
Necessary qualities for a knitter. "Fairyland" Knitting "(representation of the profession of a knitter). Reviews about the profession


School event " Dreamland"Knitting"

(representation of the knitter profession)

Target: preparing children for a conscious choice of profession, educating an active life position through the implementation creativity.


Familiarize yourself with the profession of a knitter, the requirements for this profession;
- To develop the horizons, aesthetic taste, imagination and creativity of students;
- To cultivate love for work, the Motherland, awakening the love of students for the traditions of oral folk art.

Equipment: cassettes with musical accompaniment, presentation, exhibition knitted products.

Preparatory work: creation of presentations "History of knitting", creation of a video "Magic Knitting Needles", video "About the graduates of our school", preparation of students to protect their knitted products.

Event progress:

Pupil: There are many professions in the world!

Who to become? Doctor? teacher?

Fly up to the stars?

Alas! Not everyone is destined!

Pupil: There are many professions in the world

Which road to choose?

To give heart to the cause

Live, create, create

Pupil: And it all starts at school

Behind the desk, at the chalkboard, and above the outline map.

From a difficult task, from homework.

To the heights of labor and courageous daring.

Pupil: Today we are schoolgirls

Tomorrow - knitters

Seamstress cutters and embroiderers

The most feminine of these professions

Create beauty and pleasure and fun!

1st leader. Today we invite you to a fairy tale. In an unusual fairy tale, created by e with the help of words, but with the help of knitting needles and multi-colored threads.

2nd leader. Our fairy tale is knitting. Believe me, this is one of the most interesting and fantastic fairy tales created by people. Only it was brought to us not by the mouth of the narrator, but by the magic hands of the craftswomen.

Viewing the Knitting History Presentation

1st leader. Who invented knitting? That was a long time ago.

During the excavations of one of the ancient Egyptian tombs, archaeologists discovered a knitted baby sock. And thumb was knitted, as if in a glove, separately, probably to make it easier to put on sandals - a kind of modern beach slippers. The age of the sock is about 5 thousand years.

2nd leader. The most skillful knitters of antiquity are nomads - Bedouins. Life forced them to knit. During the day it is hot in the desert, but the nights are so cold that you cannot do without warm clothes. There was no shortage of camel hair, it was only necessary to find a way to turn it into clothes. At first, the Bedouins knitted only simple things. Moreover, men were engaged in this, women were only trusted to spin wool. When the shepherds went out to pasture early in the morning, they certainly took a ball and knitting needles with them.

1st leader. These shepherds laid the foundations of modern needlework - they invented air loops, the method of knitting the heel, different kinds knitting.

2nd leader. The art of knitting, once in Europe, for a long time remained the privilege of men. The noble knights, having returned from the tournament and removed their armor, did not consider it shameful to spend winter evenings in their locks for knitting. Spaniards, Scots, French were famous for their high skill.

Video « spokes -sorceresses»

1st leader. We love to wear handmade clothes. Moreover, knitting, as doctors rightly say, drives away gloomy thoughts, calms, improves mood. When knitting, a person shows imagination in choosing a product, color combination, finishes.

Pupil: Look, look -

My grandmother knits a sweater for me.

And at grandmother's feet,

How alive is the ball.

Grey, round sides

At the fluffy ball.

And he runs to the door quickly,

Like a bun in a fairy tale.

I would run away, only a thread

Doesn't let you over the threshold.

Pupil: Behind the loop - loop.
Transparent scream of spokes.
The product is twisted
Under the wave of iron birds.

Pupil: Weave loops into lace
And warm socks
Both blouses and mittens
For my whole family.

Pupil: The product is twisted
A ball of a cat beckoning.
Under the gentle creak
My life is passing.

2nd leader: Now your attention is presented to an exhibition of products related to the knitting lesson “Girls crochet, knit and knit…”

Guys, tell us about your work.

Teachingsca: We knit in our native school
Things you need everywhere:
Dresses, sweaters and pillows,
All decorated.

Teachingsca: And potholders, and napkins,
And chair covers
Glorifying the native land,
Russian expanse.

Teachingsca: I have a lawn
Here is my napkin
Oh and I like her
To all little kids.

Pupil: May our needlework
Brings joy to everyone.
Away, down with idleness,
Happy to work.

At chenica: Let's try again
Make things yourself
Let's try to create
With our hands.

Girls present their products.

1st host: The Russian people love bright beautiful things. You already know that colors have their own symbolism: red is the color of joy, life, love; yellow - dedicated to the sun, stars, moon; green - symbolizes spring; brown - the fertility of the earth.
Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers knitted and sang at the same time. Let's work and sing.

A group of girls take spinning wheels and sing a folk song.

In a low light
The flame is burning
young spinner
Sitting under the window
young, beautiful,
Brown eyes,
The Russian braid is developed along the shoulders.
blond head,
Thoughts without end
What are you dreaming about?
Beauty girl?
In a low light
The flame is burning
young spinner
Sitting under the window.

1st host: Nothing helps to relax like a Russian folk ditty.

Chastushechniks come out, perform ditties.


I knitted myself a sweater
a whole month or two.
But, alas, in my work
just got a head.

I tied it up again
but I tried, apparently, in vain:
got in it this time
not one, but three of me.

Dismissed work again.
It was the last time,
because the thread somehow
all intertwined.

All twisted and twisted
useless becoming a lump.
I tried to unwind
just spat afterward.

The threads are a pity, of course, very,
and guilt to atone,
we decided a bunch of lines
dedicate to poor threads.

1st host: We start the “gathering” games (the students play games to the music).

"Who is smarter"

Chairs are arranged in a circle. A ball is placed on each chair, the number of players per person is greater than the number of chairs with balls, and as soon as the music stops, everyone grabs the balls, and whoever did not have time, leaves the game, etc. The winner is a prize.

"Who quickly"

Those who wish to play sit on the chairs. In front of them are baskets with balls of threads of the same size. At the same time, to the music, each player begins to rewind the threads into a newly formed ball. Whoever rewinds the fastest is the winner (prize-steering wheel, candy, bagels, etc.).

2nd leader: We played and now we offer you to watch a comic fairy tale “Klubok”.

Fairy tale "Tangle".

Leading. It is not known in what country, in what year the old man and the old woman lived. They lived well and had fun. And everything would be good, but the winter turned out to be cold that year.

Grandfather. Hey, old one, it's cold in the hut. At least knit socks, or something.

Woman. Yes, why will I knit, old, there is no yarn.

Grandfather. And you go to the barn, but look. Maybe on some sheep the wool is left.

Leading. The woman went to the barn, sheared some wool, lathered it, combed it, spun it, and twisted it, put the ball on the window, and she went for the knitting needles. The ball lay, lay on the window, he became bored, he pushed back the bolt, and rolled down into the street. Rolls and sings:

I am a ball, tangle
Sheared from a sheep
On the comb, combed,
Spinning on a spinning wheel
Then bored
I left my grandmother
I left my grandfather...

Leading. And towards him a hare. He rubs his paws, hides his ears from the frost.

Hare. Ball, ball, I'll knit socks out of you!

Clew. Don't touch me, hare, I'll sing a song for you!

(Sings.) …………………………….

And from you, oblique, I will leave for a long time.

Leading. The hare did not have time to lead the story with his ear, but the ball rolls on. The wolf is facing him. Even the tail was tucked in from the cold.

Wolf. Ball, ball, I'll knit socks out of you, come here.

Clew. Don't touch me, wolf, I'll sing a song for you.

(Sings.) …………………………….

And from you, gray, I will leave for a long time.

Bear. Ball, ball, wait, I'll knit socks out of you!

Clew. Don't touch me, bear, I'll sing a song for you.

(Sings.) ……………………………..

And from you, clubfoot, I will leave for sure!

Fox. A ball, cute, pretty, fluffy. Wait, my dear, I'll knit socks out of you.

Clew. Don't touch me, fox, I'll sing you a song.

(Sings.) ………………………………

And from you, redhead, I will leave for a long time.

Fox. I became a bit deaf, dear, apparently, my ears were stuffed up from the frost. Sit on my paw and sing your song again. Painfully your song is good and your voice is like Pugacheva's...

Leading. The ball sat on its paw, and the fox took it to the burrow. What happened next, no one knows. Maybe she knitted her socks, maybe she couldn't. It's a smart thing. Science demands. It might not work the first time.

1st host: And in our school, knitters have not disappeared and still work wonders. And new knitters are growing up to replace them.

Pupil: In knitting lessons we knit and crochet various products. We take part in exhibitions of folk art. It helps us master the basics professional activity.

2nd leader: Many graduates go on to

in the "Construction and Industrial College" in Yoshkar-Ola and receive the profession of "knitter knitwear».

Watch the video "About the graduates of our school"

1st host: I hope that our today's meeting helped the participants of the competition and the audience to learn a lot of new and interesting things from the world of professions "Knitter". We thank you for your attention!

Knitter knitwear- Knitting machine specialist. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in world artistic culture and work and economy (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

In the process of work, she regulates the density of the knitted fabric, changes needles, yarn bobbins, introduces additional threads, etc. Then he checks the quality of products and completes them. With all the monotony of work, the knitter often has to perform quick actions (replacing the thread, parts, etc.).

The disadvantages of the profession include the noise of mechanisms and vibration.


Knitting workshops, factories.

Highly qualified knitters work in model workshops and, together with a fashion designer, develop samples of knitted weaves and make models according to sketches.

Important qualities

Quick reaction, good coordination of fingers, the ability to concentrate and distribute attention, despite the monotony of the process. Problems of the musculoskeletal system, digestive organs, nervous system, vision, hearing are contraindications to work as a knitter.


Salary as of 04.06.2019

Russia 15000—40000 ₽

Knowledge and skills

It is necessary to understand the varieties of yarn, to know the range of products. Knowledge of knitting machines and how to operate them.

Where u chat

The specialty "Knitter of knitwear, linen" can be obtained at a college, a school with a specialized faculty.

Uses a mechanical means of labor - a knitting machine. Checks the quality of the yarn. Conducts equipment inspections. Refuels and starts the knitting machine. Changes needles, spools, bobbins, introduces additional threads. Regulates the tension and density of knitting, eliminates thread breaks, fabric ruffles. Monitors the operation of machinery. Checks the quality of products and completes them. In the process of activity, he constantly moves in the working area and performs manual operations at a fast pace. Highly qualified knitters working in fashion houses, model workshops can, together with a fashion designer, develop samples of knitted weaves, make models according to sketches. The activity is characterized by a few business contacts (with machine tool adjusters, shift foremen, etc.). Works indoors. A feature of the work is monotony, combined with the need for an instant transition to precise performing actions, vibration and an increased noise level.

must know

Yarn grades and their properties; classes and arrangement of knitting machines; types (numbers) of needles and their influence on the quality of products; models and range of products and paintings; types of defects and their causes. Must be able to: regulate the operation of knitting machine mechanisms; adjust the density and tension of knitting; eliminate thread breaks; prevent and correct defects in the product.

Professionally important qualities

  • high speed of motor reactions;
  • good hand-eye coordination;
  • the ability to distribute attention and concentrate it for a long time in conditions of monotony.

Medical contraindications

  • digestive organs (chronic gastritis, diabetes mellitus);
  • kidneys and urinary tract (nephritis);
  • musculoskeletal system (chronic rheumatism, polyarthritis);
  • nervous system (tumors of the central nervous system, meningitis);
  • organs of vision and hearing (cataract, strabismus).

Ways to get a profession

College on the basis of 9 classes of a comprehensive school.

Related professions

Manual embroiderer, embroiderer on embroidery machines and semi-automatic machines, embroiderer on a machine, lace maker, craftsman (artistic painting, miniature), microwelding operator, bagging machine operator, semiconductor device assembler, weaver, seamstress-minder.

A knitter is a specialist in the creation of fabrics and knitwear using a knitting machine.


20.000–40.000 rubles (

Place of work

Knitters are in demand in factories, knitting workshops, private workshops of fashion designers. Sometimes knitters are private entrepreneurs working from home.


The main duty of the knitter in the factory is to complete the product in accordance with the terms of reference. The master fills the knitting machine, starts work and monitors the quality of the yarn. Sometimes in the process of work it is necessary to adjust the density of the fabric, change the needles, introduce additional threads.

Knitting at home is 100% a flight of fancy. The knitter can independently develop the style of the product, select threads and accessories. And it can fulfill orders according to the finished pattern.

Important qualities

In the work of a knitter, good finger coordination, attentiveness, the ability to concentrate on details, readiness for monotonous work, accuracy and responsibility are important.

Reviews about the profession

“All clients are different and different from each other. As, however, and their orders. One day an interesting person ordered a large number of caps: it turned out that he is the owner of a hookah bar and believes that all his customers should relax in his establishment in caps. Girls order beautiful outfits. Recently, a girl ordered a rather complicated tunic: while I was knitting it, her tummy grew slightly - it turned out that I was already knitting for two, I had to slightly adjust the size of the thing.

Natalya Verbitskaya,

stereotypes, humor

Traditionally a female profession, which is a good start for career development in light industry.


To get the position of a knitter at an enterprise, you need to get the specialty "Knitter of knitwear, linen" at a college or technical school.

Knitter knitwear- Knitting machine specialist. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in world artistic culture and work and economy (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

In the process of work, she regulates the density of the knitted fabric, changes needles, yarn bobbins, introduces additional threads, etc. Then he checks the quality of products and completes them. With all the monotony of work, the knitter often has to perform quick actions (replacing the thread, parts, etc.).

The disadvantages of the profession include the noise of mechanisms and vibration.


Knitting workshops, factories.

Highly qualified knitters work in model workshops and, together with a fashion designer, develop samples of knitted weaves and make models according to sketches.

Important qualities

Quick reaction, good coordination of fingers, the ability to concentrate and distribute attention, despite the monotony of the process. Problems of the musculoskeletal system, digestive organs, nervous system, vision, hearing are contraindications to work as a knitter.


Salary as of 04.06.2019

Russia 15000—40000 ₽

Knowledge and skills

It is necessary to understand the varieties of yarn, to know the range of products. Knowledge of knitting machines and how to operate them.

Where u chat

The specialty "Knitter of knitwear, linen" can be obtained at a college, a school with a specialized faculty.