
How to cut your hair at home. How to cut your own hair? How beautiful to cut bangs


Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like gem: the simpler it is, the more precious!


Being an interesting experiment, cutting your own hair at home allows women to save time and money. This is useful even if you have no desire to become a professional hairdresser. The skill of home hair straightening is indispensable at different stages of life. Having mastered this technique, you can cut yourself, children, relatives and friends.

How to cut your own hair

Self-made alignment of hairstyles is possible at home in different versions. If you wish and have the skills, a haircut is done with your own hands at home. You can arrange a ladder, square, bob or trim the bangs. It can be useful to remove the ends that have begun to split. How to cut your own hair? For this, it is not necessary to attend hairdressing courses. Helping you learn how to cut hair step by step instructions and master classes, understandable even to a teenager.

When cutting yourself, it is important to remember that:

  • Before you cut your hair beautifully at home, disinfection of tools is required.
  • The head must be wet. After drying, the strands become a little shorter.
  • It is necessary to distinguish between the parietal, temporal, occipital zones. Haircut must be performed in order, highlighting the desired area.
  • Brunettes are better off using a light background, and blondes are better off using a dark one.
  • The finished look of the haircut is given by edging (aligning the lower edge) and shading (decorating the transition from long strands to short ones).

Before you cut your own hair at home, you need to prepare the tools. The first tool in hairdressing is scissors. The tool should be steel, comfortable and very sharp. The ideal option is professional scissors. Such a device is expensive, although you can find a tool for affordable price. For beautiful processing of edges, it is desirable to have thinning scissors. Also prepare this:

  • a comb with frequent teeth;
  • spray;
  • clamps;
  • two mirrors.

How to cut your own hair after a professional haircut

Trimming a finished professional haircut is easy. It is only necessary to cut the length along the formed contour correctly. How to trim the ends of the hair at home? Your actions:

  1. Wash and dry your hair.
  2. Comb your hair thoroughly before cutting your own ends.
  3. Divide your head into zones. Attach the pieces to the back of your head.
  4. Pinch one strand between your fingers.
  5. Stretch your hair, stop at the length you want to cut. Remember the number of centimeters cut.
  6. Trim the ends.
  7. Move on to other strands.

How to cut your own hair for bangs

Self-leveling bangs eliminates an extra trip to the hairdresser. How to cut hair at home? Your actions:

  1. Moisturize and comb evenly bangs.
  2. With your left hand, select a strand 3-4 cm wide. Hold it between your fingers.
  3. Stretch your hair, cut it with your right hand.
  4. Clamp the next strand along with the cut one, trim.
  5. Decorate the entire bang.
  6. Comb, cut long hairs.
  7. Profile the strands.
  8. Put bangs.

Cascading haircut at home

A graduated hairstyle looks good at any length, favorably emphasizes facial features. How to make a haircut at home? Work starts from the front of the head:

  1. Comb before cutting your own hair at home.
  2. Highlight the control strand at the crown.
  3. Make a parting in the middle, extend it to the ears, highlighting the front zone.
  4. Select a section at a distance of 1.3 cm from the control strand.
  5. Lift the strands up.
  6. Squeeze them with your fingers 2.5 cm from the tips, cut off.
  7. Profile strands.
  8. Do the same for the face.

Then follows the cutting of the lower zone:

  1. Position yourself sideways to the mirror. Select the left strand.
  2. Measure 2.5 cm, lift it up, cut it off. Do this with all the side and bottom strands.
  3. Comb the haircut on the face, check the length of the strands at the cheekbones. They need to be the shortest and the same in length.
  4. Wash your hair, do styling.

Have you ever thought that you can completely update your hairstyle yourself? Who knows your hair better than you, what suits you, and what kind of haircut do you dream of? It turns out that everything is not as difficult as it might seem. We've put together a guide to help you get the job done!

Photo tutorial for beginners

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DIY Haircut: Long Bob

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DIY haircut: complicate the task

At first glance, the girl in the video is doing something incredible. But trust me, you can do it! By the way, this is a great way to control the thickness and length of each layer.

Add layers - 2

With the help of hair clips you can make a wonderful haircut.

DIY haircut for medium length

A great way to update the ends and make a neat haircut that frames the face. Use the advice of a hairdresser!

Chic haircut for long hair at home

Some girls are so good at cutting their own hair that their hairstyles cause an attack of envy! Try it too! Tip: practice on small strands, and even better on a doll!

Change hairstyle with long bangs

Sometimes it is enough to cut the hair near the face to change the image.

Cutting wavy hair

It's even easier for you! You can afford a small mistake, so feel free to get to work!

Need to refresh your hair or cut the length? Of course, you can sign up for a very expensive salon or ask a friend. But there is another way! Knowing how to beautifully cut the ends of your hair, you will no longer depend on anyone.

What is needed for cutting strands?

To achieve results and make a beautiful cut, be sure to buy this set of tools:

  • Comb with frequent rounded teeth;
  • Spray bottle with water;
  • Brush;
  • Clips, elastic bands, hairpins;
  • Classic scissors for an even cut;
  • Thinning scissors;
  • Mirror.

Important! Do not use ordinary household scissors for cutting. Be sure to buy them in a special store - professional tools have a very good sharpening and will not shred strands.

Swift the tips of the most - 7 simple options

To cut the ends yourself, use any of the master classes described below.

Method 1. Low ponytail

Perhaps the easiest and most affordable option. Even a novice "stylist" can cope with it.

  1. Comb everything back.
  2. Tie a low ponytail. Carefully make sure that the strands do not stick out and are without roosters. The tail must be absolutely smooth!
  3. For convenience, dampen your hair with water from a spray bottle.
  4. And now you need to tie elastic bands along the entire length (thin, made of silicone). Place them at an equal distance from each other (about 2 cm). At the bottom, leave as much as you want to cut off.
  5. Just under the bottom elastic, make a nice cut.
  6. Take off all the elastic bands, loosen the hair, comb it with a brush.

Method 2. High tail for the cascade

To make yourself a cascading haircut, you only need to spend a couple of minutes! But the results will be no worse than those of a professional hairdresser.

  1. Make a hole in the center.
  2. Comb well.
  3. Prepare the necessary materials.
  4. Tie a tight tail, placing it almost at the very forehead.
  5. For convenience, you can moisten your hair with water.
  6. Drag it with an elastic band at the desired level.
  7. Carefully cut off the end.
  8. Let your hair down - enjoy the result!

Method 3 - Classic

This method will not allow you to cut your own hair, but you will be able to help your friends.

1. Wash your hair with shampoo.

2. Remove excess moisture with a towel.

3. Comb your hair thoroughly, making it perfectly smooth.

4. With the sharp tip of the comb, separate a part of the hair (1-2 cm) growing in the back of the head. It should not be very wide - it will be difficult to cut. Twist the rest of the hair into a bundle and secure with a clip so that it does not interfere yet.

5. Comb the strands again with a fine-toothed comb.

6. Measure the desired length. Be sure to look at how a person holds his head at the time of the haircut. If it is too high or too low, move the cutting line according to the normal position of the head. Now you can make a cut.

7. Comb the strands again and cut the fallen hairs again. The first row has appeared, on which you will align all subsequent layers.

8. Make another horizontal parting, separating another small section of hair.

9. Comb it with a comb.

10. Being equal to the first row, cut off this layer.

11. Comb the strands again and moisten them with water if the tips are dry. Cut off the protruding hairs.

12. Separate another layer of hair from the tourniquet and comb it strictly from the crown down.

13. Trim this layer, aligning it with the others.

14. Part the rest of your hair.

15. Cut the middle part, fitting it to the general cut.

16. Cut the side hairs at an angle. They will differ from the main cut line by only 1 cm.

17. Comb the strands again.

18. If there are extra hairs, carefully trim them.

Method 4 - Using a special level

With the help of a hairdresser's level, you can trim the ends of your hair in a minute. Easy to use - see for yourself!

1. Comb the strands well and straighten them with an iron.

2. Make a parting in the center, dividing the hair into two parts.

3. Collect the hair under the chin and put on the level.

4. Pull it through to the length you want to cut. Check that the bubble is in the middle, and cut off the ends.

You can use this useful device in another way.

  1. Tie a high ponytail.
  2. Pin it with a level at the base.
  3. Tilt your head down.
  4. Extend the level to the desired length.
  5. Trim the ends with scissors.

Tips to help you trim the ends of your hair yourself (video)

Method 5 - In different directions

To cut your own strands beautifully, take note of this very simple method.

1. Comb your hair, lift it up and twist it into a tight bundle.

2. Holding it firmly above your head, cut with scissors to the desired length.

3. Release your hair and comb thoroughly.

4. Gather the strands again, lift to the crown and twist into a tight tourniquet, twisting it in the opposite direction.

5. Trim the protruding hairs.

Method 6. Haircut two low ponytails

If you have neither the time nor the desire to mess around with a haircut for a long time, you can use this unique option.

1. Comb well, making a central parting.

2. Tie the halves into two tight low ponytails.

3. Pull the elastic bands to the desired length.

5. Trim the ends just below the elastic bands. Treat the strand from its edges to the center. Hold the scissors themselves at an angle of 45 degrees - this will give the cut a soft natural look.

6. Remove both elastic bands and comb through. The hair on the back will be V-shaped. If you need an even cut, gather the strands into a ponytail and trim the ends.

Method 6 - Head Down

Don't know how to cut the ends of your hair beautifully? We hope this method will be useful to each of you, because it can be used on strands of any length.

1. Wash your hair and dry it with a towel. You can not dry with a hair dryer - the hair should be sufficiently damp.

2. Lay a towel down in front of you.

3. Bend your head down and comb through.

4. Moving from left to right, cut your hair. Do not grab wide strands - it will be very uncomfortable. Comb through your hair from time to time to make sure you cut evenly.

5. Given that your hair is damp, remove a little less than you would like. They will become a little shorter when the head dries.

6. Raise your head and comb your hair.

Method 7 - Haircut 6 tails

Cutting the tips at home is unlikely to be able to do without this interesting master class. We're sure you haven't been cut like that yet!

1. Wash your hair with shampoo and remove excess moisture.

2. Keeping your head straight, divide the hair into 6 sections - bangs, 2 upper (left and right), 2 side (left and right) and occipital. To avoid confusion, carefully look at the photo.

3. Tie each section into a tight ponytail.

4. Trim the ends of the tails at the desired level. Depending on the result, hold the scissors in different ways:

  • Straight cut - horizontal;
  • Soft multilayer cut - at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • A ragged cut - first horizontally and then vertically, making one movement for each strand.

5. Let your hair down, comb it well.

6. Trim the hairs that stand out from the total mass.

You probably know why to cut the ends, because the whole life depends on it. appearance hair. Finally, let's clarify a few important points:

  • Cut strands only on the growing moon - there is a special calendar in which you can find out favorable days;
  • Long hair should be trimmed 2 cm every 3 months. In the rest of the period, you can use various masks and products to strengthen the hair;
  • Do not neglect this procedure if you constantly make up or do perm. Such hair is very susceptible to external influences and requires special care;
  • You need to trim the ends and medium length strands. This will allow them to keep their shape better;
  • To make the process easier, cut dark hair on a light background, and light ones on a dark background. This way you can avoid any inaccuracies;
  • Do not hold the scissors at right angles to the hair. This will make them crack even more. Give preference to the diagonal position - it will prolong the health of the strands;
  • If the ends split 2 centimeters up, you will have to remove a little more - up to 2.5 centimeters. Such an increase will provide your hairstyle with a neat, well-groomed and neat look. If you remove strictly 2 cm, the section will return very quickly;
  • There is one more effective method cut off split ends. Divide the hair into thin curls, twist each into a tourniquet, stretch it with your fingers from the bottom up and cut off the protruding hairs.

Going to the beauty salon for a new haircut is a pleasant event when you have something special coming up, but paying a hairdresser for a haircut every six months can be expensive. Cut your own hair without leaving your home and save money! The first few times you'll be a bit intimidated, but once you learn how to cut your own hair, you'll be excited about the new skill! Read on and you'll learn how to cut long and short hair, and even trim your bangs.


Haircut long hair

    Buy sharp scissors. The first thing you need to do if you want to learn how to cut your own hair at home is to invest in sharp hair scissors (and don't think you can get by with the usual old scissors lying around at home) and a comb with small and frequent teeth.

    Wash your hair, but do not dry it. Wet hair is much easier to cut than dry hair, so be sure to wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner before cutting.

    • Comb your hair thoroughly with a comb right after your shower, making sure your hair is as straight and tangled as possible. If nature has blessed you with frizzy, unruly hair, use a leave-in conditioner.
    • If your hair is very long or thick, chances are that some of the strands will dry out before you even cut them. To deal with this problem, fill a spray bottle with water and a small amount conditioner. Moisturize your hair as needed!
  1. Set aside and secure upper part hair. Depending on how thick your hair is, you will cut it in several sections, starting with the lowest layers and working your way up.

    • To separate the hair into several parts, use hair ties or crocodile clips. Whatever you choose, just make sure your hair is securely tied in - if you leave it hanging loose, it could accidentally get caught under the scissors.
    • After you have mastered the bottom layer of hair and move on, you can let down the top sections.
  2. Look for split ends. If you only want to cut your hair slightly to get rid of damaged ends, you first need to inspect your hair and understand how much hair you will need to cut.

    • Look at the ends of your hair. If the ends of the hair look untidy or unruly, or if you notice that they are split, it is likely that they are damaged and will need to be cut off.
    • Calculate to cut them half a centimeter (or a little more) above where the damage ends. This will keep your hair in good condition.
  3. Measure the area where you want to cut your hair. For a precise cut, grab a section of hair between the index and middle fingers of your non-dominant hand.

    • Move your fingers down the hair until you reach a point slightly above where you want to cut. Make sure the hair is tangle free and there are no knots in the strand - the hair should lie perfectly flat.
    • When the hair dries, it will appear shorter, so be careful what length you cut. This remark is especially important for people with curly hair.
    • Remember that you can always repeat the process and cut more, but you can't put back what has already been cut.
  4. Trim the ends. When you're ready to start cutting, place the scissors directly under your fingers, perpendicular to your hair. Try to create a reasonable tension on the hair between your fingers (so the scissors will cut better).

    Make sure that the strands are the same length and that the ends of the hair match. When you have finished cutting one layer, make sure that the ends of the strands come out at the same level. With your left hand, take the cut hair on the left, with your right hand, on the right; hold the strand between your thumb and forefinger.

    • Move your fingers down your hair at the same time and at the same speed. The hand in which the hair ends before the other held a short strand.
    • Trim so that the hair is the same length. Recheck the length and repeat trimming until the length suits you, and then move on to the next layer.
  5. Haircut of several layers at once (optional). Working with layers (especially if you have thick or curly hair) is best left to the professionals. However, if you still need to quickly trim the layers of hair that form the contours of your face, use the following technique:

    • Pinch the ends of as many layers as possible between your fingers, then cut off a minimum of hair by turning the scissors slightly down.
    • In other words, cut them along the line from the cheekbone to the shoulder of the side from which you cut your hair.
    • Use the same corner-smoothing technique described above to straighten out your hair. After that, compare the lengths of the strands of the respective layer on both sides to make sure they are equal in length.
  6. When the hair is dry, check the cut again. After the hair is dry (dry it as you always do, with or without a hair dryer), check the haircut for obvious asymmetries and bumps.

    Short haircut

    1. Prepare everything you need. Most very short haircuts are done with a clipper and scissors. Make sure you have the right clipper attachment (which determines the length of hair the clipper will remove) and sharp scissors.

      Start with wet hair. Before cutting, you can wash your hair or moisturize your hair with a spray bottle. Wet hair is easier to cut, and unlike dry hair, it will not move with air vibrations.

      Start at the crown. In the traditional male haircut the hair at the crown is left a little longer than at the temples and the back of the head.

      • Start a couple of inches above your ear and work your way across the back of your head to your second ear, cutting your hair in upward strokes.
      • After that, start at the forehead and trim the top part of the hair by moving the clipper back along the natural curves of the head.
      • Cut off the places you missed between these two parts.
    2. Trim the back of the head and temples. Put on the machine nozzle for a shorter haircut. Start in the tank area and work the clipper in upward strokes. Start exactly where you left off with the previous nozzle.

      • When cutting at the back of your head, place the clipper against your neck and move up to the point where you worked with the attachment for a longer haircut.
      • At this stage, you don't have to worry about the difference in length - you can fix that with scissors.
    3. Even out the difference in length with scissors. Grasp the hair with your index and middle fingers (non-dominant hand) just above where you changed the attachments.

      • Using scissors, carefully cut the hair so that the border between the two lengths becomes invisible.
      • Do this all over the head so that the long and short sections are completely blended and there are no obvious differences in length left in the hairstyle.
      • Ask a friend to check the back of the head again, or check it yourself using a hand mirror to do this, standing in front of a large mirror.
      • If the "long" section of hair at the crown is shorter than a finger's width, then holding the hair with your index and middle fingers is not necessary.

    Haircut bangs

    1. Take sharp scissors. You can buy hairdressing scissors at a cosmetics store. Do not use clerical or nail scissors - they are too blunt for this and will leave ugly cuts.

      Decide how short you want your bangs to be cut. Be thoughtful about the length you plan to leave, and evaluate where the bangs should reach. Remember that you can always repeat the trimming, but the hair will grow back much longer.

      Set aside and secure the rest of the hair. Take aside and secure the part of the hair that does not belong to the bangs. Remove them from your face so that they are out of the danger zone. If necessary, separate the bangs from the rest of the hair with a comb.

      Moisturize your bangs. Spray your bangs with water or use a spray bottle. Hair is much easier to cut when it is damp; when everything is dry, you can fix the remaining flaws.

      Measure where you want to cut your hair. With the index and middle fingers of your non-dominant hand, pinch a portion of the hair. Slide your fingers down your hair until you reach where you want to cut your bangs.

      Cut off the hair under your fingers. Place the scissors close to your fingers (so that they are almost parallel to them) and slowly cut the hair. As the cut hair falls, your fingers (and the hair they hold) should remain still.

    2. Make sure the left and right hair is cut equally. If you want all your bangs to be the same length, check this out.

      • Take a strand in each hand, with your right hand on the right, with your left hand on the left. Take the hair with your thumb and forefinger and synchronously lower them down the length of the hair.
      • If one arm runs out of hair before the other, you will have to repeat the trimming so that the sides are even.
      • Repeat this procedure until you get the desired length.
    3. Haircut oblique bangs (optional). If you want your bangs to go to the side, comb them in the direction you want.

      • Tilt your head slightly forward so that the bangs hang from your face. Place the scissors in the direction in which the bangs should lie.
      • Starting near the parting, place the scissors on the side where the short part of the bangs should be. Since the length of the strands gradually increases in the oblique bangs (from left to right or right to left, whichever you want), you need to turn the scissors down a little.
      • Make short, small cuts, moving along the line of the bangs. The length should be a little uneven, but not too much. Try to cut sections a little over 1 cm wide.
      • When the bangs dry, touch up the remaining bumps and imperfections. Shake your hair and see if you are happy with this length of bangs. Repeat haircut if needed.
    • If this is your first time trying to cut your own hair, don't try too hard. short haircut. Thus, if the haircut fails, you can go to the hairdresser, where professionals will fix everything.
    • Make sure you have two mirrors. So you can check the haircut at the back of the head.
    • The next time you get a haircut at the salon, see how a professional cuts your hair. Use what you've learned the next time you try to trim yourself.
    • With experience, your skills will grow, and the haircut will begin to turn out better.
    • The thicker your hair, the more difficult it will be for you to achieve a symmetrical and even cut. Coarse, thick or curly hair is best left to a professional.
    • If you don't want to leave sharp cuts on your bangs and want a more natural line, you can tilt your head, brush your hair straight and cut right across the straight line of your bangs. This technique works best because the hair is right in front of you and you don't have to fiddle with mirrors.
    • Try putting a hair tie on where you want to cut it.


    • Never cut large portions of hair. Work with small sections at a time.
    • Handle scissors with care.
    • If you're unhappy with your haircut at the barbershop, it's far more effective to have it fixed at another salon than trying to do it yourself.
    • Very Wavy hair cutting is extremely difficult, and, in general, it is better not to try to do it at home. If you are absolutely sure that you need to do it yourself, straighten your hair first, and only then proceed to the haircut.
    • Do not try to make yourself a new haircut. Unless you are an experienced stylist, limit yourself to trimming the hairstyle you already have.

Nowadays, the selection of the perfect hairstyle is complicated only by their huge variety. give nice shape can be applied to almost any hair. It can be either long or medium, or short or even ultra-short haircut. Moreover, it is possible to make a beautiful and neat haircut not only in the salon, but also at home. The main thing is to act according to the instructions and not to rush.


Many attractive and neat haircuts can be done with your own hands at home. Often young ladies are afraid to take on such work, because mistakes in this case can seriously harm the whole image as a whole. Certainly, too tricky and intricate haircuts are best left to professionals with relevant experience. If we are talking about a simple hairstyle, then it is quite possible to get by with your skills.

It is very important in the process of such home procedures to be as careful and careful as possible.

In addition, it is necessary to use quality tools. The scissors must be well sharpened, not blunt. Otherwise, the hairstyle may look less neat and beautiful.

It is very important for a home haircut to cook clean mirrors. It is desirable that there are two of them. It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of your own hair. For example, long strands can be safely cut evenly, especially if they are smooth and shiny.

If they curl, then it is allowed to trim them not in a straight line, but relying on a semicircle.

If a fashionista is determined to grow her hair, this does not mean at all that she will no longer need a haircut. This procedure will need to be carried out without fail at least once every 2-2.5 months. It will be necessary to carefully cut off the diseased and split ends (no more than a few millimeters). Due to this, delamination of curls will be prevented and their health will be preserved.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other procedure (both salon and home), cutting hair itself has both pros and cons. If you decide to cut your own hair, then you should familiarize yourself with both. First, let's find out what the advantages of the home procedure are.

  • The main plus here lies in the tangible savings of free time, which today many girls and women simply do not have enough. There will be no need to choose a day and hour to go to the master in the salon. You can have a haircut at home at any time convenient for you.
  • Do-it-yourself haircuts can significantly save money. This procedure will not hit the wallet, which cannot be said about going to nice salon to experienced hairdressers.
  • Cutting your own hands at home, you can not be afraid for the length of the curls. Very often, the masters cut off a little more hair than the client needs. At home, a lady may well stop at exactly the length that she likes more and seems aesthetic.
  • A haircut at home is a great opportunity to change your image and image without leaving your native walls.
  • You can also give absolutely any shape to your hair. It all depends on your own wishes and taste preferences.
  • If you cut your hair more often at home, then your eye will inevitably become more accurate. After a while, it will be much easier to determine the optimal length.
  • Similar procedures carried out at home are a great way to learn how to cut not only yourself, but also your friends and relatives (for example, as is often the case, mother and grandmother). Many girls are very interested in this activity, after which they go to professional hairdressing courses.
  • For a haircut, you can use any technique that seems most convenient to you.

Cutting your hair with your own hands, as you can see, is a great solution, especially if you are naturally neat, patient and unhurried. However, it must be borne in mind that this procedure also has its weaknesses.

  • If you want to give your head a really nice and neat look, then you will need to stock up on a number of high quality professional tools. Without them, the result may disappoint you.
  • If you did not immediately notice that the scissors with which you cut your hair have become blunt, then you should expect your hair to be seriously cut.
  • The responsibility for the result in this case lies solely with you. Unfortunately, not all fashionistas get a beautiful and correct haircut the first time, so here you need to be prepared for anything.
  • In addition to the necessary tools, home master Be sure to have two mirrors in your arsenal. Without them, it will be almost impossible to work on your head.
  • By itself, this procedure is not the “cleanest”, since at its completion there will be a lot of cut hairs on the floor. They will need to be removed immediately after the end of the haircut.
  • It is very inconvenient to cut short hair with your own hands, and it is much more difficult to achieve a good result here. If there is a question about short hair, then it is better to visit an experienced master.

What will be needed?

If you decide to cut your hair yourself, then you should first stock up on all the necessary tools and accessories. Let's take a closer look at exactly what you need.

  • The main tool without which a haircut will be impossible is scissors. It must be remembered that with a device with blunt blades, you can seriously damage the structure of the strands. As a result, the shape of the curls will be torn and sloppy. Experts advise choosing good and high-quality scissors in professional outlets. It is advisable to buy options with blades 6-10 cm long.

  • Be sure to prepare a large and clean mirror. In it, you should freely see not only your own face, but also the back of the head. You can prepare two mirrors - it will be much more convenient to work. Most ladies use just a pair of mirrors.

  • It is necessary to take care of high-quality lighting. The area where you plan to cut your hair should not be too dark. Excessively bright light will also not become an assistant - it will only blind your eyes.

  • You will need a comfortable table and high-quality styling products. In addition, you need to make sure that your hands are not constrained by anything. If the room in which you plan to cut your hair is too densely crowded with furniture and other things, then it is better to move them aside in advance.

  • You need to decide in advance what exactly you plan to do with your head. Taking scissors in hand, you must act according to a strict plan. You should not improvise and experiment if you do not want to ruin your hair.

  • You will need to take into account the features of your own mop. Based on the structure, condition and type of hair, it will be possible to choose the optimal haircut technique.

  • Before starting a direct haircut with your own hands, hair must be thoroughly washed. You do not need to dry them - the strands should be wet.

You can’t do an independent haircut without the following necessary details, which greatly simplify this procedure.

  • Hairpins. It is advisable to immediately prepare about 5 hairpins with different sizes. Small options are ideal for fixing fine hairs, medium ones are a little thicker for strands, and large ones are ideal for clips.

  • Rubber bands. You can not do in an independent haircut and without rubber bands. You can use the most simple options. The main thing is that they are not old and stretched, since they will be of little use.

  • Classic massage comb. It is advisable to use a medium-sized tool.

  • A thin comb with narrow teeth and a thin edge. In this case, plastic copies are ideal.

  • Small mirror. This detail will make it possible to examine the back of the head and the side zones of the head up close.

  • Professional sharp scissors. Their blades should be of medium length.

  • Spray. Thanks to this device, in the course of the haircut, it will be possible to quickly wet the strands.

  • Thinning scissors. During self-cutting, thinning may be necessary. Special serrated scissors are not always required, but they are often used to make cutting easier and more airy.

Hair preparation

Before you start cutting, it’s not enough to cook everything necessary tools.

It is very important to correctly prepare the curls themselves, regardless of their length, structure and splendor. The most important thing to do before starting a haircut is to wash your hair.

Working with absolutely clean, but still wet strands is much easier, and the result is usually not surprising or disappointing.

Before starting the procedure you should choose exactly the option that is ideal for a girl based on her type and facial structure. For example, owners oval face suitable for almost any solution. If the lady has a little long face and a high forehead, then in this case it is better to give preference to attractive and youthful options with bangs.

If by nature the young lady has a square face, then you can resort to the formation of playful curls and the creation thin bangs. Thanks to these elements, facial features can become smoother and more delicate.

Straight and perfectly even bangs are unlikely to fit here - it will make the image more rough.

Step by step instructions

haircut different lengths You can do it yourself and at home. It is important to prepare in advance all the necessary tools, clean mirrors. Most often, at home, the young ladies undertake to trim the bangs or the ends of the hair. These procedures are quite simple and do not take much time.

Consider how you can trim the ends of the hair.

  • Wash your hair, and then lightly dry your hair, but not with a hairdryer, but with a dry towel. Some ladies prefer to spray their curls with a spray before starting a haircut. Next, the strands will need to be combed well.

  • Next, you need to select strands from the parietal part of the head. The remaining shock will need to be carefully secured using hairpins or clips.

  • Next, using a thin comb, you will need to select one strand from the selected hair. The remaining curls must be moved to the face.

  • Trim your hair just above the split ends. In this case, the strands should be held between the index and middle fingers. If you carefully trim your hair at least once a month, you can cut off no more than 1-2 centimeters.

  • Next, you need to move along the entire length in the direction from right to left or vice versa. The length of the remaining curls will converge with the length of the first cut strand. That is why it is so important to capture part of the already cut hair, along with the next long strand.

After completing this procedure, the mop will need to be dried to the end. Now you can use a hair dryer, and not just a dry towel.

If after drying you notice that the haircut has flaws and errors, then the already dry strands will need to be trimmed.

Very often there are no problems with the length and shape of the hairstyle itself, but the bangs need to be cut. In such a situation, you need to act like this.

  • First of all, you need to thoroughly rinse everything from your hair. cosmetical tools if they have been applied before.
  • Then the curls must be dried. If you cut wet bangs, then you can accidentally remove the extra length, since the strands in all cases rise as soon as they dry.
  • Now you can carefully separate the bangs. It is advisable to collect the remaining shock of hair in a ponytail and tighten it with an elastic band or a hairpin so that nothing prevents further haircuts.
  • You can make bangs a little shorter by starting the haircut on the right or left side. To get the desired result, you will need to separate strand by strand, and then cut them off, holding sharp scissors at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • If the hair is naturally naughty and curly, while cutting the bangs, you must definitely leave an extra couple of centimeters - later they will curl into curls.

There are many popular hair cutting techniques. So, one of the most popular and stylish haircuts is a feminine cascade. Of course, in execution it is not so simple, but it is quite possible to form it with your own hands. The scheme of actions here is as follows.

  • First you need to carefully comb wet hair along the entire length.
  • Further, they will need to be divided into separate zones. Secure them after that using clips.
  • In the crown area, select one strand, according to which the entire planned haircut will be equal. This half will need to be pulled exclusively up, and then remove the excess length.
  • Work the strands on the back of the head. Be sure to divide the hair horizontally into partings. Note that each layer between the partings should have an equal width (only a few centimeters).
  • Approaching the first strand, you should cut off the length so that the top of the cut is slightly shorter than the bottom. You need to move from bottom to top.
  • Now you can proceed to the processing of the parietal part of the head, and with it to the temporal. Here you need to act in the same way as in the back of the head. Each top layer should be shorter in length than the previous one.

At the stage of completion of this technique, experienced hairdressers recommend doing a neat thinning, which will make the hairstyle visually more voluminous and attractive.

Many young ladies love and know how to make beautiful model haircuts at home. So, one of the most popular and desired options - feminine hairstyle under the square Consider step by step how it can be formed with your own hands.

  • First you will need to prepare 4 brand new gum.
  • Now you need to wash your hair, and then comb it gently. Hair dryer should not be dried. When combing, special attention should be paid to the tips.
  • Now divide all the hair with a parting - straight or side. To make it as even and neat as possible, it will be most convenient to use another mirror or call someone for help.
  • Tie a pair of ponytails at the bottom. If you place them in the middle, then the haircut will end up being more even. If you make them closer to the back of the head (that is, behind the ears), then you get an interesting square with lengthening in front. Often girls make ponytails a little closer to the face, in order to get an elongated caret in the back as a result. If you are planning to make an elongated version of a fashionable and popular haircut, then you will need to slightly pull up the front strands so that they fall off.
  • On one prepared tail, you will need to tighten the second elastic band on the line just below the first. It is this level that will coincide with the level of the haircut.
  • If there is some doubt about the chosen length, then it is advisable to tighten the hair a little lower. The same steps will need to be repeated on the other tail.
  • Now we need to check the symmetry of the arrangement of the prepared tails and tightened elastic bands.
  • Trim your hair under the elastic band below. To cut the strands more conveniently, step back from the elastic band by about 1 cm.
  • Next, the cut will need to be carefully trimmed, and then completely remove the rubber bands.
  • Trim your hair. The easiest way to do this is to start moving from the face towards the back of the head. Be sure to disassemble the hair into small strands, picking up part of the previously aligned strand. She will need to be aligned.
  • To carefully trim the strands located below, you will need to separate the top layer of curls and secure them using a hairpin or elastic band.
  • Then brush the bottom half of your hair again. Make sure the resulting haircut is symmetrical. This can be done by connecting the extreme lower strands on the sides at the crown.
  • Now we need to part the hair, moving from the face to the back of the head. Select small strands and carefully trim them.
  • Release the previously fixed hair. Then be sure to comb your hair, check the quality and condition of the haircut.
  • If there are certain shortcomings, shortcomings or defects, thinning scissors can be used. The thinning effect can also be achieved with classic scissors. To do this, the tool will need to be set almost parallel to the hair, and then make small cuts along their entire length.

You can easily and quickly learn how to make a stylish and trendy bob hairstyle with your own hands. We will analyze step by step how to proceed in this case.

  • Wash your hair well and then dry it. Part your hair in a straight parting. Move from the middle of the forehead to the neck.
  • Now fix your hair using clips or bobby pins.
  • The haircut itself will need to be started from the lowest strand located in the occipital region. Cut off 1 cm.
  • Cut strand by strand, moving up. In this case, the hair does not need to be overly carefully pulled. Curls must be divided exclusively horizontally. Their width should be about 1 cm. Due to this method, the haircut will turn out to be more interesting and original - graduated.
  • Once you finish one side, you can move on to the next. Align the two sides.
  • The lower curls located in the temporal zones will need to be aligned with the locks on the back of the head.

From a pre-tightened tail, you can make a truly chic haircut with a cascade effect. This option looks amazing on many young ladies and has not gone out of fashion for many years. Let's analyze the instructions for creating this spectacular haircut.

  • Wash your hair and comb it thoroughly. Leave no knots.
  • Now pull your hair into a tight and steady ponytail at the top of your head.
  • Comb the hair from the tail forward over the face, and then cut it, leaning on eye level or slightly lower.
  • Thin out the curls with special scissors with cloves.

If the tail is collected on its side, then the cascade will come out asymmetrical. If you use not scissors for his haircut, but remove the length with a razor, then the hairstyle will turn out to be more lush and voluminous.

An interesting haircut will turn out if you make it from the tail, collected at the back at the very base of the head.

  • Raw hair first divide in the center. Make the parting neat and straight. In this case, you should use a straight comb with fine teeth.
  • Gather your hair into a smooth and tight ponytail at the back of your head. It should be located clearly in the middle.
  • Take the second rubber band, and then collect another ponytail above the planned cut line of the strand from the upper half of the ponytail.
  • Carefully pull the tail up. It is not necessary to make sudden movements here - act gently.
  • Cut off the strands that are located below the second gum line. It is advisable to make cuts in small pieces.
  • Next, remove the gum and be sure to inspect the evenness of all the lines done. If necessary, tighten the ponytail again to trim the strands.
  • At the end of this haircut, you can profile the hair.

There are still a lot of different haircuts that you can do yourself. Having gained some experience, many ladies forget about visits to the hairdresser and do everything on their own.

To avoid mistakes, you must act according to the instructions and take your time.

If you decide to cut your hair with your own hands, then you should keep some important tips and recommendations from experienced hairdressers.

  • Do not rush to buy scissors. First, it is recommended to hold them in your hands a little. They must be comfortable. If the tool pinches your fingers, then instead it is better to look for another option.
  • If you are going to have your hair cut at home for the first time, then it is not recommended to immediately try to make a short hair length. If suddenly you make even the slightest mistake, it will be impossible to correct it at such a length.
  • It is advisable to use certain techniques of professional masters working in hairdressing salons.
  • Thick, curly and overly coarse hair is always much more difficult to cut, especially if there is no proper level of professionalism. That is why it is necessary to make a decision about an independent haircut carefully, taking into account all the features of the hairstyle.
  • If you want to cut your hair just to get rid of the “sick” split ends, then you need to remember that you need to cut them off at a level just above the already damaged areas (usually no higher than 5 mm.).
  • If you want to get a soft and discreet cut of the strands, then the blades of the scissors will need to be kept almost parallel to the hair, but not perpendicular. If you follow this method, the tips will turn out to be more fluffy.
  • Do not rush to start the practice of home haircuts with complex and intricate hairstyles. It is better to choose simpler options at first.
  • If you are cutting your hair like this for the first time, then it is not recommended to cut too voluminous strands at a time. If this rule is not followed, then the cuts will turn out to be less accurate and uneven.