
How to make tulips from plain paper. How to make a tulip out of paper with your own hands in stages: step by step instructions with diagrams, photos and videos. Multiple petal cutting method

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"The Tale of the Restless Square, the Hospitable Triangle and the Beautiful Tulip". Master class "Tulip".

This master class-fairy tale is designed for older preschoolers and younger students, undoubtedly, will be of interest to educators, teachers primary grades, teachers of additional education, parents and all creative people. Flowers can be used to decorate the interior, as a gift to family and friends, to participate in an exhibition of children's creativity.
Target. To acquaint children with the paper folding technique - origami.
1. Teach children to precisely fold and iron folds.
2. To acquaint children with the basic form "Water bomb".
3. Develop fine motor skills, eye.
4. Teach children to turn paper into beautiful flowers.
5. Foster respect for peers, the ability to help.
Brief informative information.
Origami - "Shout"- folded, "Kami"- paper, the art of paper folding arose in the country rising sun- Japan.
Safety precautions:
1. Handle paper carefully.
2. Do not wave your hand with the paper sheet.
3. Keep fingers away from cuts.
4. After work, thoroughly wash your hands from the glue.
Material. A set of colored paper, scissors, PVA glue.
Preliminary work. Consider with the children paper products made using the origami technique. Try basic folds with the children to warm up.
Origami's Golden Rule. All sides and corners of the sheet must be exactly aligned with each other when folded. The folds must be ironed carefully.
Practical work.First let's add basic form"Water bomb".

The tale of the restless Square, the hospitable Triangle and the beautiful Tulip

Once upon a time there was a Square, a very important and very important of the geometric figures. I felt like a king, he had his own kingdom. He also had his subjects: four Corners and four Sides.
(Take a sheet of paper square shape, put it in front of you.)

So the Square sent the messenger of the Corner with an assignment through the whole kingdom, to the other corner, to find out how he was doing. Angles met, discussed all the cases.
(Fold the sheet diagonally.)

Carried out the order, the messenger came back and reported that everything was in order.
(Unfold the sheet.)
It is good when everything is good. But the soul of the Square is restless. He sent another messenger of the Angle to check, another unchecked Angle. The Angles met, it turned out that everything was calm on the border of the kingdom. The messenger returned and reported that everything was calm on the corner borders of the kingdom.
(Fold the sheet on the other diagonal. Iron the fold well.)

But the Square is not calm, he tosses and turns from side to side.
(Unfold and turn the sheet.)

He sends a messenger of the Party to find out how the other Party is doing.
(Fold the square in half.)

The messenger returned, reported that everything was calm on the other side. The Square does not believe, turns over, gets upset and folds like an umbrella to hide from worries.
(Turn the sheet over again and try to fold over the resulting folds.)

Where is the important Square? Where did he hide from his worries? In this figure, and what does it look like? On a hat, on a roof, on a snowdrift, on a mountain, on a triangle. This is where the important Square is hidden in the great Triangle.

At the apex of this Triangle lives a large and important Angle. One day he invited all the lower little Corners to visit, on his birthday. On the one hand and on the other.
(Raise the lower corners to the upper one, turn the figure over, and raise other corners.)

All the Corners gathered at the big corner, sat, talked, treated themselves sweetly, and they wanted to dance, they got up in pairs.
(Connect the side corners on one side and the other.)

They took hold of the handles beautifully and spun in a merry dance.
(Tuck the side corners into each other on one side and on the other.)

They felt so much fun at the holiday that they swelled with happiness.
(Inflate the resulting figure).

And they turned into beautiful flowers - Tulips.
How happy they were, how they admired themselves, how they looked at themselves, their delight knew no bounds.
(Bend the upper corners down a little.)

(We fold the stems from strips of green paper and cut out the leaves)

This is how, thanks to the important and restless Square and the kind and hospitable Triangle, magical beautiful flowers - Tulips - appeared.

That's the end of the fairy tale, but who listened well.
Thank you for your attention! I wish you creative success!

Tulips are spring flowers loved by many. But, unfortunately, tulip blooming time is quickly coming to an end. And cut flowers will soon lose their attractiveness.
But paper tulips will remain intact. for a long time and will delight you and your loved ones at any time of the year. If you want to do original gift that will never fade - present a handmade tulip. Or make a whole bouquet and decorate the room with it. Today we will look at several techniques for making flowers.

Lesson number 1: bulky tulips made of paper triangles

The first lesson is the most difficult to implement. But this only makes it more interesting! To collect this flower you will need a large number of triangular parts (95 for each flower). They are done as follows:
1. Cut an A4 sheet into 16 equal squares.

2. Take one of the squares and fold it in half horizontally.

3. Fold the square vertically again, then unfold it.

4. Fold both edges of the rectangle along the centerline and carefully smooth both folds.

5. Turn the shape over and cut off the protruding ends.

6. Fold the bottom edge of the shape up and smooth the fold.

7. Fold the shape in half towards you.

8. Repeat all these steps on the remaining squares.

Having made the required number of parts, you can start assembling the flower:
1. Form rows 1 and 2 by joining the pieces through the slots in the end face.

2. Make a circle of 15 pieces in each row.

3. Add a third row.

4. Turn the piece over and squeeze it into a bud.

5. Add rows 4 and 5 with 15 pieces each.

6. Next, build on the structure on one side so that you get a triangle:

Row 6 - 4 pieces Series 7 - 3 pieces (over row 6) Row 8 - 2 pieces Series 9 - 1 piece
Repeat the superstructure on the opposite side of the flower, opposite this triangle.

It remains to make the stem. To do this, take a sheet of thick paper and, rolling it into a solid thin tube, wrap it with green floral tape.

Apply some glue to the end of the stem and stick it into the tulip.

Cut and glue 1-2 oblong leaves to the stem.

The tulip is ready!

Master class number 2: tulips from tissue paper

In this lesson, you will learn how to make very delicate, airy, thin and graceful tulips. At the same time, they will be quite simple to manufacture, only perseverance and a little skill in working with watercolors are needed. They can be a great gift not only for a mother from a child, but also for a girlfriend.
White, yellow and green tissue paper
Watercolor paints
Several poached eggs (boiled egg holders)
Drinking tube
Operating procedure:
1. Cut out identical petals with slightly wavy edges from white tissue paper.
2. Stick two petals on top of each other (one layer of tissue paper is too thin, it will be difficult for you to work with it).
3. When the glue is dry, spread the petals on a flat surface, such as a tray, and paint with watercolors.
4. Without waiting for the petals to dry completely, carefully lift them off the tray and place them in the poached makers to shape them in a curved shape.
5. Place poached makers near a heat source to dry the paper.

6. Cut a wide strip of yellow tissue paper, fold it in half lengthwise and make a small fringe along the double edge.
7. Wrap the strip around the edge of the drinking straw and secure with glue - this is the core of your flower.
8. Remove the dried petals from the poached pot and glue them to the tube around the core.
9. Cut a strip of green tissue paper and, securing its edge under the flower, wrap the entire tube. Cover the opposite end of the tape.

Instruction number 3: tulips from thick colored paper

The easiest way to make flowers. It is perfect for small children.
Dense colored paper(about 270 g / sq.m)
Wooden sticks for stems
Green acrylic paint
Hot glue
Stationery glue
Green soft-tip marker
Flower template that can be downloaded here
Sheet of cardboard
Operating procedure:
1. Print or draw on cardboard and cut out a template for flowers and leaves.
2. Cut 4 flowers and 1 leaf for each tulip.

3. Fold the flower blanks in half along the center line (if the paper is single-sided, the colored side should remain inside). Iron the fold and unfold them to their original position.

4. Glue two pairs of blanks, as shown in the photo.

5. If the edges of the parts are not perfectly aligned, trim off the excess.

6. Paint the sticks with green paint and let them dry.

7. Now glue two pairs of flower blanks, placing the edge of the stick-stem between them. While the glue dries, the parts can be pressed together with paper clips.

8. Cut leaves out of green paper and draw center lines with a green felt-tip pen.
9. Glue the leaves onto the stems.

Lesson # 4: a classic origami tulip with a stem

Not the easiest, but far from the most difficult option creating a paper tulip using origami technique. This lesson can also be realized with your child. For this project, you only need square sheets of paper - green and yellow.
Flower head
1. Place the yellow sheet colored side up, fold vertically and horizontally in half, and then return to its original position.

2. Flip the sheet over and make two diagonal folds, then unfold again.

3. Fold the square into a triangle so that the two side points meet at the bottom.

4. Bring the side corners of the shape's top layer up along the center line. Then flip the shape over and do the same on the other side.

5. Flip the right side of the diamond to the left, then flip the shape and do the same on the other side. You will get the same diamond shape, but with a smooth surface.

6. Flatten the edges of the top layer and nest one into the other. Smooth out the folds around the edges and make sure that A and B are equal.

7. Repeat the same on the other side of the shape.
8. Grasp the cones obtained on both sides, slightly spread them to the sides and inflate the bud through the opening in its base.

9. Fold back the edges of the petals at the top of the bud.

1. Lay the green square on the table, colored side down, as shown in the diagram, and fold vertically. Then return the square to its original position.

2. Fold the corners towards the center along the first fold line.

3. Next, bend the formed corners again along the same line, and then again.

4. Flip the shape over and fold it in half lengthwise, lifting the bottom corner to the top.

5. Fold the resulting shape in half widthwise.

6. Fold out the top edge of the outside of the shape.

7. If you did everything right, you will have a stem like this that you can put on the table:

Now just slide the tulip head onto the vertical rod.

Spring is coming, it's time for love and flowers, spring holidays... And I just want to

please your beloved women with flowers. However, this pleasure is not cheap now. What to do? Ancient origami will help us out. It has helped lovers to be original more than once, and now it will help to do unusual gift your loved ones. We invite you to make a bouquet of delicate tulips using origami technique. After all, as they say, the most unforgettable gift is a handmade gift.

Simply and easily

There are many options, from the simplest to the more intricate.

In this article, we will tell you one of the most simple ways how to make a tulip out of paper. A small note: it is better to take thick tulip paper so that it can hold the volume well.

Required material

To make a tulip, you will need to prepare:
- 1 sheet of paper for a tulip (the size and color of the paper is entirely at your discretion);
- 1 green sheet of paper for the stalk;
- PVA glue;
- pencil or pen.

Getting Started

So, the circuit is pretty simple.
Take a sheet of paper. If it is rectangular, fold it diagonally so that the sheet is square. Cut off the excess part, and it will no longer be useful to you.

Fold the sheet in the other direction. You will have two lines crossing the square sheet of paper crosswise.

Fold the sheet in half so that you get a rectangle.

Fold the triangle by bending both sides of the square inward.
Smoothing the corners of the triangle.

Bend the corners of the triangle towards the vertex on both sides.
It turns out a four-sided figure.

Both bent triangles must be inserted with their ends into each other. You have got two kind of "little bags".

And the final stages

In the lower part we make a hole for the stem. Inflate the tulip so that it becomes voluminous.

A few more steps, and you will learn how to make a paper tulip. We turn the tulip over and bend four petals from the side of the tip.

Making a stalk

We take a green sheet of paper. Wrap it tightly around a pencil or pen. We glue the end of the leaflet and tighten it. We take out the pencil. Insert the resulting tube into the bud.

We make a leaf for a tulip from the same green paper and glue it to the stem.

Here is a tulip. The scheme, as you can see, is straightforward. But not everyone succeeds the first time. Try again and you will succeed.
How to make a paper tulip so that it is not boring? Of course, together with the children. The child will be happy to surprise his beloved mother with a bouquet of homemade tulips by March 8. And simply, without any reason.

In conclusion

This craft is perfect for decorating your home and creating a spring mood for your whole family, will bring a sense of celebration and freshness to your home. Moreover, such flowers will stand much longer than natural ones. And the joy from them is no less.

We wish you success in all your endeavors.

The tulip is traditionally associated with spring, femininity, beauty and fragility. This beautiful spring flower captivates with its exquisite simplicity of its forms and tenderness. A live bouquet, unfortunately, will not last long, but a more durable alternative can be found. Origami paper tulip will delight you constantly, and will be an excellent interior decoration.

Such a craft is a wonderful gift for mom, grandmother, aunt or friend for any occasion. It is doubly pleasant to receive a gift made with your own hands, because you put a piece of your soul and love for this person into it.

What is origami

This type of decorative and applied art originated many years ago in Ancient China... Translated into Russian, the word origami means "folded paper". The variety of figures that can be created amazes: little men, animals, birds, fish, plants, flowers. Everything is limited only by your imagination!

There are many varieties of origami, differing in technique, methods and methods of creating figures:

Some craftsmen make beautiful products even from banknotes. Usually such figurines (manigami) are presented for some memorable event or holiday. It is believed that such a gift can attract good luck and prosperity.

This activity has not lost its popularity to this day: millions of people around the world are fond of making a wide variety of paper figures.

Origami is not only an interesting pastime, but also a very rewarding hobby. It teaches perseverance and patience, develops logical thinking and the correct artistic taste, relieves stress, makes you forget about problems and troubles. Making figures out of paper is sometimes even included in the rehabilitation course for people who have undergone various diseases, because it perfectly restores fine motor skills and manual dexterity.

In this article, we will look at how to make an origami tulip out of paper with your own hands. Even a child can cope with such a task. It is simple, interesting, and requires almost no financial costs.

Origami golden rules

  1. Choice of paper. Thin sheets are easier to work with, especially for beginners.
  2. If you have just started to learn the basics of this difficult art, then choose the lightest figures for making. When you get your hand filled and the technique is perfect, you can proceed to more complex crafts.
  3. Carefully work out the folds with a ruler, finger or nail.
  4. Do not deviate from the diagram, do the work in stages. Origami does not allow sloppiness and mistakes.
  5. Choose a place that is comfortable for you.
  6. Do not hurry! Do everything thoughtfully and carefully.

What do you need for origami?

Before we tell you how to fold an origami paper tulip, check out this list of what you need to get started:

  • Paper. For a tulip, you need sheets of two colors. It is not necessary to take the classic combination (green for the stem and red sheets for the bud), you can take the paper that you like best: pink, yellow, light blue, purple, blue. Bouquets of tulips of different colors look very beautiful.
  • Ruler. It is convenient for her to iron the folds, so they do not open, and ready product will have a cleaner look.
  • Scissors, pencil or pen.

Origami paper tulip: step by step instructions

This craft is considered one of the simplest and most popular. According to experts, it is almost impossible to get confused in the scheme.

We start creating a beautiful flower by making its bud:

Once the bud is ready, set it aside. You can start making the stem of our flower:

  1. Fold the sheet diagonally.
  2. Apply the sides to the formed center line.
  3. After that, the two upper parts are bent to the center. And bend the side parts to the middle again.
  4. We turn the workpiece over. Fold in half so that the sharp ends match.
  5. We fold the resulting part in half lengthwise.
  6. Bend the lower part. To make the leaf take its natural shape and become more beautiful, run it with scissors, a pencil or a pen. This will make the line more rounded.

It remains only to collect the craft! We insert the stem into the hole at the base of the bud - the tulip is ready! Making the craft took no more than 10 minutes.

In the end, it turned out very beautiful flower, which will delight you and your loved ones for a very long time. If you wish, you can create beautiful pots or vases for your flower garden and decorate them as you like: beads, rhinestones or appliques.

Origami tulip: modular technique

In addition to the simple, classic, manufacturing scheme for this spring flower, there are many others. For example, they look very unusual and beautiful. modular crafts... This lesson is suitable for those who have already mastered the art of origami a little.

This technique involves the creation of figures from separate small parts (modules), which are inserted into each other in a certain way.

The details should be 1/32 of the size of an A4 sheet, which is 52.5x36.25 mm.

To fold the module, we need:

  • Take a rectangular piece of paper and fold it lengthwise, then across and in half.
  • Attach the side parts to the center fold line.
  • Bend the remaining lower parts up to form a fold line. Fold the sides of these parts in a corner and raise them up. 7
  • Fold the workpiece in half. The module is ready!

For example, 105 modules need to be made for a flower bud. You can choose one color or combine several different shades.

The assembly begins in rows from the base of the bud and goes up. In general, the parts support each other and prevent the figure from falling apart, however, sometimes glue is used, so the finished product will be stronger and more durable.

Origami is a delicate and painstaking work. Even if something does not work out for you the first time, do not quit. interesting hobby... Try, improve your skills and technique, and you will succeed! Remember, real skill comes with experience.

Tulips are beautiful flowers that symbolize tenderness and comfort. So you want to admire the beautiful plants all year round, but fresh flowers lose their fresh appearance just a few days after being placed in a vase. If you want to create a wonderful craft that will delight you indefinitely, pay attention to our article, which will contain master classes on creating tulips for beginners and much more.

Craft materials

So, we list the materials from which you can make a tulip at home:

  • Napkin;
  • Textile;
  • Beads;
  • Corrugated paper;
  • Colored paper;
  • Candy wrappers;
  • Newsprint;
  • Balls;
  • Mastic;
  • Polymer clay;
  • Plasticine and much more.

As you can see, there are many materials that can be used as the centerpiece of a craft. Each material ensures the creation of a unique texture and color of the craft, so we recommend experimenting with materials to create an artificial flower.

Corrugated paper tulip

Tulips made from corrugated paper will adorn any festive table... Flowers can be filled with sweets, in which case you can create a wonderful, beautiful and delicious DIY gift.

So, we list the items required for this craft:

  • Scotch;
  • Scissors or utility knife;
  • Corrugated paper;
  • Tape tape;
  • Wire coil;
  • Candy.

To create a delicious gift, follow these step-by-step instructions for creating a tulip:

Cut the paper of your favorite color 20 cm long, and the width of the paper should be about 2-2.5 cm. The inner part of each paper should be twisted and then folded in half. Cut off a piece of wire 13-15 cm and tape the candy to it.

Use tape tape to secure the petals to the stem in two rows. Don't forget to wrap around the base of the tulip.

Form the stem of the plant out of green paper, you can add corrugated leaves to make the product more attractive. Glue the components of the bouquet and hurry to present them to your loved one.

Tulips from colored paper

To create paper flowers, you need a minimum amount of necessary items... Following these instructions, you can easily create tulips of any color and size: you can create both large and small tulips with your own hands.

To do this, prepare:

  • Scissors;
  • Paper of your favorite color;
  • Durable paper tube or a straw for a stem.

Fold a piece of paper diagonally and cut off the extra rectangle that has formed. Open the piece of paper to make a square. Fold the sheet diagonally to the opposite side and unfold it. A cross from the folds should be outlined on the square.

Flip the square over and bend it towards you. Unfold the piece of paper 90 degrees and re-fold it in half. As a result, four lines should be visible on the sheet.

Press down slightly on the center of the pyramid and fold the right and left sides of the pyramid inward. The result should be two adjoining triangles. Expand the triangle with the base away from you. Fold the corners of the triangle towards the top.

Flip the craft over and bend the corners of the bottom triangle until you have a diamond-like shape. Bend the left triangle towards the center, and do the same with the opposite triangle.

Now we need to place the triangle on the left side to the right. Repeat this with the bottom triangle, and then straighten it out. Make a small hole at the bottom of the diamond so that the tulip bud expands. Bend the petals on the sides of the bud evenly outward.

Connect the flower head with a green stem. So, our wonderful flower is ready! We advise you to familiarize yourself with a photo of handmade paper flowers. In this case, you will enrich your imagination and make more unusual crafts.

How to make tulips from fabric with your own hands

To create fabric flowers you will need:

  • Cotton fabric:
  • Threads in the color of the fabric;
  • Needle;
  • Scissors;
  • Filler (it is better to take a synthetic winterizer);
  • Wire coil;
  • Hot glue;
  • Set of green crepe paper.

So let's get down to business:

  • Cut a strip of 11 x 15 cm from the fabric.Fold the long part of the fabric inward by 1 cm.
  • Fold face strips inward and start sewing the sides of the workpiece.
  • Sew a dotted seam near the newly folded sides. Then you need to tighten the threads.
  • Fill the inside of the tulip with padding polyester.
  • Pick up the upper parts of the flower and make a neat seam.
  • Now start making the stem. To do this, wrap a piece of wire with crepe paper.
  • Hot glue the stem to the bud.
  • To add extra beauty to the bud, you can glue a plastic butterfly, bee or beads to the tulip, which will symbolize dew drops.

How to make a paper tulip for kids


  • Colored paper;
  • Scissors:
  • Glue;
  • Adhesive tape;
  • Wooden rods or stem straw.

Algorithm for creating a flower:

  • On a white sheet, draw a template for the sheet, cut it out and attach it to back side colored paper.
  • Draw the outline of the flower on colored paper and cut out the 4 parts of the tulip.
  • Fold each petal in half and glue the petals in half.
  • Wrap a stick or straw with tape and glue the stem to the tulip's head.
  • Cut a few leaves out of green paper and glue them to the stem. The flowers are ready!

We recommend experimenting with craft materials. Do not be afraid to start with simple tasks, because they are the first link for creating future masterpieces! This way, over time, you can come up with your own original ideas making tulips, enjoy the creative process and delight yourself and your loved ones with the result.

DIY tulips photo