
Gift wrapping in gift paper. We beautifully pack gifts with our own hands. How to pack a round box and other irregular shaped gifts


We give gifts to relatives, acquaintances, friends, work colleagues on their birthday, February 23, Women's Day, New Year and so on. Many people are of the opinion that the content is much more important than the form, which means that you can easily do without a wrapper. Candy in a beautiful wrapper does not change the taste without it! But even a very respectable person will be delighted with a gift in exquisite packaging.

The most popular gift wrapping is paper. Let's figure out how to pack a gift in paper beautifully with your own hands.

The modern industry offers a huge selection of paper, different colors, different textures and sizes:

  • the most convenient for packaging is sheet glossy paper. It comes in a variety of variations;
  • kraft is a type of paper that has a transverse embossing, slightly ribbed to the touch, specially designed for gift wrapping. It is produced in rolls 10 meters long.
  • Tissue - thin, light and airy. For this reason, it can also act as a filler. Objects of complex shape are packed in tissue, as it tends to fit embossedly and elegantly;
  • a gift that has a non-standard shape can be wrapped beautifully in polysilk. Bows are also made from it for decoration. large sizes. In its texture, it looks like a dense film, it stretches a little. It is for this that designers and stylists like him;
  • With corrugated paper familiar to almost everyone. It is often used as one of the elements of bouquet packaging. Often it also finds applications in the packaging of souvenir bottles or other gifts that have a narrow elongated shape and packed in a tube or box;
  • mulberry is a type of paper self made made in Thailand. The choice of colors here is very diverse. Often there is a drawing or ornament, and sometimes elements of floristic material (dried flowers or leaves, stem fragments);
  • there is also mother-of-pearl, crinkled, silk, embossed, gel wrapping paper.

Those who invented paper had no idea how many types of this material could exist.

Gift wrapping step by step instructions

I. How to wrap a square or rectangular gift in gift paper. To begin with, let's figure out how to pack a gift that is in a rectangular or square box with your own hands correctly.

For this we need: actually wrapping paper, cords or ribbon for decoration, tape measure, scissors and adhesive tape, double-sided is welcome, because it can be quite neatly hidden.


From the selected paper, cut out a rectangle. Its dimensions are calculated as follows: using a tape measure, we consistently measure all four sides of the box and add three centimeters to the hem, so we get the width, the length is determined by the formula - 2 heights of the box itself + 1 length.

Advice! If you have never wrapped a gift with your own hands before, you should immediately practice on some unnecessary paper. For example, on a newspaper or on a piece of unnecessary wallpaper.

Before packing a gift box in paper, we audit the box and the gift itself for the presence of price tags, and, if necessary, remove them. Next, lay out a rectangle of paper on a flat surface. the right sizes and a gift box.

We place the box in the center of our rectangle. On any of the vertical edges, we make a fold inward by 0.5-1 cm. Glue adhesive tape to the fold. We tightly wrap the box in paper, if necessary, slightly stretching to remove wrinkles. We align the paper along the edges, remove the film from the glued adhesive tape and stick the edge with a hem.

The lower part of the rectangle is bent and pressed tightly against the side faces of the box. After that, we bend it, bend it in the middle, stick adhesive tape and fasten it to the end. We carry out such an operation from two sides.

II. You don't know how to wrap a gift in wrapping paper in a round or oval box?

Let's figure it out together. In such boxes, as a rule, there are various goodies, tea, coffee, sweets, as well as services. But not every professional will be able to properly pack such a box in wrapping paper, so you should first practice on an unnecessary newspaper.


We measure the height of the box. From the paper we cut out a strip 2-3 cm wider. We glue our box in a circle, while tucking it inward about 1-2 from the top, 1 cm from the bottom to the bottom. Of course, we remove the lid at the same time.

How to pack a New Year's gift?

For New Year's gifts choose bright colorful paper. You can decorate such a gift with multi-colored ribbons and tiny Christmas decorations.

A New Year's gift can be wrapped beautifully without gift paper. An unusual textile bag, the so-called Santa Claus bag, or a boot, an interesting gift bag from old magazines, etc. is suitable for this.

How can you wrap a birthday present? For a birthday gift, choose the packaging corresponding to the date and gender of the birthday person. For an anniversary, you can choose a package with embossed or interspersed with elements of complex decor. Decorate with a bow or flower of different sizes.

How to pack a children's gift?

It is better to pack a gift intended for a child in a beautiful bag of bright colors or pack it in the form of a large candy. Children just love unexpected surprises.

From craft paper, you can pack a gift for a child in the form of a cute animal, fox, cat or dog. Video how to pack a gift for a child in gift paper:

How to pack a gift without a box?

It is possible to pack an original gift in gift paper without a box. We offer you several gift wrapping ideas without a box so that the packaging is voluminous.

For a birthday, such a package can be decorated with an interesting congratulatory note on a ribbon or a beautiful bank. If you pack a gift for the New Year in such a package, you can use an angel snowflake or spruce branch from paper, but if you don’t want to bother, just fasten a small Christmas tree toy to the bag with a ribbon.

Gift in a hurry

But what to do if you are suddenly invited to a holiday, and there is no time to look for a gift and just enough packing. We offer several original variants and gift wrapping in such extreme cases.

A beautiful towel can be a win-win gift. And if you also pack it beautifully, the gift will make an indelible impression.

You can pack a towel with gift paper in the form of a large candy. And you can pack without paper.

Simply fold the towel into a neat triangle that looks like a piece of cake, secure the edges with colorless tape, and tie off. beautiful ribbon with a small bow. Needlewomen can make with a hook in a few minutes.

And if, when handing over, say the right words, such a gift will cause a real delight.

If you chose as a gift kitchen towels, take a beautiful transparent cake box and in the same simple way, fold each towel into a triangle shape, and then put them in a round cake-shaped box, close the lid and tie with a gift bow.

If you've been invited to a party and don't have time to look for a gift, don't despair.

Just buy a bottle of good alcohol. And pack it beautifully with your own hands. You can pack such a gift in a beautiful package, in gift box or just with wrapping paper.

In any gift shop you can buy a ready-made gift box or gift bag. And you can show imagination, make a little effort and pack a beautiful gift with your own hands.

In this case, various ribbons, laces, miniature figurines that can be attached to a gift box can become decorations. Choose gifts from the heart and pack with soul! Such work will always be appreciated!

Viewed: 1 315

Making surprises with your own hands is always great! It is especially pleasant to please the closest people with your gifts: husband, boyfriend, mother, girlfriend or sister. And when you have already come up with, or mom for the holiday, one question remains unresolved - how to pack a gift. And we will teach you how to do it fast, nice and right.

The simplest and most affordable packaging material is, of course, gift paper. It is dense, beautiful and easy to handle. When you are preparing a surprise for a person, pay attention to the moment of decorating your gift - and it will make an incredible impression!

There are several options how to wrap a gift in gift paper.

  • You can make a bag out of thick glossy paper and place a gift in it.
  • Make or purchase a gift box and pack it in beautiful paper.
  • Pack a gift without a box.

How to make a gift bag with your own hands?

In a beautiful paper bag, you can put a small and fairly light gift: for example, a T-shirt or soft toy.

Choose a suitable piece of paper, fold it as shown in the photo and continue to follow the instructions. Use glue to glue joints- it will be much more reliable than double-sided tape. It's better to use both.

To secure the handles, make holes with a hole punch and pull the ropes through them. To decorate the package, you can use a gift tag, also made by yourself.

How to pack a box in gift paper?

Classic way packaging - using a box. You can make it yourself or buy it from a gift shop. Also, most of the gifts are sold already in the box (household appliances, dishes, cosmetics, etc.) You just have to pack everything beautifully.

To make a package you will need:

  • gift paper;
  • decorative elements: ribbons, bows, accessories, beads, natural materials;
  • scissors;
  • centimeter;
  • double sided tape.

To begin with, we need to measure and then cut off a paper rectangle, from which we will make a gift wrapper. We determine the amount of paper for a gift as follows:

  • the width of the rectangle is equal to the perimeter of the box + 2-3 cm per hem;
  • the length of the rectangle will be 2 times the height of the box.

These parameters should be taken into account, especially if you are going to pack big box Yes, and for the first time. In order to avoid mistakes and not spoil the gift material, practice on a regular newspaper. By the way, the method of packaging in newsprint and glossy paper is considered one of the most popular today. Gift wrappings in eco-style or in retro style look very original and funny.

And we begin the responsible process of wrapping the gift in wrapping paper.

  1. After you have cut out the rectangle required size, center the gift box. At one of the vertical ends, we make a 0.5-1 cm fold and glue it with double-sided tape.
  2. Wrap the box tightly with paper and secure the edge with double-sided tape.
  3. We bend the upper part of the paper and press it tightly against the end of the box.
  4. The side parts are also bent and fixed.
  5. We also bend the lower end, but then we bend it and hide the paper cut inward. We fix it on the sides with tape.
  6. On the opposite side, we repeat the same.
  7. To decorate a gift cut out a plain strip of paper and wrap it around the entire box along the length. At the back we fasten the strip with adhesive tape. Decorate with a decorative cord. Today, a laconic style is in fashion - minimalism. Bows should be small and neat, you can use decorative elements, but no more than 1-2 pieces per box. To find out even more useful information about how to beautifully pack a gift with your own hands, see interesting and educational videos lessons from real designers.

How to pack a book in gift paper: video tutorials for how-tos

Perhaps not the best, but the most practical and versatile gift is a book. A suitable book can be found as a gift for a man, a woman, and a child. Such a gift can be presented to professional holiday or for a birthday. A beautiful and stylish packaging will only emphasize the festivity and solemnity of the moment. When packing a book you can safely do without a box, because this item has suitable shape and hard texture. Let's get creative!

How to wrap flowers beautifully: the most aesthetic master class

Did you know that gift paper is used not only for presents, but also for wrapping flowers? Bouquets in transparent cellophane have long been out of fashion - natural materials and natural beauty are in trend today!

Take a look at these simple ways, and you will forever forget about artificial store packaging.

How to pack a bottle with your own hands: a simple master class

The standard "gentleman's set" is known to be something flowery, sweet, and semi-sweet. We offer you turn standard gifts into something original and stylish. For example, or beautifully pack a bottle.

An invitation to a holiday raises a completely logical question among the invited guests: “What present to buy and how to pack a gift in an original way with your own hands?”.

After all, it is not enough to pick up a worthy present; its packaging is also of no small importance.

Exactly beautiful ribbons, bows and the original pattern of wrapping paper are the first to catch the eye.

Everything depends only on your imagination.

You can learn a few basic techniques for making gift wraps and then add some décor items like twine, ribbons, store-bought or DIY bows, sequins, and more.

DIY paper from egg trays

And you can learn how to make paper for - it will become very original way decorate your present.

Pieces that you have turned out to be quite large can be crushed with a blender. The paper must first swell well. As a result, you should get a liquidish mushy mass, which should be divided equally.

  • in one - food coloring,
  • in the other - sequins,
  • in the third - flower petals, etc. according to your taste.

Then the mass is poured onto a flat surface, the best option would be a tray with high sides, which is covered with cling film.

The prepared mass is spread on it with a thin layer, properly leveling it. The thicker your layer, the less elastic the paper will be. After all the above procedures, the mass should dry. Then it is cut to your liking and used for gift wrapping. Thicker paper can be used to make beautiful gift boxes.


How else can you wrap a gift with your own hands? You can also decorate a present using a technique called "marbling".

To do this, you will need any paper and special paints.

First of all, the gift is placed in a box, otherwise you will not be able to pack it beautifully.. Next, a large piece of prepared paper is cut off and wrapped around the box. Slices should be located at the bottom.

Then we bend on the sides and turn the corners. As a result, you should get a bundle that looks like a standard store.

In the next step, cut off a long piece of rope. She needs to wrap your box with a present - vertically, and then horizontally. The twine should fit tightly enough to the package.

The last step is to decorate the gift. If it’s either New Year’s, then you can put a small spruce branch under the rope.

Additionally, it is decorated with sparkles or artificial snow. You can also add a picture in the style of minimalism to the twine. A wax stamp added on top would also be a good option. Today's stores offer special candles and prints for this purpose.

Packaging decorations

A variety of applications also serve as beautiful decorative elements, for example, you can attach small snowflakes or hearts to the package. Another great idea is decorating with stamps.

DIY box making

You have small stripes with cuts. We bend them inside our box, after which we overlap them in a circle. Decorate the resulting package beautiful bow or ribbons. The sides can be decorated with sequins or appliqués.

"Petals" can be arranged in a different way. To do this, punch each of them with a hole punch or insert the eyelets using a special machine. Next, the strips are bent, and a beautiful rope is inserted into the holes and slightly tightened, after which a bow is tied.

How easy it is to wrap a gift with your own hands

And do not forget that there must be a small hole in the upper part.

For this you will need:

  • Scissors;
  • Wrapping paper of beautiful colors;
  • Scotch tape (both normal and with drawings are suitable, but it is better to use double-sided anyway).

Work description

That's it - your package is ready!

How to pack a big gift with your own hands?

If you can't afford to buy wrapping paper or a gift that's too big, like a painting or a toy for a newborn, then using fabric is a good option.

The principle of packaging will be exactly the same as in the case of paper, you can fix the matter either with glue or tape. Such packaging is especially good or for the christening of a baby.

Custom Size Gift Packaging

There are several types of gift packaging for tea:

  • from kraft paper;
  • transparent film bag;
  • original box shape.

Let's consider the last option. Such boxes are made quite simply, you only need a clerical cutter and a large number of cardboard.

  • Choose a stencil and print it in actual size.
  • Transfer the outlines to sheets of cardboard.
  • Cut out the resulting workpiece.
  • Make shallow cuts at the folds.
  • Now the box can be assembled.

The original packaging, made by hand, will give your gift a special charm. Use ready-made materials or make them yourself using our tips - and your present is guaranteed to be admired.

Viewed: 1 455

You have already chosen and bought beautiful gift birthday, and all that remains is to pack it beautifully. The best option- this is to pack a gift with your own hands, the only way it will be really beautiful, unusual and original. A gift wrapped and designed by yourself will evoke the best emotions and look extraordinary. Do it, and our ideas will help you!

Important: before you start packing a gift, think. The packaging should correspond to the content, as well as to the tastes of the birthday man and his style. A luxurious lady who loves chic and glitter will not like creative burlap packaging. And a man does not need ruffles and sparkles at all. The packaging should not only please you, but most importantly, it should evoke pleasant feelings in the birthday person. It is most important!

Packing in a box

The most convenient and beautiful holiday option is, of course, a beautiful box. You can put both a large and a miniature gift in it, prepare a present for a man or a girl, decorate it with a variety of in unusual ways. The box is easy to make using simple circuits and photo. You will succeed!


Very beautiful! DIY gift bags can be surprisingly unusual and beautiful design for any gift. They are especially good for things that are inconvenient to pack in a box. For clothes, jewelry, accessories or toys - what you need!

For her

Women's gifts should be packaged with taste, originality and beauty. Non-standard and creative packaging will please you and delight the birthday girl, they are very cute, feminine and cute.

For him

A men's gift can also be arranged unusually and stylishly. Nothing superfluous, original, masculine. Exactly what is needed! This gift will cause joy immediately, at first sight.

Any gift must not only be chosen, but also beautifully presented to the birthday man. Choose the packaging method that you like best and don't be afraid to fantasize. Then your surprise will be the most beautiful and unusual!

The easiest way to wrap a gift is to wrap the finished box in wrapping paper. After all, very often the things that we buy as a gift are already in a cardboard box. In this master class - how to pack a box in gift paper. In fact, there is nothing difficult in this, you just need to know how to correctly calculate the dimensions of the wrapping paper and how to properly wrap the box in paper.

What you need to pack the box
- wrapping paper;
- decorative ribbons, cords;
- scissors;
- tape measure;
- double-sided tape (try to get double-sided tape, as pieces of ordinary tape are very noticeable and will need to be carefully masked).

How to determine the right amount of packaging paper
In order to pack a rectangular or square box, we need to cut out a rectangle from the wrapping paper, respectively. To determine the width of the rectangle, take a measuring tape and measure all four sides of the box around the perimeter (full turn), and add 2-3 cm for the hem. And the length of the rectangle is one box length + two box heights.

A little advice
If you are packing for the first time, do it first on regular newspaper. See if you have determined the dimensions correctly, where the tape should be located, how the folds look, etc.

How to pack a box Basic steps.

Step one. Place the gift box in the center of the paper rectangle. Bend the left or right vertical edge by 0.5-1 cm, glue a strip of double-sided tape to the fold.

Step two. Wrap the box tightly with paper as shown in the photo. Then remove the protective layer from the adhesive tape and glue the folded edge of the paper.

Step three. Check that the protruding edges of the paper from the ends of the box are the same. Then bend upper part paper as shown in the photo, press it firmly against the end of the box.

Step four. Fold and press the sides of the paper firmly.

Step five. lower part first bend and press firmly against the end of the box. Then bend it back and bend it approximately in the middle. Stick a strip of tape on it and glue this part to the end. Do the same on the other side of the box.

How to decorate a paper-wrapped box

1st option. Cut out a small strip of paper in a different color, wrap the box around it, and tape the ends together. Tie with a decorative cord.

2nd option. If the wrapping paper is double-sided, then you can leave a larger width allowance and use this for decoration.

3rd option. You can use several ribbons of different colors and textures.

4th option. You can use openwork lace, the ends of which are also connected with double-sided tape.

In general, there are a huge number of decorating options, we have given you just a few to stir up your imagination a little.

You can pack the purchased gift in a special department of the store, where you can be offered different types wrapping paper and several types of bows. But if you want to make your gift original and unusual, then it is best suited gift wrap do it yourself.
Before thinking how beautiful and original to pack a gift with your own hands and proceed with the choice of packaging material, it should be noted that different people have different attitudes to gift wrapping:

- DIY gift wrapping for a man should be restrained and concise, you do not need to use all kinds of bows and jewelry in it - men simply will not pay special attention to this and will not appreciate your efforts. Wrapping paper, choose a solid color or with a clear geometric pattern. If there is a choice, then you can choose paper that matches the hobby or profession of a man (with musical attributes, for example);

- corporate packaging gifts should also not be distinguished by flashy colors, it is best to use paper bags or handbags with the company logo. In this case, it is better to make a wholesale order, you are unlikely to master it manually;

- in a gift box with your own hands for woman you can fully show your imagination and use all possible materials - beads, sequins, ribbons, rhinestones, feathers, etc. Although, women are also different, so be guided by personal preferences;

- children's gift to, naturally, and should look childish - use bright rainbow colors, balloons, candies, funny applications, stickers of your favorite cartoon characters, small toys, etc.

- do-it-yourself gift wrapping must take into account theme of the celebration and use different attributes and characteristic colors. For example, gifts for the new year can be decorated with Christmas tree branches and bells, and gifts for the bride should be combined with her wedding dress.

Depending on the form of the gift itself, handmade gift wrapping, is divided into two groups - hard gift wrapping (when the gift is in a hard cardboard box) and soft gift wrapping (when the gift itself irregular shape packed in soft packaging material).

Solid Packing Methods.

1) Wrap the finished box in paper. Often, purchased gifts are in a ready-made factory cardboard box. In this case, your efforts are minimal - you just need to pack the finished box in wrapping paper with your own hands and decorate with various accessories.

2) paste over cardboard box packaging material. If you purchased a gift without a box, then you can get out of the situation by pasting the finished box (for example, from shoes) with packing material or cloth with your own hands, and put the gift in nice box, which is then tied with a ribbon. For breaking things, you can put a special filler in the box - tissue paper, light fabric such as chiffon, decorative feathers, dry flower petals, and the like.

3) Make a gift box with your own hands. If the gift is small in size or irregular in shape, then you can make a do-it-yourself box for it from colored cardboard or scrapbooking paper, which can now be purchased quite easily. There are a lot of ways here - these are all kinds of boxes, chests, packages and envelopes, as well as boxes made in the origami style.

Soft packaging methods.

1) Wrap the gift itself in soft, easily draped wrapping material. It may be special crumpled paper or tissue paper ("cigarette paper"), which is sold in large stationery stores. Corrugated wrapping paper, polysilk, soft felt paper are also suitable. In this case, the gift is wrapped in the form of a candy, tied on both sides with ribbons or decorative cords. Or you can choose the shape of a truffle, when only one end is tied with a ribbon, and the other becomes a stable base.

2) You can use the Japanese technique of wrapping gifts in cloth - furoshiki, which has a number of advantages over paper packaging. Firstly, such packaging is considered the most environmentally friendly - the fabric can be reused and not thrown away like paper after unpacking the gift. Secondly, due to the wider choice colors and coloring of fabrics, in gift wrapping you can achieve greater expressiveness and individuality.

3) From fabric, felt paper or even thick paper, you can sew a bag with your own hands and put a gift in it, and then decorate with ribbons and accessories.

How to decorate a wrapped gift.

This is truly a creative process that expresses your personality, so you can use whatever you want. To decorate a gift wrapped in paper (or other material), paper and satin ribbons, lace, decorative harnesses and ropes. You can also use foil, tinsel, sequins, beads, beads, chains, stickers, various tags and labels, feathers, dried flowers and leaves, shells, small stones, buttons, coins, etc.

And now how to tie a ribbon beautifully.

So, we have a box of a correctly rectangular shape, wrapped in wrapping paper. It is required to tie a ribbon or any other decorative braid, lace, tourniquet, etc. beautifully and neatly on it.


1. Tie the gift box in a criss-cross pattern and secure with a knot in the center. For a more convenient description, we denote the ends of the tape by the letters A and B.

2. Take tape A and make first one and then the second loop for the bow so that they look like a figure eight (see photo). Use your fingers to press the center of the figure eight to the center knot of the ribbon. Part B is on the sidelines for now.

3. Holding the figure-eight bow with one hand, take tape B with the other hand and cover the middle of the figure-eight with it, wrap it around the central knot and make another loop, only from tape B. Straighten all the loops and make them the same. Trim the ends at an angle.


1. Separately fold the bow, following the instructions in the photo.

2. Tie the box with a different kind of ribbon. It is best to use contrasting, but matching ribbon colors. And the tapes themselves are of different widths.

3. Attach a ready-made bow to the center and tie the ribbons so that the resulting bows are perpendicular to each other.