair. This composition for depilation is used by many women in order to reduce the number of hair without painful sensations. Application consists in the fact that it is necessary to apply the product on the skin with a uniform thin layer, wait no more than 15 minutes and remove the cream with hairs with a spatula from the kit.

They are used against hair growth and other, less effective and not so gentle methods: removing them with a thread, iodine and ammonia are also used (they are applied to the body, as a result of which the rate of hair growth slows down).

Folk remedies

Shell of nuts

A simple remedy such as walnuts or pine nuts will help significantly in the process of fighting excess hair and stopping its growth. One of the most popular recipes is the following: the crushed shell is poured with alcohol and insisted for 5-7 days. After that, problem areas on the body are lubricated three times a day. The presented algorithm should be continued until the excess amount of hair disappears.


In order to cope with body hair, you can use and. To do this, you will need to purchase a tincture of this plant at a pharmacy and lubricate it only in those areas of the epidermis where hair is growing vigorously.

Special care is advised with this remedy, because datura is a very poisonous remedy. It should be used very carefully, avoiding contact with mucous membranes and inside the body. You need to store the tincture out of the reach of animals and children.


The last of the remedies is nettle, for the use of which its juice or a decoction of seeds is recommended to be rubbed into the epidermis where there is increased hair growth. But in order for the technique to prove effective, it will take more than 3-4 weeks.

The overwhelming majority of women struggle with excess hair. In order to cope with this problem, various techniques are used, before using any of which it is advisable to consult a dermatologist. In this case, the expected effect will be guaranteed, as well as the absence of harm to health.