
Physical culture leisure in the first junior group plan-outline of physical education classes (junior group) on the topic. "We grow up healthy." Physical entertainment in the first junior group Entertainment in physical education in the 1st junior group


Continue walking on a limited area of ​​​​support, maintaining a stable balance; exercise in bouncing in place, landing on half-bent legs. Continue to improve the motor skills and abilities of children. Exercise in walking and running, coordinating the movements of the arms and legs. To form the correct posture, to prevent flat feet. Develop dexterity, speed, the ability to navigate in the space of the hall. Strengthen children's knowledge about wild animals. To cultivate a desire to engage in physical education, independence, discipline.



Sports entertainment in 1 junior group


Teacher Horoshilova O.A.


Continue to learn to walk on a limited area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport, maintaining a stable balance; exercise in bouncing in place, landing on half-bent legs. Continue to improve the motor skills and abilities of children. Exercise in walking and running, coordinating the movements of the arms and legs. To form the correct posture, to prevent flat feet. Develop dexterity, speed, the ability to navigate in the space of the hall. Strengthen children's knowledge about wild animals. To cultivate a desire to engage in physical education, independence, discipline.

Materials and equipment:

Gymnastic board, track-footprints, bumps, screens, crawling arc, “stream”, skittles, hoop, cubes, dummies of mushrooms, pipe, chairs, bear and hedgehog costumes.


If there is no one somewhere,

So someone is out there somewhere.

But where is this someone

And where could he go?

This someone in our group hid. Let's eat him.

(children walk around the hall, on the gymnastic board, jump over the "stream", between pins, climb into the hoop, find a bear)

Educator: Who is this? (bear, bear). Yes, he sleeps! Let's wake him up.(children stomp, clap, wake up the bear)

Bear. They don’t let me sleep: they make noise, stomp… I’ll go look for a place where I can sleep peacefully. Don't follow me, don't wake me up!

(walks around the room, the teacher and the children sneak after him. The bear suddenly turns around, growls. The children run away)

Educator: Don't scare us, Mishka, it's better to play with us.

Bear. Okay, I'll play.

(the game “The Bear and the Children” is being played. The children stand behind the chairs. The bear walks around the hall.


The bear was walking in the forest

The bear was looking for children.

He is tired, tired

Sat down on the grass and dozed off.

(the bear sits down, falls asleep)

The children began to dance

They started banging their feet.

(Russian folk song. Children dance, stomp, clap)

Bear, bear, get up,

Catch up with our kids.

(the bear jumps up, catches the children, the children run behind the chairs. The game is repeated)

Bear. You guys are good at running. I didn't get anyone! Do you know how to walk on a log?

Educator. Of course, bear!

Bear. Then follow me.(children walk along a ribbed board, saying to the teacher: top-top)


Here comes our bear,

Will never fall.

Top top, top top

Top-top, top-top.

Bear. You are fast and agile. Are you bored with me? Let's eat something else!


If there is no one somewhere,

So someone is out there somewhere.

But where is this someone

And where could he go?

(children walk around the hall, along the footprints, jump over the stream, crawl into the hoop, find a hedgehog)

Hedgehog. Hello children!

Educator: Hello hedgehog. How prickly are you. You won't prick us?

Hedgehog. Don't be afraid, I won't bite. Help me gather mushrooms better.

(takes a basket, walks around the room, children collect dummies of mushrooms and put them in a basket)

Hedgehog. Thanks for the help. And now let's play.

(children hide behind chairs, screens)

I walk around the room

I don't find anyone.

Gotta get the flute

And play the flute.

Everyone will hear, come running

And they will dance with me!

(the hedgehog plays the pipe, the children go out, dance when the music ends, hide. The game is repeated 2-3 times)

Educator: Thank you, hedgehog, for a fun game.

Bear. Come on, children, let's walk around the hall, maybe we'll find something else.

(children find a box with cubes. The bear shows how you can play with them: step over them, jump over, knock over your head, hide behind your back, circle with them, etc. children repeat)

Educator: Let's say, children, thank Mishka and Hedgehog(they say). Goodbye (leave).

irina sorokina
Sports leisure for the 1st junior group "How the cat saved the cockerel with his friends"

Sports leisure for 1 junior group

"How the cat with his friends rescued the cockerel»

Target: create a favorable emotional environment for children; improve health; consolidate physical education skills acquired during the year; we instill friendly relations between themselves.

Equipment: beanies cat and foxes, soft toy cockerel, house layout. Sports Equipment: 3 medium hoops, wooden gates, gymnastic bench 2 pcs., racks with a stretched rope for crawling, ribbed board 2 pcs. .

Entertainment progress:

The children enter to the music group. The central wall is decorated with birch trees, the sun, multi-colored butterflies are attached. Standing chaotically, enters cat(baby in hat) cat) .

"Hello guys! You know, I've been in trouble. fox stole my best friend, Cockerel - golden scallop. He needs to be rescued immediately!

caregiver: guys what are you ready to go cock for help?

Children: Yes.

caregiver: Can we overcome obstacles?

Children: Yes.

caregiver: ahead of us are swampy swamps, deep rivers, huge fallen trees that block the path, high mountains. Are you afraid of such difficulties?

Children: No.

caregiver: so on the way!

Children along with cat they walk on tall grass, bypass large stones, pass through marshy swamps. (Walking is normal, walking with a high knee lift, snake, jumping from hoop to hoop).

Guys let's help cockerel. (Easy running)

We came to the meadow, rested a little. (Relaxation. Lie on your back with your eyes closed.

The children rested and moved on cockerel bail out: crawl under the trees, climb the mountains, pass the river through the bridge. (Basic movements: crawling under wooden gates, under a stretched rope on racks, walking along an inclined ribbed board; gymnastic bench).

We arrived at the fox's house. The fox came out of there with cockerel, who had already made friends, and invited the children to play, and then dance. Outdoor games "Inflate the Bubble", "Bunny".

Dance "Ay - yes!"

Cockerel gives children a sweet surprise for their the rescue.

Game Description "Inflate the Bubble"

Together with the teacher, the children become a close circle and begin "blow up the bubble": tilting their heads down, the kids blow into fists, made up one under the other, like a pipe. At the same time, they straighten up and draw air into their tube and make a sound "F-F-F". These steps are repeated 2-3 times. With each inflate, everyone takes a step back, as if the bubble had grown a little. Then everyone joins hands and gradually widens the circle, moving and saying the following the words:

Blow up, bubble

Blow up big

Stay like this

Don't crash!

It turns out a large stretched circle. The teacher enters the circle, touches each pair of joined hands, then suddenly stops and is talking: "Bubble burst!" Everyone clap their hands, say the word "Clap!" and run into a bunch (towards the center). Repeat the game 2 times.

Game Description "Bunny".

The teacher calls the child, who will play the role of a bunny, to invite the rest to join hands and become in a round dance. The hare goes to the middle and, having depicted ears with his hands, squats down. Children following the teacher say the following words (or sing a song) and perform their respective movements.

Little white bunny sits

And wiggles his ears

Like this, like this

And he moves his ears (Children squat down and depict with their hands how the bunny moves its ears).

It's cold for a bunny to sit

Gotta warm up the paws


It is necessary to warm the paws (They stroke one or the other hand, lightly clap their hands. Then they get up).

It's cold for a bunny to stand

Bunny needs to jump!


It is necessary for the bunny to jump (They jump on two legs to the bunny standing inside the circle. They try to warm it, gently stroke it. Then they return to their place, and the bunny chooses a replacement).

Play 2 times.

Description of the dance:

Children stand in pairs (the boy takes the girl by the hands, hands are extended "boat"). sing "Ay - yes, ah - yes, quickly trample your legs, children dance merrily" (2 times). "Ai" and squat down.

caregiver: one, two, three - get up.

Dance movements are repeated 3-4 times.

tutor on behalf of cockerel:

What good fellows you guys are! Cockerel rescued, overcoming all obstacles, and you played well and danced for it to you cockerel gives sweet prizes (Chupa - Chups).


Questions for children.

Guys, did you enjoy the hike? cockerel?

Who stole cockerel?

What obstacles have we overcome?

caregiver: guys, you made a real feat today, rescued a friend from trouble.

Tutorials:- reinforce the ability of children to act on a signal. Exercise in formations, keeping a distance while moving, performing team tasks; - to consolidate and develop the ability to perform basic types of movements; - to consolidate the ability of children to coordinate words and movements with the text when performing a finger game.

Developing:- develop physical qualities: flexibility, agility, speed, endurance; - continue to develop the activity of children, through the implementation game exercises; - to develop the desire of the participants of the event to help each other in the performance of game tasks and exercises.

Educators:- to educate the general culture of behavior of children during the event; To educate children in organization, independence, the ability to maintain friendly relations with peers.




Tutorials: - reinforce the ability of children to act on a signal. Exercise in formations, keeping a distance while moving, performing team tasks; - to consolidate and develop the ability to perform basic types of movements; - to consolidate the ability of children to coordinate words and movements with the text when performing a finger game.

Developing: - develop physical qualities: flexibility, agility, speed, endurance; - continue to develop the activity of children through the performance of game exercises; - to develop the desire of the participants of the event to help each other in the performance of game tasks and exercises.

Educators: - to educate the general culture of behavior of children during the event; To educate children in organization, independence, the ability to maintain friendly relations with peers.

Materials and attributes:

case with copies of medical devices (thermometer, syringe); white bathrobe, doctor's cap; hoops; balls small and large; basket for balls; cards for finger games and articulatory gymnastics; audio recordings with children's songs.

Event progress:

All participants of the event are divided into two teams in advance.


Good afternoon, dear children!

Let's start our competition! There will be games, there will be laughter

And fun entertainment is prepared for everyone.

Sport, guys, is very necessary.

We are close friends with sports.

Sports assistant! Sport is health!

Sport is a game! Physical Education! Hooray! Hooray!


Dr. Aibolit promised to come to us for the holiday. And here he is.

To cheerful music, a Clown appears on the site with a medical case.


Hey! Hey! Here I am!

Do you recognize me, friends?

I am the funniest clown in the world

Therefore, I like adults and children.

I came to celebrate you

I know you are welcome!

I really want to know

Do you like to play?


Clown Bantik, we are very glad that you came to our party, but we were waiting for Dr. Aibolit. We need his help - before the competition, the doctor must examine the athletes, are they sick, can they participate in the competition?


Do you really need a doctor? So no problem.

Look what I found on the way to you (shows a suitcase).

Apparently Dr. Aibolit hurried and went to another Kindergarten.

We will now see what he has in the suitcase. (shows children medical supplies and discusses what they are for).

And here is the doctor's cap and a dressing gown (puts on a clown).

Why are you not a doctor? I can check too.


Dr. Bantik, you examine everyone

Select the dexterous, the brave.


I ask everyone to stand up straight

What I say, do it

Everybody breathe

Don't breathe


bend over

Straighten up


Approaches the teacher and says:

Yes, I'm happy with the review! Everyone is healthy and ready to compete.


Well, since everything is in order, I suggest that everyone go to the wonderful country of Sportlandia.

In this country we are waiting for games, relay races and competitions.


And for starters, I suggest doing exercises

Very cheerful, so for relaxation.

To do this, we need to quickly line up one after another.

Warm up

A set of exercises is performed in a circle to cheerful music:

We walk like soldiers

Walking on tiptoes, hands up

We walk on heels, the handles are removed behind the back

We walk like "bears" (on the outer edge of the foot)

We go like "ducklings" (in full crouch)

Running, alternating with a step.


So we got to the country of "Sportlandia". Tired?

I suggest that we rest in the Quiet Glade.

But first we have to go through unusual paths.

To do this, we need to split into teams

Relay "Unusual tracks"

Exercises performed:

Stepping over objects in alternating steps

Jumping from hoop to hoop


Here we are with you and got to the Quiet Glade.

Listen how quiet it is here (children listen).

I will tell you a secret that in this clearing you can only play calm games. And these cards will help us remember such games (the teacher shows the children cards with pictures for games)

Games on the "Quiet Glade"

The complex is being carried out:

Articulation gymnastics - "Ball", "Watch"

Finger exercises - "My family", "Fish"


My friends, did you enjoy playing in Tikhaya Polyana?

To get on the road, we need to stand next to each other.

Now everyone can show their dexterity.

Now we will go along an unusual road, it is called "Tunnel"

Obstacle course "Track - tunnel"

An exercise is performed on crawling into hoops of different sizes.

To the cheerful music, the children pass through the tunnel, leaning depending on the height of the hoop.


What good fellows! Has everyone gone through the tunnel? Nobody got lost?

There are many interesting things in the country of Sportlandia.

Look at the balls, what are they? (small and large)

Do you like to play with balls?

Very good, because I have a new assignment for you.

Someone mixed everything up here, dumped all the balls in one heap. Shall we put things in order?

Then listen to the task, we need to put the small balls in a small basket, and the large ones in a large one.

The game "My cheerful sonorous ball"

My cheerful ringing ball

Where did you run off to?

Red, blue, cyan

Don't chase after you.

On a signal, the children collect the balls and put them in baskets.


Guys, the music is calling us on the road again. Grab your friend by the hand, it's time for us to return to kindergarten.


So we returned from the wonderful country of Sportlandia.

It's a lot of fun to play with you. You are so smart, fast, friendly!


Clown Bantik, don't forget to take Dr. Aibolit's suitcase, maybe you will meet him on the way. (gives the suitcase to the Clown, he finds something there) And it's time for us to return to our group.

Natalia Rezanova
Physical culture leisure in the first junior group "Merry Family"

Physical culture leisure in the first junior group


Target: increased interest in exercise. Learning to act according to the words of the text of the game. Development of dexterity, speed, orientation in space. Exercise of children in walking on a gymnastic bench, crawling under an arc, jumping on two legs moving forward.

Methods and techniques: guessing a riddle, exercise, outdoor game "The mother hen and the chicks", "Who is quieter?".

Equipment: gymnastic bench, arc, rope or cord (dummy pond or pigtail).

caregiver: Guys guess riddles.

Kudah - tah - tah

Ran down in the bushes.

(Hen) Appeared in a yellow coat

Goodbye two shells.


Children: Hen, chickens.

caregiver: That's right guys, this is Hen and chickens. Guys, I hear someone's voice!

Hen Appears

Hen: Ko-ko-ko! Hello guys! Guess who am I? (children's answers) Do you want to play with me? (children's answers). Then close your eyes! (children cover their eyes with their hands) One, two, three - the guys fall asleep, the chickens wake up (open eyes).

caregiver: Guys, yellow chickens, everyone woke up, stretched, got ready to exercise.

Children and the teacher are built in a column.

Hen: Every day in the morning we do exercises, we really like

Do it in order. It's fun to walk, fun to walk,

Hands up, hands down

Squat and get up, squat and get up

Jump and jump, jump and jump.

Walking in a circle, performing movements in accordance with the text

caregiver: Well done chicken guys, they did a good exercise.

Hen: And now, let's go to the pond. Where there are a lot of worms and fresh grass. We go along the bridge over the stream. (Walking one after another on the bench).

Here we come to the pond! Chickens, let's go for a walk!

The game "The mother hen and the chicks".

caregiver: The chicken went out for a walk,

Pinch fresh herbs (Pinch the grass)

And behind her guys -

Yellow chickens.

Hen: Ko - ko - ko, ko - ko - ko! (imitate movement)

Don't go far.

Row with your paws,

Look for grains.

Ate a fat beetle


We drank some water

Full trough.

caregiver: These are the chickens, well done! Are you tired? (children's answers). Let's get some rest!

A sedentary game is being played "Who will pass more quietly?"

Children walk in free formation, in one direction. The teacher suggests walking quietly on tiptoes. Then gives a signal "Now let's go fast". The walking speed on the signal changes several times.

Hen: And now it's time to go home! We will again return along the road on which the fence is located.

And now for that fence, we somehow need to get through

Chick, chick, we won't disappear, we'll crawl under the fence.

(creep under an arc or a stretched cord)

Now let's go over the bridge over the stream. (Walking one after another on the bench, then the Hen directs the children to line up).

caregiver A: Now you chickens have come home.

Hen: Well done chickens. Did you walk on the bridge? Did you crawl through the fence? Did you nibble the grass? (children's answers). Tired? (children's answers). And now chickens I have to go home, goodbye! And you close your eyes (children close their eyes). Once. two, three - chickens fall asleep!

Hen leaves

caregiver: Guys wake up! (open eyes). Did you enjoy playing? (children's answers) And now it's time for us to return to group.

(Children follow the teacher)

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Sports entertainment in the first junior group. " fun trip»

Purpose of Entertainment : Raise the mood of children, show activity, independence and initiative in action;

Propaganda healthy lifestyle life.


Teach children to listen to the speech of the teacher;

Develop color perception;

Develop attention;


- Develop endurance, attention, coordination and dexterity of movements, the ability to navigate in space.

Expand motor experiencechildren.

Build confidence in your movements.

Encourage children to run in different directions;

To consolidate the skills of children walking in a column one by one behind the teacher;

Continue to teach children to jump, jump on two legs;

Teach children to run and stop at the signal of the teacher;

Equipment: forest (Christmas trees, flowers), swamp, lake (made of blue fabric), basket, sandbags, bumps, arcs, jump ropes.

Lesson progress:

Children enter the hall becomecircle on sports music.

caregiver invites them to take a walk in the forest "by train". The kids take places "in the cars" (they are built in a column behind the teacher).

caregiver gives the signal and the train sets off on its journey.

Song "Train"

Let's ride the fun train

Children sing a song.

caregiver announces a stop. The guys "get out" of the cars.

Educator: Children! We arrived in the spring forest. There is a fun field here. But in order to get to it, we need to overcome an obstacle - cross the swamp over bumps, crawl under the bushes, then jump over the streams. Do you agree?Yes .

And now, for starters, let's do a warm-up, so that it would be easier for us to overcome the obstacle.

Warm up :

One, two, three, four, five - we begin to repeat.

We clap our hands(everyone clap their hands)

Like this, like this(4 times)

We stomp our feet(stomp)

Like this, like this(4 times)

Let's wave our hands(wave hands) Like this, like this(4 times)

Let's dance with our feet(dance moves) Like this, like this(4 times)

We can spin(circling) Like this, like this(4 times)

We can bow(leaning forward) Like this, like this(4 times)

We can get angry(throw fingers) Like this, like this(4 times)

We can make peace(hugs each other) Like this, like this(4 times)

Educator: Now guys, we're on our way. Watch out, it's a swamp! You need to go through it so as not to wet your feet. (children walk along bumps )

The game "On the narrow path" (walking along the path of health) children walk along the path one by one, the teacher makes sure that the children do not push.

After that, the children crawl on all fours under an arc.

caregiver : Well done! And now we jump over the streams.

Game "Jump over the stream"

The brook must be jumped over where it is wide (40 cm) and where it is narrow (20 cm)

Educator: Well done, guys looklakes, how many pebbles, let's throw them into the water. Children on the shore, together with the teacher, take sandbags and throw them into the lake.

The game "Who will throw further" is being held

Educator: Guys, and now, in order for us to get to the clearing, we turn into beetles.

The game "Beetles"

Children represent beetles. They fly across the clearing where the flowers are scattered. (from colored cardboard)

The noise wakes up the bear. growls.

Educator: bear, don't be angry with the guys that they woke you up in the dens, it's better to play with them.

The game "U bear in the forest"

The game begins, and the children leave the house with the words:

At the bear in the forest

Mushrooms, I take berries.

The bear doesn't sleep

And growls at us.

After the children say these words, the "bear" runs out of the den and tries to catch one of the children. If someone does not have time to escape, the "bear" catches him and goes to the den.

Educator: Guys, it's time to go back to kindergarten.

And we will go by bus(there are chairs in the form of a bus) children take their places.

In accordance with the text, children perform movements to the music.

The song "We are sitting on the bus" sounds

(1) Here we are sitting on the bus, and sitting, and sitting

(2) And we look out of the window - we all look!

(3) We look back, we look forward - like this, like this, like this

(4) Well, why is the bus unlucky - unlucky?

(5) The wheels are spinning - like this, like this, like this

We rolled forward - like this!

(6) And the brushes rustle on the glass - whack, whack, whack, whack, whack, whack

All the droplets want to sweep away - Whack, Whack, Whack!

(7) And we are not just sitting - bi, bi, bi, bi, bi, bi

We're all loudly buzzing - bi, bi, bi!

(8) Let the bus shake us - like this, like this, like this

We are going, we are going forward - like this!

(9) We are all buzzing loudly - bi, bi, bi!

1 - swing from side to side

2 - we close our fingers with a “window”, we look into it.

3 - turning to the left, then to the right, we look from the "window".

4 - shrug

5 - we perform rotational movements with our hands in front of us

6 - we swing our arms bent at the elbows in front of the face (“wipers”).

7 - turn the steering wheel and beep

8 - bounce

9 - turn the steering wheel and beep