
Beaver fur coat: how to choose the right quality fur? Sheared beaver fur coats: tips for choosing and reviews Is sheared beaver fur coat warm or not


Clothes whose characteristics are not inferior to a sheared mink fur coat...

Why do many women today choose sheared beaver fur coats? Usually, all representatives of the fair sex have the same dreams - everyone wants to purchase a high-quality natural fur coat at an affordable price, but one that looks expensive. Beaver coats meet this requirement. Let's talk about their merits!

Interesting historical facts

Beaver pelt attracted people's interest several centuries ago. Even then, beaver fur was highly valued by merchants. It was with them that merchants paid for valuable goods. Why was beaver fur the unit of payment in merchant times? The animal's fur was highly valued for its beauty and ability to retain heat. In Rus', during the reign of Ivan IV, only boyars were allowed to wear beaver fur coats. Such outfits were prohibited for ordinary people.

What are the features of fur?

Modern stylists love to experiment with sheared beaver fur, since the skins of these animals are still in high demand today. The advantage of this fur is that it never gets wet, therefore, fashionistas can safely wear a beaver fur coat even in the rain.

On a note! Fashion designers give preference to the Canadian animal, since its undercoat is denser than that of its relatives from other countries.

The natural color of the skins is especially valued. The noble dark chocolate color on the back, smoothly turning into light colors, looks extraordinary and attractive.

The durability of beaver coats exceeds mink coats and is second only to. The thick undercoat provides high thermal characteristics to the fur.

Sheared beaver fur coat: the most fashionable models 2018-2019

Today the greatest demand is shortened models beaver coat. Completion stylish look will become leather boots with high wide heels and a mink hat. But here you should remember that such an image is suitable only for a slender fashionista.

Fur coats look exclusive with transverse stripes, straight cut and patch pockets. Jeans and any style of boots are ideal for these models.

It is worth paying special attention to the sheared beaver fur coat in white. Such products, regardless of the tailoring features, always give the girl elegance and charm. They will be ideally combined with both a dress (skirt) and.

Finishing and combination

This season, the trend is fur coats made of sheared fur with a fur collar or hood made from a different type of fur, which differs not only in the length of the pile, but also in color. For example, a beaver coat with a lynx collar, as in the photo:

How to distinguish a fake?

There are several criteria that will allow the buyer to verify the authenticity of beaver fur:

  1. There will always be a beaver coat severe.
  2. To avoid confusing a beaver with a rabbit, you should run your hand over the fur. Rabbit fur, unlike beaver fur, is delicate and soft.
  3. The length of the beaver fur strips in the product will not be less than 30 cm. Therefore, there will be few seams in the beaver fur coat.

How to evaluate the quality of fur?

Every customer who is interested in a sheared beaver fur coat should know the rules by which the quality of the fur is determined and the tailoring is assessed.

Let's consider the criteria that indicate high quality winter fur clothing:

  • After compression, the fur immediately straightens out and takes on its original appearance.
  • The fibers of beaver fur should always be directed in one direction, the texture should be even.
  • There should be no visible glue on the seams.
  • The presence of a foreign odor indicates improper painting.
  • The flesh in a fur coat should be thick and at the same time elastic - this is a sign of high quality.

Experts say that better than a fur coat buy from shorn beaver in specialized salons. Such establishments, worried about their reputation, prefer to sell quality products, providing truthful information about their product. In addition, the warranty card issued by specialized stores requires the delivery of goods in case of detection of defects.

What is the price?

When buying a beaver fur coat, you should pay attention to its cost. It is worth understanding that the price of a sheared fur coat cannot be low, otherwise this should alert the buyer, because a low price tag may indicate a low-quality product.

It should be remembered that the cost is based on:

  • fur quality;
  • product length;
  • a collar made of other, more expensive fur;
  • quality of tailoring;
  • brand popularity.

In Moscow, beaver fur coats are offered by brands such as MARINA FURS, NAFA, SAGA, KOPENGAGEN FUR. The average cost of such fur coats ranges from 25,000 to 40,000 rubles.

How to remove dirt from fur?

At the end of the season of active wear, every owner begins to think about how to clean a sheared beaver fur coat at home. Experts usually recommend using dry cleaning services. Self-cleaning will give a positive result only with light stains.
Let's consider the most effective methods cleaning:

  1. Mix in equal parts in a glass container alcohol, vinegar and water. Using a swab dipped in the resulting solution, wipe the fur against the grain. At the end of the procedure, wipe with a clean damp cloth.
  2. For removing greasy stains solution prepare like this:
    – add salt (3 teaspoons) to water (500 ml);
    – the solution is stirred;
    – ammonia (1 teaspoon) is added to the liquid.
    Using a swab dipped in the solution, wipe the fur against the grain. After the procedure, the pile is wiped with a damp, clean cloth.
  3. Cleaning dirt hot sand. The fur coat is laid out on a flat surface, the dirty area is evenly covered with hot sand and rubbed into the fur with the palm of your hand. When finished, the sand is shaken out of the product.

After cleaning the fur with a solution, hang the fur coat on a hanger and dry at room temperature. Drying with heating devices is prohibited. After drying, the fur is combed with a special brush.

How to store?

In order for a fur product to last a long time, it needs to be properly cared for. To do this, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Fur cannot be stored in plastic bag. Experts recommend sewing a fabric cover.
  2. To combat insects, repellent tablets are placed in pockets and tags are hung on hangers.
  3. Every 3 months the fur coat is taken out of the cover for ventilation.
  4. The fur product should be placed in the closet so that it has free access to air.

If you comply with these requirements and wear the fur product carefully, then a sheared beaver fur coat will delight the owner with its beauty for at least 10 years.

Almost all girls dream of purchasing attractive and elegant outerwear for winter. First of all, it is proposed to consider sheared beaver fur coats. The fur of this animal has a large number of positive qualities at a relatively affordable price.

Historical information

Just a few centuries ago, beaver skins were used as an equivalent to the price of goods. Merchants used these things to make payments in the market. Fur made very warm and beautiful robes, which were especially popular among the boyars. During the time of Ivan IV, ordinary people were even forbidden to wear such outfits.

Features of fur

Among modern stylists, sheared beaver fur coats are incredibly popular. Their fur is resistant to moisture, so fashionistas can wear similar clothes in rainy weather. Products made from Canadian beaver are considered to be of the highest quality, since this animal has a very dense undercoat.

Many people are attracted by the noble color. The natural color of the fur looks very attractive and extraordinary. The back of the animal is dark chocolate in color, and the sides are light brown. The skins can also be silver. They make elegant robes.

When handled with care, sheared beaver coats serve long time. In terms of durability, they are superior to mink products, but inferior to their otter counterparts. As for the thermal characteristics, they are quite high, which is explained by the thickness of the animal’s fur.

Popular models

Currently, short outerwear is considered very fashionable. Particularly popular is a short sheared beaver fur coat with a hood. However, this model is primarily designed for a slender girl. Leather boots with wide heels and a mink hat will help complete the look.

For extraordinary individuals who prefer exclusive items, stylists offer products made from transverse stripes. These models are characterized by a straight cut and elegant patch pockets. Along with this attire, you can wear jeans with boots or any shoes.

The white sheared beaver fur coat deserves special attention, and the cut doesn’t really matter here. Emphasize expressiveness female figure You can use a regular belt. This model can be worn not only with jeans, but also with a dress or skirt.

Authenticity testing

There are several ways to determine whether the fur is actually beaver. First, you can simply estimate the weight of the fur coat. This product will be quite heavy in any case. If the mass is small, then there is reason to begin to doubt the authenticity of the proposed item of clothing.

Sometimes unscrupulous persons pass off a rabbit as a beaver. However, it is quite possible to distinguish these two types of fur without outside help. You just need to run your hand over the product. The fur of a rabbit is less coarse than that of a beaver. This is quite easy to determine by touch.

As a rule, sheared beaver fur coats are not made from separate pieces less than 30 cm in length. In this regard, the number of seams is not very large, which cannot be said about products made from rabbit. Because of not large sizes the number of fragments of the animal itself increases noticeably.

Quality control

It is necessary to learn to determine not only the authenticity of a product, but also its quality. Few consumers have even basic knowledge of how to choose a sheared beaver fur coat. Therefore, it is further proposed to consider how the quality of the purchased product is assessed.

When choosing, consider the following:

  • when compressed, the fur returns to its original shape;
  • the pile is directed in one direction and has an even texture;
  • there should be no adhesive on the seams;
  • the presence of a foreign odor may indicate improper staining;
  • a thick, but at the same time elastic core can serve as proof of the high quality of the product.

It is best to make a purchase in a specialized store or salon. Such institutions value their reputation, so they offer consumers only high-quality products. Usually they provide a warranty card that allows you to return the product if there are any defects.

How much does a sheared beaver fur coat cost: the price of quality products

When choosing, you should pay attention to the cost finished products. If a sheared beaver fur coat is offered, the price of which is too low, then you need to be wary. There is a possibility that a low-quality product is being sold. Initially, it cannot be too cheap.

The final cost is influenced not only by the quality of the fur, but also by other parameters (length, tailoring, reputation of the manufacturer, and so on). Most often, the price ranges from 30-40 thousand rubles.

Most popular brands are presented in the table.

Many girls are interested in the question of how to clean a sheared beaver fur coat on their own. This can be done at home if the fur item is not very dirty. In advanced cases, it is advisable to use dry cleaning services.

First, you can try cleaning it using a special mixture that includes water, vinegar and alcohol. The presented ingredients are mixed in equal parts. It is recommended to use as a working container glassware. Since the sheared fur will be cleaned, you should move it directly against the fur. After completion of work, the pile is wiped with a clean cloth.

Grease stains are removed using another mixture. First, 3 teaspoons of salt are dissolved in 500 mg of water. After this, ammonia is added. It is enough to pour just one teaspoon into the resulting composition. The fur is treated with this solution and then gently wiped with a damp cloth.

Cleaning can be done with hot sand. To do this, clothes are laid out on a table or other convenient platform. It is sprinkled with heated sand on top, which is spread over the surface of the fur with the palm of your hand. Rubbing movements remove dirt.

You can dry your fur coat after cleaning at room temperature. It should be hung on a hanger with wide hangers away from heating devices. When it is completely dry, the fur must be combed with a special brush.

Features of care

Any fur product can last a long time if it is properly stored in the off-season. Do not use a plastic bag as packaging. It is best to buy a special fabric cover. Anti-moth preparations are not recommended to be applied directly to the fur. It is advisable to use tablets that are located in pockets. If necessary, you can hang insect control tags on a hanger.

Once every three months, clothes should be taken out of the cover for ventilation purposes. However, it should not be placed in areas exposed to excessive amounts of ultraviolet radiation. Under influence sun rays the fur may lose its former shine and become inconspicuous. In a closet, the cover should not be located close to other things to ensure air circulation inside.

If you adhere to basic care rules, the service life of the product will be measured in tens of years. However, it is also necessary to be careful when wearing it, minimizing the amount of cleaning.

As a conclusion

A winter attire that can decorate any girl can be a sheared beaver fur coat. Reviews about such products from happy owners leave mostly only positive ones. First of all, they note the affordable cost, durability and high aesthetic characteristics. In modern designer collections you can find the most interesting styles that suit a certain body type.

A beaver fur coat is a truly unique thing. Such a long service life - 18 seasons at proper care- most other popular furs cannot boast. Only fur coats made from otter or bear boast greater durability, and beaver confidently rounds out the top three.

Other benefits of beaver fur

By choosing a beaver fur coat, you can purchase not only a surprisingly durable and wearable item. What else are beaver fur products famous for?

  • Resistance to adverse weather conditions. Wet fur dries quickly and even becomes even fluffier.
  • Ability to retain heat for a long time. A beaver fur coat perfectly warms its owner even in severe frosts for a long time.
  • Visual appeal. The beaver skin has a very beautiful natural shade - dark chocolate on the back with a transition to pale gold at the edges. But manufacturers also offer many other shade options for beaver products, which are achieved through dyeing. In addition, beaver fur is very long, fluffy and surprisingly soft to the touch.
  • Affordable price. For such a fur coat you will have to pay from 50 thousand rubles, and taking into account its service life, the cost is more than affordable.

What kind of beaver is there?

  • Plucked beaver- the most expensive one possible. To create such a fur coat requires special skills, as well as the availability of special tools. During production, only whole skins are used, and the manufacturing process itself takes from six months to a year, which directly affects the cost of the product. Among beaver coats, this is the lightest.
  • Shorn beaver It will cost less than plucked, but will warm you better.
  • Natural beaver. This fur most often has a natural shade, and the product itself is slightly heavier than the previous ones.

Beaver coat styles

A good fur coat should not only warm its owner, but also decorate her. In order to look as advantageous as possible in a purchased fur coat, you need to choose a model based on the characteristics of your figure. Here are some tips to help with this:

  • Curvy beauties should first of all turn to products made from sheared beaver - a long pile can visually add extra pounds.
  • Almost any model will suit tall and slender young ladies, so you should make a decision based on the fur coat you like - whether it will suit the look.
  • Flared models will look great on short girls.
  • For those with too wide hips, it is preferable to focus on the waist. For such girls, a fur coat with a belt is just what the doctor ordered.

Features of beaver fur coats: recognizing a fake

So, you have made your choice and are ready to buy. But in order not to become a victim of scammers and to distinguish a real beaver from the animal that they are trying to pass off as one, you need to use our tips:

  • To distinguish a beaver from a “Rex”, stroke the fur coat along the grain growth and against it. The rabbit will be soft to the touch in any case, but the beaver's fur will scratch if you stroke it against the grain.
  • To avoid being mistaken for a beaver, blow on the fur coat. Did you see the thick undercoat? So it's definitely a beaver.

Now you can identify a fake, but what about identifying a poorly made fur coat, even if it’s made from real beaver? There are also special tricks for this:

  • Beaver fur is so thick that there should be no bald spots or bald spots. If you found at least one, it means the item is of poor quality.
  • Please rate the color if possible. reverse side skins - it should be light and without any extraneous shades.
  • High-quality fur should not stick together. Hold it in your fist and see how quickly it returns to its original state.
  • Shake your favorite fur coat. If you hear a crash, put this thing aside: if the product is made to last, no extraneous sounds should appear.

Even something as durable as a beaver fur coat can lose its impeccable appearance if it is not properly cared for. How to proceed so that your fur coat pleases the eye for many years?

  • Beaver fur can withstand dry cleaning, and the regularity of this procedure (once a year) will only benefit your fur coat.
  • It is not recommended to store the product in a plastic bag. Select a canvas bag of the required size for this purpose.
  • If your fur coat is wet, under no circumstances should you dry it with a hairdryer or using heating devices. The fur coat should dry at room temperature, and then it should be combed in the direction of hair growth.
  • Varnish, perfume, Eau de Toilette- enemies for your fur coat, the chemicals they contain can dry out the pile, causing the product to fade.

Follow these simple rules, and your beaver fur coat will not only last a long time, but will also delight you with its beauty throughout its entire service life!

You might be interested

Beaver is the fur of a Rex rabbit or chinchilla rabbit. During its short existence, this fur has gained wide popularity and respect from many fur coat manufacturers. Those who have bought beaver fur coats admire its similarity to mink and chinchilla.


To create original and bold models of fur coats, designers choose this particular fur. It is pleasant to the touch, has good performance properties and is reasonably priced. In addition, beaver is very similar to expensive and valuable beaver fur, you will have to spend a lot of money. Outerwear You can’t visually distinguish a chinchilla rabbit from it, only by touch. But even this identification is pleasant - the fur is incredibly soft and silky.

Our online store offers a wide selection of beaver products. Here you will find beautiful and extravagant models of fur coats, sheepskin coats and capes made from this fur. Our catalog contains classic and elegant models, with and without a hood, short and long, loose and fitted fit. Every woman with curvaceous will be able to choose a large fur coat for himself. The chinchilla rabbit has a small pile, so it is recommended to buy it for owners non-standard forms.

The prices for beaver fur coats will pleasantly surprise you. This type of fur is considered budget and has a low cost. We always pamper our clients and regularly offer discounts on all types of fur products. In our store you can buy a luxurious fur coat from natural fur, the quality of which is significantly higher than the price.


The choice of styles will amuse every fashionista. The presented collection is dominated by classic colors and a natural palette: white, black, beige and Brown color. Fur coats made of black and white, smoky gray and cream fur look great. An elegant and unusual option is a chinchilla rabbit fur coat with a silver fox hood.

From us you can buy fur coats made from whole skins, which are classic fur products, or from transverse skins, which are fashionable today. Also in our store you can order products in trendy styles: a-line, straight or flared, with a stand-up collar or a round neck in the Chanel style. Luxurious and extravagant beaver fur coats will not leave any woman's heart indifferent.

Today beaver coat has gained great popularity, because you can find it in the wardrobe of many women. Beaver is used by many designers, because this fur has unique properties.

Characteristics of beaver fur
One of the main features of the beaver is that it is excellent for Russian climate. This fur is suitable for residents of both the northern and southern parts of the country.
The beaver has a number of additional advantages that attract designers from all over the world.

  1. 1. Practicality and wear resistance. does not require frequent dry cleaning or special storage conditions. In order for a fur coat to last 15-18 seasons, it is enough to take care of it appearance and avoid mechanical damage.
  1. 2. Good thermal insulation qualities. Thanks to the thick coat and undercoat, beaver skin has a high density. It retains heat even after a long stay in the cold.
  1. 3. Moisture resistance. As a rule, high humidity has a bad effect on the quality of fur products. However, beaver is resistant to any weather conditions, so it will not deteriorate even after wet snow or rain.
  1. 4. Aesthetic data. Beaver fur has a bright and rich color, the colors of which vary from light brown to dark brown. In addition, the fibers do not lose their softness and fluffiness after prolonged dyeing.

Beaver varieties
To make products, designers usually use beaver fur in in kind. However, in order for the product to be attractive and practical, it is necessary to carry out some procedures for processing the fur.
There are 3 types of beaver used to make fur coats:

  1. 1. Long beaver. Products made from this fur use natural long pile. Wool is characterized by shine and softness. The main qualities of this type of fur are practicality and water resistance. Most often, long beaver is used to make men's clothing.
  1. 2. Shorn beaver. Its main advantage is its low price. In addition, it is wear-resistant and practical. The color palette of sheared beaver is extensive - from light to dark shades Brown color.
  1. 3. Plucked beaver. Since only whole skins are used in its production, this fur is more expensive than sheared fur. In its production, a special technology is used - fur plucking. This allows you to create a practical and high-quality product that does not lose its attractiveness even after prolonged wear.

Beaver coats

Beaver fur is quite difficult to use. For tailoring, only the skins of young animals, which are distinguished by the softness of their down, are used. Before sewing begins, a special fur processing technology is used.

  1. 1. Connecting fur skins for further procedures.
  1. 2. If it is necessary to obtain sheared or plucked fur, shearing or plucking is used.
  1. 3. Selection color range, coloring.

As a rule, fur processing takes place over several months, but sometimes the process lasts more than a year.
When choosing a fur coat, you need to pay attention to the features of not only the processing of the material, but also the tailoring of the product.

  1. 1. Size and length of the fur coat. Nowadays, short fur coats (length up to the knee) are considered fashionable, but if you want to get powerful protection from the cold, you can buy a long fur coat that reaches to your toes. When choosing the length of a fur coat, be guided not only by the latest fashion trends, but also your preferences. It is important to check that the product is not too large or small for you. Check how well the fur coat fits you.
  1. 2. Style. When choosing a product cut, proceed from your body type and face shape. For example, a straight fur coat is perfect for thin girls, while flares look good on curvy women.
  1. 3. Type of fur. Typically, for making female models fur coats are used shorn or plucked beaver fur. Decide which one suits you. Please note that the price and quality of these varieties differ, so it is better to choose the appropriate option before going to the store. If you cannot make a decision on your own, you can ask a sales consultant about the differences between these varieties.
  1. 4. Quality of cut. In order to check how correctly the fur coat was sewn, it is enough to conduct a small inspection. Inspect the product from all sides. If you do not see any damage or crooked seams, then the fur coat is made with high quality.

When buying a beaver fur coat, check its authenticity. Unscrupulous sellers often deceive buyers by offering nutria fur instead of beaver. At first glance, it is quite difficult to recognize a fake, but you can ask for a quality certificate. In addition, the seller is obliged to provide instructions for caring for the fur coat and a 1-year warranty. If store employees refuse to provide the necessary documents, then it is a fake.

Beaver products are distinguished by their quality and wear resistance. They are suitable for women of any age and body type, so every “fashionista” can purchase a product made from this fur!