
There are 4 oaks 4 whirlwinds. How to understand that a love spell works at a distance. Rite rules


Magic calls are aimed at forcing a person to contact you. It can be a personal meeting, a call or a letter. One call is made per day. But it is better to make a call for one person once every two weeks. Calling a person with the help of magic can be useful not only for love purposes, some of the conspiracies are suitable for calling a debtor or just a friend with whom this moment you don't have contact. Calls are safe for both the caller and the caller. Can be done for both men and women. Calls are made with an open window, window or door, but the room should not "through". That is, if the window is open, the door is closed, etc., it is best to call with the window open. If you have not communicated with the person called for more than a month, you may need to repeat the ceremony. If you have greatly offended the called person and generally parted "badly", such a ritual as a challenge may not be enough to return him. After the ceremony, the person will start thinking about you, he will be drawn to you, but ... In general, if he does not appear, then: either the call did not work properly, or this method is rather weak in this situation. After making a call, do not call your object yourself, do not write, and, if possible, do not think about it at all.

Any moon, it doesn't matter if it is waxing or waning

Made calls and forgot

Terms of a call - from 1 to 7 days.

Ransom is basically 13 white coins per crossroads (if you turned to demons)

All that is left after the call is poured out or taken to the crossroads along with the payoff.

Men's day: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday (unique)

Women's Day: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday - You can't do anything on Sunday...

1) The first one is very simple, done with salt. Take a clean, dry frying pan and a handful of salt (you can half a pack). Put the pan on the fire and heat it well. Then pour salt on it with your hand, that is, pour it from the palm of your hand. You start to heat it up and at the same time say the following:


The window in the kitchen should be ajar, it’s good if there is a photo of him nearby, where you can see his eyes and where he is alone. You read the plot 12 times, you can on paper. Then you turn off the fire, and while the salt is warm - pour it out to the entrance to your house - near the entrance you can, on the steps, to the door to the apartment ... Do this every day until the object appears (calls, comes).

2) In a hot frying pan (dry frying pan without oil, hot). Throw peppercorns according to the number of full years called, wait until the pepper starts to crackle and bounce and say to him:

“As this pepper rushes about and toils in a hot frying pan, so let the servant of God (name) rush about and toil until he comes to the servant of God (name). Amen."

7 times Throw pepper into the window in a scattering from the pan. Do as much as you need and do.

3) Accelerate the arrival of a loved one It is read in order to organize a “random” meeting, to create an appearance if you have not met for a long time. A conspiracy helps to attract someone to solve a problem, develop a situation, for example, continue an acquaintance.

"Wherever you go, wherever you wander, wherever you are (name), and you will come to me. Wherever you hide, wherever you hide, whatever you do, but you are drawn to me. Whatever you do, what no matter what you do, no matter what you think, you will come to me. With whomever you are, no matter how busy you are, wherever you go, you will come to me. Fate draws you to me with all roads. Your heart beckons you with all You go around me, you won’t go around me. You go around me, you won’t go around. Our paths converge and cross. I need you to decide my business. As I decide, you will be free! cling to the shore like a chip."

4) Cause longing To cause love longing in the man you are interested in, you need to open the window in your bedroom on the 31st of any month at sunset and say into it:

“Mil (man's name), not disguised, not narrowed, think of me at dinner. When you start drinking tea, do not yawn, but remember me.

Quickly slam the window and say: “It flew - it flew!” Do this three times.

5) Challenge We install a red candle, light it. We take, we hold the photograph behind the candle (behind the flame). We cut the flame with scissors and read the text:

“I cut off the flame from the red candle, cut off all obstacles, all obstacles, barriers, people that prevent the reunion of the servant of God (name) with the servant of God (name). So that you, the servant of God (name), could not sleep, neither eat nor drink, not live without the servant of God (name). As wax melts from Zhguchev's fire, so you are a servant of God (name) from my moguchev slander, appear before God's servant (name), not in thoughts, but alive. Amen. Amen. Amen". On the word AMEN, do not cut fire with scissors.

6) In front of an open window on a candle fire, burn a lock of your hair and say:

"My spirit, my dream - to you (...) in your hand, to you (...) in your heart, to you (...) in your loins, in flour, in thirst. Amen."

Ashes through the window into the wind, so that they would fly apart. The candle can be left on the balcony to burn out.

7) Go to the open window in your house. (I didn’t do it at home at all) If possible, turn to the side from where he usually came to you. Repeat the words 12 times for 7 days.

“I call (my name) you (name of the man) right up to my porch. I put you (man's name) guide angels - two on the sides, one in front, the other behind, dear (man's name) you lead me, thoughts (man's name) to (your name) look, legs (man's name) to ( your name) carry, bring to my threshold. Remembering, come back to me not in a dream. Amen. Amen. Amen."

They only do it on Saturday. Close all the curtains on the windows, lay an unworn handkerchief on the table, light a candle, hair should be loose, sit at the table and read:

"I'm waiting for you like a hungry-lunch, a beggar-alms, a sick-recovery. I send three messenger angels for you: Gabriel, Zazel and Firiel. And may they not return without you. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

9) Take a photo of the caller on your phone. Put the phone on the photo and pronounce (when pronouncing, clearly imagining how he calls you, do it at night, because any call disrupts the action)

"I put the phone on top, it presses with a heavy burden. In order to get freedom (....), I must (....) call me."

10) This call can be made in any room and call anyone. Stand up, grasping the doorposts and say:

"How true it is that the jambs are under my hands, how true it is that the threshold is under my feet, so you, (name) under my will, appear now home (somewhere). So be it."

11) TO CALL. It is done for 3 days, the plot is read after 12 o'clock at night, through an open window or on a balcony, the wind should blow in the face. When you go to bed, dream a little about your relationship. CONSPIRACY:

"In an open field, in a clean expanse, there are 4 oaks 4 whirlwinds. 4 oaks 4 whirlwinds go, look for a slave (name), put sadness in his heart - longing so that he is sad about me, a slave (name). I will close my strong conspiracies for 40 locks, I'll give the keys to the pike - the fish, so that it doesn't tell anyone. So be it."

The feeling of falling in love is always accompanied by numerous experiences. Calling each other can be a real problem when one person is waiting for attention or a regular phone call, and the other is embarrassed to dial a number, afraid of being pushy. You can push your loved one or loved one to this simple conspiracy. There are many rituals designed for such purposes, but each of them is among the least dangerous from the point of view of magic.

Simple Ways

Before conducting the ritual, it is important to be aware of the main rule of conspiracies - to pronounce words, to perform rituals is necessary only if there is confidence in one's desires and feelings. For the sake of fun, such methods should not be used in any case. Any conspiracy, even the safest, is an interference in the energy of another person.

To the call of a loved one:

“My beloved, (name), why don’t you call and talk to me? I'm a stately, handsome girl, for everyone and everything is good, but for you - a favorite. Take your phone, call me soon. My voice will respond, your heart will beat faster with happiness. Amen".

Strong conspiracies so that the guy calls immediately after reading:

“My light is sweet, my light is sweet, why did you forget me? Look at me, dial my number.

“In a clean field, in a clean expanse, there are four oaks, four whirlwinds. Four oaks, four whirlwinds, go find the servant of God (name), put sadness in his heart, longing for him to mourn for me, the servant of God (name). I will close my strong conspiracies with forty locks, I will give the keys to the pike-fish so that she does not tell anyone.

“The city lies in the Russian land, in that city there is a stately house. In the house of my beloved lives (name of the chosen one), he calls himself. One (name of the chosen one) is bored, does not know happiness with fun at all. He will take his phone in his hand, dial my number by heart. He will call me on a date, he will find happiness with me alone.

Rituals using additional attributes

For any item that was in the hands of the chosen one or the chosen one:

“I lie down, I pray, and when I get up, I am baptized. Under the ground are worms, and above the ground are animals. The sun and the moon have risen, and I am alone. So may the Lord bless me and help me in my work. Key. Lock. Language".

For phones connected with a red thread (your phone and the device of the chosen one or chosen one, the thread must be cut into two parts, one of which should be left with you and the other should be placed on your loved one):

“The bell is ringing for me. I want to hear my beloved voice every hour, every day. Let him need me like stars in the sky, like a river in water. Let the love spark fly between the phones, but it will get stuck forever. Let it be so!".

To your phone:

“Servant of God (name of the chosen one), you don’t eat, don’t drink, but you will find peace when you call me, tell me about yourself.”

For any object of the chosen one, so that he calls within half an hour:

“(Name), you are interesting to me, you are pleasant to me, but why don’t you call, don’t talk to me? I am stately, pleasant, unusual, pretty, kind to you, interesting to you. Take the phone, dial my (your name) number. My voice in the receiver will respond, and your heart will fill with joy.

On the photo to call the one who loves:

“My clear falcon, my long-awaited, my beautiful! Remember how good it was for us, open my heart, open my soul. Quickly remember my number, make an appointment as soon as possible!

On a napkin or scarf with knots tied diagonally, which was held in the hands of the chosen one (it is read exclusively on the growing moon, during the ritual one must look at the sky):

“I tied a knot on a handkerchief, I guessed your name, my beloved. Your heart aspires only to me, and let my face dream to you. Pick up the phone in the morning and dial my number.

To the phone (on your device you need to dial the number of your beloved and pronounce the words):

“Call - because you want to hear me. Call - because you want to see me. Call - because you want to love me. Call - because you can not live without me.

Strong conspiracy to call

If contact with a person occurred relatively recently or there was only an acquaintance, then the conspiracy to call should be read according to different rules. To right person called now, have to prepare and do more strong . In situations where communication occurs regularly, you can apply simple methods impact (on your own phone or object).

Ritual example:

  • the table should be covered with a cloth of bright red color
  • in the middle of the table you need to place a red candle in a candlestick or on a saucer
  • put your phone in front of you (screen up)
  • looking at the phone, one must not only remember the person’s face, but imagine the upcoming dialogue as realistically as possible (the words must literally “hear”)
  • after such actions, the words of the conspiracy are read three times:

Gypsy rite

For the ceremony, you will need a glass filled two-thirds with red wine, a red thread and a ring without stones. From the ring and thread you need to make a pendulum, light a candle. Having said your name, you must wait for the ring to hit the walls of the glass as many times as there are letters in the name (after which the pendulum must be stopped). Similar actions are carried out with the name of the chosen one or the chosen one. The ring on the thread must be lowered into the wine and wait for the candle to burn out or its flame to go out. After the ceremony, you need to drink wine and mentally imagine the long-awaited dialogue.

Conspiracies to call special person, read at any time. For the ritual, you can use your own energy powers or apply some attributes. Getting a photo of a guy or a girl is now much easier. You can use, for example, social networks. If a person is interested at a meeting, then you can prepare in advance for by letting him hold a sheet of paper (even an ordinary napkin will do). The main rule of the ritual is to believe in the success of the ritual. In the absence of self-confidence, the result may not meet expectations.

Rules for reading conspiracies on a call:

  • during the ceremony, it is necessary to clearly present the facial features of the man or woman on whom the conspiracy is read
  • when performing the ritual, the atmosphere around should be as favorable and calm as possible (there should be no children, animals, or other objects nearby that can distract from)
  • if there is an object that was held by the chosen one or the chosen one, then when reading the necessary words, you must hold it in one hand, and in the other - a lit church candle
  • you can’t use a conspiracy for personal gain (for example, if a person has established his personal life, and you want to destroy it)
  • if there is no candle, then it is recommended to read the plot after midnight on the street or on the balcony three times (so that the wind blows over the face during the ritual)
  • the conspiracy to call refers to love magic, so you should not use it on different people too often (negative consequences may occur)
  • it is recommended to read the plot as many times as the candle burns (or until its flame goes out)
  • if the ritual is used mobile phone, then while reading the plot, you need to imagine the numbers of the number of your beloved or beloved, the music that is on the call, and also try to mentally reproduce the voice of a person
  • pronounce the words as confidently and clearly as possible (stammering, incorrect pronunciation of words or other similar factors can significantly reduce the magical power of the ritual)
  • simple conspiracies (without the use of additional attributes) can be read at any time of the day, repeating words 3 or 9 times in a row
  • if there is no photograph or object that the chosen one held, then when reading the plot, you must hold your cell phone in your hand
  • when using a conspiracy, it is important to remember that the ritual does not bind the right person, does not affect his feelings, so the upcoming telephone conversation can be on almost any topic (working moments, discussion of any situation, etc.)

Despite the fact that call conspiracies are considered one of the safest, and it will not be difficult to perform a ritual even in the absence of experience, it is difficult to call weak rituals. With the help of such spells, you can even remind yourself of a person whom you have not seen or heard for many years. The only condition for success is that the chosen one or the chosen one has your phone number.

When a person is in love, he wants to hear and see the object of his adoration constantly. Sometimes a feeling of shyness or fear makes it difficult to call each other, while the other is very much looking forward to this call. With the help of magic, you can do all sorts of things, including getting the right person to call. The conspiracy to call is quite simple, for this it is not at all necessary to seek help from psychics and magicians.

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    Simple conspiracies

    There are many simple but powerful spells that do not require any additional attributes. When pronouncing the text, you must firmly believe that the rite will work and make your loved one call. Each prayer must be said three times, in a calm and confident voice. It is desirable that at this moment there was complete silence in the house. If all the conditions are met, the rite will work instantly, the right person will dial the phone number immediately after reading.

      Conspiracy examples:

      • "My beloved, (name of the callee), why don't you call and don't talk to me? I'm a stately girl, pretty, good for everyone, but for you - my favorite. Take your phone, call me soon. My voice will respond, your heart from happiness will beat faster. Amen."
      • "My light is sweet, my light is sweet, why did you forget me? Turn your eyes to me, dial my number."
      • "I, (name), call (name of the callee), call, remind me of myself. Know that I need your call, I need to hear your voice. Take the phone now, dial my number. Until you do this, you won’t be able to fall asleep. Amen ".
      • "Darling, anyone, (the name of the callee) is mine! Call me, tell me what's in your heart. Ether communication - mobile communication, connect us! dialing. I will answer - I will break into your heart! Amen. "

      Complex rituals

      More effective conspiracies Rites are counted using additional attributes. Absolutely any things can act as props, but the ritual will work more efficiently so that these are personal belongings of the right person or the one who performs the ceremony.

      This ritual is carried out according to the photo of the person from whom the call is expected. The spell works very fast. You need to read the text of the prayer, looking at the photo of a man or woman. Looking directly into the eyes, you need to pronounce the following text:

      "My beloved (name of the callee), remember how good it was for us, open your heart for me. Get the phone, dial my number. You will be happy when you hear my voice. I will agree on a date, just call and I will get ready. Amen." The rite will help only if the text is memorized, because the gaze should not leave the eyes of the person with the photo.

      The next rite is done on the phone. Holding the pipe in your hand, you need to pronounce a whisper that has the following text:

      • "Call - because you want to hear me. Call - because you want to see me. Call - because you want to love me. Call - because you cannot live without me."

      Visualization is very important during this action. You need to clearly imagine the guy to whom the ceremony is dedicated, how he picks up the phone, dials a number, etc.

      This rite is slightly different from the previous ones. They resort to it if a call from a sweetheart is urgently required. It will not only affect loving husband, but also on ex boyfriend, who, it would seem, no longer remembers the girl. To carry out the ritual, it is necessary to prepare a glass of red wine, a thread and a ring (if this is a gift from a lover, even better). You need to thread a thread into the ring, making a pendulum in this way. Then you should pronounce the name of the desired person and hit the walls of the glass with a ring, as many times as there are letters in the name of the person called. At the same time, you need to mentally imagine how a number, a call, a proposed conversation, etc. light up on the phone’s display. On the same day, you can expect a call from the right person.

      Ritual for Christmas

      Conspiracies for the Christmas holidays are especially powerful. These days are filled with magical energy, and that is why they are the most favorable for fortune-telling and conspiracies.

      To conduct this ceremony, it is necessary to prepare a candle and a photograph of a loved one (you can in electronic format). The candle must be lit and taken in the right hand, and the photo in the left. Then you need to go to the open window and read the plot four times:

      • “In an open field, in expanse, there are four whirlwinds, four oak trees. You go, strong oak whirlwinds, find a servant of God (say the name) for me, put longing in his ardent heart, so that he would grieve for me, yearn for and know no peace. As cattle weeps for children: a cow for a calf, a sheep for a lamb, a horse for a foal.Looking, but not finding, calling, but not calling.So my dear will look for me, will call, wait, for me, God's slave (his name) yearn for! Be this!"

      All this time, the candle must burn, and after the ceremony it cannot be extinguished. But if the fire goes out on its own, and this can happen because of the wind from the window, it’s not scary, you don’t need to re-light the wick.

      Rite rules

      In order for the ritual to definitely help, certain conditions and rules must be observed. Rituals and reading conspiracies should be taken extremely seriously, you should not resort to them for fun:

  1. 1. All magical actions are best done in the evening, while all electrical appliances must be turned off. It is advisable to be completely alone during the rituals so that no one distracts.
  2. 2. While reading a prayer, you need to visually represent the person to whom the whispering is addressed. You can imagine that the call has already taken place, after or before the ceremony, you should think about what the conversation will be about, what pleasant words you can hear from the interlocutor what to talk about, etc.
  3. 3. The words of prayers should be pronounced in a firm, confident voice, without hesitation and peeping into the text. Incorrect pronunciation of a word, stress, etc., can reduce the effectiveness of a magical ritual.
  4. 4. You can’t tell anyone about the perfect ceremony, even your closest friend or relative. If you talk about the action, first of all, you definitely won’t like it yourself young man, secondly, will not have the expected result.

Every girl can use these methods to get a call from her lover. It is important with all these actions to make sure that your feelings are sincere, that you like a man so much. You should not joke with magic, so you need to resort to it only in extreme cases.

Complete collection and description: a prayer for a person to make himself felt for the spiritual life of a believer.

Here are several options with which you can “reach out” to a person and remind yourself of yourself, causing a desire to communicate. These are little tricks used in cases where you need a person to get in touch, but you don’t want to take the initiative.

“A dream about me, a dream for you, for God's servant (name). Amen."

Do no more than three times a month.

“I call, the slave (my name), not behind the chimney, not from the dead earth, not from sea ​​water, not from a wicker fence, not from a twisted gate, not from a gilded church, but from this porch of a slave (name) - well done. Call his thoughts, lead his feet, to me, God's servant (name). Amen. I put escorts, guardian angels, on both sides of the slave (name). Amen. In a word, in deed I call, I close with a key. Spirit of the slave (name), come to me.

“In an open field, in a pure expanse, there are 4 oaks 4 whirlwinds. 4 oaks 4 whirlwinds go, find the servant of God (name), put sadness in his heart - longing, so that he would be sad about me, the servant of God (name). I will close my strong conspiracies with 40 locks, I will give the keys to the pike-fish so that she does not tell anyone.

The plot is read after 12 o'clock at night. In an open window or on a balcony. For the wind to blow in your face. When you go to bed, dream a little about your relationship. It is done 3 days.

They take the dress or shirt of the one who is lost, tie it in a knot, hang it from the ceiling by a rope, put the knife with its sharp end in a corner and say:

"Spirit, go! Bring the slave (name)! Until he comes to his house, he will not find peace in his heart. Through the burning candles he is tortured and suffering. Go home!"

After reading, the knife is rotated with force so that the blade creaks. An apple is broken, one half is immediately eaten, the other is placed next to the knife. They light a candle, and when it burns out, the next one, and so 40 candles.

The porthole is open. The light is off (you can use any household candle for lighting). Lay a black rag on the floor (any item of clothing is possible). Undress, leave only one T-shirt on (T-shirt, nightgown.).

No cosmetics, hairpins, jewelry, rings, watches, nothing should be on the body. The hair is loose. Stand on this rag with bare feet, put a white coin (of the same value) under each heel. Put in front of you the image of the called person (just imagine him, no photo is required), think of his name, then read three times:

“I will go out of the door without blessing, out of the gate, without crossing myself, I will go into the open field, behind the open field there is a green grove. In this green grove there is a big tree - an aspen, and it has a green top. On its green top sits the largest and oldest devil. Damn, help me, do me a great service. Call 99 of your imps and send them to the red fellow / girl (name). Let them take his / her heart, take out his / her soul, dry out the chest with longing. Soul and heart will be brought to me, (name)."

The next day, change the money for a trifle (but not in your wallet) and give it to the poor (at least two different people, they have to ask, you just can’t offer them if they sit silently and it’s clear that they are waiting for alms, it means asking).

Call to repeat at intervals of several days until the result. Usually you need to do it twice.

We take, we hold the photograph behind the candle (behind the flame).

We cut the flame with scissors and read the text:

“I cut off the flame from the red candle, cut off all obstacles, all obstacles, barriers, people that prevent the reunion of the servant of God (name) with the servant of God (name). So that you, the servant of God (name), could not sleep, neither eat nor drink, not live without the servant of God (name). As wax melts from Zhguchev's fire, so you are a servant of God (name) from my moguchev slander, appear before God's servant (name), not in thoughts, but alive. Amen. Amen. Amen".

On the word AMEN, do not cut fire with scissors.

“The apple dries up, and the slave (name) sighs for me.

The apple will trample the rot, and the slave (name) will want to see me.

Mother Mother of God, remind me, about God's servant, my dear servant (name).

So that he yearns, he would keep on his thoughts, dry and miss.

As the apple will dry, so the slave (name) will not forget me, not in an hour,

not in a day, not in a year. He would not see worries, how to miss me,

see anyway. Let everything be so, and sweetheart will not forget me.

Amen. Amen. Amen."

Night. The lights are turned off. Burning wax candle.

We put shoes (his) to ourselves with socks.

We cross the cross with our hand on the door with the words:

“The cross is omnipotent, the Lord is omnipotent” - 3 times.

‘Our Father’ - 3 times.

Mother of God Assumption. As the Lord fulfilled the last wish, so you fulfill mine, bring the servant of God (name) closer to me - 1 time.

A spell to sentence 3,5,7 or 9 times, with a lit blue wax candle, when preparing lunch, dinner or brewing a cup of morning coffee (tea):

“If I, the servant of God (name), do something wrong, forgive me. If you, the servant of God (man's name), do something wrong, I forgive you. Let tenderness and love settle in our house, and quarrels and heart problems disappear forever! In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, it will be so from now on and forever. Amen'.

Every time after reading the plot, let the candle burn out completely, and when it goes out (this moment should not be missed in any case!) Say quietly to the last smoke:

“Squabbles, scandals, black smears have passed away, the Lord knows where they went. Amen".

The rite has been tested many times, is simple to perform and effective. Take action!

What you need: a white candle, a red felt-tip pen, a piece of red fabric, a red ribbon, a new needle, a white sheet of paper, and any item of your loved one.

We cover the table. We install a white candle in a candlestick. Let's light it up. We mentally focus on the image of a loved one, his eyes, lips, how he moves, how he speaks, hugs you. We watch it for 20-30 minutes.

We take a white sheet of A4 paper, mentally divide it in half, write our name on one side with a red felt-tip pen, and his name on the other. We take the needle, prick the index finger of the right hand, and drop it drop by drop on your name and on his name. Then, with blood, draw (drag) a circle around the written names. Fold the sheet in half so that the written names are aligned. Fold the fabric in such a way that you get a small bag. Put there a sheet with written names, and any thing of your loved one. Use ribbon to tie closed bag. Bury the sack in clean soil (remember where you buried it). When you fill the bag with earth, repeat the words:

"Be our destiny, be our destiny, hurry my lover to me, don't wait"

As soon as he came, dig up the bag and burn everything.

But if the product from your loved one is dear to you, then you can not burn it, but bring it home, place it in a cup, cover it with salt, and keep it for 3 days. This will clean the item.

Under the earth is a worm, above the earth is a beast.

Above the sun and the moon and I am alone.

How do I think, how do I think

So may the Lord God bless

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Have you ever wanted to hear a call from a friend or loved one? Here's a simple spell: it lets the person know that you want to hear their voice over the phone. Please note that if he does not want this himself, he will not call. We cannot violate the free will of other people.

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    With birds taken from the Russian charm tradition. But! It is done for the growing lunar phase, works at a small distance - this is a challenge, but close-range; not a long distance will not reach - and at the end you need to say "Amen." Under these conditions, the call is working.

    Conspiracy to call or write


    If your beloved man or boyfriend has stopped coming in and does not write to call and in every possible way avoids meeting with you, a strong conspiracy will help so that the right person calls you urgently, and this conspiracy works very quickly. This conspiracy must be read in order to force a loved one to call, write or come to the person called by him. This ritual will be able to catch up with longing for a sweetheart and make him not only remember your existence, but also call you or come to meet you. A conspiracy to call will make the one you need remember about you and immediately call on the phone. To independently perform a trouble-free ritual to remind yourself of yourself, go to the open window in your house and read the words of a strong conspiracy so that the one who loves calls and you need to read the conspiracy so that the guy calls right now 9 times:

    I call (my name) you (man's name) right up to my porch.

    I put you (man's name) guide angels,

    Two on the sides, one in front, one in the back,

    Dear (name of the man), you lead me to me,

    Thoughts (man's name) to (your name) look,

    Feet (man's name) to (your name) carry,

    Bring me to my doorstep.

    Remembering, come back to me not in a dream.

    • “I needed my dear husband to call me urgently, and he was away and very busy. I independently read the plot for a person to call and after 10 minutes the phone rang. A nice man spoke to me affectionately on the phone and everything I wanted to hear from him, I heard.”
    • “A conspiracy to call the right person very urgently helped me a lot in moments of despair and was able to get the man who loves me and really needs me to quickly contact me by phone and call me. Now our relationship has been established and we are together again with my husband, that's how this strong call spell helped me.”
    • “If you want to force someone to call you urgently, then there is a strong conspiracy so that the right person immediately calls the approach as best as possible. I had never believed in such magic before, but fate turned out so that one day I had to try and read this conspiracy on my own. Imagine my surprise when the phone rang and it turned out that the one I had just read called conspiracy words. This is a miracle and a conspiracy really working.”

    SPELL FOR THE RETURN OF THE LOVED ONE This love spell is read independently if the husband or beloved man left home for his mistress. Strong conspiracy will very quickly return for a walking man in native family and will be able to cool feelings for another woman. A love spell to return a loved one belongs to black magic, therefore it is very important not to go to church and not pray for three days during the ceremony

    LOVE SPELL TO MAKE A LOVED ONE How to get married? Years go by and no one makes a marriage proposal, which means it's time for you to do something. If you already have a beloved boyfriend or adult man, make this easy but very strong and effective love spell for your beloved to marry. A love spell guarantees that your loved one will not only reciprocate your feelings, but

    LOVE SPELLS TO INDEPENDENTLY BEWELL YOUR LOVED PERSON By independently making a love spell, you can easily bewitch your beloved man and quickly get married. In love, as in war, all methods are good and the best weapon is love spells, so this beloved person who does not pay attention to you will not be able to resist and will soon do

    LOVE ON THE LOVED HUSBAND If the husband began to live his own separate life, albeit under the same roof, a love spell to return the love of a husband who has cooled his heart will help to reason with him. This rite is recommended to be done if a man is already middle-aged - over 35 and the family has not been going well for a long time. You need to read a love spell for your husband's love at night, after midnight 9 times within 9 days, breaking 9 branches each

    LOVE OF A HUSBAND FROM A LOVE If the husband has gone on a spree, does not appear at home or left the family for another woman, the love spell of the husband from his mistress will help, he is done at home and of course on his own. There are many ways to bewitch your husband on your own, and we have already told you how to make a lapel from a rival, if this method unacceptable, do this love spell on

    Gypsy love spell on an onion A quick and safe gypsy love spell on an onion will help you quickly restore the relationship loving friend friend by people without the use of love magic. Gypsy love magic has always been one of the strongest and oldest witchcraft spells capable of having a magical effect on the will and mind in the blink of an eye.

    A love spell to return a husband to the family from his mistress on his own If your husband went to live with his mistress, this strongest and most powerful love spell will help you return him, capable of returning the husband to the family in the shortest possible time and falling out of love with his mistress. You can independently do this love spell of a husband to his wife from a mistress only once in a lifetime, and if the beloved husband goes to his mistress not for the first time

    A conspiracy for fidelity A conspiracy for fidelity can be read on your own if you suspect a loved one of treason, a fidelity conspiracy is suitable for reading only for a loved one and it doesn’t matter if it’s a husband or wife or a man and a lover with whom you have been dating for a long time and want to tie your life with family ties. This is a kind of love spell that will make a person faithful and

    HOW TO REMOVE A LOVE FROM A HUSBAND Many are interested in how to remove a love spell from a husband made by a mistress or you have bewitched him yourself. This lapel rite, which is not complicated at first glance, requires a clear implementation, but the removal of the love spell from the husband to salt and earth is done. To independently remove a love spell from your beloved man, you need to take some land from a clean place in the evening,

    HOW TO INDEPENDENTLY REMOVE THE CROWN OF CEDIBILITY How to find out that a person has been crowned with celibacy and whether it is possible to get rid of this damage that prevents people from getting married or marrying under the magical name - “crown of celibacy” to answer these questions and solve the problem, this article was written. Putting on a crown of celibacy is very severe damage, made by a rival,

    MARRIAGE CONSPIRACY These two strong love spells to get married - for a quick and successful marriage with a loved one that you need to read on your own top the list of rituals of the Russian people on imminent marriage and help meet the groom in a very short time. Do you want to get married but have not met someone with whom you would like to connect your life or there is such a person, but

    A conspiracy to call or write REVIEWS WHO DID:

    How to make a love spell?

    How to remove a spell? The site will tell


    Spell and love magic

    Forum about magic and magical help -

    High-quality problem solving: love magic, love spell, lapel, love plot, removal of the crown of celibacy

    They take a dress or shirt, tie it in a knot, hang it from the ceiling by a rope,

    put the knife with a sharp end in a corner and say:

    Bring the slave (name)!

    Until he comes to his house,

    will not find peace in the heart.

    Through the spark plugs

    torture and suffering.

    The apple is broken into 2 halves, one must be eaten immediately, the second is placed next to the knife.

    They light a candle, and when it burns out, the next one, and so 40 candles.

    The call will make the missing person make himself known: call, write or return.

    Spell to meet a person

    come to the inner man

    and excite the attention of the slave (name)

    to me, slave (name).

    Open the way to meet

    and don't delay the meeting

    do not delay and do not let delay

    neither old nor young

    neither believers nor sinners,

    neither wives nor husbands,

    nor the higher ranks,

    nor the lower ranks,

    neither the first nor the last.

    12 disciples of Christ

    May they help my meeting. Amen.

    Call for a handkerchief

    "la, il-la, il, alla, alla ekber."

    Try to read through an open window or an open window such calling on a loved one:

    Four brothers, four winds

    Fly and find me a servant of God (name).

    Grab him tight, hold him tight

    Let him toil with his soul, rush in my direction.

    He yearns for me, for God's servant (name).

    How a mother cries for her child

    A mare over a foal, a sheep screams over a lamb.

    Smoke next to the fire, hooves along with the horse,

    Land near water, melancholy near trouble.

    Go, brothers, to the cemetery,

    The dead sleep there, the coffins of the dead guard.

    People cried for them, suffered,

    They did not know peace in their hearts.

    May the servant of God (name) miss me the same way,

    According to the baptized servant of God (name).

    By my word it will appear,

    At my feet, will remain.

    Key, lock, tongue.

    Amen! Amen! Amen!

    Call a man, make a man come

    Call a loved one to the street:

    Candle conspiracy

    I trust in you, I come running to you.

    My hope is in you and in ever-virgin Mary

    Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

    Water is good, oozing,

    Reach out to the narrowed mummer,

    So that he knows how I wait for him,

    How I miss him

    How do I get out without him.

    Voditsa water, spill today,

    Spread over the earth

    Merge with the oceanic sea,

    Run to the sweetheart

    Show me the way.

    Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

    Read after nine times "Our Father".

    On Saturday, you cover the table with an unworn white handkerchief, light a candle and read the following: “I am waiting for you like a hungry dinner, a beggar, a sick person to recover. I am sending three messenger angels Gabriel, Zazel and Fariel after you, and may they not return without you. In the name of father and son and holy spirit. Amen".

    Another call option

    If it happened a major quarrel between you and your beloved, as they say, rested his horn and revels in his own resentment, then call him as follows.



    Bassoon, take possession, BURN THE HEART, BODY, SOUL, BLOOD, SPIRIT, MIND (NAME)





    What can I do to get my loved one to call?

    How to get a guy to call you if he is missing and there is no news? You recently met, and the guy, although he promised to call, does not do it? What to do so that he remembers you, so that he calls? In this case it will help magical conspiracy for the guy to call. The time and phase of the moon are not taken into account in these rites.

    If you have a personal thing of a person, or at least an object with which he came into contact (paper, pen), then the action of the rite will be more powerful.

    Call me!

    This rite is performed if the meeting was a single one. The guy liked it, and he liked you too. He even left his cell number, but for some reason does not call. Forgot? We need to remind ourselves!

    Take some of his thing or object that he touched. If there are no such items, then write on paper his cell number. Take an object or piece of paper with a number in your hand and try to vividly represent the image of this guy, your entire meeting.

    After that, read the plot 9 times:

    “My dear (name), why are you silent, don’t call, don’t write, don’t talk to me?

    Pick up the phone and dial my number!

    Speak these words with all the force of your emotions. You can imagine how your boyfriend hears this call and immediately dials the phone number. This conspiracy is very powerful if done correctly.

    The thing will connect your thoughts and transmit them at a distance.

    Ritual with a photo

    If you quarreled, and the darling is silent, take his photo. Light a candle, look at the image of the desired and heartfelt say a conspiracy so that your loved one calls:

    “(Guy’s name), remember our joy and happiness!

    Remember that I was desired for you!

    After all, I am your happiness, joy and love!

    Remove the insult, dial my number, return happiness!

    Even during a quarrel and separation, an invisible connection remains between you. Your and his subconscious are tuned to each other, and the person will catch your call for him to call.

    This rite can be performed if you are well acquainted, and also in order for the husband to call (for example, if his cell phone is turned off and you cannot establish contact). Relax and vividly imagine the image of your loved one. You can call him by his name several times.

    When contact is established (and you will feel it), imagine how your beloved husband or boyfriend dials your phone number. Try to be as specific as possible about this image, you may even be able to feel the person’s breath or smell.

    Now imagine that a radiant ray of emerald color comes out of your solar plexus, it shimmers and sparkles. Now the ray has reached the husband's solar plexus, and the same ray has directed from his solar plexus in your direction.

    If you were able to do everything right, you will feel warm in this place, or even hot! This means that the husband received the message of love along with the image of the cell phone. His subconscious picked up your call request. Do not hesitate, your beloved husband will immediately respond and connect with you.

    Magic pebbles

    • pebbles from the road;
    • marker;
    • canvas bag.

    Dial as many pebbles on the street as there are digits in your cell number (with all codes). Rinse the stones and dry. Then write your phone number on the pebbles with a marker (one digit on each pebble) and put them in a cloth bag sewn by you.

    When you put the pebbles, shake the bag and say a plot to make the guy call:

    “Like my number is written on pebbles,

    So it will be recorded in the memory of my beloved.

    How these pebbles knock against each other,

    So his heart will beat at the thought of me.

    Let my beloved (boyfriend, husband, person) call me!

    Let my number burn with fire in his heart!

    Keep the bag in a hidden place. As necessary, you can use it so that your beloved husband or boyfriend calls at the right time. This is a very strong rite, and the reviews about it are good.

    The plot is read as many times as there are digits in the phone number.

    Spell phone

    This rite is done if you have ever had contact with a person by phone. Take your cell phone in hand, imagine that you hear his voice, as if a loved one just called you.

    As soon as you manage to recall his voice, read the plot to make your loved one call:

    "How now I hear your words,

    This is how they actually sound!

    So he can become real!

    Let your call wake up the silence

    And your wish will be

    Call me now!”

    Call to name

    If the guy is silent for a long time, you need to do the following. Write his name on a piece of paper, light a red candle and set fire to the leaf from it. While the sheet is burning, say the words in an authoritative tone:

    "Body and soul on fire until you call me!"

    Scatter the ashes from the leaf outside the window. You will receive news from him soon.

    Rite with black pepper

    To make a person aware of himself, perform such a ceremony. Take from a new pack as many peppercorns as the person called has reached full age. Throw them on a pre-hot frying pan, and when the peas start to jump, say:

    “How this pepper jumps and toils,

    So let (object name) toil until he calls me!”

    Vividly imagine the image of a person when you read the text and look at the jumping pepper. Wrap the remains of burnt peas in paper and take them to the crossroads.

    In the same place, leave a ransom in coins (six rubles per ruble) and say: "Paid".

    Rite of salt and water

    • paper;
    • pencil;
    • a glass of water;
    • three pinches of salt.

    Conspiracies, so that the sweetheart calls, you need to fill with your feelings, try to convey longing and a passionate desire to see you. A person will definitely receive these signals in his subconscious and respond to the call!

    Draw on big sheet paper circle and put a glass of water in it. Take the salt in your palm and slowly pour it into the water, saying:

    “Hear me, my dear friend!

    I'm waiting for you, come back to my circle!"

    At this time, you should imagine how your loved one remembers you, picks up the phone and dials the number. The more vividly you can imagine this picture, the sooner the desired will come true.

    Leave the glass to stand in a circle until you wait for the call. And then pour some water under any tree, but fruit.

    Ritual with a coin

    If a person is silent for a long time and does not respond, do so. Find a coin with a picture of a male profile (Lenin will work too). Now you have to imagine that this is not Lenin, but the person you need.

    Put a coin under your arm for a while, and then throw it away at the crossroads (try not to be noticed) and say the plot:

    All stress should be placed on the last syllable. Do not confuse the words, otherwise the rite will not work. Leave home silently, without looking back.

    Thank you for the quick response.

    Which one is effective with pebbles or with a photo with a candle?

    Good afternoon. These two rites are the same in strength, so you can choose any.

    I did a ritual with pebbles, read a prayer every day or read it once and wait? I did it after 12 at night, is this normal?

    Hello. A plot is read on that night, which should precede the day when the beloved should call. Lead time is appropriate. If it does not work, you can repeat the ceremony.

    Is the rite with a red candle and a leaf with a name strong?

    Good afternoon. The rite is quite strong, especially if you know the guy personally, he has no hostility towards you or another girl.

    It worked for me with pebbles, wrote, then again is silent? Can you do it again? Or is the conspiracy still at work?

    Hello. So you do not conduct another ceremony, but simply maintain communication.

    We corresponded 5 days ago, fell silent again, I don’t know what happened, I did the ceremony 5 days ago, can I repeat it while the moon is growing?

    Hello. Write yourself, maybe it will help.

    Will the rite with the name work if the ashes dispersed before I went outside the windows (strong wind) and the ashes were not all (scattered)?

    Good afternoon. I think it will work, the truth may be a little weaker and you yourself will have to remind the guy of your existence.

    Good afternoon, I wanted to know from you a week ago I did it, can I repeat it again?

    Hello. Did the ceremony work? Any results?

    Good day! Please tell me, which of the rites proposed here is the most effective and powerful. I did with pepper, alas, no result. Thank you in advance. I wish he would call or at least write.

    Hello. These rituals are plus or minus the same in strength. If there is no effect yet, then I would recommend writing or calling yourself!

    Thanks for the answer. Today I wrote to him, so unobtrusively. So far no answer unfortunately.

    Thanks for the advice. I wrote to him, but unfortunately he is silent. I tried the rite with a photo. Unfortunately, all to no avail. What do you think it might be related to.

    Hello. This may be due to the fact that the guy has a very strong character, his heart is busy, or he has negative feelings for you.

    Good afternoon. For a waning month, the rite may be useless.

    Good afternoon. It is advisable to conduct rituals for love for the growing month.

    Hello, but the rite with the thing that he touched, where then to put this thing? and what to do with it? and one more question in which hand to hold a thing when you read.

    thank you very much in advance!

    Good afternoon. What ritual are you talking about?

    Good afternoon, once again I have the ritual "Call me"

    Hello. The thing can be held in either hand, it doesn't matter. Then it needs to be saved by putting it in a secret place.

    Good afternoon. Tell me how to be. Hurt a loved one. She apologized, but he does not want to communicate anymore. How to return? What do I need to do? Thanks

    Hello, my name is Dmitry. I need help but don't know what to do. My wife left me for 4 years, I never offended me, but once again I didn’t protect from my mother, but the insult was from Borsch, I didn’t pay attention. She has no Parents. She moved to another city and put My phone on the black list. What can I do to make her call me, I know that I offended her greatly, I realize. But we are married and this is important to me, I'm crazy want her back but she picks up the phone and doesn't want to hear me. Her name is Lilia, 33, and I'm 40 and we don't have children, but we worked on it together. Help. Ready to do everything. I read Conspiracies but do not help. Has not called for 1 month. Best regards, Dmitry.

    Hello. What spells have you read?

    Maybe you should try a rite of reconciliation if your wife's resentment is strong?

    Hello Catherine, can I contact you personally?

    Hello. You can ask your question in the comments and I will try to answer it.

    I read a plot for love longing. Before reading, I ran after me after I turned away. I can’t understand why the plague happened the other way around?

    Good afternoon. Maybe you made a mistake with the phase of the moon or did something wrong? And if everything was fine, then why did the ceremony?

    Please tell me, will there be a "fee" for the conspiracy? I mean will it be bad for him or me? I just heard that you have to “pay” for everything Conspiracy on a red candle

    Good afternoon! If I inadvertently read the ritual “call me” during the day (despite the fact that there will be a growing moon at night), is this bad? And nothing will work? And you can not repeat it at night (is it dangerous)?

    Good afternoon. The worst thing is that the rite can act weaker, nothing needs to be repeated.

    What conspiracy do you recommend? I want that one boy called me, I love him very much, but I don’t know if he me too or not

    Hello. Are you familiar with him? If so, then almost any of the rites presented in this article will do.

    Hello, please tell me what to do? My husband and I lived for about 9 years, there are no children together. recent years three we live like strangers, we constantly swear because of trifles. I went to one healer, she said that he was damaged, some girl was bewitching him. He told me that there was no one but me. He is constantly away, then the phone turns off , then a woman will answer the call and hang up. I don’t want to believe that he has another one. I can’t live without him. And now I’m completely lost, and the phones are unavailable for a long time. I will be very grateful to you for the answer.

    Hello. To understand what to do, you need to know more about what caused the discord? Another woman or are you just distant?

    Katerina good evening! How can I contact you personally?

    Good afternoon. You can describe your problem in the comments, and I will advise something.

    I got into a fight with a guy I was very attached to. Non-serious relationship. A quarrel through my fault, I did the ceremony in the afternoon, with a church candle and a photograph. Nothing happened. Should I do another rite or wait?

    Hello. If the fault is yours, then you call, and the rite certainly softened your boyfriend.

    Hello. I used to always be helped by a conspiracy on the phone. But at one point it just stopped working. What happened?

    Hello. There can be many reasons: You used it too often, the guy's feelings have changed, his heart is now busy ...

    I wanted to know! We broke up with him because of another girl, but he has feelings for me, what would you advise!? Will he call in this case if I performed a ritual with coils?

    Hello. It is very difficult to say exactly, it all depends on the nature and situation. But even if he doesn’t call, then if you do it, then the guy should be more tolerant.

    I love the guy very much, I met him for about a month and he said that he loved me, our relationship turned out at a distance, we see each other once a week, but suddenly something happened and he stopped calling, and if I call him, he communicates somehow not willingly ... tell me what rite is better to do in order to return it.

    Hello. For some reason it seems to me that you should try to solve your problem yourself, without magic.

    How long does it take for spells to work?

    Good afternoon. Such a plan ceremonies are valid in a few days.

    Honestly, I didn't really believe it. I read the reviews, looking for someone who helped.

    I read the plot on the call, 9 times everything is as it should be. Got it in two or three hours.

    Hello) please tell me how many times you read the conspiracy with pebbles? And how long will the result be?

    Good afternoon. The plot is read only once, the result can be both in a few hours and in a few days.

    I want to return my loved one, nothing helps, I wrote, called, I don’t know what to do! Please help ((

    Good afternoon. And what caused the breakup? Argument? Other girl? Something else?

    I don't know what to do anymore, I really want to return it, I love it very much, please help me, what should I do!!

    Please tell me, can a call to a name be made on a waning moon, if not, what kind of conspiracy is possible?

    Hello. In general, it can be carried out for a waning month, but the rite may turn out weaker than for a growing month.

    Thank you very much. Hope it helps!

    Hello, is it possible to replace the red candle with a church one?

    Hello! I don't know what to do anymore. I can't live without one person. We talked throughout the year. True, they were together for several days, and then parted. But for a maximum of two weeks. The last time, he told me that he wants to be with me together. Wants a baby, etc. They made plans. But he will move to me only in two weeks. So after a week, he said that he had rethought everything and wanted to be alone and that we would not be together. That you just need to leave. He is and nothing will change. Now we don't talk at all. I feel very bad without him, I think about him every minute. I love him very much and I want to be only with him. Please advise how to be, what can be done so that this person is with me and everything would be as he said when he wanted to be together ..

    Girls, the most important thing is to believe, and to believe not only in thoughts, but the main thing with all my heart, I did a ceremony to call, and really 5 days passed, and he called, and more than once and more than one day, let him call constantly with a negative talk, but the fact that everything works. So the main thing is faith!

    Hello. A year ago, a homeowner brought in my lawful husband. How to return feelings. Because he doesn't love her. This I know. Did the rite. Hasn't helped so far. But I believe it will help.

    Guys! Indeed, the rite to call works! Helped me!

    I am married, but fate brought me to another person. He is married, no children. We used to meet, and then I left, deciding to save the marriage. We had not seen each other for many years, but recently we met and I realized that I love him. She told him about her feelings, and he said to let him go, because he was establishing relations with his wife. I don’t want to destroy our families, I just want to communicate sometimes, support him. I read the conspiracies on the phone, does not work ((

    Can you tell me how he feels about me?

Can become an obstacle to alleged previous creations. One rabbinical text poses the following question:

“If God is recognized as timeless, that is, standing completely outside of time, then what did he do before this creation, which is described in the Bible?” Our rabbis answer this in the following way: "God created the worlds and destroyed them." This does not contradict theories based on the study of prehistoric stones or people who existed many thousands of years ago: maybe these are the remains of previous creations.

A miraculous prayer for a loved one to come or call is not purely Orthodox.

This is a prayer conspiracy related to white magic. A conspiracy-prayer for a loved one to come or call

This plot is strong white prayer for darling to call read after midnight, through an open window, so that the wind blows in your face. When you go to bed, dream about love and your relationship.

“In an open field, in a pure expanse, there are 4 oaks 4 whirlwinds. 4 oaks 4 whirlwinds go, find the servant of God (name), put sadness in his heart - longing, so that he would be sad about me, the servant of God (name). I’ll close my strong conspiracies with 40 locks, I’ll give the keys to the pike fish so that it.”

There is 100% white way to attract true love in your life and restore relationships in the family! Action strong amulet of love many women and men have already tested on themselves. With it, you will not only find your soul mate, but also be able to remove quarrels and negativity in the family, for this you need ...

There is a scientific theory of the Universe, it builds the history of the world on the basis of the results of observations and conclusions of the physics of elementary particles and radiation. Modern science says: The universe in the past gradually contracted, while the density of matter increased and the temperature increased. As a result of such compression, huge energy was concentrated in a microscopic sphere, and this point could become the starting point for the expansion of the Universe (the Big Bang theory).

Undoubtedly, science may one day choose between a world that began with something and a world without a beginning. Reading a Christian a prayer for a loved one to call soon, the girl also makes her life choice.

The Christian belief in Creation is based not on the scientific theory of the universe, but on Revelation. Christianity believes in God, the creator of the universe. God is the absolute beginning. But at the same time, revelation shows who God is and what his relationship with the created world is (Genesis 1 and 2).

First, from the assertion that God is an absolute beginning, standing outside of time, it follows that God and the world are fundamentally different: God is not the world (this is the difference with pantheistic views), he is “transcendent”, that is, beyond our perception , even mental; he is completely different. He, however, is present in the world - in the world of people, and wants to make an alliance with them (Gen. 2).