
Women's names starting with the letter d. Women's names starting with the letter "d" Women's names starting with the letter d Abkhazian name


Every year the number of female names with the letter D only increases. Some of the most popular and unusual today are Diadem, Diniela, Delicia or Daphne. Although Daphne belongs to the ancient Muslim names, it was not successful for several centuries. Analogs of such a letter in other languages ​​are the letter D.

The meaning of girls' names with the letter D

Female names with the letter D they speak of kindness, as well as a propensity for caring. It is interesting that in life such people almost always realize themselves. Some are in motherhood, others are in science, and the third is even in business. Despite the external fragility, such women are very strong at heart and will be able to overcome any obstacles.

They rejoice simple things and do not devote too much time to thinking about the troubles, they prefer to deal with everything on the way to their goal.

Popular girl names starting with the letter D

Women's names with the letter D: Russian, Tatar, Muslim or European carry a rather powerful positive energy. However, it is always worth considering them as a whole and be sure to study the full interpretation, because in some cases they acquire a completely different character in combination with other letters.

The most popular today are:

  • Dana, Slavic name, according to other sources - Jewish. Translated means "God is my judge." Such girls are prone to pragmatism and prudence, and in the life of a careerist. However, he will never allow himself to go beyond what is allowed;
  • Diana, a Roman name, translates to "divine." Despite the fact that some consider the name Dean to be short for Diana, both one and the second have completely different meanings. Diana, on the other hand, has a powerful energy, and new ideas visit her fantasy almost constantly. She is pure in front of herself, but not always sincere with others;
  • Dilruba, a Persian name that translates to "conquering the soul." Such girls tend to look for compromise solutions, and they can find an approach to everyone. They want to be successful, but more important to them is family relationships;
  • Daria, an Orthodox name, originates from the time of Byzantium and means "gift". Such a girl is very emotional, and often relies only on a momentary desire. Although she is pedantic in life, she loves order in everything;
  • Dina, a Jewish, according to other versions, a Muslim name. Literally translated, it symbolizes a fair or strong woman. She is very capricious by nature, for her there are simply no authorities. She is very amorous, sometimes she can be promiscuous.

Experts advise that choosing a girl's name in D is worth very careful. Some names can bring a fighting spirit to the lives of children, others strengthen them. Creative skills... It is also important how a particular name suits a person and whether it is consonant with a surname.

For a girl whose name begins with the letter "D", nothing is impossible, at least in theory - she is a strong personality, she is ready to take on any business and, regardless of the chances of success, will stubbornly move towards the goal. Fortunately, such impulses rarely happen, but mostly a girl is family-oriented and fairly traditional values. She is characterized by some inconsistency - so she can be active and sociable, or she can withdraw into her inner world. In general, the owners of names starting with this letter are united by cheerfulness, healthy optimism, activity and energy.

  • Dinah - may have come from the name of Diana. Emotional, impulsive person, who, nevertheless, brings all the things started to the end. -37
  • Dana - Slavic name, means "gifted" (literally - "given"). Determined, stubborn, slightly contradictory, sensual girl. 8
  • Daniela - (Danielle). The female form of the name Daniel (Daniel). The name is of Jewish origin, meaning "God is my judge." Impulsive, energetic, impatient girl. -16
  • Darina - the exact origin of the name is not known, there are versions about Irish, Slavic or Jewish roots. Darina is a capricious, difficult, cool girl who knows her own worth. (3) 30
  • Daria - (Dasha). The origin of the name is Greek or Slavic. There is always a little child in this woman. She attracts people to her, because she is very easy to communicate and non-conflicting. It is important for her to constantly be in society, and loneliness is unbearable for her. 57
  • Daryana - according to one of the many versions, it comes from the word "gift". Sociable, quite demanding girl who perfectly knows how to use her charm. 1
  • Dekabrina - winter, December (Russian post-revolutionary name). A restrained, serious girl with a good sense of humor, who knows how to succeed and is not obsessed with material matters. -31
  • Dey - (Diya) A melodious and poetic name derived from the ancient Slavic "deyat" - to work, to work. This is a girl you can rely on for everything. -24
  • Jenny - (Jennifer, in English - Jennie) means "white sorceress", "fair." A strong girl, with a difficult character, an idealist at heart, striving to be the first in everything. -35
  • Julia - (related name Juliet). The name is of Latin origin (meaning “from the Julian clan”). It is very popular in the USA and Italy. Julia is self-confident, proud, she is a clear extrovert with an almost masculine character, able to cope with any problem. -43
  • Diana - means - divine (name of Greek origin). For an energetic girl with this name, nothing is impossible, although she almost lacks some ease of communication. 39
  • Dina - a name that came to us from antiquity, this name was borne by the only daughter of Jacob. Practical, hardworking girl, not missing out on her benefits, but not too happy in marriage due to her personality traits. 5
  • Dobrava - means kind, this is a Slavic name. The soul of the company and good friend, practical and successful, prone to rash, impulsive decisions. -40
  • Share - the original name of Slavic origin, means "fate, share". A calm girl who loves peace and comfort, not too self-confident and inclined to attach great importance to little things. -52
  • Dominica - (Domina) Name of Latin origin - "God's day", "lady". Strong, bright, independent personality with a corresponding character. -14
  • Dorothea - (Dorothea) - From the Greek language, it means "Given by God." A happy girl who thinks over all her actions and actions, which invariably leads her to success. -67

From the name of the gold coin - "dinar"

She is very sensitive as a child. Located to infectious diseases especially associated with kidney disease and Bladder... WITH poor appetite, a sluggish, weak girl. "Summer" is also susceptible to laryngitis and pharyngitis. Due to frequent malaise, Dinara grows up as a nervous and capricious, but very capable child: all subjects at school are given to her without difficulty. She willingly helps her mother with the housework, prepares food with her. In her free time, she likes to look at photos of her favorite artists, which she has been collecting for more than one year. Finishing school, she becomes too independent, she chooses a profession, does not need parental advice. Prefers to be friends with boys, finding it easier with them mutual language rather than girls. However, he enjoys authority with both those and others.

Dinara has a developed intuition, but does not know how to use it at all. Restrained in communication and too principled. Always speaks the truth in the face, does not know how to lie or flatter. Poorly adapting to circumstances, with difficulty changing place of work or apartment. Has a good memory, sharp mind.

"Winter" Dinara is a realist and materialist. She is inquisitive, but she believes in little until she is convinced of everything herself. Fidget by nature, does not tolerate loneliness, especially "December". Loves a pleasant company, willingly attends parties.

"Autumn" Dinara has good organizational skills, can lead a team, is the initiator of many innovations. Avoids frequent communication with superiors, but does not go into conflict.

"Summer" - somewhat indecisive, closed. She does not marry for a long time, she carefully chooses friends. He is very afraid of disappointments, experiences failures for a long time, does not forgive betrayal and betrayal. She is demanding of others, which is why she often does not find understanding on their part.

Dinara does not like superficiality, negligence in work. Very clean, squeamish. The leader is in the team. She relies only on herself, rarely resorts to the help of strangers, even friends do not always know about her problems. Dinara does not tolerate empty conversations, she cannot talk on the phone for a long time. She is annoyed by male talkers.

The "spring" Dinara has an unbalanced psyche, her mood is changing rapidly. She needs to be attentive to her health, not to overwork, to get enough sleep. Susceptible to nervous breakdowns and depression. She is very sensitive to failure, she has a sick self-esteem. But by virtue of her character, Dinara can be an excellent actress, understands music, works of art. Good taste. Someone's bad taste annoys her. She marries an old friend, making sure that this is exactly the goth man with whom she would like to be always close.

Accepted abbreviations: az. - Azerbaijani, English. - English, Arabic. - Arabic, Aramaic. - Aramaic, Bulgarian. - Bulgarian, Wall. - Welsh, Hungarian. - Hungarian, Gaelic. - Gaelic, Greek. - Greek, Danish. - Danish, OE - Old English, Old German. - Old Germanic, Old Hebrew. - ancient Hebrew, Old Ind. - Old Indian, Old Irish. - Old Irish, Old Norse. - Old Icelandic, Old Persian. - Old Persian, ancient Roman. - Ancient Roman, Old Russian. - Old Russian, Old Scandal. - Old Norse, Egypt. - Egyptian, wives. - female, app. - western, ind. - Indian, Spanish - Spanish, it. - Italian, kaz. - Kazakh, Celtic. - Celtic, lat. - Latin, lit. - Lithuanian, husband. - male, netherl. - Dutch, Norwegian - Norwegian, Pers. - Persian, Polish. - Polish, col. - colloquial, room. - Romanian, Russian. - Russian, Sami. - Sami, Skt. - Sanskrit, Serb. - Serbian, Syrian. - Syrian, scandal. - Scandinavian, Slav. - Slavic, see - look, owls. - Soviet, Art.-French. - Old French, Taj. - Tajik, Tat. - Tatar, Turk. - Turkic, Uzbek. - Uzbek, Ukrainian. - Ukrainian, outdated. - obsolete, Finnish. - Finnish, French. - French, frieze. - Frisian, Swede. - Swedish, Czech. - Czech, shot. - Scottish, South Slav. - South Slavic.

Davran, Davron - male, a variant of the name Dauren (see). Davran is an Uzbek and Tajik form.

Davyd (Old Hebrew) - male, "beloved". In the calendar - David.

Dair (Arabic) - male, either “around” or “repeating”.

Dive (English) - male, a short version of the name David (see).

Dagmar (Danish) - female, from the name of the Bohemian princess Dragomira, who became in the XIII century. Queen of Denmark.

Delilah, Delilah, Delilah(Hebrew) - female, "delight, tenderness."

Dalmatian (lat.) - male, "resident of Dalmatia" (region on the coast of the Adriatic Sea.

Damian - male, churchly to Demyan (see).

Damir is a husband. 1. Neologism owls. period: from abbr. to "Long live the world!" 2. From the New Persian Damyar "hunter". 3. Variant of the name Temir (see).

Dan - male, 1) (Old Hebrew) “God justified”; 2) (south-slav.) Abbreviation for Bogdan (see), Danil (see), Jordan (see), etc.

Dana - 1) wives. to Dan (see); 2) short to Bogdan (see), Daniela (see); 3) pers. "Educated, learned" or "unique."

Dundee, Dandy (English) - male, diminutive for Andrew (see).

Danil, Danila (ancient Hebrew) - male, "my God is judge." In the calendar - Daniel.

Daniela - wives to Daniel (see).

Daniel - husband., Zap. variant of the name Danil (see).

Daniyar (Pers.) - male, “knowledgeable, knowledgeable”, “close friend”, “loved”, “gift, gift”. In historical terms, it is a modification of the name Daniyal.

Duncan, Duncan (Gaelic) - male, "swarthy warrior".

Danko - male, 1) (southern-Slav.) Derivative from Dan (see); 2) (Old German) short for names in Dank - "thought, memory".

Danslav (Slav.) - male, "give" + "glory".

Danuta (Polish) - female, short to Daniela (see).

Darek (Czech) - male, a short version of the name Bozidar (see).

Dariga (Pers.) - female, "pity, regret, surprise" or "oh, beautiful, wonderful!"

Darius (ancient Persian) - man, “possessing, possessing” + “good, kind”.

Darlene (OE) - female, "dear, beloved."

Darrell (English) - male, from the surname Darrell - from a toponym or from other English. "Beloved, dear."

Daria - wives. to Darius (see). In the calendar - Darius.

Dasius (Greek) - male, "with thick hair."

Dasia - wives. to Dasias (see).

Dustin (OE) - male, "hill" + "stone".

Dauren (Pers.) - male, “master of his time”, “happy”.

Daphne (Greek) - female, "laurel".

Debbie (English) - female, short to Deborah (see).

Deborah, Deborah (ancient Hebrew) - female, "bee".

Debra - female, English variant of the name Deborah (see).

Desiderius (lat.) - male, "to desire".

Desideria - wives to Desiderius (see).

Dey (Greek) - male, genitive on behalf of Zeus, "divine, glorious, radiant." Diy is in the calendar.

Dale (English) - male, from the surname Dale.

Dementius (lat.) - male, presumably "to tame". Dometius is in the calendar.

Demid (Greek) - male, "divine" + "care, patronize." Diomedes is in the calendar.

Demyan (lat.) - male, "dedicated to Damia" (the goddess of abundance and fertility). The holy day is Damian.

Denise, Denise (French, English) - women. to Denis (see).

Denis (Greek) - male, "dedicated to Dionysus" (the god of wine, winemaking and poetic inspiration). In the calendar - Dionysius.

Denny (English) - male, diminutive for Dennis (see).

Denny (lat.) - female, diminutive for Denise (see).

Dennis, Denis - male, it. variant of the name Dionysius (see Denis).

Derek, Derrick - male, netherl. variant of the name Dietrich (see).

Deyan, Dian, Diyan (Greek) - male, derived from Dey (see).

Jacqueline - female, English variant of the name Jacqueline (see).

Jamal, Jamal, Jamal (Arabic) - husband. and women., "beauty, perfection."

Jamshid, Jamshit(Pers.) - male, "brilliant Yima" - the name and nickname of the legendary Iranian king from "Shah-name". Figuratively "great, wise."

Janet, Janette, Janet(English) - female, a derivative of the names Jane (see), Jean (see).

Janice (shot) - female, also named Jane (see).

Januzak, Januzak(Persian-Kazakh) - male, "soul" + "long". It is given to wish a long life.

Justin - husband., Eng. variant of the name Justin (see).

Jay (English) - man., 1) short to Jason (see); 2) from the surname Jay.

Jacob, Jacob - male, eng. variant of the name Yakov (see).

James, James, James- husband., Eng. variant of the name Yakov (see).

Jamie (shot) - male, diminutive for James (see).

Jamie (English) - female, diminutive for Jameyna (see).

Jamesein, Jamesene(Shotl.) - wives. to James (see).

Jane (English) - female, diminutive for Joanna (see).

Jason - husband. variant of the name Jason (see).

Jack, Jackie - male, short form to John (see)

Jennifer (Wall.) - female, "white wave".

Gerald, Gerald- husband., Eng. variant of the name Herald (see).

Gerard - male., Eng. variant of the name Gerhard (see).

Jeremy - husband variant of the name Eremey (see).

Jeri (English) - male, short to Gerald (see), Gerard (see), Jeremy (see), Jerome (see).

Jerome - husband, eng. variant of the name Yeronim (see).

Jesse - husband., Eng. variant of the name Jesse (see).

Jessica (English) - female, from Old Hebrew. Iska "God is watching".

Jeff (English) - male, short to Jeffrey (see).

Jeffrey (English) - male, "god" or "region, region" + "world".

Jesus - male, eng. variant of the name Jesus (see).

Jill (English) - male, diminutive for Gillian (see).

Jill (English) - female, diminutive for Gillian (see).

Gillian - husband., Eng. variant of the name Julian (see).

Gillian - female, English. variant of the name Julian (see).

Jim, Jimmy (English) - male, derived from James (see).

Gene (Gene) (English) - male, short form to Eugene (see).

Gene (Gene) (English) - female, short form to Eugenia (see).

Jean, Jeanne- wives, eng. variant of the name Jeanne (see).

Gina - female, it. short form to Regina (see).

Gino - husband, it. variant of the name George (see).

Joanna - female, eng. variant of the name Ivanna (see).

Giovanna - female, it. short form of the name Ludwig (see).

Giovanni - male, it. variant of the name Ivan (see).

Josephine, Josephine(English) - female, derived from Joseph (see).

Joyce (English) - female, presumably from lat. "Funny, witty."

John - male, John - eng. variant of the name Ivan (see); Jon is short for Jonathan (see).

Jonathan - husband variant of the name Jonathan (see).

Johnny - male, diminutive for John (see), Jonathan (see).

George - male., Eng. variant of the name George (see).

Giorgio - male, it. variant of the name George (see).

Joseph, Joseph(English) - wives. to Josephus (see).

Josephus, Josephus, Joseph, Joseph- husband., Eng. variant of the name Joseph (see).

Joe, Joe (English) - male, derivatives of the name Joseph (see).

Joze (English) - male, a derivative of the name Joseph (see).

Joel, Joel - male, eng. variant of the name Joel (see).

Joshua - male, eng. variant of the name Jesus (see).

Juan (English) - male, from Juan (see).

Juanita (English) - female, from Juanita (see).

Judy (English) - female, diminutive for Judith (see).

Judith - female, English variant of the name Judith (see).

Giuseppe - male, it. variant of the name Joseph (see).

Julian - husband., Eng. variant of the name Julian (see).

Giuliano - husband, it. variant of the name Julian (see).

Julio - male, Italian version of the name Julius (see).

Julia, Julia - women, English. variant of the name Julia (see).

Diana (lat.) - female, from the name of the goddess of the hunt, purity, moon.

Diaz (Arabic) - male, by peoples the former USSR was given by the name of José Diaz (1895-1942) - a prominent figure in the Spanish and international labor movement, leading an active anti-fascist struggle. The surname Diaz goes back to the name Diaz: the Spanish equivalent of the name Jacob (see).

Didim (Greek) - male, "twin".

Dilara, Dilyara, Dilyaram(pers.) - female, “beloved, beauty”. The final -m is a diminutive suffix.

Dildar, Dildara, Dildar (Pers.) - female and husband., "beloved." Husband. the name Dildar translates as "brave, courageous", "caring, compassionate."

Dilmira (Arabic-Persian-Russian) - female, "heart", "soul" + "peace".

Dilmurat (Arabic-Pers.) - male, “heart”, “soul” + “desired”.

Dilshad, Dilshat, Dilshat (Pers.) - husband. and women., "joyful, happy." For Uzbeks and Uighurs, Kazakhs, Tatars, it is masculine. For Azerbaijanis and Turks, it is feminine.

Dimitrian (Greek) - male, 1) presumably according to the name of the month of the Macedonian calendar dimitrion; 2) possibly a variant of the name Dimitrion "sanctuary of Demeter" (Greek goddess).

Dean (English) - male, from the surname Dean.

Dina - female, 1) short to Bernardine, Dinara; 2) (Arabic) "faith, religion"; 3) biblical, “avenged”.

Dinara (Arabic) - female, "gold coin".

Diodorus (Greek) - male, "Zeus" + "gift".

Dionysia - wives. to Dionysius (see Denis).

Dirk - male, Low German short form to Dietrich (see).

Disideriy (lat.) - male, "desire".

Dietbald (Old German) - male, "people" + "brave".

Dieter (German) - male, a short version of the name Dietrich (see).

Ditmar (Old German) - male, "people" + "famous".

Dietrich (Old German) - man, "people" + "mighty, prince."

Dmitry (Greek) - male, "related to Demeter" (the goddess of agriculture and fertility). In the calendar - Demetrius.

Dobromir (Slav.) - male, "good" + "peace".

Dobromysl (Slav.) - male, "good" + "thought".

Dobroslav (Slav.) - male, "good" + "glory".

Dobroslava - wives. to Dobroslav (see).

Dobrynya - male, "kind", also abbreviated to Dobroslav, Dobromir, Dobrosmysl.

Dobryan (Bulgarian) - male, "kind".

Dobryana - wives. to Dobryan (see).

Dovmont (lit.) - male, "a lot" + "smart."

Dolores (Spanish) - female, from the phrase grieving Mary.

Dolph (English) - male, a short version of the name Adolf (see).

Domant - male, colloquial to Dovmont (see).

Domenik, Dominic(lat.) - man., “God's day; Sunday".

Dometius - male, ecclesiastical to Dementius (see).

Dominica - wives. to Dominic (see).

Domn (lat.) - male, "lord, sovereign, sovereign."

Domna - wives. to Domn (see).

Don - male, Don, short to Donald (see).

Don (English) - female, Down "dawn, morning dawn".

Donald, Donald (Gaelic) - male, "master of the world."

Donat (lat.) - male, "to give".

Donata - wives. to Donat (see).

Donna - female, it. variant of the name Domna (see).

Dora - female, short to Dorothea (see), Theodora (see).

Dorian (lat.) - male, "nobleman".

Doris - female, short form to Dorothea (see), Theodora (see).

Dormidont (Greek) - male, "spear, scepter" + "care, patronize." In the calendar - Dorimedont.

Dear (Slav.) - husband., "Dear" + "dear".

Dorothea - female, zap. to Dorotheus (see). Russian correspondence - Dorothea.

Dorotheus (Greek) - male, "gift, gift" + "god".

Dositheus - (Greek) man, "gift" + "god".

Dragan (south-slav.) - male, "dear".

Dragana - wives. to Dragan (see).

Dragomir (southern-Slav.) - male, "dear" + "peace".

Dragomira - wives. to Dragomir (see).

Dragoslav (south-Slav.) - male, "dear" + "glory".

Dragoslava - wives. to Dragoslav (see).

Drone - male, abbreviated to Andron (see).

Drosis (Greek) - female, "dew".

Friend (Bulgarian) - husband, "friendship" + "love".

Douglas, Douglas (English, Shot) - male, from the surname Douglas - from Celtic. "Navy blue".

Duklida (lat.) - female, "leader".

Dusan - male, 1) (Serb.) Derivative from Stefan (see); 2) (Old Russian) “soul”.

György - male, Hungarian variant of the name George (see).

Dulo - husband, Hungarian variant of the name Julius (see).

David, David - husband., Eng. variant of the name Davyd (see).

Dan - male., Eng. variant of the name Dan (see).

Daniel - husband., Eng. variant of the name Danil (see).

Danny, Denny (English) - male, Danny - diminutive to Daniel (see), Denny - diminutive to Dennis (see).