
The use of socio-gaming technology in working with preschoolers. Message "socio-playing style of working with children as an effective pedagogical technology" Topic: "Social-playing tasks and exercises"


Sections: Working with preschoolers

The purpose of the work: teaching the use of socio-gaming technology through a hermeneutic approach as part of the educational process in a preschool educational institution.

  1. To increase the level of professional competence of teachers, their motivation for the systematic use of socio-gaming technology in practice.
  2. To create conditions for the majority of teachers to acquire their own professional style, which would allow pupils to realize the position of the subject in various activities.

Workshop program:

  1. Hermeneutic approach in the educational process.
  2. “Socio-play style of working with children as an effective pedagogical technology”.
  3. Workshop: “Work on the painting by V. Polenov “Moscow courtyard”.

Workshop progress

1.1. A game for socio-gaming involvement in the case “In alphabetical order”.

(I suggest that all participants of the seminar stand in a circle. Everyone standing in a circle calls a word or phrase greeting-parting words to all those present in the hall. Each word-phrase begins with the next letter of the alphabet.)

1.2. The world around us is rapidly changing, we are changing, our children are becoming different. Landmarks are blurred, previously unshakable categories are collapsing, there is a natural reassessment of values ​​or “replacement of some rules of the game” by others. It's not good, but it's not bad either. It is a given that must be accepted, or at least accepted. The changes that most directly affect us and our pupils are so fleeting, so unpredictable and unexpected that we all sometimes do not have time, not only to prepare for them, but even to keep track of them.

At the same time, no one relieves the educator of his main responsibility - to raise and prepare his pupils for independent "swimming", tempering them as much as possible both in terms of health and resistance to future life collisions.

It is known that the education of the younger generation - and education in an era of change in particular - has always been considered an extremely difficult task.

Children are by nature very impressionable, because they learn so much in preparation for adult, school life. In an effort to find out as much as possible about the world around them and their place in it, they literally absorb everything.

They are drawn to smart, knowledgeable and understanding teachers in the hope of getting protection, attention and necessary advice and knowledge from them, a new understanding of the meaning of activity.

This task is solved by the hermeneutic approach in educational work, as kindergarten as well as schools.

1.3. “Hermeneutical approach in the educational process”.

Hermeneutics is the science of the art of understanding. Brockhaus and Efron (The New Encyclopedic Dictionary, vol. 13) call hermeneutics a science that rejects "any directives, no matter who they come from." A.P. Ershov and V.I. Bukatov consider hermeneutics as the science of the art of understanding both literary and any other texts: pictorial, musical, mathematical, reference, etc.

From the standpoint of hermeneutics, education is an appeal to the mental experience of the subject, to his "life world", which manifests itself as an experience.

Hermeneutic educational practice is built as work with children's experiences, their memories, expectations, fantasies. Important attributes of the educational process are children's poems, amateur songs, essays, autobiographical notes, diaries, letters. These products of children's verbal creativity must be accepted by the educator: not analyzed and evaluated, but recognized as a personal value of a maturing person who is allowed to be himself. Hermeneutical acceptance of a child is impossible without the reflection of the educator himself of his own childhood experience, his childhood experiences, “living through” memories from childhood.

Education in the spirit of hermeneutics should teach the child to understand the people around him and himself. Understanding in hermeneutics is considered as a procedure of comprehension: comprehension of meaning in any manifestations of human culture. Therefore, for education it is very important to turn to classical examples in literature, music, fine arts, where the main meanings have already been interpreted by great authors, and you just need to open up to them.

The hermeneutic approach gives a new understanding of the known methods and techniques of working with children, is associated with the widespread use of games (theatrical, folk, modern children's ...), with the organization of children's work in “microgroups” (a kind of “microsocieties”).

2.1. Socio-gaming technology is the development of a child in playful communication with peers. Today, in order to actively participate in the life of society, to realize oneself as a person, a person needs to constantly show creative activity, independence, discover and develop his abilities, continuously learn and improve himself. Therefore, for education, today more than ever, it is relevant " best rule politicians – not to govern too much…” – i.e. the less we manage children the more active position they occupy in life.

The essence of the socio-game style of work, its founders E. Ershova, V. Bukatov, defined the following wording: “We do not teach, but we establish situations where their participants want to trust both each other and their own experience, resulting in the effect of voluntary and learning , and learning, and training”.

By following these tips,

  • GCD is organized as a game-life between microgroups of children (small societies - hence the term “socio-play”) and simultaneously in each of them;
  • we systematically use socio-gaming technology both in specially organized activities and in organizing free activities of children. This makes it possible to unite children with a common cause or joint discussion. individual work and turning it into a collective.

2.2. Within the framework of this technology, we set ourselves the following tasks:

  • help children learn to communicate effectively;
  • make the educational process more fun for children;
  • to promote the development of their active position, independence, creativity;
  • instill in preschoolers the desire to learn new things.

Socio-game technology is aimed at the development of communication in children, therefore, this technology is based on the communication of children with each other, with an adult.

2.3. Communication of children within the framework of this technology will be organized in three stages:

  • at the very first stage we teach children the rules of communication, the culture of communication (children learn to negotiate, which means listening and hearing a partner, their own speech develops);
  • at the second stage, communication is the goal - the child in practice realizes how he needs to organize his communication in a microgroup in order to complete the learning task;
  • at the third stage, communication is a pedagogical tool, i.e. through communication I teach preschoolers.

2.4. The use of socio-gaming technology contributes to:

– realization of the needs of children in movement;
– maintaining their psychological health;
- the formation of communication skills in preschoolers.

Thus, socio-game pedagogy stands up for the rehabilitation of the methodological independence of the teacher. Any socio-gaming technology, technique, technique is just the lower “bar”, just “soil” for his methodical searches and personal prosperity.

2.5. Socio-gaming practice is based on three pillars.

What should be feared by those who are going to work in a socio-gaming style?

1. Lack of movement - one! If the children in the lesson were inactive, then there most likely was no socio-playing style in it (no matter what the teacher wrote down in his work plans or reports).

2. Lack of change, diversity, variability - two! If there were not at least two or three shifts in the activity, both in mise-en-scenes, and in roles, and in types of activity, then we can safely say that the activity was not entirely socio-playful.

3. Absence of small groups - three! If in the course of activities the children did not unite to work in small groups, or these groups did not enter into communication with each other (but only with the teacher himself), then socio-play pedagogy did not “closely lie”.

On the other hand, if these “three whales” - movement, variability, and work in small groups - were “obvious” in specially organized activities, then we can safely say that such an activity not only benefited the children, but also very much for them. liked.

3. Workshop “Work on the painting by V. Polenov “Moscow courtyard”.

And now let's try in practice to look for the meanings of activity for new understanding of what is happening.

To work, we need to split into teams.

1. The game "Teams".

Condition of the game: Everyone in order performs a movement defined by the word stamped - clapped - circled - bowed - looked around - said hello

At the end of the game, get together in teams according to the keyword (6 teams of educators, 2 teams of deputy heads).

2. Today we will try to build a chain of procedures that will lead us to our personal understanding of the painting by V. Polenov Moscow courtyard”.

The first stage of work wandering around the picture.

Methodology: Wandering start with the easiest, most familiar:

– What is light, hard, soft, rough, heavy, cold, hot, smooth;
- What is above, in, behind, under, in front of, behind?
What is big, what is small?
What is thin, what is thick?
What is long, what is short?
What is on the ground, what is in the air?
- How much and what?
- Why 2, 3 ...?
– Find objects made of glass, iron, wool, wood, etc.
What are the names of plants, living and non-living?
- Name the words in which there is a letter a, b .... or which begin or end with any letter.

Task for teams:

How many live objects are in the picture?
- What are the objects that have the shape of geometric shapes found in the picture?
- What is common in the picture of V. Polenov and indoors?
- What are the wooden objects depicted in the picture?
Can you name all the shades of green?
- How many paths are there from right to left and from top to bottom?
What species of trees and shrubs are shown in the picture?
What season is shown in the picture, and what time is it? Justify.
- Name the objects depicted by the author that begin with the letter "z"

This is where stage I ends. We wandered around the picture. She became closer, clearer, dearer.

The second stage of work looking for oddities.

Any art without oddities is not complete. And Pushkin, in one of his drafts, wrote that oddities are of two kinds: the first come from a lack of understanding, and the second from an excess of understanding and a lack of words to express it.

A striking example is the speech of E.E. Shuleshko. With an excess of thoughts and a lack of words, he now and then switched to a kind of bird language, very understandable (and even half a word), but only to caring interlocutors.

I want to remind you once again that with the discovery of oddities, the development of the zone of proximal development by the child begins. Let us direct our efforts in this direction.

Task for teams:

- Find in the picture strangeness, absurdity, that is, something that causes surprise.

Who has found more than 20 oddities.
- Who is less than 20, but more than 10?
- Who is more than 5?
– Name
- Which of the named oddities are found in others, etc.


When there are a lot of oddities, (and for each of them their own), new meanings, new options arise. It is fundamentally important that children not only find all sorts of oddities (VARIABILITY OF MEANINGS), but also make them public, discuss them with each other (APPEARANCE OF PLAN).

The third stage of work variety of meanings.

(Discussion of absurdities and oddities.)

Often we put one meaning into the spoken word, but we are understood differently, in our own way. No wonder Tyutchev rightly noted:

It is not given to us to predict how our word will respond.
And sympathy is given to us, just as grace is given to us.

So the teacher should work on this sympathy, and twist the teaching situation so that in this socio-game situation all those present have genuine sympathy - both children for each other, and the educator for his pupils.

Fourth stage of workexpression of intent.

To express the intention, we will compose a story using various literary genres. Choose a messenger who will take a task card.

Task for teams:


To clarify the correctness of the expression of the intention, we will present it to the audience (5 minutes for preparation).

Numbers are written on the cards with the task - this is the order of performance. Let's start with the largest number.

Team performance: Begin presentation paintings by V. Polenov “Moscow courtyard” As a guide, the team ...

So, in the course of working with the picture, we tried to get closer to understanding both our intention and the stage of our agreement with others and our understanding of the situation and our understanding of ourselves.

Work on understanding as a process and result of meaningful activity contributes to the activation of the cognitive activity of the child, the actualization of his creative potential, teaches to comprehend the world by means of art and, most importantly, preserves the human in a person. Understanding as a means of mastering reality is the most important regulator of human activity. To understand something means to comprehend, reveal, reconstruct the meaning. There is no meaning beyond understanding. Subjective meaning and objective meaning - from these aggregate elements of the content of consciousness, a personal meaning is formed, acting in the form of motivation for activity and attitude to the surrounding reality. Personal values ​​are associated with meaning, which determine human behavior. In order to form their own value-semantic space, the pupil must gain experience in transforming universal human values ​​into personal ones. This is the actualization of one's "I", the beginning of the formation of personality.


And now I will ask your teams to consult and answer the proposed questions:

How did you feel as a student?
- What are the discoveries, conclusions for yourself in connection with this?
– Have you become interested in using the Butterfly of the Socio-Game Learning Style in practice?

Thank you very much for your understanding.

And in conclusion, I want to say the following:

When organizing any activity with children, the teacher should ask himself simple questions that will help to see the real picture of what is happening in the lesson.

- Why did I offer the children this task?
Why did the kids do it?

Honest answers to such questions will help you to diagnose your behavior, intonation, thoughts, feelings, impressions, desires, fill your life with new meanings of activity.

Eliseeva Olga. Methodist: Ivanova Uliana Mikhailovna.
Socio-gaming technology in kindergarten

1. Introduction.

Introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard before school education and primary school education is an important stage in the continuity of activities children's kindergarten and school and the prospects for improving the quality of education in a holistic education system.

Preparing for school in the recent past was seen as more early learning first-class programs and was reduced to the formation of narrow-subject knowledge and skills. In this case, the continuity between preschool and primary school age was determined not by whether the future student developed the qualities necessary for the implementation of new educational activities, whether its prerequisites were formed, but by the presence or absence of certain knowledge in academic subjects. Although numerous studies by psychologists and educators have always said that the presence of knowledge in itself does not determine the success of learning, it is much more important that the child be able to independently acquire and apply them.

GEF DO dotted all "i", legitimizing the principles of preschool education in the Russian Federation.

Now "teach" preschooler - it means to make learning motivated, to teach the child to independently set a goal and find ways, including means, to achieve it, to help the child develop the skills of control and self-control, assessment and self-esteem. Therefore, the leading goal of preparing for school according to the Federal State Educational Standard was the formation in a preschooler of the qualities necessary for mastering educational activities - curiosity, initiative, independence, arbitrariness, creative self-expression of the child, etc.

In accordance with these requirements, the Development Program has been developed in MADOU DSOV No. 40, the purpose of which is to create an integrated model of a developing educational space that provides conditions for the successful achievement of targets for preschool education with the purposeful use of modern developmental technologies.

Thus, the problem was identified - the imperfection of the organization children's activities through socio-gaming technology in accordance with modern requirements.

1.1. Application socio-gaming technology in the classroom with preschoolers

The need to use games in the assimilation of program material is so obvious that it does not need proof. Everyone understands that the game is beneficial to the overall development child: stimulates his cognitive interests, activates intellectual and creative abilities, enables children to assert themselves and realize themselves, helps to fill the lack of communication.

However, the inclusion of the game in the course of the lesson is not easy. There are conflicts between teaching and gaming activity that teachers necessarily face when introducing gaming teaching methods into the outline of the lesson. I also faced such difficulties. And, above all, the fear of turning learning into entertainment, when children and adults can "to play too much".

I tried to conduct classes in an interesting way, using various pedagogical innovations, I also used the game. But the desired results were not fully achieved. And then to deal with difficulties and increase the educational potential of the lesson helped socio-gaming technology.

The main task of the application « socio - gaming» technologies: assimilation by children of active forms of life, in the knowledge and approval of their own personalities: formation of skills and abilities of friendly communicative interaction; ensuring mental well-being; correction of impulsive behavior.

Social gaming technology orients the educator to find ways of such communication with children, in which tedious coercion gives way to enthusiasm (they first of all raise a child, and then develop). Correct meaning socio- game pedagogy - group - game pedagogy. Any children's the game should be played in an atmosphere of mutual understanding, agreement on the “rights” to make a mistake and the “duties” to hear and see others. The teacher must remember that an adult and a child have the same right to make mistakes. However, practice shows that the activities of many teachers are very declarative: an adult is always right and a child should not argue with him, defending his point of view.

Differences between traditional and socio- game pedagogy, conceived in my mind, developed and approved the ideas of transition from the pedagogy of requirements to the pedagogy of relations, the perception of children, not as "object", but as "subject" development and education.

The basis socio-gaming technology is embedded in words: "We do not teach, but we create situations where their participants want to trust each other and their own experience, resulting in the effect of voluntary training, training and learning" (V. M. Bukatov).

The meaning of the main vector socio-gaming technology including so that educators learn to listen to children. And in this they can help three socio-game postulate(principle) pedagogical excellence (according to E. E. Shuleshko).

1. "Don't teach!"

If most of the usual technologies are focused on, as better teacher explain, explain, teach socio-gaming technology, educators need, first of all, to learn not so much to explain, how much ... to be silent! Because their task is not to teach, but to create situations where children begin to learn, that is, to teach themselves.

2. "133 hares!"

As people say: “If you chase two hares, you won’t catch one”. And here, if socio-gaming, then the matter is otherwise: “If you chase, then immediately after 133 hares. Then, you look, you will catch a dozen, of which five will be unknown to science. In other words, unexpected joy.

3. "Don't be afraid to be an idiot!"

When a teacher, without prejudice, admits to children that he really doesn’t know about this or that, it inspires children so much! But for this, the educator must be able to educational activities enter the realm of the unknown.

Social gaming technology involves the integration of areas. This gives a positive result in the field of communication, cognition, emotional-volitional sphere, more intensively develops intellectual ability children in comparison with traditional education, promotes speech, artistic and aesthetic, social and physical development preschoolers. In general, everything that we would like to see in children during their transition to school.

2.2. Methods and games to activate the mental activities:

In my work I use different methods of activating the mental activities:

I. Methods that increase cognitive activity:

Elementary analysis - a starting point is needed for more complex causal analysis, allowing to consider causal relationships;

Comparison by similarity or contrast: grouping, classification of objects, phenomena, a combination of verbal explanation, practical implementation and game motivation.

II. Methods that cause emotional activity.

Playing tricks are used on an imaginary situation:

Surprise moments, elements of novelty that set the child up for learning, sharpen the desire to unravel the secret, solve the riddle;

Inventing fairy tales;

Games - dramatizations;

Humor and jokes.

A combination of various means in one lesson has a strong effect on the feelings of children.

III. Methods that promote interconnection different types activities and areas.

Creation subject environment- this method helps to improve skills, accumulate sensory experience, solve cognitive problems.

IV. Correction methods and clarification children's performances:




Properly selected task games help to increase the motivation of children to study, gain new knowledge, and explore the unknown.

Sequence of administration games:

Game for working mood - "Shadow - sweat", "Stand on your fingers", "I'm standing, I'm looking at someone", Freeze, « Magic wand» , "Flies - does not fly" and etc.

Games socio- game character - "Compliment", "Make a Word", "Living Alphabet" and etc.

Games of creative self-affirmation - "Bravo", "Scenes-stories", "Animals" and etc.

Freestyle games requiring movement - "Secret", "Traps", "Ring - ring", “Where we were, we won’t say, but what we did, we’ll show”, "Day and night" and etc.

Thus, based on all of the above, it follows that the municipal experiment on the study of the use of socio-gaming technology in the educational process of a preschool educational organization will contribute to the solution of the main tasks of the Concept of Lifelong Education and the implementation of the federal state educational standard of preschool education.

4. Generalization, conclusions.

In conclusion, I will briefly dwell on the problems, or as they say now "human factor". It was difficult for me to change the manner of teaching to the manner of listening and hearing children, trusting them. To help at their request, and not at will, to give them the right to learn for themselves. Not to be the initiator of everything and everything, but to supplement the initiative of children with your own initiative. Sometimes in class, unexpected improvisations arise "at every step". There used to be one answer to kid: "Your question will be answered after class" and now I'm trying to hear everyone.

Via socio- game pedagogy, I overcame my fear of mistakes, leadership, the desire to demonstrate my skills, to be correct and truthful in everything. I know how to play interestingly, so I organize games, invent them, I can remove myself from the judicial role without giving any instructions, I give children the opportunity to see the difficulties and everyone can cope with them on their own.

Not only the children have changed, we, the educators, have also changed. We try to maintain friendly relations with children, we do not interfere with the exercise of independence, we create conditions for children to communicate with each other. After all, what is communication? This is a union of two souls and children become equal even for a moment. One moment of communication gives more for education than whole hours of teachings. We consider such relationships with peers as the most important and most important thing in the life of children.

Scope of application: lesson training in elementary, middle and senior general education school;collective forms additional education, group forms preschool education and education, interactive classroom learning technologies in university. There are different terminological spellings (in addition to spelling charez hyphen permissible and conjoined writing - socio-game techniques - and through oblique- social/gaming technologies). Diversity of social gaming technologies is based on:

· on the game methods of theatrical pedagogy of the Russian psychological theater (which since the end of the 19th century were developed by K.S. Stanislavsky and from the 30s of the 20th century were actively promoted in America by one of his best students - M. Chekhov);

on the psychological ideas of hermeneutics (developed in the 19th-20th century by students and followers of A.A. Potebnya, and in the last third of the 20th century by E.E. Shuleshka)

Since the 70s, socio-gaming technologies have been actively developed by A.P. Ershova and V.M. Bukatov (1980; 1998; 2000; 2008). Main organizational and methodological parameters (landmarks):

Motor activity of the students themselves;

· Variety (mandatory change) during the lesson: the roles carried out (by both the students and the teacher), the tempo / rhythm of the activity, the working mise-en-scenes;

· Working in small groups.

A comprehensive orientation to these three parameters allows students to provide situational implementation

· their motivational freedom (voluntariness);

their informational initiative (communicativeness);

their business competence (independence).

The pairing of these qualities in the course of educational and cognitive activity leads to training-strengthening-expansion of the creative potential of the individual. In socio-game pedagogy, much attention is paid to the features behavior teacher and development pedagogical excellence: see "Direction of the lesson" (A. Ershova, V. Bukatov; 4th edition: M. 2010). And situational design of game techniques: "Drama-hermeneutics" (V. Bukatov, 1994; see

Parsing the manager's mail

Method Parsing the manager's mail(documentation, correspondence) has a pronounced managerial orientation. The implementation of the method involves modeling the activities of the organization, which is presented in the form of a set of documents prepared by the head of the organization for analysis. These can be letters from third-party organizations, memos from the heads of related organizations and subordinates, outgoing letters prepared for signing and sending, memorandums, as well as private and “random” documents that are not within the competence of this manager. The method is used in the form of a didactic game. Participants must study the documents, take the necessary decisions on them, put resolutions. In addition, they must form a definite opinion about the situation in the enterprise. The final part of the game is held in the form of a discussion with an analysis of the actions of the players and their understanding of the situation at the enterprise.

One of the methods is the so-called trash bin. When implementing this method, the game participants are invited to consider a set of individual lines of documents that partially imitate the result of the paper cutting machine for the destruction of documents.


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Application didactic games in the process of mastering professional competencies by students of a pedagogical university

TOPIC 14: Business games

business game

Business game - a means of modeling a variety of conditions professional activity(including extreme ones) by searching for new ways of its implementation. The business game imitates various aspects of human activity and social interaction. The game is also a method of effective learning, as it removes the contradictions between the abstract nature of the subject and the real nature of professional activity. There are many names and varieties of business games that may differ in the method of implementation and goals: didactic and managerial games, role-playing games, problem-oriented, organizational and activity games, etc.

A business game allows you to find a solution to complex problems by applying special rules for discussion, stimulating the creative activity of participants, both with the help of special methods work (for example, by the “Brainstorming” method, and with the help of moderative work of psychologists-game technicians, which provide productive communication. A problem-oriented business game is usually held for no more than 3 days. It allows you to generate solutions to many problems and outline ways for the development of the organization, launch a mechanism for the implementation of strategic goals.

The use of business games allows you to identify and trace the features of the psychology of the participants. Therefore, business games are often used in the selection process. They can be used to determine:

the level of business activity of the candidate for a particular position;

the presence of tactical and (or) strategic thinking;

speed of adaptation in new conditions (including extreme ones);

the ability to analyze one's own capabilities and build an appropriate line of behavior;

the ability to predict the development of processes;

the ability to analyze the possibilities and motives of other people and influence their behavior;

leadership style, orientation in decision-making to the game "on oneself" or "in the interests of the team" and many others. others

Business games allow you to get a more or less clear idea of ​​how a person will behave in a team, which is very important for a leader. Which of the team members will become a natural leader, who will be an idea generator, and who will propose effective ways their incarnations. For example, game participants who pay great attention to small details, the details of solving problems, as a rule, are excellent technical workers, good performers.

The professional organization of business games is a very expensive event, therefore they are used mainly in the selection of management personnel.

The scenario for conducting a business game most often looks like this.

In the introductory speech, the participants of the game are given tasks, the leaders and organizers of the game are introduced, and its program is announced. In a problematic lecture, the participants are given a setting: to overcome the psychological inertia of thinking, destroy the traditional scheme of views and ideas, and, at least for a while, break away from traditional conditions, established stereotypes of thinking.

The lecture is followed by a simple introductory role-playing game. Its goal is to activate the participants in the game, awaken their creative forces, bring them closer to each other, if they have not previously had to work in such a composition, create an atmosphere of goodwill and trust, on the one hand, rivalry and creative discussion, on the other.

Further, all participants are randomly divided into several equal groups that will work on the stated problem. Each nominates a candidate who prepares his keynote speech and delivers it. Based on the results of the discussion, a vote is taken. Role-playing game goes at a fast pace, developing the improvisational thinking of the players.

After that, the groups, equal in number and representation (functional and level), formed in advance, are removed, each to its own premises, to conduct a brainstorming session on one of the problems. In each of these groups there is a game technician-methodologist, whose task is to skillfully organize the process.

The task of the search group for each new brain attack begins with the selection of a leader on this problem, who must organize the work of the group, prepare a report for the conference and defend the chosen program of action in a competitive struggle. Simultaneously with the leader, an opponent is selected, his task is to evaluate the program of the adjacent group. The methodologist helps the head of the search group to organize teamwork to develop proposals.

The game technician-methodist must ensure that for each of the problems a new leader of the search group and a new opponent are elected, thus achieving the maximum activity of all participants in the game. When choosing a leader, it is very important to observe democracy: both managers and ordinary specialists should be nominated as leaders.

Upon completion of independent work, the search group defends its project at a general conference. Reports are usually subject to the following requirements:

1. Give a brief analysis of the problem posed.
2. Justify the developed proposals.
3. Prove the practical significance of the proposals and the possibility of their implementation.

In the problem-oriented business game, everyone is equal, administrative positions are “liquidated” for the duration of the game, no one should enjoy any advantage. It is allowed to express any ideas, however, during the game, criticism of the individual is completely unacceptable.

On this basis, relationships are gradually formed that bring together different views, opinions, experiences and allow us to develop something whole. This technology allows you to delve deeply into the problem, ensure mutual understanding between people and achieve the unity of social action that can turn the tide, resolve the crisis or create a fundamentally new solution to an urgent problem.

Leaders who speak at conferences usually turn in recordings of their speeches to the leaders of the business game. Hand over their records and opponents from each group. Video recording of all conferences of the business game is also carried out. Thus, questions, answers and discussion points are recorded. Game directors, members of the expert committee and methodologists also keep their records. Based on all collected materials, a joint report is being prepared.


tatyana zhultaeva
The use of socio-gaming technology in working with preschoolers

In the context of updating the content of education, the teacher preschool education, it is necessary to be able to navigate the variety of integrative approaches to the development of children, in a wide range of modern technologies.

One of these technology is a socio-gaming.

The term itself « socio-play style» appeared in 1988. Socio developers-game pedagogy are Shuleshko E.E., Bukatov V.M., Ershova A.P.

Shuleshko Evgeny Evgenyevich - President of the International Federation of Free Education, a well-known Moscow psychologist and teacher.

Bukatov Vyacheslav Mikhailovich - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, one of the main developers of social gaming learning style.

Ershova Alexandra Petrovna - teacher and director, daughter of the outstanding Russian director and theater theorist Pyotr Ershov.

The basis socio-game pedagogy is embedded in words: "We do not teach, but we create situations where their participants want to trust each other and their own experience, resulting in the effect of voluntary training, training and learning" (V. M. Bukatov, E. E. Shuleshko).

"Golden Rules" socio-gaming technology

(according to V. M. Bukatov)

1 rule: Small group work is used or, as they are also called, "peer groups". Optimal for productive communication and development are associations in small groups in younger age in pairs and triples, at an older age - 5-6 children each.

By the color of the clothes;

So that at least one letter in the name is the same;

Who lives on what floor;

Even-odd, one-digit-two-digit apartment number;

Find on solid and diverse postcards something the same and by that "the same" unite in triplets, etc.

2 rule: "Change of Leadership". Work in small groups it involves collective activity, and the opinion of the whole group is expressed by one person, the leader. Moreover, the children themselves choose the leader and he must constantly change.

3 rule: Learning is combined with motor activity and a change of mise-en-scenes, which helps to relieve emotional stress. Children not only sit, but also get up, walk, clap their hands, play with the ball. Can communicate in different places groups: in the center, at the tables, on the floor, in your favorite corner, in the reception area, etc.

4 rule: Change of tempo and rhythm. Time limits help to change the pace and rhythm. Children have an understanding that each task has its own beginning and end and requires a certain concentration.

Rule 5 A: Integration of all activities that meets modern requirements. Learning takes place in the playroom form: can use different games developing attention, hearing, thinking, the ability to interact with each other friend: "Hearing", "Relay race", "I'm not responsible for myself", "Magic wand", "Cities with the Unseen" etc.

6 rule: Principle Orientation polyphony: “You chase after 133 hares, you look and you catch a dozen”. It is more interesting for a child to acquire knowledge together with his peers, he is more motivated.

Social gaming technology is aimed at the development of communication in children, therefore, at the heart of this technology children communicate with each other and with adults.

Laws of communication

o Do not humiliate, do not insult the child, do not show discontent.

o Be mutually polite, tolerant and restrained.

o Treat failure as another learning experience.

o Support, believe, help the child in solving his problems.

o Dreamer children: Don't ignore their problems.

Communication of children within the framework of this technology goes through three stages:

o at the first stage, children learn the rules of communication, the culture of communication;

o at the second stage, the child realizes in practice how he needs to organize his communication in a microgroup in order to complete the learning task;

o at the third stage, communication is a pedagogical tool, i.e. through communication, the teacher teaches preschoolers.

Application socio-gaming technology contributes to the realization of the needs of children in movement, the preservation of their psychological health, as well as the formation of communication skills in preschoolers.

Five tips for educators preschool organizations

First advice: Be prepared for your own misses:

o Whatever proposal to play, show, remember, invent or fulfill - the educator makes, he must proceed from the real possibilities of this group. But these possibilities are not immediately revealed, so he needs to be prepared for his possible mistakes, since the upcoming activity may not always be successful.

o All obstacles encountered in socio-play work, the educator should be considered as the content of educational activity, seeing in it the essence of their tasks, and in overcoming them - the essence of the development of both the entire group and the child himself.

o Second tip: Do not chew on the meaning of the task

o Often children say that they do not start doing the task because nothing "not understood". But that doesn't mean it's necessary "chew" tasks so that there is nothing left to guess, figure out, understand for the child himself.

o B socio- game tasks share of independence performer must grow from time to time. Then the children can feel: "didn't understand"- it's probably just being careful, "too lazy" or think, or try. And if they see how one of them tries, and understand that there is nothing wrong with that, then the number of those who referred to "didn't understand" will decrease.

o Sometimes the teacher needs to explain (repeat) task, if she felt that the previous explanation turned out to be incomprehensible in essence, more precisely through her own fault, and not because of the inattention or passivity of the children being taught.

o The third tip: Pay attention to interesting surprises

o If the task is performed incorrectly by children due to the fact that it was misunderstood, it is necessary to pay attention to everything unexpected and interesting in the performance of the misunderstood task. Sometimes it turns out to be more interesting and useful than "loyal" option planned by the teacher.

o It is more important to include in work activity, even inaccurately directed, than to drown it out with fear of error or reinforce it in children installation: first you tell me how and what to do, and only then I will do it if I am sure that it will work out. Otherwise, the union of children and educator breaks up into the leadership of an adult and the dependence of a child. As a result, equality will disappear, the game will die. There will be one work, the joy of which is reduced to expectation - "when will my aunt praise me".

o The fourth tip: Seeing valuable clues in children's rejections

o Most "terrible" trouble - the refusal of some children to participate in the proposed game (task, exercise)- is removed by the preliminary readiness of the educator to overcome this refusal with a special set of such exercises that will allow those who refuse to find confidence in themselves to participate in the general work.

o Facing childish rejection ceases to be "scary", if you take it as a timely clue given by the child.

o Fifth Tip: Learn to enjoy the noise

o Often, educators are dissatisfied with the extraneous, it would seem, extraneous noise, natural with an increase in the activity of students

o children. It is necessary to be attentive to what is happening (that is, noticing and seeing specific children, give yourself report: "harmful" whether the noise that arose on the ground. And this is not always the case!

o Most often "noise" comes from spontaneous business "rehearsals". And so you need to be glad that the task makes children want work.

Game classification socio- gaming orientation,

proposed by E. E. Shuleshko, A. P. Ershova and VM. Bukatov

1. Games for working spirit. The main task of games is to arouse children's interest in each other, to put the participants in the game in some kind of dependence on each other, providing a general increase in the mobilization of attention and body.

2. Warm-up games (discharging). The principle of universal accessibility, an element of competition for a ridiculous, frivolous win; give the kids a chance to play.

3. Games socio- game involvement in the case.

Can used in the process of assimilation or consolidation educational material; if children learn to distinguish something, memorize, systematize, etc., then they will learn this in the process of performing game tasks.

4. Games of creative self-affirmation. When performing them, artistic and performance result.

5. Freestyle games (at will). Games that require space and freedom of movement. The game arises from a special, unusual combination of diverse efforts. We combine the matter for the head with the matter for the legs, the matter for the eyes with the matter for the ears and the matter for the tongue (listen, hear and listen to the speech of the interlocutor, and then things become a game.

pros socio-play style

o The teacher is an equal partner;

o The barrier between the teacher and the child is destroyed;

o Children are independent and initiative;

o Children themselves set the rules of the game;

o Children discuss the problem, find ways to solve it;

o Children negotiate, communicate (perform the role of both speakers and the role of listeners);

o Children communicate within the microgroup and between microgroups;

o Children help each other and also control each other;

o Socio- the game style teaches active children to recognize the opinion of their comrades, and gives timid and insecure children the opportunity to overcome their complexes and indecision.

Master Class.

Topic: ""Socio-game tasks and exercises"".

Educator MBDOU d / s No. 21

Myakishova O.D.

Target: To acquaint educators with socio-gaming technology.


Master class form:

With teachers;

Message with presentation elements + practical work.

Master class structure:

  1. Introductory part.
  • Announcement of the topic and purpose of the master class.
  • Rationale for the choice of socio-gaming technology.
  1. Theoretical demo part.
  • Three pillars of the socio-play style of learning;
  • What forms the socio-play approach in children;
  • The positive side of the socio-game style;
  • Five tips to help develop and strengthen the bond between caregivers and children through play;
  • Classification of socio-game tasks-exercises.
  1. Practical part.
  • Games with listeners, demonstration of methods for organizing and conducting game tasks-exercises.
  1. Reflection of the students of the master class. Summarizing.

Master class progress.

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Good afternoon, dear colleagues. The purpose of our master class: to get acquainted with the socio-gaming technology. Since the topic of our festival is devoted to the interaction of a teacher with preschoolers, I would like to invite you to get acquainted with social gaming games, tasks and exercises that are built on the interaction of adults and children, as well as peers among themselves and develop many of the personality traits of the child specified in the targets of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool education.

Master class tasks:

  • Arouse interest in the socio-gaming technology among the participants.
  • To acquaint teachers with the methods of organizing and conducting socio-game tasks and exercises.
  • To create conditions for active, creative communication of the participants of the master class.

Socio-play style is the organization of educational activities as a game between microgroups of children and simultaneously in each of them (small societies - hence the term "socio-play").

The microgroup allows the child to set the goal of his actions himself (within the proposed framework of the general work), to seek possible solutions feel the freedom to choose knowledge and practical opportunities and show independence in solving their own problems.

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Three pillars of socio-play learning style:

Motor activity of pupils;

Change of scenes, roles, tempo-rhythm in educational situations;

Children work in small groups.

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Socio-game approaches are based on the formation and use by children of the ability to freely and with interest discuss various issues, skills

follow the course of a common conversation and business, the ability to provide each other with help and accept it when needed.

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Positive aspects of the socio-game style.

  • Active relationships are being established: “child - peers”;
  • The teacher is an equal partner;
  • The barrier between the teacher and the child is destroyed;
  • Children are peer-oriented, which means they are not submissive executors of the teacher's instructions;
  • Children are independent and initiative;
  • Children themselves set the rules of the game;
  • Children discuss the problem, find ways to solve it;
  • Children agree, communicate (play the role of speaking, listening, and doing);
  • Children communicate within the microgroup and between microgroups;
  • Children help each other and also control each other;
  • Socio-playing style teaches active children to recognize the opinions of their comrades, and gives timid and insecure children the opportunity to overcome their complexes and indecision.

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Five tips to help develop and strengthen the bond between caregivers and children during play:

  1. Be prepared for your own failures. Obstacles encountered in socio-play work should be considered as the content of classes, to see in them the essence of one's tasks, and in overcoming them - the essence of the development of the child and the group.
  2. Do not chew the meaning of the task. In socio-game tasks, the proportion of independence should increase from time to time. Children should feel: “I didn’t understand” - it means that they were careful, “too lazy” to think and try. And if they see how one of them is trying, and see that there is nothing wrong with that, the number of those who referred to "didn't understand" will decrease.
  3. Pay attention to interesting surprises. If the task is performed incorrectly, because it was misunderstood, it is necessary to pay attention to everything unexpected and interesting in the performance of the misunderstood task. Sometimes it turns out to be more interesting and useful than the "correct" option.
  4. Do not be afraid of children's failures. The most "terrible" difficulty is the refusal of some children to participate in the proposed game. The teacher can overcome this refusal by a special selection of preparatory exercises so that the child finds the confidence to participate in the common work.
  5. Learn to enjoy the noise. With the noisy activity of children aimed at completing the task, the teacher should rather not worry, but rejoice that the task makes everyone want to work and get involved in the work of the children himself, helping each group with unobtrusive advice.

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Classification of socio-game tasks-exercises

  • Task games for "working mood" have the potential to arouse interest in each other, put participants in some kind of dependency on each other or provide a general increase in mobilization of attention and body;
  • Games for "socio-game involvement"- each of these games can be supplemented and loaded with educational material, which is learned with particular success in games;
  • Game "warm-up exercises"- common to this group of exercises is the principle of universal accessibility, easily excitable gambling and a ridiculously frivolous win. In these tasks, the mechanism of active psychologically effective rest dominates;
  • Exercises for "creative self-affirmation" have their own specifics only in the fact that when they are performed, the artistic and performing result of the action is taken into account;
  • "Free" exercise games- outdoor games held "in the wild" and require sufficient space and freedom of movement.

So, let's turn to the practice of the socio-game approach.

For this I invite 12 participants.

  1. Games - tasks for the "working mood".

I propose to choose a part of the split pictures and take part in compiling "your" picture. We have formed 3 teams.

Come up with a name for your team.

  1. Magic wand game - can have many options.

The "Magic Wand" will go from one team to another. The transmitting team, after conferring, should name the fairy tale, and the receiving team - the hero of this fairy tale.

Comments :

The exercise captures the moment of dialogue: heard - answered, speech development, attention development, the ability to solve problems together, and enthusiasm training.

  1. The next game for the "working mood" is called "Stand on the fingers."

I invite the teams to sit on the chairs.

The first team plays, and the second team "judges" observe the accuracy of the execution of the command: "Freeze!".

Starting position: everyone is sitting; the host, turning away, raises several fingers on one or both hands above his head and counts out loud to three, after which he says: “Freeze!”. Then he turns to the players. There should be exactly as many people in the room as the number of fingers shown. Moreover, it is impossible to communicate with each other in any way.


In this exercise, each person internally decides and externally determines the extent of their participation in the task. The willingness of everyone to stand up or immediately sit down. Mobilizes all players.

(There must be excitement leading!)

  1. Games for “socio-gaming involvement in business.

Please come to the tables, and by selecting a geometric figure, find your team. Take a seat on the chairs. One team plays, the other acts as referees, then they change.

  1. Chairs game.

The whole group on command: “Ready! You are welcome!" - simultaneously gets up, raising the chairs, puts them in the form of some figure (for example, in a semicircle facing the door) and at the same time putting the chairs sits down. You can’t talk during the task, you can’t give orders, everyone works at the same time. This is followed by the "judges".

Circle in the center. Get ready! You are welcome!

The letter "P" facing the mirrors. Get ready! You are welcome!

Semicircle back to the door. Get ready! You are welcome!