
How to make paper soldiers. Paper soldiers with their own hands. Origami paper tank, step by step instructions with photo


How to make a paper soldier with your own hands

Making paper toys is available to everyone in principle. Anything can be made from paper, for example, soldiers of all times and peoples - you just need to choose the right silhouette and figure out what uniforms the army is wearing. Designing paper soldiers can keep your sons busy for a long time, and many prominent military figures began their careers with just such an activity. See also others in this section.

To make a paper soldier, you will need thick paper or thin cardboard, felt-tip pens, pencils or paints, a piece of thick cardboard. The uniform can be made from thin colored paper, or you can draw it. Also stock up on PVA glue, scissors, a sharp knife, a compass and a ruler.

Find a suitable picture with a soldier. He must be depicted in full growth. It is highly desirable that the soldier stands straight. You can, of course, make a soldier in profile, and on a horse, and with a cannon, but still paper for this is not the most suitable material, since the soldiers will turn out to be flat. Cut out the figure of a soldier strictly along the contour lines.

Fold a piece of paper or thin cardboard in half, right side out. Lay the figurine of a soldier on the sheet so that the top line of the shako or cap is on the fold line. Circle the figure strictly along the contour.

You can print this blank of soldiers, and then just cut and glue them.

Blanks of paper soldiers

In order for the soldier to stand, he will need a stand. To make it, draw a straight line where the soldier has the soles of his boots. If the soldier is small, then it is enough to continue the line 2 cm from the toe of each boot. Divide the resulting line in half, put a compass needle in the middle of the line and connect the ends of the line with a semicircle, the radius of which is equal to half the line. On a piece of thick cardboard, draw a circle of the same radius and cut it out.

Cut out the soldier. The sheet of cardboard is folded in half in exactly the same way as when you traced the figure. The next step is up to you. You can first color the soldier, and then glue it, or you can do the opposite. Do not paint over or glue the half circles intended for the stand. On one half of the workpiece, draw the soldier's face, hair, shako visor, make buttons and aiguillettes. On the other, draw a rear view - the shako is completely painted over, the uniform and everything else too. You can make a mentic or tunic with an appliqué by tracing the pattern again, cutting out the clothes along the contour and sticking it on the workpiece.

Bend the stand so that one semicircle is in front and the other is behind. Coat the stand with glue and glue it to a circle of thick cardboard.

Pistachio tree. miracle tree

A paper soldier is a great idea for creative leisure with children on the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day. This is good not only for the development of fine motor skills, but also for the education of patriotism in the younger generation.

Today we made for you large selection master classes, after watching which you will know how to make paper soldier.

Looking for ideas for kids crafts for February 23 or May 9 for a creative activity or for kindergarten? Today we invite you to make together with your baby do-it-yourself soldier made of paper.

A wonderful material for needlework, inexpensive and accessible to everyone. You can make a thematic installation (spatial composition) from ready-made soldiers with your own hands, decorate a postcard by May 9 with your own hands, or make a gift to a veteran. And, of course, every dad will have such a wonderful gift from the baby as do-it-yourself paper soldier.

In today's selection you will find paper soldiers for every taste - flat and 3D origami, paper-plastic ideas, complex crafts made of corrugated cardboard by May 9, and simple do-it-yourself soldiers, which even the smallest can handle. Let's watch photo and video master classes:

DIY paper soldier. Master classes with step by step photos.

1. Do-it-yourself soldiers made of paper using origami technique, master class from Tinsanna.

2. Do-it-yourself soldier from corrugated cardboard, master class from the Entertainment Pantry website.

3. Do-it-yourself paper soldiers, master class from the site "Ped-piggy bank".

4. Paper do-it-yourself soldier- an idea for inspiration from S. Olka.

How to make a paper soldier Video lessons

Origami paper soldier, video tutorial by Jo Nakashima.

Create original crafts can be made not only from expensive materials for handmade, but also from plain paper. Origami is one of the easiest and interesting techniques to create fun crafts. If your dad is having a holiday soon, and you have not yet decided what to present to him, we offer to make a unique craft with us.

How to make an origami boat out of paper, master class

To make an origami boat, prepare a rectangular sheet of A4 paper. If you want to make the boat colorful, choose colored double-sided paper for crafting.

1. Bend the sheet in half, bringing its smaller sides together. Carefully iron the fold line.

2. Fold the sheet in half again, bringing the short sides together, ironing the fold. You should get a small rectangle.

3. Expand the rectangle and place it so that the bend line is on top.

4. Bend both upper corners to the center fold line.

5. Separate the bottom edge and fold it up. We bend the corners to the back.

6. Turn the sheet over and fold the bottom edge in the same way. The corners are not bent.

7. We take our workpiece and stretch it from the middle in the opposite direction, turning it into a square. Smoothing out.

8. We take the lower corner, apply it to the upper one, not reaching the edge of 1.5 cm.

9. Turn the sheet over and do the same manipulation with reverse side.

10. We open the figure and turn it inside out. You should get 1 triangle on each side as in the picture.

11. Take the figure and pull these 2 triangles to the sides. Bend the bottom lines.

The ship for dad is ready.

Video: how to make an origami paper boat

Origami paper tank, step by step instructions with photo

An origami tank is a great idea for a souvenir gift for dads and grandpas for birthdays and February 23rd. In both cases, you can write congratulations immediately on the armor of the tank.

Fold an A4 sheet in half along its long side, cut along the fold line. Set one part aside, you won't need it. From the edge of the wide side, cut a piece equal to the length of the edge of the side and 1 cm wide.

On a larger rectangular piece of paper, we bend both corners on both narrow sides diagonally, first from one, and then from the second side.

We turn the sheet over and first bend one narrow side into the middle to the place where the lines of the previous stage intersect, and then the second side.

Let's turn the piece over. On one side, we bend the upper corner to the fold line, and then the lower one. Fold into a triangle. The procedure is repeated on the second side.

We turn the corner of the upper triangle on one of the sides in the other direction, and lift the corner up. We do the same with the second side.

We turn over the workpiece. We bend the narrow sides up, and put the ends into each other.

From the small rectangle that was cut off at the beginning, twist the tube to form a barrel. Insert it into the tank.

Origami paper plane, master class

Fold a sheet of double-sided multi-colored paper in half. Iron the edge. Then turn over to the back side, bend the same in half.

First, bend the right and then the upper left corners of the rectangle to the center.

Without changing the location of the workpiece, bend the edges again towards the center.

Bend the workpiece in half with triangles in the middle.

Stepping back from the edges of 5 cm, we form the wings, bending the sides outward.

We bend the end of the wings of the aircraft by about 1 cm in the middle.

The origami arrow plane is ready.

Origami crafts for children to school and kindergarten:

origami paper soldiers, step by step instructions with photos

Place a sheet of A4 green double-sided paper with the long side facing you. Mark the top and bottom 6 cm each, draw a line, cut the sheet along this line.

Fold the sheet in half, then unfold. Fold the top and bottom of the sheet to the center fold line.

We turn the part over and in the same way we bend the edges to the center.

We turn the workpiece over again and open the middle of the workpiece, bending the sides in the opposite direction, not reaching the edge on the right side 2 cm.

We turn the part over, bend it in half so that top part did not reach the bottom by about 5 cm.

Flip over to the back with the fold down. We retreat 1 cm from the bend, apply a ruler and bend the upper part of the part.

Stepping back from the line of the bend made a few millimeters, we bend the part back. Fold the left and right sides of the sleeve inwards. We put the workpiece aside.

We take a square with a side of 9 cm from brown paper, fold it diagonally in one, and then in the second side. Then unfold and fold in half.

Bend the right side of the rectangle inward, then the left. Get a triangle.

Bend the tip of the triangle down, bend it. We unfold the upper part of the paper and wrap it with the tips up, bend the side parts into the middle.

Glue the boots to the body.

From the green strip that remained at the beginning, we make a square, and from white paper we cut out a triangle equal to the diagonal of the square. Let's glue it together.

Bend the top of the rhombus inward.

Pass a tube through this part.

The gun is ready.

Description of work: master class on making a soldier from corrugated cardboard with children 8-12 years old. The finished product can be used as a gift for your beloved defenders of the Fatherland and family (dads, grandfathers, uncles, etc.)
- corrugated cardboard strips (50 cm * 1 cm) green - 42, light brown-9, dark brown-12, flesh - 12; orange-1;
- PVA glue;
- plastic eyes (1 pair);
- stars 2.

Product manufacturing.

The head consists of two parts: face - glue 6 body strips into one long strip. Twist the resulting strip into a tight disk (roll). Secure the end of the strip with PVA glue. Nape - Glue 6 light brown strips into one long strip. Twist the resulting strip into a tight disk (roll). Secure the end of the strip with PVA glue.

We give the disks the shape of a head, pushing each piece from the edge to the center. Make the face flatter to attach the eyes, nose and mouth; make the back of the head more rounded. We coat each part well from the inside with PVA glue, let the glue dry completely so that each part keeps its shape.

To make the nose, we take a flesh-colored strip, cut it along the entire strip, we get a strip of 0.5 width. We fold the resulting strip in half, it turns out 1/2 strip. We count 2 edges and twist the part. we put forward a little detail to give the nose volume. We coat on one side, let the parts dry.

Ears. We take a flesh-colored strip, cut it along the entire strip, we get a strip of 0.5 width. We fold the resulting strip in half, it turns out 1/2 strip. We count 2 edges and twist the part. It turns out one ear. From the remaining strip of 0.5 width we make the second ear.
We press one side of the disc with our thumb, making it flat to attach to the head. We coat the resulting part with PVA glue on one side to fix the shape.

To make a helmet, we take 11 green strips, glue them into one long strip. Twist the resulting strip into a tight disk (roll). Secure the end of the strip with PVA glue.

Give the shape of a semicircle, do not pull out the edge of the helmet completely, leaving the edging, about 3-4 turns. We coat the part well from the inside with PVA glue, let the glue dry completely.

To make the body (jacket), we take 10 green strips, glue them into one long strip. We count 4 ribs. Twist the part, fix the end of the strip with PVA glue.

We give a three-dimensional shape to the body (jacket), pushing the part from the edge to the center. We coat the part well from the inside with PVA glue, let the glue dry completely.

We make jacket sleeves. On one sleeve we take 2 strips of green color, glue them into one long strip. We count 17 ribs and twist the part. We make the second sleeve in the same way.
We bend the part in half so that the arm looks bent. We coat one side of the part with PVA glue, hold it a little to fix the fold. Let the sleeves dry well.

Making a hand. We take 1 flesh-colored strip on one palm, cut it along the entire strip, we get a strip of 0.5 width. We count 2 ribs. We twist, fix the end of the strip with PVA glue. In the same way, we make the second palm from the remaining skin-colored strip 0.5 wide. On the one hand, we coat with PVA to fix the shape.
Finger for palm. We take a flesh-colored strip, cut it along the entire strip, we get a strip of 0.5 width. This strip is divided into 8 equal parts. On one finger we take 1/8 of the strip 0.5 width. We count 2 edges and twist the part. We also make the second finger. Lubricate the parts on one side. We let them dry.
Glue the fingers to the palms.

Pants consist of two parts:
Upper part (upper part) - glue 8 green strips into one long strip. Count 4 ribs and twist the oval.

Give the details a semicircle shape, coat with PVA glue and let dry well.

Leg (lower part) - glue 3 green strips into one long strip, count 3 ribs and twist the oval. You need to make two such details (two legs)

Boots. Lower part - glue 4 brown strips into one long strip, count 6 ribs and twist the oval. We make 2 such parts.

Boot shaft (upper part) - 1 strip (50 cm * 1 cm) Brown color glue with 1 | 2 strips (fold the strip in half and cut) brown, count 6 edges and twist the oval. We make 2 such parts.

The lower part of the boot on one side is slightly put forward. We put out the shaft. Lubricate the details to fix the shape.

When the parts are all dry, you can start assembling finished product.
We glue the face and back of the head with PVA glue, glue the joint with a light brown strip.

Glue to the jacket lower part trousers with PVA glue.

Glue the neck to the jacket, and decorate the jacket itself: glue the button bar in the center (buttons can be made arbitrarily, or you can not do it at all). Make a belt randomly from a dark brown strip.

Glue the trousers to the bottom of the trousers on PVA (you can use a hot glue gun).

And we glue the trousers into the top of the boots on PVA. Shoes can be decorated with lacing and paper bows (cut out arbitrarily).

We collect hands. Glue the palm to the sleeve, glue the joint of the sleeve and the palm with a light brown strip.

Glue the arms to the body. The junction of the body and sleeves can be closed by making shoulder straps (you can not do them).

Glue a helmet on the head with PVA glue, make a strap to the helmet - 1/4; glue the green strip (0.5 width) in half and attach to the helmet. Decorate the helmet with an asterisk.
Glue the ears to the side of the head on PVA, glue the nose, eyes, mouth on the face (we do it arbitrarily), eyebrows (you can not do it). We wrap the neck with a collar - glue 25 ribs of a light brown strip on PVA.

Origami " brave soldiers» with your own hands. Master Class

I bring to your attention a method for performing several crafts based on a trihedral pyramid under the general name "Good Soldiers". These crafts are multifunctional. You can give it to dads for a holiday, use it to decorate a thematic exhibition, or use it to get acquainted with the professions of the military.

Master class "Paratrooper"
The master class is designed for the joint work of the teacher and older children. preschool age, kindergarten teachers and parents of pupils.

Target: learn how to make crafts based on a trihedral pyramid.
Tasks: to consolidate the ability to work with paper and scissors, to develop the ability to accurately perform work, to develop fine motor skills hands, creative thinking, cultivate patriotic feelings.

Paratroopers per minute
They descend from heaven.
untangled parachutes,
Comb the dark forest
Ravines, mountains and meadows.
Find a dangerous enemy.

For this work we need:
brown, white and green cardboard;
colored paper in red, yellow, blue, white and black;
graphite pencil;
glue stick.

Stages of work:
1. Prepare templates for the torso, head, beret, star, tie and belt buckle.

2. Cut out from white and brown cardboard using the head detail template.

3. From paper of blue color, also using a template, cut out two details of the beret.

4. Let's prepare the details for the face. Cut out 2 circles from black paper, 12 mm in diameter. From paper white color 1 circle, 12 mm in diameter. Then it must be cut in half. These will be the eyes. From red paper, cut out an asterisk and a circle with a diameter of 6 mm, which must also be cut in half. This will be the mouth. From black paper, cut 2 strips, 0.5 cm wide.

5. We make out the face. Glue a blue beret and an asterisk onto the white head detail. Then glue circles of black color, on them - semicircles of white color. Glue a small red semicircle - mouth. It remains to draw a nose. Glue a black stripe and an asterisk on the beret.

6. Glue a beret and a black strip on the brown head detail. Glue both blanks. The head is ready!

7. Attach the torso template to the green cardboard and cut it out. On the reverse side of the workpiece, draw with the tips of the scissors along the fold lines (it will be easier to fold) and glue the pyramid.

8. Cut out a tie from white paper, cut a narrow strip from blue paper, stick it on a tie and cut along the contour.

9. Cut a strip 1 cm wide from black paper. From paper yellow color cut the buckle. Glue all the details on the pyramid.

10. It remains to collect the details. The paratrooper is ready!