
Funny toasts for meeting classmates in prose. This page does not exist. Invitation to the evening


When going to a meeting with classmates, each of us feels excited and it seems that there are so many words and wishes that we want to say to old friends and respected teachers that we don’t have to prepare specially: everything will be remembered and will tell itself. But it is this very excitement that can let you down at the most inopportune moment and in the end, apart from a couple of traditional phrases, nothing will come to mind, and then it can be a shame, because you so wanted to be on top and be remembered by your classmates as eloquent, witty and resourceful... .

To avoid this, we suggest taking with you a couple of poems, toasts (comic or lyrical) and table games for classmates, written by real professionals in their field (thanks to the authors), which can help out and will certainly entertain and delight your classmates.

We offer toasts and table jokes for meeting with classmates:

1. A poem about the 80s - for meeting with classmates.

I wanted to go back to childhood, to the happy eighties,
Where it was so easy to live and sing, it seemed like forever!
Where New Year- have a wonderful holiday! He smelled like tangerines forever!
And every person was proud of his Soviet Country!
Where is the soda in the vending machines with one cup for everyone!
“The Irony of Fate” is in cinemas, there are no obstacles for kissing!
The ice cream cost pennies, and the popsicle - wow! Already twenty-two!
And a couple of lovers on a bench, they couldn’t have been happier on earth!
Where songs spilled out of open windows
About how “the maple tree makes noise, and about Alyoshka’s love.”
Where the world was woven from goodness and light... But where to find all this again?
I wanted to go back to my childhood again...But, as we know, there are no tickets there!
There is no way to get him back! And only in the soul is a distant warm light.

2. A toast to school friendship.

You graduated from high school a long time ago
So they counted - ... ... years.
The people are still cheerful
At least some are bald, and some are gray.
Still laughing out loud
Hope is still full
And charming "girls"
And the boys are ready to fight.
We drink for victories, for accomplishments,
For the sun of our new days,
We drink for desires embodiment,
For friendship - it is not more important!

3. A toast about classmates on the 20th anniversary of the meeting "Top class!"

Twenty years have passed now
WITH prom,
Both lucky and unlucky -
In a word, life was shaking.

Who is immersed in a career?
Someone writes books
Someone is happily in love
Who has children?
I'll raise a glass to you,
Let everything be top class!

4. Toast “Let's drink to our old deeds!

If only there was time to see each other more often -

There would be reasons to drink a hundred times.

No time! For real friends

There is only one way out - to make up for everything now.

Glasses - higher! Closer snacks

Let's drink to our old affairs.

And we wish you, as usual, in Russian,

May our life be carefree!

5. Welcome speech Thirty years later"

Thirty years ago you stood the same way,
We held hands with excitement in our souls,
Before the big road adult life
We dreamed and made plans.
You chose the path under sensitive guidance
Teachers, their parents.
We rushed into life, with a little regret
About the school and about the desk for two.
And childhood passed away unnoticed
And it remained somewhere in the distance.
But you studied further and worked,
And you are already meeting families.
Now you have weaned your children,
After all, time does not stand still, it moves forward.
And the meeting of former schoolchildren, mind you,
Gives a boost of energy for many years!

Life goes on in an endless circle.
It's like a train is moving faster and faster.
Where are you now, friends?
My Komsomol youth?

It's been so long since I've seen you!
Our paths didn't cross.
Let's get together with old friends.
How much longer do we have to go alone?

Let's remember the class, tent summer,
And dates in the apple orchard.
Motor ship and scarlet dawns.
Leningrad and swans in the pond.

High school graduation. Merry sad holiday.
And the teacher’s big order:
Having grown up, sometimes you, just once,
Take a look at your own, favorite class!

Let's remember how we were together, the whole horde
They escorted the guys to the Army.
Wishing to achieve military glory,
They were waiting for letters from their soldiers.

Gradually they scattered around the world.
The world has changed, become different.
Only by phone send greetings
To my gray-haired classmates.

We do not need sad dates,
To invite friends to the round table.
We were always close by.
Can we turn back time?

Years go by and sometimes
Passing by, we do not know
All the friends who are close to us at heart.
Thinking about his own.

So let's meet guys!
And we'll light our Cool Light.
Let's remember all the cases, events, dates,
Let's dive into youth for an hour.

Laying out family albums
Let's drink sweet wine together.
Let us be ours common house
The school class is home.

7. Joke “Reaction after meeting classmates. “

Gray-haired ate .. Gray-haired drank
And they remembered what they were like...
There are wrinkles on the foreheads... Sclerosis in the eyes
And the silent question excites:
“What has happened to us over the years?
And who are all these freaks around?
Are gray-haired women childhood friends?
And the grandfather opposite is the neighbor’s boy?”
Yes, life is not a picnic, but a complete picnic!
Life's waves are worse than a tsunami,
The lush roses have withered with time,
Why such wild metamorphoses??
When you've finished eating and drinking everything,
Then they howled at the top of their lungs...
And everyone thought: “GREAT GOD!!
Can it really be me... with such a face?

8. A joke about the Odnoklassniki website

My son came to me, a scoundrel,
And he asked sadly:
“Classmates, father -
What it is?

What kind of site is this?
Where are the gray-haired people
Giving up on real life,
Are they drowning in fornication?

Where the path to betrayal is visible,
The goal is clear and the means
Where do they want to return?
During Brezhnev's childhood?

Where is their peace disrupted?
Where do they spend their nights?
What kind of site is this?
Explain to me, father?”

I attracted my son to me
And he said with sadness:
“FSB database –
That's what we are!”

9. Joke “Meeting, years later.”

A sketch about how classmates meet after different numbers of years can be used as a lead-in to a toast: “Let’s drink so that in 100 years we will be happy with each other, as in the first years after leaving school!”

When they meet in a year- kissing and hugging...

– When they meet in five years- they hug and exclaim: “Bah, what people!!” and then they go somewhere together.

After 10 years– they smile broadly and say: “How many years, how many winters. "and share the news with interest

-In 20 years- they greet each other while running and say: “We need to get together somehow,” and run away without agreeing on a meeting.

After 30 years- they almost sincerely say: “You look great” and immediately start talking about their grandchildren. And

In 50 years- they open their eyes wide and in response to the greeting they ask: “Who are you?”

10. Dedication for the evening meeting.

February. Saturday. Evening meeting.
A school that is familiar to us to tears.

smiles. The joy of meeting
The motive is familiar. Bouquets of roses.

Memories. Conversations.
Exchange of business cards. Success.
And reconciliation of an old quarrel,
And children's laughter, as before.

Let's remember the frogs in milk
When things get hard for us.
Look, we'll jump out onto land,
And your soul will become light.

At school we were taught to think,
Prove. Even if he’s wrong.
We were taught to live as adults,
Which is not made from flowers and herbs.

Now the blizzards and blizzards have died down,
The snow melted away again.
And our souls also became warmer,
And familiar eyes met.

Yes, life threw us
Which is scary to even remember.
We lived sometimes rejoicing, sometimes loving.
But today, on this beautiful day

We met 30 years later!
Now they are sedate and important,
We have become more patient and wiser.

Forgetting about time, age and worries,
Recall the carelessness of school days.

11. Joke “School day mode”.

Dream. Alarm. Shower. Charger.

Breakfast. Tea. Briefcase. Notebook.
Shoes. Path. Crows. Check.
Being late. Fail.

Turn. Behavior.
Two. Head teacher Sadness.
Clarification. Call.
Stair running. Lesson.

Numbers. Rules. Torment.
Light. Window. Dreams. Visions.
Verbal counting. Example. Board.
Multiplication. Yearning.

Two. Disappointment.
Perspective. Punishment.
Optimism. Fight against vice.
Jokes. Laughter. End of lessons!

House. One. Hooray! Toys.
Soup. Pancakes. Compote. Cheesecakes.
Rest. cartoon program.
Telephone. Computer. Mother.

Meeting. Kiss. Diary.
Oh! Belt. Questions. Scream.
Excuses. Snot. Tears.
Exclamations. Threats.

Reconciliation. Textbook.
-Do it yourself! -Yes. Reshebnik.
Dinner. Bath. Relaxation.
Repeat tomorrow morning:

Dream. Alarm. Shower. Charger..

The selection is posted for your reference.

Toasts and table jokes for meeting classmates
A collection of table jokes and heartfelt toasts for an evening meeting


Toasts for the alumni meeting Congratulations for all occasions

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  • Alumni meeting

Toasts to the alumni meeting 10

It seems like just recently we only got together at school desks. We were noisy, quarrelsome, sometimes rude and condescending. But we still had the main advantage - mutual assistance and support. I am very glad that after all this time we still have it. There is also free access to alcohol, so raise a glass to your true friends!

My dear classmates! Today we have gathered here to remember our youth and sweet school life. Even though we are almost old people now, I still wish that our pleasant memories of school never dissolve in our souls and hearts! For us!

Remembering school, we will smile again:
Forgotten swing, first love.
Anxious silences during the test,
And the smell of sweet buns coming from the dining room,

Now we have matured, knowing our worries:
Family and children, tired after work.
But again, here we are together today,
As in distant childhood, we laugh from the heart.

I'm so glad to see you all here. As I see, time has beaten us all a little, but you know, despite the years that we lived apart from each other, I will never be able to forget those wonderful times of hopes and dreams that we spent together. Let's drink to those wonderful days and to these wonderful people.

It would be stupid to think that the people with whom you spent practically side by side for 11 years mean nothing to the course of our lives, as well as to the attitudes with which we navigate through it. Let's drink to the accident that brought us together in the same class for several decades.

Toasts for the alumni meeting
Toasts for the alumni meeting


Alumni Reunion Day in prose

Congratulations in prose on Homecoming Day

Joke "Meeting, years later"

A sketch about how classmates meet after different numbers of years can be used as a lead-in to a toast: “Let’s drink so that in 100 years we will be happy with each other, as in the first years after leaving school!”

When they meet a year later, they kiss and hug ....

When they meet after five years, they hug and exclaim: “Bah, what people !!” and then they go somewhere together.

After 10 years, they smile broadly and say: “How many years, how many winters. and share news with interest

After 20 years, they say hello while running and say: “We need to get together somehow,” and run away without agreeing on a meeting.

After 30 years, they almost sincerely say: “You look great,” and immediately start talking about their grandchildren. And

After 50 years, they open their eyes wide and in response to a greeting they ask: “Who are you?”

Years later, we again gathered at the same table. Already completely different concerns: work, family, children. Each of us went our own way, but, as before, we are connected by wonderful memories from our carefree school life.

Dear classmates, how great it is to meet and plunge back into school life, remembering teachers, funny moments, who copied from whom, who was in love with whom, who pulled who’s pigtails. It's like going back to childhood again. So let’s meet more often, so that like this, sitting together and remembering our school past, we can immerse ourselves in carefreeness and become younger at heart, although our soul is not that old.

It seems like just yesterday that we were sitting at our desks, disrupting lessons and coming up with nicknames for teachers. Of course, many have undergone dramatic changes in their families and lives, but having gathered here, we all feel like tomboyish schoolchildren. Let's drink to this wonderful tradition of meeting and to all of us who support it.

Today is such a wonderful evening, one of the evenings that allows you to return to your school years and remember everything that was dear to us once, how well we spent carefree days, how wonderful and kind our teachers were. Let's raise a glass to the fact that there are such evenings of meetings and that we can see each other at least every 5 years!

Alumni Reunion Day in prose
This section of the site contains the day of the alumni meeting in prose. Only the best, beautiful and sincere congratulations in prose.

Winter graduation parties have long become a pleasant tradition, a meeting of memories for large quantity school friends. Such events are especially pleasant, since they are a specific excursion trip during school time - the brightest side of childhood. Every adult, deep down in his soul, dreams of seeing his school class again, which became the first step on the ladder to life, and meeting his classmates - an important group of people with whom they share common school years, memories and dreams. Hosting a homecoming party 40 years later is definitely good idea, but the event requires preparation.

Tradition of alumni meetings

This solemn tradition is practiced in many world powers. In order for the celebration to truly generate many emotional memories, and the offensive inevitabilities of the past not to come to the fore, of course, the alumni meeting must be planned in advance. The following will outline recommendations for holding such an evening and provide examples of scenarios for an alumni meeting 40 years later.

Prom planning

This stage will be considered preparatory to the alumni evening. It is worthwhile to start calling old acquaintances in advance (2-3 months in advance), arousing their interest in such a significant evening of reunion of classmates, highlighting the most proactive old comrades who will help in the future with organizing the planned event.

At the first stage, you need to immediately think through possible scenarios for a reunion of graduates 40 years later, offering your classmates, for example, the following options:

  • The meeting will take place in the classroom of the native school among classmates and teachers.
  • The alumni evening can be carried out within the framework of the entire parallel released 40 years ago.
  • Perhaps a cozy cafe or a rented room in a restaurant will become a place for memories of school.
  • Will it informal ceremony holiday, and where it should be held.

If the organizers of the holiday managed to agree on the option for holding the event, then it is necessary to move on to the next stage of preparing the script for the reunion of graduates 40 years later - inviting classmates.

An invitation to the evening

It is worth noting that this stage is the most important organizationally and at the same time the most difficult. What happened to old friends after school? Finding many of them is now not so easy. Someone went to go to university in another city and settled safely there, contact with someone has long been lost and it will not even be possible to find out where this person is now, someone is busy with work and will not find time to meet classmates for 40 years later due to his business trips.

Forty years of release - not so much short period of time, so that the audience will be already under sixty. Among them, unfortunately, there will be those who cannot attend the event for health reasons. However, as life practice shows, many willingly agree to invitations and try to attend such a gala evening.

It would be nice to organize a group of proactive people who will search for their classmates, contact them and invite school friends to the event. The scenario of a reunion of graduates 40 years later should be disclosed only in vague characteristics; there is no need to describe this event in detail. When communicating with school friends, it is important to initiate the next step of communication. Perhaps a former classmate knows some information about others and can help establish contact with them.

It is worth understanding that with the search for school friends, the size of the active group of the evening event increases. It is better to hold a meeting of this initiative group about a month before the event, that is, immediately after the Christmas holidays. At this meeting, you will need to discuss the script, plan the location of the event, choose a menu, and so on. The majority of those who agreed and approved this evening once again choose the option of its implementation. As a rule, participants insist on the simplest organization - to spend an evening with classmates in a cafe.

The first steps in developing a scenario for the meeting of graduates

Drawing up a plan for the prom at first includes the following questions:

  • making an appointment with your teaching staff;
  • inviting your favorite school staff to the official holiday ceremony;
  • greeting and seating classmates 20-25 minutes before the start of the evening.

How will invitees communicate at the event?

It is very important to make a plan for seating the participants in the evening in advance. It is advisable to group your classmates by type of activity, interests, and think about how communication will move from one table to another. For example, if you are holding a reunion 40 years later, you can start by talking about your future life after school, your new job, or your own children and grandchildren. Invitees, as a rule, willingly share information about themselves.

The unofficial part of the scenario for a reunion of graduates 40 years later can be carried out in the trends of the favorite music of the graduation period, that is, disco, for example, from the seventies. Many will support this idea. Only it’s better to choose not fast dances for a reunion 40 years after graduation.

Appointment of the event host

The very form of organizing the event implies the presence of a presenter. Only friends school years may know who specifically to assign to this role. If old comrades are present, then it is wise to choose one of them. Specifically, the presenter will implement the scenario of a reunion of graduates 40 years later. If a classmate is chosen as the host of the event, then he will be guaranteed a response from the audience and support from the invited guests, and the evening will definitely be a success.

Conversations to Avoid

It is worth realizing that the planning scenario for such gala event questions many topics for discussion with classmates. In this case, a taboo should be placed on conversations about the death of loved ones, serious illnesses, the sorrows of life, the difficult loss of a job and other difficulties. Such instruction should be carried out while inviting classmates to the gala evening. Why is it worth tabooing such questions? The theme of the meeting implies only bright and joyful memories and feelings, so you should discard any possibility of upsetting the person in any way that evening.

Event budget planning

One of the main points, of course, will be financial costs. It is fundamentally necessary to correctly calculate the cost of the event. In any version of the celebration scenario, a designated group of costs will be present. The alumni evening scenario certainly involves the purchase of balloons and bouquets of flowers as a sign of respect for the teaching staff. The costs will include renting the selected premises, unless, of course, a school office was chosen as such.

Additional costs will be more significant if the chosen prom option goes beyond the usual and includes competitions, live music, a joint photo shoot, and so on. Of course, the resulting amount of expenses should be immediately discussed with the participants of the evening and the group of people who volunteered to help organize the event. As a rule, such an evening involves optimizing funds at the expense of volunteer classmates.

As a result, the scenario for the alumni meeting in a cafe will involve the appointment of those responsible for:

  • search for a photographer;
  • planning and organizing entertainment events;
  • collecting photographs from school years to view together;
  • collecting funds for renting an establishment;
  • preparation and decoration of the premises.

Organizing a real celebratory event will require considerable costs, both materially and physically. It is worth noting that organizing a holiday in a cafe will differ significantly from the school version. In our time of technological progress, it is also possible to see those people who, due to life circumstances, were unable to make a visit to the alumni meeting. It is enough to get the Wi-Fi password in the establishment and use Skype to connect your interlocutor to interactive whiteboard. This is just an illusion of being present at the evening, but how pleasant it will be both for those present at the evening and for the person on the other side of the screen. Of course, issues of a person accessing the Internet and making a connection should be discussed in advance.

How to choose the right cafe for the evening?

One of the main criteria when choosing an establishment of this type will be: an accessible and varied menu, acceptable prices cozy and festive atmosphere, good feedback people who have been there before. Under the scenario of a alumni meeting in a cafe, you should consider a room appropriate for the festive occasion. There must be excellent sound insulation so that the music from the main hall does not interfere with the event scenario or the memories of school friends. But the opportunity to dance in the chosen room should be present.

Script start examples. Introduction

How to start such a gala evening? In its most general form, this can be represented as follows. The moderator thanks those present for maintaining the team spirit graduation class. Briefly provides information about absentees (those who could not be notified and who have compelling reasons to be absent). He greets those present and begins the reunion 40 years later (poems or just an opening statement will do).

An example of an opening speech as part of organizing a reunion evening 40 years later:

Hello my dear 11 (letter) class! Why are you taking so long? Do not crowd at the door of the office, let's go ahead, sit down at your desks! I really hope that you still remember where and with whom you sat on school lessons. So everyone take your seats? Are these your places?

At this time, prepared school diaries should be on the tables, in which names will be written and school photographs pasted in.

Please check your diaries. During our evening, you will be able to write a few words to each other in these diaries, so to speak, small wishes and hope for new meetings. It will be a very pleasant memory of this day.

You can start your graduation party 40 years later with a congratulations poem. For example:

Forty years ago we said goodbye

Celebrated graduation

And today we are all together

Today is not an easy day

Our meeting is a miracle,

We have changed externally.

Only our souls remained,

Like children, mischievous.

I wish you to forget now all the insults of past years,

I want this evening

He took us back to school.

First toast

This event, of course, involves a feast and toasts at the alumni meeting, slow dancing (school waltz). But in fact, such an evening involves the first toast to the meeting. This confirms virtually any scenario of meeting classmates: 20, 30, 40 years old. In this regard, age does not play a special role. It is very important to present a toast at a alumni meeting majestically, solemnly, to find the words that everyone needs now, warm, friendly, touching all corners of the soul.

The second toast at a winter graduation party is usually addressed to the memory of its teaching staff. In this role, of course, everyone faces classroom teacher or your favorite teacher. In this case, the speech at the alumni meeting 40 years later will be addressed to the teachers and warm memories of them. As part of this evening, you can also conduct the following interactive activity: display on the projector a poster on which there will be an image of a school teacher and medals addressed to them for:

  • sense of humor;
  • help in lessons;
  • life example of virtue;
  • the ability to sympathize;
  • the ability to organize a lesson;
  • motivation to study.

By unanimous decision of the people gathered today, we decide to award the diploma to the highly qualified teaching staff. We undertake to invite you to all further graduation events and allow you to educate the younger generation! Let's raise a toast to our school teachers!

At the same time, during the entire event, it is very good to run a slide show of photographs from your school years, so that these photographs accompany the meeting and are in everyone’s attention. festive evening. The music for the reunion 40 years later, “School Time,” would go well with the slideshow. Other accompaniment will do. You can choose songs for the graduation party related to the school or the time of graduation (popular music of the sixties, seventies, nineties, and so on).

Entertainment part of the event

After the official part, the script may include a number of exciting games that will help those present remember their school days and feel like a real school class again. Example: the game “Don’t Spill a Drop.” Guests sitting at the same table pass a glass around. Everyone should pour it in a small amount of some drink. The last one whose glass is so full that the liquid spills over the edge is forced to toast and drink the resulting “cocktail.”

Another example is the game “Get to know a friend”. The summoned “student” must be blindfolded. He must find out by touch and voice who is standing in front of him. The one who is recognized becomes the next player to be blindfolded.

There is a suitable game "Chocolate". For this game you need a plate of chocolate, a hat, mittens and a scarf, a knife, a fork, and a dice. All participants stand one after another and throw the game die on the table. The first person to roll the number six needs to sit down on a chair, put on a hat, quickly tie a scarf, put on mittens and start removing the wrapper from the chocolate bar. Then he takes a fork and knife and carefully cuts off a piece of chocolate and eats it in small pieces. If at this time another player rolls a six, then he undresses the previous participant and bites off a small piece himself. The person who finishes the last piece of the chocolate bar wins.

At this time, you can already play songs at the alumni meeting. As already mentioned, it is better to choose calm music, and leave more danceable melodies to accompany slide shows or congratulations. Perhaps those present will want to dance the school waltz again. For example, a sensual melody from the cartoon “Anastasia” is suitable for this.

Impromptu interview

In order not to lose the festive atmosphere of the evening, it is advisable that the organizer, imitating journalists, conduct a comic interview with a group of classmates on the topic of what pranks were remembered during their time at school. In this case, the main question can be veiled by a number of hidden ones, for example:

  • Do you think it is possible to bring back childhood?
  • How many times have you skipped classes?
  • Have you corrected the grades in your diary?
  • What was the hardest part of your school course?
  • Who did you cheat from in class?
  • Have you ever had any idea of ​​sneaking into the staff room?
  • Did you have a plan to hide the class magazine from the teacher?

Such questions will put those present in a more cheerful mood, liberate, and stimulate further communication between classmates. You can remember together the most significant moments, tricks and pranks.

Features of the event

It is worth noting separately that the scenario of a reunion of graduates after 40 years brings together classmates of pre-retirement age at the institution. In accordance with the age category of the invitees, the ideal task for the host festive event will enliven the audience and present this evening in the theme of school everyday life.

In the company of older people, at the unofficial part of the prom, you should concentrate on competitions and events of a logical, intellectual nature, and memories of your school days. There should not be many dance parts; a couple of slow dances will be enough. At the end of the evening you can hold a competition brief characteristics those present. Characteristics should be humorous. It should immediately be indicated to the participants that it is necessary to write a reference for a certain classmate taking into account his school merits.

Of course, alumni events 40 years later will be different from the rest. The emphasis in such evenings should be on communication and memories of school life. That's why good example there will be an evening of memories organized, during which classmates present have calm conversations about their school past, sometimes exchanging toasts and remembering classmates who could not come today. The result of such an event is a huge canvas of school destinies.

At this age, of course, it happens that the reason for not attending such a gala evening is an unimportant state of health. That is why it is worth connecting all available interactive communication opportunities in order to please a person with at least an indirect presence at the alumni meeting. The evening, therefore, will have to be organizationally based on the presence of a laptop computer, a mobile Wi-Fi router (or you need to find out the Internet password in the cafe where the meeting is being held), and a preliminary test connection with the addressee. We also need clear time synchronization (especially if a classmate lives in a different time zone) and an additional communication channel. Taking into account all the recommendations, the alumni evening 40 years later will be held at the highest level.

We went through life a lot
And overcame a hundred obstacles
We graduated from school, brothers
Already 25 years ago.

And everyone succeeded in life,
I found my calling
And experience, a friend of young mistakes,
I've already come to everyone a long time ago.

May this meeting give us
Warmth and youth charge,
Today we are not aunts and uncles,
We are the school's mischievous squad.

My wonderful, friendly class,
A quarter of a century has flown by,
The school took us through
Everyone stepped into life timidly.

Suddenly the roads diverged,
Home, work, lots of plans,
It's good that we got together
We are at this meeting with the class!

So let's remember
How school made us friends,
Let it be 25 years already,
The heart preserved the memory!

So we meet again, my dear friends. Our issue is 25 years old today. Just think - this is a quarter of a century. You and I have changed dramatically; one might say, we have each built our lives in our own way. Both happy and sad at the same time. It’s joyful that we’re here again, that we’re together again, but it’s sad that time is fleeting, that you can’t bring back youth and carefree school days. But today we will remember all the good things, share our achievements and experiences. I love you, my classmates. Sometimes I remember our class, our wonderful teachers, our fun lessons and noisy changes. And these memories warm my heart. For the meeting, comrades, for the happiness of each of us.

It seems like just yesterday
We sat at our desks.
After all, long, twenty-five years,
How the moment flew by.

But schools are the best summers
We will never forget.
And so once a year
The path leads us here.

We are happy to see each other!
Someone became a little pot-bellied.
Well, someone is hairy,
Or, on the contrary, he is bald.

And returning to the bright classroom
We will remember again and again
How we quarreled, made up,
We studied together and had fun.

Having passed thousands of obstacles
We received a certificate.
Then college, work,
Home, family, everyone has worries.

And see friends
Time doesn't always happen.
It’s all the more valuable to be here
Immerse yourself in your childhood years.

Classmates, friends,
You are always in my heart.

It's been a quarter of a century since we left school,
The peaks in our lives have gone to conquer,
But that period of life was school and fun
We will always remember with warmth.

We remember those bright windows and desks,
Our beloved teachers and our dear class,
Even if the country with the name “School” is not on the maps,
She is in our souls, she is always in our hearts!

Today our issue is being pitted against
Your silver anniversary,
We spent a lot together
Have wonderful, bright, bright days.

Today I congratulate you all,
Let the meeting be pleasant
And let him give you an excursion into youth
We all have a wonderful evening.

They pass unnoticed,
Days, minutes and years.
25 have already flown by -
Now it's time to meet!

We remember and love school,
That's why we gathered.
Let's not forget our childhood time,
Remember everything and smile!

How quickly the years have flown by,
How quickly we all grew up
And now the number is 25,
Let's celebrate soon.

Let there be a carriage of joy in life,
May there still be 100 tons of happiness,
And many times 25,
We would get tired of congratulating each other.

I wish everyone warmth, comfort,
And in the sky of eternal fireworks,
May your home keep peace and tranquility,
And everyone loved you very much.

Twenty five wonderful years
The glorious release celebrates
Everyone is happy about this meeting,
Let's drive away sorrows today.

Let the evening be fun
Let's remember our school years,
Today we are children again,
The rest is nonsense.

I wish everyone to smile
And don’t be bored today,
A quarter of a century of completion
Celebrate our school.

And these 25 rushed by,
Like a shortened lesson.
We have been waiting for our meeting for a long time,
Like waiting for the bell to ring in class.

We are incredibly happy to see everyone,
We cannot express our emotions!
Well, how are you living? - Tell me,
We miss you. - we want to say...

Let these meetings be more often,
Happy to see you all!
It's not uncommon for a miracle to happen
We are the best, friendly class!

There is nothing more precious than memory,
25 years have passed!
We have become established, we have become stricter,
But today we are schoolchildren again.

Today we go to class
Solid, thorough.
The teacher will meet us again,
Greetings gratefully.

And even my heart skips a beat
From so familiar, sweet words.
And it’s a pity they don’t call you to the board,
To tell a little poetry.

We are grateful for your concern,
When we ran around as children.
For a much needed job,
For the fact that we became people!