
Hematite description. Hematite - description, healing and magical properties. Healing properties of hematite stone


Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="(!LANG:hematite stone" width="250" height="206">!} Unique Creation nature, of extraordinary beauty, a stone called hematite or bloodstone, since ancient times has established itself as a talisman of magicians and alchemists, protecting from dark forces and astral attacks, concentrating the forces of Mars in itself. Hematite stone got its name because of the coloring of the water in which the mineral is cooled during processing, in a blood-red color. It is this property that has always attracted close attention to the stone.

Hematite stone has valuable healing and magical properties, popular as many centuries ago, and to this day. Being a powerful energy source, the mineral does not tolerate a frivolous attitude, so it should not be worn just like that, thoughtlessly. Before putting on hematite jewelry, you need to fully concentrate on a specific goal that will be achieved thanks to this stone.

A bit of history

The stone was known in ancient times and was valued in many countries. The properties of hematite to heal many diseases, in particular blood diseases, were popular in Russia. It was given into the hands of women in labor, thereby stopping the bleeding, for which the mineral was called hematite-bloody.

Jpg" alt="(!LANG:hematite stones" width="280" height="206">!} Ancient women looked into the gem like a mirror due to its shiny "metal" surface. There was a superstition that such a mirror took the soul from the one who looked into it.

In ancient Egypt, it was considered a sacred stone, which was very fond of the goddess Isis. All the priestesses of this goddess put on bloodstone products during ritual actions. It was believed that hematite protects the supreme goddess from evil forces when she came to Earth. One of the sacred symbols of Egypt was also made from the mineral - scarab beetles, which, according to local beliefs, protected those who wore them.

The Indians made hematite powder, with which they painted their bodies. In addition, many cave paintings were created in this way.

In India, the stone was revered as a symbol of courage and wisdom, and in ancient Rome, before the start of battles, warriors wore amulets made of blood gems, which, it was believed, gave them courage and protected them from death.

In Europe in the Middle Ages, hematite was known as a magical talisman for mediums and sorcerers. With the help of it, spirits were summoned, and evil spirits were expelled. It was the bloodstone that drew magic circles and secret signs.

Description and properties

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="" width="47" height=" 78"> Hematite is a chemical compound of iron and oxygen (iron oxide) with the chemical formula Fe2O3. Hematite ore, which has a high iron content (50-65%), is the main raw material for smelting steel and iron.

The color of the stone varies from red-brown to dark gray and black. Bloodstone crystals are lamellar, flat and opaque, with a metallic sheen, however, if you take a thin plate of the mineral, you can see objects through it. Hematite is present in other rocks in the form of tiny particles, so many minerals are covered with a red tint.

The properties of hematite include its ability to color water red. Its powder is used to make red paint (red ocher).

Outwardly, bloodstone is similar to jet and obsidian, but much heavier and harder, but the stone is very fragile, so hematite products should be worn very carefully, avoiding friction, falls and bumps.

Deposits and applications

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="(!LANG: hematite ball" width="250" height="290">!} In Russia, there is a huge deposit of hematite ores, which is located in the Kursk region (Kursk magnetic anomaly). Iron-carbon steels and cast iron are smelted from this ore. Hematite is also mined in the Urals, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, the USA, Alaska, and England.

In Alaska, the most beautiful bloodstone crystals are found, black, with a unique brilliance, similar to diamond, but thin, invisible cracks do not allow these stones to be used in jewelry. Hematite intergrowths of the highest quality in terms of their properties are found in England and in the south of the USA.

Deposits of hematite ores are practically inexhaustible. And more than 90% of iron have exactly hematites. And how quickly they form! Thanks to volcanic activity, iron compounds are daily carried out from the bowels to the surface of the Earth.

Types of stone

Under natural conditions, there are several varieties of hematite that differ in appearance, color and properties:

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Jewelers appreciate only those varieties that are black.

How to distinguish a fake

How to distinguish hematite from a fake? Despite the fact that the gem is quite easy to find in nature, the stone is often faked. They pass it off as cermet or hematin, a synthetic analogue of hematite, which is very difficult to distinguish from a real bloodstone, but still possible.

A natural mineral is not attracted by a magnet, unlike a synthetic one. Real crystals leave red streaks if they scratch the surface of ceramic dishes, while fakes do not leave marks. Also, due to its high iron content, hematite is much heavier than its artificial counterparts.

Hematite magical properties

Hematite, the properties of the mineral in the magical sphere are quite extraordinary and unexpected. Since ancient times, the bloodstone has been considered the stone of warlocks and sorcerers, however, despite this, the mineral will not help in the fulfillment of evil intentions. It is necessary to wear mineral products very carefully - the mineral does not tolerate negativity both in the soul and in thoughts, and can do harm if a person with impure thoughts puts it on.

The gem has a very powerful energy, which includes the power of Mars. Not without reason, large deposits of this mineral were discovered on Mars, which explains the red color of the planet. The stone gives its owner power over other people, brings him wisdom and the ability to recognize the signs of the universe. .jpg" alt="(!LANG:hematite earrings" width="180" height="231">!}

Still, the main function of hematite in magic is considered to be protection from negativity and dark forces. Amulets made of stone are recommended to be worn by people associated with risk, for example, military personnel, police officers and the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Such amulets will be able to protect them from injuries and accidents.

Thoughtlessly wearing a gem is not worth it - the stone requires respect and reverence.

Healing properties of bloodstone

The healing properties of the gem have been in demand since ancient times. Hematite is able to heal many diseases, but its main path is the treatment of blood diseases, including anemia. With the help of the mineral, you can stop bleeding, normalize hemoglobin, normalize blood composition, cleanse the hematopoietic organs - blood vessels, heart, kidneys, liver, spleen, improve blood formation, thereby normalizing arterial pressure.

If there are wounds and cuts, the mineral will heal them in an accelerated process. The gem perfectly fights colds and viral diseases, raising immunity.

Hematite has an influence on the sexual chakra, thereby enhancing sexual function and healing ailments associated with sexual disorders.

Who is hematite suitable for?

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="(!LANG:Aries" width="60" height="60"> Гематит подходит немногим знакам зодиака. .jpg" alt="Crayfish" width="70" height="53">.jpg" alt="Scorpion" width="60" height="60"> Его могут носить лишь Скорпионы, Раки и Овны, так как это энергетически сильные знаки Зодиака. Ракам минерал даёт мужество и силу, а также усмиряет их чрезмерные эмоции. Скорпионов защищает от повышенной раздражительности, и вообще, работает как защитный оберег от различного негатива.!}

Jpg" alt="(!LANG:Pisces" width="40" height="40">.jpg" alt="Twins" width="40" height="39">.jpg" alt="" width="40" height="40"> Противопоказан минерал Рыбам, Близнецам и Девам. Эти знаки несовместимы с гематитом по своей энергетике — камень будет их угнетать, вызывая тревогу и нервные расстройства.!}

Other signs of the zodiac may wear bloodstone products if they are related to magic and esotericism.

Gem products

Despite the fact that stone products are quite popular, they are inexpensive. A beautifully polished stone will look best in a silver frame - the unique metallic sheen of bloodstone does not match, for example, with gold.

Mineral earrings, rings, pendants, as well as bracelets, which are popular for medicinal purposes, are in great demand. Gem products are made mainly in small sizes, since hematite is a rather heavy stone. Figurines and various figurines are made from solid pieces of the mineral.

Png" alt="" width="40" height="40"> The stone should not be worn in the hot season on a naked body - you can get burned.

It is worth remembering that in order for a hematite ring to bring happiness and good luck, it must be worn: for women - on the index finger of the left hand, and for men - on the right.

It is important to properly care for bloodstone products. Since the stone is quite fragile, it must be protected from damage and scratches. It is recommended to store the mineral separately from other jewelry. Often keep under running water to clean from negative energy, which the bloodstone absorbs like a sponge.

If a stone is treated with love and respect, it will reciprocate to its owner and will for a long time delight him with her beauty, as well as devotion.

- this is one of the most effective ways to emphasize your individuality. After all, the dark saturated shade of hematite with its inherent metallic luster looks not just impressive - but truly bewitching!

Hematite has special shades, unlike any other - metallic black, metallic gray, graphite, brown-red with tints. After thorough polishing, hematite stones acquire a fantastically beautiful metallic luster. All types of hematite on the edges and on thin chips are translucent with a blood-red tint. The name of the mineral is translated from Greek as “like blood” (haimatites). If crushed hematite, you get a powder of bright red color. And if you put it in water, it will turn into pink color. For many centuries, hematite has been called "bloody" by the people. The mineral is also called "Alaskan diamond", "iron kidney", "blood stone".

The structure of the mineral is very unusual. It is not for nothing that varieties of hematite have such luxurious names: “Iron Shine” (Specularite), “Iron Mica”, “Iron Rose”, “Red Ironstone”, “Red Glass Head”, etc. The word "iron" is often found in the names - this is because hematite is nothing more than iron ore. The names of varieties of hematite are directly related to the structure of the mineral, which can be very different. For example, the "Red Glass Head" is a large kidney-shaped pieces of red iron ore with a very smooth fracture, really like a head. "Iron Shine" - these are hematite stones, which are distinguished by the strongest metallic luster. "Iron mica" is hematite, which has a scaly, thin-lamellar structure.

Particularly interesting are the hematite "Iron Roses" - very spectacular samples of the rock with beautiful rounded intergrowths of plates, which in their appearance are very reminiscent of roses. Such iron flowers look amazingly cute and are a valuable collectible material. The largest of them are found in Austria. Their diameter reaches 16 centimeters. In Russia, in the Urals, there are "iron roses" with a diameter of 5 centimeters.

Star fashion for hematite

Many modern star persons have been seen wearing luxurious stone jewelry. The most famous of them are Sarah Jessica Parker, Kate Moss, Emma Watson, Audrey Tautou. In Russia, hematite is loved by Victoria Daineko, Nastya Kamensky, Ani Lorak, Lera Kudryavtseva, Zara and other celebrities. Jewelry with stone always looks spectacular and exclusive - both evening and daytime options. Hematite cocktail decorations are especially chic, leaving no one indifferent. V last years fashion for hematite jewelry is constantly growing. The unusual beauty of the stone is actively used by designers of famous jewelry houses - Stella McCartney, Graff, Mikimoto, Van Cleef & Arpels and many others.

In modern Europe, the fashion for hematite jewelry periodically flares up, then subsides. Hematite was all the rage in the 70s. And today the stone attracts the attention of European fashionistas, which is not surprising. In recent years, there has been a surge of interest in mysticism, esotericism and, of course, lithotherapy in Europe.

It is noteworthy that the natural color of hematite is incredibly resistant. Hematite never loses its wonderful hue. And the mineral itself has been used for many centuries as a natural pigment, which is added in the manufacture of the most various materials. North American Indians put bright red symbols on their faces when they entered the warpath. They made coloring powders from hematite and always had large reserves of this valuable mineral with them. Hematite helped them to be charged with strength and remain invulnerable to their enemies. Primitive people used the "bloody" for artistic and visual purposes - they made red paint from hematite powder and created mysterious rock paintings, which today cause real delight among scientists and researchers around the world.

Another interesting fact about hematite is that the mineral turns red in the presence of methane gas in the air, which is explosive. It is methane that explodes in mines, taking the lives of miners with it. For this reason, the first European miners wore hematite buttons on their robes. Apparently, the effect of reddening is not so obvious, since hematite is not used for this purpose today.

Surprisingly, hematite was found on Mars! In 2004, the Mars rover Opportunity, launched by the US space agency NASA, landed in a Martian crater with extensive deposits of crystalline hematite! On this planet, hematite deposits can be found everywhere, because it is hematite that is responsible for the red color of Mars!

In Russia, hematite was called "bloody" not only for its red color, but also for its amazing ability to treat blood diseases. Hematite and stops the blood when injured, and normalizes blood circulation, and increases blood pressure. To improve blood circulation, for example, you simply need to apply a stone to the body, where there is blockage of blood vessels and poor circulation. The mineral has a beneficial effect in the treatment of varicose veins. Hematite has become famous as an assistant in the treatment of a variety of female diseases. It reduces menstrual cramps, relieves menstrual pain. Ancient Roman women in labor held a hematite rosary in their hands to reduce uterine bleeding.

Hematite is associated with the strongest energy of Mars - it is a stone of strong, persistent people, and ... the oldest friend of man. The properties of hematite were known even in Mesopotamia! The ancient Egyptians considered hematite to be a sacred stone. One beautiful ancient Egyptian legend describes how the priestesses of the supreme goddess Isis adorned themselves with hematite products, performing a ritual rite of communication with her. It was believed that hematite amulets protected the goddess Isis in those moments when she descended to Earth to talk with her earthly wards.

Another interesting fact is that ancient women used the shiny “metal” surface of hematite as a mirror!

Why wear stone jewelry?

Hematite is considered one of the most powerful stone in terms of energy. Such a mineral is not recommended to be worn thoughtlessly and aimlessly. This is not quite a decorative decoration - it is an energy source that will certainly have an impact on your well-being and your life. The mineral requires respectful and respectful attitude. It should be understood that this is a real talisman that should work in the direction you set. Therefore, every time, putting on hematite jewelry, it is necessary to mentally concentrate on a specific task. The mineral will give you confidence, help raise your "fighting" spirit, give you courage and wisdom. Hematite can take care of your physical and psychological invulnerability. This is one of the most powerful amulets. The mineral helps to neutralize outbursts of anger, restrains from committing rash hasty acts.

For women, as a talisman, hematite gives a feeling of reliability and protection.
For this quality, hematite has earned love and the widest recognition among the fair sex. The stone renews and strengthens the energy, helps to strengthen the physical and etheric body. Ideal for women with great ambitions, holding leadership positions and positions of responsibility. Hematite is an excellent assistant in vocational training. It is recommended to wear hematite at the start of any venture.

The ancient Sumerians also knew about hematite. Today in the Hermitage you can see hematite seals and a stunning collection of gems from the Sumerian kingdom, which are several thousand years old!

Many ancient sources indicate that hematite from the earliest times became the stone of magicians and spellcasters, effectively protecting against dark forces. It was believed that jewelry with a stone can bewitch, contribute to the fulfillment of desires.

In Europe, warlocks (sorcerers) were the first to work with hematite, who considered this beautiful stone to be their talisman. In the Middle Ages, the popularity of hematite reached its peak: not a single medieval alchemist and magician could do without this mineral. In many medieval books describing magical rites and rituals, you can find a description of working with hematite - with its help they called the spirits of the dead, put protection from dark forces, etc. Medieval sorcerers drew magic symbols with hematite, which, coupled with spells, cast out evil spirits and drove away otherworldly forces. The mediums of those times claimed that hematite talismans were the best protection from astral attacks of any level. Bloodstone helps its owner to see the other side of the world, to understand and decipher the secret and hidden signs of the universe.

Since the Renaissance, hematite jewelry has entered the pedestal haute couture in Europe. Noble ladies began to wear jewelry with a stone to social events. It became a sign of wealth and good taste.
Taking into account the available physical properties, hematite is most often cut in the form of a cabochon. The stone is very popular and absolutely deserved! After all, the dark saturated shade of hematite, with its inherent metallic luster, looks not only impressive, but truly bewitching!

From a beautiful mineral they began to make intaglios (carved stone products) and all kinds of inserts in Jewelry.

Hematite fakes

There are more and more fakes of hematite appearing on the jewelry market, and they are so skillful that you can’t distinguish them from natural stone! No wonder - the stone is simply luxurious, the demand for it is always high. And mining and processing is a costly undertaking. Entrepreneurial businessmen have launched the production of fake hematite from cermets - it looks quite interesting, but not hematite.
In fact, it is impossible to distinguish natural hematite from hematin, its synthetic counterpart, with the naked eye. But there is a property that allows you to identify a fake: hematin is attracted by a magnet, but natural hematite is not. In addition, if you run a natural stone over a cup or plate, a red stripe will remain, and there will be no trace of a fake.

Hematite outwardly resembles morion, jet and even obsidian, but still clearly differs from them in a strong metallic luster. In addition, hematite is noticeably denser and noticeably heavier than these minerals. In any case, hematite leaves a red line, so it is possible to recognize a fake.

Place of Birth
Hematite deposits are found in large quantities in Ukraine, in Russia (Kursk magnetic anomaly). Hematite is also mined in the USA and Brazil.

Interesting fact: 90% of iron reserves contain hematites! The rate of formation of this mineral is amazing - according to a testified fact, under favorable conditions, the rock can “grow” by 1 meter in 10 days! At least, just such an "increase" was recorded by researchers in 1817 in one of the cracks of the famous volcano Vesuvius. Therefore, fans of hematite should not worry - there will be enough jewelry for everyone!

magical properties
Hematite is a stone from Mars. there it is found in large quantities. The powerful energy inherent in hematite is closely associated with the "red planet", and the mineral itself has been considered a talisman of warriors since ancient times. Before the battles, men sewed pieces of hematite into clothes, put them in shoes, hung them on their chests in the form of a protective magic pendant, and magicians performed protective conspiracies.

Hematite figurines of the gods were taken with them by the Roman legionnaires. It was believed that this stone brings victory in battles and protects against severe wounds in battle. By the way, the ancient Romans believed that hematite is the stone of Mars, the Roman god of war.

The magical power of hematite was appreciated by the ancient Babylonian scientist Azkhalia in the 1st century BC. In one of his essays on natural stones, which the Pontic Babylonian king Mithridates himself liked to read, it is written that hematite is the strongest protective talisman. Jewelry with this stone is able to protect their owners from astral attacks. Hematite is one of the best amulets from " energy vampires».

In Russia, pieces of hematite were hung over baby cradles so that the baby would fall less and not get hurt to the point of blood.

In many countries of the world, hematite is now recognized as the best talisman that protects against all kinds of injuries, including gunshot and knife wounds. Hematite should definitely be worn by everyone whose profession and lifestyle is associated with great risk. Hematite pendants, rosaries and key rings will not interfere with police officers and military personnel.

Hematite is a stone that has a red olive and a metallic sheen. Its properties were first studied by the philosopher Theophlastus in 315 BC. He found that if a stone is ground into a powder, then when dissolved in water, it will color the liquid in a red hue. It is thanks to this feature of the mineral that he received the name hematite, which means blood. In addition, the color of the stone at the breaks resembled gore, for which it received another name, which was used in the times of Ancient Russia - the bloodstone.

Esotericists claim that this mineral has magical properties. They became known back in the days ancient egypt. The priests of that era placed hematite in temples to protect them from evil forces. V Ancient Greece and ancient Rome, the mineral was used by warriors to protect their health and life during battle. Since then, hematite has been used as a talisman.

This stone is of several types:

  • Specularite is a stone of a crystalline structure with a silvery-gray tint.
  • Red iron ore is a stone of fine-grained dense structure, which has a brown color.
  • Iron rose - this mineral is formed by several layers of flat crystals. Thanks to this, his appearance resembles a flower of the same name.
  • Iron mica is a mineral with a fine crystalline structure that has an iron luster.
  • Red Glass Head is an ore that has a red tint. Hematite is present on its surface with kidney-shaped inserts.

In jewelry, minerals of black shades are used. It is from them that not only beautiful jewelry but also strong talismans.

The magical properties of Hematite

Hematite has magical properties that have been known for a long time. Sorcerers, magicians and priests used it to perform various esoteric rituals. It is believed that with its help you can call the souls of dead people, establish a connection with other worlds and subdue the elements.

However, this stone is also suitable for everyday use. It provides protection to the wearer from evil forces and any evil sorcery. In addition, it protects against energy vampires.

Hematite sets a person in a positive mood and helps him get rid of negative emotions. It calms and releases the wearer from feelings such as rage, anger and irritability.

The mineral helps to make the right decisions. In addition, it allows you to avoid committing evil deeds, returning the owner to the true path.

With the help of hematite, one can develop intuition and the gift of foresight. He points the owner to certain signs that fate sends him. Thanks to this, a person can avoid many troubles.

The mineral gives the owner courage, strength and masculinity. It gives strength to endure with honor all the most difficult trials of life. It strengthens the spirit and grants stamina.

Another property of the bloodstone is that it increases sexual energy. Thanks to this, the owner of the talisman begins to be in high demand among the opposite sex.

In addition, the mineral helps to achieve success in all endeavors.

Healing properties of Hematite

In addition to magical, hematite also has medicinal properties. With its help, you can get rid of many pathologies. The fact is that this mineral has a unique magnetic field and the magnetic impulses that come from it have a positive effect on human organs and systems.

Hematite is recommended to be used to normalize the work internal organs. These include the liver, spleen and kidneys. With various pathologies of these organs, hematite should be applied to them. After some time, the patient will feel an improvement in his condition, after which, after a certain period, the disease may completely recede.

In addition, jewelry with this stone should be worn by those people who are hard of hearing. The stone sharpens hearing and helps to cope with some ENT pathologies.

It is believed that hematite perfectly cleanses the blood of harmful impurities and improves its composition. It is recommended to use it for blockage of blood vessels, as well as for pathologies of the epidermis. The stone should also be applied to sore spots several times a day.

The mineral has hemostatic properties. If you put it next to the wound, then the blood will stop oozing from it. In addition, due to its cleansing properties, the owner may not be afraid of getting blood poisoning.

In addition, hematite stabilizes blood pressure, promotes the resorption of tumors and normalizes the body's metabolic processes.

How to wear mineral jewelry

Various jewelry is made from this mineral, but hematite bracelet is the most popular. The fact is that it is believed that such jewelry stabilizes pressure. That is why they are recommended to be worn by people suffering from its drops, i.e. hypertensive and hypotensive patients. Many users have noticed their positive impact. There are many reviews on the Internet that say that thanks to this, the pressure is reduced in some cases even by 20 units. To achieve this effect, hypertensive patients need to start wearing a bracelet with a stone in the second half of the lunar month. It should be worn on the wrist of the right hand.

As for hypotensive patients, they are also advised to wear the bracelet in a certain way. To use it in this case, it is necessary to start in the first half of the lunar month. In this case, it is recommended to wear a hematite bracelet on the wrist of the left hand.

Esotericists recommend choosing a ring with hematite as a talisman. It is best if the stone is enclosed in a silver frame. This metal will enhance the magical properties of the stone. It is recommended for women to wear such a ring on the index finger of the left hand, and for men - on the index finger of the right hand.

Who suits Hematite according to the zodiac sign

Before using a stone as a talisman, you need to know who it suits according to the horoscope.
Compatibility of hematite with the sign of the zodiac. Table 1.

There are two zodiac signs that this stone is perfect for - these are Cancer and Scorpio. That is why astrologers recommend choosing this mineral as a talisman.

Cancer stone gives vitality, endurance and masculinity. Thanks to this mineral, representatives of this zodiac sign are not afraid of any adversity. In addition, hematite helps Cancers to reveal their hidden talents and all positive qualities. The stone increases self-confidence and provides protection from evil forces.

For Scorpions, this stone helps to get rid of negative character traits and strengthen positive traits. In addition, hematite helps representatives of this zodiac sign to succeed in all endeavors. The stone grants protection from any negative impact.

Astrologers recommend wearing this stone and Aries. In this case, it attracts good luck and gives powerful protection from everything bad. In addition, hematite in the representatives of this zodiac sign develops intuition and the gift of providence.

Pisces, Virgos and Gemini wearing this stone, from the point of view of astrology, is contraindicated. However, when it comes to using it for medicinal purposes, then the stone is suitable for everyone. However, it should be used for the treatment of certain pathologies only under the supervision of a stone treatment specialist.

Hematite is a mineral that can be used both as a talisman and as a remedy. The main thing is to know how to wear it correctly and for whom it suits.

Hematite stone got its name from the Greek "hematikos". Theophrastus, the creator of the first textbook of petrography (“On the Stones ...”, 325 BC), recorded in the text the similarity of red iron ore with blood noticed by people.

From hematite, the Greeks made seals, inserted into rings. Carved stones were called gems. From them came the name of science - gemology.

History and origins

Mankind is forty thousand years old. Since cave times, hematite (synonymous with bloodstone) has been known. The rock paintings are 35 thousand years old, they were made with red paint. The property of the mineral to leave a line allowed the first artists to capture pictures from life on the rocks. Until now, red iron ore is used in the manufacture of pencil leads. But this, fortunately, does not end there. An ore mineral, it contains up to 70% iron. It is the first metal obtained by humans. It is possible that from hematite ore.

The unique forms of manifestation made hematites indispensable in jewelry. Cryptocrystalline formations have long been used in gems, inserts, rings and brooches. After polishing, they become black, only the tint is reddish, and the shine is metallic strong. Quality specimens are compared in beauty with a rare black color.

Jewelers use hematite as an abrasive for polishing precious stones and precious metals - gold, silver.

Fashionable now cut spherical shape. They also make rings with seals, often with incised engraving - this is already a classic.

properties of hematite. Stone deposits

Physical Properties

  1. iron oxide. Contains Fe - 70%, O - 30%.
  2. Impurities: oxides of aluminum, titanium, silicon; in smaller quantities - oxides of nitrogen, magnesium, calcium, manganese, vanadium.
  3. Syngony is trigonal.
  4. Crystals: tablets, plates. Often twins. Joints - "iron rose".
  5. On the edges: hatching.
  6. Color: black in large crystals - red in aggregates.
  7. Sometimes running.
  8. Hardness 5.5 - 6.5.
  9. There is no cleavage.
  10. The fracture is semi-conchoidal.
  11. Density 4.95 - 5.16.
  12. Fragile.
  13. Doesn't shine through.
  14. Trait: Cherry red, sometimes brown.
  15. Shine metallic (to dull).
  16. Non-magnetic.
  17. Very slowly soluble in Hl.

These are the properties of the hematite stone, the jewelry differences of which form kidney-shaped aggregates. The kidneys in the section give out a radial-radiant structure. Spherulites up to 20 cm in diameter, with rays of crystals no more than 7 cm, are of jewelry value. Segregations with rays up to 1-2 cm long have remarkable aesthetic qualities. The combination of the concentric-zonal texture of the aggregate with the transverse-fibrous microstructure of its zones is similar to the picture that we observe in , agates.

Place of Birth

Hematite is a polygenic mineral: it is formed during hydrothermal, magmatic processes, regional metamorphism.

Lava can form on the walls of volcano craters due to the volatilization of gaseous elements.
The mineral is also born in the weathering crust of pyrite deposits in a hot climate.

Industrial clusters, from where they take the jewelry red iron ore, are geographically distributed everywhere.

Good quality bloodstone in the 19th century was mined from the Bertevskaya gold placer near Tagil. Now the placer is depleted. But the Russian Stone Belt continues to supply gems.

Countries where hematite deposits are exploited:

  • Russia;
  • Ukraine;
  • Great Britain;
  • Brazil;
  • Switzerland;
  • Czech;
  • Italy.

Healing and magical properties

Medicinal properties of hematite

The name of the mineral indicates blood. The ability to influence the circulatory system was noted by ancient healers. Let's go back to the ancient medicine.
Ailments from which hematite stone will relieve:

  • Bleeding.
  • Abscesses.
  • Blockage of blood vessels.
  • Kidney diseases.
  • Diseases of the liver.
  • Diseases of the spleen.
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Hypotension.
  • Sexual disorders.
  • Anemia.

magical properties

Red iron ore is a symbol of courage, courage, wisdom. India believed in it. In Europe, warlocks drew circles for them. Together with the ability to influence the blood system, magic gives the red-black mineral the ability to strengthen the will, inspire optimism, and energize.

It is considered a stone of magicians. Can give the owner energy. Contraindicated in the weak.

History conveys legends that hematite amulets were taken by warriors on campaigns. Talismans protected from wounds. Strengthened courage and stamina, instilled determination.

Color. Fake. Product Care

Colors and shape selection

There are colors of the mineral: iron black, steel gray with a reddish tint, or dark red with translucence at the edges.

The hematite form of the selection makes the stone unique. If small scales shine like a mirror, it is called specularite (synonymous with iron mica).

A solid aggregate of shiny scales was called iron sour cream.

Genuine "iron roses" made of hematite are famous: the plates of crystals grow on top of each other in a spiral. Like a rose, the size of the petals decreases towards the center.

Oolites (spherical stones), zonal-concentric, reniform sinter aggregates are called the red glass head.

In the metallic luster of hematite, tint is often present. It looks like a film of gasoline on the water.
It is not without reason that the named mineral has such a long history of use as a paint. Even the smallest impurities of hematite, penetrating into the rock or crystal, can give them a rusty or pink shade. The color of the mineral is very stable, and is transmitted to others. If it is in, granites and chalcedony, there will be a crimson hue in the stone. The bloodstone gave crimson colors to sarafan, wax, brocade jaspers.

Pink tuff from the squares of Yerevan is painted with nothing more than hematite.

In sparkling rocks, this bright mineral often creates a play of light, being present in the form of thin inclusions.

Long before man, nature flourished, decorated, using the properties of hematite stone.

How to distinguish a fake

Hematite stone is distinguished from similar minerals by the ability to leave a line - cherry red, brown. This is a rare property. It is characteristic that it is non-magnetic and this is different from another iron oxide - magnetite. Jewelry made from natural hematite is faked, replacing the natural mineral with an inexpensive synthetic counterpart. It's hematin. The replacement is also made with pressed iron oxide powder, or with cermets. Recognize fakes by weighing them in the palm of your hand. Real stone has a decent density: it is five times heavier than water. What is sensitive, tangible.

The second noticeable property of synthetic stone is magnetism: it is not hematite. Third. natural stone properties: high thermal conductivity, low heat capacity. It cools quickly, heats up quickly, like all metal. You have to be careful with him.

Testing jewelry is a thankless task. Difficult experiments are only allowed after the purchase, but the result is unlikely to please if it convinces that a copy was in the hands. Feel free, armed with a magnifying glass, to examine the stones from the window of a jewelry store. In natural hematite, whether at first glance it is a difference of steel color, there will definitely be inclusions of thin crystals or cracks with brown filler in the composition. Perfectly even color is not for these stones. Even the mirror difference - specularite - has threads, rays and strokes on the surface.

Remember that it is difficult to create small jewelry from hematite: it is too fragile for this purpose. Do not take miniature products: there is a high probability of getting a fake.

Caring for products with hematite

Natural stones are durable if handled correctly. Brittleness should be taken into account. Such is the blood stone: it does not tolerate blows and sharp impacts.
Stones will not like acid either, do not use reactive cleaning and washing products. Only water will do.

But even if there are no stains on the stone, it is clean and lay peacefully in the box, forgotten - wash it under running water. This will remove static voltage, demagnetize the product. Dry, wipe with a cloth.
By hardness, the mineral is in the middle. There are many harder than this, so store the hematite separately.

Hematite and the signs of the zodiac

Hematite stone gives strength, determination.

Astrology favorably refers to the wearing of jewelry by all signs of the Zodiac, only Pisces, Gemini, Virgo should be approached with caution. Faceted hematites are shown to be worn by Scorpions.

Hematite stone: a gem with an iron sheen

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Hematite is a lamellar crystal with a graphitic metallic luster, and to be more precise, it is a form of iron oxide. The attitude to this black stone at all times was ambiguous due to the fact that when polished, it dyed the water in a blood-red hue, for which it received the nickname "bloody". That is why it got its name, because "gema" means blood in Greek. There are several varieties of hematite: iron mica, red glass head, specularite, iron rose, and red ironstone.

Deposits of this mineral are quite common, but the largest are in Brazil, South Africa, Italy, Russia and Mexico. Hematite looks great jewelry from silver, but when buying them, it is better to study the healing and magical properties of this stone, because it affects people in different ways.

The magical properties of hematite and who suits this stone

Since ancient times, glory has been attached to the "bloody" magic stone, which not only served for rituals and rituals, but was also considered a guide to the world of spirits. Today, this stone is more used to protect against evil forces, although it still remains a favorite stone of astrologers, fortune tellers and healers.

Hematite is also a symbol of wisdom and courage, so it is considered a good amulet for men who have devoted themselves to military affairs. This stone is able to endow a person with willpower and give invulnerability, while instilling optimism and a thirst for life. Many ethnic groups use hematite to protect young children from bruises and falls by placing a small crystal in a stroller or crib.

In addition, the black mineral able to improve human energy both on a physical and spiritual level. For people with an unbalanced psyche and bouts of aggression, this stone helps to calm down and relieve stress, as well as protect themselves from impulsive and thoughtless actions.

In order for the crystal to bring its owner good luck in all endeavors and deeds, it must be worn in a ring on the left hand. Especially this magical property of hematite enhances the silver in which the stone is set, as shown in the photo.

Useful and healing properties of the stone

Of course, it cannot completely cure you of the disease, but it will contribute to a speedy recovery when:

The only contraindication for "blood" is high blood pressure, so wear it with care.

Who suits the zodiac sign

Hematite affects the signs of the zodiac in different ways, which means that the properties of this stone are not suitable for everyone. most favorable this crystal is for Scorpio, Aries and Cancer:

  • He helps Scorpio in the fight against enemies and protects from negativity and irritation.
  • Aries strengthens and sharpens intuition, develops imaginative thinking.
  • Raku gives you the opportunity to subdue your emotions and concentrate.

Hematite is contraindicated for Pisces, Gemini and Virgo, and all because of energy incompatibility. The rest of the signs of the zodiac can safely wear jewelry with this black crystal, enjoying not only its magical beauty, but also its amazing properties.

Each zodiac sign is suitable only for certain stones, the properties of which can positively affect life, health and emotional condition:

We recommend that you carefully approach the purchase of jewelry with precious and semi-precious minerals not to harm yourself, but rather to improve your physical and emotional state. Tell us in the comments if you wear hematite and how it affects you.