
Plan outline of a lesson in speech therapy. Logopedic classes. Video: articulation and breathing exercises


Synopsis of the frontal lesson "Journey of Kolobok" in the senior speech therapy group.

Abstract speech therapy session aimed at developing the phonetic and phonemic side of speech in children using health-saving technologies

Durneva Marina Alekseevna, teacher-speech therapist, MBDOU kindergarten No. 17, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky.

Description: This lesson was held in the senior speech therapy group. When compiling the lesson, the emphasis was on the lexical theme "Autumn". This lesson will be useful for speech therapists and educators of preschool educational institutions.

Targets and goals:
Correctional and educational:
to teach children to characterize the sounds [y] and [a], to select words for a given sound.
to acquaint children with the sound [p] and the way it is characterized based on articulatory and acoustic features;
to acquaint with the concept of "voiced consonant sound" and the location of the sound at the beginning of the word;
learn to distinguish sound in syllables and words.

develop general, fine and articulatory motor skills of children;
develop phonemic processes;
develop breathing and voice;
to consolidate the concepts: "sound";
improve the communication skills of children;
increase speech activity;
develop the melodic-intonation and prosodic aspects of speech;
develop mental processes;
improve performance and endurance.

Correctional and educational:
to educate in children the ability to complete the work begun, perseverance and the ability to handle handouts.

Equipment: pictures of fairy tale characters, leaves with pictures, river, bridge, counting sticks, pictures for articulation gymnastics, illustration "Letter P", tape recorder, board.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment.
Speech therapist: To be polite, you need to say hello,
Anyone who would not meet - this is known to the children.
Say hello, and in response, it will sound

Children: Hi Hi!

Speech therapist: Let's say hello to our guests (children say hello).
Now let's say hello to each other.

Logorhythm "Hello palms" (development of communication skills, initiative behavior, speed of reaction).

2. The main part.
Teacher: Guess the riddle: I did not tremble before the wolf,
Run away from the bear
And the fox on the tooth
Still got caught ... (kolobok)

And let's come up with our own fairy tale about Kolobok.

And who will help us in this? (smart person)

Then let's do gymnastics for the brain. It will help you become attentive, active, relieve tension, fear, irritation and improve your achievements!

Kinesiology exercises.
"Ear - nose - cotton" - grab the tip of the nose with your left hand, and the opposite ear with your right hand. Release your ear and nose at the same time, clap your hands, change the position of your hands with “exactly the opposite”.
"Fist - rib - palm."

Who else will help us? (tongue).

Articulation gymnastics.

Children perform exercises according to the text they heard and the picture they saw:
“We open our mouth - a house, who is the owner in that house?
In it, the owner is the Tongue, he lay on his lip with a spatula (“Spatula”).
The tongue goes out for a walk, he goes around the house (lick his lips in a circle).
Who is here and who is there? He looks around ("Watch").
He sees: the lips are very flexible, deftly reaching for a smile ("Fence"),
And now, on the contrary, the lips stretch forward ("Elephant").
The tongue has become a painter, neatly paints the house ("Malyar").
He ended up on a swing, took off up and went down (“Swing”).
Guess who could? Our tongue is like a fungus! ("Fungus")
The tongue became an accordion, played and did not get tired (“Accordion”).
Tired of transformations: licks Jam Jam ("Delicious Jam").
He loves to eat sweet, after which he gallops like a horse ("Horse").

Well, now you're ready to come up with an interesting fairy tale? Then we start. Grandma baked Kolobok. And how she baked it, we will now show.

Finger gymnastics "Let's bake a bun" - the development of fine motor skills.

“We collect flour by the bottom of the barrel” - the children spread their fingers wide, then clench them into a fist.

“Knead the dough” - the children move the fingers of one hand along the palm of the other clockwise, then change the position of the hands.

“Roll out the dough” - rub palm on palm.

“Lepim Kolobok” - put a palm on a palm - “roll a ball”.

Baked Grandma Kolobok. I put it on the window to cool. The gingerbread man lay-lay. He jumped off the window and rolled (the children perform the movement to the music).

Logorhythm "Let's take a walk" (development of communication skills, initiative behavior, speed of reaction).

And on the way there is a river. How can we get to the other side?
Children offer answers (swim across in a boat, on a boat, on a ship).

Speech therapist: You can walk across the bridge. But the bridge is not simple, this bridge is sound. The one who calls the words with the sound A or U will pass. The children name the words and walk along the bridge.

Crossed the river, sat on a stump and sang (the children sing to the music):
1. I left my grandmother,
I left my grandfather.
That's what a bun I am
Gingerbread man - ruddy side.
2. Oh, how good I am!
How I love myself!
Many hugs,
I breathe in through my nose.

Breathing exercise "Hug your shoulders" (according to A. N. Strelnikova).
Children stand straight and straight, legs a little narrower. Than shoulder width; arms bent at the elbows, raised to chest level and spread apart. In this case, one hand should be placed slightly lower.
On the count of “one”, we hug ourselves so that the elbows come close to each other in one place, the hands form a triangle - inhale!
After taking 4 breaths-movements, you need to rest for a few seconds and again perform this exercise 4 times. And so 4 times for 4 movements-inspiration.

Bunny runs past. The Hare Kolobok saw and said: "Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man - I'll eat you." And Kolobok says: "Don't eat me, let's play better." The Hare thought and agreed.

The game "Collect the leaves."
Leaves are scattered around the room, children are spinning like leaves to calm music. The music stops playing, everyone should take 1 leaf for themselves.
WITH reverse side picture.
Look at the picture and say the word.
What is the first sound in this word?

In all words, we met the sound "P". Let's say it again and see how we do it.
How does the air escape easily or does it encounter an obstruction?
And what is this barrier? (lips).
So the sound "P" will be a vowel or a consonant? (consonant)
Now put your hand on the neck and say the sound "P". Is the neck silent or trembling? (silent)
So this sound is muffled.
And on the letter this sound will be denoted by the letter "P" - showing the letter.

Bunny says that he has instructions on how to make the letter "P" from sticks, only now he will not understand anything. Let's help him.

The letter P is a doorway.
We will take three sticks.
Let's lay down two paths.
Let's put the third one on top.

Have you guessed how to make the letter "P" from sticks? Then go to the tables and add this letter for the bunny.

The hare thanks the children and leaves.

Only the hare ran away, the Wolf runs to meet Kolobok and says: "Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man - I'll eat you." And Kolobok says: “Don’t eat me, let me tell you what I learned about the sound“ P ”. The wolf thought and agreed.

The Wolf was surprised at the knowledge of Kolobok and said: “Okay, I won’t eat you. But you have to play with me."

Game for the development of phonemic hearing "Clap-stomp"

The wolf thanks the children and leaves.

Only the Wolf ran away, the Bear goes to meet Kolobok and says: "Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man - I'll eat you." And Kolobok says: “Don’t eat me, let me tell you what I learned about the sound“ P ”.

Children repeat the characteristics of the sound "P" - the sound "P" is consonant and deaf, denoted by the letter "P".

The Bear was surprised and said. You know about the sound "P", but not all. This sound can also be indicated in blue, because it is a consonant. I won't eat you if you complete my task.

The game "How many sounds?"
The speech therapist pronounces the syllables AP, UP. Children name sounds in syllables, characterize them and lay out diagrams.

The bear thanks the children and leaves.

Only the Bear left, the Fox-sister is coming. She saw Kolobok and said: "Kolobok, Kolobok - I'll eat you." And Kolobok says: “Don’t eat me, I’ll tell you a rhyme”:

Pa-pa-pa - cereal on the table.
Py-py-py - no cereal.
Op-op-op - all hands clap.
Up-up-up – Vanya has delicious soup.
Ip-ip-ip - Philip came to us.
Whoop-oop-oop - we ate the soup.

The fox listened to the rhyme and says. Okay, I won't eat you, but first let's play a game.

Pa-pa-pa, here comes the fox!
Pa - pa - pa, so I'll eat Kolobok!
Py - py - py, and I'll hide from the Fox!
Pa - pa - pa, you won't catch Kolobok!

Children, standing in a circle, hum the words. In the center of the circle is the Fox, behind the circle is the Gingerbread Man. Having sung all the words, the children raise their clasped hands high up, making “collars”. And the Fox catches up with Kolobok, running after him through the circle. When the music ends, the game stops.

The Fox did not catch Kolobok, got offended and ran away.

Relaxation exercise "Kolobok is resting."

Children sing the words of Kolobok:

Children (sing): I'm tired, I was in a hurry,
I got a little lost.
I'll lie down in the meadow,
And I'll look at the sky.

To lose, the children lie down on the carpet and rest.

Synopsis of a group speech therapy lesson on the correction of oral speech.
Topic: Paired voiced and voiceless consonants

Meshcheryakova Svetlana Gennadievna, teacher-speech therapist of a special (correctional) school of the VIII type in Gremyachinsk
Description: To master the competent designation of paired voiced and deaf consonants in words is not an easy task. The effectiveness of its solution depends on many factors, including the formation of students' phonetic-graphic skills. These include: 1) the ability to correctly correlate sound and letter; 2) the ability to consistently distinguish between paired voiced and deaf consonants (during corrective work tactile - vibration control is carried out, pictograms are used); 3) the ability to determine the position (position) of sound in a word and the quality of sound (voiced or deaf) in different positions. The material will be useful to speech therapists, teachers primary school, parents.
Target: Consolidation of the program theme: "Voiced and deaf consonants";

1. To form the ability to analyze sounds according to a plan;
2. Activate and enrich the vocabulary of children through answers to the questions posed;
3. To form the skills of an independent connected statement.

1. Promote the development of auditory attention and visual memory.
2. Development of phonemic hearing.
3. Voice development
4. Development of gross motor skills

1. Formation of self-control over the speech of children.
2. Development of the ability to express one's attitude to the occupation and the environment.
3. Raising respect for working people.

Course progress.

1. Organizational moment.
Speech therapist: Hello my dear children! Glad to meet you! I'm glad to see you all beautiful! Let's look at each other, smile at each other and start our lesson.
I hope that our joint work today will be successful and will please all of us.
In order for our speech to be beautiful, correct, we must remember very important rule:
Every day, always, everywhere, in class, in the game,
That's right, we clearly say, we are never in a hurry.
Together we repeat the rule out loud. (slide 1)

2. Announcement of the topic of the lesson. Goal setting.

Speech therapist: Look carefully at the table, guess what topic we will be working on. Tell me what you know about this topic? (listen to all student responses). (slide 2)
Speech therapist: The topic of the lesson is "Paired voiced and deaf consonants." (slide 3)
Our lesson will be festive, interesting in the form of a fair.
Parsley (doll on hand):
Honorable gentlemen! Please everyone here!
The people are gathering, the Fair is opening!
Petrushka has a cap on her head, I am smartly dressed, come on, and you will put on caps. (slide 4)
You have cards on your desk. We read them aloud. (The first three cards are read individually, the fourth card is read all together.)

1. Let's learn to distinguish and correctly pronounce voiced and deaf consonants. (slide 5
2. We will speak correctly and beautifully. (slide 6)
3. We learn a lot of interesting things about the fair. (slide 7)
We will talk about this in class and make small discoveries.
4. Let's compose a short poem about the fair. (slide 8)

3. Articulation gymnastics.

Speech therapist: In order for our speech to be expressive, we will conduct articulation gymnastics correctly. "The Tale of the Merry Tongue"
Lived - there was a cheerful tongue in his house. Lips are the first doors at the house. Teeth are the second door to the house. (slide 9)
We perform the exercise: "Smile and a fence"
And there is a ceiling in this house, it is called the sky. (slide 10)
"Lift your tongue up, find the ceiling."
We need language when we eat and talk. And in order to make our words heard, the Voice helps us. He also lives in a house. This house is in the throat. The voice may or may not sleep. When the voice sleeps, it sniffles softly, like this: “sssss”, “shhhhhh”. And when she wakes up, she sings songs. And he does it so loudly that everyone hears, like this: “z-z-z-z”, “zh-zh-zh-zh”! And the walls of Golosk's house begin to tremble. We touch the neck with the palm of our hand. (slide 11)

4. Work with isolated sounds according to the plan.

Speech therapist: Parsley, do you want to know what consonants are?
Consonants are voiced and voiceless. Voiced and voiceless consonants form pairs.
Task: let's try to pronounce sounds in pairs and determine why consonants are called paired? The sound next to which we pronounce the empty square quietly, and next to which we pronounce the bell loudly and immediately call what exercise our speech organs perform.
Each student has their own worksheet. Children read the cards aloud one by one. We read the last column together with a speech therapist: when we pronounce consonants ...
(slides 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 are projected onto the screen in turn)
Speech therapist: Guys, you correctly remembered voiced and deaf consonants and determined what their similarities and differences are.
So, we made the first important discovery: “Pairs of voiced and voiceless consonants have a certain identical articulation. Their main difference from each other is the work of the vocal apparatus. (slide 18)

5. Communication of new material.

(Slide 19 is projected onto the screen)
Speech therapist: Previously, annual folk fairs were held in Russia.
There was a big bargaining with amusements and entertainment. (slide 20)
The fair was buzzing, noisy and represented a huge crowd of people trading and buying. No wonder they say: "The noise is like at a fair!". (slide 21) Puppet shows were organized at the fairs, the main character of which was the cheerful Petrushka. (slide 22, 23) The fair is always a real holiday, fun, laughter, joy. (slide 24)
Guys, what do you think, what is a fair? (Student answers)
We made a second small discovery:
Fair - a holiday, fun, laughter, joy! (Reading aloud together) (slide 25)

6. Development of phonemic hearing.

(slide 26)
Speech therapist: What fun is there at the fair without music, do you agree Petrushka?! We will visit the market at the fair. Let each of you choose the musical instrument you like, and Petrushka will be the seller.
Parsley: Oh yes goods, oh yes beauty,
An unheard-of miracle, an unseen miracle!
Children choose a musical instrument and sit down with it. Please name who chose what and determine if there is a double consonant in the word, is it voiced or deaf? How to call an accordion, a tambourine, a rattle, a pipe, a drum, a bell in one word?
Exercise 1: Raise an instrument whose name begins with a voiceless consonant with a voiced consonant? You have done the right thing.
Task 2: You have cards with paired deaf and voiced consonants on your desks. Each has one consonant. You have to find a pair of your consonant with other guys, go out together, correctly name a couple of consonant letters and determine which consonant is voiced and which is deaf. Other guys will check if you completed the task correctly. (slide 27)

7. Physical Minute.

Speech therapist: Let's organize a little performance with musical instruments.
We will have fun and dance.
Cheerful music sounds.
We perform a speech physical minute with movement with the words:
Balalaika, Balalaika,
Shack it up, play it!
Drum, drum!
Expand the sides of the button accordion!
Raise the pipes to the sky
Loudly, loudly blowing into the pipes.
We beat the tambourine, we strum, we blow,
We drum and trumpet!

8. Differentiation of sounds in syllables, reading syllables according to the table.

(slide 28, 29)
Speech therapist: Guys, how did our musical instruments sound? (loudly). Pronounce the syllables in pairs, changing the strength and pitch of the voice. We will pronounce some syllables loudly, others quieter, instead of the scheme, insert the desired missing syllable. Reading cards individually and in chorus.

9. Posting additional new material

Speech therapist: Guys, are there fairs now? (children's answers) (slide 30)
Fairs are being held in Russia now. Craftsmen bring a lot of products made by their own hands to the fair; bring to the fair and other various goods: honey, autumn harvest and much more. They are also noisy, festive, fun and interesting! Thanks to the craftsmen, such holidays are created. (slides 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42) I am sure that among you there are those who love to draw, sculpt, embroider, craft. Do you know how?
Listen to the children's statements.

10. Creative task, reflection.

Speech therapist: Together we will compose a small poem on the topic: "FAIR" according to the scheme. (slide 43)
- noisy, cheerful, bright!
Cheers, makes noise, trades,
Brings joy to the house.
Fair - the work of people glorifies!
We read the resulting poem aloud. (slide 44)
Parsley: So that there are no such obscure cases,
And the answers weren't bad.
Listen to the consonants
So as not to confuse voiced and deaf!
Speech therapist: What have you learned today? What have you learned and what else would you like to know?
1. Today we learned to fix, correctly pronounce voiced and deaf consonants. We found answers to all questions and made small discoveries.
I discovery: “Pairs of voiced and deaf consonants have a certain identical articulation. Their main difference from each other is the work of the vocal apparatus.
II opening: "Fair - a holiday, fun, laughter, joy!" (slide 45)
2. Evaluation of the work of children for the lesson.
3. Evaluation of children's activities.
Do you guys have good mood! I'm in a great mood too!
I want your fair to continue today in your classroom with friends over a cup of tea with bagels and that you share your impressions of this fair with people around you.
Thank you. Goodbye!


Topic: "Sound Automation [R]"

Target: automate the [P] sound in speech.


continue to developthe ability to characterize the sound [R]; continue to learn how to make common sentences; to form the ability to give a grammatically correct and complete answer.

Correction-developing:prepare the organs of articulation for the articulation pattern of sound [R]; continue to develop and consolidate kinesthetic sensations from pronouncing this sound; development of articulatory motor skills; development of phonemic hearing; dictionary activation.

Correctional and educational:

Vocabulary: wind, thunder, thunderstorm, rainbow.


Mirrors; pictures with articulation exercises; table with the designation of the acoustic characteristics of sounds; picture for automation of isolated sound [P]; card with syllables; Pictures with the sound [Р] in their names.

Lesson progress:

I. Organizational moment.

Hello, sit down.

Look at yourself in the mirror.

Doing exercises:

1) General exercises:

1. "Surprised - Angry"(alternate up to 5 times).

2. "Puffed out cheeks - blew cheeks"(alternate up to 5 times).

3. "Tube - smile"(alternate up to 5 times).

4. (alternate up to 5 times).

5. "Shovel - needle"(alternate up to 5 times).

6. "Swing" - - Well done, get some rest.

2) Special exercises, preparing the articulatory apparatus for pronouncing the sound [P]:

1. - Let's do an exercise"Janitor": upper teeth from the inside (counting up to 10 for 3-5 approaches).

Well done.

2. - And now let's do the exercise"Painter": open your mouth wide, with the tip of your tongue we stroke the “sky” (upper palate) from the upper teeth as far as possible to the neck and back, so that the “sky” is tickled (10 times in 3-5 sets).

Well done, get some rest.

3. - Exercise "Mushroom": grin, we suck the tip and back of a wide tongue to the hard palate and hold it in this position (count up to 10).

4. - Let's do the exercise"Harmonic": do everything the same as when doing the exercise"Mushroom", but we open and close our mouth (counting up to 10).

Well done, rest, swallow your saliva.

III. Lesson topic message.

Guess the riddles:

1. Raises dust, shakes trees.

Howling - howling

Tearing the leaves from the trees,

Disperses clouds, raises waves. (Wind)

2. Here a horse rushes across the sky -

Fire is flying from under your feet.

The horse beats mighty with its hoof

And breaks the clouds.

So he runs hard

That the earth is trembling below. (Thunder)

3. Noisy, thundered,

I washed everything and left

And orchards and orchards

Watered all around. (Thunderstorm)

4. What a miracle - beauty!

painted gate

Showed up on the way!

Neither enter nor enter them. (Rainbow)

What is wind, thunder, thunderstorm, rainbow? (Natural phenomena)

When do these natural phenomena occur? (spring, summer, autumn)

What is the most common sound in these words? (Sound [R])

Name the words in which the sound [R] stands:

At the beginning of a word;

In the middle of a word;

At the end of a word.

Today we will work with the sound [P] and try to always pronounce it correctly.

IV. Isolated sound automation.

Look at the picture and say the sound [Р], as if a lynx is growling (in different ways).

He moves his finger across the picture and pronounces the sound [Р] (smoothly, intermittently, slowly, etc.)

V. Sound characteristic.

When we pronounce the sound [R]:

What position are the lips in? (in a smile);

What about teeth? (they are visible);

What does the tongue do? (rests on the upper tubercles, trembles);

Give the characteristic (acoustic) of sound [Р]:

Sound [R]: consonant (since the air meets an obstacle when pronouncing); sonorous (because the vocal cords vibrate) and hard.

If you hear the sound [P] among other sounds, raise your hand:

  • A, o, R, y, l, R, d, l, R, d, R.

If you hear the sound [P] among the syllables that I say, clap your hands:

  • Ro, ry, su, ur, pho, do, pa, Ra, hell, Ir, silt, or, ol.

VII. Automation of sound [Р] in syllables.

Write in your notebook as many syllables with the sound [P] as I slam (4 times) (writes down any 4 syllables).

Name them.

Repeat the chain of syllables:

Ro-Ru-Ro IR-uR-IR Cro-gro

Ra-Ra-Ry oR-yaR-oR Tre - dre

Oh I E



VIII. Sound automation [R] in words and sentences:

Look at the pictures, name them.

Choose 5 pictures you like the most and make a sentence with each one.

IX. Summary of the lesson.

What sound did we work with today? (With sound [R])

Give a description of the sound [P].



individual speech therapy session

Topic: "Refining the articulation of sound [З]"

Target: clarify the articulation of the sound [З].


Correctional and educational: continue develop the ability to characterize the sound [З]; to form the ability to give a grammatically correct and complete answer; making proposals.

Correction-developing:prepare the organs of articulation for the articulation pattern of sound [З]; continue to develop and consolidate kinesthetic sensations from pronouncing this sound (development of articulatory motor skills); development of phonemic hearing; development of sound-syllabic analysis and synthesis; dictionary activation; development of thinking.

Correctional and educational:develop a love for nature.

Vocabulary: beast, goat, thunder.


Mirror; pictures with articulation exercises; aids for blowing from a wide tongue; table with the designation of the acoustic characteristics of sounds; pictures with puzzles; subject pictures, in the names of which there is a sound [З], with a different syllabic structure + 3 houses (with a different number of windows corresponding to a different syllabic structure of words).

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

Hello, sit down.

Calm down, get ready for work.

II. Articulation gymnastics.

Sit straight, straighten your shoulders.

Put your hands on the table so they don't get in the way.

Look at yourself in the mirror.

Doing exercises:

1) General exercises:

1. "Surprised - Angry"(alternate up to 5 times).

2. "Puffed out cheeks - blew cheeks"(alternate up to 5 times).

3. "Tube - smile"(alternate up to 5 times).

4. “They built a fence - they removed it”(alternate up to 5 times).

5. "Shovel - needle"(alternate up to 5 times).

6. "Swing" - we reach out with our tongue alternately to the upper and lower teeth (tongue behind the teeth): "Up - down, up - down ..."

Well done, get some rest.

2) Special exercises that prepare the articulatory apparatus for pronouncing the sound [З]:

one. " Inhale through the nose - exhale through the groove ":

We inhale through the nose - exhale through the groove (10 times).

2. - Let's do an exercise"Street cleaner":

- The tip of the tongue strokesbottom teeth insideright - left and left - right (5 times).

Let's have a rest, and now we will stroke the upper teeth with the tongue, in the same way from right to left and from left to right (5 times).

Well done, swallow your saliva.

3. - Let's do an exercise"Dot":

- In the same way, with the tip of the tongue, we stroke the lower teeth from the inside in different directions, and then we stop when I say “stop” and hold the position: we press the tip of the tongue to the lower teeth. Get ready, let's start (at least 5 times).

4. - Let's do an exercise"Count the bottom teeth":

They smiled and opened their mouths. With the tip of the tongue, rest the tongue in turn on each lower tooth from the inside. We make sure that the lower jaw is motionless (5 times).

5. "Blowing from a wide tongue" -blow on the butterfly so that it flies away from the flower: a spatula-shaped tongue on the lower lip, blow on the butterfly; and now just blow on Balloon, so that it rises higher and higher into the sky (we do not puff out our cheeks).

The child is invited to guess puzzles. Instruction:

Look at the picture, guess what word is encrypted on it (words: thunderstorm; beast; goat).

What do you think these words have in common? (All words have a sound [З])

IV. Lesson topic message.

Today we will work with the sound [З].

Which insect makes this sound? (mosquito, dragonfly)

Let's "sing" a song of a mosquito: lips in a smile, mouth slightly open, the tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth, we blow on the tongue with the voice connected, a cold air stream goes through the middle of the tongue.

V. Characteristics of sound [З].

Say the sound [Z] and look at yourself in the mirror.

When we pronounce the sound [З], in what position are the sponges?

That's right, in a smile.

And now let's say the sound [Z] again and try to feel where the tongue is.

In what position is the tongue when we pronounce the sound [З]? (It rests on the lower teeth)

Put your palm in front of your lips, say the sound [З] again. What air stream? (The jet of air is cold.)

Well done.

Now put your hand to the neck, and again we will pronounce the sound [З].

That's right, loud.

Say that sound again.

Sound [З] vowel or consonant?

Why consonant? (When pronouncing the air meets an obstacle)

Also, what is he? Hard or soft? (Solid)

Give the characteristics of the sound [З], look at the table (with the characteristics of sounds). (Consonant, voiced, solid, paired.)

VI. Task for the development of sound-syllabic analysis.

- In front of you are (hanging on the board) 3 houses: in the first house - one window, in the second house - two windows, in the third - three windows and pictures. Your task is to take a picture, name it and put it in front of that house, with that window that corresponds to the number of syllables in this word. For example, (a speech therapist takes a picture) a star is drawn in this picture, there are 2 syllables in the word star, I put the picture in a house with two windows.

VII. An exercise in sound analysis, vocabulary activation and sentence formation.

1) - Remember the words from the puzzles, name the words in which the sound [З] stands:

At the beginning of a word (beast);

In the middle of a word (goat, thunderstorm);

At the end of a word (no).

2) - How do you understand the meaning of the word beast? Who is the beast? (This is a wild, usually carnivorous animal.)

What is a thunderstorm? (This is a natural phenomenon that occurs in spring, summer, autumn)

Who is a goat? (A goat is a pet.)

3) - Think of a sentence with each of these words and write them down.

VIII. Summary of the lesson.

What sound did we work with today? (With sound [Z])

Give a description of the sound [З].

Think of words with this sound and name them.

The work of the child in the lesson is noted. - Goodbye.


individual speech therapy session

Topic: "Differentiation of letters and sounds [A - O]"

Target: skill developmentdifferentiate letters and sounds [A - O].


Correctional and educational: continue develop the ability to characterize the sounds [A - O]; correlate graphemes and phonemes; continue to learn how to make common sentences; to form the ability to give a grammatically correct and complete answer.

Correction-developing:prepare the organs of articulation for the articulation pattern of sounds [A - O]; continue to develop and consolidate kinesthetic sensations from pronouncing these sounds (development of articulatory motor skills); development of fine motor skills; development of phonemic hearing; dictionary activation.

Correctional and educational:develop a love for nature.


Mirror (wall); pictures with articulation exercises; table with the designation of the acoustic characteristics of sounds; pictures for the exercise: “What do the letters look like?”; pictures with letters A, O.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

Hello, sit down.

Calm down, get ready for work.

II. Articulation gymnastics.

Sit straight, straighten your shoulders.

Put your hands on the table so they don't get in the way.

Look at yourself in the mirror.

Doing exercises:

1) General exercises:

1. "Surprised - Angry"(alternate up to 5 times).

2. "Puffed out cheeks - blew cheeks"(alternate up to 5 times).

3. "Tube - smile"(alternate up to 5 times).

4. “They built a fence - they removed it”(alternate up to 5 times).

5. "Shovel - needle"(alternate up to 5 times).

6. "Swing" - we reach out with our tongue alternately to the upper and lower teeth (tongue behind the teeth): "Up - down, up - down ..."

Well done, get some rest.

2) Special exercises that prepare the articulatory apparatus for pronouncing sounds [A - O]:

1. – freely: lower - raise, lower - raise ... (5 - 10 times).

2. – "Lower and raise the lower jaw" -with overcoming the resistance of the hands: lower - raise, lower - raise ... (5 - 10 times).

3. –

III. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

The child is asked to solve riddles. Instruction:

1. Bright, sweet, poured,

All wrapped in gold.

Not from the candy factory -

From distant Africa. (Orange)

2. On a green fragile leg

The ball has grown by the track.

The breeze rustled

And dispelled this ball. (Dandelion)

3. Last time I was a teacher,

The day after tomorrow - the driver.

He must know a lot

Because he ... (Artist)

4. On the blue sea

White geese are swimming. (Clouds)

Identify the sounds at the beginning of the guess words. (Sounds [A - O])

Today we will work with sounds and letters A, O, learn to distinguish them from each other.

Explain the meanings of the words: orange, dandelion, artist, clouds.

Orange is a fruit that grows in hot countries.

Dandelion is a wild, yellow flower.

An artist is a profession of a person who plays (depicts) different roles in the theater, cinema, or in life.

Clouds are accumulations of thickened water vapor in the atmosphere.

IV. Articulatory-acoustic characteristics of sounds [A - O]:

When we pronounce the sound [A], what position are the sponges in: look at yourself in the mirror and pronounce this sound.

What is the position of the sponge? (Wide open. Lower jaw drops as low as possible.)

What sound [A], vowel or consonant?

The sound [A] is a vowel (because when pronouncing a sound, the air does not meet an obstacle).

What is the position of the sponge? (Closed, pushed forward, rounded; in the form of a horn.)

What is the position of the tongue? (It rests on the lower teeth.)

And the teeth? (They are not visible.)

V. Comparative characteristics of sounds [A - O]:

How do you think these sounds are similar? (The tongue rests on the lower teeth; both sounds are vowels.)

And how do they differ? (When pronouncing the sound [A], the lips are wide open; the teeth are slightly bare; and when pronouncing the sound [O], the lips are closed, pushed forward, slightly parted; the teeth are not visible.)

If you hear the sound [A], among the sounds that I will name, you will clap your hands, if you hear the sound [O], you will stamp your foot.

Get ready:

Sounds: A, L, P, U, V, O, A, T, U, A, E, A, M, O.

syllables: SU, AR, OP, YOU, IN, SO, BA, UT, NU, AP, YTS, OZH.

VII. Relationship between letter and sound.

What letter represents the sound [A]? (letter A.)

What does the letter A look like? (Pictures are shown, poems are read.)

Listen and look: Here are two pillars obliquely,

And between them is a belt.

Do you know this letter? A?

The letter A is in front of you.

What else do you think the letter A looks like? (On the roof of the house, ....)

What does the letter O look like?

Listen and see:

Hollow in an old tree Look at the wheel

Well, just like the letter "O". And you will see the letter "O".

What are the similarities and differences between the letter A and the letter O in writing? (The round element is similar; they differ in that the letter A also has a stick)

Let's draw the letter A, and the letter O with our fingers.

Remember the riddle words, from the riddles that I asked you at the very beginning, name these words (orange, dandelion, artist, clouds).

Choose a phrase for each word (guess). (Orange, what? Dandelion, what? Artist, what? Clouds, what?)

In the words from the text that I gave you, find the letters A and O.

Cross out the letter A with a red pencil (pen), the letter O with a blue pencil.

X. Working on deformed text.

Read the sentences, find the mistakes and correct them.


Write the corrected text in your notebook.

XI. Summary of the lesson.

Give a description of the sound [A], in what position are the lips, teeth, what does the tongue do when we pronounce this sound?

How are these sounds similar?

What is the difference?

How are the letters A and O similar in writing?

How are these letters different?

The work of the child in the lesson is noted.


Like any science, geography develops its own language. He is very idiosyncratic. This "language" is a geographical map and a globe. In a greatly reduced form, with the help of symbols generally accepted in geography, the outlines of the Earth's surface are plotted on them. Everyone can learn to understand this language.

Like any science, geography develops its own language. He is very idiosyncratic. This "language" is a geographical map and a globe. In a greatly reduced form, with the help of symbols generally accepted in geography, the outlines of the Earth's surface are plotted on them. Everyone can learn to understand this language.

Rita and Roma came to the forest. Oaks, hazels and birches grow there. A squirrel jumps on an oak tree - a redhead. Nuts grow on hazel trees, catkins grow on birch trees. Forest well in!

Rita and Roma came to the forest. Oaks, hazels and birches grow there. A squirrel jumps on an oak tree - a redhead. Nuts grow on hazel trees, catkins grow on birch trees. Forest well in!

Rita and Roma came to the forest. Oaks, hazels and birches grow there. A squirrel jumps on an oak tree - a redhead. Nuts grow on hazel trees, catkins grow on birch trees. Forest well in!


individual speech therapy session

Topic: "Differentiation of letters and sounds [T - D]

Target: skill developmentdifferentiate letters and sounds [T - D].


Correctional and educational:continue to develop the ability to characterize the sounds [t], [d], correlate with the corresponding graphemes; learn to differentiate sounds; learn to make sentences for given words; dictionary activation.

Correction-developing:prepare the organs of articulation for the articulation pattern of sounds [t], [d]; continue to develop and consolidate kinesthetic sensations from pronouncing these sounds; to establish a connection between the articulatory structure and the acoustic characteristics of these sounds in the framework of the development of phonemic hearing; development of phonemic hearing during the differentiation of sounds; development of general motor skills.

Correctional and educational:


Mirror (wall); table with the designation of the acoustic characteristics of sounds; elements of the letters T and D; elements of words and prepositions for making sentences; board; chalk.

Lesson progress:

Stage and activities of a speech therapist

Suggested responses from the child

I. Organizational moment.


How are you?

Calm down, get ready for work.

Get your notebook ready.

II. Articulation gymnastics.

Sit straight, shoulders squared.

They fixed the back and put their hands on the desk so that they would not interfere.

Doing exercises:

1) General exercises:

1. "Surprised - Angry"(alternate 5 times).

2. "Puffed out cheeks - blew cheeks"(alternate 5 times).

3. "Tube - smile"(alternate 5 times).

4. "Build a fence - break the fence"(alternate 5 times).

Well done, get some rest.

2) Special exercises that prepare the articulatory apparatus for pronouncing sounds [t - d]:

1. - Let's do an exercise"Street cleaner": open mouth wide and stroke with the tip of the tongue lower teeth

Well done, get some rest.

2. - And now ("Janitor") we will stroke the tongue upper teeth


Listen and guess riddles:

1. Who is sitting at the bedside of the patient

And how is it treated, he tells everyone?

Who is sick - he drops

Offer to accept.

For those who are healthy

Allow me to walk.

2. Amazing wagon!

Judge for yourself:

Rails in the air, and he

Holds them with his hands.

3. He makes noise in the field and in the garden,

But it won't get into the house

And I'm not going anywhere

Until he leaves.

4. Fluffy cotton wool floats somewhere.

The lower the wool, the closer the rain.

Name all the answers and highlight the first sounds in these words.

Right. Today we will work with the sounds [t] and [d], and learn to distinguish them.

Make up your own words with these sounds.

Explain the meaning of the words:





IV. Characteristics of sounds [T - D].

We pronounce the sound [t] and look at ourselves in the mirror.

When we pronounce the sound [t], in what position are the sponges?

That's right, in a smile.

And now let's pronounce the sound [t] again and try to feel where the tongue is.

Now put your hand on the neck, and try to feel whether the vocal cords vibrate or not at the sound [t].

Give the characteristics of the sound [t], look at the table (with the characteristics of sounds).

Well done.

And when we pronounce the sound [d], in what position of the sponge?

In what position is the tongue when we pronounce the sound [t]?

Now give a description of the sound [e], also look at the table.

How are the sounds [t - d] similar?

Also, how are they similar?

And how are they different?

Well done.

- [t], [d]

[T]; handle to the sound [d].

syllables: for, but, du, ka, you, zy, do, lu, zu, ta, ze, yes, po, then, sy.

Well done!

- [T] , clap your hands if you hear a sound[e] - Raise your hand if you do not hear either one or the other sound, you sit quietly.

Words: elephant rooster, house, pen, puppy, current, snowman, road, table, drum, bunny, stork, dacha, game, dog, fox, goat, note, umbrella, hat, date.

Well done!

[t] [d] – raise your hand. Prepared: for the sound [t] - we clap, for the sound [d] - we raise our hand.

Collocations: an expensive suit, a murmur of a river, clean water, a mixed forest, new pencils, a long fence,gold ring, book volume, scarlet ro h s, reading a book, tall house.

VI. Fizminutka.

Let's get some rest.

The north wind blew

"S - s - s", all leaves

I blew it off the lime tree.

Raise your hands up - “depict” the wind, and then blow on your fingers.

Flying, spinning

And they fell to the ground.

Move your hands in different directions and slowly put them on the table.

The rain began to beat on them:

"Drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip." -

Tap your index finger on your palm.

The city hammered on them

The leaves are pierced through. -

Tap your fist on your palm.

The snow then covered up. -

Smooth hand movements.

Covered them with a blanket. -

Press your palms firmly against the table.


VII. Compilation of the letters T and D from individual elements.

Make the letters T and D with the elements I gave you.

As you complete the task, raise your hand, put it on your elbow.

Well done!

VIII. Composing sentences from individual elements (words and prepositions):

Make up sentences from the elements (words and prepositions) that I have given you.

Read what suggestions you got.

Find words with the sound [t] in the sentences. Name these words.

How many words with sound [t] did you find?

Find in the sentences the words with the sound [d].

Name these words.

How many words with sound [d] did you get?

Which words are more with the sound [t] or with the sound [d]?

Well done!

Let's write these words in a notebook.

We retreat four cells down, write down the number in the middle.

I'm on the blackboard, and in your notebook you write down words from dictation from a new line.

Name a word and write together.

IX. Summary of the lesson.

What sounds did we work with today?

Give a description of the sound [t].

Give a description of the sound [e].

How are these sounds similar?

What is the difference?

What did you not like about the lesson today?

What did you like?

Class is over, you are free.




He takes out a notebook, a pencil case.

Sets up straight.

He puts his hands on the desk.

Performs exercises.

Performs exercises.

Performs exercises.

Performs exercises.


Performs an exercise.






Sounds: [t] and [d].

Invents, answers.

A doctor is a profession, a person who helps to overcome various diseases, treats people from various diseases.

Trolleybus is a type of passenger transport.

Rain is a natural phenomenon that occurs in spring, summer, autumn, passing in the form of precipitation (water).

A cloud is a bunch of clouds.

He looks at himself and pronounces the sound [t]: t - t - t ...

In "smile".

Pronounces the sound [t]: t - t - t - t.

It rests on the upper teeth.

No, they don't.


Also in smile.

It also rests on the upper teeth.

He puts his hand to his throat and pronounces the sounds [d]: d - d - d - d. - Yes, they vibrate.


Consonant, firm.

At the sound [t] and [d], the lips are in a smile.

Both at the sound [t] and at the sound [d], the tongue rests against the upper teeth.

The fact that the sound [d] is sonorous.

And the sound [t] is deaf.

Listening to the task.

He put his hands in front of him.

He listens to phrases: he claps his hands to a word with a sound [t], raises his hand to a word with a sound [d].

He listens and looks.

He does everything, together with a speech therapist.

Listening to the task.

Composes letters. He puts his hand on his elbow.

Listens to instructions.

Makes proposals.

- "Fish is caught with a fishing rod"; "Oaks grow at the edge"; "Firewood is chopped with an ax"; "Guys in the forest picking berries"; "Tolya ran behind the house"; "Water is carried in a bucket."

Catch, grow, chop, with an ax, Tolya, guys, collect, wear.

8 words with sound [t].

Fishing rod, oaks, firewood, berries, house, water, in a bucket.

7 words with sound [d].

With sound [t]

Retreats down four cells, writes down the number.

Together with a speech therapist, he writes down words from dictation.

With sounds [t] and [d].

Sound [t]: consonant, deaf, hard.

Sound [d]: consonant, voiced, solid.

With the sound [t] and [d], the lips are in a smile, and the tongue rests on the upper teeth.

The fact that the sound [d] is sonorous.

And the sound [t] is deaf.

She replies that she didn't like it.

Replies that he liked it.



individual speech therapy session

Topic: "Clarifying the articulation of sound [C]"

Target : Refine the articulation of the sound [C].


Correctional and educational:characterize the sound [C]; continue to teach how to make a common, grammatically correct sentence and coherent text.

Correction-developing:prepare the organs of articulation for the articulation pattern of sound [C]; continue to develop and consolidate kinesthetic sensations from pronouncing this sound; to establish a connection between the articulatory structure and the acoustic characteristics of this sound as part of the development of phonemic hearing; continue to develop the ability to produce sound analysis; development of physiological respiration; development of general motor skills; dictionary activation; development of visual perception and some mental processes.

Correctional and educational:develop a love for animals.

Equipment:mirrors, sound articulation profiles, pictures with articulation exercises; picture with noisy objects; syllabic rows; card with text.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

- Hello, sit down.

- Calm down, tune in to work.

II. Breathing exercises (performed at the discretion of the speech therapist).

- Let's do breathing exercises together, straighten your back, straighten your shoulders:

- Inhale through the nose - exhale through the nose (3 times).

- Inhale through the nose - exhale through the mouth (3 times).

- Inhale through the mouth - exhale through the nose (3 times).

- Inhale through the mouth - exhale through the mouth (3 times).

III. Articulation gymnastics.

- Sit up straight, straighten your shoulders.

- Put your hands on the table so that they do not interfere.

- Look at yourself in the mirror.

- Doing exercises:

1) General exercises:

1. "Surprised - Angry"(alternate up to 5 times).

2. "Puffed out cheeks - blew cheeks"(alternate up to 5 times).

3. "Tube - smile"(alternate up to 5 times).

4. “They built a fence - they removed it”(alternate up to 5 times).

5. "Shovel - needle"(alternate up to 5 times).

2) Special exercises that prepare the articulatory apparatus for pronouncing sounds [C]:

1. "Spatula"- smile, open your mouth, put the wide tip of the tongue on the lower lip. Hold it in this position under the count from 1 to 5 - 10.

2. "Swing"smile, open your mouth wide, with the tip of a narrow tongue in the oral cavity, alternately touch the upper and lower tubercles (alveolar processes). Perform under the account (1, 2, 3, 4 ...) and under the commands (up and down).

3. "Slide"- Open your mouth. The tip of the tongue rests on the lower incisors, the back of the tongue is raised up (counting up to 10).

4. "We will punish the naughty tongue"- put a wide tongue between the lips and "slap" his "p-p-p" (up to 10 times).

5. "Painter" - Grin. With the tip of the tongue, stroke the hard palate from the inner surface of the upper teeth towards the soft palate and back (you can show this movement with your finger) (up to 10 times).

IV. Exercises for the development of visual perception, attention,

memory, thinking

The child is presented with a picture (noisy objects: cactus, vase, castle): 4 - 5 seconds.

Speech therapist instructions:

- Look carefully at the picture.

- What did you see in the picture? Which subjects? (- Cactus, vase, castle.)

- How many objects are in the picture? (- 3.)

- Right.

- What is to the right of the vase? (- There is a castle to the right of the vase.)

- And what is to the right of the cactus? (- Vase)

- Well done.

- What's in the middle? (- Vase in the middle.)

- What is to the left of the vase? (- To the left of the vase is a cactus.)

- Well done!

V. Introduction to the topic.

- Guess a riddle:

Kvokhchet, kohchet,

Calls the children

He gathers everyone under the wing. (Hen)

- Next riddle:

There was a white house, a wonderful house

And something rattled in him

And he crashed, and from there

A living miracle ran out:

so warm, so

Fluffy and golden. (Chick)

- What sound is in the third syllable (in the last syllable) of the word chicken? (Sound [C]).

What sound is in the first syllable of the word chicken? (Sound [C])

- Who are the chicken and the chicken? (Poultry. Chicken cub.)

- Today we will work with the sound [C] and try to pronounce it correctly.

- Make up sentences with the words chicken and chicken.

- Write these sentences in your notebook.

VI. Analysis of sound articulation [C].

- When we pronounce the sound [Ц], in what position are the lips?

(- In a smile)

- What does the tongue do? (- The front of the back of the tongue rests on the upper incisors, and the tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth.)

- In what position are the teeth in this case? (The teeth are visible, there is a gap between them.)

- When pronouncing the sound [C], do the vocal cords vibrate or not? (Not)

VII. Sound characteristic [C].

- Give a description of the sound [C]:

- Sound [C] - consonant, hard, deaf.

- The sound [C] is always solid!

- And this sound is always deaf! And unpaired.

VI. Exercise for the development of phonemic perception; to automate the sound [C] in syllables, words, sentences:

1) - Clap your hands if you hear the sound [C], among the syllables that I will name:

  • TSY, ys, os, OC, CA, sha, shu, CU.

- Raise your hand if you hear the sound [C], among the words:

  • Saber, Heron, Candied fruits, brush, circus.

2) - Read the syllables:




- Complete the syllables to words in the first two columns (if you can).

- Make sentences with these words.

VII. Fizminutka.

- Let's get some rest.

- First look at me and listen, I speak and show movements, and then we will do it together:

How is it going? - Like this!(fingers of the right hand are clenched in a fist, except for the thumb)

Do you swim? - Like this!(show "wave" with right hand)

How do you run? - Like this!(bend both arms at the elbows and imitate the swing of the arms as when running)

Are you looking into the distance? - Like this!(put your right hand horizontally on your forehead)

Looking forward to lunch? - Like this!(both arms bent at the elbows and attached to the chin)

Are you following? - Like this!(“wave” with the right hand)

Do you sleep in the morning? - Like this!(close both hands and apply to the right cheek)

Are you kidding? - Like this!(waving arms sideways)

- Begin.

VIII. Work with text.

- Read the text.


The mother hen had eleven chicks. The smallest chicken was called Chick. The chick was a very curious chick. Picking flowers, Chick saw a well, decided to look into it and almost fell into it. Mama hen took Chick home and didn't let him go anywhere else.

- Write out the words with the sound [C].

- In what words is the sound [C] worth:

at the beginning,

In the middle,

at the end of words.

- Name them in order.

IX. Summary of the lesson.

- With what sound did we work today?

- Give a description of the sound [C].

- Remember and name the words with this sound.

X. Evaluation of the child's work in class.

- I liked the way you worked today, I especially liked ....


individual speech therapy session

Topic: "Differentiation of letters and sounds [U - O]"

Target:skill developmentdifferentiate letters and sounds [U - O].


Correctional and educational:continuedevelop the ability to characterize the sounds [U - O]; correlate graphemes and phonemes; continue to learn how to make common sentences; to form the ability to give a grammatically correct and complete answer.

Correction-developing:prepare the organs of articulation for the articulation pattern of sounds [U - O]; continue to develop and consolidate kinesthetic sensations from pronouncing these sounds (development of articulatory motor skills); development of fine motor skills; development of phonemic hearing; dictionary activation.

Correctional and educational:educate the speech culture of communication.


Mirror (wall); pictures with articulation exercises; table with the designation of the acoustic characteristics of sounds; pictures for the exercise: “What do the letters look like?”; pictures with letters U, O.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

- Hello, sit down.

- Calm down, tune in to work.

II. Articulation gymnastics.

- Sit up straight, straighten your shoulders.

- Put your hands on the table so that they do not interfere.

- Look at yourself in the mirror.

- Doing exercises:

1) General exercises:

1. "Surprised - Angry"(alternate up to 5 times).

2. "Puffed out cheeks - blew cheeks"(alternate up to 5 times).

3. "Tube - smile"(alternate up to 5 times).

4. “They built a fence - they removed it”(alternate up to 5 times).

5. "Shovel - needle"(alternate up to 5 times).

6. "Swing" -we reach out with our tongue alternately to the upper and lower teeth (tongue behind the teeth): "Up - down, up - down ..."

- Well done, get some rest.

2) Special exercises that prepare the articulatory apparatus for pronouncing sounds [U - O]:

1. – “Closed lips stretch forward with a proboscis” -then, they return to their normal position. Jaws clenched(5 - 10 times).

2. – "Pulling lips with a wide tube" -or funnel with open jaws (5-10 times).

3. – "Pull out lips with a narrow funnel"- as if whistling (5 - 10 times).

III. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

The child is asked to guess a word consisting of the first sounds of the following words:

1) - Street, tank, bush, stork. (- Duck).

2) - Autumn, cat, notes, wasp. (- Window)

- Select the sounds that are at the beginning of the guess words. (Sounds [U - O])

- Today in the lesson we will work with the sounds and letters U, O, learn to distinguish them from each other.

- How many syllables are in the word duck; in the word window? (- Two syllables.)

- Name the neighbor standing to the right of the sound [U] in the word duck.

- Name the neighbor standing to the right of the first sound [O] in the word window.

- Name the neighbor standing to the left of the last sound [O] in the word window.

IV. Articulatory-acoustic characteristics of sounds [U - O]:

- When we pronounce the sound [U], what position are the sponges in: look at yourself in the mirror and pronounce this sound.

What is the position of the sponge? (Slightly open, stretched forward with a tube.)

- And in what position is the tongue? (It rests on the lower teeth.)

- And the teeth? (They are not visible, they do not come together in the mouth.)

- What sound [U], vowel or consonant?

- The sound [U] is a vowel (because when pronouncing a sound, the air does not meet an obstacle).

- When we pronounce the sound [O], what position are the sponges in: look at yourself in the mirror and pronounce this sound.

What is the position of the sponge? (Closed, pushed forward, in the form of a horn or tube.)

- And in what position is the tongue? (It rests on the lower teeth.)

- And the teeth? (They are not visible, they do not close in the mouth.)

- What is the sound [O], vowel or consonant?

- The sound [O] is a vowel (because when pronouncing a sound, the air does not meet an obstacle).

V. Comparative characteristics of sounds [U - O]:

How do you think these sounds are similar? (The lips are stretched forward with a tube, the tongue rests on the lower teeth; the teeth are not visible; both sounds are vowels.)

- And how do they differ? (When pronouncing the sound [U], the lips are wider open than when pronouncing the sound [O])

VI. Exercise for the development of phonemic hearing (differentiation among isolated sounds, among syllables).

- Get your ears and hands ready.

- If you hear the sound [U], among the sounds that I will name, you will clap your hands, if you hear the sound [O], you will stamp your foot.

- Get ready:

Sounds:A, L, O, P, U, V, O, A, U, F, T, U, A, E, O, A, M, O.

- Similarly, in the syllables that I will pronounce.

syllables:SU, AR, OP, YOU, IN, CO, WOULD, UT, NU, AP, YTS, OZH.

VII. Relationship between letter and sound.

- What letter in the letter denotes the sound [U]? (letter W.)

What letter represents the sound [O]? (letter O.)

What does the letter U look like?

- Listen and look: U - bitch. In any forest

You will see the letter W.

Convenient letter! It's convenient in her

What can you hang a coat on the letter

What do you think the letter U looks like? (Child answer)

What does the letter O look like?

- Listen and look: There is a hollow in the old tree

Well, just like the letter "O".

look at the wheel

And you will see the letter "O".

What do you think the letter O looks like? (For lemon, orange, bagel ....)

- What are the similarities and differences between the letter U and the letter O in writing? (The semicircular (semi-oval) element is similar; they differ in that the letter Y also has an inclined small stick, the letter O has another (semicircle) semi-oval.)

- Let's draw the letter U, and the letter O with our fingers.

VIII. Composition of phrases.

- Remember the guess words, from the initial sounds of the words that I thought of for you at the very beginning, name these words (duck, window).

- Choose a phrase for each word (guess). (Duck, what? Window, what?)

- Write the resulting word combinations in your notebook.

- Make up sentences with the resulting word combinations.

IX. An exercise in the development of letter gnosis.

- In the words from the text that I gave you, find the letters U and O.

- Cross out the letter Y with a red pencil (pen), underline the letter O with a blue pencil.

X. Summary of the lesson.

- What sounds did we work with today?

- Give a description of the sound [U], in what position are the lips, teeth, what does the tongue do when we pronounce this sound?

- Give a description of the sound [O], in what position are the lips, teeth, what does the tongue do when we pronounce this sound?

How are these sounds similar?

- What is the difference?

How are the letters U and O similar in writing?

How are these letters different?

The work of the child in the lesson is noted.

- Goodbye!


individual speech therapy session

Topic: "Differentiation of sounds [Д - Д`]"

Target:skill developmentdifferentiate sounds [D - D`].


Correctional and educational:continue to develop the ability to characterize the sounds [d], [d`]; learn to differentiate sounds; learn how to make sentences for given words.

Correction-developing:prepare the organs of articulation for the articulation pattern of sounds [d], [d`]; continue to develop and consolidate kinesthetic sensations from pronouncing these sounds; to establish a connection between the articulatory structure and the acoustic characteristics of these sounds in the framework of the development of phonemic hearing; development of phonemic hearing during the differentiation of sounds; development of general motor skills.

Correctional and educational:education of speech culture of communication.


Mirror (wall); pictures with articulation exercises; table with the designation of the acoustic characteristics of sounds; pictures in the names of which there are sounds [D - D`]; picture of the letter D.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

- Hello, sit down.

- Calm down, tune in to work.

II. Articulation gymnastics.

- Sit up straight, straighten your shoulders.

- Put your hands on the table so that they do not interfere.

- Look at yourself in the mirror.

- Doing exercises:

1) General exercises:

1. "Surprised - Angry"(alternate up to 5 times).

2. "Puffed out cheeks - blew cheeks"(alternate up to 5 times).

3. "Tube - smile"(alternate up to 5 times).

4. “They built a fence - they removed it”(alternate up to 5 times).

5. "Shovel - needle"(alternate up to 5 times).

6. "Swing" -we reach out with our tongue alternately to the upper and lower teeth (tongue behind the teeth): "Up - down, up - down ..."

- Well done, get some rest.

2) Special exercises that prepare the articulatory apparatus for pronouncing sounds [D - D`]:

1. - Let's do an exercise"Street cleaner":open mouth wide and stroke with the tip of the tonguelower teethfrom the inside (counting up to 10 to 5 sets).

- Well done, get some rest.

2. - And now ("Street cleaner")we will stroke the tongueupper teethin the same way in different directions (10 times in 5 sets).

- Well done, rest, swallow your saliva.

3. - And now let's do the exercise"Painter":open your mouth wide, with the tip of your tongue we stroke the “sky” (upper palate) from the upper teeth as far as possible to the neck and back, so that the “sky” is tickled (10 times in 5 approaches).

III. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

- Look at the pictures, name them: house, road, tree, hollow, woodpecker, children, doctor.

Identify the first sounds in these words. (- Sounds [D - D`].)

- Today in the lesson we will work with the sounds [D - D`] and learn to distinguish them from each other.

IV. Articulatory-acoustic characteristics of sounds [D - D`].

- We pronounce the sound [D] and look at ourselves in the mirror.

- When we pronounce the sound [D], in what position are the sponges?

- That's right, in the "smile".

- And now let's say the sound [D] again and try to feel where the tongue is.

- In what position is the tongue when we pronounce the sound [D]? (- Rests on the upper teeth.)

- And now put your hand to the neck, and try to feel whether the vocal cords are vibrating or not at the sound [D].

- Give the sound characteristics [D], look at the table (with the characteristics of sounds). (- Sound [D]: consonant, voiced, solid, paired)

- Well done.

- And now let's pronounce the sound [Д`] and look at ourselves in the mirror.

- When we pronounce the sound [Д`], in what position are the sponges?

- Also in the "smile".

- In what position is the tongue when we pronounce the sound [Д`]? (- Rests on the upper teeth.)

What is the position of the teeth? (You can see both the upper and lower teeth, there is a small gap between them.)

- Give a description of the sound [Д`], look at the table (with the characteristics of sounds). (- Sound [Д`]: consonant, voiced, soft, paired)

- How are the sounds [D - D`] similar? (When we pronounce the sounds [D - D`], the lips are in the “smile” position. The tongue rests on the upper teeth; the vocal folds vibrate. Both the upper and lower teeth are visible, there is a small gap between them.)

- Also, how are they similar? (Sounds [D - D`] consonants, voiced, paired.)

- What is the difference? (The sound [D] is hard, and the sound [D`] is soft)

- Well done.

V. Exercise for the development of phonemic hearing:

- Get your ears and hands ready.

  • Differentiation of sounds in syllables:

- I will speak syllables, you must listen to me very carefully if you hear a syllable with sound among the syllables[D],clap your hands if you hear a sound[Д`]- Raise your hand if you do not hear either one or the other sound, you sit quietly.

- Ready: clap - to the sound[D];knob for sound[D`].

syllables:ya, for, but, du, ka, you, di, zy, do, lu, zu, dy, ta, ze, yes, po, de, then, sy.

- Well done!

  • Differentiation of sounds in words:

- And now among the words, in the same way: if you hear a sound in a word[D], clap your hands if you hear a sound[Д`]- Raise your hand if you do not hear either one or the other sound, you sit quietly.

The words:Tree,rooster, house, pen, road, catfish, snowman, tom, table, drum, money, stork, owl, game, doctor, fox, director, rhinoceros, day, hat, smoke.

- Well done!

  • Differentiation of sounds in phrases:

- I will now say phrases, and you, if you hear a sound[D]among the words, clap your hands, and if you hear a sound[Д`] -raise your hand. Prepared: for the sound [D] - we clap, for the sound [D`] - we raise our hand.

Collocations:expensive suit, fun day, clean water, mixed forest, new pencils, long fence,frosty december, gloomy turkey, scarlet rohs, good dog, high house.

- Well done, very attentive.

VI. Relationship between letter and sound.

What letter represents the sound [D]? (letter D.)

- What letter in the letter denotes the sound [D`]? (letter D.)

- That's right, the letter D stands for two sounds: hard: [D] and soft [D`].

- Look at this letter (show printed and written letter).

VII. Differentiation of sounds [Д - Д`] in syllables, words; work in a notebook:

- Read the syllables (always the first column is connected to the second):




- Complete these syllables to form words.

- Write the resulting words in your notebook.

VIII. Fizminutka.

- Let's get some rest.

- Get up, leave the desk.

- First look at me and listen, I speak and show movements, and then we will do it together:

I rise on my toes: 1 - 2 - 3

I raise my hands

And hold on

Sharply down now I will squat

I will jump until I drop.

IX. Making proposals.

- Remember the pictures that I showed at the very beginning of the lesson.

- Name these pictures: house, road, tree, hollow, woodpecker, children, doctor.

- Make up sentences with these words.

- Write the resulting sentences in your notebook.

X. Summary of the lesson.

- What sounds did we work with today?

- Give a description of the sound [D], in what position are the lips, teeth, what does the tongue do when we pronounce this sound?

- Give a description of the sound [Д`], in what position are the lips, teeth, what does the tongue do when we pronounce this sound?

How are these sounds similar?

- What is the difference?

The work of the child in the lesson is noted.

- Goodbye!


individual speech therapy session

Topic: "Differentiation of letters and sounds [E - E]"

Target:skill developmentdifferentiate letters and sounds [E - E].


Correctional and educational:continuedevelop the ability to characterize the sounds [E - E]; correlate graphemes and phonemes; continue to learn how to make common sentences; to form the ability to give a grammatically correct and complete answer.

Correction-developing:prepare the organs of articulation for the articulation pattern of sounds [E - E]; continue to develop and consolidate kinesthetic sensations from pronouncing these sounds (development of articulatory motor skills); development of phonemic hearing; dictionary activation.

Correctional and educational:to cultivate respect for different professions.


Mirror (wall); pictures with articulation exercises; table with the designation of the acoustic characteristics of sounds; pictures with letters E, E.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

- Hello, sit down.

- Calm down, tune in to work.

II. Articulation gymnastics.

- Sit up straight, straighten your shoulders.

- Put your hands on the table so that they do not interfere.

- Look at yourself in the mirror.

- Doing exercises:

1) General exercises:

1. "Surprised - Angry"(alternate up to 5 times).

2. "Puffed out cheeks - blew cheeks"(alternate up to 5 times).

3. "Tube - smile"(alternate up to 5 times).

4. “They built a fence - they removed it”(alternate up to 5 times).

5. "Shovel - needle"(alternate up to 5 times).

6. "Swing" -we reach out with our tongue alternately to the upper and lower teeth (tongue behind the teeth): "Up - down, up - down ..."

- Well done, get some rest.

2) Special exercises that prepare the articulatory apparatus for pronouncing sounds [E - E]:

1. – "With closed jaws, the lower lip moves to the right, to the left":right - left ... (5 - 10 times).

III. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

- Listen to the words:

- Economist, tour guide, excavator operator, expert, ecologist.

- Identify the first sound in these words. (- Sound [E])

- Huntsman, bishop, naturalist, naturalist.

- Identify the first sound in these words. (- Sound [E])

- name the sounds that you selected. (Sounds [E - E])

- Today we will work with sounds and letters [E - E] to learn to distinguish them from each other.

What do you think all these words have in common? (- They denote the professions of people.)

IV. Articulatory-acoustic characteristics of sounds [E - E]:

- When we pronounce the sound [E], what position are the sponges in: look at yourself in the mirror and pronounce this sound.

What is the position of the sponge? (Wide open. Lower jaw drops.)

- And the teeth? (You can see them, they are naked)

- What sound [E], vowel or consonant?

- The sound [E] is a vowel (because when pronouncing a sound, the air does not meet an obstacle).

- When we pronounce the sound [E], in what position are the sponges: look at yourself in the mirror and pronounce this sound.

What is the position of the sponge? (Slightly stretch in a smile.)

- And in what position is the tongue? (Pressed to lower teeth.)

- And the teeth? (You can see them, there is a gap between them.)

- What sound [E], vowel or consonant?

- The sound [E] is a vowel (because when pronouncing a sound, the air does not meet an obstacle).

V. Comparative characteristics of sounds [E - E]:

How do you think these sounds are similar? (The tongue is pressed against the lower teeth; both sounds are vowels.)

- And how do they differ? (When pronouncing the sound [E], the lips are wide open; the teeth are slightly bare; and when pronouncing the sound [E], the lips stretch a little in a smile; the teeth can be seen, there is a gap between them.)

VI. Exercise for the development of phonemic hearing.

- Prepare your ears, palms and legs.

- If you hear the sound [E], among the sounds that I will name, you will clap your hands, if you hear the sound [E], you will stamp your foot.

- Get ready:

Sounds:A, L, P, E, U, E, B, O, A, E, E, T, E, U, A, E, A, M, E, O.

- Similarly, in the syllables that I will pronounce.

syllables:SE, AR, EP, YOU, IN, SE, BA, ET, NE, AP, EC, OZH, RE.

VII. Relationship between letter and sound.

What letter represents the sound [E]? (letter E.)

What letter represents the sound [E]? (letter E.)

What does the letter E look like? (Pictures are shown, poems are read.)

- Listen and look: This is - E

With an open mouth

And with a big tongue

What do you think the letter E looks like?

What does the letter E look like?

- Listen and look: This is the letter - E

She twirled like a snake

What do you think the letter E looks like?

- What are the similarities and differences between the letter E and the letter E in writing? (Semicircular element - similar; differ in that semicircular elements are written in different directions)

- Let's draw the letter E, and the letter E with our fingers.

VIII. Making proposals.

- Remember the words that I called you at the very beginning, name these words.

- What professions do you remember? - Explain the meaning of these words.

- Match each word with a sentence.

- Write the resulting sentences in your notebook.

IX. An exercise in the development of letter gnosis.

- In the words from the text that I gave you, find the letters E and E.

Cross out the letter E with a red pencil (pen), the letter E with a blue pencil.

X. Summary of the lesson.

- What sounds did we work with today?

- Give a description of the sound [E], in what position are the lips, teeth, what does the tongue do when we pronounce this sound?

- Give a description of the sound [E], in what position are the lips, teeth, what does the tongue do when we pronounce this sound?

How are these sounds similar?

- What is the difference?

- How are the letters E and E similar in writing? How are these letters different?

The work of the child in the lesson is noted. - Goodbye!


individual speech therapy session

Topic: "Sound and letter [Y]"

Target:clarification of the articulation of the sound [Y]; correlation of grapheme and phoneme.


Correctional and educational:continue to developthe ability to characterize the sound [Y]; match the grapheme and phoneme; continue to learn how to make phrases; to form the ability to give a grammatically correct and complete answer.

Correction-developing:prepare the organs of articulation for the articulation pattern of sound [Y]; continue to develop and consolidate kinesthetic sensations from pronouncing this sound; development of articulatory motor skills; development of phonemic hearing; dictionary activation.

Correctional and educational:nurture interest in activities.

Vocabulary:tea, kettle.


Mirror (wall); pictures with articulation exercises; table with the designation of the acoustic characteristics of sounds; picture with the letter Y.

Lesson progress:

I. Organizational moment.

- Hello, sit down.

- Calm down, tune in to work.

II. Articulation gymnastics.

- Sit up straight, straighten your shoulders.

- Put your hands on the table so that they do not interfere.

- Look at yourself in the mirror.

- Doing exercises:

1) General exercises:

1. "Surprised - Angry"(alternate up to 5 times).

2. "Puffed out cheeks - blew cheeks"(alternate up to 5 times).

3. "Tube - smile"(alternate up to 5 times).

4. “They built a fence - they removed it”(alternate up to 5 times).

5. "Shovel - needle"(alternate up to 5 times).

6. "Swing" -we reach out with our tongue alternately to the upper and lower teeth (tongue behind the teeth): "Up - down, up - down ..."- Well done, get some rest.

2) Special exercises that prepare the articulatory apparatus for pronouncing the sound [Y]:

1. - Let's do an exercise"Slide":opened the mouth and with the tip of the tongue we rest againstlower incisors(under the account up to 10 for 3 - 5 approaches).

- Well done.

2. - And now let's do it"Let's brush the lower teeth":open your mouth wide, brush the lower teeth from the inside with the tip of the tongue, making tongue movements to the right - to the left. The lower jaw does not move. (10 times for 3 - 5 approaches).

- Well done, get some rest.

3. - Exercise“Put a wide tongue on the lip and move it back into the mouth”the lower jaw does not move (count up to 10).

III. Lesson topic message.

1. Grandmother brews ... (tea).

2. A girl is watering flowers from ... (watering cans).

3. Jumping in the clearing ... (bunny).

4. At the stop is ... (tram; trolley bus).

5. Flew at the window ... (sparrow).

6. The guys were sitting on ... (benches).

What is the most common sound in these words? (- Sound [Y].)

- Today we will work with the sound [Y] and always try to pronounce it correctly.

- What is tea and teapot? (Tableware)

- Make up a sentence with these words.

- Where is the sound [Y] in these words? (- In the word tea, the sound [H] is at the end of the word, in the word teapot, the sound [Y] is in the middle of the word.)

- Name some more words in which the sound [Y] is in the middle of the word. (- Watering can, bunny, trolley bus, bench.)

- Name more words in which the sound [Y] is at the end of the word. (- Tram, sparrow.)

- Name the words in which the sound [Y] is at the beginning of the word. (There are no such words here.)

- Make up your own words with the sound [Y] so that the sound is at the beginning of the word. (- Iodine, yogurt, yogi)

IV. Sound characteristic.

- When we pronounce the sound [Y]:

What position are the lips in? (stretched in a smile);

- And the teeth? (they are visible);

- What does the tongue do? (the tip of the tongue is pressed against the lower teeth, the back of the tongue is curved in a slide);

- Give a characteristic (acoustic) sound [Y]:

- Sound [Y]: consonant (since the air meets an obstacle when pronouncing); sonorous (because the vocal cords vibrate) and always soft.

V. The connection of the letter with the sound.

- What letter in the letter denotes the sound [Y]? (Letter Y.) - the letter Y is shown.

What does the letter Y look like? What letter? (On the letter I, but without the upper stick)

VI. Task for the development of phonemic hearing.

- If you hear the sound [Y] among other sounds, raise your hand:

  • A, Y, R, L, Y, D, Y, P, I, Y, S.

- If you hear the sound [Y] among the syllables that I say, clap your hands:


VII. Game "Say the other way around"

- I call you a word, and you choose the opposite of it (antonym) and call it, emphasizing the ending (sound [Y]), (for example: big - small).

The words:

Sad - ... (cheerful), wet - ... (dry),

strong - ... (weak), old - ... (young),

high - ... (low), wide - ... (narrow),

long - ... (short), hot - ... (cold),

sick - ... (healthy), smart - ... (stupid).

- Match the adjectives that I called nouns; those. Make up phrases with these words and write them in your notebook.

VIII. Summary of the lesson.

- With what sound did we work today? (With sound [Y])

- Give a description of the sound [Y].

What letter represents the sound [Y]?

- Remember and name the words with this sound.

The work of the child in the lesson is noted.

The development of beautiful, literate speech in preschoolers is not only a way to get rid of speech defects, but also an opportunity to make the child feel more confident in communicating with peers and adults. Being able to correctly express and convey their feelings, to form the skills of oral conversation, the preschooler will understand what he himself says, what he wants to tell. Educator and speech therapist conducting group and individual speech classes with children, help preschoolers overcome difficulties in learning their native language and presenting their thoughts orally.

Theoretical aspects of speech therapy classes in kindergarten

The goals for speech therapy classes are usually general:

  • Development of articulatory motor skills.
  • Formation of skills of pronunciation of sounds (depends on the stage of work on a particular sound).
  • The development of phonemic perception.
  • Development of sound analysis skills.
  • Improvement of lexical and grammatical constructions.
  • The development of fine motor skills of hands to prepare for writing.

Mastering the native language is the most important acquisition of a child in preschool childhood.

Beautiful in itself, children's speech has, in addition, scientific value, since, by examining it, we thereby discover bizarre patterns. children's thinking.

K. I. Chukovsky

The methodological goal of an open speech therapy lesson is to demonstrate what teaching methods and techniques the teacher uses, how the material is presented in an accessible way. If the lesson is held at the end of the semester, you can see what progress the children have achieved during the training.

Tasks for different age groups

For each lesson, there is one specific goal and several main tasks that will be solved in the process of educational activities.

Tasks for pupils of the younger groups of the preschool educational institution:

  • Dictionary extension.
  • Development of auditory and visual attention.
  • Teaching correct pronunciation.
  • Development of the ability to distinguish objects and describe them external signs for the ability to write coherent descriptions.

In the middle group, speech therapy classes solve a number of problems:

  • Activation of speech activity.
  • Formation of correct breathing when speaking.
  • Development of articulation and speech hearing.
  • The development of associative thinking (helps to establish links between different concepts, contributing to the formation of literate speech, the logical construction of sentences).

In communicating with adults and peers, the child learns the rules of human speech, learns new words

For preschoolers of the older group, the following tasks will be relevant:

  • Development of skills to give characteristics to sounds (long, short, how to pronounce, in what words they occur).
  • Formation of ideas about voiceless and voiced sounds.
  • The development of dialogic speech.

Examples of tasks for pupils preparatory group:

  • Improving the accuracy of facial expressions and gestures when speaking.
  • Improving the ability to accurately and clearly answer questions.
  • The development of intelligible literate speech.
  • Formation of the skill of correct speech breathing.

Studying with pupils of a preschool educational institution, a speech therapist leads cards speech development every child

The native word is the treasury of every mental development and the treasury of all knowledge.

K. D. Ushinsky

Table: speech therapy techniques in working with preschoolers

Reception nameDescriptionWhat is usefulRelevance of use in an open lessonGame examples
"Sand Games"The choice of games depends on the age of preschoolers. To implement such techniques, the teacher needs to have several boxes filled with sand by one third, sets of small toys (little men, vehicles, plants, animals), and you can also get a set of letters made of wood or plastic for games to compose words.
Sand games are good to use when getting to know sounds and teaching children the correct spelling of words.
Children remember better when they play. educational material, learn to independently describe objects from memory and develop fine motor skills to prepare hands for writing. In addition, working with sand relieves unnecessary stress and increases emotional background children.The tasks in the form of a game help children to distract and relax, as some of them may feel uncomfortable in the presence of strangers in the classroom. On the other hand, this good way Allow children to express themselves, show their independence and imagination. The teacher can also show creativity by showing colleagues various options educational games for preschoolers.
  • "City with one sound".
    The speech therapist invites children to choose figures whose names have a certain sound and build a city in the sand only with these figures. In one game, children can create several towns, better remembering the sounds and words in which they are pronounced.
  • "Treasure" (best done with older children).
    The child hides a figurine in the sand. Then he explains to the others how many syllables are in the name of the object and names several sounds from this word. After the children guess what it is, they will have to find the figurine according to the instructions from the person who hid it (“to the left”, “to the right”, “dig deeper”, etc.).
  • An analogue of the game "Magic Bag".
    The teacher hides several different letters in the sand. Children should find letters by touch and name them, then you can list words that begin or end with the found letter.
Mimic exercisesAdmission is suitable for all pupils age groups. These exercises help develop the mobility of the facial muscles, allow you to further develop clear articulation movements.Exercises affect the further development of articulation, help the child control facial expressions during a conversation, so that it is easier for him to explain what he feels.With this technique, you can start the lesson by connecting guests. For example, asking children with certain emotions to tell the guests a story, which will help the pupils not feel uncomfortable in the presence of strangers and cheer them up. The more emotions the teacher can use in the work, the better. There is an opportunity to demonstrate the collected material to colleagues, which they can also use in the future (pictures with emotions, images of different animals, “mood clouds”, task cards, etc.).In the first lessons, everything starts with simple exercises - frown your eyebrows, alternately open and close your eyes, gradually the movements will become more complicated (raise your eyebrows together and in turn, smile broadly, make your lips “bow”, move your nose, etc.).
It is necessary to develop in children the arbitrariness of movements and control of facial expressions. It is best to ask preschoolers to portray certain emotions - joy, sadness, surprise, fear, anger, happiness, cheerfulness, glee, fatigue, etc. So that children, especially younger preschoolers, did not lose interest in the lesson, visual material is used with images of emotions (“repeat what is in the picture”) or emotional states animals that can be named (sly fox, angry wolf, kind bear).
Breathing exercisesApplies to all age groups in every class.
Rhythmic noisy breathing helps to saturate the body with oxygen, get out of a stressful state.
Helps develop proper breathing when talking, calms children and sets them up for learning.It is worth starting a lesson with such gymnastics so that it is easier for children to maintain attention and a positive attitude in the future. Habitual activity calms pupils, despite the presence of strangers.
  • "Locomotive".
    Take in air noisily through your nose, hold your breath for 1 or 2 seconds, exhale loudly through your mouth, folding your lips into a tube and making the sound “u”. Inhalation should be sharp and short, and exhalation - smooth and long.
  • "Airplane flight".
    The child, depicting an airplane, “flies” around the room and makes the sound “y”. When the pupil “flies”, the sound should be higher, directed to the head, when “landing” the sound becomes lower, comes from the body. Exercise helps regulate blood pressure, teaches breathing at a given pace.
massage ballSuitable for preschoolers of all ages. Such balls are used to massage the palms and fingers, contributing to the development of fine motor skills and the preparation of children's hands for writing, increasing the efficiency of each hand.Develops fine motor skills, preparing the hand for writing. If the children are already engaged in prescriptions, then the massage ball can be used at the beginning of the lesson for a warm-up or in the middle to relieve fatigue.Demonstration by the teacher of various exercises for children, showing the correct guidelines in the course of lessons.Can use balls different size to massage not only the entire hand, but also individual fingers, with which the child will later hold writing instruments.
"Creating a Success Situation"Reception is suitable for children performing tasks in prescriptions. The child writes workbook only with a pencil, and the teacher does not correct mistakes, only makes notes in the margins. This will allow the child to erase what he did wrong, to correct the work himself. Such a technique helps to raise the self-esteem of the pupil, which will give him an additional desire to study.It helps the child to believe in his own strength, making him want to work better, try to complete tasks without mistakes and find flaws in his work himself.This technique is relatively new, which makes it possible for the teacher to clearly show why it is not worth correcting mistakes for the child on his own and scolding him in case of failure.
"Find a picture"Images for cards should be selected according to the age of the children and their vocabulary.
Each child is given a card with different images (objects, animals, plants). You need to find pictures according to the principle indicated by the teacher.
Develops attention, memory, helps to better absorb the material.There can be many options for tasks for children to demonstrate the knowledge they already have, to reveal the topic of the lesson. The teacher demonstrates the material he has collected (pictures can be thematic, divided by the number of syllables, letters, etc.) and tasks developed for different age groups with cards.Preschoolers can do a number of different tasks with flashcards. For example, select pictures whose names contain the letter "r", select pictures whose names begin with a certain syllable, select pictures ending with a certain letter.
Non-traditional exercises using health-saving technologiesSuitable for students of all ages. A series of exercises that will put in order the physical and mental state of students, relieve muscle tension and charge them with positive energy.Exercises allow you to teach children the methods of maintaining health, restoring strength, developing attention shifting, relieving stress, stimulating working capacity and thinking.Exercises allow you to quickly restore the working capacity of preschoolers, prevent fatigue, which means that children will work actively throughout the lesson.
  • "Journey through the body" is aimed at relieving muscle tension.
  • Visual gymnastics.
  • Relaxation exercise "Curious Barbara".
Game tricksSuitable for preschoolers of all ages. Leading Children's Activities before school age- the game. In the form of a game, complex and tedious tasks are perceived by the children with interest and are performed with pleasure.Contribute to maintaining children's interest in the lesson, the formation of positive motivation and cognitive interest.Due to the game form, the motivation of pupils to complete tasks is supported.
  • "Magic box".
    Descriptive stories are difficult for children. And they don't like them very much. Here you can use the "Magic Chest" - a box in which the masks are. One child sits on a chair opposite the other children, the speech therapist puts on a mask on him, which he takes out of a magic chest (masks on lexical topics: animals, birds, etc.). Children begin to describe who or what the child in the mask is by asking questions or according to the plan, the child in the mask guesses.
  • Game "Beads". Used in teaching sound analysis. The pictures are pasted on circles-beads. Children collect beads by attaching beads according to the last sound of the previous word. For example: cat-cake-pumpkin-shark.

Motivating start to class

The organizational introductory stage must be well thought out, since the entire further success of the lesson may depend on it. The speech therapist needs to introduce children to the topic, from the first minutes to interest and maintain a positive motivation for work until the end of the lesson. To do this, there are various methods of motivation and encouragement.

Even at the beginning of the year, a speech therapist can start a diary of his achievements for each pupil, where for each successfully completed task a beautiful sticker will be added indicating the success of the preschooler. This method is more suitable for children of older and preparatory groups in order to maintain interest in classes throughout the school year.

The result of the event itself largely depends on what the motivation of the students at the beginning of the lesson will be.

For kids younger age at the beginning of the lesson, it is good to use wrist puppets that “came to check” whether the guys are ready for the lesson, what their mood is. For example, a teacher puts bear and bunny dolls on their hands, which ask children questions (“Are you ready to start the lesson?”, “Did you take a good mood with you?”, “Are you sitting beautifully?”, Etc.).

In any age group, the lesson can be started with riddles on the main topics, so that the children themselves can guess what they will study today. This will help them immediately get involved in what is happening, start thinking and motivate them to give the right answer.

So middle group the introductory exercise “make a whole out of parts” is used. Children are shown a picture with a plot from a familiar fairy tale, and then they are offered to tell what kind of fairy tale it is, what heroes are here, what they are doing, where they are, words with what letters are most in this picture. The brighter and fuller the illustrations, the more interest will arise in children.

Pupils of the senior and preparatory groups can immediately be called to a dialogue, for example, start a conversation about what they saw on a walk or on the way to kindergarten, what the weather was like, the season, whether they saw animals and plants, what they remember most. This encourages children to immediately join the discussion, learn to correctly retell what they saw, and clearly build sentences.

A new interesting game will attract the attention of preschoolers for a long time

At the beginning open lesson for kids different ages can be used Organizing time with the participation of the adults present. The teacher invites preschoolers to say hello to the guests, but it is unusual to do so. Each child gets a face cut out of cardboard depicting a certain emotion. Children greet with the intonation that best suits their pictures. Pupils of senior and middle preschool age can be asked to make short stories about themselves or each other to introduce themselves to guests. Younger children should be assisted by a teacher. He can ask the kids to tell the guests where in the group there are objects that begin with a certain letter or with a given number of syllables.

Table: Examples of a motivating start to a lesson in different age groups

Age groupTopic of the lessonPurpose of the lessonAn example of a motivating start to a lessonThe relevance of the reception
Junior"In Grandma's Village"Expand children's knowledge about pets.Surprise moment at the introductory stage. The speech therapist shows the children a large decorated box, offers to guess what is in it. Then he takes out a toy steam locomotive from the box and says that he will take the guys to their grandmother in the village, where they will get acquainted with pets. While the children are "riding" on a steam locomotive, they perform speech exercises, imitating the sounds of riding (choo-choo, tu-tu).Such a beginning of the lesson allows you to immediately connect breathing exercises and an imitating exercise, which will help children work better during the entire lesson.
Medium"In search of fairy tales"To consolidate in children ideas about numbers, time of day, space.Surprise moment. The teacher shows the children a book of fairy tales with completely blank pages. Having discovered the loss, you need to invite the children to go in search of fairy tales by train to the library. The teacher says that the children will travel on tickets, and therefore you need to quickly find tickets that match the color of the train cars (a didactic game, the materials for which you need to prepare in advance: tickets made of colored paper and a train made of cardboard trailers).The game develops attention, logic, allows you to fix the names of colors in a playful way, increasing the interest of children in the lesson and further tasks.
Older"Zimushka-winter"Generalize and systematize children's knowledge about winter.Organizing time. Children each stand near their chair. The speech therapist invites children to play a game. He will make riddles about winter, which preschoolers take turns answering. The one who gave the correct answer sits on a chair. The game helps children to get involved in the lesson with interest, it is necessary to prepare in advance a large number of riddles.The task of mindfulness, the development of auditory attention. From the first minutes, children are involved in the process, they begin to think about the topic of the lesson, try to give the right answers, reinforce the correct pronunciation of familiar words.
preparatory"Composing a story about your favorite fairy tale hero"Develop logical thinking and literate speech.Organizing time. On the board are pictures with images of fairy-tale characters. The teacher says that the characters do not remember what they look like, so he will name the characters, and the children, without pointing a finger at the picture, must describe in their own words appearance character.Children learn to compose descriptive stories, reproduce in oral speech what they see, and competently build sentences. The task develops attention, observation.

How to prepare and conduct an open speech therapy lesson in a preschool educational institution

An open lesson differs from the usual one in that it is developed and conducted according to a specially prepared form of organization, where the teacher can demonstrate to colleagues his methods and methods of work, which he successfully uses to achieve high-quality results. For pupils, this is a common activity, not different from a number of others, with the exception of the presence of strangers.

To conduct speech therapy classes, you will need a set of mirrors so that children can independently control the correctness of the exercises.

Preschool age is a period of intensive mastery of the child's native language, rapid expansion of vocabulary, as well as understanding of various speech shades and intonations.

When preparing an open lesson, a speech therapist relies on technological map, including a description of the goal, objectives, each stage of the lesson. Based on the results of the event, information about the results obtained and an assessment of the work of children in the lesson are entered into the document.

The technological map will help in the preparation of an open lesson, and in the future in the analysis of the results

Topic file

Each topic includes new words that should expand the child's vocabulary. In the classroom, nouns, verbs, signs of objects (seasons, weather, animals, people, etc.), adverbs, prepositions are studied. List of topics that a speech therapist can implement during the year:

  • Autumn. Trees.
  • Forest. Mushrooms and berries.
  • Garden. Vegetables.
  • Fruit. Garden.
  • Autumn (generalized knowledge about autumn, its weather, months, behavior of animals and birds at this time of the year).
  • The human body.
  • Wild animals.
  • Animals of cold and hot countries.
  • Pets.
  • Migratory and wintering birds.
  • Clothes, shoes, hats.
  • New Year's celebration.
  • Winter.
  • House. Building.
  • Apartment. Furniture.
  • Tableware. Products.
  • Spring.
  • Family.
  • Home plants.
  • Professions.
  • Fishes. Ocean world.
  • Transport.
  • Space.
  • Our town.
  • Our country.
  • Flowers.
  • Insects.

To conduct individual open speech therapy classes with pupils, you can use the appropriate file cabinet.

Photo gallery: didactic games and schemes for classes

Funny pictures will help preschoolers remember the correct use of prepositions The game "Continue the row" develops the logical thinking of preschoolers Didactic game“Look and name” develops classification skills, the ability to generalize The reference scheme will help the child write a story about himself Older preschoolers learn to make descriptive and comparative stories from pictures With the help of this game, the child consolidates knowledge about the ways of moving animals The game “Make a word” trains knowledge of letters and sounds This scheme will help to consolidate the knowledge of preschoolers about professions.

Temporary lesson plan

Like any other speech therapy lesson in kindergarten consists of several stages:

  1. Organizing time.
  2. Explanation of the topic of the lesson.
  3. Description and characteristics of the sound to be studied.
  4. Pronunciation of the necessary sounds in syllables, words, sentences.
  5. Fizkultminutka.
  6. Work on pronunciation.
  7. The use of sound in connected speech, dialogue, story.
  8. Summary of the lesson.

In different age groups, the duration of classes is different (from 10 to 30 minutes), so that children do not get tired, do not lose interest in educational activities. So, junior groups preschoolers should study no more than 10 (first junior) or 15 (second junior) minutes, middle - no more than 20 minutes, senior groups - 25, in the preparatory group, classes last up to half an hour. The same requirements apply to open classes.

Table: examples of a temporary lesson plan in different age groups

Age groupIntroductory stage, motivating startDidactic gamesPhysical education or outdoor gameSpeech exercisesSummarizing
Junior2 minutes.3 minutes.2 minutes.7 minutes (in game form).1 minute.
Medium3 minutes.3 minutes.3 minutes.10 minutes.2 minutes.
Older3 minutes.4 minutes.3–5 minutes.
  • Exercises for setting sounds and pronunciation - 5 minutes.
  • Assignments for writing, work with copybooks - 5 minutes.
2 minutes.
  • Introductory stage - 3 minutes.
  • Conversation - 5 minutes.
5 minutes.5 minutes.
  • Oral speech work - 5 minutes.
  • Work with prescriptions - 7 minutes.
2–3 minutes.

Pupils of the preparatory group already know a lot and are able to concentrate, so the conversation method is actively used in the classroom.

Examples of abstracts of open speech therapy classes

Below are options for speech therapy classes for different age groups. Each stage is described in detail, the goals and objectives of the lesson are indicated. There are examples of games, literary works, necessary equipment and materials. It is shown how to sum up the lesson, what methods and techniques a teacher can use.

(Bogatelia I.N.) is almost completely created in poetic form, which can increase the interest of children in completing tasks and influence aesthetic development(cause a desire to compose poetry yourself, study fiction with parents and caregivers).

Video: speech therapist class in the senior group

Video: open speech therapy lesson in a preparatory group for school

It is important to remember that any knowledge will be useful only with constant use in practice. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the speech of preschoolers not only in special classes, but also in everyday life, encouraging them to memorize and tell as much as possible, studying fiction, offering interesting topics for games, excursions, holiday scenarios. In this case, each child will have the opportunity to talk about their impressions and communicate with others.

Encourage children to interact with people. Develop the ability to listen and hear the teacher. Activate active and passive vocabulary by lexical topic: "Pets". The ability to recognize and name animals from pictures.
To form a holistic perception of objects (images of animals).
The development of speech breathing, general and fine motor skills. The development of visual, auditory attention. Development of thinking. Improving the grammatical structure of speech. The development of connected speech. Tasks are realized through game situations.

The summary of the lesson on the topic "Differentiation T-D" is presented as part of a modern speech therapy lesson. In the course of work, elements of project activities are used: the ability to follow instructions, compare the result with what was required to be done; inclusion of individual tasks depending on the zone of proximal development of each child. development will be helpful speech pathologists working at the school.

Target audience: for a speech therapist

The summary of the lesson on the topic "Letter to Santa Claus" is presented with elements of brain gymnastics. During the working hour, an atmosphere of interest-mystery is introduced. There is an acquaintance with the rules of writing a letter, and attention is also paid to Ozhegov's dictionary. Children are active partners of the teacher throughout the correction. This approach meets modern requirements.

Target audience: for a speech therapist

Lesson summary on the topic "Differentiation S-Sh sounds"is presented using the techniques of accompaniment by methods of motor correction. Ensuring the interaction of the right and left hemispheres is the basis intellectual development. At the lesson, children form the topic of the lesson, accept and save the learning task, search for the necessary information. Build self-esteem based on successful performance.

Target audience: for a speech therapist

Synopsis of an individual lesson on differentiation sounds w-w. Designed for children of middle school age. A colorful presentation helps to keep the interest and attention of the child throughout the lesson. In the classroom, the child has the opportunity to independently complete tasks on the computer.

Target audience: for a speech therapist

SUMMARY OF A SUB-GROUP SPEECH THERAPY LESSON on the correction of violations of sound pronunciation
Topic: differentiation of sounds [p] and [p '] in words.
Lexical theme: journey to the city of professions.
Technologies: gaming (occupation-travel), information and communication.
Purpose: to develop the ability to distinguish between sounds [p] and [p '] on the material of words.
- train to distinguish between sounds [p] and [p '] in words;
- develop auditory attention, phonemic analysis, synthesis and presentation;
- update and clarify the meaning of words on the lexical topic "Professions";
- develop the skill of word formation in a suffix way;
- develop logical thinking, communication skills;
- to cultivate curiosity, cognitive activity and interest in learning activities in general.

Target audience: for grade 4

Abstract of an individual lesson on the automation of the sound Sh in the middle of a word. Designed for children of senior preschool and primary school age. The desire to help and treat Stepshka with carrots maintains the interest and attention of the child throughout the lesson. Special tasks for schoolchildren train reading and writing skills.