
Congratulations on the 19th anniversary of the grandson in prose. Congratulations to the grandson from the grandmother in prose. Heartfelt wishes for grandson happy birthday from grandparents


Happy birthday granddaughter! May all your brightest dreams and fantasies come true in your life! Let your life path will be filled with a mass of the most daring victories and fabulous achievements! I wish you great happiness, good health and bright love! May loyal friends and relatives always be with you! The highest stars to you in life!

Our beloved grandson! Today, on your birthday, I wish you to boldly go through life, live in such a way that you do not have to be disappointed in your choice. I wish you not to hide from difficulties and trials, but to overcome them. Keep the dream in your heart and make it come true. Be a good person, a support for all of us - for your family! And know that you are our hope and joy. Happy holiday!

You are still quite small, but today you are the king, granddaughter! May you have a wonderful birthday funny contests and interesting prizes. Let the long-awaited gifts come to your heart. Grow smart and strong, honest and happy!

Mischievous and mischievous, accept congratulations! Come running to us more often, granddaughters. May a cheerful birthday bring: mountains of gifts and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bjoy. Grow strong as an oak, brave as a super hero, kind as the sun.

All the words in the world are not enough to express all my love for you, my grandson. On your birthday, I will tell you the most beautiful words. In my wishes, tenderness comes through, which I wish you too. May there be only goodness in your heart. Smiles to you and great, great happiness. I hope I always see only a smile on your face.

Let the whole world belong to you, my affectionate and kind grandson! You know how to warm with warmth in a way that even warm things cannot warm summer sun. May you never know that in this world there are misfortunes and misfortunes. May they always bypass you, and in your destiny there will be only luck. May luck always accompany you.

My dear and beloved granddaughter! Joy to you, blessings from above, kindness and warmth, true friends, career growth, amazing minutes and great days! Let your birthday be the starting point to the world of good luck, victories and great new achievements! May life give you its best gifts, the main of which is happiness!

Dear grandson, my love shines on you in the night like a beacon, and calls to your native shores! Reminds you that you are loved and expected here! May good luck and a fair wind always accompany you, and the ship of your life confidently sails along the waves!

My dear granddaughter, you, too, can often offend me with a harsh word, inattention. But I'm mature and wise, I'm not offended. And today I sincerely want to wish you patience and reasonableness, you will need them very much. Always know that even when I scold you, I am always on your side.

Happy birthday, happy birthday my dear grandson! Smile, sing, dance, it's your holiday and you can do whatever you want! And I congratulate you on this holiday, and I wish you everything, everything, everything that you can only wish for yourself! May you be happy and successful in everything! You are the best grandson in the world, I understood this even when I rocked you as a small baby in your cradle! How did you grow up so fast? And what has it become? Courageous, strong, sympathetic, attentive - just like that, I see you in my eyes! Live, my dear, and enjoy life. Only sometimes remember us, because your attention is precious to us.

Today is my grandson's birthday! I sincerely congratulate you on this day and wish you success in your studies and good health. You always visited us, did not forget! I want you to just be happy and cheerful, and we, looking at your successes, will sincerely rejoice, and know that we will support you in all your endeavors!

Dear grandson, my love shines on you in the night like
beacon, and calls to native shores! Reminds you that you are loved and expected here! May good luck and a fair wind always accompany you, and the ship of your life confidently sails along the waves!

Once upon a time I was a boy, a fidget and a mischievous one, and believe me, granddaughters, childhood is a wonderful time! But today, on your birthday, listen to the old man for a minute ... Know, granddaughters, I love you dearly and wish you the greatest happiness that can only fall to the lot of a person! I believe you will grow up so that your family will be very proud of you! Most importantly, remember that everything goes easier in life when you yourself love and are loved, when you do not forget to do at least one good deed every day, and when you are honest, most importantly, with yourself! Happy Birthday!

Our glorious granddaughter, your grandfather and grandmother wish you a happy birthday! Grow smart, healthy and happy for the joy of your parents and us! You will find many more pleasures, victories, new friends and amazing events!

Do you remember what happened, for example, a hundred days ago? What was that day, what happened on it, what little thing did you sincerely rejoice at? On this holiday, your birthday, I want, as your grandfather, who lived a lot, to wish you, my beloved grandson, not to lose a single day in your life! Let there be a good memory of each of them in many years to come! Be happy, strong and true to your dreams!

Favorite granddaughter! Today is your birthday! May it be bright and unforgettable, may it bring many gifts and pleasant surprises! Be healthy, cheerful and happy! Enjoy life and make your parents happy! May all your dreams come true! Let everything work out, and everything works out!

My beloved grandson! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you a whole ocean of smiles! May your faith in a happy future never leave you. Build your life so that in old age you can look back, take stock and come to the conclusion that all desires have been fulfilled and all goals have been achieved. All the best to you!

Family happiness, comfort and warmth. I can wish you today. After all, my grandson, it's your birthday today. I wish you a life as sweet as honey, good luck very much. And also may your dreams come true, so that everything you think about comes true.

You know your childhood days will go by quickly. You will not have time to look back, as you have become quite an adult. And so you want to turn back time ... so, I wish you not to waste your childhood in vain. Let every day be something to remember. Happy birthday!

Dear granddaughter, we congratulate you on your birthday! Believe that all your wishes will come true! Be a good student, study well and obey your parents! We rejoice in your success and hope that you will continue to be rewarded in everything!

Let life today not be what it used to be, let times and customs change, but on my grandson’s birthday, I must say, honor by honor, that young men like him have always been pride and joy for their families! You can rely on them for hard time, they can give their beloved daughters as wives, for them - nothing is impossible! I wish my beloved grandson to remain as kind, affable, open, strong and happy as we know him today.

Today I hasten to wish a happy birthday to a person very dear to me! This is my favorite granddaughter! I wish you to achieve everything you want! Whether it's a career or a woman, so that your thoughts are only positive and always come true! Happy birthday!

Today I wish my grandson sincere smiles, reliable friends, parental love and honest deeds. So that we can be proud and rejoice in you. And remember, no matter what happens, I will always support you.

Happy birthday to you my grandson. I wish you happiness, love, joy, wonderful moments in life. May all dreams come true. You are growing up before our eyes. Everything in life becomes interesting to you. I wish you to find your beloved, and be with her all your life.

All the words in the world are not enough to express all my love for you, my grandson. On your birthday, I will tell you the most beautiful words. In my wishes, tenderness comes through, which I wish you too. May there be only goodness in your heart. Smiles to you and great, great happiness. I hope I always see only a smile on your face.

Your childish smile will forever remain in my heart! She gives me strength in the most difficult moments of my life! I wish you, my granddaughters, that your childish smile, despite your age, never leaves your lips! Happy birthday! Good life to you!

I will never forget your first day at home! Your tender, little hands! I dream about this little ball every night! But now you are already quite an adult, soon you will become a father yourself and you will understand why I am so worried about you! Happy birthday!

Today a star in the sky lights up. My grandson is getting older today. I congratulate you on your birthday. May everything around you always be in your favor, so that you are well in everything.

Granddaughter, today is your birthday, and this significant event for our whole family! With all my heart I give you the most sincere wishes of love, prosperity, health, prosperity, joy, tenderness, kindness, beauty and wonderful, memorable moments. Let everything be great, and every event pleases you and brings happiness!

When you know someone from early childhood, when you see all his ups and downs, you see how he grows, you want everything to work out well for this person. And they say the truth, you love grandchildren more than children. Happy birthday my dear grandson!

Beloved grandson, I congratulate you on your birthday, I wish you a glorious path in your life. Let faithful friends walk nearby, who in difficult times will immediately substitute their strong shoulder. Let happiness be real and most tender, strongest and most pleasant.

Let everything around today be for you. Let the sun shine brighter. My grandson, you are my dear, you are my good, happy birthday. May cherished dreams come true. Love always and be always loved.

My precious grandson! Congratulations on your wonderful holiday - Happy Birthday! I wish your life to be interesting and eventful, so that there are fewer troubles and more luck in it! Never lose heart, and do not lose faith in yourself, and then you will definitely become a successful person!

Dear grandson, my love shines on you in the night like a beacon, and calls to your native shores! Reminds you that you are loved and expected here! May good luck and a fair wind always accompany you, and the ship of your life confidently sails along the waves!

Congratulations to the grandchildren on the phone

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Best words from grandparents they will say pleasant birthday greetings to their grandson in prose.

Grandson, you were born one day to make us happy grandparents ourselves! Never change, remain a nice boy who makes the family proud.

Grandson, grow up, but don't rush to do it too fast. Let life gradually teach you lessons, but never beat you in word or deed! Happy birthday!

* * *

Granddaughter, on your birthday, I ask you to remain a smart, friendly and purposeful guy. Let no circumstances prevent you from improving and achieving your goals!

Let the dream remind you all the time, grandson, that you can’t stand still! Live better than we do, be happier and more successful. And we will continue to be proud of you!

Granddaughter, happy birthday! Grow up and please the whole family with new successes. Be the most courageous and surprisingly strong, very healthy and unusually strong, unspeakably kind and truly sympathetic!

Happy birthday greetings to the grandson in prose

Your every victory and every achievement makes our whole family happier. So let there be an unusually large number of them in your glorious and cheerful life! Happy birthday!

Dear grandson! May fate bring you the most desired gifts. And the most important of them will be the strongest health and unspeakable luck. And you already have a caring family and the love of loved ones! Happy birthday!

Let a cheerful birthday give you not only pleasant surprises, but also a large supply of positive energy for new victories in life! Congratulations!

Dear grandson, like a brave pilot on a fast plane, rush to extraordinary victories, bright achievements and new successes! Be the first in learning and games. Give friends true friendship, and close people - sincere love. And let them answer you the same!

* * *

Happy birthday! Let there be those people who will rejoice at your luck or sympathize at a difficult moment. After all, if there is someone to share joy or sadness with, life becomes brighter, fuller and more pleasant.

How much grandparents love their grandchildren! Probably even a little more than children. And all because when the kids were small, they themselves were young and constantly in a hurry somewhere. And when grandchildren appeared, they became their main concern. Grandma always tries to cook something delicious for her baby. And the children feel how warm it comes from her, and therefore they strive to visit her. Grandma carefully prepares for the name day of her favorites, chooses a gift, and looks for exactly the one that the birthday man expressed a desire to receive.

By the holiday you need to find and birthday wishes for grandson, which can be entered into beautiful postcard. Warm and tender words will warm the hero of the occasion. And even if the child is still very small, in order to understand their meaning, he will simply play with a beautiful postcard. But over time, when he gets a little older and finds this postcard among dusty papers, he will understand how strong the love and care that comes from a granny is. After all, we all, both children and adults, want to feel the warmth of loved ones, especially when it is the vulnerable soul of a teenager seeking understanding. Grandmothers are sometimes able to understand their granddaughter much better than mom and dad, and help him not only kind word, but also the deed. And after rereading the congratulations - in poetic form or in prose - we smile and our hearts become joyful. And in order for the congratulatory test to be successful, you can familiarize yourself with the ready-made options presented on our thematic website.

Prose to the grandson

Today our lips glow warm smiles, because this day made us incredibly happy grandparents! Dear granddaughter, we wish you to be healthy and cheerful, mischievous and brave, quick-witted and kind! May your life be filled with an endless sea of ​​positive, countless smiles, constant luck, bright victories, countless achievements, reliable friends and caring relatives!

Beloved granddaughter, happy birthday to you! Be brave, strong, self-confident, proud and an example for the whole environment, kind and sympathetic to your loved ones. Of course, in order to achieve all the goals, it is necessary to have good health which we sincerely wish you. Know that you are our hope and support.

Dear sun, not so long ago you made our family happy with your appearance. We thank God for the joy and the light that you have brought into our lives. We sincerely love you, and wish you the best of the blessings of the world. May your life be filled with love, kindness and warmth. Grow healthy and successful. May there always be close people nearby who will always lend a shoulder. Happy holiday!

My beloved, dear, dear granddaughter! On the day that brought so much happiness for all of us, I congratulate you. It seems as if yesterday you were held on the handles, so small, and today you suddenly became an adult. I wish you to dream, bright and colorful, and I promise that all dreams, every last one, will come true. Happy Birthday!

Dear grandson! On the long-awaited day of your birth, from me - only good wishes: unshakable health and trouble-free memory. Be merciful and grateful. Never forget that you partly owe your success and well-being to your parents. Be brave and wise. Overcome obstacles on the difficult path to the desired success. Farewell fools and seek the friendship of worthy people.

Beloved granddaughter, until recently you were a mischievous little boy, and today you are already a man. Therefore, on your birthday, I want to wish you immense happiness, finally meet your beloved, and have children. And together with a young family to build a cozy house. Also, may the Almighty always protect you and help you find the right path.

Beloved granddaughter, today you have become a year older. And on this solemn day, I want to wish you to remain, as long as possible, the same cheerful, mischievous little boy. Let true comrades surround. And most importantly, grow up a brave man, so that you can always stand up for your family. Happy birthday dear, kiss you tightly.

Our beloved granddaughter! We congratulate you on your birthday and want to say that we are very proud of you and really want you to be the happiest. May there be many in your life bright events and true friends. Be always smiling and joyful! We love!

Orthodox birthday greetings to the grandson in prose

Granddaughter! On your birthday, I want to wish you a guardian angel that will always be with you, protect, protect you and rejoice with you in all achievements and successes. And let everything in your life turn out exactly the way that is best for you!

Positive congratulations to the little granddaughter on his birthday in prose

My little granddaughter, happy birthday! May your life path be filled with bright colors. Listen to your parents and study well, then everything in your life will be fine. I wish you excellent health and good friends. I know that you will be fine. Love you!

Heartfelt wishes for grandson happy birthday from grandparents

Dear granddaughter! We heartily congratulate you on your birthday. And we want to tell you that we are very proud of you: your successes, your curiosity, courage and openness. May the whole world open its doors for you. Be healthy and happy!

Children's congratulations to your beloved grandson in prose

I'll collect five paychecks - here's a present for you, granddaughters! I will come, I will fly and I will hand it to you! You are my favorite, the smartest, the strongest! Just a super hero! Grow as smart as Spiderman, as brave as Batman, and as wise as Matroskin the Cat.

Good wishes to the grandson happy birthday in prose

Well, granddaughter, for another year you have become older today, which means you are stronger and smarter, more purposeful. May all the best that is in you multiply, and all the bad things bypass three miles away. Happy Birthday, dear! Smile and laugh to the joy of loved ones!

Happy birthday greetings to an adult family grandson from a grandmother

Dear granddaughter, happy birthday. Before my eyes, you became quite an adult, finished your studies, got your own family. I wish that you do not know grief, in your life there was as much positive, kindness and love as possible. Don't forget your old grandmother.

Beautiful sincere words for a grandson with DR

We are happy that we have such a grandson! On your birthday, we wish you a fairy tale in which there will be a lot of sun, joy, gifts, sweets, good magic and friends! And we, your grandparents, will do our best to make this fairy tale come true!

Beautiful funny birthday wishes for grandson in your own words

Granddaughter! Happy Birthday to You! May all your childhood dreams and dreams come true. Always believe in miracles and magic, make new wishes, laugh more, rejoice and be an obedient boy. Be happy, healthy and always cheerful!